The LSCM's Special Thanks
The LSCM has been around for nearly two decades now, and it wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is without some very creative and talented people I met along the way. I'd like to take a few moments to thank them. Bear with me.
First and foremost, I'd like to thank Capcom and Moto Kikaku for creating this amazing videogame series. Double Helix and Tony Barnes also deserve recognition for their stellar work on the 2014 release, which they poured their heart and souls into and got shortchanged by the Amazon buyout.
On a related note, I'd like to thank Rey Jiminez for including me in the R&D part of Capcom Classics Collection, Vol. 2/Remixed. He didn't have to do that. He could've just used my site to do research on his own: the information was all Capcom's, anyway. It was extremely cool of him to include me in the process and put my name in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits.
I also want to thank Dire 51, aka Rob Strangman, for transcribing all of the text in Strider 2 when I didn't have a PSone to play it on, for hosting the third iteration of the Nexus forum on the Third Moon, and for being such an excellent collaborator. It's been a long, weird, wild ride, but it has been incredibly fun. Cheers, and congrats!
Finally, I'm going to thank everyone else I can think of, in no particular order:
- Jimi Bueno, for the LSCM's original banners, for actually doing a Strider site right, and for never getting ticked off, even when I bugged you about "that 9MB Zip file";
- Samanosuke, for the LSCM's original front page logo;
- Suzaku, for being a constant source of info;
- John Beckwith, for being a constant source of fanart;
- Neostrider, for making your site better than Michael Varley's (I've got you both beat now, though!);
- Kouji Sasamoto, for being such a damn good artist and all-around Strider fanatic;
- Piccokuh, for letting me hijack your PSone back in college so I could actually play my copy of Strider 2;
- Lady Maverick81, for keeping Strider alive in manga's doujinshi underground;
- Kinua-san, for the manga;
- undamned, for the poster;
- Kenny, for taking over as custodian of the LSCM when I had to step away (permanently, as it turned out);
- Max, for translating/scanlating the manga, which has been a lifelong dream of mine to see;
- all the rest of the LSCM staff, for trying to take over and carry on in my absence (It's not your fault that ServerPro went belly-up. You deserved a better crack at running this fandom than you got. It just wasn't in the cards.);
- Everyone who's cited this site as a source over the years, or who just passed the word along;
- ...and everyone who kept this series in the public eye by talking about it, over the years. That's the only thing that will keep this series going: fan interest.
It's been great to meet all of you and to be a part of this community. I owe you all a debt, in various ways. It's been a fantastic ride.
Thanks again!
Sam "Scion" Roberts