Namco X Capcom Dialog Translation Mark Neidengard (mneideng at ugcs dot caltech dot edu) Version 1.0 PROLOGUE: Ten years ago in Shibuya, Tokyo, a battle raged between two rival organizations. One organization sought to open gateways, known as "Quakes", between this world and another. The other strove to end this "Project", which would plunge the world into chaos. The ferocity of the battle inside Shibuya, which had been completely sealed off, knew no bounds. But at length, the fighting ceased... ...thanks to the actions of the "Shinra" organization, special agents answering directly to the government, in preventing the Quakes from occurring. Shinra - a organization devoted since ancient times to combating evil spirits, ogres, tengu - all things which threaten the world. Few know of its existence, and fewer still of the ongoing battles that rage in the darkness to this very day. ...For people do not believe that the world they inhabit is not unique. People do not sense the footsteps of non-people creeping into this world. And people do not realize what will happen when worlds kept completely apart come together. Confirmation of intersections with the other worlds began with the Incident, a decade past. The so-called "Quakes" have slowly progressed throughout the world. The battle had not ended at all. And now, in the year 20XX in Shibuya, Tokyo... ...a town completely cut off by the Quakes, a designated Isolation City, what happened ten years ago is happening again. It is in this city the story begins anew. [PROLOGUE 1: ARISU IN THE CITY OF QUAKES] {20XX - Roppongi} ...Right, acknowledged. Heading to Shibuya at once. We'll need the usual arrangements... Okay, thanks. Let's go, Xiaomu. We're headed to Shibuya. Geez, another dispatch? And to Shibuya... another Quake? The usual. Yeah, not a damn thing's changed since "that" day. Shibuya then too, right? And the place's _still_ an Isolation City. ... Ten years already, huh? That must be why you're so big and strong. I seem to remember you as a lot more adorable back then. Like this is any time for reminiscing. And not like it's any of your business. Besides, when "that" happened, I was... C'mon now, get that look off your face. Ten years... all that's in the past. Right. I'm too old to be sentimental, huh? Anyways, we've got a lot to do today. After we check out Shibuya, we're supposed to rendezvous with the agent from America's Unified Strategic Forces. Say what?! What's our group doing teaming up with _them_? Besides, what's a Chicken-Fried Paraplegic Force anyway? America's "Unified Strategic Forces" - U.S. STRATCOM. The name ain't the problem... Lemme point out that our Shinra forces officially don't exist. So how come we're so popular lately? That's the brass' orders. The reason we never went front and center is because They kept hiding backstage too. But now They're getting frisky on a global scale. With confirmed sightings popping up worldwide... Geez, you don't gotta spell out every last word. I got ya. Now's not the time for us to be lurking in the shadows either, right? If you got that through your skull, then don't complain. Let's go. We'll be late for the meet up. ....Hasn't our crew heard of workers' rights? Maybe I should go on strike. You're welcome to, but you'll just be lowering your own salary. Heh heh. Unlike a certain youngster I know who doesn't plan ahead, _I_ happen to have a little nest egg stashed away. I haven't been in the biz this long for nothing. How felicitous. And if you mean the money stashed under your bed, I already snagged it. S-s-say WHAT?!? Try to come up with a better hiding place, why don'tcha. You some middle schooler or something? Leave it alone! You got any idea how much was in there?! I'll give it back once this job's over. Otherwise there's no telling how quickly you'll slack off. Or better yet, maybe I'll just give it back bit by bit every time we finish a job? Quit treating people like some seal or sea lion or something. No respect for elders in kids these days... Try moving your body instead of your mouth. Let's go. {Distant Future - Aboard the Freighter Elza} KOS-MOS, how do you feel? No abnormalities within my main frame itself, Shion. True, but lately... we've detected a faint amount of noise in your visual systems. That has no effect on my autonomous motion capability as such. Well... that's true... You worry too much, Chief. I mean, think about all the space-time distortions going on lately. Maybe KOS-MOS has days like that too. Uh, Allen? You _do_ realize that this little one here has all kinds of black boxes we haven't figured out yet, right? It's not good to just file everything under "unexplained" and go home. W-well, that's true... Um, is KOS-MOS feeling sick? Well, that's what the data says. She'd never say so herself. Guess there's no choice but to "dive" and find out what's what. C'mon, Chief, there's no need to do that here. First of all, there's no way to record high-res data aboard this freighter. Can't we wait until we reach Miltia 2? I'm going to dive. Chiiief... "Dive"... as in Encephalon Dive? You mean directly approaching KOS-MOS' consciousness? That's right, Momo. Where better to find out about a horse but from the horse's mouth? Yeah, but why does it have to be _here_? I'm starting Interconnection. Allen, handle Backup, okay? *sigh* Okay. KOS-MOS, I'm going to need you to go to sleep for a while. I'll see you inside the Encephalon. Acknowledged. Good night, Shion. That's my girl. Good night, KOS-MOS. {20XX A.D., Shibuya, Japan} Hold it! ... You understand what I'm saying, don't you? This town was designated an "Isolation City" just the other day. Civilians are forbidden to enter. ... Besides, I know perfectly well you're agents from the "syndicate"... The syndicate supposedly destroyed a long time ago: the "Secret Shadowloo Society"! You're going to tell me... what happened to that man - to Vega! ... You have been determined to be an obstacle to our mission. Recommend immediate elimination. Concur. She does not concern us. Do not forget our mission. Our target is the Japanese government's Shinra organization. Do not let anything else obscure your vision. Let's go. Yes sir! Sir! Hey! HOLD IT! (First Shibuya gets made an "Isolation City". Then this uproar over "monster sightings". And now Shadowloo...) (What's the connection? Something big is starting... but what?) {Material World - Intersection in Shibuya} A totally deserted city, huh? Quite a sight. I bet there's no lines at the clothing stores. Not very eloquent, are you? For starters, none of these shops are open. Plus, how can you think about shopping at a time like this? Now that you mention it, something's not right. Damn straight, there's sorcery in the air. I'm pretty sure They're about to strike. Strong, but predictable. Well, if They _do_ strike they'll get their asses whupped. Oh, and here they are! Scythe-Weasels, huh? Talk about your puny monsters. These bozos aren't worth me breaking a sweat. Reiji, move your ass and wreck 'em. What the hell? Look, I haven't had breakfast yet, see? I'll be grabbing a snack at that restaurant over there, so just come and find me when you're done. Shit, perfect timing. Yo, Xiaomu! Well, be seeing you. And here I was planning on giving back a little of that nest egg once we were done... But if you don't wanna fight, I guess there's no help for it. I'll just have to handle these guys myself. Well, what're we waiting for! You're right as rain with me on the job! Is she easy or what? Something about this town feels wrong. Let's get this over with and get back to the investigation. I swear, this happens every time a Quake goes off. Don't these guys ever get bored? Well, this _is_ getting pretty repetitive... It's like a game of Whack-A-Mole or something. Maybe, but we've got to keep whacking for now. Let's do it! Well, that's about the size of it. Okay Reiji, hand over my nest egg! Quit acting like you fought those guys on your own. Look, I'll give it back once we get back to HQ. Hold it. Hmm? What a surprise, you don't want it back? Not _that_ "hold it"! I don't get it. ...Huh? Finally figured it out huh? Give the man a cigar. I thought you were the one feeling something wrong around here? Yeah. ...Something different than when They appear. But what? Shit, reinforcements. But... Was that a Quake just now? It was nothing like what HQ said... Plus, I've never seen these things before. Where's your manners? Go say hi to the newcomers. Looks like they're the ones with bad manners. In which case I'll greet them... with this! [when you first fight a Gnosis] What the-?! The bullet went right through! Meaning this is a spiritual type without a physical body. Yo, Reiji! Quit using the cheap-ass ammo! Hey, unlike a certain someone I know _I_ don't pull crap like that. I'm already loaded with Anti-Spirit rounds. And what's this... weird feeling like they're not really here? Are they some new breed the Quake spawned?! And if we can't touch 'em... Lemme point out that they're still leaving nice big footprints in the pavement. Meaning we _can_ touch them. Xiaomu, if worst comes to worst we may have to pull out. God, this is so pathetic! I don't remember raising some weakling these last ten years! Shut up. You're walking a bit too loudly. For starters, don't you think I'd have pulled out already if I could? What?! Don't tell me there's another Quake?! [Shion and the others appear] Uhh.... where am I? Shion, are you injured? I'm fine. Besides, this is the inside of your Encephalon. The expression "injured" pertains to physical damage to the body, and under the circumstances... U-um, Shion... W-what the-? Momo?! What're you doing in KOS-MOS's Encephalon?! They're not monsters... are they civilians? Hmm... a glasses-girl, a blank-face, and a Lolita. That's one motley crew there. Hey, Shibuya's completely off limits! What're you doing here?! Huh? HUH?! H-hey, KOS-MOS! This is not an imaginary world, but the real world. What's that supposed to mean? I believe my preceding analysis of the present situation is appropriate. Never mind that! S-so, where are we? That... is a very good question. What the heck're they arguing about. Hey! Gnosis! But how?! Hmm, what's that? "I can't stand it anymore"... Wait, can you understand that?! Well, that was kinda the nuance... Yeah, whatever! Look, it's dangerous here! Evacuate now! This can't be! We're inside the Encephalon...! Look, I can't understand a word you're saying! Normal attacks don't work on these things! I can't protect you! So get your civilian ass out of here! Your concern is appreciated. Shion, I am activating the Hilbert Effect. What? Wait, KOS-MOS! It's too dangerous if we don't know what's going on! I judge the current situation to be more dangerous. Shion, those people'll be in danger too if we don't do something. ... (What they heck're they babbling about over there?) Um... "I won't hold back any longer". KOS-MOS, activate Hilbert! Acknowledged. Initiating Hilbert Effect. W-what the heck?! Oo! The whole see-through thing stopped! Was that an... attack? No, it wasn't, um... it's a system designed to interfere with imaginary dimensions. What? Imaginary... dimensions? More accurately, a device which generates a finite perceptual sphere. By enlarging the zone within which interference with imaginary space is possible, it allows the Gnosis to be approached... Okay, so we use the gobbledygook gadget to attack the gobbledygook bad guys? KOS-MOS, be quiet a moment! You can touch them physically now! So...! Whoa, that's pretty cool if it's true. So, just who are you people anyway? It's pretty clear you've got something to do with these monsters. ...Yes... How felicitous. We're mopping up this mess first! And then you're going to explain just what the hell is going on around here. [some leotard-clad women show up] What the? ... ... Target sighted. Not _more_ civilians wandering in! And check out the cameltoe - they some kinda escorts or what? Nope. That's not the posture of amateurs. Visual on target - 98% correlation with sample data. Target confirmed. Shinra agent Arisu Reiji - just like the reports said. Who's the little one next to him? 100% correlation with sample data. Confirmed as Xiaomu the Mystic Fox. Then, begin the operation. I'll head to HQ and meet up with Him. Detain the two Shinra agents in this city, and sample their data. Special energy detected. What about the numerous entities not in the sample data? Eliminate them at your discretion. Yes sir. Beginning sampling. Proceeding with battle formation one. Yes sir. Switching modes to battle support. Oh man, one of the high-leg chicks just ran off. I didn't catch all that, but it sounded like they were talking about us. They appear to be seeking information on "Arisu Reiji" and "Xiaomu the Mystic Fox"... ...agents of the group or organization known as "Shinra". From the use of the word "detain", they appear to have some additional motive. Yow! That's some ears you got! But anyway, "mystic fox", huh? And just how'd these girls know my secret identity? (And the name "Shinra" too? ..What's going on here?) T-the scary ladies are coming this way! What? What?! Great, they're from some enemy syndicate. Think of everyone besides us as the enemy! We're dead meat otherwise! [now enters someone in Chinese garb] Hold it! ... ... NOW what?! It never rains, but it pours, right? Hey, you people! This place's a designated Isolation City! What're you doing here?! That's my line! Who the heck're they? And who're you? The name's Chunli. ICPO's special investigator for Shadowloo. Shadowloo? Did you just say 'Shadowloo'?! Intruder determined to be an obstacle to the mission. Eliminate immediately. Concur. Eliminate target. I get it now - the Secret Shadowloo Society. These must be some of their fortified warriors. Why would the late Shadowloo want to target us? The targets are clearly malicious. I believe an attack is warranted. Wow, this girl's pretty firm for someone who doesn't know what's going on. Well that monster sure fits the profile for an Isolation City. And now I get to stop it. [Chunli fights Yuuni] Target identified. Data match for ICPO Shadowloo investigator Chunli. ... According to absolute elimination orders, commencing combat. "Absolute elimination"... looks like they marked me. But it won't be that easy! [Xenosaga crew confronts the Gnosis] No matter how hard I squint, they're obviously Gnosis. They're Goblin types. We've got to fight them. Ready, Momo? Yes! I'll do my best! [Chunli fights Yuuri] Target is detective Chunli, assigned to ICPO. Looks like I can forgo the introductions. Vega... I thought Vega died back then! Target - eliminate. Fine. You'll talk plenty after I kick your ass. [Shinra folks tangle with the Gnosis] Ever seen anything like that before, Xiaomu? Nope. But from what I can tell, it ain't from the East. You sure it ain't from space? What are you, retarded? (S-she might be a lot smarter than she looks...) [Yuuni gets her spandex-sheathed ass kicked] Extensive damage, remaining LP 0.55. 180 seconds until recovery. Execution difficulties. Sampling halted at 52%. Retreating with Yuuri. Hey, wait! Yo, don't try to chase them! I don't have a choice! Yo!! My, isn't someone in a hurry. And here I was hoping she'd give us a bit of info... Looks like that does it. Yeah, and _this_ time that weird feeling's gone. One kilometer radius surveillance complete. No trace of Gnosis or life forms. If that's true, that's pretty felicitous... Fel...icitous? Accessing database. "Something extremely good". "Something satisfying." Apparently archaic. What's that girl been babbling about all this time? Whoa... I think that girl's _mechanical_. I see, so that's how she could hear the Shadowloo girls talking. Mechanical? You mean she's a robot? Um... I've got a ton of things to ask you, but that expression of yours looks like you've got no clue what's going on either. Where... are we? And what should we do now? Don't worry, missy. We won't hurt ya. What we we gotta do is figure out where to go next. Right. You are...? Uzuki. Uzuki Shion. This little one is a Type 100 Realian. Her name's "Momo". And this is KOS-MOS, an android. (Android...?) My name's Arisu Reiji. And this pipsqueak's Xiaomu. A certain organization sent us. A certain... organization? As in this... "Shinra"? I'd love to stand and chat, but why don't we sneak into that coffee shop or the arcade first? Why don't we _not_. Besides, this whole area's been sealed off. We can't hang around here forever. I guess our only option is taking everyone to HQ. And then we start squeezing for info! Nyahaha. (...HQ? And there's something about that girl... like she's not a normal... human...) So whaddya think, Reiji? Looks to me like we're mixed up in something big. Yeah. First They run riot, then "Shadowloo" shows up, now some new enemy... PLUS an android and its owner. Not to mention someone from the International Police Organization or wherever. ... (I guess this means the Quakes are getting bigger.) (Just like ten years ago, huh?) [PROLOGUE 2: A TALE OF DESTINY] {Phantom World... Secret Oberon Corporation Base, Underwater Cave} What do you think you're doing, Leon! What does it look like? If you want to get past here, you'd better defeat me first. What the hell're you talking about?! What part of "emergency" don't you understand?! That's got nothing to do with it. I'm just playing the part I was given. The part where I kill you two. Open your eyes, Leon! Hugo's just using you! Of course he is. I'm nothing but a disposable pawn to Hugo. Come on! If you understand that much, how come-? It's because I've got something to protect. That's all. Ready to die, Stan? Let's do it! Leon! This... this isn't the time for this! The "Eye of God" isn't something man should mess with! I don't care about that! Look at what's happening all over the world! Don't tell me you don't know the stories about the "Eye of God"! I do. Something about a heavenly treasure some demon or other stole, right? And I also already told you I don't care, Stan! Leon! Rrrrrr.....AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! SHISHI..... SENKOU!!!! Augh! Leon.... why?! ...Stan... ...Not yet... it's not over yet. Stop it, Leon! I can't let it... fall on you... W-what the? ...*pant*...*pant*... It's started... I... win... What'd you say?! The countdown to doomsday has... be... gun... No one can... stop it... now... That sound.... don't tell me this place's flooding?! Not good, it's about to cave in! But, he's...! Forget it! There's no time!! LEOOOOONNN!!! ...Farewell... Maryanne... {Meanwhile, In Breagal Forest} Man, he sure is late. Wonder what he's up to. Hmm? What's that sound? Yo! Sorry 'bout the wait, Klonoa. What's the big deal calling me way out here and then being late?! Quit yer whinin'. I swear, don't you ever grow up? I got this thing called a schedule I gotta keep. Quit calling me a little kid! And what's this "schedule" thing of yours, anyway? Look, the world's gotten all rowdy lately, right? Huh? Really? I swear, that's the problem with this village. It's too damn peaceful. C'mon, tell me about the rowdy stuff! Heh heh, glad I finally got your attention. Is it more Phantom Beasts? Let's go get rid of 'em! Well, it _is_ a "monster hunt", but it ain't the Phantom Beasts causing trouble. This looks a lot worse. Whaddya mean, looks worse? Seems the "Golden Knight"'s mixed up in it. Wait, the Golden Knight as in... _the_ Golden Knight?! Damn straight. There's no records of the Golden Knight fighting at all since _that_ battle years back. Yeah! So how come all of a sudden...? Try thinking the other way 'round. What if the bad guys're bad enough that the Golden Knight's _gotta_ get involved? Whoa! I bet I'm right on the money. ...Meanin' we're in for some serious shit, right? Betcha you can't just run away from whatever it is like you can from the Phantom Beasts. But... if the bad guys're really that bad, it also means... there's gonna be a big fat reward. And I'm planning to go and collect. ... Well, that's the story. What I ain't figured out is whether to take you with me or not. Guess I shouldn't press my luck- ...Hey Gantz, looks like things just got more interesting. Izzat so? Hey, interesting is important! Well, it's settled then. Let's hit the road! Right on! ...But, they won't just let us waltz into the palace, will they? Don't tell me you're planning to bust down the door? Dude... what kind of guy you think I am? Where's the first place you think of when you think Golden Knight? Ah, of course! {Meanwhile, In the Streets of Sandland} ... Hold up there. ... I heard all about it. Reckless as ever, huh? Sabine, is that you? I just got done talking with the Chief. I hear the goddess Ishtar forbade any Sandra from getting involved this time. ...Yeah. What you're doing is betraying the goddess. Not so hot coming from a man they once called a "Hero". This's got nothing to do with titles. Back "then", when "they" saved me in that pyramid in the Enen desert, I decided... ...that I'd devote what life I've got left to my family. And to the Lady Valkyrie. Hmph! Well ain't that fine and dandy. So you ended up trudging off alone, with nothing but the armor on your back and the spear in your hand? Talk about pitiful. No, I'm actually grateful to the Chief. He cast me out of the village... without branding me a traitor to my people. And he told me I needn't worry about my family. What more could I ask for? Always alone, aren't you? Even when you saved me and my mother, you'd come all that way on your own, and you went off alone to the Phantom Tower. That's all in the past, Sabine. ... Well then, Sir _Former_ Hero of the Sandra Tribe, whither dost thou now? To the ruins of "that" tower. I'm certain this mess has something to do with it. Gee, same direction as me. What a coincidence. ...! No way, Sabine. I'm a traitor. There's no need to make you one too. What? I go where I want, when I want. Period. Just don't be surprised if that happens to be where you're going too. ... Boy, you've sure changed. There was a time you'd have sooner bitten your tongue than say something like that. Heh heh, that's all in the past, Kurino. {Phantom World... Abandoned Ruins of the Tower of Druaga} ... Stan... Hey, Rutee... Back then... did I do the right thing? Did you have a choice? Or what... did you want to be the one to be sliced open? And who would that leave to go after the Eye of God? I hate to say it, but that damn thing could destroy the world. The world, huh. It's not like I'm... fighting to save the world or anything. Huh? Then, what _are_ you fighting for? Hmm... I don't know how to put it, but I just want to... protect my friends, family - the people I care about. That's why I'm fighting. Besides, just look at me. What would some farm boy know about the "world" anyway? Maybe I really shouldn't be doing this... I wouldn't sweat it if I were you. I'm pretty much in the same boat you are. Hearing you say that sure makes me feel better. And _that's_ the Stan I know. I just can't click with the other Stan. ... Come to think of it, he sure is late. What's the idea of calling someone out and then not being there to meet them first? Well, he seems like a pretty busy guy. Guess it can't be helped. What's that got to do with it?! I don't wanna hang around here forever! Can't argue there. (The Tower of Druaga... Now what would the man who destroyed it want with us?) {Phantom World - Ruins of the Tower of Druaga} He's late. Just keep cool, Rutee. It's not even ten minutes past the meeting time. That's TEN, count 'em, TEN whole minutes! This "Golden Knight" guy sure knows how to make a lady wait! *sigh* Oh, the Golden Knight! Oh? Oh, don't mind us! We just got here! And I'm such a blabbermouth too! Ahahahah... ... ...Huh? There's no one there. Stan! You tricked me! You're too easy to read. Huh? Monsters!? See, I told you! This's what we get for hanging around this place! Don't get so upset. We've got to do something about this mess, right? I don't need you to tell me that! Just you wait, you measly little slimes! Time for me to blow off some major stress! [combat ensues!] Did these things come from the Tower of Druaga? No way in hell. Low-grade monsters like slimes are all over the place. I'm thinking too hard... right? [the goo increases] More of them?! Black... slimes...?! What a pain in the ass. Stan, we're taking these things _down_! Wait, Rutee! Could these black slimes be...?! [flying stuffed animals to the rescue] Heads up. We're here! Wow, that was faster than I expected! Who're you guys?! Their clothing... aren't you guys from Marvel Land? Huh? What's up with you two? If you're on some kinda date, go do it somewhere else. Cut it out, Gantz. That's not nice. D-d-date?! With some country bumpkin like him?! Wait a minute, Rutee! Now what? The slimes! Um, I think we're interrupting something here. Whoa, check it out! I've never seen black slimes before! Great, what a pain in the ass. Lissen up, Klonoa! We're gonna have some fun till the Golden Knight shows up! Yahoo! A warm-up, right? The Golden Knight? You guys too? Huh? Whaddya mean? Rutee, save the talk for later! Alright already! What's the big deal about a few slimes? (Black slimes... if the rumors are true, these monsters are...) [the battle rages, until...] Only three left. Hey sister, you're not half bad. Course I'm not! Who do you think I am? ... Man, she sure is fired up. Stan, we've got trouble. Eh? Yeah... I feel something really unpleasant around here. Rutee, the space in this area appears to be slightly warped. Hang on, what's that supposed to mean?! I.. I think those two just started talking to somebody. Great, we got a couple of nutjobs on our hands. It's like that old saying about something or other and powder kegs. And _who_ is the nutjob, huh? I'll have you know that only the wielders of the Swordians can hear their voices- Rutee, here they come! Pay attention! Blue knights?! What're _they_ doing here?! Stan, don't get careless! They're not human! Say what?! Friends of yours? No way. I _think_... no, I'm sure they're the enemy! Shit. These knights look a lot chintzier than the one we're waiting on. Plus they're trying to kick our ass. Let's do this, Klonoa! Alright! Dimlos, who are these guys?! I hesitate to think it, but perhaps "that demon" is involved... [Stan and Rutee face the Blue Knights] The Blue Knights of Druaga?! Don't chicken out now, Stan! Let's do it! [someone big, green, and buff appears] Those're Blue Knights. I knew it. Someone else's here! Golden armor? That's not the... Golden Knight, right? Other people? What're they doing here? Wanna take them all down at once, Kurino? No, don't attack them, Sabine. Everyone, it's dangerous here. Those are clearly servants of the demon Druaga! I thought so... What the hell's with you popping out like that? Gantz, Gantz, that's Kurino! Kurino Sandra from Sandland! Huh? Who? Say what? Wait, is that that Maiden Knight Valkyrie's-? Yeah! Ain't this cool, it's the real Kurino! First the demon Druaga, now Kurino the Hero? This's getting a tad too big for me. Looks like you're a celebrity, Kurino. Lady Valkyrie's the one who's famous. It looks like they've got weapons too. Let's work with them and solve this mess. Got it. I still don't get it, but as long as they're on our side it's all good. Yeah, I'll explain everything later. For now, we can't let any of these guys escape. (The demon Druaga... But wasn't he defeated several years ago?) [Kurino tangles with the knights] Druaga's knights, huh? The weakest of whom are the blue. But don't get careless, Sabine. [mysterious balloon monsters strike!] Phantom Beasts! At a time like this?! Oh? What do I find at the scene of all this commotion... ...but something most unexpected. Yo, what's your problem?! Oh, pardon me. Must introduce myself. My name is Joker. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Though, I'm not sure we'll ever be seeing each other again. Are you the one controlling Druaga's servants? Hmm? Oh my goodness gracious. If it isn't the illustrious Kurino Sandra! So the reason that Lord Druaga's pawns, weak to be certain, were having such a difficult time - is you. ("Lord" Druaga?!) Stan, did you hear that? Yeah, he said "Lord" Druaga. Which means... ...he's Druaga's follower, right? Hell no! It means Druaga's still alive, jackass! Quite correct. Setting aside the puny one over there, the mean-looking almond-eyed one seems quite sharp. That wasn't a _compliment_, fucktard! Tee hee hee hee hee. ...However, I'm afraid you all are in the way of a certain project that's about to start. "Project"...? What're you talking about?! Oh, wait, I get it. You're just using the name of some bad-ass demon to make everyone do what you say. This whole Druaga being alive business smelled fishy. Rrrrgh, so close! But it seems our time to chat has expired. Best regards! [time for a dramatic entrance] Maybe you can suggest a souvenir from Hades. !! Well, let me see... you all _are_ going to disappear momentarily anyway... A "souvenir from Hades" certainly has a nice ring to it. He was supposed to have been cast into the "Abyss of Time". Quite correct! But the door to that Abyss of Time opened and... ...wait, hold the phone! Precisely how do you know that? So, he _was_ freed from the Abyss of Time. Gil, the one who stole the "Key of Time" again must have been... That man... That's the man who once defeated Druaga - the Golden Knight! Gilgamesh! Grrr... do I not recall hearing that you _retired_? As long as he exists, I'm in business for life. From what you've said, I can pretty much guess what's happening here. Thank you, mister clown. IN. FURIATING! Leading questions! Talk about unfair! Talk about shameless! My pride will _not_ allow this debacle to go unpunished! I shall personally smash you into little bitty bits here and now! My, how the worm turns. Hey, we were gonna kick his ass anyway! This just makes it easier to understand! Oh, that's right. Who are you two? Allies, Sir Gilgamesh! You must be Kurino. Lady Ishtar has told us all about you. ... Well then, it's showtime! Here he comes! [Joker up to bat] Tee hee hee hee. Even the great "Golden Knight" is a relic from the past. I'd say your reputation is the only thing that precedes you. That's totally untrue! Just what do you think you know about Gil, anyway? Kai, don't let the enemy sucker you in before even crossing swords. Especially a specialist like this clown here. Am I wrong? Ah, I see... You aren't all birds of a feather after all. Indeed, you're the most troublesome guests of all. Then allow me to test your skills! [clowns versus rocket-powered stuffed animals] Oh my, and who are you two? Just a couple bounty hunters passin' through. I should tell you that if you stick your neck out this time without thinking it through, it will hurt. What're you talking about?! If we fight, we fight full force! [Joker v. Kurino] To think that I'd meet you here... goodness, what an honor. ... I note that the valiant "Maiden Knight" is nowhere to be seen... Could it be that you got on her bad side? ...Maybe I did. But I still have to return to her, no matter what. And if you plan to get in my way, don't expect me to go easy on you. [Comeuppance for Joker... sort of] Goodness gracious me! To think that you all are this able... It appears I misjudged you. And with the Golden Knight back in shape... Oh dear, I shall have to withdraw. Don't give us that. You were only planning to watch us all along! Whatever are you talking about? Well then, ladies and gentlemen, Adio-! I'd like you to give Druaga a message. "Just you wait". ... ...Very well. I'm sure I'll be seeing you all again. I never wanna see you again, you grinning clown freak! Tee hee hee hee. Farewell to one and all, A-di-os!! Looks like that's the last of it. So you're Kurino the Hero? Golden Knight, Gilgamesh... I am... no longer a hero. Let's go, Sabine. Wha- hey, hold up, Kurino! Please wait, Kurino! ... Gilgamesh, I... Just call me Gil, Stan Elron. So, what did you want with us again? I have unfortunate news about the "Eye of God". The Eye of... God...!! Gil, tell them along the way. I've got to go see the High Priestess. Ah, that's right. Thanks, Kai. Great, we've gone and stepped in a big steaming pile of doggy doo, ain't we? I'm thinking screw the bounty at this rate. But... Isn't it more fun this way? [PROLOGUE 3. THE BODY GUARD FROM THE WARRING STATES] {Infernal Realm... Boss Bull's Gambling Hall, Dice Pits} Okay! 4-6 Chou! Hmm. Right on! I win! ...*sigh* You got me. Say, boss? Hmm? Ain't there anything I can do around here? Hmm.. mmm... hrm... well... Spit it out boss, what's the word?! Quit staring at the sky! Hmmm.... well... I gotta tell you this anyway... Then quit gettin' me all jumpy like that. ... Emperor Enma wants you. Say WHAAAAAT?!?! {Distant Future... Ancient Ruins, Remote Planet} This's gotta be it. Hell if I'll forget this place. I can feel it right through my suit. Masuyo! What are we doing in some remote old ruins like these? Hey! W-what's this? That nasty-looking wall is really giving me the creeps. You've got it wrong. This place has been "rebuilt". ...What?... Hiromi, open an emergency channel to HQ. What?! And then broadcast an evacuation order to every person or group in the vicinity of the ruins. Ruins this fresh must be crawling with Dig Outers. Huh? What? What's gotten into you, Masuyo?! If I do that, Tron Bonne'll know the Border Patrol's here in an instant! And after all the trouble we went through to find a place to stay! That's _former_ Border Patrol, Hiromi. We worry about catching the Bone pirate clan later, got it? Hurry that call up. Geez! At least explain what's going on. W-whoa! What the?! Looks like we're too late. Here's your answer, Hiromi. What's going on?! Do you know, Masuyo?! Move it! We're getting out _now_! Make that evac order top priority! Leave the report to HQ for later! C-copy! Y-yikes! Why... why "here"! Why... Taizou... {Spirit World.... Bamboo Grove Near the Upper Castle} Right up there, huh? Been a long time since that castle went down. ... Yo. I dunno who you are, but quit lurking in the goddamn shadows. What faction are you? Hmph. At least your intuition's worth something, Mitsurugi Heishirou. Not you again! Knock it the fuck off!! Some people just don't know when to quit. This ain't some goddamn game! Mitsurugi, you're the one who needs to knock it off. That sword isn't something a backwoods samurai like you can handle. You ain't the one who decides that, Taki. _I_ do. And if you're gonna get in my way, we can settle things right here and now. Got that?! You simpleton. This is getting nowhere. Damn that bitch and her big mouth. ...But she's all the proof I need. If she's here, that "sword"'s here too. ...The "Soul Edge". {Infernal Realm... River Styx} Where am I? I see... Then I have... Hee hee hee... Taira Kagekiyo, what a sight for sore eyes. Andaba. Why have you awakened me from my slumber? It was... a good four hundred years ago now... Hee hee... I remember it like it was yesterday. ...Andaba. How many reasons could there be to return you to the Golden Pond? I trust you haven't forgotten the grudge the fallen Taira Clan bear. ...!! Don't be foolish, Andaba. I cut that one down myself. I am certain of it! Hee hee hee... And yet you, yes you who once slew the "King of Villany"... Did you yourself not fall, becoming one who has returned from the Golden Pond? ... Yes, returned to the Golden Pond, with all his retainers. ... Very well. I depart! Wait. ...The flow of time in the human world has changed too. Surely you will encounter many troubles by yourself. ...? I have prepared a guide for your journey through the waters. Show gratitude to the great Lord Enma, Kagekiyo. Little Tarosuke, thank you for waiting. Man, what the heck'm I doing here? ...Whoa! What's with this guy! Freaky!! Who is this child? Hee hee hee... His name is Tarosuke. He is to be your partner. Unnecessary. I am capable on my own. You fool. This is the Emperor Enma's order, which you cannot refuse. ... Welllll, since _he_ doesn't want me around... Guess I'll be off, granny Andaba! ...If so, your road home is the bottom of the River Styx. It might be a bit cold, but no doubt you can handle it. Damn it, what'm I s'posed to do here! ... Hey, wait up! Put yourself in my shoes! Hee hee... to think this day would come again. But let neither of you forget... To defeat the King of Villany, Yoritomo, you must have the three sacred vessels: the "Twisted Jewel", the "Sword", and the "Mirror". And your hearts must be pure. Do not be led astray. Remember, stray not! {Spirit World... Upper Castle, Cherry Blossom Gate} What an evil aura that sword emits! Yet that makes it fit for the hand of Lord Kamakura. O ho ho ho... Not by a long shot! Hmm? That sword... the "Soul Edge" is mine! What an interesting thing to say without even introducing yourself. So this sword is named "Soul Edge"? What, you were gonna touch it with your shitty fingers without even knowing that much? That amuses me, coming from a man come late to this affair. How low the samurai have sunk while I've been absent. Never mind that bullshit! ("While I've been absent"...?) (And what era's that armor he's wearing from?) (AND he's got some kinda spooks guarding his ass.) Well, no matter. Since you've seen me, there would be no point in letting you live. Consider it an honor to fall to the sword of Yoshitsune. Now _that_ is something I can understand! The strongest of the strong, that's who I'm looking to fight! Don't feign understanding of things you know nothing of. Slaughter this insolent, masterless warrior at once! The name's Mitsurugi! Get it through your goddamn skull! [one down, N to go] One!! Hmm, not bad. Like some bunch of shitty skeletons can lay a finger on me! You're next on the chopping block! Say yer prayers! Now _there_ is a man who knows how to talk the talk. It's been a long, long time since I tasted this atmosphere. This man wears the aura that flows through a battlefield like a jacket. What?! Oh, it's you. I merely visited to see how things are going, but this battle appears more difficult than you planned, Lord Ushiwaka. O ho ho ho... I was merely playing with him, Oniwaka. Your skills won't be needed here. So we got "Ushiwaka" and "Oniwaka", huh? I don't give a damn that I've heard those names somewhere before! I'll take you both on! Heh heh, how low our names have fallen. Ushiwaka is Genkurou Yoshitsune. And Oniwaka is Musashibou Benkei. I've heard of people by that name... from hundreds of years ago. Hmm? I can't sense her presence. Who are you? God damn it! Not again! Are they bluffing? Or the genuine article? I don't know that much. You bitch. You've been watching all this time, haven't you? Of course. I was planning to wait until a certain pain-in-the-ass wandering warrior got cut down to size, but the situation's changed. How interesting, girl. So, what're you going to do now? Isn't it obvious? First I seal you non-humans away, then I take the Soul Edge. I am getting fucking SICK of this! I'll make _all_ of you into more rust for my katana! Fool of a samurai! I'll fight you later! Worry about them first! ... Hmph! Guess you've got a point. Just don't stab me in the back after feeding me that line. Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Shut yer ass and fight already! [rude bastard versus hulking thug] That bloodlust... splendid. But you'll need more than that to beat me! Fuck the bloodlust! Won't matter once I've chopped you in half! Indeed! Everyone's the same once they're flayed meat! Shut the fuck up!! [hulking thug? or dangerous adversary?] Muahahaha! Not bad at all! If warriors like you two are interested in that sword, I'm interested too! I have it! That "Soul Edge" will be my thousandth weapon! O ho ho ho... Only if Lord Kamakura, my elder brother permits it. Of course, we must actually seize it first, Oniwaka. Correct! We must defeat them so it can be mine! That's my line! And I ain't letting no one cut in it! What's this cutting in line talk? You weren't the first one here. Huh? (Mekkimaru is resonating with the "Soul Edge"?!) [slime creatures from outer space!!] ... What the hell is that?! Damn, some kind of demon? One of their allies? (But why can't I sense its demonic aura?) ...Lord Ushiwaka, who are they? Pay them no heed. The path to the Golden Pond has opened. No doubt another like us is coming. (The "Golden Pond"?! Then these really are... the real thing?!) [babes from outer space!] Ouch... First everything goes white, and now what's going on? T-tron! #1, status report! Umm... err... Who the hell are _you_ people?! There's this scary guy, and... ... ...some kinda sea monster, and... Hiromi, are you okay? Owie... what on earth's going on, Masuyo? looks like the former Border Patrol ladies who were chasing us! The Border Patrol.... WHAT?! You mean those dudes that just popped out of nowhere?! Who're you calling dudes! I'm a woman! Great... I've gone and done it again. Masuyo! Look at that! ... It's an Octy! It's one of the Octy race! Tron! There's a Rebird too! Darn it all! What the heck's going on around here?! It sure got noisy all of a sudden. Dunno what the hell's going on, but they _are_ in the way. Maybe I should just cut 'em up an' be done with it? Wait, Mitsurugi. We can use them to our advantage. Huh? Our enemies are many. If some can be turned to our side, let's do so. Besides, it seems they know something about this new monster. I want that information. Ah ha, in other words, we save the taking out the trash part for later. My, I feel your comprehension improving by the minute. I'd say you're more than a match for a dog or cat now. Yeah, whatever. Hey, you over there! Uhhh, ummm.... they're, uh, enemies! Fight them if you don't wanna die! Huh?! That moron. Surely there was some better way to put it. W-what do we do, Masuyo? Let's join them and fight. We've got to take on the Octy and the Rebird anyway. Is that okay with you, Tron darling? Awfully familiar of you to call me "darling" just like that. I don't suppose there's much choice. Okay, have it your way. Are you sure about this? At least for now. We've got to make it through this battle and gather information. And _then_ we can get rid of whatever's in the way. Right? We can just tie up Tron and drag her along behind our bike. ... *whimper* *whimper* I heard that! I HEARD that! So you _are_ as scary as the rumors say, Toby Masuyo! YO!! Either shit or get off the goddamn pot!! Let's do it! [gun-toting maniacs versus space monsters] Rebird! They're... The ones who were in those ruins. I don't know what's going on, but we can't leave them on the loose! [Tron v. space monsters] Tron! It's a Rebird!! Yeah, but it's a puny one! Get it together! [space girls assailed by tentacle monsters!] ... Gulp! Masuyo! It can't be! It can! This's an Octy! One of the race that was supposedly wiped out in "that" battle! [battle progresses] Heh heh... Ahahahahaha! Fascinating! Every battle I fight is like some unique flower! This is how fighting should be! Ah ha ha ha! What's up with him?! (And why can't I pinpoint our location? What the heck...?) O ho ho ho. You're absolutely right: slicing apart the enemy, scattering them across the fields... what supreme bliss! What a dreadful thing to say! And what happens if you're so busy slicing up one enemy that the next enemy shoots you to death? !! Um, I'm not so sure about that... Hiromi, that's called _warcraft_! I... I think I'm afraid now. [enter the vengeful samurai spirit] "Supreme bliss", you said? Then surely you are prepared to be sliced apart and scattered across the fields too. Wh-?! T-that... voice!? Well met again, Yoshitsune, Benkei... R...rrrrrgh!... Kagekiyo! Is that you?! Now who?! Something's fishy here. ("Kagekiyo"? If they really are ghosts of the past, then could he be Akushichibyoue Kagekiyo from the same period?) Hey, it's my big sis Taki! Yoo hoo! Tarosuke?! What're you doing here? Man, I can't get enough of that outfit! T-that's sexual harassment. Quit playing around and answer my question! Who the heck's the brat? Tarosuke... He appears human, but is actually a child who's wandered the Divine and Infernal Worlds. So, we gotta take down these dudes who escaped across the River Styx. "Styx"? "Divine and Infernal Worlds"? What's going on here?! Okay, I'm beginning to see. You are? I should consider your companion an ally, right? Yup! Isn't that right, Kagekiyo my bro? ... I shall cleave... all! WRONGO! Just the dudes sis and the others are fighting, got it?! ... Um, _pretty_ please, just the bad guys? ... ...Very well. (Boy is this tiring...) Kagekiyo... must I deal with you too?! No discussion... Here I come! [scary samurai guys clash] To think _you_ would show up... Is this destiny? No, fate - your fate to be cut down by me. O ho ho ho, are you so sure, Kagekiyo?!? [maybe the thug will be distracted by all that spandex?] Woman, what's your name? What would you want with a ninja's name? Heh, true enough. Those torn to shreds need no name, do they? That's right! Both our names are already forgotten! [familiarity breeds contempt] It looks like it's my turn for revenge on you! No, vengeance is on my side. No matter how much time passes, or how often we return to the Golden Pond. [Benkei gets beaten like an egg] This pain... I really am back. Ahahaha! I'm BACK! And now you're finished, Benkei. Kagekiyo, both of us have only just returned to the Golden Pond. Your swordsmanship has dulled too! Go sharpen it again! Kagekiyo!! ... Oh, that's right. One more thing. Don't think you've won yet. Ahahahahah! [new samurai versus old samurai] O ho ho ho! I told you I'd slaughter you! Anyone can talk the talk. Question is, who can walk the walk! [scary samurai ghost is a bit rusty...] My body does not yet move as I wish it to... Kagekiyo! That's enough for today! Are you fleeing, Yoshitsune? O ho ho ho, do not rush so. This is merely the beginning. We shall meet again, Kagekiyo. And do not forget, Mitsurugi or whatever your name is... I ain't got ears for no whipped dog talk! ... ...Yoshitsune and Benkei... And behind them, Him! Yo, bro, chill out. We're just getting started here. Well, all that mess's cleaned up. It's Soul Edge time! Wait, Mitsurugi! What the hell?! It vanished! What the fuck's going on?! Where'd the Soul Edge go?! Dimensional travel?! The energy readings are off the scale. Is this as good as Gustav's machinery can do?! What incredible energy gain! Dimensional travel. That's what's going on here. We were teleported here from that backwater planet. What?! Really?! That's the most natural way of looking at it. (And it feels like everything is tied together with one thread...) [PROLOGUE 4 - GHOULS AND GHOSTS] {Divine World... Shrine of Ishtar} Are you... really going alone? Yes. I would like to believe I know how dangerous this mission is. Then why not travel with your "servant"? If I may, Lady Ishtar, "he" has a family to protect. The "Phantom Medicine", the "Key of Time", and the "Golden Seed"... all these things he fought for with no regard for his family... ... I do not want Kurino caught up in more fighting for my sake. And yet, these phenomena occurring across all worlds... Is it not impossible for your power alone to put a stop to them? My apologies, Lady Ishtar. Even if so, I do not want to involve him. ... ...I have already given that order through the Chief of the Sandra. Should he disobey, upon his head will be heaped the label of "traitor". Will that suffice for you? ... My thanks, Lady. Then, I must depart at once. What of the "Golden Knight" and the "Silver Knight"? Will you not at least enlist their aid? They too fought their last battle back "then". I do not wish to disturb their quiet retirement with the specters of the past. To solve the crisis without upsetting the current order - I believe that would be best. ... Then I am off. ... (Valkyrie... it seems even so great a warrior as you fails to comprehend...) (To comprehend these men, mere mortals, who yet managed to emerge victorious from "that battle"...) (And especially to comprehend that Sandra youth...) {Infernal World... Central Hall, Demitri's Castle} ... ...... ......... There can be no greater boredom than this. Don't you agree? Hmm. I suppose we agree on that score. Why have you come, Morrigan? Heh, what a sour greeting. Especially to a lady who's come all the way into your bedchamber. I should have expected a warmer reception from a bona fide gentleman. ...Did you come to settle our duel? Did I? Why not try to guess? This isn't about guessing right or wrong. Well, lord of Aensland, come forth and fight me. Fight for the title of strongest in the Infernal World! For the right to rule the Darkness!! Sigh, I quit. Mm? I'm the type of girl who wants to have _fun_. Either that, or die of boredom. Besides... I can't get stimulated by you at all like this. Just no fun. You bitch! Give it a rest! Well then. Would you like to try slicing me apart on the spot? That _would_ make you the king of the Infernal World. ...Oh, once you got rid of Enma, that is. ...Defeating the likes of you would serve no purpose! Ahhh, right you are. ...And _that's_ what's boring. Not that you'd understand that now. This is wasting my time. Heh heh, I'd better stop teasing you or I might actually start feeling sorry for you. Why don't we talk about something a bit more fun? You've heard of the demon Druaga, right? The demon the humans cast into the Abyss of Time long ago? What concern is he of mine? Jeez, let me finish. ..._After_ that, the demon lord Zouna, the demon lord Astaroth, and the evil sword Soul Edge- Wait. _All_ of those were cast into the Abyss of Time, weren't they? ...I see! Then the Abyss has..! Opened. Bingo. Pandora's Box, inside which is everything everyone doesn't want around. Heh... heh heh.... ah ha ha!! Heh heh... see? Now _that_ is what I call interesting. Get my drift? Heh heh... That must mean "that village" will be appearing too. Heh heh... HA HA HA HA! {Infernal World... Entrance to the Infernal Village} *pant pant* This is... the last one. I can't let myself be delayed here forever... More of them! I'm the one on the losing side of a battle of attrition. ...If only he were here... ... No, I already decided. ...Here I come! Stand aside! I will show no mercy to those in my way! [battle rages] I see a way out! What?! Impossible! I've returned to where I started! How can this be? Space-time is distorted... and I can't even get in...! So this truly is the Infernal Village! [...and rages...] There must be a time-space gap somewhere. I've got to find it...! What? Those aren't demons from the village! That must mean that inside the village is that tower! How... how is that possible?! [...and rages until some new faces appear] This... can't go on... Well well, it seems someone preceded us. And stole our thunder to boot. Who's there?! The Infernal Village, is it? This place hasn't changed a bit. The least they could do is a little home improvement. Some gardening, perhaps. ...You two are... Well, isn't this a surprise? Imagine meeting you in a place like this. Valkyrie... the "Maiden Knight" in the direct service of the goddess Ishtar. ... Hmmmmm... The virginal type. I could come to like that. You must be quite the popular girl. Have you two descended to join the gate guardians too? Demitri Maximoff, and Morrigan Aensland. Mind your manners, girl. I might just finish you off before these demons get the chance. If you wish to attack me, I will not object. That's enough, children! I swear, tight-asses galore. Wanna try taking a deep breath first? Growing up isn't _that_ hard, Demi-Demi. Quit giving me weird nicknames. If you're not involved with the Infernal Village, why are you here? I don't suppose it'd suffice to say "because it sounded interesting"? I should think a stimulating experience is the least we could expect here. This is nothing so light-hearted. The tales must have exaggerated the "Maiden Knight" if she is quailing before this rabble. Don't mind this guy, Val. He's always gotta have this flair for the dramatic. ...Morrigan... Please stop that strange way of addressing me! Well then, shall we have some fun? [eek, demons] Lesser demons to guard the Infernal Village? How annoying. [Morrigan gets some exercise] I see... the Infernal Village and the Tower of Druaga. Talk about an evil collaboration. [Demitri does too] A creature from the Tower of Druaga? What trickery is this to send it to the Infernal Village? [but not that much exercise] Looks like we're running out of bad guys. How boring. I was hoping for a bit more of a diversion. ... (The problem is, how to move ahead.) Well, shall we mop up the survivors? What a disappointing battle to be over this soon. And with the night still young. Don't be too certain. What? Wh-?! Hey, wait a sec! That's a _lot_ of bad guys! Is this the main force?! (As I thought, half of it is Druaga's soldiers...) (How could such a terrible union between the Infernal Village and the Tower of Druaga happen?!) I come to investigate a disturbance, and what do I find? What formidable-looking foes. Not only the heads of the Maximoff and Aensland clans... but also... Who are you? ...also, the Maiden Knight, Valkyrie. I don't see your partner. Has he lost his life already? I came alone so that wouldn't happen. I see. How considerate. On the other hand, there'd be no greater disgrace for any real warrior. You'd better pray he's not too hot a warrior... ... What're you talking about? Though... these numbers are finally making things interesting. Too interesting, by a long shot. The question is... what do we do about this mess we're in. I'll let you withdraw if you care to. What did you say?! What? I'll let you withdraw if you care to. If you advance, I'll show no mercy. Well, I'll say this much - you've got guts. Thank you for your consideration... ..."Red Demon Who Follows the Crest". ...! Red Demon? Crest? I haven't been called that in a long time, Maiden Knight. ...They call me Joker now. Red Aleemar Joker of the Infernal Village Punishment Squad, the "Demon Blazon". (The Demon Blazon? Then it's true...) ...I will withdraw. Demitri Maximoff and Morrigan Aensland, thank you for your cooperation. Please leave this place at once. Do you expect me to show the enemy my back, Maiden Knight?! To win, to pass here, a certain person's power is necessary. This also explains why he, the "Red Demon", would let us leave. ... The time will come again when we must fight, and it will unquestionably be here. ...Hmph. I just lost interest in this. A waste of time. What about you, leader of the house Aensland? I'll say my goodbyes. And maybe next time I'll bring along that "Silver Knight" that everyone seems so interested in. ...I look forward to it. Heh... Later then. [PROLOGUE 5. GUN SHOT!] {20XX A.D... Metro City, America} I swear, where the hell have you been? How many times I gotta tell you to get a cel phone? ... I heard you were in Japan. If you're gonna visit our master's grave, tell me next time- I met Gouki. ...! He was at our master's grave, waiting for either of us to show up. Don't tell me you fought him!? If I had, I wouldn't be standing here without a bandage or several. He said... "The time has come." Great. How come that psycho "Master of the Fist" or whatever he's called is letting some riddle do the talking, and not his mitts? "The time has come", huh? I sure hope that ain't got nothing to do with this current fiasco. ...? Remember that Secret Shadowloo Society? They're at it again. "That"... society? That's absurd! I defeated Him myself back then! Well, he hasn't left that castle of his, but a certain girl we know's already on the move. A certain girl... You mean Chunli? Yeah. And from how intense she was, I don't think the rumors are entirely out to lunch. And where d'ya think Chunli was following Shadowloo _to_? Japan. Japan? What's Shadowloo doing there?! Who knows. ...Looks like we got no choice but to go check it out. 'Sides, I ain't been to our master's grave yet. Hate to drag you back so soon, but... I don't mind. {20XX A.D... Pacific Ocean, Aboard the Spencer Lane} Looks like we're about three hours from Japan. Man, I never thought I'd board this boat again. Actually, this is her "sister" ship. Same difference. "Upstairs" is throwing their weight around and insisting that the last mess never happened... Meaning this is the one and only Spencer Lane. You and I are the only ones who know the truth, Fongling. ... I guess we're allies on this one, right? Miss Chinese Security Agent. I thought I told you before... Spies have no allies, Bruce. So you did. ...So, how's this suspected "Contaminee" girl doing? A total blank for now. For now, anyway. That's pretty vague for you, isn't it? ...I don't want a repeat of last time. If we can't trust each other, we'd better split up now. She's got no traces of "the virus". That much is certain. However... However what? Spit it out, Fongling. Apparently she's "not alive". ... Of course, being "not alive" and being "dead" are two different things. You know that as well as I do, given we both dealt with that virus. Corpses that might as well be immortal humans, huh? Are you saying this boat's gonna go ballistic again? It's your turn, Bruce. ...What's an agent of the American Unified Strategic Forces doing here? What if I said I couldn't get you outta my head? Give me a straight answer. What _am_ I gonna do with you? ...You know about the Secret Shadowloo Society, right? The criminal syndicate who started acting up again recently. I've heard the ICPO is on their tail. You're pretty up to date. I know one of ICPO's detectives. So? Seems they've headed to Japan. And the word is this boat's carrying disks with certain secret data on it. Secret data...? The "Third Energy Source". "Third Energy"...?! But the lab on Ibis Island is gone, isn't it? That's beside the point. All I was told is to get that disks back. Have you found it? I can guess where it is. I know a lot about how this boat's built, after all. ...The rec room. Maaaybe. I ain't gonna force you to help, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't get in the way. Don't worry, I'm too busy to worry about whatever you're up to. Ah, the high and mighty treatment. (Both the Third Energy _and_ a possibly contaminated passenger...) (I _really_ hope nothing goes wrong here...) {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, 59th Floor} I see... is that what the Maiden Knight said? Goodness, so they're finally making their move. But I somehow doubt they can reach here that easily. Especially with her partner off on his own. O ho ho ho ho... That concludes my report. If you'll excuse me. You seem to be in quite a rush. Why not slow down and enjoy life more? Care to stay for tea, just the two of us Jokers? ... (Why does Lord Astaroth tolerate one such as this... I certainly hope nothing bad comes of it...) My my, so unsociable. Pay it no mind. His kind is more useful that way. Joker, I have yet to regain my full powers. What of the "sacrifices"? No need to worry. I succeeded in opening the door to the Material World... completely. Indeed? That world is a veritable trove of beings with strong life force. I plan to offer the freshest life possible for the sacrifice. ...Make haste. Not a moment can be spared. O ho ho ho ho... I was certain you'd say that. I've already sent "him" over. He's discovered a very interesting property called "Devil Factor" there. Hmph, how thorough you are. What is it you wish? Me? I care not, so long as I am enjoying myself. Allow me too to take my leave. Please be patient a while longer... Lord Druaga. That I should be dependent on the likes of him... curse this feeble body. But... *chuckle* Just wait, you all will be torn limb from limb for certain this time. Just you wait... Gilgamesh...! {20XX A.D... Pacific Ocean, Aboard the Spencer Lane} Bruce! Damn it, right when I was napping! What's the situation, Fongling? I don't know for sure, but they say a monster appeared on deck! A monster?! That's right, Japan is... There's been a lot of these lately, haven't there? We're still well away from there! Well, the damn thing showed up, didn't it? ...Ah, that's right. What about the girl? Well, with all this commotion, I took my eyes off her for a second... What the hell're you doing?! What if the shit hits the fan?! You don't need to tell me that! Shit...! Look, you head to the deck! I'll get our "passenger" to safety. ...Got a gun?! I snuck my sidearm on board. Same here. I just hope it's enough... Haul ass! I'll be right there! Got it. Time for my job too, huh? Here's the rec room. And inside... Who's there! ... Sneaking around during an emergency like this? A Shadowloo agent? That's my line. What're you... the same line of work as me? That getup makes you a member of Special Forces S.O.R.T. ... A redhead agent, huh? Weren't you mixed up in the "Third Energy Chain Reaction"?... I don't have to answer that. You don't have to. Let's see. Your codename was... "Regina". So of course, you're after- This. That. ...The disks with the info on the Third Energy. I'd say the early bird gets the worm. Unlucky you. Doesn't matter who's got those if the monsters kill us all. Very true. Consider the situation. Someone's already fighting them on blue deck. If you've got a gun, tag along with me. Think of it as professional courtesy. ...I suppose there's no other choice now. But let me make something clear. Spies have no allies, Bruce McGovern. Now where have I heard that before. ...? Just talking to myself. ...Let's get a move on! {Material World... Spencer Lane, Blue Deck} Is this where you got to?! Wait a moment! Um... My name's Leilei. Ah, that's right. Anyway, you've got to run. You can evacuate to the hold. Huh? H-how come? "How come"? What? Skeletons?! Isn't it obvious? Monsters are attacking! ...Well, this few of them should be no problem. You can back off now. The hell I can! See! If you don't hurry, demons will swarm you. This ain't no time for "aiya" or "xie xie". I didn't say a word. Now now, you're the only human here... And as you see, I'm armed! (I'm the "only human here"?) Okay, here we go! I've got no choice...! I can't let you out of my sight. If I'd known this would happen, I'd have brought a bigger gun. Mmmm... okay, I'll lend you some bullets. Huh? These claws're great for knocking things over, but aren't real good for pulling the trigger, see? Thanks! Wait up, how many of these've you got?! There'll be more when they're gone... and stuff. ... [secret agents to the rescue(?)] Fongling! Bruce! You're late! ...Who's the woman? An agent from China's Security forces. Name's Fongling. And the other Chinese must be... "that" girl. "That"? Nihao! I'm Leilei. Leilei, huh? Let's have the details later. ...And would you look at that. Real honest-to-God monsters. Those weaklings are "monsters"? Compared to some huge-ass dinosaurs, I'd say they're kinda cute. Huh? Oh, nothing. And if you want a weapon, you'd better use these. A shotgun and an assault rifle. I trust you know how to use them? For me? You shouldn't have. What about you? I've got a sidearm and a short-range stun gun. If things get messy, there's always my rocket launcher. The lady's a frigging walking arsenal. What were you planning to do in Japan, start a war? Donggua, cut the chit chat! Can you fight, or can't you?! Look around, there really is a winter melon (donggua) around. Donggua? Psh, don't sweat it! Let's rumble! [a scarier monster shows up] Yee-haw! Looks like everyone's having fun! Another monster? What's the deal with the rotten zombie guy?! We must stop running into each other like this. Oh! I knew it! Huuuuuh?! HOT DIGGIDY DAMN!! MY SWEET HONEY! IT'S LEI-LEI!! Oh brother. Don't tell me you're this monster's friend. Um... uhhh.... how should I put it... Yo yo! Sister! Don't be harassin' my loving baby Leilei there! Yee-haw! What's this dickhead's problem? Shoot him for me and I'll tell you everything. I trust blowing him up will do? Just as long as he's dead. What _freeeaky_ chicks! Weeeell, lemme tell you a freaaaky story back! These dudes're spread through the whole boat! ...What?! How could you?! Th' party should be startin' throughout the boat about now! Party like it's the bottom of Hell! YAAAA-HOO!! Putrid motherfucker! Go back to hell!! Hey, I just got here, man! [battle, battle...interlopers!] Damn it! This's taking too damn long! Let's get belowdecks! Ain't gonna let you do that. We all gotta go to Hell together! Though I'd take my Leilei to Heaven instead! Argh! That came from inside! What, full already?! HUH? What happened to you?! Ah, so this is where it came from. Right on! Looks like he kicked its butt! What the hell?! (Hmm?! What's that power I sense from him?!) Hey! How's it going over there?! Hey hey hey hey HEY! This's the last of them! Forcing them out was easier than I thought. That's... hey, you! Aren't you Ken Masters, the Americas' Martial Arts Champ? Damn straight! Looks like publicity's good for something! This here's a fellow student of mine, Ryuu. These're the last monsters on board. Let's take them down fast! And you are? Kazama Jin. Just a Japanese. But for now, I'm joining in this fight. Kazama Jin... that karate stance... Could he be from the Mishima Conglomerate? Shit, go and ruin my fun! But guess what, I just remembered what the hell I came here for. Pain in the fucking ass! Hmm? You, motherfucker! I know no zombies! Fuck if I care! Your ass is coming with me! What's going on? ... [Ryuu charges into the fray] That armor won't shield you from my blows! Let's fight! [Ken does too] Looks like these guys are empty inside. All the better to pulverize their ass. [Jin... etc.] I don't know where you oozed in from... ...but consider yourself sandbagged! [secret agents versus monsters] These bastards are like headstones. I just hope the bullets don't go right on through. [zombie versus bad hair boy] This dude I know says he's got business with you. Say what?! More like, with "something" inside your body. And here I up and forgot all about it! (It can't be...) [Zabel versus the Bruce] You pickin' a fight with me?! Did you know that the more you keep yakking, the less like some scary zombie you look? Yeah, you think you're so damn smart! All that whinin's gettin' old FAST! You may have a point. But getting shot to death is one thing that _never_ goes out of style! Just fucking try it!! [Leilei's reunion with Zabel] Leilei! Oh! Sweet honey!! What's with this guy? A friend of yours? More like I can't seem to get rid of him... Keeping it for your fellow zombies, huh? I dig it! Yee-haw! [Ryuu fights Zabel] How the hell'd you get here so fast, asshole? I don't intend to speak with my words. What, gonna let your fists do the talking or some shit?! Maybe I should let my ribs do the talking then! [As does Ken] YOU are one ugly motherfucker. And _you_ ain't got no goddamn manners! Your ass needs some punishing. Whaddya think about that! You're more than welcome to try. But the only one who can punish me is Eliza. [Zabel goes down] Heey! Hold the goddamn phone! Leilei!! Time to finish you off! Stop! Stop!! You've already taken my heart out! Any more and it's gonna be "Lau" or "Pure Love" or some shit! Yuck! Guess I gotta dismantle you good so you'll never be able to say stuff like that again! Those merciless words! I love you more than ever now! But I still got a job to do! Catchya later, Leilei! Same goes for you, mister hair gel karate man! ...! Ya-hoo! (How does he... know about me...?) Well, if the monsters are all gone from below decks, I'd say we're done here. What the hell was up with those guys? We appreciate your help, but they're none of your concern. Oh man, the cold shoulder. Are you and that chick sisters or something? "That chick"? (Chunli, huh?) Knock it off, Ken. Everyone's safe. Let's leave it at that. Guess so. But look at how big a mess we got just from getting _near_ Japan. I sure hope Japan itself's okay. ... Man... writing this up for the brass is going to be a royal pain in the ass. Hey, maybe... "A party on deck got so out of hand as to be confused for a monster attack"... something like that. Piece of cake. What attack? I see you're as big a donggua as always. A _big_ donggua. What's she talking about, Bruce? ...It means "helluva guy", damn it all. [CHAPTER 1. SUDDEN STORM ON AN ORDINARY STREET CORNER] The Material World. A past surpassing time and space. A world of swords and sorcery. A country wherein God dwells. A land where demons rule. Numerous worlds which, by rights, have no contact with each other. Various worlds with dire events unfolding. Yet none have realized that they all are but sparks before the great inferno to come. ...Meanwhile, the agents of Shinra have concluded their own battle in Shibuya. Arisu Reiji and Xiaomu now make haste for Shinra headquarters. {20XX A.D. Shibuya, Japan} Damn... I figured this would happen. I thought we were open 24-7. D-don't tell me our hours changed! Get real. Um, what seems to be the problem? ...I can't contact HQ. There does not appear to be any electromagnetic interference. Not very reassuring. Which must mean... Them. The Secret Shadowloo Society. Given they knew about us, chances are they're up to no good. Maybe they even know something about that "sleeping sickness" that's been going around. "Sleeping... sickness"? Falling fast asleep - or more accurately, fainting dead away. The victims are still alive, but never regain consciousness. Cause unknown. There's been this far-fetched theory that their souls have been somehow stolen... And considering the times we live in... ...that can't be entirely dismissed. It seems something terrible is happening in this world we've come to. KOS-MOS, do you know anything else? There is insufficient information at this time. I do not believe further information will be forthcoming here. Does she have to get every little detail right? ...Okay, let's move out. Oh, that's right. During that battle back there... Is something else bothering you? Umm... it was "Momo", right? Hmm? Ah, yes. Your skirt's too short. Wouldn't want you catching cold, now would we? I'm... very sorry. Is _that_ what you were worrying about during that battle?! Feel free to ignore her, okay? Anyway, looks like we've got to go to HQ in person. Oh, and before that, there's somewhere else I'd like to take you. Oh...? The Mishima Conglomerate Building. There's some people waiting for us out front. That's where I was planning to go after mopping up this mess. I don't mind. I mean, we came here so suddenly anyway... I swear. All men are wolves, got it? Don't be so quick to follow them all over creation. Quit feeding disinformation to visitors from other worlds. We're going to the Mishima Building. Don't dawdle. Hmmm... The fastest way would be to pass the Namco Theater. {20XX A.D., NAMCO THEATER, JAPAN} Thank you all! Someday, someday I'll be back! I won't say "farewell"! Please just accept my gratitude! Thank you all! Awww, it's over. Can't be helped. Especially so close to an "Isolation City". Only natural for so many folks to gather. I still wanna know how you got tickets to the final show. What's your secret? Didn't you know? My Kanzuki Conglomerate helped build Namco Theater. Really?! You guys really do do everything. Of course we do. And not just in Japan either: Kanzuki Concern is known to governments and businesses world-wide. It's only natural, after all. We're in every genre from weapons development to entertainment. "Be victorious in all things". That family motto doesn't just mean physically... (Oh man... once she gets started on that she'll never stop. Gotta figure out how to change the subject...) Ummm.... isn't it a shame that Felicia couldn't make it to the performance with Wonder Momo? Sakura, you shouldn't have mentioned that. Huh? The Japanese debut of American musical sensation Felicia... And her pairing with "Wonder Momo": the "Battle Musical"... Given how casually you mention it, I suppose you have no idea precisely how much of the conglomerate's money was riding on it? (Whoopsie, another landmine?) U-um, Kanzuki? Why don't we go grab a bite to eat nearby? We can finish this up there? Okay? Okay? I don't like the interruption, but I guess it's unavoidable. (Man, she sure doesn't talk like any high school girl I know...) {One Hour Later... Namco Theater, Japan} ... I guess it's all over. And after I... after I came so far... I practiced so hard for the concert with Felicia... Well, I guess it... can't be helped. That's right, Kanda Momo. It can't be helped. Huh?! W-who's there?! I thought the theater closed already! ... Amazona?! What're you doing here? The last performance is already over... ... You're... not her. Who are you?! Kanda Momo. You're going to meet Lord Druaga. W-what're you... talking about?! Lord... Druaga?! Kanda Momo. You have no right to refuse... And should you try, perhaps severing a limb or two will change your mind. ...Why...?! ... Anyone! Is anyone here?! Useless. There's no one to hear you scream... With one exception, that is. ! What?! Who dares?! Berabou, at your service! Berabou... as in.. Berabou Man?! Berabou Man, the ultra superman?! I've come to save you, Kanda Momo. Or rather, "Wonder Momo". What? Stay out of other people's business. Momo, who is this? Amazona... she's supposed to play my rival, but she's been acting strangely all this time... It seems a demon has inserted its soul into her. A demon...? What're you talking about? Kanda Momo bears a strong soul suitable to be Lord Druaga's "sacrifice". What do you mean, "sacrifice"?! And that's why the demon's after you... Because your power is strong enough to bring about "Ultra Transformation". Ultra... "Ultra Transformation"?! We can discuss the details and introduce ourselves later. For now, we must get out of here! And there, Kanda Momo, you must make your choice. What choice? {Meanwhile, In Front of the Namco Theater, Japan} Oh dear dear dear, don't tell me I didn't make it?! Yeah. This's around an hour after it ended, if they started on time. Geez... How'd this happen, King? What do you mean, how? It couldn't be helped... That "monster attack" made the plane late. Isn't it that simple? ...Yeah, I guess... Man, first our live duet gets called off last month, and now this. Rats! Trouble is starting all over the world... and getting mad won't solve anything. You mean we just gotta take this sitting down? The Lord sees all our troubles. Surely He will not remain silent. ...Well, that's true... Speaking of that monster incident... You weren't mixed up in it, were you? Honestly, I do feel some weird aura. But... umm..... it kinda smells different, y'know? You've got a sharp nose, you know what I'm talking about, right? ...This is just a mask. But something is is certainly amiss. And, there was that incident in Shibuya. And _that's_ why I wanted to come say hi during that last show so badly. I still can't believe I was late...! And if that wasn't bad enough, I had to sneak out just to get here. My manager's gonna be furious.. Think about how screwed I am. And think about how screwed _I_ am for having been dragged all over the place with you. C'mon King, don't take it so hard. You shouldn't bare your fangs like that. ...This is a mask. {Material World... In Front of the Namco Theater} I wonder if Momo's still here. An hour after closing? I'm sure we needn't worry about her. Probably. Anyways, let's sneak into the music hall. Why don't we just use the front door? Look, I'll talk to Security... King, wait! Hmm? One sec... Hey! Quit stripping in the middle of the street! What street? What're you talking about, the one you're- Huh? I can't sense... any people! Oh, I sense something else though. One of my kind? Well, something _not_ human anyway. What the hell, fur suits? Some Namco Theater show? You're half-right, King. It just might not be humans inside. Not more of the monsters that raised a fuss in the harbor... Momo... what happened here? [battle interrupted by superheros] They came from the theater. Felicia, this might be trouble. I know! AND these guys are pretty tough. If we were normal humans... I just hope we're not too late. Here comes someone else! This way, please! Hurry! W-wait a sec! Isn't that... Momo?! F-Felicia?! What're you doing here?! You two are... Felicia, what about that masked man? Hmm, he certainly smells human. Did you... save Momo? I merely escorted her outside. The saving comes next. And it is she who must save herself. What? What do you... mean by that? You won't escape, Kanda Momo! Are they after her? W-what should I do, Mister Berabou? Kanda Momo... please transform into "Wonder Momo". Huh? Wait a moment, Mister Masked Man. Isn't Wonder Momo... I hate to say this, but... ... That's right! That won't work! Besides... besides, Wonder Momo is a character in a play! No, you're mistaken. Wonder Momo is the other "you" inside your heart. Yes. "Ultra Transformation Ability" is the other you within your heart... It will guide you if you wish to become strong to "protect those needing protection". As was, and is, the case for me. The Shinda... Fourth Ward incident... Something is happening to this world, as we speak. For your loved ones, for your family... I grant you this power. Kanda Momo, you're coming with me! ...Amazona... ... Transform! S-she changed! Y-you're right! Momo! Err, I mean... Wonder Momo! Felicia... Let's do it! It's time for the "Battle Musical", right here! [schoolgirls on the scene] See! I knew it! See, Kanzuki, it's Wonder Momo! Is this some outdoor fanservice attraction? Nya? Who's that? Wh-oh my God, it's Felicia! Look, Kanzuki, look look look! I can see that perfectly well. Will you please not shout in my ear? (But why isn't anyone else around?) (And this atmosphere...) This is not good... You over there! It's dangerous here! Please evacuate at once, this is _not_ an attraction! Um, so that SFX hero guy... ...Berabou Man?! The Ultra Superman who once saved Shinda Fourth Ward?! Whoa! Not more of them! Wh- What on Earth?! Mister Berabou? Huh? I can't smell them at all... Ladies and gentlemen, those are our enemies too. They are androids, that is, robots. What's something like that doing here?! (There's no question... it's Benjamin Daikubo Hikozaemon.) (But what're Bakuda Army robots doing here, and at a time like this?) What, what? (If neither the references I read nor my memory are faulty, those are androids from the Bakuda Army...!) (First some commotion over ghosts and goblins, then the Bakuda army, and now Berabou Man. What's going on around here...?) Sakura, we're leaving for now. There are too many unknowns here. I can't just leave. Didn't you hear me just now? I said I can't just leave. Not with people who need help, just because we don't know how strong the enemy is. Sakura! "He" wouldn't do it, I'm sure of it! *sigh*... ...Well, since you brought _him_ up, anything I say will go in one ear and out the other... That settles it. I'd disgrace my family for generations if I ran off and left a commoner like you behind. I'm with you. [a new challenger appears!] Meeow? I thought I could go home already, but it appears you're having trouble. What...? Who said that! Where are you?! Well, this simply will not do at all. It would seem dear Zabel failed as well. Much stiffer resistance than I expected. W-what the hell?! A round... clown? An enemy? It's kinda cute, but... Ah, you must be the "sacrifice". I am most grateful for your praise. Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Joker. Pleased to make your acquaintance. "Sacrifice"? So, you're after her too? Yes, the adorable young lady in the helmet. If you but hand her over, we will be on our way at once. W-why me? Well, I've been given the job of gathering pure girls with strong souls, you see. Hey, I don't get it at all! Those not involved should shut their mouths... Hmm? HMMM??!! W-what's your problem? How... splendid! O ho ho ho! Don't tell me you want her too! Correct! I can make up for my "schedule slip" by gathering "extra sacrifices"! Here they come! Everyone, be careful! He looks like he's fooling around, but he's really strong! Is he one of the demons' allies too? Oh, Lord... I have no idea what any of this is about, but it seems you've caught their eye, Sakura. Huh? Why me?! You needn't know the reason! O ho ho ho ho.... [the cavalry arrives] Oh? Gracious, it seems today is a day for visitors. Of course, that keeps things interesting. Fighting here too?! Shit, why does this crap keep happening? Looks like there's trouble even outside the "Isolation Cities". Careful, Reiji. That thing looks like a real joker, but it's actually a pretty high level monster. (That red jacket... where have I seen it before?) They don't... look like enemies. One can never be too careful. Just because they look human doesn't mean they are. Quite correct. I-I guess he's right... Bingo. Quit changing the subject. Everyone who's not human, have a seat. Are those civilians fighting over there? Are you... on our side?! (Great, who knows? How to explain?) ... ...We're with the police. Please, all civilians leave the area at once! Look, Kanzuki, it's the police! The "police"? I think not. That red jacket makes you a Shinra Special Ops agent. What?! How do you know that?! O ho ho! I'll thank you not to underestimate the informational prowess of the Kanzuki Conglomerate. Shinra... a syndicate dedicated from of old to eliminating all monsters and other supernatural threats. Based on the study of ying-yang and Mysticism, they possess many hidden techniques and weaponry. ... Their divine, or perhaps demonic ferocity in battle, rooted in the principle "Slay Evil Immediately", leaves all who oppose them dead in the name of "Truth"... What? WHAT?! S-scary! Don't tell me we gotta fight them too?! Um, I think I've been doing this longer than you have, but... remind me if we work for that kinda outfit? ...the Misfit Army? A good half of that is out to lunch, but the fact is she's got the basics right. So she's the heiress of the "Kanzuki Conglomerate", huh? And... Berabou Man? ... Looks like the real thing to me. All former heroic deeds and whatnot. Looks like he's not the only celebrity. Lesse, we got Felicia of world-wide musical fame from "The World is Mine". And the huge panther guy would be the pro wrestler King. The second, I take it. That CWA title match with Mike "Macho" Haggar was something else. What are you, an encyclopedia? Don't underestimate me. I don't waste my study time. ...Studying late night TV, video games and manga, oh and the Internet too? I believe all those are generally classified as "entertainment". Hey, every darn one of those wasn't around in the old days! Gimme a break! Joy. Now all we need is some schoolgirl robot from outer space. Did I mention this is starting to suck? I hate to interrupt this fascinating conversation, but I'm dreadfully busy. And I dreadfully enjoy my work. How felicitous. Unfortunately, we've got loose ends to tie up here too. I won't sweat it if you don't. [our heroes throw down with Joker] Something feels strange about your aura. Enough with your lousy bluffing. It must be that... scar of yours. Don't say that. Oh dear? Xiaomu, don't worry about me. Let's rumble, you clown freak! [Joker gets smacked around] This simply won't do! It seems there are troublesome foes in this world too. Big trouble, no matter how you slice it. And we're quite the Heels too. O ho ho ho ho. The Heel who gets carried away gets KO'ed by the baby face. Such is the law of the world. Allow me to show my face and seal your fate. After all, I've already found an interesting new subject to study. Enjoyments are best saved for later. ... Subject? What are you scheming? Oh goodness me, nothing that would prove fatal. We'll simply need the subject to take a little... nap. Meaning losing her soul and falling unconscious? That must be the sickness Mister Arisu mentioned... The "sleeping sickness"?! Then it was you! Hmm? I have no idea to what you are referring. Nor am I interested in what that condition is called in this world. O ho ho ho. He's the one behind the sleeping sickness?! Hold it! Sakura?! Remember what Professor Shimazu said! We've got to find the cause! Well then, "adios!" We've got to follow him! Wait, Sakura. You mean Shimazu of Justice Academy? Hey! Hold the phone! Shall I pursue? My maneuverability would allow me to keep up. No, don't bother. Too many things are going wrong at once. Without backup, we'll never keep up with everything at the same time. Our only choice for now is to hurry to HQ. [the superheroes clash with the supervillain] You're coming with me, Kanda Momo. Why... why are you...? Get a hold of yourself, Momo. Her heart has been stolen by a demon. What... what should I do?! Your only choice is to fight. For her sake as well as yours! No way...! This is just the beginning, Momo. The beginning of Wonder Momo's fight. Combat... complete. No sign of further combat anywhere near. Thank you, Momo. Mr. Arisu, what now? We'll continue to the Mishima Conglomerate Building. We'll leave this mess to "HQ"... Oh, right. We're out of contact. I believe there is no other choice but to wait for assistance to be directed to this location. Always with the direct opinions. There's nothing to be done about those girls who split... I suppose you're right. W-who are you...? Who, me? O-oh... My card, if you please. Lessee. "Nakamura Hitoshi." Insurance company salaryman? You must be Berabou Man. S-so... _ordinary_. Dull, kinda. Felicia, that's rude. But he seems like a very good person. Oh my, now you're making me blush. Berabou Man, that is, Nakamura, why now? The demons are after Kanda Momo. I came to save her from that. So this "sleeping sickness" turns out to be that soul extraction the clown was mumbling about. We've never seen that type before. ...Just what the hell is going on around here anyway?... Anyway, I want info. I'd like you to come with us to HQ. Kanda Momo, that goes for you too. ...Alright. I'll see you off too. Hey, Felicia... Hey, we're mixed up in this too. Maybe we can help figure out what's going on. So we gotta go along, right? Felicia... Man. "The journey is the fellow traveler, the world is mercy, life may be easy, difficulty lies around". And all that jazz. I got a _baaad_ feeling about this, but I guess we'll just wait and see what happens. Can't cross that bridge till we come to it. Oh, and that's "difficulty lies ahead". [CHAPTER 2. GATHER, ULTRA-SUPERMEN!] {20XX A.D., In Front of the Mishima Conglomerate Building, Japan} So, this's the Mishima Concern Building, huh? Are you really sure about this rumor that Mishima Conglomerate ended up with some of "the" virus? The info came from a reliable source. ...Otherwise, no way in hell would I come to a country this dangerous. Mishima... I've heard rumors of strange doings at their Ibis Island Third Energy lab too. But those're just rumors... no telling what's behind them. Certainly nothing big enough to take my eyes off Shadowloo. Ah, that must be why you've come all this way. Right. But in any event... ...since I've got the summary files for all their Third Energy research, I doubt they'll try anything funny for a while. (... Including their boot disk...) That's all very well and good, but can't you do something about that getup of yours? I don't think you could stand out more if you tried. ...And whose fault is that? You're the one who insisted I help get things under control on that boat. ... Man, what a Donggua. Yeah, and thanks to him we got stuck dragging her along. Hey ladies, it takes two to tango. I just made the damn suggestion. Hmmm, he's got a point. ... ... ...So, remind me who we're waiting for again? I wonder where those karate guys went off to? Don't change the subject the moment you get embarrassed. We're waiting for the "Shinra" - one of Japan's Special Ops units. And those karate guys looked like they slipped off the boat same time we did. Period. I've never heard of this "Shinra" before. Can we trust them? I only know what the brass told me. ...Seems they've been around for ages, but they don't show themselves much. Like an anti-terror squad? More like "anti-occult" from what I hear. I dunno... sounds pretty sketchy to me. Speaking of which... Since we're stuck here waiting... There's a lot I want to ask you. {Meanwhile, in the President's Office, Mishima Conglomerate Building} ... You called, Mishima Heihachi? I've got a question for you. That incident at the Namco Theater. Why did you sortie the androids without telling me? They're _my_ pawns. You get no say in how I use them. You don't seem to grasp your situation here. What do you plan to do about it? Throw this poor old man out on the street? ...Hmph. I know how you think. No doubt you've got your excuses lined up already. Heh heh heh... Project "WAYA" has already entered its final phase. ...Really. Musou Battou-Ryuu... the lost techniques of the ninja. The analysis of the ancient records is complete. And my daughter will become the strongest warrior in the world! Your daughter... that android of yours? Well, you've got my hopes up. Don't let too many more masked men take you down. Grr... And don't forget _I_ took you in because of your facility with androids, Bakuda. You, who lost _everything_ in that "Shinda Fourth Ward" debacle. ... I've got a little job for you, Bakuda. ...Some rather annoying pests have come near this building. Pests? Yes... ones intent on sniffing around my conglomerate's affairs. Make them disappear. And I'll forget all about your little failure today. Who are they? You don't need to know. I'll send my androids out at once. Pardon me. (I knew that man has many enemies, but whoever's outside are probably some kind of intelligence agents...) (I don't mind a chance to gather more data... but what have they come looking for?) ...American Unified Strategic Forces, is it? I suppose they think I've got "that" virus... ...Well, that _had_ been the plan... {20XX A.D., Shibuya, Japan} So this is... Shibuya? Looks like this "Isolation City" business is for real. ... No one would have chased me this far. I hate to do this to those folks from the boat, but the last thing I need is more trouble. ...Well, let's get this over with. I haven't come this far for nothing. {Meanwhile... ???} is... on... Don't be alarmed. Once we seal ourselves off from that group, the rest will be simple. Everything is well in hand. Cannot... cross... yet.... Please leave everything to me. ...What happened ten years ago will never happen again. As... you... wish... Ten years already. Ten years since that man got in my way. Ten years for my body to regenerate. Heh... but that man, that Arisu Shougo, is gone. That mistake won't happen again... not with the Arisu Clan's bloodline extinguished. {Material World... In Front of the Mishima Conglomerate Building} So, let me see if I've got this straight. You died once, used some Eastern magic, and came back from the dead? ...Meaning the virus isn't the only way to make zombies. You got it. Of course, I'm a kyon xie. Anyway, I'm not here to haunt people or anything, so you don't have to worry. That's the last thing we needed. I just hope she doesn't get in the way. So, what was a Dark Stalker, a dweller of the Infernal World, doing aboard the Spencer Lane back then? I felt immense sorcery, or "power", or whatever. There's gotta be a pretty big hole in Japan. A "hole"? Meaning what? It's like a highway between this world and another. If that's true, then all these otherworldly monster sightings all over the world... Must have come through this hole, right? Damn, this place's going to Hell in a handbasket. You can have the monsters from God knows where. I'm sticking to Shadowloo. ... Something wrong? Ain't it a bit too quiet around here? Now that you mention it... ...! W-what the?! What, a trap?! Set by who?! Dunno! Mishima, Shadowloo, those guys we fought on the boat... Maybe none of them. First time we've seen these bad guys. Damn it all! Well, let's rock and roll! [one plus one equals...] Two down. But man, these things sure don't look like robots. Bruce, who do you think we're up against? I mean, how many people have the technology to build high-end battle bots like these? Ever heard the phrase "Made in Japan"? They do look pretty goofy though. Hah hah hah... American Special Forces, huh? You've got some nerve waving those guns around in Japan. Who're you? You look human enough, but what's with the get-up? Trying to start your own fashion craze? Is that some American attempt at humor? I'm not laughing. That looks like some kind of protector to me. Bruce, can you get serious a minute? I thought I _was_ serious. Jeez, guess I should be glad he understands me at all. If the other person wishes you ill, the words between you don't matter. Answer me. Why are you after us? What do you want? I'm after you because I was ordered to. What I want is you all dead. That's all. How... concise. [hair gel karate guy to the rescue] I'm more interested in who gave those orders. It's him! One of those karate masters from the Spencer Lane, right? What...? Who're you?! ...Kazama Jin. Wasn't it Mishima Heihachi who gave the order? Who knows. The first rule of business is protecting your clients' interests. (Kazama? Hmph, figures.) ... (We meet again, and right at Mishima Heihachi's gates. This can't be coincidence.) (Kazama Jin... If the files're right, he's Mishima Heihachi's son, Mishima Kazuya's...) Hey, isn't he the guy Zabel latched on to? Sorry bout this, karate master. Looks like we keep bumping into each other. Don't worry about it. ...I'm just fighting for my cause. Let's do it! [Chinese folks meet Japanese robots] What's a "robot" again? A mechanical doll. Wow, first ghouls, now machines. We sure get to fight a lot of nifty stuff. That's certainly easy for you to say. [Bruce and Regina face the robots] Robot warriors, huh? Fix their appearance and they might just cut it in the army. We'd be pretty obsolete if that happens. Well, that'd suck. Guess we'd better show them who's boss, huh? [the gang's all here] Oooh, there they are! Sorry 'bout the wait! Been here long? Um, I don't think we can be that calm now. The previous combat data matches some of the people here. So it would seem. Enemy reinforcements? Nope, looks like they're on our side. They told me to look for that loud red jacket. You must be Bruce Maxwell from the American Unified Strategic Forces. That's me. And you must be the Shinra agents. You must be one helluva outfit. I can't figure out how they put your team together at all. So, we're not _all_ Shinra members. The members are me and the pipsqueak here. The others... I'll tell you about later. Otherwise we'll be here all day. Aiya! Felicia?! Nya? What're you doing here?! Friend of yours? Yeah. We're both Dark Stalkers. Look, I'm a kyon xie, not a Dark Stalker. Dark Stalker? You mean, Felicia isn't human?! (Great, the cat's out of the bag.) Look, this is getting messy. I like things simple. I believe our problems are larger than yours. ... ... I see... They know each other, but something's different about them. A black masked man, huh? King...? I knew someone like that... once. Was that... your master? Yeah. He's not with us anymore. Long time no see, Berabou Man. Or should I say, Nakamura Hitoshi? I don't think I like that, coming from another salaryman. Planning on making the same mistake twice, Tajima? "Mistake"? It was an "experiment", Nakamura. Where is Professor Bakuda? Can't say I'm afraid. I bet you can't. Glad we understand each other. [superheros and robots clash] Looks like the Bakuda Army are putting things back together quite nicely. But didn't you destroy all of them?! Well, the ringleader eluded my grasp. It seems this is the price for that failure. (Professor Bakuda... Surely he couldn't have done this without someone big footing the bill...) [felines versus evil masked man] That black mask makes you a Heel, does it? What're you getting at? You'd better not disgrace it. That's all. What...? (So King _is_ still thinking of his master...) [good versus evil] There _is_ something familiar about him! Mister Berabou! Isn't this the man from the Shinda Fourth Ward-? He is. He possesses the Ultra Transformation Ability, but has sided with Professor Bakuda's evil army. Good and evil isn't about what group you're with. That's just part of doing business. Isn't that right, Nakamura? Quite correct, Tajima. Regardless of my personal interests, I have no intention of stopping this battle! [Black Berabou goes down] So, this's what I get for my first battle back? Are you going to flee?! That's not fair! Not fair? Say that I know when to retreat. Tajima... We'll meet again, Nakamura. Or should I say, Berabou Man. This battle's just begun. ... Wait. There's something I want to ask you. Not you again. ...I've got nothing to say to you. Wait! I'm not letting you get away! H-hold the phone! Too late. There he goes. Kazama Jin. Who was he, anyway? ... Well, all's well that ends well. Too bad we lost someone along the way. At least things worked out anyway. That's strength in numbers for you! Please wait a moment. I have detected dimensional distortion. What...?! Not another Quake! Here it comes! [scary monsters arrive] What the hell are those?! Monsters! But.... Scythe-Weasels...? If it isn't a page out of Japanese lore. You're right. I remember reading about those when I was little. Right you are. And quite popular in "Isolation Cities". So what're they doing _here_?! And why so many at once? They're still the bad guys, right? So let's get them! KOS-MOS! Analysis? Unknown at present. No life readings. However, they are a different manner of being from the Gnosis. Will bullets work? Physical interaction appears possible. That's all I needed to hear. Same here. If I can kick it or throw it, I'm set. I don't know what they want with us, but... Maybe we should ask. Hey, ghoulies! What do you "haunt"?! Wow, that was _bad_. I believe that type of word-play is inappropriate under the circumstances. Great, the wind-up girl can't take a joke. Anyway, there's no point asking what they want. What they want is to pick a fight. Augh...?! Hmm? Hey! Reiji...? I-I'm all right. Let's do it. [Leilei faces the scythe-weasels] I can't believe they've got knives in both hands! How stupid can these monsters get?! I don't think you're in a position to talk. Well, these're my claws. That means I got nature on my side. [KOS-MOS springs into action] Beginning battle to collect information. [Reiji is troubled by the bad guys] ... What's going on, Reiji? Isn't that scar a good ten years old? If I kept track of how long ago I got every little scar, I'd be old and gray. Look, these are some low-life Scythe-Weasels. Let's just take them down fast. ... (More than the pain... there's something else... What is it?) [more rumbling] Hey Reiji, have you noticed yet? Something's not normal about them. They're looking for something. ... Reiji... what the heck's bothering you?! Those chronic spasms again? ...Nothing's bothering me. And those spasms hit my stomach. (The scar...? ...That was ten years ago...) Um, Mister Arisu? Is something wrong? I've been wondering about that gaudy scar on your head. Don't tell me it opened up during battle?! I've got coagulants. I am unable to detect any bleeding. ....I'm fine. The enemy's not gone yet... worry about them, not me. [bigger bad guys appear] New enemies?! They have no designation, but appear structurally similar to the life forms designated "Scythe-Weasels". Making them enemy reinforcements. Whoa! A blue cow and a... red horse! Reiji! Check them out! They... that can't be! [Ooh, someone from the opening movie!] I wondered where on Earth you had wandered off to... Imagine finding you playing here. A woman!? Whoa, awesome! W-what is? You lot, why don't you head on home? They followed her orders...? Are you one of them?! It's you...! O-ho! So they came here because they found you. Long time no see, little one. Looks like _everything_ about you's as small as ever. Mind your own business, okay? It's not like busting out everywhere makes you all that hot either. ... The same red jacket... Ahhh, I get it. That boy must be your new partner. Heh heh... and _quite_ the stud, too. ... (Ten years, huh... Looks like she hasn't figured out about Reiji yet.) Hey, are you a Dark Stalker? It's like she is, and kinda isn't too. Who knows. We should have a nice long chat next time, little ladies. If I don't hurry now, I'll be late for my date. Don't be ridiculous! It's been ten whole years! What're you doing here now?! Oh, you'll find out soon. Well everyone, take care of yourselves... Hold it. Hmm? What is it, boy? Your date's at Shinra HQ, right? ...! ... Oooh, now don't come and peek. There'll be a wonderful man and a very dangerous date. A man from Shadowloo named Vega. Did you say "Shadowloo"? And what've they got to do with you?! Who knows? Anyway, that's all for today. Later... Yeah. We'll see each other again. I'll be looking forward to it. You look pretty pale, boy. Better get that looked at. W-what was that woman here for? ...She sounded like a real slut... (Is the pot calling the kettle black here...?) ... Reiji... that was... Arisu Reiji... do you know her? Oh, you know. She's only the person who killed my parents. HUH?!? Reiji, stay cool. ....I know how you feel, but... Xiaomu, don't look like that. It's not like you. We're headed to HQ in Roppongi, on the double. Hold it. I don't know who she was, but she's clearly leading you on. Yeah... way too obvious. Dropping keywords like that doesn't just happen. Oh, that woman likes to hear herself talk. I know... I _remember_ that well. ... What's her relation to you? This "killed your parents" business doesn't sound good. I said what I meant. ...Bruce, I've got an emergency here. I'm gonna have to handle the Unified Strategic Forces investigation later. ...Understood. We'll act and judge on our own for now. Huh?! You're not gonna help?! With what? That woman we know nothing about and her pet goon squad? They're nothing to do with us. ... ...That said, the Shadowloo bit bugs me. Wouldn't you agree, Fongling? Hmm... I suppose you're right. We needed to do some checking in Roppongi anyway. Great, a philanthropist. Hey, I'm the donggua, remember? We're coming along as far as HQ too, right? And we're seeing you get there safe, right? Of course we are! I wouldn't want to be left alone either. We're coming too, Mister Arisu. Okay, do as you please. ...But I can't guarantee your safety. I believe everyone here has spoken from an understanding of that fact. Good grief. Okay, fine. Shall we? ... (Reiji... I wanted you to have peace. But I sort of... knew this day would come.) (And I... I may have to tell you the truth...) Is something wrong? This doesn't seem... like you... Huh? No way. Check it out. I'm as pumped up as always! Bring it on whenever, wherever! The enemy have already dispersed. Given our destination is already decided, I believe that statement is inappropriate. Go and ruin my mood why don'tcha! Little miss killjoy robot! [CHAPTER 3. BLAZE! JUSTICE ACADEMY] {20XX A.D., Shibuya, Tokyo} "Designated Isolation City". Is this true? There seems to be faint distortion in the air. Besides... can you feel this "energy"...? ...Yes. "Sorcery", is it not? Sorcery, you say? ...Lately, malicious spirits have run rampant across the entire globe. Malicious spirits... meaning "they who disorder the world of man"? Indeed. I presume this is the spot with the greatest amount of sorcery. ...I have fulfilled my half of the bargain. Now it is time for you to fulfill yours, and tell me the truth. The truth? What we just discussed is all of it. ...The distant future... the future you claim you time slipped from. Do you expect me to believe such nonsense? "Time slip" - that is, time-space travel. Labeling my words as "nonsense" is your prerogative. But do you actually believe that a man claiming the Bushin-Ryuu would lie in that fashion? ... That you and I met in that place called "Metro City" is somehow fated. Is it not that realization that prompted you to lead me here? It is as you say. Quantities of sorcery never before seen. A rash of unsolved incidents. And visitors from other worlds through this "time slip" you speak of. Too many anomalies... and not enough information. At this moment, my allies are elsewhere, gathering information. They are on an isolated island called "Ibis". Have you heard of it? Ibis Island.... there was once a major accident on that island, somehow connected with research on a certain energy source. Energy source? All details are unknown. Or rather, have never been made public. That much is certain. It may well be worth the look. A truly infamous locale, then. I have no choice but to await contact from my captain. However... are there any other places one might go for information? It is a bit of a journey, but there is no place better. ...? The home of the Giwano-Ryuu. Though of a different school than our Bushin-Ryuu, they too bear the ancient blood of the ninja into present days. Their means of information should avail us. ...So, their location? ...Kiin Village, the Justice Private Academy. A house of learning. {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, 59th Floor} Joker... you seem to be having all kinds of trouble. Goodness me, how terribly embarrassing. I was certain the dwellers of the Material World were of no account... I simply cannot understand. Make haste. We only have until the Abyss of Time is opened again. Make haste, to restore my power and smite Gilgamesh... Dear me, what an impatient person. ("Before the Abyss of Time opens again"?) (That he's more worried about the opening than the closing... does this mean something else is still "inside"...?) Ee-hee-hee-hee... just look at you, Joker. I came 'cause I heard there was work, and look who I found. So, you've come. Since you've come this far, there's somewhere else I'd like you to go. Somewhere else? The Material World. How your tastes run I do not know, but there's a very adorable catgirl over there. What, my favorite? Now don't that sound like fun. _That_ is worth slicing up! Ee-hee-hee. I'll be away on business in the Divine World. Have a good trip. The Divine World? You after the goddess Ishtar or something? Ain't going for the big fish first puttin' the cart before the horse? Surely not. Even with all my cute power, I would be no match for her. All I mean to do is watch, very calmly, very quietly, from "beneath". And the mission I'm sending you on is part of that. Sneaking around? I hate that shit. Now now, don't be like that. Well hey, maybe I can carve the story of looking for this little brat into her when I find her. Could be fun. Wonder what that bitch Druaga's expression'll be. Ee-hee-hee. ... What to do with the other women is up to you... But _that_ woman is to be left completely unharmed. That MUST not be violated. Whoa, man, scary. Quit tensin' up on me, I'z just joking. I just do my job around here, see? Ee-hee-hee-hee... ... Well, I thought this would be a bit easier... But maybe it's more fun this way... o ho ho ho. {20XX A.D.... Outside the Gates of Justice Private Academy, Japan} *panting* Wow, we finally made it... *sigh* Phew.... I told you we should have chartered a helicopter. Why should *I* have to be thrown around in a train like the rest of the peasants, and then run a godforsaken marathon? At top speed, no less! Come on, you know we couldn't have waited for a helicopter. Plus, they scare me. Sakura, dear, we are _not_ wild boars. Air travel _is_ the fastest way. Besides, look at this... this Kiin Village. Who in their right mind would build a school in a god-forsaken spot like this?! You're letting more and more of your prejudices slip, you know. I mean hey, that clown monster thing vanished along the way, and we actually made it, didn't we? I swear, this girl... (It's as though she's already forgotten the fact that that clown was _after_ her life.) Anyway, I gotta call Professor Shimazu. Well, you're correct that we've got to get proof quickly now that we have some idea what's behind the "sleeping sickness". Right on! And Teach said to let him know the moment we found out anything. ...Oh well. So, Sakura. Do you have an "appo"? Huh? We're _only_ dealing with one of the cornerstones of Justice Academy. Raising a fuss at the gates is no way to get through. So first, we've got to use an appo to... E-errr, ummm.... is this some pro wrestling thing? An APPO! A-P-P-O-I-N-T-M-E-N-T! A meeting arrangement! Umm... Think it'll be okay if I don't? I swear, this girl.... {Material World, Outside the Gates of Justice Academy, Japan} I declare. Handling everything directly is one of your strong points, but I do wish you would plan a bit farther ahead. Hey, don't make me blush. That wasn't a compliment. Anyways, don't get so upset, Kanzuki. We're here, let's do what we can. We can just, like, yell "please" and pound on the door. Wait a minute. We can solve all this with a simple phone call. Oh, right. By the way, let me point out that it's _Sunday_. We have no idea if any of the teachers are even here. ...Oh? What's wrong? I can't get through. How could that be in this day and age? Nothing else for it then. Wait a moment, Sakura. ...? ... Um... what happened? How very peculiar. I couldn't get through on the dedicated satellite line either. How is that possible? ... ...?! Sakura, what is it all of a sudden? Something's wrong, Karin. Eh? Monsters! They're not the ones whose presence I just felt!? ...Which means they came with that clown! Sakura, it seems they're after you for real this time. Well, aren't I little Miss Popularity. One might have preferred some ordinary gentlemen to this lot. Let's go! Right! (That presence I felt... it wasn't these monsters...) (What was it...?) [battle the spherical monsters] These things simply never look worried! ...And look, there's a great big one... I think they're kinda cute. Not again. Anyway, let's get rid of them! [enemies dwindle] There's too few of them. You're right. It's like they're... watching us. ...Watching us? Ee-hee-hee-hee, well ain't you sharp, little girlie. Where are you?! Get out here on the double! Ee-hee-hee, I got it, you must be the "sacrifice". And you must be friends with that clown. Clown? Oh, you must mean that dumbshit Joker. I wouldn't say "friends".... Call us business partners. Name's Janga. I was hopin' you'd come with me, missy. Are you kidding? Ever since I was a kid, everyone told me not to go around with strangers. Hey, s'okay to bend the rules every now an' again. Nothin' wrong with experiencin' a bit of... stuff. ...Well this certainly won't do. Trying to seduce young girls at the very gates of a hallowed house of learning. If you want to woo women, I suggest something a bit more intelligent next time. Huh?!? Who might you be?! Monsters, here? I see, so this is what all that ruckus was. Hey, it's Professor Shimazu! And professor Minazuki! Well, that certainly simplifies matters, doesn't it? Aren't you... from South Tamagawa High? Yes sir! We've gotta tell you something about the "sleeping sickness"! "Sleeping sickness"?! Don't tell me you found out what causes it?! Less a discovery of _what_ the cause is, and more a discovery of the agent of its dispersal. A companion of that filthy were-cat over there, in fact. "Agent"...? Do you mean to tell me this disease is being spread manually? Yo yo, quit chewin' the fat with my prey, old man! This is one were-cat who apparently hasn't learned that we don't interrupt when others are talking. Hey, keep sticking your nose where it don't belong with this "sense of justice" shit, and yer gonna get hurt. Ee-hee... This is nothing to do with justice or evil. Protecting students is the duty of every teacher! Professor Shimazu... I hardly think we're weak enough to need protecting. Children are supposed to listen when adults talk. Well then, Professor Hideo. Let's do it, Professor Kyouko! This's all BULLSHIT! [the teachers enter the ring] My, how cute. You mustn't be fooled by appearances. This perilous atmosphere has my hairs on end. I know. Judging on appearances is a good way to get hurt. And that applies to us too. [our girls face the kitty cat] Hey, I'm sure they won't mind if I chop off a little extra here and there. Where's that clown?! Is he the one causing the "Sleeping Sickness"? No fucking idea. Come quiet-like and you might get to meet him. E-err... Sakura! Don't fall for something _that_ moronic! We kick his ass, then beat it out of him. Got it? [Janga gets punished a bit] Hey, you ain't half bad... Just think of this as me havin' a bit of fun. Do you seriously expect to defeat us with that kind of naivete? Like hell you're gonna haul me off that easy! This needn't mean your life! Leave here at once! Oh, and before you go, why not tell us about this "sleeping sickness", okay, kitten? Yer startin' to piss me off, getting all high and mighty just cause there's more of you than there are of me. I swear, I can't fucking stand these pissants. Fuck this! This shit's only happening cause that dumb fuck told me to haul your ass back alive and not kill it instead! Hmm?! I'm doing this _my_ way! Ain't no one gonna complain's long as I leave a few of you alive. Looks like he's lost it. Now you get to find out why they call me Janga the Poison Claw! (He feels different...?) [reinforcements!] Huh?! More enemies?! What are monsters like that doing in front of our school?! The timing's too good. (Joker's hired help, huh?) (That bastard... bet he expected this from square one.) (Shit, I hate doing this, but I guess I better put 'em to good use.) Oh, I almost forgot. These guys're really handy with curses. Bet it'd be fun if they got through that gate. Ee-hee-hee. Hold it right there! Do you think we would permit that?! Through that gate are 448 students...! FUCK if I care! Dumbass!! I'm calling the fucking shots, old man! Now get lost! Grr..rrr.... Course, you could always hand over the girls and I'll go easy on you. ...Urgh... Not like I care. Come with me on your own two feet, or like a corpse. Don't matter none to me. I can't believe this...! [attack of the flying ninja death squad] What villainy! What depravity! ...?! ...Never have I seen inequity like this! I shall assist you! Hey, what the fuck's your problem?! Who are you people? That red dogi...! You're a practitioner of Bushin-Ryuu ninjutsu... Gai, if I'm not mistaken. ...Indeed. I have come seeking master Giwano Raizou. I am honor bound to assist! B-Bushin-Ryuu? Bushin-Ryuu Ninjutsu! Principal Raizou has told me of you. "When those who would disorder the world of man appear, they are the war god's shadow." You're well informed. They, like Giwano-Ryuu, are one of the ninja schools handed down since antiquity. That the Bushin-Ryuu have shown themselves means... ...that a grave enough threat to world order has appeared. You too? My name is Ninja Commando Shou! I, too, adhere to Bushin-Ryuu! I don't know what the hell they're talking about, but I just got me more small fish to fry. What a fucking pain in the ass...! A pain in the goddamn ASS, got it?! A "pain in the ass"? Such things are irrelevant to battle. Only "victory" and "defeat" - "life" and "death" exist! Test your might on me! [ninjas versus beasties] Don't get careless, Gai. These are no mere dumb beasts - I see in them considerable intelligence! Yes. These creatures come from outside this world's sphere of logic. I intend them no quarter! [kitty versus teachers] Yo, what's with the old fart all trying to act hot?! Age has nothing to do with fighting to protect what is important! See, that's the shit I hate the most! That's what's so wonderful about you, little kitten. Huh? P-Professor Kyouko? Oh, nothing. Shall we, Professor Hideo? [down with kitty!] W-what the hell...?! Those who disorder the world shall be struck down! W-wait up! Stop! M-my bad, okay? I'm sorry! Gimme a break! You should finish him off. Wait, the battle's already over! Naive, little girl. Behold his eyes - this one must be put to death at once. Hold on a moment. We have some questions for this kitten. Indeed. Besides, laying hands on the defenseless is... ... Naive! Right! FUCK NAIVE!! Oww! Sakura?! I don't fucking care anymore! Go to hell, bitch!!! [a shadow crosses the battlefield] ...!! O-owww..... Who... the FUCK... are you...?! Grr....rrrargh!! Wretched, misbegotten filth. Shame on your misdeeds! Begone, degenerate! I remember your face now!! ... (_He's_ the one I felt...) ...W-who are you? (What incredible bloodlust he possesses...!) All of you are in danger! Withdraw! ... ...Gouki... You, Master of the Fist - what is the meaning of this? "The Master of the Fist"...?! Impossible! U-um... ... Thank you for saving me. (How...calm.) Girl... go to Roppongi. ...?! ...There awaits a man you must meet. A man I must meet...? Could it be?! ... ...Is "he" in Roppongi...? [CHAPTER 4. THE WOMAN FROM "TEN YEARS AGO"] {20XX A.D., Roppongi, Japan} Are we _there_ yet? Felicia, you've been saying that every five minutes. We'll be there in a jiffy. Looks like these so-called "stars" lack patience. This is nothing compared to walking a half day straight through jungle and badlands. Hey, it's not just stars. _Normal_ people wouldn't be doing crazy stuff like that! Now that you mention it, could I get an autograph or something? Assuming your manager doesn't mind. ...I'm not her manager. Gee, what a lively bunch we've got here. ...Yeah, and we stand out like a handful of sore thumbs. Anyway, Xiaomu... how about it? No dice. I still can't get through to HQ. Damn... What the hell's going on...? Most unfortunate, really. I seem to recall that lady who brought the monsters saying she was headed in the direction of "Shinra" too. That big-breasted one sure seemed like she had something going on with Reiji. Umm, maybe... a forgirl? Forgirl? I believe that is a contraction for "former girlfriend". If, during cross-gender courtship, trouble should arise between the man and the woman... ...the woman is apparently known by this moniker to the man. Ah, I get it. Thank you, KOS-MOS. (How the heck did that get in her database...?) Hey, over there. We've heard enough of that. That's... not how I know her. ... ...I don't care if you don't want to talk about it, but I'd like you to make one thing clear. ...She _is_ the "enemy", right? ...There's no doubt about that. It's just that I'd like to settle the score with her with my own hands. Reiji, don't get so obsessed. No good can... come of it... ... This really is serious, isn't it? Huh? What's with the whispering? Well, Miss Xiaomu seems really hip, right? But when it comes to whatever happened with that woman, she clams right up... So... what does that mean? I see... you mean she used to be his... and now...? Smells fishy to me... So there must have been some kinda major breakup? And that's what makes her get so serious? I hear you guys, 'kay? U-um, f-for real? Yo, little girl, you sure you know what that means? 'Course that's not it! I swear, what is it with girls and all this dreaming about romance stuff... (I don't want to get them mixed up in it... but at this rate I don't think I can avoid it.) (I've got to settle things with that woman... pronto!) {Meanwhile, in the South Sea, on the Isolated Ibis Island] (Ibis Island... No one's wanted to come all the way out here since that "Third Energy Overload" business. And to think something so interesting would be happening here.) (This will work to my advantage... and bring me that much closer to perfecting the Psychodrive.) Heh heh... I never expected to find you here... Isn't changing the location of a date at the last minute against the rules? Hmph. This happened because you took your damn sweet time showing up. I'm a busy man. Well, what a terrible thing to say, after calling me all the way out to this hot, humid, _un_romantic island. Oh, about this island... Did you know that thanks to the Quakes, you can see all sorts of visitors from other worlds here? And from time to time... space can get very distorted. All kinds of things can happen here, you know? I'm well aware of that. ...With monsters like you roaming around already, this place is hardly shocking. (...Like he can talk.) So tell me, you _are_ going to destroy a certain organization that keeps getting underfoot, right? Well, not not exactly _destroy_ it. Just let me handle it. I've already sent my best troops where you told me to. From the latest reports, only two Shinra agents are out and about... The rest are cooped up in their headquarters. (...The pipsqueak and that boy, huh?) Don't let this opportunity slide. Go. ...Failure will not be tolerated. Yes SIR, Lord Vega! Gee, don't I sound just like a Shadowloo elite? Don't forget what you've promised when I succeed. _If_ you succeed. Inhospitable to a fault. Every inch the evil overlord. Very well, my lord, I'm off! And stuff. Heh heh. Hmph! I'll share no secrets of Psychodrive with some unpredictable monster like you. {Meanwhile, In Roppongi, Japan} These girls can sure run fast...! I told you to halt! ...How persistent. We've received a transmission from Lord Vega. We are to carry out our mission at once. Acknowledged. ...This woman is responsible for our timetable beginning to slip. She has become an obstacle. Recommend complete elimination. ...Remove all sources of distress, is it? Eliminate her. Mission acknowledged. Mission: acknowledged. Looks like they're finally ready to get it on. (But, three on one. Can I do it?) Come on now, how many old friends am I gonna run into today? What...?! Yeah. ...Hey, you okay? Yo! Long time no see, sis! You look well, Chunli. Ken... and Ryuu!? What're you two doing here?! Personal data match: Ken Masters. The other is... Ryuu. Hey, save the autograph stuff for later. Ken, those shoulder pads... Heh heh, yeah I know. What the hell is Shadowloo using children like these for? Remove them. {Material World, In Front of Shinra Headquarters] Ryuu, Ken, what _are_ you doing here?! ...I met Him. ..."Him"? Don't be grandiose, Ryuu, spit it out. Don't you get it? There's only one man that makes Ryuu get that look on his face. Don't tell me...! You saw the... the "Master of the Fist"?! ... This makes it twice now. So, we ran into some trouble on this boat, and after we got our butts out of it and went to our master's grave... there he was. Time is running short. Forward. Acknowledged. Mission: acknowledged. Looks like there's no time to chat. Oh? The rest's short. The bastard just said "Go to Roppongi". Here? Why here of all places? ...I don't know. If nothing else, you're here. ... Okay, _now_ let's save the rest. Those missies over there look ready to throw down. And if there's one thing that messes up a good fat-chewing session, it's bloodlust. ...Indeed. Let's do it. ... (Gouki... What is it you want me to see? What do you... want me to do?) [Ken tangles with with the spandex squad] Hey, you're all pretty cute up close. Let's not fight here, okay? ... ... Just eliminate him. Well, I knew you'd say that... But once I get started, I can't hold back. [Chunli does her part] Where's Vega? ... ... We are not obligated to answer that. That man wouldn't have you three hanging around here for nothing. There's something special about this place, isn't there? We are not obligated to answer that. Then I'll have to use force, won't I? [Ryuu next] Come...! ... ... (What is this... disturbance in their ki?) ... Looks like you're the only one I can actually chat with. ...What are you waiting for? ... You said you wanted to eliminate us. But I certainly don't sense that you're serious about it. I am not obligated to answer that. [rumble, rumble] Hey, these three have better moves than I thought. ... ... Something bothers me about them. Yeah. Hmm? What? It feels like they're not stepping into their punches. Half the impact is gone. This's the first time they've fought us. They're just trying to get their range right I bet. Yes... range. It feels less like they're fighting to win... and more like they're waiting for something. Is it time? Very soon. I have detected a different person than my data. Situational analysis: numerous targets approaching. What...? [newcomers aplenty] Umm... this is the place, right? It certainly seems that way. Especially given some familiar faces I see. Hey, Ryuu! It's that young lady from the Kanzuki Conglomerate, plus... Sakura?! Ryuu! It's Ryuu! The man that scary guy told me to meet really _was_ Ryuu! And Chunli's here too! Sakura?! And Ken Masters too. This is what I call an embarrassment of riches. I wouldn't mind getting back for the defeat he handed me. Ah, so I'm just an afterthought here, huh? Sorry to tell you this, young lady, but you'll have to take a number. This ain't the time for a friendly round of beating each other's brains in. ... Are you fighting? ...With those tiny little girls? This kids are special agents produced by a certain syndicate. I suggest you don't take them at face value. I want the civilians out of here, now! I assume you mean the secret Shadowloo Society? ...?! If so, I would hardly consider myself uninvolved. How dare the Shadowloo think they can threaten Kanzuki? T-they did? Target confirmed as the next head of the Kanzuki family: Kanzuki Karin. Kanzuki Karin: Registered target for assassination. This isn't what I was told... what's going on? Looks like you were waiting for the wrong people. We should end this fast. If this gets any worse, it'll be damn hard to capture them unhurt. And even if not, it'll take a lot of work. If Ryuu's fighting, so will I! They're bad girls, right? ...What do you think, Professor Hideo? ...They may be from another school, but a student is a student. And I won't let them get mixed up in any mystery syndicate's schemes! Well, that settles it. Thank you, Professor Shimazu, Professor Minazuki...! I declare, what a pair of nursemaids. Speaking of which... what became of those two ninja anyway? They said something came up, and vanished. Something about an "Eye.bis Eye Land"... (...Ibis Island?) While unforeseen, battle will continue until execution of the plan. Acknowledged. Mission: acknowledged. Looks like they're headed our way. But we outnumber them... isn't this mere bullying on our part? I wonder if we can't somehow persuade them... Hey, Teach, don't be so naive. Right. Look at their eyes. The syndicate specially trained them as assassins - that's who they really are. So we've got to fight them to save them... Unfortunate, but unavoidable, Professor Hideo. ... [the enemy pounces anew] Huh?! What's that?! Monsters! Yeah, and a different type than what we saw on the boat. And there's an awful lot of them. ...They're here. (_This_ is what they were waiting for?! What does Shadowloo have to do with monsters like these?!) [Reiji and friends show up] Damn, they really are being held inside! Gee, another deluxe platter we've got here... It's dangerous here! You mustn't... Hey, it's that karate man from back there?! Plus the champ! We meet again! What _is_ it today? Even fate couldn't fix things like this. Chunli...?! Is that you, Chunli?! Well, if it isn't Fongling! What's Security doing here?! I might ask you the same question. ...We've got business with those girls. ... Those shoulder pads... I see, they're Shadowloo agents. Those are the people we met in Shibuya right after coming to this world, right? So, I figured something like this would happen... But man, an uproar like this right in front of HQ? Not to mention all the familiar faces. The better question is... where's everyone else? The other members must realize what's going on around here... Hmm? Now that you mention it... you're right. What are they, asleep at the switch? Please exercise caution. A time-space distortion field is present at the center of this area. Wait, KOS-MOS?! Does that mean we'll be...? It appears not to affect life forms. But due to the directed distortion field, entry into this area from a specific direction is impossible. I don't think I got that. It means you've got to follow a specific route to get here. Don't be absurd! This is the twenty first century! Not some cheap sci-fi novel... Yes, it is. At least, from what I saw at the Third Energy lab. What I want to know is, how is that possible without some kind of machinery? It can be done with sorcery or Mysticism. Right. Anakaris was good at that stuff. The Way of Ying-Yang includes a similar technique. My dad told me all about how skilled the "Ouma" were at it. The "Ouma"...! Is _that_ why the streets around the Mishima Building and the Namco Theater were empty?! That's right. That's goddamn right. Rrrgh... Okay, get your ass out here! We fell for your trap hook, line and sinker! Reiji?! [enemy lady, back on the scene] Come on, little boy, no need to proclaim it so loudly. A bit uncool, I'd say. ...Like I care. I've got a job to do. ...Let's settle this right here, right now. Ooh, I love a young man who loves his job. What a fine partner you've got, little one. Hmph... you still haven't figured it out, have you? ...? How long do you insist on wasting our time? How will you take responsibility for leading them here? Oh come now, don't be so angry. Good to see you so hard at work. These are Vega's orders. I'm not here for a bitch like you. ....Wait, what're we talking about now? Who's that lady...? D-drat... I'm having trouble keeping my eyes on my work... That lady is the monsters' commander. Though she certainly is easy on the eyes... ha ha ha... Professor Hideo... Mister Nakamura... N-no no no, that's not what I meant! R-r-right! Ahem. What's certain is that we must fight her. Well then - Trans...form! Berabou... at your service! U-umm.... T-transfooooorm! Wonder Momo.... will do her best! My, how adorable. Is _that_ how you got into that outfit? ...Seemed a bit awkward, but hey. Well, I'm not used to transforming yet, and... So, we're sure that this is the enemy? Can't you feel it, Ken? I can't sense any ki flowing from her at all... What I sense is something else... some other kind of waves... What a very interesting thing to say. Hmmmm.... so there's something within you too, I'd say. Maybe that's how you knew. Maybe. Huh? Mister... Ryuu? (...That little...) ... Well, whatever. Let's get this show on the road then. We've already bought a lot of time - now we just need a little more. What did you say?! Understood. Advance. Acknowledged. Acknowledged: continuing combat. Buying time...?! What, your contract with Shadowloo has a time limit or something? ... That's not it. It's just like back "then"...! We fucking blew it...! Everyone, after that woman! We're probably already almost too late! Hurry! It can't be! Huh? Huh? What's going on? I don't understand. What do you mean too late?! Just do it! Get her! My, it's such a sin to be this popular. (Why didn't I realize sooner...?!) (Is what happened then, ten years ago, repeating?!) [main characters clash with the new lackeys] Great, a high level weasel beastie. I've seen them before, and they're always trouble. We've got no time to waste on them. We're only after... her! [Xenosaga crew do too] Is it just me, or are there more of them every time we see them? This is the first time we've seen an orange one... Momo, keep gathering data on them. Here we go...! Got it! [Shadowloo girls beginning to falter] Difficulty continuing combat. Retreating as per original plan. Original...? Hold it! ... Gee, we've lost so many of the poor little scythe guys. Those monsters are of no help whatsoever. Battle status: disadvantaged. Well, they _did_ try. Looks like the time has come. Damn, time's up...! What's got you so riled up? Yeah! We've got the upper hand! That ain't the problem! Hey, robot smart-mouth over there! What's the space-time situation?! Huh? Who's she taking to...? The spacetime distortion has enlarged. Exact boundaries impossible to calculate. ... I knew it...! Bad news kiddies, what's she's after is...! HURRY! Get her!! It's a shame to do this without telling you my name, but it really is game over time. You kids, get lost. And say hi to your boss for me. Acknowledged. Retreating. (Why is Lord Vega working with someone like her...?) Acknowledged: retreating. They ran away...? Hold it! Bruce, we've got to take care of this first! Follow them and you'll get cut down. I swear, you really are a donggua. At least think that far ahead! ...You really are a donggua! Man, I haven't heard the word "donggua" in ages. If the goddamn People's Republic would _kindly_ shut up! She let her companions escape...! Bruce, we need everyone after her! Don't try to pursue the Shadowloo agents! (Shit... we're not gonna make it!) [schoolgirls charge!] My my, how brave. You little ladies are adorable. Oh, not really. Sakura... Just kidding! I know she's dangerous! Heh... [a lesson from the teachers on "kamaitachi"] Is this a Japanese monster?! A Scythe-Weasel... just as its name implies. A weasel with scythes... or rather, that was the image they came up with later. Oh? Really? If a man wields a sword, he's a "Swords-Man". It was originally read in a single breath, strong enough to open wounds by its very sound, but the pronunciation was mangled to "Scythe-Weasel". Ah, and they came up with the image afterwards. I see now. Wow, I didn't know that! Did you, Kanzuki, did you? ...Sakura. Okay, I get it. Geez. Professor, don't let it beat you! [Ken enters combat too] Hey there, little lady. I bet you're planning something really bad, aren't you? Gee, what _are_ you talking about? You don't gotta play dumb. What you said to Ryuu... do you realize what you're talking about? Hmmm, good question. What do you think? ... [More from Reiji and Xiaomu] Heh heh, you're really getting into this. Did you become a fan of mine, little boy? Say what you want. I'm going to destroy you, no matter what. Ooh, I haven't had anyone say that to me in a long time. In fact, it was a Shinra agent, and he really did destroy me. Mind you, that agent died. ... ...I hadn't expected you to take that so calmly. ...? Who cares. Let's do it. (That scar on his head.... no, it couldn't be...) [super heros in action] We're gonna defeat you! You talk pretty big, considering your lousy transformation. I-I just haven't practiced enough! Don't let her get you into her pace. You're the one who was undressing me with his eyes. Well, you see... that is... Of course I was. I have to content myself with this battle, after all. I think I like you. Bring it on, hero. [is the mystery lady defeated?] I... O-oh no....! We got you...! ...and just in time too. Man, I was worried there for a sec... That's the three-count. Battle's over. I've got a lot to ask you. U-umm... Are you... really his... forgirl? You call _that_ your first question?! Tell us about your connection to Shadowloo. Also, Vega's whereabouts.... You'll talk even if we have to use force...! Hey, calm down. Yes, do calm down. ...I guess it's too late. W-what'd you say?! It's too late, little boy. W-what is going on?! T-the time-space distortion is.... coming from that central fountain...! What?! Not from... within HQ underground?! You planned this, didn't you, you fink! Heh.. heh heh heh... What do you mean "planned"? This was the _plan_ the whole time! C-can't... move... P-Professor... Kyouko... W-what on earth is this... light... What?!? P-Professor Shimazu! Professor Minazuki! Sakura! We've got to get out of- A-ah!!! Ryuu!! W-what's going on?! They... vanished?! Yo, what the hell's going on! Explain! Very well. The spacetime distortion field has altered the horizon of baseline reality, in other words... K... KOS-MOS! That was too long! I didn't get a thing! W-whoa...! Felicia! Hang onto me! I-it can't be! Momo, situation report! What on earth is...? Uuum, w-well, you see... That didn't help either! We've gotta run! This way! A-ahhhh!! Fongling!? Is _this_.... is this what Shadowloo wanted?! Shit! What the hell is this?! (Gouki...!) (Is this what you wanted me to do?! Even at the cost of involving those girls?!) Oh... shit...! Can't... fucking... move... It's like the waves are... drawing us... in... Just like at the lab on... Ibis Island...! Everyone! Oh my God...! Mister... Berabou! Kanda... Momo.... How could I... involve you in something like this.... Arr...rrgh... Boy, you're the last ones. And little one? I win this time. Don't... be so... sure... ...? It was like this "last time" too... Put a Dimension Seal on Shinra HQ... and with no interference... you do the laundry... You got it. To Ouma members like me, you Shinra are the biggest- -Hey, wait a minute! How'd you know about "then", about what happened ten years ago?! Yes... it's been... ten years. The blink of an eye to us. But ten years means something different to the humans. Even though time healed his wound, the meaning behind it... never changed...! Ten years... and that "scar"... boy, you... can't be...! Rrrr....rrargh! He can move inside the Dimension Seal? ...Ten whole years. What'd you think I was teaching him all this time, how to knit?! I didn't... I didn't forget that battle either! ... ...You're the one person I...! My, what a surprise... I stuck my "Edge" right into your head, and yet you survived. The little boy's grown up to be quite a man. I went on living for this moment. Are you sure about this, boy? You know what happens if you pull the trigger now, don't you? ... The Dimension Seal gets cancelled. And all that power has to find somewhere else to go. No telling what happens then... And that includes all those friends who just got blown elsewhere. ...And if I said I'd pull the trigger anyway? Heh heh, no, you couldn't pull it. Not as long as the blood of Arisu Shougo flows in your veins. ... And that... is why he died... ......... Dad... I'm sorry. Reiji!! Why didn't you fire! We... we've never had a chance like this before! ... See? I told you. How does this naivete get around? Genetics? ...Maybe it does. But that naivete destroyed you once... and severed the biggest Quake of them all. ...! This time's no different. You... you'll be destroyed in the end. And I'll be the one pulling the final trigger. ... You _have_ become quite the man, haven't you. Enough for a girl like me to fall for. ...My name's Saya. Boy, what's yours? ...Reiji. Arisu Reiji. I'll have to remember that, boy. I think this's the last time we'll ever meet, but if this ever happens again... Maybe I will let you pull the trigger last. Isn't that... felicitous. [CHAPTER 5. A DEVIL'S GENES] {Divine Realm, Temple of Ishtar} U-...uhhhh.... I think he woke up! Arisu! Where am I...? Uhhh... Show me that scar. ...Deep, but very old. I don't think it opened... Are you okay? You don't haveta worry that much. He's just taking his sweet time getting up. This guy's _always_ had the hardest time getting out of bed. Needs me to get him up every day. Whoa, that's a surprise. I kinda figured it was the other way around. Heh heh, don't be too quick to judge. It's only cause she hangs out on the Internet all night... ...and then sleeps all day. Not something I'd be proud of. Good to see we're back to normal. You were the last ones to appear here... are you sure you're okay? Appear? ...Right! Where are we?! We have no bloody idea. Well, the buildings look kinda Greek, don'tcha think? Check out that chair over there. ....I'm not so certain about that. Though it's clear we're no longer in Japan. And what of that throne-like object? Hmm.... Looks like my cel phone's out of range... Or maybe it's being jammed? All radio frequencies are clear. More precisely, I cannot detect any radio frequency energy at all. Specifically, I detect the complete absence of all radio traffic. Complete absence? How could that be? Even the airwaves of South America's jungles are full of radio waves nowadays. What KOS-MOS is saying... is true. I can't sense any radio traffic either. I guess that leaves one explanation. Do you know what's going on? Remember those out-of-this-world monsters? Flip that. ...? She means that _we_ have come to their world. What?! There is such a thing?! ...Where do you think _you_ came from? Oh. Right. ....But I didn't come from this place. This must be yet another world. You mean... a "Dimensional Transfer"? No way... Once upon a time, a certain experiment in energy generation made things from the distant past, sixty five million years ago, appear in modern times. It can happen. Third Energy, huh? If these "dimensional walls" are what separate past and future... I don't see why getting thrown into another world couldn't happen. I don't get it. So, what made us come here? Hey, Ryuu... ...huh? Ryuu?! Ryuu's... not here?! What, didn't _all_ of us get sent here?! What...?! Who was there in Roppongi who isn't here now?! Chunli's not here either. Neither is Ken Masters. There are no other life signs in the vicinity. Aiyaa, looks like they got lost. No way... and after I finally got to meet him! I sure hope he's okay... Now, now... why don't we leave this place and search? Maybe we'll figure out what to do next, and... Ken and Ryuu, was it? Perhaps they're somewhere nearby? Good thinking. Since there seems to be nobody here, action is our only option. My, you make it sound so easy. Not that we have any other choice. I'm worried about Ryuu and the others. Let's hurry! Yeah... nothing for it but to pool our info and figure out what the heck's going on. Including your relationship with that enemy woman. Right, your... forgirl? What're you talking about? Her?? Gimme a break. But didn't Xiaomu step in after...? Man, Reiji, you must be really obsessed. So what you're saying is, he got totally dumped, and went after the total opposite woman instead? Ah, I get it. Man, this is deep. Hey, guys? Give it a rest, okay? (Totally dumped? That ain't the half of it...) {Infernal World... Throne Room, Infernal Village} Well, that's about the size of it... Things have become quite interesting, Emperor Astaroth. So, the door to the Material World has finally opened? Now we can travel freely between the four realms. That Material World has many amusements. I enjoyed it immensely. There were many life forms brimming with unforeseen potential. You mean those beings possessing the "Devil Factor" that this Zabel brought back? ...! What...? News certainly travels fast for you, I see. This man... Mishima or whatever... may be a dweller of the Material World, but his "Devil Factor" makes him very close to us. Is that so? And? I thought that was interesting, so I had him bodily abducted, but... ...But? Did something happen? Perhaps the word is... awakening... Maybe it was the energies of the Infernal World.... No sooner had he regained consciousness, than he went and flew off somewhere. After going on a righteous little rampage. Rampage, you say? I declare, I was amazed by his power. Certainly far too good to simply let escape. Of course, part of that was the carelessness of Druaga's guards. ...Not that I was counting on them for much. Joker, aren't you one of Druaga's servants? You sure as hell don't sound like it. Do you plan on reporting that to Lord Druaga? I wouldn't have figured you for a tattle-tale... Oh ho ho ho. ...Hmph. Heh heh.... that is of no concern. I think I'll make this Mishima mine. That's about the size of it. I believe you'd do well to listen. Oh ho ho ho ho. If Your Excellence will excuse me. This Tower of Druaga... must be dealt with sooner or later. Perhaps I should hasten a few of my pawns... Red Aleemar Joker... Lord Astaroth... I will be tailing "that man". He still concerns you? Leave him be - his day is over. This Infernal Village has garnered the power of that accursed Druaga, capable of repulsing even the Maiden Knight... No lone knight could stand in our way. You are to look after Mishima. Your lordship, I have already sent my men after him. I shall embark. Hard-headed as always. Why must he get so obsessed? {Divine World, Temple of Ishtar} Hmmm... we're not making any headway. I just don't get it... ...But one thing's clear - we are _not_ in Kansas anymore. This is one fine mess that fox lady got us into. That woman... who is she? ...The enemy. Momo... everyone has things they'd rather not talk about. I... understand. ... Heat sources approaching. Apparently separate from the returned reconnaissance group. Maybe they found something? We're back. Thanks for your help, Nakamura. So, any luck? Like I _told_ you, that won't turn him on! Yeah, well... forcing things underground all the time ain't love either. You've got to look where your partner's going too. So, as long as they like each other, age won't matter any more, right? AH hah hah hah! Momo, you are _soo_ naive! (Don't tell me they haven't dropped that yet.) Hey, kiddies, you _are_ actually searching stuff, right? Please don't misunderstand. Well, _I_ certainly can't tell if they're serious or not. At least three of us have kept our eyes open... We're back. Not a trace of anyone... it's like a world of solitude. No dice... How'd it go? Just as Sakura said. Where the heck are we, anyway? That said, the air is unbelievably clear, and beautiful Mother Nature is everywhere. I must say I'm quite fond of this place. I wouldn't mind taking another walk around... just the two of us. P-Professor Kyouko? W-well.... my goodness....ha ha ha.... M-mister Arisu... Don't say another word. I get it. I wish people would get a bit more uptight about all this... There is no need to worry about that. It looks like we've got no choice but to worry... Say what? What're those? Enemies?! They certainly don't look like good neighbors. Felicia, have you seen these guys before? Nope, not these masked guys. But it sure feels like they wanna hurt us... Insufficient historical data about these adversaries. What a pain...! Just be grateful they didn't attack when we were all split up. Let's do it. We might just learn something out of all this. [Xenosaga girls attack] These adversaries are a different type from any we have faced. These're like some kind of floating mask... What is it with this world? But Shion, what about those blobby gel monsters? As long as physical attacks have an effect, I do not believe the enemy's form matters. She's got a point. You two catch on pretty quick... [the return of the karate guy] Heat source approaching. Well, this _is_ enemy territory. Can you tell how many there are? One. One?! Finally, another person... Hmm?! A young man? He certainly _appears_ human. You never know, Professor Hideo. It could be a monster in human form... Kazama Jin! You again?! He sure has a thing for dramatic entrances. Don't tell me he was waiting for this moment. No, just coincidence. What do you mean, "coincidence"? Where have you been? I have absolutely no idea. I've been walking for nearly two hours... U-umm...! You didn't happen to see a couple guys in white and red karate outfits, did you? Or a girl in a blue china dress? Huh? Those two karate guys we saw on the boat. You probably don't know the china dress chick. No, you're the first people I've met. Apart from that... Those round things...! It's those cute monsters that keep popping up! Damn, they followed me. These things started following me as soon as they saw me. They're the only other thing I've seen. Ah yes. Please tell me one thing. What became of the man you were chasing away from the Mishima Building - the one with a black suit like mine? I followed him all the way to Shibuya... and then lost him. And then my vision got blurry all of a sudden, and the next thing I knew, I was here. (Shibuya?!) We should save the rest for later. I don't know what's going on, or where we are, but our enemies are clear. You're right, King. Let's kick their butts! Yeah. I'm responsible for leading them here anyway. I want in on the fighting. ... Whaddya think, Reiji? Why Shibuya...? That Dimension Seal should only affect a limited area. Maybe this's an exception? Or maybe it's 'cause he's special... Now you've got me curious. Is he one cool dude or what? [our superheroes fight the balloon monsters] These opponents... that round clown brought them, didn't he? Perhaps this really is his home ground. Some of them have shields and... missiles... Well, our arsenal includes extending limbs and throwing rings after all. It's only fair. [o/~ I'm blue, da ba dee da ba da...] ... A... demon?! About time somebody looked the part around here. Now _this_ is more like what I expected from the first level of Hell. Huh?! Is this the first layer of Hell?! I can't entirely refute that anymore. Sakura, concentrate. It certainly is a demon. ...But, where have I seen...? ...It's you! At last I'm free... It can talk...? Looks like it's not like the others. I bet this thing's gonna be real trouble. You know this thing? No, but I sense an awful lot of power in it. Demitri? His head's similar, but that's not him. It is likely human. Huh?! Wait a second, KOS-MOS. Just look at it! That's gotta be... Structural composition is a 78% human match. Other features impossible to analyze. U-ummm.... Maybe he's... cosplaying? Judging from his structural makeup, perhaps he's something like a cyborg. ...That's not what he is. Wait a sec, you know this guy? ... More of them?! And all with wings! I'd say... all of them seem like "demons" too. Plus some skeletons. What the hell? They don't appear to be acting like his companions, however. ...Stay out of my way. I wish to test this power... Yes... there is a worthy opponent here. You, Kazama Jin. Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. Looks like there's some history here. (Huh? Don't that demon and the kid look kinda alike?) Well, we know it's an enemy at least. ...Guess we've gotta settle this by force. Let's do it! Yes... come and get me...! It's on! ... Mishima Kazuya... tell me one thing. Why did you... why did you assume that form, and appear here...?! It's been a very long time... waiting for my Factor to awaken...! Mishima...?! Now I remember. My godfather, the previous King, once told me about a master of Mishima-Ryuu Karate...! I've seen the files. Mishima Conglomerate's "Cold-Blooded Heir"... Apparently even his father had some trouble with him at one point. However... Right. Almost twenty years ago, Mishima Kazuya entered the King of Iron Fist tournament... And went missing right afterwards. ...It's been twenty-one years. Wanna tell us what happened? Yes... and how did he end up in that dreadful form? Later. ....We can chat all we want over his corpse. Heh heh... can you really do it? Can you take me down...? ... ...Defeat me? You puny human... What's with the different "me"'s? Pick one! Who cares! Demolish him...! Well, it's clear these guys have a major beef. ...Not that I'm in any position to talk. I'm pretty sure we can't stop him now, no matter what we say. Let's do it. ... [the Shinra confront the demons] These look like some kind of Western demons. My specialty's the Eastern ones. I mean, don't you hate how the Western ones just don't have any _style_? And you're saying you do? ...Look, quit blabbing and get ready. We're taking these guys down. [teachers to the fore] First we had Japanese monsters, now we've got Western demons. This feels like a nightmare, Professor Hideo. Indeed it does. But somehow I doubt it will all be over when we open our eyes. But there is one advantage this has over a nightmare: your own strength may just be able to save you. [clash of the bad hair dudes] Where've you been all this time?! I slept. A long, long sleep, Kazama Jin. If so, I guess I'll just have to put you back to bed. A sleep you'll never wake up from again! [devil guy versus kitty girl and cheetah-head] I've.... seen you before. Yes.... long, long ago. But where... What? What? King, don't tell me you're on life extension or something? He must be talking about my godfather, the former King. This mask is his likeness, and my pride. To think we'd have to fight him for a second generation... this must be God's will. [devil v. super heros] Those garish outfits of yours are an offense to my sight. That goes for you too. Besides, that's got nothing to do with battle! [our heros try their luck] If you're really Mishima Kazuya... you've been missing for the past twenty years, ever since losing to Mishima Heihachi in that tournament. ... So what's with the new look? Are you Possessed? Oh...? You seem a bit different than the others. I just have access to a very big library. Including ways to destroy people like you. [Kazuya doesn't have it all together yet] So, this is my power... I'm not fully accustomed to it yet, but... so much strength, so soon... Heh heh... ha ha ha ha! ...Are you going to flee, Mishima Kazuya?! I'll end your life, right here, right now! ...Heh... don't shout, Kazama Jin. Or should I say... "son". Say what...?! The _son_ of Mishima's Cold-Blooded Heir?! (I knew it... blood ties, huh?) WHAT?! He's a h-half?! He didn't feel like that at all! Shut up! No monster who threw my mother out... is any father of mine! Hey, settle down! (A man with the blood of a mutant...) (Don't tell me _that's_ how he came here despite not being with us...) Damn! More of them! Well, gotta expect plenty of demons in the first level of Hell, I guess. Those red demons look like his friends... At this rate, we're just going to wear ourselves out. There's no end to them... Arisu, we should withdraw for now. ...You're right. I shall calculate an escape route. Objections? Thank you, KOS-MOS. Go if you want! I'm going to take him out! Jin, don't be in such a rush... You and I have plenty of time. What did you say...?! He ran away! What incredible speed! Mishima Kazuya!!! Hmm?! The demons flew away too? So, um, what did they come here for again? It looks like they were following him. Meaning they were ignoring us. _Something_'s fishy here. I can't believe they just _ignored_ us. Disgraceful. It means one less meaningless fight. Don't complain. ... Let's take out the stragglers. They don't seem inclined to go after Mishima Kazuya. [all gone] Well, things are quiet for now. They may be lying in wait. Those bastards usually wait for a time like this. All the more reason to blow this standing popsicle. Standing... popsickle... Umm, what do you mean? I believe it is an anagram of "popsicle stand". I do not believe such things are appropriate, especially during these extreme circumstances. Grrr.... messing up my punchlines _again_... I don't want to take her side, but nothing's going to get better by us sitting on our hands. Both sides have a point. So... what should we do. It's obvious. We follow him... follow Mishima Kazuya. Just calm down, okay? There's this saying called "look before you leap". I'll leap anyway. Kazama, I don't care if you don't want to talk about your connection to him... But remember the situation we're in. ...Besides, I can't let a civilian like you go sticking their neck out. Gee, aren't we high and mighty. You've got an enemy like that too. And yours is a love triangle! Even worse than Jin's case! Way worse. ...Way less worse. But if Jin came into this world somewhere else, maybe Ryuu and the others did too. If so, I'd want to go looking for them too... That's only a possibility, not a certainty. That's correct. I don't believe we should split up and act separately. True, but if we split up we _could_ gather more info faster. It also divides our forces. What if we ran into more of those demons we just tangled with? Gee.... what a quandary. Yeah... damn deadlock. If only there was some way to break it... [enter... a way to break it] ... Whoa!! Who's that? We already checked that that building was empty! ...This divine light... w-what the...? W-what's wrong, King? ... I have witnessed your battle. Please come in, for I have much to tell you. Tell us...? She doesn't look like an enemy at least... Heh, "some way to break it", huh? I _thought_ I had a bad feeling about that. [CHAPTER 6. KLONOA HEROS] {Divine World... Temple of the Heavens, High Priestess' Chambers} They came from the Material World... to Lady Ishtar's shrine? Correct. Moreover, I understand they were attacked there by the enemy. Impossible...! The dimensional barrier around the Material World is supposed to be the strongest of all the realms...! ...It is a fact that a fissure has opened in that barrier. Now, with even the Abyss of Time breached, it is certainly within the realm of possibility. And consider that "Soul-Eating Sword of Evil" we just spoke of. You, Kai, should realize what this means. ... Heeeey! Lolo!! Klonoa?! What's gotten into you...? What the hell else?! We're in deep shit! An army of Phantom Beasts is headed our way! They've got some I've never seen before! I don't even know if they're all Phantom Beasts, but... Anyways, High Priestess, you gotta take Lolo and Kai and get somewhere safe! The deepest part of the Temple of the Heavens... This is the safest place there is. Should the enemies reach here, all will be over anyway. What makes you so damn confident, huh? Hey, Gantz! Be polite to the High Priestess! Kai... Take Lolo with you and escape from this place. Return to the Golden Knight's side. H-High Priestess?! The "Soul-Eating Sword of Evil" must not fall into the demons' hands. ...Even if it means this temple falling into the enemies' hands! There is also the matter of the intruders from the Material World - not a moment can be spared. (Soul-Eating Sword of Evil?) (And the Material World ain't somewhere you can just waltz in and out of...) ...Very well. Klonoa, you too. You've gotta be kidding, High Priestess. Lolo, make sure you get away, hear me? Klonoa?! Shit. Guess I'm in too. And I ain't doin' this cause I got "someone to protect" or "justice" or whatever the hell. I just ain't gonna turn my tail. Period. Thank you, Gantz... sorry bout all this. I told you. I ain't turnin' tail, the end. Now let's do this! Right! Let's go! Klonoa, Gantz.... please be okay. Let's go, Lolo. I'm... I'm not going! I can't just run away with Klonoa and Gantz fighting outside! Lolo... Kai, I'm a priestess too! I-I'm still learning, but I wanna protect the High Priestess! So...! High Priestess, I'm returning to him. Look after things here, Lolo, okay? Okay! Mmmm... Lolo is so much like you when you were little. You had exactly the same expression on your face when you confronted the tower alone. Huh? P-please don't mention it... After all, I ended up getting turned to stone... Well, I'm off...! I pray that everyone remain safe... May the goddess Ishtar protect us all. {Meanwhile, At the Temple of Ishtar} Five worlds? Yes. This world is the "Divine World". And the demons you just faced are from the Infernal World. In addition, there is the "Phantom World", the "Spirit World"... and the "Material World" you all come from. These worlds all rest extremely close to each other, separated only by the dimensional wall. Even under the circumstances... I simply can't believe it. No, the dimensional wall is very real. Not only worlds, but the past and future themselves can only be told apart thanks to that wall. Isn't that right, Goddess? Yes... The spacetime wall and dimensional wall are two different things, but a single tear can make traversing them both possible. Regina, is that the true nature of the Third Energy research on Ibis Island? Shion, if all data gathered until now is correct... Yes, it would explain how we ended up here. ....Except for the part about _why_ it happened. Normally, this wall is very thick, and the neighboring worlds scarcely interact. Especially the Material World you call home. But from time to time, tears occur in the dimensional wall, allowing demons to enter your world. You see, the Infernal World and its many demonic inhabitants are immediately adjacent to the Material World. I see. That explains who my organization has been fighting all this time. Well, that's where I'm from too... Many problems face our realm these days. The demons of the Infernal World have made the dimensional wall ever more unstable. Which would be why we're getting all these distortions in the wall in our world, I take it. The extensive distortions you see in the Material World's wall directly affect the neighboring realms as well. This further aggravates the chaos. Even I, ruler of this realm, do not know even the half of the troubles. Umm... Was anyone else thrown to this world besides us? To the best of my knowledge, you are the only ones. However... However? You... are named Kazama Jin, correct? It appears you were able to journey here under your own power. (...I thought so. So it wasn't the effect of the Dimension Seal after all?) What? ...Me? How could I have-... I do not know myself. However, might you be able to guess? Something to do with Mishima Kazuya, perhaps? Yeah... I don't know how, but he came here too... and looking like that. That demon also seems to have come from the Material World. ... ("Demon", huh?) It would be more accurate to say he was led here by the ones from the Infernal World. Ah... Zabel, huh? That zombie bastard.. Now that I think about it, wasn't he mentioning some business or other he had to see to? It all fits. (He was after me too. ...Is that somehow related?) Hmmm.... that still doesn't solve the question of where those karate gentlemen went. The most likely place would be the world opposite this one: the Infernal World. The Infernal World... the enemies' home base, huh? I suppose we have to travel through one of these tears whether we want to go back home, or go after Inspector Chunli? You suppose correctly. The only connection to the other worlds, especially the Material World, is the Temple of the Heavens. Neato. Well, let's get cracking and-... However... some little while ago, I lost contact with the high priestess. Temple of the Heavens? High Priestess? From the term "temple", I presume this "high priestess" performs divine rites in place of the goddess. Oh, that kind of priestess. People cosplay those all the time! Is _that_ how you've heard of them?! I swear, young people these days... So, Goddess Ishtar, we are to head to the Temple of the Heavens, correct? I would save you all, dwellers in another realm, this hardship... but at present, all I can do is point you in the correct direction. That's more than enough, Goddess Ishtar... We'll go to the Temple of the Heavens. The responsibility to stop the dimensional distortions affecting our world... ...Is yours, you were going to say? Mister Nakamura... You mustn't push yourself so hard, Mister Arisu. You've been so uptight ever since Roppongi. I'd like to save Amazona from the demons who possessed her too. And to do that, even if it's scary, I want to fight by your side. I like your spirit. Of course you do. You're my partner after all! But Momo, just remember that Reiji's pushing himself because of that love triangle. Right on. ...You're going to make me mad. Aah! You're mad already! We'll help you out, kay? So don't get so mad. Besides, those weird girls got in your way back there. That wasn't your fault. The fact is that those Shadowloo agents distracted us from stopping that woman. I should say that we have no time to spend idle here, with that disgrace on our names. AND we gotta look for Ryuu and the others! Well, let's get going then. You're right. This is the time for us teachers to set the example. I'm going too. I'm taking him... Mishima Kazuya down. Shion, what about us...? We don't have a choice, coming from another world and all. Acknowledged, Shion. As a government agent, it's my job to keep the civilians safe. Right. So we've got a salaryman, some teachers, a musical star and pro wrestler, plus a couple schoolgirls... There's no way any government agent could let _them_ protect _us_. That was a pretty amazing-sounding list. Arisu, you're special too, so give it your best shot. Okay? Yeah. Sorry about all this, everyone. I promise you I'll find a way back to our world. Please don't run out on me yet. Now you're talking. Well then, boys and girls, thanks for all the hard work. Get a move on! You're coming too, by the way. ...We'll be off, Goddess Ishtar. Please be careful. I will do everything I can from here. May light illuminate your path. {Divine World, Entrance to the Temple of the Heavens} Whoa! There they are! Shit! Look at that crew of losers. ...Klonoa. We fight right up until the last minute, then make tracks. What?! Wait a sec! What about Lolo and the High Priestess? "While there's life, there's hope." Didn't you hear? Sounds like something's coming from the Material World. Nobody has a frigging clue what happens then. Plus, what're the two of us supposed to do against this many of them? Wasn't it you who was just talking about not wanting to turn tail? Yeah, pretty cool, wasn't it? Was that your reason?! Quit bitching, okay? Like I told you: while there's life, there's hope. Dying sure as hell doesn't solve anything. ...Like my dad. What'd you just say? Nothin'. Anyways, I *did* say I'd do everything I could, and I'm damn well gonna do what I said!! Let's rock, Klonoa! Yahoo! Let's get out there and protect Lolo and the High Priestess! [enemy reinforcements] Yikes!! More of them! Shit man, I don't wanna pull out already. What a frigging disgrace. No way, Gantz! We gotta handle this somehow! Yeah, YOU got any bright ideas? Maaan, don't tell me a coupla kids with a few toys're holding up the whole damn vanguard? W-what's his problem? Shit, you just had to go and piss me off when I wuz already running late. Shit shit SHIT!! ...? ...Shit... Aw, what the hell. So I gotta fight a couple brats? Maybe torturing their ass'll make me feel better. ...Say what? What the fuck's all _that_ noise? I ain't tried out these poison claws in a good long time. Hell, I gotta get that shit from the Material World outta my system somehow, don't I. Poison claws? Poison fucking Claws?! And that hat, with that mark! Don't...don't fucking tell me you're...! Hold up, Gantz, you know this guy? Hey, what's with the punk-ass kids and all that goddamn racket? Janga!! You're goddamn right. That's MISTER Janga the Poison Claw to you. And who might you kids be? You got some goddamn nerve running your fucking mouth! Gantz, what the heck's gotten into you? Tell me! Shut the hell up! Janga, you bastard...! Hee hee hee, I dunno who the hell you are, but I don't gotta care when you're dead fucking meat!! [Gantz faces his Tormenter(tm)] Janga! Bitch! Make a fucking fuss, why don't you? Who the hell are you, kid! Check your own damn heart...!! Calm down, Gantz! This ain't like you! Wait up! You're goin' down, Janga... (Fuck, I don't like that look in his eyes, not one goddamn bit. Where the hell've I seen that before...) [our heros appear] This must be the Temple of the Heavens. ...And now we see why she lost contact with it. Hmm, looks like there's trouble all over. Hmm? A red... bike? Whoa, more bad guys?! Huh? Wait... I don't remember those guys... Who gives a shit, Klonoa! All I gotta do is kill Janga! It seems we're interrupting. Wait a moment, please. What kind of life form are those? ...Actually... are you sure they're not stuffed animals? Look at all that fur. Hey! Are you guys... from the Material World?! So... cute... must... pat... Okay, this ain't how you hold a conversation. We've come from the real world - what you call the Material World. We were hoping to meet someone named the High Priestess. The High Priestess? You know her...? You look like you're involved with her. SHIT! Not you fucks again! Huh? Hey! HEEEY!!! It's that clawed cat! Hey now, you know this cat? What the fuck?! Well if it ain't the goddamn Sacrifice! So, made up your mind, huh? Like hell I did! Looks like someone is still cruising for a bruising. Don't fucking remind me! 'Sides! That was that topknot dude, not you! You drill-head bitch! D-drill...! Hey!! I _thought_ those kinda looked like- Wow, Princess Drill, at your service! I can squash all of you, you know. That'll be enough infighting, thank you. Your name was Janga, right? ...If you're here, that "sleeping sickness" must have something to do with this world. This time, you _are_ going to talk to us. Not you too? And still pissing me off too, goddamn it... Looks like everyone hates your fucking guts. Huh?! Better knock it off, kid... Shut your ass! Janga, you fucking traitor, I'm getting revenge! Revenge?! Revenge...? That gun you got there... don't tell me you're- Never thought I'd run into your ass here...! I been looking all over for you, shithead! Hee hee hee hee hee... Now I got it. You're Batz's son. Fucking brilliant. Get your ass over here an' I'll send you where your father's at! Fucker.. you... you're fucking dead meat! The man who killed Gantz' father...?! Oh! My name's Klonoa! This guy's Gantz! I'm Arisu Reiji. The other introductions'll wait. The Goddess Ishtar told us to come here. (That's my Reiji. Chatting with weird creatures like old friends.) Lady Ishtar? So... you're on our side? Yes. Commencing support operations. Us long-haired critters gotta stick together! Right, King? ...My hair's short. Fuck! What a pain in the ass this turned out to be! But... I still gotta buy some more time here... hee hee... [girls face the new phantom beasties] Every time we see these round monsters, they've got a new species. Long range, short range, jumbo sized... I have to admire the design philosophy. [the cats stare each other down] Yo yo yo! What kinda babe is THIS! So how'bout you'n me like, after this shit's over? King! I'm being propositioned! Propositioned! ...And that makes you happy?! [girls and cats = bad mix] ...You've certainly done your fair share of badmouthing us. In the name of the "Man of Heaven, Master of the Fist", I'll punish you! Yeah, just fucking try it. You ain't even on my radar. Got it? D-don't point those at me, okay? [the cat uses a life] These guys're pretty good. Say your prayers! Heh, looks like your number's up. Let's end this, Janga! Wait, we've got things to ask this kitten-! I ain't waitin' one second! Hang on, okay? We're all cat-eared friends here... Naw, he don't have to wait. Say what...? Aiya! Something's coming! The enemy?! Over there?! Hee hee hee, too late, bitches. Damn! A trap?! We've seen these ones before. And the fact that they're behind us... does make it a trap, indeed. One of the enemies is very big... A dinosaur...?! No, it almost looks more like some sort of plant. The others are those mask-like ones, huh? What?! You've fought those things?! Yeah, and not too long ago either. But now I see how all these enemies tie together. Right on. Um, so it's... err... what again? It appears you don't see at all. Listen here, Astro Robo, try _not_ making me the punchline once in a while. Got it? Janga, don't tell me you-?! Bullseye. See, I gotta get the High Priestess' head, on the double. They're going to the High Priestess?! No way I'm letting that happen! Indeed we won't. We shall continue to assist you, Klonoa. And in return... c-can I pat you later...? ...S-sure, why not? You clawed cat! You're not getting your way that easy! Precisely. Badmouthing me carries a stiff penalty. Everyone's got their own reasons why, but we've all got business with this High Priestess woman. And we're taking out the trash first. Heh, looks like my luck's not out yet. Yay! Let's do it! Hee hee hee... I dragged that damn Sheezas all the way here. I ain't gonna make this easy. (But, they told me they'd send two Sheezas's. What's the deal?) (Plus, all of them look like they been through hell.) (Fuck that Joker and that smooth talking shit of his.) [more smackdown] Your ass is toast this time, Janga...! Shit! Gimme a fucking break...! Now spit it out! What's this about a sacrifice?! Who are you, anyway!? Don't be in such a rush! This party's just gettin' started! Party?! What on earth are you talking about?! Who knows! Catch you later! If you ain't finished by then, that is! Hold the fuck up! Party...later...? Hey!! He ain't going to the High Priestess' place, is he?! ...Oh shit! Reiji, he's gotta have advance troops! Damn, so that's it...! We tried to stave off the attack and instead got bogged down in it! That's.... no fair! That's how come I'm so damn charming. Hee hee hee... Bastard... Batz's dumbfuck son, huh? Catchya later! JANGAAAA!!!! Whoa whoa! Wait up, Gantz! Hey! ...Too late, they flew off already. I'm impressed. They sure drive that bike well for such little critters. They talk too. Don't forget that. I think that's just what that species looks like. Maybe Galon ain't such hot stuff either, huh? I didn't get to pat him... This is no time for regrets. I believe the correct course of action is immediate pursuit. Extrapolating from the degree of planning in this incident, there would seem to be an extremely high probability of an enemy trap. True. Though with all his attitude, there's no telling if there's a trap or not... However, we've still got opponents here. Yeah. The last thing we need is to get caught in pincers. Getting attacked from behind is no fun at all. Yup. Gotta take them down one at a time. [our agents get their licks in] Man, what a sight. Another world, huh? Sounds like some cheap sci-fi novel to me, but I think I'm a believer, Regina. Another world, indeed. This just feels like the prologue, to me at least. Gee, how reassuring. Not to mention, this thing was wounded beforehand. Things're getting interesting. [the main characters fight the new bad guys] Man, not another freaky monster. Yeah. And those wounds look awful fresh. Hmm?! Are those karate guys nearby? ...No, those were made by blades. Something like a scythe. I don't know all the details, but... Sounds like our lucky day. Umm.... no more enemy signatures in the area. Yeah, that looked like the last of them. Goodness, I'd love to take a breather... We don't have the time for that. Quite correct. Let us follow Klonoa and the others at once. No choice there. Heads up, Reiji. I know. Let's go, everyone. [CHAPTER 7. THE MAN CALLED "TRAITOR"] {Infernal World... Path of Penance} Hey, hold up. Let's take a break, huh? Not yet, Ken. Didn't we just rest ten minutes ago? Not that we got any rest. Seeing as how that bunch of horned weirdos attacked us. Oh, those are... "ogres", I believe. "Ogres"? What the heck're those? An imaginary monster from Japanese fairy tales. ...Supposedly they live in Hell. "Hell"... What is this, Dante's Inferno? Don't be ridiculous, okay? I thought you'd already solved that over- practicing problem of yours. Okay, where do you think we are? ....Well, that is... somewhere with horned weirdos. Those monsters we faced in Roppongi... I think those were also one of the types that shows up in Japanese ghost stories. Take this recent rash of monster sightings, and how Shibuya was designated an Isolation City... These things have to come from somewhere. "Somewhere", meaning here? So we've entered Hell alive, huh? Or maybe we're already dead. I think not. What I wanna know is how this happened. I know Japan is some mysterious country, but this is ridiculous. Heh, you can say that again... ... ...! Hey, Ryuu!? ... Ryuu, what's wrong? ...It's Him. Say what?! ...His presence is already gone. It's as though he deliberately revealed his presence to me. Yo, why's he so obsessed with you, anyway? I have no idea. But... But? Maybe we'll find some clues if we walk a little farther. Chunli and the others may be somewhere around here. Great, so we walk anyway. (Gouki... Why do you reveal your presence but not show your face...?) {Divine World... Temple of the Heavens, High Priestess' Chambers] I wonder if Klonoa and the others are okay out there. ...I do not know. But I can sense many other auras besides the Phantom Beasts. ...What?! Perhaps it is the visitors from the Material World, who appeared at Lady Ishtar's shrine? I can only hope that they are allies... Oh, there is no doubt of that, none at all. What?! Who's there?! You are... Pardon my tardy introduction. My name is Joker. Pleased to make your acquaintance. (How did he enter without my knowledge?) Who do you think you are?! You are in the presence of the High Priestess! Kneel at once! Now now, please remain calm. Though I must say... this is an entirely fitting residence for Your Excellency. Where did you... come from?! Klonoa and the others are outside! Correct. I did indeed need them to be outside. ...Subterfuge, I take it? Arranging for everyone besides us to be elsewhere? ...What are you after? O ho ho ho, well that shortens this conversation considerably. ...I desire a certain something. A-a certain something...? Yes... a "priestess". ...!! I would say "a priestess of the goddess Ishtar", but that would be asking too much. Besides, it wouldn't do if that scary Golden Knight appeared. ... Now, much as I hate to cut things short, it is time to end this conversation. Shall I take that priestess then? Hey! Don't think you're getting your way! I'll never go anywhere with you! Now now, don't be like that. Oh, I nearly forgot. Miss High Priestess? ...I'll be taking your life too... ...!? This is an important spot, the very navel of the Divine World. I really would prefer to see it gone in the interest of future operations. I truly do not bear you any personal ill will, so do not think badly of me. High Priestess! Run...! It is futile, Lolo. I presume this foe is not so easily dealt with. O ho ho ho, most perceptive. However, do not suppose that those in the shadow of the door are easily dealt with either, "Joker". !! W-what did you say?! ...Huh?! T-the door? What? ...I should have known that you would know I was there, High Priestess. Really. Kurino the Hero...! W...w-w-what are you doing here?! I heard the warriors of Zouna were headed for the Temple of the Heavens... ...From "him". Zuhl, do your stuff. Gracious, the High Priestess, what an honor. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Who are you...? Oh, me? Zuhlee Zulkovich Cosluinen. A humble traveling merchant. Z-zu...Zuhl? Zuhl will do nicely, miss. Now, if you ladies will kindly accompany me inside. Hey, wait a minute! ...You're the one who needs to wait. You've got to fight me first. Zuhl, go on ahead. Heh heh, Mister Kurino, I will be putting this on your tab. Look, do you realize how serious this is? Zuhlee Zulkovich Cosluinen... and child of the Impen Tribe, Sabine daughter of Andy. Do you know her, High Priestess? Heh heh, it would seem even the Maiden Knight needs more training. ??? Kurino, Hero, our lives are in your hands. High Priestess, I'm simply a fool... a fool who broke Lady Ishtar's prohibition against entering this fight. ...I am a "Hero" no more. A-ha! I see, now the pieces are beginning to fit. O ho ho ho ho! That must mean the Maiden Knight won't be showing up here after all. And after I got so worried. We're more than enough to take you down. Are you so certain? ...Being the child of a traitor puts you quite low on the totem pole, I should say. O-ho ho ho ho! ...Zuhl, take them inside. Y-yes sir! ...Kurino the "Traitor". ... Don't tell me you're going to call him that too! Kurino is...! The Lady Ishtar is always watching over your battles. Hold your chest high, and let it be filled with the proud treason you have chosen. Kurino Sandra. {Divine World... Temple of the Heavens, High Priestess' Chambers} Sabine, are they safe? Zuhl got them inside. I'm sure he'll do everything we're paying him for, so no worries there. Well, you certainly have interrupted my plans. I had _hoped_ to resolve this quickly. Seeing as how the people outside won't stay there forever. Of course it ain't that simple. Actually, I rather suspect it is. I think we both know what will happen to you without the Maiden Knight to save you. Oh ho ho ho. Man, this guy is really starting to piss me off. ... And for that matter, what will happen to said Maiden Knight without you two around too. What did you say...? Ooooh? Hadn't you heard? I understand she's in the Infernal Village.... all by her lonesome. T-the Infernal Village...?! D-don't tell me that thing's back too?! It is indeed. From what I hear, the newborn Infernal Village was enough to send the Maiden Knight packing with her tail between her legs. That I wasn't able to meet her... truly unfortunate. Lady Valkyrie was... ...What if, the reason Valkyrie tried to keep Kurino away from this mess was... She is a very kind person. I think... I think she didn't want to get us involved. What are you mumbling about over there, hmm? My story isn't finished yet. The rest goes something like this: Huh?! Those monsters... Zouna?! So those monsters we fought on the way here... on your payroll, huh?! O ho ho, right you are. I borrowed many soldiers from the demon lord Zouna. From Zouna himself? Ridiculous! Meaning he's revived...?! You're bluffing! Valkyrie took him out...! Oh ho ho ho... How certain are you I'm bluffing? ...No, think about it. The Tower of Druaga is back, and the Infernal Village has appeared again... It'd be too convenient if the demon lord Zouna hadn't come back out of the Abyss of Time too. Every inch the Hero. Kurino, your powers of perception truly dazzle me. My story ends here. It is now time to bid you a fond farewell. After all, I can't have the Maiden Knight changing her mind and taking you back. Here they come, Kurino! ...Joker, was it? I've already decided. I'm going to see Lady Valkyrie, no matter what anyone else says. Even if... even if she wouldn't want me to! That's why... I'm not a Hero now. ...I'm a Traitor! [battle is joined] You haven't disappointed me. Well, aren't _we_ confident? You probably got some kind of ambush hidden away, don't you? Probably, given his attitude. Who knows? Oh ho ho. [the cat comes back] Whoa, started already? Oh? I knew you had some friends around. Hmm? But why only one of them? Hey, you said there wouldn't be no one here! My, what a swift return, little Janga. And how was your mission? It _sucked_, okay? Those bitches from the Material World got in the way. Ah, and you had the gall to come back here? ...Shut up. They came with two of those damn "sacrifices". What the fuck was I s'posed to do? I bought you your goddamn time, didn't I? What're they talking about? Material World...? (Sacrifices...?) Sacrifices! How incredibly lucky! That makes my coming in person all worth it. [stuffed animals in hot pursuit] Janga!!! High Priestess!! Lolo!! What have we here? Shit, here already? What a racket. This is no place for children to come and play. Hey! It's that clown! Janga, are you in tight with this bastard?! You... were the ones at the outskirts of the Tower of Druaga... Huh, Kurino the Hero?! What're you doing here?! Don't tell me you're here protecting the High Priestess and Lolo?! Well, that's how it ended up. We came here in pursuit of Zouna's monsters. Several of them got away... are they who you were fighting? WHAT?! Those were the demon lord Zouna's monsters?! Zouna?! Holy shit, this's getting worse by the minute...! So it's your fault!! I only got one Sheezas, and the rest were all shot to hell! My goodness... I simply cannot let you meet the Maiden Knight again, not in the slightest. This fuck's the reason those shitty brats're on my tail! SHIT! So yer sayin' it's Kurino's fault? More like you're own fault for being such pissant bastards! Say what, you little shit...? Now then, that will be enough of that. ....Hmmm.... it appears I played too long here too. I suggest we join forces here, little Janga. I was gonna do that anyway, see? I won't let you follow Lolo and the others! Klonoa, what of the out-... the ones from the Material World? U-umm.... sorry. Gantz was in such a hurry to follow that Janga dude... I see.... No, we should cast away foolish hopes. We don't need some group of strangers to rescue us. [the rest of your people catch up] Enemy reinforcements...? I knew it, the battle's begun already. Damn it, they really got us good. What's the damage? Are we too late?! Don't know if we're early or late, but there's one major ruckus going down. What the?! I had my suspicions when I heard about the Sacrifices, but it really _is_ you! We have no acquaintances among monsters. Professor Hideo, don't forget that that kitten used the term "sacrifice" too. So they all ended up here anyway? Pain in the ass... That clown-like enemy... isn't he the one from...? Yes, it appears to be the same being we met before the building designated the "Namco Theater". Well, yes - there's no mistaking the sight of that thing. You know that thing? Yes. I would say that Arisu's comment about the enemy home base is becoming more plausible by the second. Looks like it. ...Maybe they came to get caught instead of the other way around. Klonoa, are these... the people from the Material World? Yeah! They're kinda weird, but they helped us out! ..._They_ are weird? Hold it right there. I would appreciate you not referring to us as "weird". Yeah! At least call us "strange" or something. That means the same thing. That green life form... that's some kind of suit, right? Um, I tried analyzing it, but it seems that _is_ the life form... ...? C'mon kids, think about the beasties you've been fighting all this time. He shouldn't startle you. Look, try figuring out who's the good guys and who's the bad guys. Good point. ....Are you all on our side, or not? I'm Kurino. This little one is Sabine. If you're friends of Klonoa, you're friends of ours. Well, that's felicitous. Understood. Our origins are different, but our enemies seem to be the same. Can't get rid of each other, huh? ...Too bad, Janga. Looks like your shit just hit the fan. Little brat's a real wise-ass... Indeed. Quite the motley crew they've assembled. Well, shall we have some reinforcements too? [monsters galore] Geez! How many of those did he bring, anyway? I've never seen any of them before... Those demons... so, you're their captain?! Mmmm.... not their _captain_ per se. You could call them my associates. Kazama, don't get itchy. The beach ball and the were-cat... we gotta catch at least one if we wanna learn anything new. Understood. We'll make them talk, even if we need to hurt them some. Goodness gracious, how frightening. Please don't forget that we have some girls to capture too. Call us even, oh ho ho ho. I dunno about any sacrifice or sacre bleu or whatever, but I do know you ain't getting your mitts on them. Behind door number one, polish her and she shines, the slightly unrefined combat otaku! And behind door number two, the somewhat breathless cosplay otaku! And you get neither! Hey... So we're both otaku... Set the record straight later. Unless we take out these guys, we'll never see the High Priestess. (In fact, is the High Priestess still safe?) [Jin rumbles] Does that clown-like monster have anything to do with Mishima Kazuya? I can't figure out the connection. If only I had a bit more information... [the religious King faces demons] Demons, huh? God, please protect us. Um, wasn't it God who asked us to come here in the first place?... [stuffed animals versus cat, round 2] Janga, you bastard!! Shit, don't you bitches know when to quit?! Your ass is MINE... believe that! Yeah, I'm shakin' in my boots here. Calm down, Gantz! Something fishy's going on! Okay? Shut up!! Janga's dead meat...! [Joker takes the plushies on] We seem to keep running into each other. Kurino the Hero... and dear little Klonoa, was it? Don't talk like you know me! I never wanna see you again! If we're somehow connected, today that connection gets cut. Yeah. This's getting old. If you're helping Janga, you're on my shitlist too. Yer gonna get both barrels! [Janga goes down] SHIT! Now I'm fucking PISSED at you bitches!! This's it! Janga!! Like hell! My revenge ain't half over!! Running away?! Better finish off this kind of trash quickly, Kurino. Or there'll be trouble later. That's right! And don't you forget it! WAIT UP, god damn it! Gantz! Don't follow him any more! We'll get away from the High Priestess and Lolo! Rrr.... ...-therfucker... [the girls see Joker again] Oh, my beloved honies! Did you come all this way to see me? I'm so popular... oh ho ho ho. Like hell we did! If only he was just a little cuter... That's not the problem here. Under no circumstances will we hand them over. I shall protect them! [Joker gets smacked down too] Ouch ouch ouch.... How could this be! Could it be that I fooled around too much? Say your prayers. Promise not to resist and we won't harm you any further. Indeed. We have many things to ask you! Me too... about Lady Valkyrie. Ooo, death by press conference! Just like an idol singer. Well, that certainly sounds good to me. However... we will have to postpone that for later. What?! Are you fleeing again?! I wish you'd call it a "strategic advance to the rear". After all, now that I know the Sacrifices are in this world, I can strike at any time. Well then, adiooooos! That little... wait! Damn that Janga... got away again...! In fact, both of them escaped... Kazama Jin... don't be impatient. As long as we're in this world, we'll see them again whether we want to or not. Agreed. ...Maybe that overblown punk zombie will show up again too? Hey, don't jinx us, okay? All the same, we repulsed the enemy, and protected Momo and the others. We should get a respite for at least a while. I should have brought lunch. Speaking of which... Mister Berabou, you did bring your lunch, didn't you? This's no time for a picnic. The High Priestess _is_ safe, right? I believe so. Let's try going inside. I detect three life signs. None are in mortal danger. Three? ...Who besides the High Priestess? Oh, there's Lolo, my childhood friend, and... A merchant named Zuhl. He's more or less on our side, so he's okay. Okay. Let's fulfill our mission then. You're right. The enemy could come back at any moment... Yeah. Let's get this show on the road. Oh! I almost forgot! Xiaomu! ...Who'd you call an unrefined combat otaku?! Do I really look like a cosplay otaku? I recall you laughing at my hairstyle too. "Drill"-like or some such? Ugh, you remembered that? ...Anyways, what's with this holding a grudge stuff, huh? H-hey, Reiji! Say something! I'm going to see the High Priestess. If you're gonna brawl, go do it out back. Okie dokie! H-hey! Whaddya mean, brawl!? We ain't in middle school here, savvy? {Divine World... Temple of the Heavens, High Priestess' Chambers} I see... So that is what is happening in the Material World. Yes. As I've just explained... we wish to return to the real world... what you refer to as the "Material World". Unfortunately... it is not possible to travel to the Material World from here. ...?! That's not what we were told at the shrine! The goddess Ishtar... how could one calling herself a goddess be...?! H-hey, calm down, King! Neither the High Priestess or Lady Ishtar were lying! B-but... she said we can't go back, Lolo. Wait a moment, everyone. ...Isn't there more to it, High Priestess? Yes... travel would ordinarily be possible to the Material World. However, the massive dimensional distortion in the Material World has, I believe temporarily, severed that pathway. (Roppongi... side effects from that Dimension Seal? Damn Saya...!) So, it's not possible? I guess there's no choice but to go via the Infernal World, huh? ...Correct. The Infernal World, another world which sits in opposition to this one. You must enlist the power of that realm's ruler, Emperor Enma, to open the door to the Material World. The Emperor Enma...? Enma?! Hold on a moment! Why are names from our world appearing in other, totally alien worlds? This is simply too... I wouldn't say that, Professor. Remember what the goddess Ishtar told us. The realm called the Infernal World is the closest to the real world we live in... right? Yeah. ...It all makes sense. The Scythe-Weasels and ogres... all the legendary monsters my organization fights, are basically refugees from that world... And although I don't know why or how, Emperor Enma has let his name be known in our world too. This is getting hard to understand... This Enma character... Sounds like oriental sci-fi, huh? Man, I can't wait to get back to my own world. But to do that, we'll have to journey to this Infernal World, won't we? From what we've heard, it sounds very much akin to Hell. Hell with all its demons, huh? There's no reason to hesitate. If it brings me closer to defeating Mishima Kazuya... You're right. Besides, from what Ishtar told us, Ken Masters and the others should be there too. We can't abandon them... assuming they're still alive. Don't jinx us, Bruce. Chunli's probably with them too. They won't die so easily. Then, allow me to guide you inside... There you will find the portal to the Infernal World. However... I have not met Emperor Enma face to face, nor do I know precisely where he dwells... No problem! I don't remember it all that well, but it is where I grew up! I think I'll remember a bit too when we get there. Doesn't sound too dependable to me... Be careful, everyone... Oh, right! Klonoa, Kurino... what will you guys do? I'm going! We gotta pay everyone back for saving us twice! Klonoa... Don't worry, Lolo! I'll be just fine! I ain't down with this whole group thing, but I ain't down with unpaid debts even more. ('Sides, Janga's got some heavy backing. I gotta get more firepower on my side too.) Ulterior motives, huh? L-like hell! High Priestess, I will accompany them too. I'd like to help them return to their world, and I must repay the debt I owe them. Don't sweat that too much, okay? It may get more dangerous yet. All the more reason for me to go. Besides, I needed to go to the Infernal World sooner or later anyway. Having locals on hand is a great help. Can I count on you four? Locals, huh? Certainly. Glad to help, Reiji. Leave it to me! If Kurino's going... Damn, can't be helped. ...Okay, let's move out. Xiaomu, you ready...? Hmm? Hey, where's Xiaomu? Now that you mention it... haven't seen her in a while. I... kind of thought it was too quiet... The locations of Kanda Momo, Kasugano Sakura, and Kanzuki Karin cannot be confirmed either. What the hell? ...Don't tell me they actually... *pant pant* Come on, gimme a break... Not yet, Xiaomu! Geez! Xiaomu! We're not finished with our chat yet! (...They really did go out back...) Reiji! You had to go and open your big mouth! Look what happened! How come I gotta get lectured by a bunch of girls who've barely been alive ten years! Schoolgirls these days scare me to death! ...You dug this grave. Try lying in it a while and repent. {Infernal World... Boss Bull's Gambling Hall, Dice Pits) Oof! ... Man, I made it back... So damn dangerous out there I can't even take a walk. All these outsiders I never seen before hanging out, putting spells on my friends and making 'em do their bidding... What in bloody hell is going on here? Yo! Great, _now_ I roll that. Tarosuke, do me proud. {Meanwhile, At Aensland Castle} Everyone okay? Oww... How come this kinda teleportation always has to blind you and dump you out the other side? Surprisingly standard. ..."Standard"? A-anyways, this looks like the second level of Hell or something. So we came from the first level to the second? That isn't important. This looks like a good opportunity to go over to that castle and ask about Emperor Enma's whereabouts. What do you think? Hmm... It certainly looks the part. Meaning it seems rather creepy. That castle.... oh, brother. What's wrong, Felicia? ...Aiya... How about let's not go there. Better not to mess with her. Hey, isn't that Aensland Castle? "Aensland"? Ain't that one of the factions struggling for control of the Infernal World? Wait, what're you talking about? Would you mind explaining? I heard a little from Lady Valkyrie. Apparently the Aensland clan, the Voshtal clan, and the Dorma clan are the nobility of the Infernal World. It seems they once fought for the crown. That sounds serious. I suppose every world has its struggles over power. Or money. Don't underestimate their importance. Without influence or resources, nothing gets done. What about dreams and hopes?... So, what happened then? Right. So, the head of the Voshtal family fell sick and died, and the leader of the Dorma is missing. Apparently that put the whole thing on hold. I heard the Aensland family got a new leader, but that's all I know. So, through whatever means, the ruler of this place is this Emperor Enma, right? I'm not sure I get it entirely, but we should go over there and gather some information. A-anywhere but that castle! The most dreadful monster lives there! If you want a castle, there's another one nearby... If there's nowhere else to go, that must be it. I want information about him, about Mishima Kazuya. I can't afford to waste time here. I want to look for Ryuu and the others too... Um... I detect two life forms down the road. There's a lot of others I can't identify, but at least those two are human. What?! Is that Ryuu and the others?! You're a great reconnaissance Realian, Momo! But... only two? Three were missing, correct? Hmm... Perhaps the third is somewhere else? Arisu, what should we do? Looks like we've got a quandary. What to do... Why not split up? It'll be in opposite directions, but not that far. Form separate teams, huh? Sounds like a good idea to me. If information gathering is included in the mission, I believe that to be a sound suggestion. Okay then... Um, may I make a suggestion? Whoa! Who's there?! Heh heh, I'm glad I made it. Zuhl?! I didn't see you back at the High Priestess' chambers. Where have you been? I went to fetch my trade goods. I'm most definitely glad I made it. Trade goods? Just what it sounds like. Such strong ladies and gentlemen as yourselves seem likely to confront a goodly number of monsters. You never change, Zuhl. This guy's a traveling salesman. ...And he overcharges like nobody's business. Overcharges?! You sure you want him with us? Salesman, huh? What a diverse place this world is. Hate to say it, but I've got none of this world's currency. Heh. Heh. Heh. Luckily, _someone_ expected this and busted her butt picking up all the coin-shaped stuff all those monsters dropped. Check it out! Oh! It is indeed! You all are quite wealthy! Right on! Xiaomu, you're okay in my book! Bloody mercenaries... Oh well, no help for it. Time to get my money's worth. Look, aren't you a bit _old_ for that? Besides, that's not funny. Argh....! Can't you do anything besides burst my bubble! [CHAPTER 8. VAMPIRE] {Infernal World... In Front of Aensland Castle} Right. Now what? Do we head to this other castle, or do we head for those life signs? Good question... what to do... [I headed towards the life signs.] {Infernal World... Demitri's Central Hall} Nobody's here... Don't tell me a castle this huge is deserted? ...And I was really hoping to find out where I am... I swear... hasn't he heard of locking his door? Someone's here...?! (But how'd she appear so suddenly...?) Oh? Servant, could you tell me if Demitri is in? Perhaps he's still asleep? S-servant? Hey, I just got here! What kind of greeting is that?! Dear me, I apologize. I figured you weren't his type anyway. Too strong-willed. ...Not that that's any of your business. Who are you, anyway? Ah, you must be one of those visitors from the Material World. "Material World"? "One of"? What do you know about what's going on?! E-err... My name's Morrigan. Morrigan Aensland. I'm Chunli, Interpol Detective. Um, how much of that was your name? ... Chunli is fine. ...Now, answer me this - where am I? Where...? The lair of one tight-ass vampire by the name of Demitri. (Vampire...? What's she talking about? And besides...) Umm... is that clothing the popular style around here? Popular? I wear this all the time. ... Are you... human? You're certainly full of questions. Planning to ask my measurements next? I never repeat myself. Answer me. Okay, okay. Fine. I am... [interrupted!] Monsters? How'd they get in here?! Oh my goodness, more guests? ...No, sadly, it's just that army from the Infernal Village and the Tower of Druaga. Hardly a social visit. (Darn that Demitri... The place is crawling with them.) What's going on here?! I haven't understood a single thing you said! Let's save the chitchat, shall we? Unless you'd like to try dying? Okay, that made sense. Looks like there's no choice but to fight our way out. Are you one of them too? The short answer is "no". I trust that means you won't hit me? Heh, well that's a relief. Anything else and I was planning to show you what my kicks look like. Ooh, terrifying. ...You know, I think I like you. Shall we dance, just the two of us? [clobber the bad guys] These things certainly aren't putting up much resistance. Which must mean they're here on recon. What are these things? ...Soldiers from the Infernal Village. And not very high ranking ones by the looks of it. "I-Infernal Village"? The most infamous place in history, which once shook this entire world. Reinforcements?! ...Wait, humans...?! Yo! Hi Demit- What? It's you... Well bless my soul. So good to see you, kitten! Gack! W-what're _you_ doing here?! Aiya... instead of avoiding her, we ran right into her... Hey, what gives around here? Is it Halloween or what? I spy with my little eye one _fine_ babe over there. Heh heh, why thank you. You're quite handsome yourself. Overflowing with life, I should say. Finally, a woman who understands my attraction. All the women hanging around me are made out of steel or something. ...And who might that be? Aren't you a little too old to be dropping lines that weak? Fongling? Is that you?! Chunli! Thank God you're okay! Don't worry, you're safe now. Hmm, you must be the rest of the visitors from the Material World... as well as a few who aren't. ...Morrigan Aensland. Yes, you for example. ...Kurino the Hero. If that Maiden Knight hadn't been so stubborn, we wouldn't have gotten run out of the Infernal Village. The Infernal Village? You _met_ Valkyrie?! (Lady Valkyrie... why did you come to the Infernal World alone...?!) It seems she knows several of you. Felicia, you know her? Yeah.... I wanted to steer clear of her, cause nothing good ever happens when we're together, but... See, she's one of the nobles fighting over the Infernal World. One of the, um... "bosses"? The term is "family head". Besides, it's not like I wanted the title. Well, we found Chunli... but things are looking even messier now.... If we wish to learn anything about the world, a little mess is unavoidable. It doesn't feel like anyone else is in this castle. I think this is finally starting to interest me. Heh heh, we've got to get things hotter still. [carnage ensues] Gee, so few of them left. Well, there's a lot of us. It's a simple power imbalance. I suppose you're right. (...Well, Kurino was known as Valkyrie's right hand, and I have a good idea how strong dear Felicia is...) (But all of them are quite capable. Time to change my outlook on the Material World, I suppose.) ... Chunli, is something wrong? It feels like we're being watched. Dear me, do you go for that sort of thing? Of course not! You haven't changed a bit, Morrigan. [knights attack] Hmm? What's that Western armor? Blue Knights and Black Knights...! The knights of the Tower of Druaga! First an ancient castle, now suits of armor. How fitting. ...What're you looking so smug about? Where the heck were these guys hiding? They weren't hiding one - damn - bit! They just got here! Yaaa-hoo!! It's that zombie freak we ran into on the Spencer Lane! What?! Not Zabel too! How come we ran into everyone BUT Demitri!? THAT is because... My baby Leilei'n I're bound by the red thread of fate!! My sweeeeeeeeeet! I don't want any spook thread tying me to anyone! What a strange boyfriend you've got... Who said he's my boyfriend! ...So, Zabel, you were the one who was watching us? ... Well, if it ain't the head of the frigging Aensland crew. Ain't seen you in a while. But don't sweat it! I ain't got the hots for no succubus tryin' to look half her age. ...What an amusing thing to say. You see, jokes like that make me want to kill the man who uttered them. Fongling, what's with that skeletal guy? Not a skeleton, a zombie. He's the one who assaulted the Spencer Lane. In other words... ...He's the enemy, right? Okay, it's showtime! Hey Morrigan, after I kill your ass, Duke Demi's next! So, you're after Demitri and I? I presume only the Infernal Village would put you up to this. Do give it your best shot. Great timing. I was hoping for some information on the Infernal Village too. (This zombie isn't who I felt looking at us. ...But who is?) [Zabel takes a pounding] Shit, take my eyes off for a sec and this crew thinks they're all badass, huh? Hey, don't look at me. I wasn't the one who wanted to hook up with this bunch. Agreed. This is coincidence. But thanks to that, looks like we get to take you down after all, Zabel! I'll fix you so you can never make that disgusting love call for the rest of eternity! Hey, you know yer cute when yer sayin' no? Maybe I oughtta call up my friends, huh? What did you say? You mean you brought someone else?! [friends will be friends, when you're in need of love they give you care and affection] ... A-Amazona?! And a Grabfencer too?! I thought that clown carried you off with him? Clown? Oh, you mean that dickhead Joker? I just borrowed her for a bit! Ha ha! Looks like that zombie is in league with those things Klonoa called "Phantom Beasts". Yeah. It seems we're fighting a much larger organization than we thought. Kanda Momo... I'm taking you with me... Amazona... What on Earth happened to you?! Answer me, okay? That girl looks like she's from the Material World. What about the others? Nope. The girl in the red armor's the only human. The rest of them... Feel very similar inside to Druaga's soldiers, or so I imagine. Mister Zombie, what do you want with Amazona...?! What do I want?! It's fucking simple, baby! I gots to gather "souls"! And she gets to help! That doesn't explain anything! And what do you mean "souls"?! Gather souls...? Don't lie. Nobody's said anything about that in our world. Nor in the Infernal World. ...Some liar you are, Zabel. Course you ain't heard about it in THIS world, dumbass! "In this world"...? Don't tell me you're gathering them in... ...Our world?! Is that the secret behind the "sleeping sickness" infesting Japan?! What're you doing something that obnoxious in the human world for?! Aw, somethin' bout souls there're made different. I always skip the fine print. Anyways, it's not like it's that easy to just walk in there, normally that is. I see... so that's your objective. ...! Damn right it is! That's what the demon lord of the Infernal Village's after! Oh, and that jerkoff Druaga too. An' while we're at it, me too!! Heh heh heh... So we finally learn what the demon lord Astaroth is up to in his Infernal Village. W-what the hell?! Oh geez, I know who that voice is... Look, I don't care anymore, okay? [enter the big cheese vampire] Heh heh... Zabel Zarlock. That's all I needed to hear. I have no further use for you. What th- Count Demi! Don't tell me you-! Demitri! Is that why you were hiding?! Hiding? I'll thank you to call it "gauging the situation". ...So you're the one who's been watching us. Correct. I take an interest in all those who nose around in my castle. I am Demitri Maximoff. You all put on quite the show. ...Don't fuckin' mess with me, man. Yo, get your asses in gear and get him! Kanda Momo... Your soul... is mine. Amazona... I'll save you. And I'll fight you if I have to...! Hmm, I sense some history here. ...See, Demitri? Didn't I tell you this would be fun? As long as it doesn't end up as some farce. [zombie versus super heros] Hey, what's all that weird shit you keep swingin' around, huh? W-weird...? You'd do well to try some yourself. After all, you're nothing but flesh and bone. You got that right! Yee-haw! [secret agents versus suits of armor] We saw the blue armored guys on the Spencer Lane. The black ones are more of the same? Doesn't matter what color they are if you just think of them as target practice. [Kurino fights the armor beasties] What weirdos. They remind me a lot of Mister Nakamura. It's like they're wearing something... That may not be entirely false. But what's important is what's inside! [Leilei and Zabel, reunited] Whoa! Leilei baby! You're about the last person I want to fight, but... ...Leilei, you've got to put the past behind you with your own hands. Look! I told you he wasn't my boyfriend! [superheros and supervillains collide] Please! Open your eyes! ...Your soul... is mine... Don't even bother! Just hand your damn soul over already! I think not! I will defend _both_ their souls! [Amazona gets smote] U-uh.... Be sane again! We should only fight each other on stage! Useless little... Yo! Head on back! Kanda... Momo... Wait, don't go! You're on our side! Correct! Take pride in your humanity! I said go the fuck back!! ... Amazona... ...What's going on? I suspect she's being controlled by some strong magic. Isn't there a way to return her to normal? ...Taking out the one who cast the spell is usually how these things are defeated. And that means... Druaga...! [Zabel gets comeuppance too] Why you little...! Fuck this! Today's my damn unlucky day! What's a corpse like you hung up on astrology for! I'm gonna finish you once and for all! Ah well, least I'm gonna get plenty of chances to see my baby Leilei again! Quite optimistic, for a corpse. So, given he's already dead, can he actually be killed? Catcha later! ... Silence at last. Curse those louts who would disturb a quiet night's repose. Really? You seemed to be enjoying yourself plenty. I'm not so weak that that could satisfy me. Oh... is that so. ...What was that? Hold on. Now that we can finally hold a decent conversation, I'd appreciate you _not_ trading barbs. ...Morrigan's always like that. She's like the old Chinese proverb. Be quiet, servant! Who's a servant!? And I've got some questions for that onion-head over there too! Little girl, you have already violated my domain. See that you don't try my patience further! Great... a triangle argument. $100 on the macho guy over there. Hey! We don't have time for this! (...A Sandra? Hmph, I see... that must be Kurino.) Please remember why we came here. We wished to inquire about Emperor Enma's whereabouts, did we not? Emperor... Enma? Enma?! ...I must be the one to defeat him one day. I'll not yield his head to you. I think you've got us all wrong. We just wanna go and ask him how to get all these folks back to the Material World. Oh, really? Leaving so soon? ...How boring. It's not a question of how boring it is. We've got huge problems back home. ...Preposterous. It _did_ end up a farce after all. Oh, that Demitri. Though... let's see. That bunch from the Infernal Village does have their eye on you... And helping you would mean sticking my neck out needlessly... Cheapskate demon. Um... Hmm? What's up? ...I... can't go back to our world. What? What do you mean? Don't you have to go to- It's Amazona... my good friend's in the clutches of an evil demon. I can't just leave her. ... That is true... but we have no idea where this "Infernal Village" is. We should return to our own world, and then plan what to do next. The fact is that we can't solve everything at once. ... Besides, once Morrigan says something, she stops listening. Just consider ourselves lucky we found Chunli too. Since when do I rate a "too". Leilei's right about me. ...I suppose I'll leave now. Oh, I almost forgot. Would someone mind seeing me off? What say I... tell you where Lord Enma dwells in return...? I wouldn't be surprised if he knows where this Infernal Village Zabel ran off to is as well. Huh...? Are you sure? Those people from the Infernal Village are after you, you know. Hold on there, masked man. Men are supposed to go along when women suggest things. What's this "supposed to" business? Getting pretty carried away, aren't we? What a delightful thing to say. Miss Morrigan...! See, Morrigan, you've got a good side! I'm... impressed. Heh heh... mere caprice, that's all. [CHAPTER 9. I AM MASTER OF THE FIST] {Infernal World... Path of Penance} Everywhere we go looks the same. Hold on, Ryuu. You sure we shouldn't have gone to that castle we saw? Maybe they'd have let us spend the night. We might've even found Chunli and Sakura and the others, if they're going through what we are. ...You've got a point. But I also sensed a very unpleasant "aura" from that castle. Isn't that why you didn't want to force the issue? Yeah, kinda. I dunno about feelings and all that, but it just felt too cliche at the time. If this were a horror movie, that kinda ancient castle's the last place anyone would want to go. Is that a fact? That's a fact. That aside... how long do we gotta keep walking? Just think of it as part of your training. This kind of chance doesn't come up that often. ...You know, every so often I wonder if you're the world's biggest masochist... If that's what it takes to keep building up my strength, that's fine with me. Man, that reminds me of when we were training... Just me, you, and our teacher. Yeah... but our teacher's gone now. And this mess all started when I stood before his grave... From the moment I met you... Gouki! Say what?! ... It's you! ...I thought you were here, Gouki. What, pretending you're a demon now that we're in Hell? What brought you here, huh?! Fear not, small one. Only defeat awaits those consumed by terror. You sayin' I'm afraid, you bastard?! Ken, don't be taken in by his words. ...Gouki, why are you here? Or rather, where _is_ here? This is the closest point to the "Golden Pond". The wall separating the world of men from the world of not-men has been breached, and the two worlds are attempting to merge. You're saying that the mess with the demons was caused by beings from that other world - from here - coming to ours? That matters not. What matters is how the wall was breached. Quit beating around the bush, man. ...You're the one who told us to go to Roppongi, remember? ....Meaning you knew this was gonna happen all along?! ... Answer, Gouki...! ... Why don't you say anything?! ...Words will convey nothing. You want us to speak with our fists instead? Indeed. My name is Gouki... [mayhem aplenty] Gouki! Why?! Why...! Leave off. What we need exchange are not words, but polished fists and perfected techniques. Still stuck in the dark ages, huh? That's outta style these days. Shut your mouth, barbarian. Either way's fine with me. What I want to know is the truth, Gouki. [Gouki beaten back, sort of] Well done, children of Gouken. Never speak that name...! Okay, fighting time is up! It's talking time. Gouki, answer me. What do you know? How did you find out what was going to happen in Roppongi?! ... Damn, we made too much noise! Now we got monsters to deal with! ...So they sensed the hostility? Hmph, this too is useful. Bastard, you running away?! ...The time for words has passed. Yo, that was like, WAY too short! Gouki! Why did that girl, Sakura, have to get involved?! ...The answer will have no meaning unless you arrive at it yourself. Consider that while fighting these. Hey, Ryuu, think if these monsters kick his ass enough he'll be more talkative? ...That won't happen. The monsters all fear him. Yeah, I know... I was just joking. Let's go shut these bastards down! Gouki...! (Heh heh heh... Why did I involve the girl? Because she is the key to bring forth your power...) [reinforcements arrive] Here they are, over this way! Wow, jackpot! ...But um, what kind of mess is this? Ryuu? It's Ryuu! Sakura?! I figured they all got blown here too! ...Here at last. It's that "Heaven" man...! What is he doing here?! "Heaven"...?! Can that be the Master of the Fist... Gouki?! What're you talking about...? KOS-MOS! Are those two genuine?! They match the data on the two men who disappeared in Roppongi. Detailed data on the third man known as "Gouki" unavailable. Um, about Gouki... I detect some kind of energy signature I can't analyze. Energy...? He's human, isn't he?! _Is_ he? Hmph, what an affront to my sight. So of all unknowable worlds to be blown off to, you appear before me? Unknowable worlds?! ...You know that many worlds exist?! What the heck...? This guy seems pretty smart, considering that gorilla face of his. Very felicitous. Maybe we can finally get a little information for a change. Gouki... was it? You have my thanks for saving Kasugano in front of our school. Would you be kind enough to tell us what you know? ...Don't get cocky. That you were beaten so badly by such low-class freaks is absurd. ...I have no words to offer the weak. Hey! That's going too far! Don't bother, Sakura. ...We've gotta put our fists where our mouths are. ...Yeah, and there's still monsters around. A throwdown with the legendary martial artist with "ogre" in his name, in Hell no less. Serious business. Hey, I remember you guys from back there... ...But I thought there were more of you. Wasn't everyone else blown here? Like, where's Chunli?! We don't know. But another group of us is heading elsewhere as we speak. We can only hope they find her there... No problem! After all, we found Ryuu and Ken, didn't we? Always the optimist. I like that. H-hey... you're making me blush. Well well, our little girl has the hots for him, does she? Romance on the battlefield - how beautiful. Precisely how is the second level of Hell romantic? I believe we should commence combat now. You're right! Mister Ryuu...! Right! ... What's up, Klonoa? We're pretty far from Kaya, aren't we? Who cares. W-what the heck? Yo, we ain't here for some picnic! Quit dressing like some bunch of mascots! See? ...Yup, I do... But we gotta clear up the misunderstanding, and we can't just leave people who need our help. Plus, that guy looks really mean.... Anyway, we gotta fight! Those kids are on our side, right? ...Okay, Gouki, this should do nicely. You will not find strength in numbers. For the time has come...! Just what are you getting at? ...This one ain't gonna be pretty, Reiji. That's one helluva aura he's got. Are you _sure_ he's human? I _will_ defeat you, Gouki. And then you'll tell me the truth! [an enemy plague of, among other things, frogs] Hmm...? Great, just when we get started, the joint gets crowded. S-skeletons and now... bullfrogs?! They appear to be life forms native to this world. F-frogs...! I don't mind skeletons, but amphibians... So, what kind of girl _doesn't_ mind skeletons...? ...Such commotion just as matters were getting interesting. Gouki, this has nothing to do with our duel. Correct, would be my reply, however... Oh, to think such beings exist in this world. Human...? A human?! Maybe he came from the Material World? An armored warrior and... women in kimono? That armor dates back to the Heian Period... ...And court attire? Are they from our world...? ...I thought I sensed a strange aura... Who are they? (...Huh? Ain't they from the Spirit World?...) ...Hmph, I grow tired of this. What? Wait, Gouki! Fear not, we shall see each other again. ...Just as you rejoined that girl. Who, me?! You were like this at the Justice Academy too! What're you trying to say, mister?! Be patient. Heh heh heh. Gouki!! First it's "the time has come", then it's "wait up". Anyone have any idea what the hell he's talking about? Well, that scary man doesn't look like he's friends with these new fighters. That don't matter if they're all the enemy. ...What nonsense are you babbling? Such troublesome persons. One of you escaped, but no matter. I take it you all came from other worlds? How'd you know that...?! ...Ah, I see. You must be in league with the demons. "Demons"? Should you be referring to Lord Kamakura, I, Kiso Yoshinaka, will punish such impudent speech. Lord Kamakura? Kiso Yoshinaka...? Kiso Yoshinaka...?! Do you mean to tell me you're Minamoto Yoshinaka?! S-say what?! You know this dude, Hideo?! You have heard of me then...? He looks too serious to hang out with guys like that. I'm surprised. Of course he doesn't, Klonoa. Professor Hideo? Do you mean Minamoto as in... Genji? ...Yes. Kisojirou Yoshinaka... if that name is genuine, its bearer existed in the latter half of the twelfth century... "Existed", as in... in our world? Yes... a Japanese military commander. "Lord Kamakura" is said to be another name for Minamoto Yoritomo. Ridiculous! Genji, you said? You mean they're from over nine hundred years ago?! Hold on a moment, and try to remember what the goddess Ishtar said. It's quite possible that someone came to this world from the past. I see... these Quakes must not be happening in our time alone. ...Unfortunately, that is not possible. W-what do you mean, KOS-MOS? I have conducted a scan of the target. Structure is unmistakably human. However... Huh? So he didn't time-slip here after all? Biologically speaking... he's already "dead". Um, hello? How's he moving, then? Hang on a sec, ladies. Mind filling the rest of us in on whatever you're jawing about? In other words... he's a lot like Leilei. What?!? You mean he's a zombie?! Wonder if he's a friend of hers. If so, we can cut to the chase... Probably not - their time periods and nationalities are too different. Who are you, anyway? I came on orders from Lord Kamakura to gather soldiers, but... Heh heh, now I find a certain cure for boredom. Prepare yourselves! [Shion tangles with her nemesis, the amphibians] Those are some _really_ big frogs... ugh... Um... do you hate them? I'm used to human skeletons from all the research I do, but... I believe this presents an excellent opportunity to scrutinize the amphibian frame in action. ...You could think of it that way, I suppose. S-scrutinize?! L-let's not! [Ken tangles with the kimono ladies] Now, where've I seen people dressed like that before? Some Japanese samurai thing? Geisha girls maybe? Yeah... and what's a commander of the Genji doing here? Hey, we wouldn't be busting our butts here if we could solve this by thinking. Plus, we don't have time to think. ...You have a point. Nothing for it but to settle this fight they've started. [our heros do likewise] I wonder if Shinra used to fight beasties like these back in the old days. Dunno. What we gotta worry about is who we're fighting now. You got that right. ...Anyways, I wanna try on one of those kimonos. Let's take these things down fast so I can snag one. What are you, some highway robber? [whittle down the enemy enough, and...] What is this! These ones are... strong...! This must be reported to Lord Kamakura at once...! Lord Kamakura... Minamoto Yoritomo... where is he? Don't tell me it's some place as hellish as this? "Hell", you say? Heh heh... we have returned from that distant land. And all... for revenge...! Revenge?! What're you talking about? Something unconnected to you all. But interfere, and you will be shown no mercy... We're not letting you escape, not with all the information you possess! I have nothing to say. Rats, he got away. Distant land of Hell, huh? ...Does _anyone_ speak plain English around here? Ryuu, got any idea what they're talking about? Perhaps he means that they crossed the River Styx to get here? So, that guy's dead, right? Maybe that's not entirely false... Um, Mister Kazama? What is the "River Styx"? It's a river that the souls of the dead have to cross... or so they say. It's merely an old Japanese myth, but... Man... I'm starting to believe this place really _is_ Hell. So it's hard to make a living even in Hell, huh? I don't think I caught that. This place's more dangerous than I thought. I sure hope Bruce and the others are okay... The confusion just keeps growing, doesn't it? KOS-MOS, do you know anything about this? ... K-KOS-MOS? Shion... where will my "soul" dwell after I die? ...What does "death" actually mean for me? KOS-MOS, what's gotten into you...? ... Look, who cares?! There's still enemies to fight! I think that was the last of them. Man, I'm bushed. I hope we can take a break. Good idea. Maybe there's a minimart nearby? Of course there isn't. And we don't have time to dawdle. I'm worried about the other team. Let us return to that castle. Man, we still gotta find Chunli? Well, at least we found Ryuu and Ken. That's good news. It's not all good news - we've got new problems too. Correct. Where are we exactly? And where does this man calling himself Kiso Yoshinaka come from? Aw, that punk prolly came from the Spirit World. "Spirit" World? Is that another one of the worlds Ishtar mentioned? Well, we ourselves came from a different world. I don't hear about much travel back and forth with the Spirit World, but... Wait a moment... isn't something wrong with that? Why would the past of our world relate to another world? Just as era designations change, it is conceivable that that era's names have changed too. There's no era called the "Spirit World". And I somehow doubt that any commander in the Warring States period had the ability to command the spirits. I wonder what's going on then. I'm worried about how his signature was just like a dead person. We'll just have to bust ass and figure all this out. And there's no more clues here. Right right. Well, let's get a move on then. My doubts aren't satisfied... but let's hurry to the rendezvous for now. ... Hey, what's with the long face? What was Gouki trying to tell me? And what's he trying to make me do? Mister Ryuu, you shouldn't look like that. I mean, we're finally together! ... You're right... worrying won't solve anything. ... (...Gouki... you ain't getting your way, not this time. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to kill... Ryuu...) {Infernal World... Path of Penance} Anyway, let's return the way we came. Right. We've found two of the three missing. Not half bad. I'm worried that we can't find Chunli, but I guess it can't be helped. There's a lot of EM interference, and I can't scan a wide area, but I don't detect any humans nearby. ...Now that I get a good look at this place, it's pretty nasty. Where the heck _are_ we? This is the "Path of Penance". What are all you lot doing raising a fuss in my turf, huh? Oh, we're terribly sor- --e, EEEK!!! Hey, what's with all the yel- A-a bullfrog! A _huge_ one! Damn, one survived?! Now now, hold your horses, youngster. Haven't seen you lot around. Not from this world, are you? Do you live here? You said something about your... turf? They call me Boss Bull. I run this area... but lately things've gotten hectic. Outsiders like you all keep wandering in. We didn't come here by choice. In fact, we're seeking a way to leave. So, um, how come everyone can chat normally? You're talking to a FROG. You got me. Hey, when in Rome, right? Sides, 'cept for that pipe he don't look like he's armed. Nothin' to worry about then. Somehow I doubt the issue is whether he's armed, but this is hardly the first instance of communicating with non-humans. Take Klonoa for example. Hmm, I guess you're right. All that said, I don't suppose you know how we can go home? Like, you know, "jump" back home? Stop looking like the cat who ate the canary. Anyway, what do you say? {Infernal Realm... Boss Bull's Gambling Hall} You say you wanna get to Emperor Enma's place? That's what we were told at the Temple of the Heavens... That to return to the Material World, we would need the power of the Emperor Enma. If you know, could you please tell us? ...Hmm, no choice I guess. Up ahead you'll find Aensland Castle. From there, head south to the Valley of Judgment. If you mess up and come out at the "Ghost Ocean", you'll be in for it, so take care. So then you enter the "Turning World", and... Hey! Slow down! Too much jargon! W-w-we're just gonna have to analyze it...! Please calm down, Shion. I will record and analyze. I'll help. What a mess. But at least it sounds like a clue. Yeah. The only thing left is... Gouki. Ryuu, don't obsess about that old guy too much. Nothing good'll come of it. What does this Gouki have to do with Ryuu, anyway? He's the one who... killed my master. And he's my... Thank you for waiting. Well, KOS-MOS? There should be no problem, and should take little time at all. Okay, let's go find the others. We're off. Thank you very much, Boss Bull. No problem a'tall. Just think of it as my way of getting outsiders out of my turf. Drop by if you're ever in trouble. Thanks, Boss! Oh, I almost forgot. If you run into a little runt named "Tarosuke", tell him to come play at my dice pit sometime. Dice...? I don't think I got that, but I'll tell him anyway. Dice...? Oh ho... hold the phone. Dice as in... _dice_? Heh heh... yes, _dice_. Wanna try your luck, missie? ...Don't tell me. Hee hee... they called me Shinra's Self-Centered Streak, and my blood is boiling. G-gambling...? Um, what do you do with dice? Heh heh, gambling is an adult taste. Hit the trail, kids. ...Forget it. We're leaving. What?!? Reiji, just once! Once, come on! Forget it. C'mon! Just once! Please! What was that about "adult"? Now hold on, as a teacher I can't allow any sort of... Come on now, it's no big deal. Dice are fast, that's one of their good points. Heh, doesn't take time, but sure takes money. Ain't that the point of gambling? {Infernal World... In Front of Aensland Castle} Looks like the other team isn't back yet. They're taking longer than we did, and we got mixed up in that battle. I wonder what happened... It looks like your friends are late. Mind you, a bunch of peculiar visitors from the Spirit World have passed through lately... I wouldn't be surprised if something "happened". Don't make it sound like it's not your problem. Ah, pardon me. Well, I think I'll be leaving now. Hey, Morrigan, that's not what you promised! Don't go until you tell us where Emperor Enma is! Okay, fine. Ready? Head south until you get to the "Valley of Judgment". Make sure you don't head for the "Ghost Ocean" unless you want trouble. Then you get to the "Turning World"... Hey, explain it so we can understand! And what's with the "make sure" part? Way too vague. Geez, so selfish. Well then... We're back. Oh, Professor Shimazu! Thank goodness you're safe. Who're the new faces? Everyone's safe. And we had a little fun along the way. We tangled with several monsters along the way, but no casualties. And we found two of the three missing people. Right on. Sorry we worried you. Ryuu! And Ken too! Chunli!? You're safe! Thank goodness! Now everyone's together! Yes, now we can finally move freely. Looks like everyone's relieved. Hmm? And who might you be? Reiji... that's...! ...Yeah, a _very_ high-ranking monster. This ain't good. T-that's... Morrigan Aensland, in the flesh. ...No fuckin' way. ...This aren't human, are you? More akin to Mishima Kazuya... Hmm? Who is this Mishima person? Let me give you some advice. You'd best change your hairstyle before it damages your disposition. It's very similar to Demitri's. I don't know who you're talking about, but mind your own business. (Ah, this young one... Gee, looks like he's not your average human. This might be interesting.) Oh well. I look forward to seeing you all again sometime. Assuming you survive... okay? Oh, um... goodbye. She's already gone... Hey! We didn't get clear directions from her! Don't worry, Mister Nakamura. We got information on our side. KOS-MOS recorded the whole thing, so we can just follow the instructions. How do we pool our information? We learned about many things besides that lady named Morrigan. Same here. Warriors of Genji, a Master of the Fist... and so on. ... We can chat along the way. Good point. If we hang out in one place too long, we'll just have more monsters on our tail. I agree. Uzuki, you said you've got the data recorded? Yes. Okay, KOS-MOS, please explain our route. Yes ma'am. Head south from Aensland Castle to an area called the "Valley of Judgment". We are to avoid an area called the "Ghost Ocean", lest trouble occur. Passing through the "Valley of Judgment", we reach an area called the "Turning World". Emperor Enma's castle is beyond that area. Ahh, I get it... ...Hey, wait. Isn't that what Morrigan just told us? Boss Bull told us first... [CHAPTER 10. MONEY MAKES HELL GO ROUND] {Infernal World, Emperor Enma's Chambers} This looks like the place. Check it out... Yup, this is it all right. Especially with that major sorcery I feel. But...nobody's here. Hey, you sure this's it? That Enma dude better be around here somewhere. Enma, Emperor of Hell, huh? I'm not a believer yet. You have a point... Well, this certainly isn't a place for salarymen to dawdle in. Not just salarymen, either. Well, unless this is all some mass hallucination, we'd better accept it as fact. ...As well as how we all had to split up and search for this place, cause our info was _sooo_ good. ...I-I'm terribly sorry. I am terribly sorry. W-well, at least we made it here safe, right? Don't pick on them too much, okay? See, all we have to do is wait for the rest of the team and... P-please wait a moment! Something is coming! And it's not an ally! [a red demon appears] ... Momo?! What? It's the enemy! Bright red... demons!? Okay, _these_ guys might make me believe this is the Inferno. I see... you lot must be the ones from the Material World. Well, this isn't all of us. We got split up thanks to a certain somebody. I am terribly sorry. Who cares about us. ...You look like the leader of these red demons. Do you know anything about blue demons? Blue demons...? ...No idea. All the demons in the Infernal Village's Punishment Squad, the Demons' Blazon, are red. (Blue demons... hmph, he must mean Mishima. That lowlife used to live in the Material World - not surprising that someone from there would be looking for him.) The Infernal Village... isn't that where our assailants at that vampire's castle were from? W-what do you want with us?! Just full of questions, aren't you? ...Why don't you answer my question first. Some of you are from the Phantom World. ...Which ones? Huh...? That'd be us... You dumbass! Don't just answer like that! Last thing we need is more attention! ... I think not. ...These children have nothing to do with the Infernal Village. We're the only others from the Phantom World. ...And we don't want any attention. ...Kurino the Hero, is it? Quite an honor to meet you. ...You've heard of me? Who the heck are... Red Aleemar Joker. Hero Kurino, you are far more famous than you realize: the Sandra man who guards the Maiden Knight's back. ...Is it true that Lady Valkyrie knocked at the gates of the Infernal Village? More precisely, she never got close enough to knock on the gates. She asked politely and left. So where did Valkyrie go?! Good question. ...Presumably off in search of a certain man. A certain man? Who? No one who's any of your business. I got my hopes up a bit when I heard that people from the Phantom World were here... but apparently I needn't have bothered. What exactly are you saying? Hey! Don't act all satisfied over there. Well then, let's say everything's A-OK and move on. The door's that way. Take care! ...I think not. They say you stalwarts fended off Joker, Janga _and_ Zabel. I request a duel. It should be a good warmup for my battle with the Silver Knight. The "Silver Knight"? I get it, you're... No words! We fight! [big demon versus little girls] You involve little girls such as these in your battles? A special squad of red demons... it looks like our enemies are getting serious too. The enemy leaders are definitely better than the troops. Indeed. This could be trouble. [kill some enemies and...] Such resilience... better than I expected. We've had plenty of practice exterminating demons. Besides, we can't be defeated here without achieving our goal! The person you came here to fight's gone anyway. Better hit the road while you still can. And leave the other-worlders who might threaten the Infernal Village? I think not. Besides, nothing good could come of letting the Maiden Knight rejoin Kurino the Hero. I will meet her, no matter what. ...No matter what you do. Look, everyone's got problems. Yes, many problems needing solving. ...On the contrary, we can't afford to let you escape! Finished running your mouths? [slime creatures from outer space, part two] Mm? Who goes there! Where'd they just pop out of? Did we miss them somehow? ... What the hell are those...?! Holy mackerel, look at the size of those things! And all slimy! How strange... Of course they are. I've never seen anything like that in the Phantom World. They may appear strange, but that skin of theirs looks like it would make a fine handbag. Oh brother! C'mon now... That's not what I meant! They're well within sensor range, but I can't sense them at all! I confirm the same effect. Electromagnetic interference of unknown origin is blocking wide- range scan, but enemy detection within a one kilometer radius is possible. However... No way...! How'd they appear so suddenly? Hmm? Hey, we've seen those chicks with the clothes falling off before. Ain't they from the Spirit World, that Genji stuff or whatever? You're right. Does that mean the blue and black octopus creatures are from the Genji too? Those, Genji? No way! "Minamoto the Kraken" or something? Unlikely. Probably they're just one more type of pawns the demons are using. ...They seem to be from the Spirit World. And unless I'm mistaken, they're after you. The Spirit World... that must be why they appeared so quickly. Is it hard being a celebrity, or what, Kurino? I'd rather not be a celebrity.... Whatever the enemy are, if they attack, we attack back. I suppose I'll have to turn this to my advantage. Let's go...! [the superheros are up] The Infernal Village's Punishment Squad... what a grandiose title. But, the fact they sent a big team means... Yes. It means we're getting that close to the heart of the matter. ...Amazona... [defeat the others] That was nothing if not magnificent. We're just that desperate. ...We can't go down here. But now it's clear... your power is a direct threat to the Infernal Village. Shit, there's that attention thing. Not like we had a choice... We pose a threat? Then what do you intend to do about it? Isn't it obvious? Eliminate you. The Silver Knight, the Golden Knight, and the Maiden Knight... those head the list of unstable elements to remove. Besides... Abnormal energy detected in the area...?! Here it comes! Yes, as you can see, the walls between the Worlds are already this unstable. Did these monsters come from the Spirit World?! No, Kurino! Those're from...! ... Reiji? Hey, what's wrong? Arisu, does this mean...?! ...It does, doesn't it, Reiji? Yeah. I didn't think we'd get to see her this soon. Unanalyzable energy readings increasing. [bigger monsters this time] A red demon, huh? I thought you had something to do with Mishima Kazuya, who turned himself into a blue demon, but... Too bad for you, youngster. (What are these... waves I feel from this man? He smells somehow dangerous... Such dangerous plants must be nipped in the bud.) [and who should appear but...] Ah ha, I see ... I guess this is all I could bring. Goodness, what a racket. Quite an aura for someone from the Spirit World. Who are you? Wow, what a _hunk_. Don't worry about me. I'm in the middle of a bunch of "experiments". I'll be gone in a jiffy, okay? ...No, stick around a while. Experiments? What're you testing now... Saya? ...! Boy...? Gracious me, what are _you_ doing here?! And just _who_ was the one who blew us here in the first place? However, VENGEANCE IS AT HAND! Expect no mercy from the great Xiaomu! You said you didn't expect to see us again... looks like you were sadly mistaken. ...It does indeed. I guess it's back to the drawing board if we want to control the Quakes completely. Plus, we need a "catalyst"... _Control_ the Quakes? What the heck does that mean! Explain! Knock it off, Xiaomu. Saya, I didn't come here to waste our breath with you. Time to pick up where we left off. You were going to let me pull the trigger, if I recall? Gee, I'm not so certain. Hadn't you heard that women are capricious, boy? Quit calling me "boy". Reiji, calm down. I'm always calm. ...Stay out of my way, Xiaomu. Hee hee. It feels great to be wanted, boy. (Calm my ass!) ("Control the Quakes"... "Needs a catalyst"... Doesn't he see how important that is?) So that's... Miss Saya. Hmm... apparently we haven't seen the last of her. I don't know why, but he seems to be deeply connected to her. Maybe she really is an old flame of his? A flame that scorched an old battlefield, perhaps. Naw, no way. This atmosphere is quite unusual. Who is she? I don't know. But she seems to be in league with the monsters assailing our world. So, she's not human, huh? Is she like Felicia or something? His parents' killer... is what Arisu said. Apparently there's much history here. ...And it's killed my interest. Do what you will here. Huh? What gives?! He got bored and is goin' home. I hear that. I think I want a nap. I appreciate how it reduces our enemies' numbers. Gee, so sorry about that. Why not stay a while longer? Hey, let the man go! ...Hmph. (This "experiment" she spoke of... Presumably it concerns crossing the dimensional wall.) (The only way to directly enter the Infernal Village... In which case, I must report this at once to Lord Astaroth....) Shit, we didn't get to ask him anything... Red Aleemar Joker... next time, we'll find out from him about Lady Valkyrie for sure! Gee, looks like you were in the middle of something. Don't tell me I spoiled it? I am just _such_ a sinful woman. ...Yes you are. But don't sweat it. Either way, it's payback time. [the Street Fighter crew gets into gear] Not these guys again...! They keep following us wherever we go... I don't understand why. I'd love to tie one up and extract the information. Anyway, they need to be neutralized. [the battle wears on] Can I ask you something, boy? ... ...I thought I sent you to the "Abyss of Time". The "Abyss of Time"? What're you talking about? (The Abyss of Time...?!) I don't know where the hell you sent us, but it looks like you blew it anyway. ...Where we came out was the Divine World. We started out in this world. (And... so did Gouki. Is he mixed up in this...?) Same as Ryuu. I showed up in this place. Some "Path of Penance" or whatever. I showed up at this weird musclebound vampire's castle. In other words, this world. I wasn't in Roppongi when all this happened. I was blown here from Shibuya. ...I see. In other words, nothing worked right... Thanks, kids. I'll get it right next time. Okie dokie, shall I make you disappear then? You _are_ kind of in the way. ...What kinda order is that? We weren't planning on socializing with her anyway. We must take out all dangerous people like...! Hmmm... Perhaps you should consult someone who was actually "born in the Infernal World". ...?! Perhaps I should offer my greetings first, since I'm the newcomer here. Better save that until you defeat Enma and take over the world. It sounds pretty lame at the moment, Demitri. Goodness me, I totally forgot about the locals. What're you doing here?! Don't tell me you're buddies with her! Hmm, what do you think? ...I suppose we should assume the worst. Especially when evil women are concerned, things always seem to turn out badly. Heavens, how cold. I recommend studying the female heart some, my friend. She's right, boy. It's not like you're a kid anymore. About time you learned how to handle women, wouldn't you say? Okay, _that_ I agree with. You should cherish and love me more! ...Great, a bloody chorus. Quit screwing around! Who's the friends and who's the foes around here! That's what I wanted to know... ...Enough jokes. (I'm worried about the strain on Reiji, but...) Well, Demitri Maximoff? Morrigan Aensland? If you say you're our enemies... Bold words, from a mere Sandra. If I said I was, what would you do? It'd just make things easier. ...Means we'd just blow everyone away. So, what do you say? Heh heh, what indeed? Being on your side certainly seems more interesting. Demitri, you want the other side? Hmph, I came here to deal with Enma. I have no interest in joining some group of strangers. Ummm.... So, you met us before. So we're not strangers, right? Or is that too... simplistic? Shush! Momo, you mustn't say things like that, unless you want to start a fight. So, you're on our side, right?! We appreciate your assistance. ...Don't misunderstand. We merely happen to share a common goal. T-thank you very much. Umm.... Mister Demidemi? It's "Demitri". Darn, what a shame. I was hoping you'd make things easy for me. Who cares about any of that? Hell is close... or perhaps we're already in it. That saves plenty of trouble. Go to hell, Saya...! (Come on, Reiji... get a grip...!) [Morrigan and Saya square off] Plenty of sorcery, I see. A creature of the Spirit World? Or perhaps not? I'd say... close, but no cigar. Why the ladies do not flock around me... I simply cannot fathom. What's that supposed to mean, Demitri? [Saya gets beaten a bit] Oww... Boy, look at all these good little children you've gathered. ...Looks like fortune's on my side this time. This ends right now. ...That's right. We've still gotta save Amazona too! This time really will be farewell. Think of this as tax day. My crops've been doing poorly of late. But I'm sure the harvest will be marvelous when we meet again. Well, see you later. "Marvelous harvest"...? Hey, what's that supposed to mean! Wait! What was that "Abyss of Time" you just spoke of?! Kurino, you don't think she means...? Who knows? I'll just say that... it's not unrelated to that next harvest. Abyss of Time...?! Hey! What's a newcomer like you know about that?! I demand an explanation. Heh heh... hardly gentlemanly of you to pry into a girl's secrets. Take care. Running away, Saya!? Finally some peace and quiet. I had not been planning on all that exercise. Thanks for the help! I told you not to misunderstand me. I merely came here to meet Enma. I was never dealing with you lot. Geeeez, what a sourpuss. Ever since I met him at that castle, I figured him for the proud, flawed type. Better watch out, Kanzuki. ...Sakura? Could you kindly _not_ lump me in with him? Ah, give him a break. He's not being malicious. Peace and quiet are all very well and good, but where is this Emperor Enma? I don't sense anyone around... Well, the dimensional wall is this badly off, and the Infernal Village has put in an appearance... I wonder what he's doing. And that long-eared girl we just saw worries me. ... That's what we came here to ascertain. Curse that Enma and his mockery. But, now we can't go back to our own world... And there's so many problems to solve... I wonder what Gouki intends to do. ...Actually, the better question is how he came to this world in the first place. That's right, I forgot about Gouki. ...Shit, one puzzle after another. Oh, that's right! Um, Shion? About those blue monsters we fought... Data integration complete. Did you find out anything? ...They're "Octies". Huh? Octies... W-wait, as in the aliens that took over planet Packet? The type we just fought are designated "Gilly Octies". ...There's no mistake. No way, Octies... maybe what happened to us happened to... and they got sent to a different world... the Spirit World?! [a strange grandmotherly sort appears, as well as...] ...Hee hee hee... The enemy...?! No, not from how she's acting. Wh...?! Oh my god, I thought that was one big desk... H...HUMONGOUS! Inexplicable! Well, he's here. ...That big guy over there is Emperor Enma. Don't tell me you all came to see him without even knowing what he looks like? That ain't the problem. This Enma dude is wayyy too big... Hey? Who's the granny next to him? That would be Andaba, ferryman on the River Styx. Hmph, I suppose your presence here means you anticipated all this? ... Money makes even Hell go round... I hope you brought some with you? Hee hee hee... I can't believe how much sorcery they're giving off... Y-you sure about this? This is no time to worry about small details. The question is... what happens starting now. Somehow I don't think it's as simple as "money makes Hell go round". {Infernal World... Emperor Enma's Chambers} That's absurd! ...We can't go back to our own world...?! What gives! We were told if we came here...! ...I just told you. Passage from here to the Material World is impossible. Hee hee hee... what a lively young man. Where do you think you are? R-Reiji, cool it. We are in _way_ over our heads here...! Well, I suppose. It's often said that ignorance is a sin. I've heard that one. ...But it's not like we can afford old sayings right now. Hmph, politeness out of this group is the exception, not the rule. ...Demitri Maximoff and Morrigan Aensland. ...It's been a long time, you two. Heh heh... so it has. Since the time my father passed away, I believe? This isn't a social visit. In the not-too distant future, I must remove you as an obstacle. Hee hee hee... I see you haven't changed, Dimetre Moxamiff. ...Nor you, Andaba. And would it be too much to ask for you to remember my name? That's "Maximoff". Things're calming down, I think. This is where the emperor who rules this world lives, right? Think of this as breezing into the White House and talking directly to the President. Well, that certainly makes this sound cooler. I suppose that makes Miss "Ba" over there his secretary? Hee hee hee... I am the ferryman of the River Styx... Andaba. I came here to see you all. The ferryman of the "River Styx"...?! Don't tell me...! No, if that were true... ...I see! Please, tell me... is the reason some Genji from the past appeared before us... It can't be...! Excellent guess. ...They have returned to the Golden Pond.... they of the long destroyed Genji. Impossible! How could the dead come back to life?! Or rather, they _must_ not come back to life! Hey, mister, stay cool. It's not all that uncommon. Don't forget that drugs can make the dead move. Mystic techniques can do that too. It shouldn't surprise you so much. Ohhhhh, well that's a relief! Ohhhh! not the point. The point is, why is our world's "past" connected to this alternate realm called the Spirit World? Who cares about that now. ...What I want to know is how to get back to our own world. The Quakes are getting bigger, and I'm worried about Shinra headquarters... Arisu, I understand your feelings, but haven't you heard the phrase "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"? ... (Shinra... and Arisu...?!) (And these "quakes" he spoke of... is he of the Arisu clan?) How many times do I have to tell you to look around you?! Think about the level of sorcery these guys have! And with you... a fox apparition, is it? Hee hee hee... this man... I think there is no mistake. ...? Huh? A fox? Who? It's me she's talking about, me. ... ...Poor thing. She's finally lost it... Hey, hold it! What's that s'posed to mean! Look at these fox ears I got sticking outta my head! How come it took you all this long to notice! Well, I just kinda... thought you were cosplaying or something... And I figured you talk funny just because you're acting... I knew cosplay had street cred, but this is ridiculous... And Felicia! You're just like me! What's your excuse? Certainly, I've heard tales of long-lived animals becoming magical. What they call in China... ummm... "divine foxes", I believe. To think it's actually true. ...Professor Hideo, you're certainly quick to accept all this. Very scientific, but I'm not quite there yet. I've gotta spend another thousand years studying first. See, I'm just a little lass of 765 years. Still just a "mystic fox". Heh heh. N-no way... that's so unscientific... ...Old prune. Wait a sec, Sabine. There was another fox apparition, was there not? ...You mean Saya? W-what _is_ that woman? She's a Japanese were-fox. Don't lump me in with some vixen from a puny little island nation! According to my database, such creatures are known as "Ghost Foxes" there. "Ghost Foxes"... another way of writing "fox apparition", I guess. (Hey, wait... what database did she find that in...?) In other words, she's made in Japan, and this one here's from the continent. You fool, don't talk about people like they're some kind of produce. ... (This man... is he truly Possessed...?) Look, I think we got off track. What do we do now? That's right. If we can't return to our own world... O-oh, right! Emperor Enma! I... want to go to the Infernal Village! Momo... but... Hmm...? Wait a moment. Demitri and Morrigan... weren't they together with Lady Valkyrie at the Infernal Village...? ...Hmph. Oh, that. So, that was.... Hee hee hee... shall I explain? {Meanwhile... Spirit World, Yoritomo's Abode] Did you find success, ghost fox? Come on... you _must_ call me Saya. Heh heh.. wish I could say things are going great, but in fact they're a bit unstable. Make haste. My powers have not returned... With the "man of Heike" returned to the Golden Pond... little time remains. Why don't we start small and work our way up? We've still got more experiments to do. ... Well, I'm off. ...I've got a "scarred man" to worry about myself. And he's probably headed this way. We've gotta give him a great big greeting. ... ...Lord Kamakura. Elder brother will do, Yoshitsune. ...Have you not obtained it yet? This evil sword which devours souls... this "Soul Edge". I have no excuse... Please be patient a while longer. Oniwaka appears quite taken with the sword too... I swear I will bring it before you. Also, regarding the building that appeared so suddenly near "that" castle... Has progress been made...? We have succeeded in taming some of the apparitions which nest within. Well done. ...See that they strengthen our armies. As you command. ...And, elder brother. Mm? Who was that young woman just now? I do not believe...her eyes are trustworthy. ...The ghost fox from "Ouma"? She is none of your concern. She is still worth exploiting. And we do not lack ways of influencing her. ...To think... that the "Tsukumo Project" has not yet been stamped out... heh heh... Tsukumo...? Elder brother, what do you mean... You need not know. Use that wretched fox woman, and hasten the "experiments". ...By your command. I shall presently begin the "experiments" to restore your powers. I am counting on you. ...Make haste. {Meanwhile... Infernal World, Emperor Enma's Chambers} Large Quakes are... hitting this world too? Correct. Unfathomable danger confronts the walls separating the various worlds. And in return, tricks become easier to play. Tricks...? To prevent intrusion? So, it's like this. We can't get to the Infernal Village any more after that. After we split up from the Maiden Knight, we tried going back. It appears someone has tampered with space there. Most annoying. I hypothesize that this is caused by the same directed distortion field deployed in Roppongi, or a related artifice. That's right, they had that, didn't they. Only letting you get in from some specific direction. Is that why... we can't get back to our world either? Yeah, probably some kind of "you can enter, but you can't leave" crap. So the only place we _can_ go's the Spirit World, right? Great, so we gotta leave our destination to get closer to it? So we can't go home... _or_ rescue Amazona...? No... there are two possibilities. What did you say...?! See! Two whole possibilities! Lord Enma, please tell us! ...The first is to use the power of the "Golden Seed". Indeed... ...!! The Golden... Seed...! Hee hee hee hee.... Yes, the very item you and the Maiden Knight retrieved from the demon Kamuze. It is one of the treasures of the Divine World, said to grant anything its bearer wishes... It currently resides in the Dragon Pavilion. Dragon Pavilion? Never heard of it. Could you be referring to... the Dragon Pavilion Castle? What?!? The one from Urashima Tarou?! That's just a fairy tale. You're in Hell, talking to the Emperor Enma. It's not all that unlikely. Correct. The Dragon Pavilion, in fact, exists... at the bottom of the Ghost Ocean... ...or so it _should_ have been. Should have? Huh? Huh? Whaddya mean? What, it moved? No way... the entire thing? It did indeed, bearer of the Arisu name. ...The Dragon Pavilion, and the ground on which it stood, vanished completely not long ago. And the Golden Seed with it. Vanished?! How could that happen? Oh, it can happen all right. The same exact way the bad guys were able to come to our world. And, indeed the way we were able to come here. But, the very ground it stood on too...? The scale of events keeps escalating, doesn't it...? In other words, there is a possibility that the Dragon Pavilion Castle has been thrown to another world, maybe the one we come from? ....Damn, not good at all. Not "not good", it's the worst-case scenario. Shinra Banshou, the cosmos... the unwritten law that sustains all life and governs all change.... will be destroyed...! Yes, and not just in your world. The order of all Worlds will fall. No one knows what will happen when the Worlds fuse. The incident with the Dragon Pavilion is merely the beginning... Regarding the Dragon Pavilion... it seems it was thrown somewhere into the Spirit World. That is the best we have been able to discover... The Spirit World... not those Genji? Yeah... and the "Ouma" too... Chances are good Saya's involved somehow. She mentioned an "experiment". Depending on what she meant... Shion, don't forget about the Octies too. ...You're right. We've got to make sure. ...Let's go. We must get the Golden Seed back. ...Not again. We are _so_ unlucky. Heh, no help for it. We're all in the same boat. ...Plus, it's not like we got anywhere better to go. (Is this what he meant by "the time has come"...?) ...What will you do, Demitri Maximoff, Morrigan Aensland? Do you expect me to leave the fate of our world in the hands of some stragglers from outside? Oh, now it's "our" world? But, he does have a point. We're with you, my darling Arisu. ...Do what you please. Gack, you're coming too??? There's still time. The exit's right over there. They say "no" really means "yes", you know. Heh heh. ...Quite a crew we've got here. Feels like we're ready for anything from raving fans to light sabers! What do you mean, "ready"? Quit running your mouth... and let's go. Wait a moment... I can't stand letting you go without offering something first. Huh? You mean, you've got a present for us...? Some kind of secret weapon or something? ...Maybe a scroll with some kinda ultra death move? Hee hee hee... wonderful intuition you have. I have many things for you. ...All for sale. What! We need cash?! Of course you do. Did I not mention that money makes Hell go round? Heh heh heh... ...Oh brother. [CHAPTER 11. DEMON LEGEND OF THE MINAMOTO-TAIRA FEUD] {Infernal Realm... Emperor Enma's Chambers} Okay, we're leaving! If we make it back... tell us where the Infernal Village is, okay? What an energetic little girl. ...I promise. Ah, that's right. Emperor Enma, I seem to recall you mentioning... "two ways" in. Now that you mention it... he did, didn't he? I doubt it'll change our plans... but would you tell us what the other way is? ... Is there a reason you can't tell us? Heh heh... well, it _is_ rather awkward to bring up. ...I presume you mean "that"? ...I refer to the "Soul Edge", an evil sword once sealed in the Abyss of Time. (...The evil sword that devours souls...!) Quite impressive-sounding. The Soul... Edge...? And what is this "Abyss of Time" we keep hearing about...? Shall I explain? The "Abyss of Time"... is a box created by the gods of the Divine World, meant for sealing away things they find inconvenient... And it got smashed open... which is how this latest mess got started. I think. I suppose it's what we call a "penitentiary" in our world...? And some jailbirds are on the loose causing trouble...? Hmph, one fine job that lot in the Divine World are doing. It seems they can't maintain that little box of theirs. Don't say such things, Demitri. A supposedly unbreakable seal was broken. What matters is how. Nothing else. The Abyss of Time...? Feels like I heard that somewhere... yeah, somewhere lately... ... (It was Saya. ...She said she had tried to cast us into the Abyss of Time.) (Just how deeply involved _is_ she...?) Will this..."Soul Edge" help us, as the Golden Seed will? ...That mission has already been given to others. You would do well not to meddle with it. ...Consider yourselves warned. T-that sounds kinda... scary... I believe that optimal operations will require clearly distinguishing between enemy and ally. My my, what a well-made marionette. Mmmm.... then I shall explain. One of them is a child, named "Tarosuke". ...Hmm? Where have I heard that...? Hey! Isn't that who Boss Bull from the Path of Penance told us to say hi to? Oh, you've heard of him... The other is a samurai... a fallen Heike warrior known as "Taira Kagekiyo". What?! First the Genji, now the Heishi...?! Taira... Kagekiyo...? As in Akushichibyoue Kagekiyo?! Professor Shimazu, who is this Kagekiyo person...? Let's see, he was a military commander from the Heian Period, like the Genji we fought. Taira Kagekiyo was his common name, but his real name is... Hold it right there. We don't have time to hear a lecture. She's right. Let's polish this off quick. All we need to know is not to shoot them, right? ...Too simple. Hey, Reiji....we'd better get a move on before they put another one over on us. Yeah, let's go. Emperor Enma, Andaba... thanks for your help. ... Be well. I shall tell Tarosuke of you all. ...Thanks for the trouble. ... Hee hee hee.... what a lively bunch. The Abyss of Time unsealed, and the evil sword Soul Edge vanished. And the joining of disparate worlds... And now we send the Maiden Knight's servants after the lost "Golden Seed", who recovered it once before. And among them, those youths with the strange aura. ...Surely they are not unconnected to these events. And against the fox of the abominable "Ouma"... we send "Arisu" of Shinra? The true bloodline of the Arisu clan is said to be haunted by the apparition of a fox. It is him, for certain. If that man indeed bears the "Blood of the Arisu", his fate will lead him to fight the Ouma even without our intervention. Such is karma. Perhaps even my release of the dead Heike to the Golden Pond was foretold by karma's pen. ...We elders may only watch in silence. {Spirit World... Bamboo Forest Near the Upper Castle} Is everyone alright? Looks like everyone's here. Bike's in good shape too. But man... lookit this place. I've never seen such a perfect bamboo forest. Taste how pure the air is. Marvelously refreshing. Hmph, merely a nuisance. I can see nothing through all this. I swear... so unromantic. But I do agree that we have no idea what's going on around us. Mister Arisu, what do we do now? We start by ascertaining our situation. Starting with figuring out what direction to head. Mm? ...Oh, I see a building. Huh? Where? Oh, you're right. You can see it through this crack here. Ooo, lemme see... this kinda thing makes me so excited. How come? Thats... a Japanese castle...?! Whoa, you're right! You don't think we somehow made it back to our own world, do you? ...Maybe we did. It sure _looks_ like Japan. ...Guess it's not Suzaku Castle, right? Hold it right there. If my memory serves, that is the Sakura Gate of the Upper Castle. At present, it has fallen into disrepair, and no one visits it. It couldn't possibly remain in such pristine condition. The possibilities are that we time slipped to the past, or that this is a very similar parallel world. ...Either way, it's clear this isn't our own world. Um, may I say something? I've detected an energy signature I can't analyze from the vicinity of that castle. It resembles that from the last time we experienced Dimensional Transfer. Dimensional Transfer...? That settles it. Let's head for that castle for now. I don't see any pandas among us who deserve to hang out here forever. Pandas, huh? ...Hmmmm, wonder if bamboo's tasty. ...I think you'd cut the inside of your mouth on it. If you're gonna try some, eat it while we walk. ...Okay, let's go. Shion. KOS-MOS? We're already leaving. I have detected a separate energy signature. It is that of a Deflector. A Deflector... What?! No way, that means...! Something coming to mind? ...It's a special condensed form of energy, which can be used as a battery. Never heard of it. If we had enough of those, maybe our energy problems'd be... ...Hey, wait a sec. Correct. Deflectors are objects from our own world. ...! Does this mean that other Transfers from other worlds have begun already?! Let's split up. ...Both the Golden Seed and the Soul Edge are important, but we can't pass on this one either. [I sent Reiji after the Deflector] {Spirit World... Sakura Gate, Upper Castle} Momo, is this where that energy signature was coming from? Yes. I still can't analyze it, but I can detect what I think are the after-effects of a Dimensional Transfer in the vicinity. Wow... this place is gorgeous. Now I wanna go watch the flowers bloom. Don't forget our objective. Let's split up and look. The Golden Seed and the Soul Edge, right? Split up? ...But how? Alrighty! Let's get looking! *sniff sniff*... Hmm? Felicia...? Oh, rats! We should have had Klonoa and Gantz come with us! Hey, King, get with the program! Use your nose! This is a mask. You shouldn't try to take shortcuts. Investigation is all about legwork. Wait a minute. If you sense the after effects of a Dimensional Transfer, does that mean that our objective has already teleported away? Yes... It appears neither the Golden Seed nor the Soul Edge themselves are here. Hmph, that was obvious from the lack of any magic to sense. Try to have some pride as a Dark Stalker. Hee hee, guess you're right. Pride won't help us find the goods though. So, now what? Leilei wasn't entirely off when she said that investigating is about legwork. Let's start by looking for clues. There doesn't appear to be anything here... perhaps through the gate? What...!! D-Dimensional Transfer...! Here it comes!! Transfer?! What is it?! [zorch] W-what the?! What appeared? U-umm... which was the Golden Seed again? Maybe that's the Soul Edge? No, I don't think that's anywhere in there. That's a... Keystones...? And... toriis? Keystones and toriis...? What're those? Japanese markers for things with spiritual powers. Keystones ward off earthquakes and other misfortunes of the ground, and... if I recall, torii are doors separating the human world from the spirit world. [ribbit!] F-f-f... Frogs...! Not frogs again... A-an awful lot of them too... Looks like they came from the Infernal World just like we did. ...I think this dimensional wall thing is toast. That the torii separate the human world from the spirit world... well said. Not that I expect it was true. ...We don't know what's going on, but taking out the enemy is top priority. That spike-headed man has the right idea. Don't make such a fuss over a few inferior demons. Just-... [newcomers again] Nope, looks like there's more of them. ..Hmm? What the? What is it, Leilei? ...I can't feel any magic from them. I can't even feel human presence from them... What are they, robots? Who are these foes? I recognize them not. Space suits... and space trooper rifles...?! That's... gotta be coincidence, right? ... Shion, I detect energy readings... just like the Octies. ...! No way! "That" was the only place humanoid Octies were ever confirmed! So why...! Hmph, I have no interest in the enemy's origins. I trust they will be at least minimally diverting? Uzuki, do you know these things? ... (Octies were specifically made to attack Packet's underground defenses...) (That's the only place humanoid ones were ever recorded.) (I don't want to believe it, but... maybe what teleported to this world is...!) [a new, scarier set of bad guys appears] O ho ho ho... my plan worked perfectly. Behold this wonderful sight, Oniwaka. Ahh, this is what makes coming back so stirring, Lord Ushiwaka. They must be the enemy heavies if we've come this far. That armor, and those sword-wielding skeletons... does that mean...? I think we can assume these are friends of that Kiso Yoshinaka we fought on the Path of Penance. Indeed. So you are the visitors from another world who fought Komaoumaru? Komaoumaru? Who are you talking about? Komaoumaru... I seem to recall that as Kisojirou Yoshinaka's spirit name. That mode of speech, and that decor... you must be Minamoto Kurou Yoshitsune, and Musashibou Benkei... correct? What on earth... I suspected this might happen ever since we met Kiso Yoshinaka... Hmm, quite an honor to fight some of the most famous warriors in history. O ho ho ho, what a pleasant statement. I shall grant you an elegant, not unpleasant death. We _are_ gonna fight back, got it?! Forget this pointless exchange. If you know anything about the Golden Seed or the Soul Edge, tell us now. Golden Seed? I have not heard of it. As for the Soul Edge... are you after it too? The Soul Edge... I see, now I want to make it mine even more. ...Which must mean, nobody's found it yet... Ah, I get it. So that's it. Indeed. But this experiment has succeeded. The Soul Edge will soon be mine. ...Lord Ushiwaka. He has arrived... [scary samurai dudes increase in number] ... Who's that? An ally of theirs? O ho ho ho... So, you did come, Kagekiyo. We grew impatient, whelp... That's Taira-no-Kagekiyo...! Mister... Kagekiyo?! Then the boy next to him is... Granny Andaba told us all about you. Just let us handle these bozos! ... (Tairano Kagekiyo...? One seldom encounters waves of evil this strong even in the Infernal World. Curse that Andaba for wielding pawns this strong.) So, the stage is set, I take it. Let's get this investigation underway. What? In...vestigation? First we kick their ass. Then we make them talk. As you said, investigating takes "legwork". ...There's no reason to rush. Oh well, thanks for the help, Tarosuke! Wahoo, we're helping! Kagekiyo, the time is ripe. With the world enveloped in chaos, we have nonetheless... obtained a new power. ...Absurd. Do you suppose leading Hell's ogres and monsters from other worlds against me will avail you? We have not shown you everything. O ho ho ho. You mean there's more? We mustn't underestimate these guys. ...This talk bores me. To battle. Oh, finally! Okay, go for it bro. ... I shall cut... everything...! Now see here! How many times I gotta tell ya _not_ to cut our friends?! Try listening for once! ... U-umm... so, please like, only take out the bad guys, okay? ...Agreed. (Man, I can't stand this guy...) I see, quite impressive. I see why Komaoumaru withdrew. Indeed. Things are becoming quite entertaining, especially with that warrior Mitsurugi around. Muahaha! You guys rock! Of course. Who do you think we are? ...G-gee, what a high opinion of himself. Not a problem. Besides, it's upsetting the enemy plenty. Yo, Kagekiyo, give 'em some love! ...I am able to handle this myself. Don't say that! Our job gets easier the more you flatter them! ...You call that flattery? I'm more worried about those Genji. We aren't bothering them much. You man, over there... you are sharper than that exterior betrays. It is about time, Lord Ushiwaka. Ah...! A distortion field has formed in this area! I knew they were hiding some more firepower. "Ouma"... was it? Yeah. We've fought those Scythe-Weasels before, but that's the first time I've seen that thing leading them. A tengu...? More specifically, a Crow Tengu by its appearance. Tengu always accompany the legends about Yoshitsune. These enemies certainly lend that some credence. The problem is... how did those Genji guys summon them? The answer seems obvious. ...The Genji are in league with the Ouma. Okay, this could suck... Indeed it does. I told you the time is ripe. Kagekiyo, we are not as we were back then. ...You are. For at the last, I will cut you down. ...That is all. Don't forget we're here too. You guys aren't the only thing that's changed! O ho ho ho... you speak truly. You all seem quite formidable. We ain't letting you weasel out now! Plus we got lots to ask you! I... ...Huh? ...I wanna go home!! Hey! No saying that from our side either! Geez! You've stuck your neck out this far! You're sticking with us now! The actors have gathered.... to battle. O ho ho ho... I shall offer all your heads as fodder for the Scythe-Weasels. Wrong. Those to be pilloried are you. ...And Yoritomo. [Chunli versus scythe weasel!] "Ouma"... indeed. The enemies are getting sharper... [Kagekiyo versus the thug] Benkei... has His power returned? "His"? Who? ...Heh heh, I have nothing to say. Very well. ...Here I come. [Tengu defeated] Huh...? What...?! What's wrong? Several heat sources are approaching rapidly! What, more of them?! They're probably... enemy reinforcements. But they're coming towards us...? Since they didn't attack in the first place... does this mean they represent some other power? Hmph, trickling in like this... How aggravating. [something strange appears] What _are_ those?! Robots...? First phantoms from the Heian Period, now robots? Hmm? Where have I seen those before... O ho ho, how entertaining. It is the ones set free from the "Lake of Blood". Shion! Those are Rebirds! They're a definite match! ...Rebirds? Shion, you know these things? They're a form of mechanical life... They came from our world, just like the Octies...! M-mechanical life? What's that? They're completely robotic, but they're still known as an unidentified life form. Whether "mechanical life" is the right term or not I don't know... That's completely unrealistic... ...won't exactly fly anymore, will it? Indeed it won't. But it's certainly true that we haven't faced anything like them until now. ...How will they strike? Bothersome ones, you too are His pawns? We merely parlayed with the "Lake of Blood"... but perhaps this is best. Does it matter? Let's just kick their butt. Count me in. (Rebirds... the savages of the ruins...) (...Which must mean... one of the ruins must have been Transferred here in its entirety...?!) [Yoshitsune faces Kagekiyo] O ho ho ho, to think you would employ a retainer. ...I will not trade words with you. C'mon, don't sweat it. First off, it's easier than fighting alone. Just think of me as a bonus. [Xenosaga ladies meet the dreaded Rebirds] According to the data, these are the "horokko" type. They're designated as the lowest rank of the Rebirds. The problem isn't their rank. ...It's why they're here in the first place. [schoolgirls versus feudal terrorists] Maidens though you be, I, Musashibou Benkei, will not hesitate! I can't believe we get to fight some of the greatest fighters in history, even here... A great honor, to be sure. Umm... they're from Chuushinzou, right? ...Let's just go. O ho ho, here I come... little maidens. [Ryuu tries his hand] So after Kiso Yoshinaka, I face Minamoto Yoshitsune and Musashibou Benkei. At this rate, I'll be facing Oda Nobunaga or Takeda Shingen. I rather like his eyes. This man, who seems unarmed... is yet a warrior. O ho ho ho, let us observe the extent of his strength. [Defeat Benkei] Kagekiyo... consider yourself fortunate. Just as we have obtained new strength, so have you... I did not wish for it. Be that as it may, your path is decided. As is yours, Kagekiyo. Being... as it may. Huh? What's this guy talking about? ... Sure you wanna let him leave after that nonsense he just talked? ...It matters not. We shall see him again, whether we wish to or not. Being... as it may. [Yoshitsune goes down] Curses.... not once, but twice! Yet know this, Kagekiyo. This battle has only begun. Lord Kamakura... that is, my elder brother is not the brother he once was. You and your little friends will be the next ones to depart the Golden Pond. Oh, so we count now too?! ...My task has not changed. I will cut you down as often as required. O ho ho ho... the times have changed, as have our circumstances. I shall enjoy watching how you, who have not changed, intend to fight. Great... so we're gonna get kicked out of the Golden Pond, huh? ... Though the world and those within it change... the grudges of man will never change... and never fade... Was that the last one? No more responses in the area. ...I think. You think? Make yourself clear. U-uh... I'm sorry. Ever since those Keystones teleported here, the noise has been really bad... Not only did we not learn the whereabouts of the Golden Seed or the Soul Edge, we acquired a new set of problems... I believe I'm getting a headache. But we've got some new companions, it can't be all bad... ... Y-yikes...! Um, sure we shouldn't bump him off too? You just called him our companion, didn't you? Andaba was right: he's our ally. Right on. My bro Kagekiyo here looks kinda scary, but he's a good guy underneath. ... Uh, err... I think. ...W-why am I not convinced. No no, he feels like a kindred spirit. I'm sure he's a good guy. Right? ... (...Gee, fellow dead people.) Enough introductions. It's patently obvious the Soul Edge isn't here. This is just wasting our time. Hey, you don't have to put it that way. Didn't they just fight by our side? Heh, not that I see any point in that. Kagekiyo, don't get mad... As that man said, we are done here. Pursuing Yoshitsune... that comes first. He finally talks, and he has to agree with Demitri? ...Things could be pretty bad if _both_ of them act like that. Anyway, let's go find Ken and the others. I don't like the fact that those Rebirds seem to have come from their direction. Maybe they came from wherever the Octies came from... ...Huh? That reminds me, where'd Mitsurugi and them go? Mitsurugi...? ...I do not know. That "Deflector" thingie... Maybe they headed that way? [CHAPTER 12. GEZELSCHAFT, RESPOND!] {Spirit World... Land of the Golden Pond, Lake of Blood} I'm glad we ditched those samurai... but we're still stuck in this awful place. But why are we getting a Deflector response from around here...? This _is_ another world, isn't it, Masuyo? There's no question there. ...Eek! Tron, it's the Gezelschaft!! Was the Deflector signature coming from the Gezelschaft's engines?! Thank goodness we split up from those scary warriors and came here on our own! To think we'd capture the whole Bone clan _and_ their mothership! ... Masuyo...? No way I'm letting you do that! Hey! Number 2! Number 3! Number 4! Ack! Please wait!! Hey, wait! Don't go off on your own! Tron! We don't know what's going on yet! Don't act on your own! Hey! Didn't you hear me?! Number 38! Number 39! Hey, Number 40! Troooon, there's so much electromagnetic interference we can't get through at all... Interference? In a desolate place like this?! ...This feels dangerous to me. Nothing else for it. Back Tron up on the double. Masuyo, you don't have to be in that big a hurry... Geez, Hiromi! Don't you remember where that battleship used to be?! Used to be? Well, it was at those old ruins and... ...Oh...! It means we and those Octy critters weren't the only things thrown to this world... I have no idea what's going on. ...But it's dangerous to stray too far. Especially you, Tron. You look a bit clumsy. I heard that! Just how am I clumsy... [bad guys on the rampage] Rebirds! And some Octies too?! I knew it...! These must be the ones who were near the ruins! They must have been hiding out in cracks in the battleship. Whoa... they're separating... See, look at that! That's why I called you klutzy! That's not what you said before! Just hurry up and save me, alright! Aren't I some big important witness?! ...That's right, she is, isn't she. Okay then! Hiromi, get ready to charge! Rescuing Tron Bone is top priority! Watch out for that Shell Octy back there. Copy! Troooon..... I'd love to get some backup from the Gezelschaft right about now... Hey! Can't you hear me?! Gezelschaft, answer me! Argh! Forget it! [pummel enough bad guys, and...] N-not more of them?! Enemy reinforcements?! They don't show up at all on the sensors...! I can't sense them either! This is the location of the Deflector signature. They're not Octies? Humans...?! (Hmm? That girl in front... I've seen her somewhere before.) W-what the hell is up with this terrain? And this sorcery... it's like another world. ... Oh, great... look at all those yucky things... I detect Rebirds, as well as Octies. I believe those they are fighting are, from identification on their armaments, former Space Border Guards now posted as special agents to the U.G.S.F. Rebirds and.. Octies...? How do you know what they're called? Wait a moment, Miss KOS-MOS! Those Border whatevers you just mentioned... what are they? Do you know them? I'm sure now. ...You're the secret weapon Vector Industries developed to fight the Gnosis, a humanoid robot designated the KP-X. Yes, or KOS-MOS for short. Oh, friends of yours? That makes things easier. Hey, you friends with the hot biker chick and that girl in the pot over there? T-there's a furry, squinty-eyed creature... riding a bike... Tron, what do you think he means by "pot"? ...He means Gustav, doesn't he! How rude! Looks like these folks come from the world KOS-MOS and the others are from. So, what's the deal with those Octy monsters? They are vicious, mutant life forms from deep space. By the way, the Rebirds are mechanical life forms that usually appear in ancient deep space ruins. Hey, gimme a break here. We've already got monsters and devils. Don't tell me aliens and mechanical mystery creatures are after us too. That's not even funny. With all we've seen, it wouldn't be exciting unless we get to face stuff like that. Don't be calling this exciting or whatever. There's no telling what'll pop out next. Confirm new enemy signature approaching. Here it comes. [not sci-fi bad guys, at least] Shit, not these guys! Wow! Something occult! Damn it, not that Genji squad again. Hey, this's the Spirit World, man. You gotta expect stuff like that at least. This's our first battle in this world. Let's make it count! Spirit World...? I don't think so. This looks like... the "Lake of Blood" in the "Turning World". What?! ...The Lake of Blood? Just what is this place...?! Turning World...? Isn't that where King Enma was? Impossible! Does this mean that the Dragon Pavilion Castle wasn't the only thing that was Transferred?! I think we just saw the proof. Lake of Blood... is it? I certainly see enough pools of red. I've been wondering all this time what the giant green object sticking out of the lake is... ...A blowfish? ..What?! Excuse me! _That_ happens to be the mothership for the Bone clan of aerial pirates! It's the Gezelschaft! It's also the hangar for the Bone's land, sea and air mecha! A perfect, self-contained fortress with its own laboratories and mess hall! This giant battleship has enough firepower and horsepower to go toe to toe with the best the Space Forces have to offer! It is invincible! Well then, not sure I caught all that, but you sure sound confident. G-giant battleship?! Awesome! That is _so_ sci-fi! Of course, it's just so much trash right now. And that size just makes it harder to handle. N-now now, Masuyo... T-trash... Okay, little miss attitude problem, now you said it!! Are these folks really on the same team? That's enough arguing. ...We've got to solve this mess first. I agree. What say we assist you, in return for exchanging information later? I wonder if we can use that battleship thingie. Getting it out of that lake looks like a bitch, but if we _could_ use it...getting around would be much much easier. Okay, let's do it...! Commencing combat. [smack down the Octies and a new batch of freaks appear] Heh heh heh... to think you could last this long. You all have risen in my estimation. ...?! You! You're that samurai who showed up last time! That man from the Genji...! You are... Kisojirou Yoshinaka! Where on Earth have you been hiding?! Hiding? I arrived just now. Hiromi, didn't you see him on the sensors? No good... not hide nor hair of him... Hey, Detonator KOS-MOS. How about you? My sensors are functioning abnormally due to an unanalyzable electromagnetic interference. Us too....The sensors just started acting up and...! What the heck is going on around here! T-Troooon.... Quit jawin'! The enemy's right in front of your face! Get it together! Looks like a lot's going on. But like, those big round blobby things're gonna make me puke. ...Vagans...?! Hey, you! ...Where'd you bring those Octies from?! Hmm? ...I see, so these are called "Octies". You see, the evil thoughts they ooze are well suited... for our armies. Your... armies?! Looks like a lot of things are tying together around here... ...Like us, and the monsters besides the Octies. Yes, such as... those scythe-weasels. ...I suppose that means this so-called Ouma syndicate's pipeline is as healthy as ever. ... Indeed, their experiments appear to be proceeding nicely. That accursed fox woman is not letting us down. Fox woman... he must mean that glamor girl... Saya. So she's already making her move... Shit. O-our dreams are just as big as hers! Dreams alone won't cut it. Might I recommend drinking some milk? Milk? So _that_'s how... A-anyways, for now we'd better watch our butts, or she might just show up too. Oh, dollars to donuts she'll show up whether or not we're watching our butts. Save the info exchange and pleasantaries for later. Can't keep our guests waiting, can we? Heh heh heh... fear not, for your destiny is already decided. Converse to your hearts' content. Too bad for you. We're gonna continue in the Gezelschaft's conference room. I vote for the mess hall! We can decide that later. ...We're blowing this wide open, Hiromi. Copy...! [several very round monsters appear] ... Something else showed up?! ...W-what the heck? Phantom Beasts?! Dinosaurs?! ...Yeah, right. Those are...? I see, they must have escaped from there. They're kinda cute, actually. Wait, aren't those... Pookas...?! That sudden mutation.... that only exists around Baraduke?! Sudden mutation, as in... What?! Baraduke?! As in the underground fortress of Baraduke?! ... (I knew it... Baraduke's been rebuilt!) (And it's been teleported somewhere in this world...!) What is this "Baraduke" you speak of? Um... do you know what Baraduke is? Yes. Subterranean fortress Baraduke... shall I search my database and explain? Sounds like it'll take a while. How about we not? Smart choice, with her mistress Shion gone. Man, we can't even stand here and chat. I dunno what the hell's going on, but the enemy's the enemy. ...Let's take 'em down! ...Argh... Huh? Hey, Arisu? Goddamn it... just when things get chaotic...huh? Just how much does that bitch think she can mess with us?! What did you say?! Arisu... not again?! You could set your watch by this guy. What a mess... Is this the harvest you meant? ...Saya! [speak of the devil] It is indeed. Well done. I wonder what kind of reward you want, boy. ...Your life. Is it just me, or does she always show up whenever it causes the most trouble? Heh heh... or perhaps at the most... "interesting" times? Excellent read. So the big cheese's here, huh? Whaddya you think you are, the heroine? Good question. At least, I don't believe I'm a cameo. ...I'll take you as a disposable bad guy. Ooh, the casting hasn't started yet. This is my home turf. And as they say, "know thyself." Meaning I've got the upper hand. And even though this experiment succeeded, there's a long way to go. Do not speak out of such arrogance. You need only eliminate the pests. "Experiment"? "Home turf"...? ...More mysteries? Correct. You called this your home turf... Then you'll tell us what's going on here. It seems we never... have a chance to converse. It can't be helped, professor. Perhaps we could negotiate... if we understood each other a little better. Heh heh heh... assuming you could understand her, that is. [samurai boy gets pummeled] This power... we must act, and quickly. But this was merely a trial for the real experiment. Perhaps this was to be expected. Sore loser, huh? Pretty lame for some hotshot samurai. Heh heh heh... say what you will. Hey, you! Answer me! Those Octies... where'd you bring them from!? And those Rebirds! The Octies and Rebirds? ...And this "Baraduke" you spoke of, which must mean "that land". ...!! (Damn, I knew it...!) Lord Kamakura must be informed at once. Heh he... ha ha ha ha ha! The enemy has left the combat zone. Oopsie... now what? Shouldn't we follow him?! Should we pursue, Masuyo?! The Seindark can do it! ...Nope. We've got to pool our information first. You shouldn't charge in half-cocked unless your name is "Taizou". Huh?! U-um... C-copy... (...Baraduke... Taizou...) [pummel Saya enough and...] It seems every time I see you people there's more of you. Like you're one to talk. ...What're you plotting?! ...That Genji warrior used the term "experiment". Is that the same as your experiments? Who knows. Give it some thought though, boy. Just full of food for thought, huh? Lay off! Oh, come now. That's called female "technique". ...W-well, that's true, but... Don't take that from her. Well, I'd hate my pearly skin to take any more abuse here, so I suppose I'll just have to withdraw. ...Especially since the results of the "experiment" were phenomenal. Heh heh. ...Damn that bitch...! Reiji, it must be true... Yeah. She's mixed up in all this, and deeply. ...And if this was merely a test run, she's probably up to something even bigger. Well, that's all the enemies in sight... how's it look, Hiromi? No good... we'd better consider most of our sensors useless. I wonder if the Dimensional Transfer is to blame for that. If so... ...It means their plans are proceeding apace, correct? More mysteries all the time. But Saya... the Ouma are making their move. I guess our only option is to keep moving and keep looking for clues. Oh, by the way... who are you people? That's right, introductions got postponed. I'm from the United Galactic Space Force, the U.G.S.F. Toby Masuyo, of the airborne cavalry division. Likewise, Tengenji Hiromi! Thanks for all your help! United Galactic Space Force?! We've seen a lot of fantasy-type stuff already, but that's like... KOS-MOS, care to educate the champ here? On what topic? ...Okay, my bad. I forgot about our self-powered, all-purpose robots. Long live sci-fi. Long live space opera. And you are...umm... ... ...Hmm? Is something stuck to my face? ... Huh? What's up? ... Rather unpleasant to have a girl staring at you, isn't it... ... ...Hey, at least her bike's hot. Are all those... handmade? Oh, um... we aren't cosplaying. I get it... I don't notice anymore cause I'm used to it by now... ...Oh well, guess anyone'd do the same the first time they get a look at us. Looks like it's gonna be rough explaining who each other are. And who's that girl hiding over there? Tron! I opened the Gezelschaft's hatch manually!! Well done, #28! Okay everyone, all aboard the Gezelschaft! I don't know if we can get her to move, but it'll be better than chatting in this creepy place, right? {Spirit World... Gezelschaft's Bridge} This is the bridge!! Wow, sure looks the part. Wow, awesome! This place's so exciting! Definitely... intimidating... My goodness... I wish my kids could see this. Agreed. It's as though we've entered a movie. Please don't regress too far into childhood, Professor Hideo. I'd prefer somewhere I could get off my feet. Heh heh... it's not his fault. You can never take the boy out of the man. Right. Or maybe both of them are animals. There is no "all of the above". So, what can you actually do in this "bridge". Steering, monitoring the inside of the ship... essentially, everything! You could think of this as the Gezelschaft's brain! I see. So this is where you'd go if you wanted to take over the ship. Rig-... E-... eek... Masuyo... ...I figured she was the malicious one... Just joking, okay? We're fighting on the same side now, right? T-thank goodness... ..."Now", huh? Looks like everyone hates soldiers everywhere. Well... I wouldn't say everyone, right? Speaking of soldiers, has anyone seen Bruce and the others? Yeah, Gantz and the others are missing too. More importantly, where's Tron Bone? Shouldn't she be entertaining her guests? Tron went to the engine room! It looks like the others went there too. The captain herself? ...Is that okay? {Spirit World... Gezelschaft's Engine Room} #22, #23, #27! Is the engine room okay?! Oh, Tron. Well... We've restored basic control, but... Everything else won't work at aaaall. Won't work?! Why not?! What area? Huh? Oh, right here... Wow... it is _really_ hot here. Isn't all that fur uncomfortable, Gantz? Aw, shaddup and mind yer own business. Go pat Klonoa or something. Hey hey, you people! Authorized personnel only! Hey, don't sweat it, miss. We got some time to kill until the rendezvous. Look, a bunch of amateurs can't...! I believe something is interfering with the activation of the Deflector in the main reactor. Huh? I dunno about no Deef thingie... but looks like yer ignition's busted to me. Course the engine won't start without it. Even if it's unfamiliar tech, a machine's a machine. ...Dear god. There's no way we could find a Deflector in this world. ....What should we do? Tron!! Hey, I'm busy, #22. We just got a lot more guests. Guests? Oh, they're here. ...Must be Fongling and the others. They're friends of ours, who were off checking out that castle. I wonder if they met Tarosuke and the others. Well, let's go see them. Hmm, I guess that means Kagekiyo and Mitsurugi will be back too. Hey, #22! Take everyone to the conference room! I'll be right there. {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, 59th Floor} You... found them? Less... I've been looking with this adorable Anyo beside me all this time. ... Hee hee hee... I wonder bout that. O ho ho, well, truth be told, I might have been watching from the shadows a bit. ...The Spirit it, Joker? Perceptive as always, my Lord Druaga. The dimensional walls in the Spirit World are simply going to pot these days. It seems a certain high-flying blue demon, Mishima that is, made his way in... He got something to do with the sacrifices? He does indeed. They share some sort of fate... Is that all you found? ... ...The Phantom World... has been reconnected. ...! I see... heh heh heh heh... Joker, Janga... pursue the Golden Knight. ...Hee hee hee. ...And what of Mishima? My armies are... steadily regaining their strength. I see no better chance to gauge just how strong they are. Understood. Then I shall journey to the Phantom World. (The Golden Knight and the Demon Druaga...) (Whatever... will become of them?) {Spirit World... Gezelschaft's Conference Room} ...Okay, I think I get it. The Golden Seed and and the Soul Edge, huh... Also... "Dimensional Transfer", "Shinra" and "Ouma", the Infernal Village, plus the Tower of Druaga... And the subterranean fortress Baraduke... which unless I'm badly mistaken ended up somewhere in this world. And there's all those Rebirds too! Um, Shion, isn't Masuyo... ...No doubt about it. She was part of the "Baraduke Raid"... W-well, I wouldn't try to worry about everything at once... I got a headache from hearing all that. So this time it's visitors from outer space... I'd say we've got a complete set. What else is left? Subterraneans or something? Well, don't forget about Gouki and Shadowloo. ...We've got plenty of human problems too. I wonder how involved they are in this incident? Is it possible they're in league with the Ouma...? I bet... they're after the Dimension Seal ability. The Genji warriors are already on the move. I think we can assume their "experiments" have something to do with Transferring. Like how those Keystones and torii appeared so suddenly? Maybe that's why that Dragon Pavilion Castle thingie got tossed here? That might be very likely. Saya... that woman knew all about the Abyss of Time, the dimension where the Demon Lord Zouna and so many other dangerous things are sealed. Looks like we need to get more info out of her. Hey, Reiji... why don't you lean on her a bit more? She looks to me like the type to really spill the beans if pushed. If so, why not try asking her in bed? ...Heh heh, after all, you are man and woman. W-wow... pretty convincing to hear an expert say that... Damn... the peanut gallery's at it again. Huh? That sounds plenty fishy. Fill me in, huh? Lay off. How long must we endure these tired arguments in a place like this? This is wasting my time. I'm doing this myself. And, as usual, the man isn't reading the atmosphere here. Now, hold on-... Indeed. I must pursue Yoshitsune... Wow, w-where'd he come from...?! (This man... completely concealed his presence...?) Now, hold on! Don't go off on your own! Especially with Mitsurugi off somewhere! What about the Dragon Pavilion Castle?! ...Do as you will. It is of no account to me. Like hell it isn't! You want me sunk to the bottom of the River Styx or something?! ...Tarosuke... Tarosuke... G-granny Andaba?!? Just look! I'm so scared I'm even hearing her voice! ...Can you hear my call, Tarosuke... Kagekiyo... Tarosuke... U-um... I can hear her too... T...Tron!! It's a ghost!! Hee hee hee... You needn't fear so, visitors from other worlds... W-who's that?! Think of her as... our employer. It's easier that way. ...The Dragon Pavilion... is directly beneath you. Directly below?! What? Inside this ship?! You mean at the bottom of the lake...right? Correct. Hurry... there is no time left. Andaba, I... You cannot defeat "him" as you are now... as you should realize within your own heart. ... Otohime of the Dragon Pavilion... she holds what you seek. ...! ......Very well. Hee hee hee... that's the way, Kagekiyo. Understood, Tarosuke? Got it, granny! We'll save Otohime... no sweat! Otohime...? You know her? Otohime was really nice to me when I was wandering through the Infernal World. So.... now I gotta return the favor! You're a nice kid, Tarosuke. ...Otohime, I... ... ... Say, um... that's a really perverted expression there... Memory erotica? ...Does it get any worse...? They say Urashima Tarou received a great reward for his troubles... Sounds like it's true. Reward... we _will_ receive one, I trust? (Gee, he's back. ...There's that money thing again.) ...At least, I expect the end of your battles. ...Gee, how felicitous. Hee hee hee... Man, what a surprise. Was that some kind of late-model hologram transmission...? It doesn't matter, Hiromi. ...The question is... how do we get there? Yeah. It's not like everyone here can swim... Mm...? Maybe if we thought of it as a form of training...? That won't work! Heh. Heh. Heh. ...I think I get the gist of it. Huh? Do you have something in mind? #35! Tactical display on! Yes ma'am!! Whoa, what is _that_? ...Another frog... And... this one is enormous... Don't tell me that's... a submarine?! Correct! That's the proud Bone clan's main maritime battleship. Her name is the Valcon Gelade! And when I say maritime, it can dive just great! I get it, this mechanical frog can go underwater. Well, someone once said that all life is destined to "hop" back into the ocean... We're going to the bottom of a lake. Hey, no problem! Even if the mothership can't move... ...You could have left that part out. Right on! Let's all get this show underway! ...Wait. Aren't we missing someone? Oh, Bruce and the others who just arrived said they were tired and are eating in the mess hall. Sigh... ...That donggua... I'm starting to worry about our group unity... Get them back up here! This's no time for food! Now I'm worried. ...Well, it should be interesting anyway. [CHAPTER 13. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS] {Spirit World... Dragon Pavilion Castle} Oo, this's the place! Man, it's been ages. ...Man, how can this not be a bad joke? The Dragon Pavilion Castle, huh. It's like... truth in advertising. I hope this isn't one of those "all you can eat and 'more' for the price of one beer" joints... What kinda weird misconception is that, huh? So, we brought the Valcon Gelade and all... are you sure the air's okay here? Atmospheric composition matches that on the surface. No apparent trace of radiation. Looks like it's okay!! Still... what's a building like that doing at the bottom of a lake...? I wonder how they got it down here? Forget how there's air to breathe - the whole darn thing lights up like a Christmas tree. ...Hmmm, I'm not sure it matters how it got here. Let's cut the chit-chat short, shall we? ..Is this Golden Seed here? Well, I doubt granny Andaba's the type to lie... This sorcery... surely she spoke truthfully. However... Yeah. ...It's too quiet. D-don't tell me we needed reservations...?! Come to think of it... we didn't make any, did we? Is that what my bad feeling was about?! First of all, how _does_ one make reservations here, anyway? I dunno about needing reservations or whatnot, but this certainly ain't feeling very hospitable. That's weird... Heeeey! Otohimeeeee! ... ...They are coming. What...? Urgh, this aura is... ?! [a blue demon appears] ... ...!! It's him...! Dear me, what a handsome boyfriend. So, this is the place... heh heh... ha ha ha ha ha! Mishima Kazuya! Why are you here?! H-hey, Kazama! Jin, wait! You're getting too close! Hey! What's that monster got to do with him?! D-didn't he say something about... his father? What?! But he's got... wings! [mysterious foes materialize] Eek! T-the enemy?! These guys must be from the Infernal Village... no, the Tower of Druaga! ...Data match confirmed. We have fought them before. Druaga... ...They've made it this far?! Momo! Right! Transform!! Transform...!! Heh heh heh... the Infernal Village? Druaga? They have nothing to do with this... Isn't that right, Kazama Jin? That's right. This's just between you and me. Kazama! You are sorely lacking in rational thought...! Mister Jiiiin! Please come baaack!! Kazama, come back here! It's too dangerous alone! It's useless... now he _can't_ come back! We've gotta get to him to help! Let's go...! [time passes] Is Kazama okay?! Looks okay so far. So far, that is. We've got trouble if this drags on. He's quite skilled. I doubt he'll go down easily, but... Mishima Kazuya... I won't fall until I beat you into a bloody pulp...! Fascinating. ...Do it if you can, my son. Don't call me that!! S-son? What? So that was...? I-it was true?! ...Yes it was. To bad Devidevi over there knows how to push his buttons so well. We got problems if Jin gets too far away from us. Y-yeah, but how do we... Our only choice is to get these bastards out of the way and save him! Riiight! Jin, don't do anything stupid over there! ...Assuming that everything goes according to plan. According to plan? ...What do you mean? Quit mumbling and jinxing us! Your face is jinx enough! Huh? Oh...! D-dimensional distortion is beginning to form! Dimensional distortion field, identical signature to that we encountered previously. What?! ...Meaning more enemies?! T-they're heeeere!! More of Druaga's monsters?! Have they completely connected to the Infernal World again?! This is a very unpleasant development. Looks like we've got more of them. How come we're at the Dragon Pavilion Castle and the only thing we get are men?! They look more like lizards to me... dressed in rags. These look like more of the first ones. Please wait a moment! I have no data on them! They're completely new adversaries! No data? On those guys in the mage robes? Their robes are a different color, but I remember fighting them plenty of... U-um.... they look the same, but inside is... well, the ambiance is... Momo, calm down. ...Stronger sorcery than the first ones. Don't be taken in by appearances. So it seems. These ones are definitely higher level. Could this be like the colored belt system in martial arts? Just call these things high ranking monsters. ...More small fry. But... they have nothing to do with us, Kazama Jin. Of course. ...I'll kill you. That's it. So, what do we do about Mister Oblivious over there? It's obvious. ...We just get rid of everything else. Otherwise, we won't be able to do what we came here for. [keep killing...] Hmm? This aura... who are you? Urgh....?! This... bloodlust? U-umm..... is something wrong? This withering bloodlust... it can't be...! Heat source approaching. ...I believe it is human. ... A-a human...? A-anyways, he's freakin' me out! Just as much as Kagekiyo does! ... (His aura... I cannot tell whether he is alive or dead... who is this man?) This man was... if I recall... Gouki... wasn't it? How did you get through all that water to come here?! Don't tell me he came skin-diving? Nice job, Gouki... Gouki...? Ah, so you're Gouki, the "Heaven" man. Gouki...! Why are you here?! The Master of the Fist... the man of "Heaven"...! Shit, why did he have to appear now...? Heh heh heh... have you come to obstruct me? ... Someone who _isn't_ a lizard man just appeared! M-maybe he's a lion man? I'm less worried about what he looks like than the fact that they seem to know him. (...Those clothes... they're just like Ken and Ryuu's...?) Heh heh... dangerous men are attractive... But this man looks a little _too_ dangerous. S-Shion, another scary person! You're making children cry! Stay away! Or at least use a gentler expression... ...Form is meaningless. Know only that I am present... that is the meaning. Meaning...?! What's that supposed to mean! Answer, Gouki! While you all wasted time beneath these waters, the gate connecting the real world to the other worlds has opened. The real world and other worlds...? Are you saying an even bigger Quake happened?! If this confusion continues to spread... we won't be able to stop it! Could it be... that what happened to me is happening to others? Quake, as in that dimensional distortion that brought us to this world?! Correct. Even without borrowing the strength of the non-humans, doors leading to other worlds can now be opened. With nothing but the "power the world of man has obtained". ...What are you talking about...? Impossible... not the "Bloodlust Wave"?! Bloodlust.... Wave? ...Damn. ...That is not all. There is also an evil "Power of the Heart", "Psycho" something or other. (Is he talking about "Psychopower"?! (Is that what Vega's up to with Shadowloo active again?!) Psycho... what?! Why don't you try explaining in words we can understand? Then know this. My name is Gouki... the Master of the Fist. ...This guy really does stuff at his own speed. That ain't half an explanation. (Is he telling us he has information to convey, through crossing of fists?) Ryuu, don't be misled here. ...Time for you to shut your mouth, man! ...What an interesting story I've heard. If human power can do that... then the inhuman power, and the new powers I've obtained... New powers...?! What do you mean, Mishima Kazuya?! Just what I said, Kazama Jin. Heh heh heh... how fascinating, Man of "Heaven". I know you not. If you have no business with me, depart. Heh heh heh.... You're not getting away this time! Wait! Just how're you gonna follow him?! We're at the bottom of a lake here! You'd have to go back to the Valcon Gelade! Urgh... damn that Kazuya...! [after Gouki fights someone...] Hmm...? ... ...Aa!! Who goes there..? How could there be otherworlders with no sorcery...? C'mon, Otohime... choose your guests better... ...I-I agree... It's... those things we fought in Shibuya! Didn't we see these things... along with Shadowloo's agents? Gnosis...! N-no way! Not only Octies... but the "Pilgrim Fleet" too?! The fact that they're so surprised must mean... these monsters have come from space, right? ... They do look kinda... space-like... U-ummm.... lesse here. "I shall swallow you whole". Screw the fake translations! Quakes...?! What's happening to the world?! Ah...! Another dimensional distortion! This one's really big too! Here it comes! S-something just came out!! I-it's a building... what the heck?! ... ...This is akin to what Yoshitsune and his men did. You mean those Keystones and torii...?! That's how this whole Dragon Pavilion Castle got here in the first place... Oh dear... at this rate, my castle might run off somewhere too. Heck, that's how the Gezelschaft got here too. But what do they mean "SHOP"? Haven't I seen that somewhere... ..."SHOP"... No way...! Oh my goodness... where might this be... W-what the? A woman...?! Who are you? Who, me? My name is Sylphie. I run this shop. U-umm... a-a shop...? W-whoa! Hey, don't sweat it! Now this place's finally lookin' like the Dragon Pavilion Castle! ... Well, we had the demons from hell and that ogre-faced dude... Finally we get someone pleasant on the eyes. ... ...Long time no see, Sylphie. What? You know her?? Oh my goodness! Toby Masuyo from the Border Guards! I had not realized you were still alive. You went into that terrifying underground fortress all alone... ...Yeah, I got lucky. Terrifying underground fortress...?! Do you mean...?! Masuyo, is she talking about...?! This lady is Sylphie the arms dealer. She isn't remembered for it, but she did great service for us from the shadows during the Baraduke Raid. I did nothing of the sort! I never imagined I would find a customer in such a place interested in buying such an ancient wave motion gun. ...Hey, I'm still using that thing. I love antiques, so cut me some slack. She is from another world too? Yet another uninvited guest. Urgh...! Do you know what causes it... and how to make it stop? ... At least not now. ...Not yet. Could you please stop being vague? You should tell us plainly if you have something to say! Gouki... I won't give my body to the Bloodlust Wave...! I vow to fight through this... as a human! ...Dear me... it seems I came at a bad time... Please forgive my interruption. Please visit my store at any time. Be well. Ah, okay. Thank yoooou! Hey, wait a sec! You're the one who brought the Gnosis! Take responsibility! Yes, but you see I merely Dimensional Transferred a few times, seeking "certain people". Certain people? ... Please, save the talk for later! Activate the Hilbert Effect! Hurry! Acknowledged. I'll do it too! W-what the...?! What's that light?! It won't hurt us. Calm down. They're something like ghosts, and that light makes them hittable. T-that is...! (Mizrai Lab's Type 100 Reconnaissance Realian, complete with a Hilbert generator...?!) (How... incredibly... rare...) Hmm? Hold on, Sylphie... what're you scheming now? A-absolutely nothing! The Gnosis are my responsibility, even though I did not bring them here by choice...! What meager strength I have is at your service! ...She sounds like a fraud to me, but... ...Masuyo has lots of friends like this. And what is that supposed to mean, Hiromi dearest? [reduce Gouki beneath a certain number of HP] You must have seen it too now... ...Where this disordered world is headed. W-what? Whaddya mean... where it's headed? The fiends of Hell, the visitors from afar... the power that disorders the world of man, and the power gained by the world of man... The many things encircling you all. Gouki. I don't plan on trading riddles with you...! Why don't you just come out and say what you want me to do?! How often must I repeat myself? ...Consider well, and stretch forth your senses, Ryuu. You're fleeing...?! Wait! Tell me about Psychopower... about Vega! What a cold-blooded guy. Speaks his piece and vanishes, just like that... (Gouki... I have no idea what you're thinking.) (But I won't let things go your way...!) All evil auras have vanished. Sweet! Looks like we kicked all their asses. Yes. No enemy signatures or dimensional distortion detected in the area. Goodness, at last... This certainly differs from the fairy tale. Well, we haven't saved any turtles lately. Otohime! Heeeeey! Looks like we finally get to meet who we came here for. But... Yeah. Looks like we've got even less time than we thought. That stuff that Gouki guy was talking about has me worried. We need to get this Golden Seed and get back home fast... ... Jin, what're you worrying about over there? The way Mishima Kazuya acted when he withdrew... ...He mentioned a "new power", something different from what the Man of "Heaven" has. He's up to something else... My goodness, customers. How would you like some Space Aroma to help you remain calm while facing your worries? It is a mere 100 coins. ...Quit trying to sell stuff when you don't even know what's going on. [CHAPTER 14. THE DEMON GOD AND THE DIM SHADOW] {Spirit World... Dragon Pavilion Castle} Welcome, travelers. I am Otohime, master of the Dragon Pavilion Castle. Otohime! Long time no see! You look well, Tarosuke. I grew lonely without your visits... Yeah, I been kinda busy, see... ...He certainly seems to be one of the regulars. R-really? I'm just a regular high-schooler, so I dunno about that kinda stuff... My, Otohime in her Dragon Pavilion Castle... Just like the fables... Hmm? Professor Hideo? Ah, ha ha ha... what a lovely lady.... I quite agree. Ah, let me introduce myself. Nakamura, insurance salesman, at your service. My card. Looked kinda mellow there for a sec... Hey, this's normal. All salarymen're weak for a pretty girl entertaining them. Goes with the territory. I'd say that's a pretty warped way to look at it. ...But we didn't come here to be entertained. Yes. Lady Andaba has already informed me of your plight. You have come for the Golden Seed stored in the Dragon Pavilion, correct? Ah, so she called ahead? That makes things easy. Thank god Andaba's so on the ball. Don't worry, we promise we'll give it back safe and sound. Otohime, these people need that seed to return to their own world. ... ...I had intended to give it to you... Has something happened...? The Golden Seed... was, very recently, stolen. S-stolen?! What? But how? Who?! "Very recently"... as in, while we were fighting?! Correct. A terrible blue demon attacked the treasure chamber... And when he flew away... the Golden Seed was missing. A blue... demon, you said...?! Mishima Kazuya... so this is that "new power" thing he was talking about?! (What is that bastard planning?) ...An impressive blunder, Otohime. Have you any idea what this means...?! ...I have no idea what to say, much less how to apologize... Stop that, Demitri. There's nothing anyone could do against that creature. It still means we've lost our way to get home. And now there's no way to confirm what Gouki told us. "Go to other worlds with the strength of man"... was it? It's true that we can't learn his true intentions unless we return... So, Otohime, got any ideas? With the Golden Seed stolen... there is no way to travel to the Material World. I suppose that means we have to track Mishima down and somehow steal the Seed back. Yeah, but we don't know where he buzzed off to. I have determined his destination, in fact. He has apparently fled to the Phantom World. The Phantom World... you say? That's the world we live in. ...Hey, wait up! That freaky dude went to our world?! Shit, can't let that slide, can we? Ain't no way that sucker gets to screw with our home. Looks like we've got to follow him at once. Great, what a mess... no rest for the weary, huh? You telling me I get to miss the hospitality? No sipping sake with half-naked guys dancing everywhere? Is _that_ this place's hospitality?! ... ...I like it! We've got no time for indulging your... personal tastes. We pursue at once. How will we dimension shift to the other world? I am unaware of possessing such capabilities at the present time. My power will suffice to send you to where the demon flew, at least as far as the Phantom World. Please use this. T-there it is! The treasure box! Ummm.... isn't this the thingie in the fable that makes you age? H-hey Kanzuki, you open it. ...Precisely what are you thinking, Sakura? First of all, how can we be expected to use this-... A certain craft is sealed within this box. Untying the ribbon will open the gate to the Phantom World. How felicitous. Okay, we'll use it. We appreciate the help. U-umm... are you sure we should buy something that unscientific?! We've already seen gods, demons, and the Dragon Pavilion Castle... none of which are very scientific. Maybe it'd help to remember there are machines that can warp dimensions too...? I-I'm not sure we have a choice... If it's the only option, may as well try it. Okay, let's get back to the surface and get ready. I guess we'll have to leave the Gezelschaft in the Lake of Blood if we're going to another world. Without a Deflector, I think we have to... ... But, we're in a hurry! To the surface. Board the Valcon Gelade, everyone! Well, Otohime, things didn't work out this time... but I promise I'll be back! I look forward to it, Tarosuke. ... Hey, Kagekiyo, we're headin' out. ...Otohime of the Dragon Pavilion. I request the loan of a certain item. I have heard of your request. Please take this. ...I shall. I swear to return it... once my duty is fulfilled. What's that? ... ...You need not concern yourself. Let us hurry. (Only two of the Three Holy Vessels left... though whether I may obtain the remaining two before confronting Them again...) {Spirit World... Gezelschaft's Engine Room} Okay, we're back! How's the engine room doing? No good at all... we've just got to have a Deflector... Hmm..... and just when we were going to move to another world... Always nice to see you... Whoa, Sylphie!? Didn't you go back already?! By no means could I abandon a customer in need. ...Meaning you've got something you wanna sell us, huh? You could put it in those terms. Please take a look at this. T-that's... a Deflector! A real big one! Tron!! That'd fit perfectly! We happen to be having a major sale on these this very moment. Buy one... and surprise, you get a second one as a set! Just one'll be fine. ...So, how much is it? {Five Minutes Later... Gezelschaft's Bridge} It's a message from Tron in the Engine Room!! She's confirmed that she can start the engines!! Ooh, we're in luck. Now we've got us a base of operations. But, how'd she pull that off so fast? I saw Sylphie wandering around the ship a while ago. ...I bet that's how. So it seems to me. So it seems. Wow, the merchants have it rough too... ...Hey, wait a sec! What's with those outfits?! I just got it from miss Sylphie. She referred to them as a token of her acquaintance. (So she _did_ steal Momo and KOS-MOS...) Quite a bit of variety in space merchants. Just great. Now, can someone tell me if we can actually get this whole ship to the Phantom World? We'll know when we open the box! Here goes! One! Two! Wait! Right now?! Wait up! I ain't ready mentally yet! {Phantom World... Joylant, Ghost Palace} Where the hell am I? Don't tell me it's the Afterlife... You simpleton. Stop uttering such ill omens. ...But it is true this is somewhere I've never seen. And this sorcery... something is clearly wrong here. Lotsa stuff's wrong here. One second I'm getting blinded by some light at the Upper Castle, next second I'm here. ...Sorcery or something? Possibly. Recall the dead Genji and Heishi, and "Hiromi" and "Tron", and the riders of that steel horse. Perhaps this has something to do with their appearance. If so, I sure don't see 'em anywhere.... If they got caught in all that light, they oughtta be around here somewhere. ...I'll look outside. I don't like that lighted, festival-like thing I see. Whatever. Not like you'n me're partners or nothin'. I'm goin' inside. ...Hmph, ignoramus. (...Not again, Mekkimaru...?) (The reason we were separated from Tarosuke's party and thrown here alone... could it be...) {Meanwhile... Above Joylant}, what a surprise!! You moron! Who in their right mind would just open that thing?! What just happened?! Man! I was just having lunch in the mess hall! The whole engine room freaked out! Sylphie vanished somewhere along the line too! What the heck's going on?! ...Tarosuke opened the box. But, I don't think anything hap-... Hmm? Hey, look out the window! #15! Put it on screen! Yes ma'am!! W-what the? Yo... is this some kinda joke? So, that's an amusement park, right? There's like, rollercoasters... ...That Otohime must have tricked us. Surely this can't be some other wor-... Yahoo! We're at Joylant! Joy...? You know this place? It means we're in the Phantom World... the world we lived in. Otohime's secret powers do not seem to be in vain. Joylant? ...Hey, maybe the Golden Knight's around here... Hmm? Do you mean... Gilgamesh? Yeah. After you guys bailed the ruins of the Tower of Druaga, we headed off to the Temple of the Heavens. When we split up, he said he was goin' to Joylant. So, who's this Golden Knight guy anyway? Gilgamesh, the Golden Knight... and the priestess of Ishtar, Kai. He's the knight who once defeated the demon Druaga. Quite famous in the Phantom World. I don't know who that is, but let's not change the subject. What do we do when we land? This place looks pretty big... I don't think a building-by-building search will work too well. Why don't we search for the spot with the highest energy signature? Not bad. If the Golden Seed was brought here, it should be the strongest magical source around. Let's go with that. #16, turn on the sensors. Search for the spot with the biggest energy signature. It doesn't have to be analyzable. Yes ma'am! I've got something!! There are two spots, each with its own type of signature. There's a big dimensional distortion near the roller coaster... And, a strong energy signature from that mansion-like building. Is that energy signature thing the Golden Seed? ...I don't think so. I tried analyzing it... but it feels like a different type of energy than what we saw at the Dragon Pavilion. Hanging out here won't solve anything. Faster to try landing. You're right. Nothing will happen until we act. In that case, I recommend dividing into two teams and searching. ...Take those off already. The roller coaster and the mansion-like place... Okay, let's split up and get moving. The rendezvous point will be... in front of the roller coaster. It's easy to spot. Worst possible spot to meet someone for a date... but oh well, can't be helped. Okay, I'll set us down nearby. {Phantom World... Joylant, Ghost Palace} Damn, just lookit all the enemy here. And what's with all that flashing crap outside? ... Armed barbarians from the south, those damn skeletons again... and some kinda overgrown lizard. But hey, at least those look like good eating. Taki! If you're back, get your ass out here! Hmph. If only the rest of you was as sharp as your intuition. Well, I suppose I can praise that part of you at least. Screw the smalltalk. You find out anything?! It may be a trick of the Southerners, but outside is filled with lights, despite the night. And among the lights creep evil spirits... it seems there is nowhere to run. Nor did I see Tarosuke, Kagekiyo, or the others who strayed. Heh, screw the whole lot of 'em. What matters is, where the hell are we? Well, it's certain it's not our own country. ...By the way, Mitsurugi. What did you mean, good eating? Just what I said. Just fry those lizards up good an' I'm sure they taste great. ...?!? Don't tell me you intend to... eat them? I _don't_ intend to die until I get my hands on the goddamn Soul Edge! I don't care if I gotta drink mud or eat fucking lizard meat, I _will_ live through this shit! Period! ...And you don't get any. Go catch one yourself if you want it. Of course I don't want any, you simpleton. (Hmph, given we don't know where we are... perhaps I have no choice?) (But...) (I knew it. Mekkimaru has been wailing all this time...) *gasp* ?! W-what is this, this sorcery?! ...!! Hey! Lookit that!! That's...! The Soul Edge?! How did... something in the Upper Castle end up here?! (Did Mekkimaru call it here?! Or is it coincidence?) Who cares how it happened. ...The Soul Edge... is mine! Hmph. I have no intention of letting you have it, but at least it seems we won't be eating lizard tonight. Not that I'll stop you if you insist on having some. Shut yer hole! [after all the bad guys get to go once] You sure this is the place? Yes. This is the location of the special energy signature. Hmm?! Who the hell are you guys?! Wait, Mitsurugi. They don't appear to be any sort of evil spirit. ...No, wait... what's this presence I sense...? Taki! It's me! ... Tarosuke!? And... That stinking samurai Kagekiyo, huh? Where the hell've you been?! Hey, _you_ were the ones who disappeared! These must be the companions you were separated from... A warrior and a... ninja? ...Looks like it. Anyway, they're from the Warring States period. Let's try not to start any misunderstandings here. ...I'd doubt their sanity more if they just accepted our motley crew here. Well, let's try anyway. We aren't suspicious. I'd like to talk to you in peace. Huh? Who the fuck are you?! Southern barbarians, the dead, a moving marionette... and a girl with a talisman stuck to her face... I presume you're dead, and animated by the Mystic arts? Even better, there's a fox apparition too. Mind explaining how that's _not_ suspicious? I believe she has a point. ...Okay, that failed. Hey, don't just admit defeat like that. Though, she _did_ get all that right just by looking at us. ...She's really on the ball. Yeah, all over the ball. This ninja lady's pretty sharp. Thank god Demitri's not here. Huh? Um... because she's so sharp...? Nuh-uh. The guy doesn't hide his aura, acts like a royal jerk every second... just imagine the argument. So like, maybe I'd better explain? Ummm... ... ...Hold up, what's up with that big-ass lizard over there? (W...what'd he say?!) What's the big deal, it's just some reptile, right? ...Kinda lacks impact after all the weird monsters we've tangled with. Gracious, we finally added dinosaurs to our list of foes... Given that these feel more "real", that makes them that much more frightening. I guess. ... Hmm? You in that boat too, Regina? (The walls separating the different worlds, and the walls between past and future... the walls of time are essentially the same...) (In which case, it can't be coincidence They're near the Soul Edge.) You dudes sure hide in the shadows a lot for some bunch of unsuspicious folk. What'd you milk toast bastards come here for? ...Peculiar though they be, they have their uses. Worry about obtaining the Soul Edge first. So we're the peculiar bunch to this samurai now...? What's _not_ peculiar about fighting in the haunted house of some amusement park? I think I missed something. Bitch about it later. The Golden Seed got away from us... but that's the real Soul Edge this time. Yes, the Soul Edge... which, if I recall correctly, can return us to our own world, according to Emperor Enma. Well, let's go snag it then. We're taking the enemy down fast and grabbing the thing. (So they're after the Soul Edge too?) (...They may have to be eliminated too, depending...) [get someone next to the Soul Edge] Successfully confirm securing of the objective. Argh...?! W-what the?! Whoa, what the? What's all that light? Shit, I seen that light before...! Don't tell me that damn thing's gonna vanish again?! (My skin is prickling... just like when we came here...?) Immense energy is being radiated. Dimensional distortion has begun to form in this area. I-it can't be...! [zorch! rumble!] ... That girl... she's a Shadowloo agent! What's she doing here...?! And how?! And... look at those monsters around her...! ...They are akin to the ones Yoshitsune used. Wh-...where am I? Saya... this isn't what you promised. ...! ...That right, she is working with Shadowloo, isn't she? She's really little Miss Popularity! ...Damn. [speaking of whom...] Gee, looks like that sword drew us here. So... _this_ must be the sorcery I sensed back at that castle. Heh heh... I think I know what to do with that. ...Drawn by the sword? W-whoa!? Isn't anyone else happy to see her? Anyone? Can it, Prince Pervert. Not again... I really didn't wanna see her. I see... accompanying these new lizards we have another fox apparition? Apparently the katana and wakizashi are enemies. You fool, don't treat us like some matched set. I wondered why she didn't show up at the bottom of that lake... Looks like you've been playing with Shadowloo instead, right Saya? Oh, the boy and his friends... Are you still here? We seem to think a lot alike, don't we? ...Like hell. My interests aren't that evil. ...We have no time for idle talk. We must secure this place and rendezvous with Yuuni and Yuuri. Hold on! Tell me what Shadowloo is doing... and where! And where did you all come from!? ...I am not obligated to tell the likes of you. Sorry about this. That was the deal. ...Ibis Island... The Third Energy Lab. You don't have to answer for me to know that much. ...! But the Third Energy Reactor shouldn't be fully functional now. That must be why you had to join forces with the Ouma, and whatever experiments they're running with the Genji... ...That about sums it up I presume. You bitch... how do you know that much? I see... that explains the dinosaurs. But, where's your proof, Regina? ... (So that's it. Those disks from the Spencer Lane must have something to do with starting the Third Energy Reactor.) Well, that's one knowledgeable little girl you've got there. ...Oh well, no point in hiding it I guess. These lizards are some endangered animals from the island. Those're velociraptors... a creature that existed sixty five million years ago. They're uninvited guests in our world, who wandered in during the Third Energy Explosion. Third Energy...? What is the meaning of this "third" energy? And "Ibis Island"... those Bushin-Ryuu ninja mentioned something about that too. ...Fossil fuels, then thermonuclear, then the Third Energy. Polarizing ions in the atmosphere to generate energy... or something like that. The experiments were carried out on a remote island in the South Sea, Ibis Island... I hear there were loads of civilians involved, but it was the biggest secret the military had. Well, that explains where all that energy came from. Beating swords into plowshares, huh? And on a national scale no less. ...Very perceptive, champ. Certain Japanese industrial elements were involved too... though that was strictly rumor. (Japanese industry... she said...?) ...And Shadowloo got involved with that?! Then Shadowloo... Vega wants that power for his own? ... I suppose that's what you're after, Saya? What're you trying to do by artificially controlling the Quakes? What I'm after... you should know that very well, boy. My time's been frozen ever since ten years ago. ... (The Soul Edge must be the catalyst she was talking about.) (We can't let what happened then happen again...!) You bastards... cease that talking at once! Oh, Cammy dear, you must excuse us. ...Well then, enough chit-chat. We'll be heading home with that sword, okay? ...The only thing I've had enough of is you. They must all be silenced. Schedule change: Shinra agent Arisu Reiji must be terminated. You bitches came late to this party! Quit it with all that nonsense bullshit! The Soul Edge's mine! Get in my way and your ass gets cut in half! You simpleton. But, I don't suppose letting this Shadowloo obtain it would be wise either. ...Meaning we cut them down. Heh, the same thing either way. [pummelization ensues, but then...] ... A dimensional distortion similar to the previous one has begun in this area. Not again?! ...This is getting nowhere. We've got to get the Soul Edge and get out of here... What is this... light?! What incredible sorcery...! Heh heh... I've gotta get me one of those... It's reacting to something...! ...The sorcery it emits... is like before. Is that sword... crying out? ...No. It is calling...! [more suited goons show up] Hmm? Where are we? !! I-it's Black Berabou...! What is the meaning of this?! Mister Berabou! It's the man we fought back there... Yes. Tajima, do you insist on following me even to other worlds?! Nakamura?! What the hell are you doing here?! And what's that about some... other world?! Another world... I'd seen information about such things, but... Curse that Bakuda and that "Matter Transfer Device" of his. It's totally useless if you can't control where the matter goes...! "Matter Transfer Device"...? If that's what its name implies... ...Correct. It's the device Professor Bakuda used during the Shinda Fourth Ward incident. Simply put, it's a device that makes teleportation possible. Hold up, how's that possible? Come on now, I hadn't heard that that small island country had scientists that hot. That's not important. Berabou Man, can that device penetrate the dimensional wall? It shouldn't be able to. In addition... from the way Tajima is acting, I don't believe he was transported here deliberately... ... ...That sword called them here. Teleportation to another world... it's got that much sorcery, huh? That's pretty wild... ...I'm beginning to understand what's going on here. If we can master that mystery sword, we'll be able to move around more freely. Now isn't that felicitous. ...Right, boy? That's all the more reason not to let you have the sword. A sword that can even cleave the walls of the world...! Sweet! Now I want it even more. Look, I said no! We gotta give it back to granny Andaba! [more new arrivals] What! Those're..! T-there's more of them?! ...Can't someone turn off the faucet already? Ibis Island... this isn't what the data we input said, Black. So you rabble came here too? Let me say briefly that this isn't my responsibility. ...It was an unforeseen incident, or perhaps your master's incompetence. "Ibis Island"... they're going there too...?! ... And now we get a ninja girl? What next... ...Oh, right, we got one too. Barbarian of the South, I'll thank you not to lump me in with some girl I've never seen before. (But, those twin swords... and her stance...) ...Long time no see, Berabou Man. Yes it has. I never expected to see you again... Wayahime... I've heard that name... which must mean this young lady is part of Bakuda's gang too. ... Does that go for those huge silver guys too? ...Those things have got to be... robots, right? ...Gunjacks? No, maybe the prototype! What?! How come Jin knows about Berabou Man's enemies?! Jack is... a combat robot made by Mishima Heavy Industries. ...You said Ibis Island just now? So the Japanese industry mixed up in the Third Energy... was the Mishima Conglomerate?! ... To think we'd catch them in the act in a place like this... ...We've got to get back to our own world, fast. Accessing data...... Kazama Jin. Mishima Kazuya's son, huh? Well then... don't make the mistake of assuming I'm like I was before, Berabou Man. I'm going to make sure you get to enjoy the Musou Battou-Ryuu techniques I've been programmed with. This time... _you_'ll lose. It won't matter how often you attack. I cannot be beaten... back then, or now. (Musou Battou-Ryuu...? That marionette uses... my style...?!) Wait a sec! A-are you sure about this?! Maybe she's just being controlled by someone, like Amazona...! This person is not human. Though her architecture differs from mine, I believe she too is a combat android. What...?! ...She is. She is... a robot I once destroyed. Meaning we needn't hold back, correct? I'll reduce any robot with ties to Mishima's son to scrap metal. Just try it. I wanna see just how good you are, Kazama Jin. Oh ho... this automatic lady's got a real way with words. I bet Shion'd get way depressed if she saw that. ...Right, KOS-MOS? Why is that? I do not understand. It's ultra-simple, but let's save it for later. ...The bad guys look more than ready to rumble. It looks like there's more than Berabou Man's friends here... What about them, Black? ...Should we just eliminate them all? ...Ignore them as long as they stay out of the way. Taking Nakamura and the others down comes first. ...Prioritize elimination of the Shinra forces over the Mishima forces. (Mishima's servants... I've heard nothing of them from Lord Vega.) Heh heh... well isn't this interesting? I think I just got reinforcements. How handy. They're attacking? First Shadowloo and the Ouma, now the Mishima Conglomerate... this's getting rather messy. Come now, collisions between the schemes of multiple syndicates happen all the time. It's as routine as afternoon tea. Yes, and in general, nothing good comes of it. Let's do it, Berabou Man! [Beat down Cammy enough] If this was going to happen, we should have completely crushed them in front of Shinra headquarters. Say your prayers...! I've got a _lot_ to ask you about Shadowloo and Vega! ...Retreat is the only option. Otherwise, rendezvous with Yuuni and Yuuri will be delayed. Hey! She ran off again! She's not getting away this time...! Wait, Chunli. ...It's clear where they're going. Ibis Island... right? Yes. And to follow them... we need the Soul Edge as soon as possible. ...Fine. (But how do those girls plan on returning to the real world, anyway?) [Saya gets beaten around a bit] Ooh, as formidable as ever. I'm just going to leave the Soul Edge, so hang on a sec, okay? Huh? That's kinda... sudden. Running away again? What, yer sayin' you can steal it whenever you want?! You got a lotta guts sayin' that for a punk-ass spook! That's right! Punk-ass spook! Hey, badmouth her some more! It might be nice if my _fellow_ spooks took a bit more pride in their heritage. Well, that's all for today. Damn it, what's going on? (I was certain she wanted the Soul Edge come hell or high water... why did she just leave so abruptly?) [Waya gets crossed] Defeated, huh? ...Waya, get out of here. Bakuda likes you. I can't let you get trashed. Gee, how kind. But I'm not through yet. I just don't want to be held responsible. Now go. ...That's the trouble with salarymen. But it's true we are short on data... it won't be this easy next time, Berabou Man. ...Likewise. I won't be defeated. [And, when Black Berabou gets wrecked...] Grr....! Nakamura! Since when did you gather all these new faces?! ...Call it coincidence. Merely good luck. I'm pulling out. ...Anyway, I've got to figure out how to get back to the real world. But you won't beat me next time, Nakamura...! Tajima... (But at this rate... with this power imbalance... I can't win this way...) Man, they really had me sweating there for a sec. ...At worst, we merely treaded water. Every last one of the enemy with information escaped. Anyways, whoever's sending us these new enemies sure isn't getting tired yet. Complaining won't solve anything. We should do whatever we can. Good advice. ...I recommend, dinner. Err, I think something comes before that... Right! The Soul Edge! (I suppose... I should take it and vanish... right?) Hmm?! Mekkimaru is...?! W-what happened?! Aah! Professor Hideo! T-the Soul Edge is...! Holy shit! It vanished again!! There was no increase in energy prior to the disappearance. I hypothesize that it is in an extremely unstable state. Indeed. ...Its sorcery had been wavering for some time. Try _telling_ us that next time! Damn, Saya must've noticed before we did. ...No point in grabbing it if it's just gonna disappear out of your hand. What a waste of time, huh? If that has something to do with the so-called "Transfer", it wasn't a waste. Whether we like it or not, we're going to have to Dimension Transfer ourselves. You have a point. Both the Bakuda and the Shadowloo will try to return to our world. For now, let us return to the Gezelschaft. [CHAPTER 15. GOLDEN KNIGHT, FALLEN KNIGHT] {Joylant... In Front of the Roller Coaster} This is the roller coaster we saw from the battleship, right? Ooookay then, I get to ride up front! Hey! I wanted to be in front! I wonder if they have a height limit... ...Just what did you guys come here for, anyway? Shion and the others will be here any moment. This is only a rendezvous point... we didn't come here to enjoy ourselves. Damn straight. Or do you want me to ride the rail? At full throttle? We're not here for that either. That said... we really haven't found any real information yet. And this _is_ a roller coaster in another world... maybe it's got some ultra-super technology in it...! Sigh. Cool it, children. How about you, Kurino? Would you like to play too? With Phantom Beasts right in front of us? I don't think so. ...Besides, something doesn't feel right. We'd better hurry this rendezvous up. Excellent judgment. (Besides, I keep sensing some sort of strong magic from time to time... that must be what Kurino was talking about.) (Is... "something"... nearby...?) [pulverize the first batch of villains] Yahoo! Piece of CAKE! See, now we got lots of time till everyone else comes. You're right! Let's hurry! Sakura? ...We're in a completely different world, with a roller coaster and a haunted house. Could I trouble you to be a bit more cautious? ... I got it! I'll be cautious, so why don't you ride with me? She don't got it. Sakura, I think there's still something around here. Could you be patient a bit, at least until everyone else arri-... Huh?! Hey, everyone be quiet a moment! An energy signature...?! What on earth? It says that the air around here is ionized...! [ionized, you say?] What the hell?! Who the fuck're they?! T-there's so many of them!! ...Accessing data. No match with destination "Ibis Island". Transfer experiment judged a failure. Problem: Cammy, lost. Well well, some adorable little girls. ...From the Material World, I take it? Aah!~ It's those special forces chicks! T-the enemy? They're special agents of Vega... leader of the Secret Shadowloo Society! I would never have expected them to follow us to another world. Hey, Kanzuki, didn't that one girl just say something about "not the destination"? Ibis Island or something...? She did indeed. Ibis Island... ...That was where those armored Bushin-Ryuu men headed, if memory serves... Target confirmed: Kanzuki Karin. ...Unable to analyze targets besides Kanzuki Karin and one other due to insufficient data. Commencing sampling. Damn, lookit their eyes. They look like... their hearts are no longer here. Are they under some sort of spell? They remind me of Kurino when Zouna cast a spell on him and made him attack back when. ...T-that was all in the past, Sabine. But, if they were able to come straight here from the Material World, the dimensional wall must be about to crumble. ...Maybe the Material World isn't the only one in trouble. Tron...? (There isn't enough data... but that getup those girls are wearing... are they from that syndicate "Captain Commando" destroyed?) (And they've got Rebirds with them too...) Commencing combat. Acknowledged: commencing class one combat readiness. [Yuuni fights with you] Enemy combat ability exceeds projections. Confirm the need for resampling. Suggestion: concur. ...Emergency: heat source approaching. T-Troooon!! An unknown person is headed this way!! What?! Enemy reinforcements?! ... A-another woman?! ...What... can't be! You were...?! Kurino, she... looks like Valkyrie, doesn't she?! ... The goddess of death and destruction. She is the diametric opposite of Valkyrie... correct? G-goddess?! Death and destruction? What do you mean, "diametric opposite"... What's someone like that doing here?! The Golden Seed incident... Lady Valkyrie defeated you and sealed you in the Abyss of Time then... The black, Fallen Knight... Black Valkyrie! Did you say... Golden Seed?! Black... Valkyrie?! Yo, Kurino! ...Bothersome male, still clinging to the Maiden Knight's skirt. Open your foul mouth again and... That's enough.... black Maiden Knight! ...! So, you followed me. ...Not bad, for a broken-down old fool. Gilgamesh... the Golden Knight. [chapter title!! woo...] That's what these jet boots are for. What amazing Western-style armor... Is he the man in your story? Yeah, that's the Golden Knight! Yo, Gilgamesh, looks like you're in luck. It certainly does. I knew a battle was going on, but I never expected it to be you all. Heh heh... pleased to meet you. Even the Infernal World has heard tales of you two. ...The strong magic I sensed... it must have been you, Morrigan Aensland. Those are Gil and Kai... ...What a mess this turned into. Too bad Mister Berabou and Momo aren't here. ...This isn't a hero show. [and if that wasn't enough...] What are all these enemies doing at the rendezvous point?! Is everyone okay?! Oh, Mister Ryuu! What great timing! Let's save the explanations for later, and mop this up now. Accessing data... with some omissions, they are positively identified as those we fought in Roppongi, Tokyo. I.D.: enemy reinforcements. Those girls... Shadowloo?! They came here from the real world too?! How?! We don't know how. But they really were on their way to Ibis Island it seems. Ibis Island...? The island where the Third Energy research facility is? ...Friends of Kurino, are you? Heh... quite talkative for people fighting for your lives. Confident, aren't we? There's someone... up there? Hey, who're you?! I've felt that aura before. And that outfit... hey, Morrigan! That's Black Valkyrie. A seeker of harmony through chaos, the Maiden Knight's shadow. Valkyrie...? Wasn't Valkyrie the person Kurino's been looking for...?! ... No, I will tell you for the sake of her honor that this is someone else. ...Unfortunately, I can't say they're completely unconnected... Oh, reall-... Wait, that shiny gold! European armor from the Middle Ages? ...He doesn't look like a bad man, but... Golden armor...! Who is he? That's the Golden Knight... Gilgamesh! The person with him is Lolo's upperclassman, Kai. The Golden Knight, who once toppled the Tower of Druaga... Hmph, I look forward to seeing just how powerful you are. Okay, I just lost track of who's the bad guy here. Anyways, let's take down all these extras first, 'kay? You needn't worry. I have no business with you. Play to your hearts' content. You may have no business with them, but you do with me. The Eye of God... I'm taking it back. ... Wait up, did he say "Eye of God"?! Huh? What's this Eye of God thingie? So, they say there was this big-ass war about a thousand years ago. Wasn't that thing used back then? A thousand years ago... was there such a war back then? He's talking about our world. ...The legends speak of a weapon powerful enough to tear the continents asunder... The Eye of God was needed to make that weapon work. Correct. An object too awesome for not just human, but any hands. Something that should be sealed away for eternity. That sounds like.... some type of Generator. Are you saying that woman has it? It doesn't matter what this Eye of God thing really is, nor who has it now. What matters is whether it's got anything to do with us. I don't think.... it's _not_ got anything to do with us. Huh? Why? What we're looking for are the Golden Seed and the Soul Edge, right? What's the connection? There isn't one, is the-... Hey! Wait a moment, Felicia! The Golden Seed...?! Don't tell me... that has once again been...?! I-I think... she knows about it... ...Heh... heh heh heh heh.... ...This woman was deeply involved in the whole Golden Seed mess. Nice job, Felicia. H-hey, I just got here, okay? You can't expect me to know every little thing! If she knows about the Soul Edge, i don't see how we can avoid fighting her. You cannot. The Golden Seed... and the evil sword Soul Edge... You just lost your right to walk out of here. Hmph, I care not. I already told you... I could not ask for a better opponent than the Maiden Knight's shadow. Oh brother... we just signed up for more trouble... This is terrible... A-ahem! I don't know what's going on around here, but that's not the Valkyrie we're looking for, right? So if she's like Black Berabou, she's the enemy! Right! W-what a simplification... Judging from circumstances, no countermeasures needed against the figure in black. Prioritize destruction of Kanzuki Karin and all other targets connected to Shinra. Acknowledge: present mission top priority. So we gotta fight the Shadowloo too? Heh heh... so many enemies you have. Ha!! Gil! Yeah, we can't let her get away...! Golden Knight, I shall grant your wish to fight me. After all has been laid waste... I shall inquire after the Golden Seed. Then tell me why you stole the Eye of God...! Black, Fallen Knight... you talk as though the theft of the Eye of God and the Golden Seed are connected. ...Do you know anything about Lady Valkyrie? ...I don't think she's... unconnected to you. Valkyrie, you said? ... Even if I knew, I have no reason to tell you. Let the darkness of chaos plunge you to its depths. [the fallen knight receives an ass-whupping] Your prowess is impressive. Perhaps only natural, given that Kurino and the heads of the Maximoff and Aensland clans are gathered together. You've got that right. Their daily deeds have been righteous, it would seem. Now you're talking. Ah! Someone's approaching! According to the data... it's the squadron from the Tower of Druaga! What? The squadron from where? Druaga...! [the enemies assault!] (Druaga's men...? Apparently I wasn't the only one to escape from the Abyss of Time.) (Which means... Zouna too...?) Slimes... and mages?! Why is Druaga sending his armies here...?! Oh no! Our deeds suck after all! ...No, I wouldn't say that. I have information about these guys. Isn't that right, mister clown? O ho ho ho, as sharp as always. It has been some time, Golden Knight, and Kai, priestess of the goddess Ishtar. Oh, and there's Kurino the Hero, plus the usual band of hangers-on. My, how polite. Who cares if he's polite. He's still the enemy! And quit callin' us all hangers-on! Why have you come? An interesting question... o ho ho. W-what's that big round thing? And... Cut the bullshit greetings, man. ...Just kill their ass already so we can look for the damn Soul Edge. It's that foul-tempered cat! ...I thought we wouldn't see you again... That monster... do you know him? Not only do we know him, we can this close to being abducted by him not that long ago. Janga, you fuck! You got some nerve dragging that ugly mug in here! Whoa, man. I'm busy today. I ain't got time to play with you guys. You may not, but I got plenty! Now get your ass down here!! ...Did you just say "Soul Edge"? ...So this place is mixed up in it too? I suppose that thread isn't that easy to sever. Oh dear me... you all are here too? ...How inconvenient. Which means... we can't let you leave here, I'm afraid. (Besides, those sacrifice girls are here too...) I-I think I've heard that line before... And not that long ago either. Hee hee hee... battle's all about wiping out your opponent. Guess what, I just got time to play with you shitty brats! Ain't that swell. ...Too bad play's not enough for me, Janga. What a commotion you comedians make... Oh, I would have thought that makes it more interesting. These little ones are never boring, I assure you. Hmph, expecting anything from this lot is insane. (We get badmouthed no matter who wins the argument...) But... depending on your viewpoint, they may have their uses... They should make a decent stumbling block at least. What...? Don't tell me you-! Damn! Wait a moment! Give back the Eye of God! That is... Eye of God? Did you just say "Eye of God"?! Oh... Maybe it'd be better if you keep your mouth shut from now on, okay? Yes, every time seems to lead to another battle... We don't know a darn thing, and keep getting mixed up further and further anyway. O ho... the Eye of God... indeed. (There is that, but... was that the Maiden Knight? It didn't feel like her at all. And she was black.) (Hmm... I must report this to Lord Druaga, and investigate.) [Yuuri receives a spanking] Damage: considerable. Commencing: investigation mode. What... is wrong with those girls...? Well... they don't seem to be robots. But they don't seem to be acting under their own will either. Man, don't creep me out, okay? I agree... I have to say... my kids are a lot more human-like than them. [Yuuni gets beaten down] Considerable damage. Judge continued combat to be difficult. Withdraw from the area, and prioritize damage recovery while carrying out mission to seek Cammy. Wait! Hold it right there! ...For all that they can't beat us, they certainly are fast. They appeared to be searching for someone. Cammy, or whoever. I can't find that keyword in my database. But, wasn't there someone else dressed like them when we fought before? That blonde girl... from when we fought the robots? ...I see. It seems pretty likely. [Janga gets a smacking] Janga! This's a shitty place to get buried, but it's the last thing yer ever gonna see! Hey man, I was just havin' a little fun after all that travel, see? Quit takin' stuff so serious, dumbass. Gee, this guy is really ticking me off... You mustn't let him provoke you. We've got to defeat him here, or else-! I don't think he said that to provoke us. He's just being honest. I think. ...I don't have anything against you directly, but indirect'll do just fine! Shut it, woman. ...This sucks. I am officially sick of this shit! Don't try to weasel outta this an' run, Janga! Hee hee hee... whine all you want, son! Gantz... Don't sweat it. We'll get him sooner or later. ... (That bitch sure ran off in a hurry... that mean the Eye of God's that important?) (Shit... what the hell's he up to?) [and last but not least...] Goodness, what stout people you are! I don't see one of the sacrifice girls, so I suppose I win if I run away. A prudent decision. Never show yourself before me again. Hey, let's take him down now! I'm getting sick of having to fight him over and over again! O ho ho ho, that _is_ my creed after all. However often you come, you're never taking us with you! Never come again! Oh no, the more you hate me, the more I want to get my hands on you. That's how all men are. W-what a creep... You have one hell of an attitude problem. Did you know that? Ho ho, I hear that a lot. Well then, ADIOOOOS! That clown! He got away again! Gil, are you sure about this? ...That thing's magic is very strong. We can't worry about that for now, Kai. One shouldn't fight that kind of cryptic opponent when there's much chaos around. Is that... all? I can't sense any more enemies... It's okay. All enemy and energy signatures are gone from the vicinity. In other words, that clown and the black knight got completely away from us. ...That fucker Janga too. Shit. There's no rush, Gantz. He'll be back here after me and Momo, Druaga's sacrifices. In no time flat! Sakura... are you certain you understand your circumstances? (Druaga's... sacrifices?) Gil, shouldn't we thank everyone first? Yeah, you're right. ...I appreciate it. Thanks for saving us. My, what a handsome face. You'd be much more popular without your helmet, Golden Knight, Gilgamesh. Hmph, to think you can't fight worth a damn without girding your body with such trinkets. Look, I said not to pick a fight with him. Appearances don't matter to me anyway. Strong is strong. I might suggest you try some additional gear too. What will you two do now? We're seeking the Golden Fruit and the Soul Edge... Gil, Kai, how about fighting with us?! What? ...B-but... I think that's a good idea too. I'm pretty worried about the Eye of God, but we've got to figure out how to fight the enemy before they get any stronger. ...I understand. Hero Kurino, I guess we'll be with you for awhile. Besides, if Druaga is after these girls here... I can't exactly say I'm not involved. We've got more friends!! Okay, we got the picture! Let's meet up with Reiji and the others. We can do introductions then. I-isn't that a bit abrupt, Masuyo? Well, every time a new gibberish keyword comes up, we get more enemies too... I don't blame her for being a bit tired. I wonder if we've seen the last of the Octies and Gangans? 'Cause I know _aaall_ about those guys. Masuyo... Octies and Gangans could make life pretty tough, you know... (But, I think those first bad guys were "Criminal Supermen"... I'd better get back to the Gezelschaft and check...) {Phantom World... Joylant Amusement Park} Oh, there they are. ...Looks like everyone's okay. ...I'm sorry. We found the Soul Edge... but couldn't get our hands on it. At least we found my missing bro and sis Mitsurugi and Taki. Well, thank goodness everyone's okay. Too bad about the Soul Edge. Now we've got everyone together. ...So, Gilgamesh. Wanna continue? Right. This Joylant amusement park has several powers gathered within it. Not just gathered... it would be more accurate to say that they have been drawn together. Powers gathered together...? Is that why the Soul Edge is here? (Does that explain why Mitsurugi and I were the only ones thrown here?) Perhaps due to their influence, space in this vicinity is not stable. Are you saying the Shadowloo came here because space is unstable as well? Perhaps... this is what Gouki was talking about about being able to cross dimensions using only "the power the world of man has gained". And it's clear that the location for those experiments is Ibis Island. Since they came from our world to here... does that mean we could get back too? Crossing the dimensional wall means locating a crack in it. ...Which requires plenty of power. Power comparable to Otohime's sorcery, is it? ...The Golden Seed has that much power, but Mishima Kazuya stole it. And the Soul Edge has eluded us... ...We know where Shadowloo is, and we can't do a thing about it...! I wouldn't give up yet. Some friends of mine off on a separate mission may find something useful to us. Huh? What friends? Hey, you talkin' about those other folks at the ruins of the Tower? Yes. And... one other trusty fighter we met along the way. {Meanwhile... Joylant Amusement Park, Central Plaza} Hmm... If my intuition's right, something's fishy about this place, but... Arthur! Please wait! Geez! Quit barging on ahead! Ah, begging your pardon. Something bothers me about this place. I wouldn't expect anything to be in a central plaza like this, but... We're wasting time. Look, why don't we just join the Golden Knight? Didn't he say he was heading for the roller coaster? ...No help for it. Shall we? Rutee! Rutee! Huh? Atwight... hey, what's wrong? We're in trouble, Stan! Get out of here! Dimlos...? What's wrong, you two? Hmm?! What's this ghastly... evil power?! Arthur! Look above that building right in front of you!! What...?! A-a sword...? ...Hey, isn't that the...?! The evil sword, Soul Edge...! I knew something was here... but that...! Run away from here! No telling what will happen! Hey hey! What's the deal?! {Meanwhile... Joylant Amusement Park} Whoa, what the?! Mekkimaru's crying?! Could this be...!! This oppressive sorcery...! Oh no...! {Infernal Realm... Emperor Enma's Chambers} ... It seems another large Quake happened in one of the Worlds. What do you think, Andaba? Let's see... What will be will be. Hee hee hee... Your usual answer, is it? That won't avail us this time. ...Is that not why you journeyed all this way? As you say... Hee hee hee... ...Is it about the Heike warrior? You needn't worry about Kagekiyo. He fights for aught but the grudge of the Heike. The problem is... those unlike him, who escaped across the River Styx. What...?! Are you serious? The distortions in the "wall" separating the worlds... are growing stronger by the day. Strong enough to threaten the Golden Pond, in fact. Are you saying the dead will spill out of this Infernal Realm? Hmmmm... should that happen, matters will be far worse than that chaos Belial of the Aensland clan caused. Should all the dead return to life, I myself will be out of a job. ...Only strong souls are able to return. Hatred... rage... sadness, love... these excessive feelings are what draw them back. As they say, terrifying are the deeds of man. Hee hee hee... This is no laughing matter, Andaba. There is the evil sword Soul Edge, as well as the theft of the Golden Seed from the Dragon Pavilion. What will become of them I wonder? Our task is to return the walls separating the worlds to their proper state. Let us leave the small details to the young people. Hee hee hee... {????} Ouch, owwww..... not this pattern again. ...Wait up, where are we?! What the? Jungle...?! Right, is everyone okay? We've already checked. Everyone who was present back there is fine. ...That said, we seem to have added somebody. Leave it to a teacher to check attendance so quickly... Hey, we added somebody? Heh heh... that would be me. Zuhl?! What're you doing here?! ...That is a very good question... I was expecting everyone back, so I was making ready to leave the ship, when... So you got caught up in that light too? Indeed I did. What a catastrophe... Well, it's great everyone including Zuhl's okay... but this place is _really_ hot and humid. ... This isn't so much a forest as a... jungle. I wonder how this happened. Um... about that light, I've got some data... Data? ...What kind of data? ...That energy signature matched that from the Soul Edge we confirmed. The Soul Edge?! You mean it's somewhere around here...?! If so, that would explain how we ended up here. Yes. With the spatial instability there, and all that energy... It seems we've Dimensional Transferred. So? What world is this? ...We're back. Do you know where we are? What do you mean we're... back? This is Ibis Island. Meaning we're in our world. You mean this is the Material World?! Are you sure, Regina?! This scenery, and this air... there's no way I could forget. That means we hit the jackpot! Back at last. This isn't the time for mirth, Xiaomu. We can't just disband here. Right! If this is Ibis Island, this is the home base of the the Secret Shadowloo Society... There's no telling what they're up to. We can't let the Shadowloo be. ...I guess that means we've gotta search this place. And, depending on what we find, we kick their ass... Heh, sounds good to me. Speaking of Ibis Island... isn't this where those two who helped us at the school gates were headed? That's correct. The two Bushin-Ryuu ninja... were they after the Shadowloo? So, I know this is the Material World, and I understand what you're trying to do, but... where are we headed? ...Hmm. From what I can see, this is very dense jungle. Just finding some clear space will be tough. It's probably best if we head for the Third Energy facility... but since I don't know where we are, I don't know how to get there from here... Well, we probably oughtta move somewhere. We won't learn anything standing here. Maybe there's some kinda landmark or something...? Umm... well, there is an energy signature, but... What?! Do you mean there's some kind of facility nearby? Perhaps "facility" is the wrong word. The signature matches... the cruiser Volklinde. The Volklinde... you mean the cruiser we were on?! Where is it?! From our current position, it is three linear kilometers away. [CHAPTER 16. THE LEGEND OF VALKYRIE, AGAIN] {Material World... Ibis Island, A.G.W.S. Hangar, Cruiser Volklinde} And here I was worried how we were gonna get aboard this thing... emergency hatch into the hangar, huh? I've been aboard one of these before, so I know how they're laid out. But what's a Vector cruiser doing here? Have you forgotten the Gezelschaft? It may be small, but it's still a perfectly good battleship too. Heck, even the Dragon Pavilion Castle got tossed from the Infernal World to the Spirit World. So there's precedent. No point in worrying about it now. The question is... what next? If Shadowloo's after the Third Energy, we don't need to hang around here too long. ... Sorry, would you mind if I did hang around? ...I'd like to take a look around inside. What's up? Is there... something in there? You might say that. (...I feel a strange power within... but what? It's somehow familiar...) I detect several faint energy sources from inside the ship. I can't analyze them all, but at least one is human. I thought the ship was empty... you're saying someone's inside? ...That deserves investigating. It might even be Shadowloo. ... I recognize that presence I feel. Is it the Maiden Knight... Valkyrie? S-say what?! Lady Valkyrie's in the... Material World?! Oh ho... it's been a long time. R-really? She's... here?! ...We'd better check it out. If the Maiden Knight's here... it means something important's in this iron vessel. ...Look, Reiji, we gotta take a peek or nothing's gonna get done. I guess so. Okay, we'll split up and search the ship, just like we did at the amusement park. [You can pick whether to send Reiji to the Realian maintenance room, to KOS-MOS's maintenance room, or to the bridge. I chose the latter.] {Cruiser Volklinde... Realian Maintenance Room} I do not wish for any more needless killing. ...Withdraw, beings of the Material World. ... I should not be surprised that my words cannot reach them. However... ... ...Come out at once. I am certain you can understand me. ...So, you sensed my presence. Not bad, green-eyed child. Did you seriously think I could misread your presence? ...Heh heh... hardly surprising. The Infernal Village has shown itself again, and the demon Druaga has completed his revival. And Zouna's servants have been confirmed as well. In short, the Abyss of Time has been unsealed. ...I trust I need not continue? A reasonable line of thought, Maiden Knight. Yes, I have returned. ...What will you do about it? You, who control destruction and death, and chaos... I cannot let your return go unpunished. Let us resume our duel... left unfinished since the theft of the Golden Seed. I figured you would say that. No hesitation... my how you've grown, Maiden Knight, Valkyrie. ... As has that Sandra whelp. ...! Y-you met Kurino...?! But he was...! Immature child!! ...! [whack] Uugh... how unfair...! Unfair? Shame on your immaturity for letting your thoughts become clouded, with your enemy before you. That you feel neither fear nor hesitation when confronting me... how pathetic. Are you so certain of your victory, that you waste your breath on such falsehoods?! Hardly, Maiden Knight. If I wished to lie... I would choose a more effective topic. ...I did indeed meet the Sandra whelp. At Joylant, in the Phantom World. Joylant...?! Do you mean to tell me... he has already come that far? On the contrary, he may well have come far closer still. After all, I, who crossed swords with him, am here. ...Were the Sandra not forbidden to interfere in these matters? Heh heh heh... it would seem you have been betrayed. Betrayed...? By Kurino...? (No, if that is true... he is...) [battle begins] What's wrong, green-eyed child? Is that the best you can do? Do not disappoint me. ...I sense a stronger power than before...! What have you done...? I am she who knows the deepest darkness. ...I am the Maiden Knight's Shadow, who seeks harmony through chaos. ...I'm pretty certain chaos can't give birth to harmony. Don't stand out so much if you're a shadow. What...? ...! Looks like we made it. ... ...So, you made it this far. Kurino...! And Sabine!? Looking good, Valkyrie. ... Lady Valkyrie... ...I looked forward to meeting you. ... Lady Valkyrie, I... Kurino. ...I sent word though Lady Ishtar to the Sandra clan, forbidding their involvement. ...Yet you came. Hey, Valkyrie! It's okay, Sabine. ...The Sandra clan, on their honor, are keeping Lady Ishtar's commandment. But... I... I have been cast from the Sandra as a traitor. ...! ...I have nothing to do with my clan. Kurino... why do you go so far? Valkyrie, you have no idea... how resolved he is. Sabine... An emotional reunion? Hmph, let us cut this farce short, shall we? [more bad guys... lots more] Aah! It's Zouna's troops! Do not tell me you... sided with Zouna!? ...Heh heh... heh heh heh heh.... Lady Valkyrie! Punish me later for breaking your taboo...! For now, take up your sword! Your sword.... has always cleaved the deepest darkness! ...Indeed. ... And you both were always at my side. Sabine, daughter of Andy. ....And Kurino Sandra, the "Hero". That's right, Valkyrie! ...Lady Valkyrie...! [the woman in black gets slightly singed] Not bad, for the three of you. So this is your true power? I doubt you could understand the meaning of our power. Hmph, nor do I wish to try. Nor does this alter the fact that the difference in warpower is more than you can close. ... Lady Valkyrie, our companions will be here any moment. We must hold on until then. Companions? But, the Sandra clan... It'd take a while to explain. Anyway, you'll know when you see them, Valkyrie. The people from Joylant? If so... they may cause trouble. I suppose I must call "them" then. What...?! More of Zouna's men? Huh? ... It is the monsters which attacks do not affect...! Correct! ...Then, you have faced them too?! I met them many times before coming here. Attacks do not avail against them... for they are like ghosts. Which means... we need _her_. Acknowledged. Deploying Hilbert Effect. KOS-MOS! What is this?! Kurino, what is this light? A technique that lets us attack those formless enemies. More accurately, a device which generates a finite perceptual sphere. By enlarging the zone within which interference with imaginary space is possible... The phenomenon you just witnessed makes direct approach of the Gnosis tractable. What? ...U-umm... I am terribly sorry, but... [more reinforcements] Rats! We're too late! Hey, KOS-MOS! You just said something totally confusing, didn't you?! I was wondering why you ran off so suddenly... is it these monsters?! It is. They are what she called the "Gnosis", mutants without sorcery. Hmph, so it is them. I recognize several among them. Kurino, Sabine, are these...? Yeah. ...Well, they're kinda fun once you get used to them. It's that black knight... and now the matching white knight...? This presence... this divinity I sense...? Kurino, is this woman the one you spoke of... Yes, she is Lady Valkyrie. Please don't be too rude to her... Oo, this time it's a snow-white virgin, huh? I like it... I like it a lot... hee hee. ...Tarosuke, you're going to get in trouble. Isn't there some way we can shut his mouth? Um... Kurino? ...I humbly apologize. I should have told them in advance. ..."Valkyrie"...was it? Is what I feel from her... sorcery? No, something else... you're certainly not human.... Who are you? These two are...? Not only companions from the Material World, but the Spirit World as well? Yes. All my companions have gotten caught up in these events. [not.... done... yet.... *gah*] But that might just let us solve those events in the end. Valkyrie, Maiden Knight. (The Golden Knight... so he did come. ...Which means the time has come.) The Golden Knight... Gilgamesh! Have you come too...? Lady Ishtar told us everything. Maiden Knight... we will assist in your battles. ... Valkyrie, better get psyched. ...Very well. This is surely the will of Lady Ishtar. May our strengths... be as one. Acknowledged. Commencing combat. [scratch the lady in black some more] I commend you on harming me this much. My companions from other worlds are strong. ...And Lady Valkyrie is on our side. We won't lose without a fight...! Heh heh heh... the Maiden Knight rejoins her retainers... with the power of other worlds at her command. I suppose I must bring forth my new power too. New power? Fallen Knight, what is this power you speak of...? [what indeed?] ... You called? Yee-haw! SWEET! ...Wait. Who are you again? (...W...what the?!) I suddenly require your powers. The enemy possesses strength far greater than I expected. See, didn't I fortell that exactly? You really should listen when people tell you things. ...Hurry up. Heh heh... as you command. Well then... Ha! She healed?! That... wasn't magic. What _was_ that power...? That didn't seem to be spiritual power either. For lack of a better term.... "aura"? ...Soul Power...! Huh? ...That's absurd! Why... why are you...!? ... That woman... who on earth is she, Ryuu? ... The fortune teller of Jenova... who once fought Vega... and died... ...Rose! ... I see... such pranks Fate plays. Explain, Fallen Knight! What is the meaning of this? That woman is... Would you like me to explain...? Do you admit that you have not yet fathomed all my schemes, Maiden Knight? What?! You mean there's more?! Quite correct. Come forth, panther-headed one. [gee] Finally the gong rings... I got sick of waiting. A man with the head of a dark beast...! That's the same face as King's! What? What? Don't tell me... that's... A-Armor... King...! That can't... that just can't be! You're... supposed to be dead!! I didn't catch that. Bring it on if you're gonna. And if you win... I'll tell you what you wanna know. The spoils only go to the victor. (There's no mistake...! Those words couldn't come from anyone else...!) W-what? Not him too?! This... no way!! Ridiculous...! Not another dead person? ...One cannot tell by appearance alone whether they are truly ones returned to the Golden Pond. I see... they might just be "Fakes" designed to throw us off guard. ... ... I don't know if they're fake or not... but I do know this is totally unforgivable...! How dare you try to crawl your way into peoples' hearts!? I merely selected the souls of the strong, Golden Knight. Their relation to the others is mere coincidence. (Those this female ghost chose... are most likely like me.) (Meaning... the wall separating that River from this world has already...) Compounded "coincidences" become "necessity". I believe this occurrence was planned from the outset. I care not. The only thing I will say... Is that they are standing here of their own volition. Volition...? Rose! What are you doing?! ... (Ryuu... once more, I must borrow your strength.) (Though I can't tell you now...) [wipe out Black Valkyrie] We have you now...! Those wounds... any normal person wouldn't be able to move at all. ...Have I... been this careless...?! You're badly wounded. ...I recommend withdrawing. What a lousy master we got. Tell me everything! Hey, wait your turn! And don't expect any tea in the meantime! ...Are you all so certain? ...How can she still move? I don't understand it. ...Where do these reserves of yours come from? It's also possible that she's bluffing. Not that she feels like that, but... Heh heh heh... I merely wish not to make a disgraceful exit. What's to say you won't, black Fallen Knight? Something other than revenge against the Maiden Knight brought you here... am I wrong? True. For example... something to do with the Eye of God? ... The Eye of God...! Do you mean to say... she has it?! We haven't actually seen it. But the Golden Knight came here in pursuit of it. Look forward to it, Maiden Knight. I am not who I was before... Running away?! Black Valkyrie, what are you scheming?! ...Well then, what to do now? I should have hoped you'd look after us till the end, after bringing us all this way. ...Do as you please. In any event, you have no choice but to return to my side. (Hmm? What did she mean... just now?) [Armor King gets the smack down] U...uh.... Grr...! ...!! Woo! He's feeling _that_ one! (Wrong...!) (That blood... from his mouth...!) Heh... heh heh heh... this is a first match worth remembering... no matter what trials lie ahead. Hey... are you really King's teacher?! If so, why're you doing this?! ... ...Is this girl your diva? Inheritor of the panther mask... King II. I knew it... I knew it was you! Tell me why!! (It seems... the Fallen Knight, Black Valkyrie holds that answer.) Those words can't pass these lips. Huh... looks like I'm outta luck this time. I told you the victor gets the spoils... but I ain't got many spoils left. I'm gonna have to say this match didn't count. Armor King! Master!! ... Target lost. Master... why... why have you... C'mon King... look on the bright side. He's gotta be a fake! That bad Valkyrie was just trying to startle us, and... Felicia, ...Before my master died... ...He had lung disease. ...!! (That blood... so that was....) [a rose by any other name] This will do for now. Thanks for letting me stretch my legs after so long. What do you mean... this will do? Wait right there! You gonna run after giving us this much crap?! (This woman... so she's not following the Fallen Knight's orders...?) Heh heh... to tell you the truth, I don't really have my full range of motion back. ...Looks like I'll need a bit more time. Rose... are you really _that_ Rose?! The Rose who lost to Vega, the fortune teller of Jenova, is dead. Just as you said. ...That was... (As I suspected... this woman, and the beast man... have indeed returned to the Golden Pond.) How can people who have entered the underworld... come back to life? Rose, answer me...! I can't tell you that. But Ryuu... don't forget... ...There are two men, both like flame, involved with the power sleeping within you. ...And a girl, like the sakura blossom shaken by the spring thunder. What...?! T-that sounded pretty complicated... What's she mean? ... Rose...! Rose!! All enemies appear to have left the area. ...So, they got away. First the Eye of God, now the army of Zouna.... And the black Fallen Knight... what is she thinking? There's nothing we can do for now, Gil. But if she's using Zouna's monsters as her servants... Yes... presumably, she has... Lady Valkyrie, we've got a lot of enemies to fight, Zouna and Druaga among them. Now is the time to press forward, and in time we'll come to see everything clearly. You are right, Kurino. ...Everyone, allow me to thank you again. I am Valkyrie... a knight in the direct service of the Goddess Ishtar. Hey, don't sweat it. We're friends already, right? Those words don't go with that expression. Thank goodness we were able to meet you in good health. One problem solved. ...It's not that easy, Professor Hideo. Indeed. The news isn't all good. ...Those two return visitors to the Golden Pond, for example. ... ... King... it might still be a mistake! Many have returned to the Golden Pond, including myself and Yoritomo's men. It is certain they are the same. ... ...Let's go. Fretting here won't solve anything. Ryuu... It's like Kurino said... our only direction is forward. Armor King, and that Rose woman... we'll have to fight them again sooner or later. And just as certainly, she... the Fallen Knight will be there. Let us go. Forward... for now. Acknowledged. We will now head to the Cruiser Volklinde's bridge. [CHAPTER 17. MY REAL BODY] {Material World... Cruiser Volklinde, KOS-MOS' Maintenance Room} After all I've seen, there's no mistake. This ship is a cruiser made by Vector Incorporated... the Volklinde. But... the Volklinde was attacked by the Gnosis on its maiden voyage and badly damaged. It should have sunk... What on Earth... ... ...I see, we _were_ sent to the past. Considering all the time-space distortion, there's nothing that says that everything sent here had to come from the same time and place. ... Right... but from what I saw, the ship's abandoned. That worries me. I hope Captain's okay after he headed to the bridge... That reminds me, haven't Shou and our collaborator from the area gotten here yet? ... Is that so... It's true that all types of sensors and transmitters have stopped working since we came to this island. I really hope they notice this ship... ...!! Huh?! ...Heat source approaching rapidly?! You mean they have to get this close to be visible?! ... ...This signature... Zabel Zarlock is on da scene! YAY!! ...Aw hell, no one's here neither! You sure that Soul Edge thingie's really here? ... Soul Edge? What's he talking about? But first, are you human...? (No life signs... but an unanalyzable energy's emanating from his whole body...) Oh? ...The hell? So there _are_ people, but it's some mummy man and... a baby?! That ain't even funny enough t' make me laugh! ...We're carrying out Lord Druaga's orders. If you get in our way... we'll kill you. ...Well, this girl's human anyway. ... Is she being mind controlled by someone...? Ah, so that's it. Yo! Yo! Knock it the fuck off with that mumbling baby talk shit! I'm in a goddamn hurry here! It's naptime for all the little kiddies! Ain't nothin' personal, but since you heard about the Soul Edge, you gotta disappear, baybeee. ...Whoa, you really are baybee, baybee. Yeee-haw! ...What terrible things to say about someone. And not very sensible things either. [take down a bad guy] Okay you brat, you gone and done it this time! Of course I did! You won't get rid of me that easily! ...! What's wrong, Jennety? ...What...? A strange response from that central android maintenance bed? [who to my wondering eyes should appear, but...] ... W-what the hell's up with that chick? (Morrigan...? Naw, she ain't got no chest... cain't be her...) My... my body... my true body... Not again... don't make me go back to that cold place again... I don't want to... disappear... ...! I know... I feel a dangerous amount of energy building up. That girl... isn't human either, is she? Where is Lilith's... my... real body...? [chapter title] Hi-yaaah!! Bushin-Ryuu... at your service!! Whoa! What the?! Mister Shou! Hoover... forgive my tardiness. But it seems we were in time. ... I see, this must be the collaborator from this area... a Bushin- Ryuu ninja just like Shou! Indeed. It is my duty to assist you! Those reptiles... the ones from the jungle! ...So, they followed us from outside? If they interfere, they shall be destroyed...! Damn, how come this shit gotta be so complicated? Oh...? ... (Huh... let's try usin' her.) Hey there, little missy. Who... are you...? Will you... play with me? Play...? D-damn straight I will. The name's Zabel. See, I'm kinda tired of playin' right now. How's about this? Help me out... an' I'll letcha meet Morrigan. Morr...igan? Morrigan... "Morrigan"...!! I gotta meet her! I must meet her! (I knew this chick had somethin' to do with her!) (Bingo, hah hah!) So... can I play with these people? Yeah, play as much as you want! Get out there'n break a leg! You get t'meet Morrigan when yer done! Okay! I'll do real good! ... Jennety, you needn't spell out everything for me. ...I'd prefer not to play with my life at stake. A girl in a place like this...? ...Gai, use caution. That girl... Agreed. I judge her tender appearance to conceal sharpened fangs. She must be struck down in the name of the Bushin. Wow, that sounds like fun...! Okay, come and get me... [after the pounding continues a while...] This is the room that strange presence is coming from... Shion, isn't this... It's KOS-MOS's maintenance room. Don't tell me there's this many enemies here too?! ...Ah...! Hmm...? (So that presence belongs to that girl...?) Morrigan?! Holy shit, she really came! Huh? Oh, and lookie here... F-Fongling... *sigh* Leilei... maybe it's just fate. Well ain't you a sight for sore eyes! She brought my hunny Leilei here too! Yeeeeeee-haww!! ...Joy... ...Kanda Momo. Heh heh heh... so, you show yourself again? I have been... waiting for you. ... I... didn't think I'd ever see you again... I've been waiting for you too, Amazona. I'll save you, no matter what...! Who... are these people? They don't seem to be... in league with the enemy. L-Lord Hoover?! That Green machine... Lord Hoover, it must be you! Is that... Tron Bone of the Bone flying pirates?! Don't tell me you were thrown to this age too?! Hmm? Lord... Hoover? An acquaintance of yours? ...Hmm, age has always been unimportant in love, even in ancient times, but, Tron... isn't this a little too... I-I'm just a fan of his, okay?! That man is an ultra-genius, with several doctorates already at his age...! He also plans all the Commando Team's operations! There isn't a young mechanic who isn't in love with him! Y-you're making me blush... "His age"... is when most people are still nursing... In any case, the fact that Tron knows him must mean he's come from another world, correct? The Commando Team? As in the people fighting the space crime syndicates?! I've checked the data. The Commando Team, led by a man named Captain Commando, is comprised of ninja, aliens, and a baby. All personal information about these members is unknown... but in military circles they are known as the "Shadow Police Organization". Wow, that sounds cool!! Shadow... Police Organization? That baby and those... ninja? No. My name is Shou... Ninja Commando Shou. ... Let's see... a baby, two ninja... and an alien in bandages... Are you mister Captain? Hmm? ...Hey, is that you, Gai? From Bushin-Ryuu?! What're you doing here?! It is... Ken. That was my line. What has brought you here? This is a field of battle. That's a long story. ...Let's just say I'm on some grand adventure for kicking some evil-doing ass. Gai, who are these people? Be at ease. These are no enemies. From what they have said... these must be the enemies they spoke of. Yes. Those zombies are the bad guys! They must be defeated! And... Amazona must be saved! Agreed. ...To battle! Fucking PAIN in the ass! I didn't need no extras gettin' in the way of Leilei'n me! I didn't get all that tricky stuff... but I guess these new people are friends with the first people. I don't know if I'd say that... I've never met the allies or the enemies before. ...So, Morrigan. Is that girl... your daughter or something? Hey, what kind of question is that?! It's true that she resembles me somewhat, but I've never seen her before. (But... it does concern me. This magic I feel...) Thank you, mister Zombie! I met you... my true body... And so many people for me to play with... Huh? Oh, uh, right! Give it all ya got! This child... I wonder what she's been talking about...? Her expression looks as though she could disappear at any moment. I don't know what's going on, but I too prefer being excited to being bored. Come, show me all of you. If you do... you just might learn something. ... (Yes, all of you... my... true...) [when Morrigan first gets into battle] Uh... ugh... What... what's happening to you... Hold on! W-what's this energy reading?! Tron? What's wrong?! I can't analyze it, but... what an incredible reading! It came from that central android maintenance bed... just like the last one! From KOS-MOS's maintenance tank?! B-but she's... KOS-MOS isn't in there. What on Earth is going on?! I have data on it! This signature is...! [this... signature... is... !!!] What?!? That's... the Soul Edge! W-what's that doing in KOS-MOS's maintenance tank?! Is _this_ where the damn Soul Edge's been hiding? Wait... yo, Lilith? Ah...aahhh..... It's not the wounds to her body... hey, what's wrong?! N-no... that sword is... a sword that can cut anything... The tie between you... and me... it's gonna get cut... Would you mind explaining so I can understand? What... relation are you to me? Uhhh.... aaahh!! Hmm? What? How troublesome...! She vanished...?! What the shit?! What'd she go and leave for?! Useless bitch! S-spatial distortion expanding! It's a Transfer! [zorch. bzzrt.] ... It's the Gnosis! Oh no...! Physical attacks are ineffective against these...! [and to make matters worse...] ...?!? This sword's sorcery is so wonderful, isn't it? It's... Saya! An enemy...? This woman is... a were-creature? Hmm... a fox apparition? A fey creature has no business amidst a bloodbath such as this...! (...Both sides have plenty of fey creatures on them...) Wow, what a hunk. But that isn't the best way to greet a lady. Couldn't you at least have said, "Welcome, Ghost Fox", or something? I notice a certain boy is... absent. And after I came all this way. Really. Saya... When we met last at the haunted house, you said you were "drawn by the sword". A fine memory you have, Hero. So that's it, huh? ...We got tossed back to our own world. And why Ibis Island of all places...? Because this is where the Soul Edge disappeared to...? It's pulling us too, isn't it? So, what're you here for? I'm sure she's after the Soul Edge... But you frightened a little girl away in the process! Oh, did I? Heh heh heh... well, let's start with the volunteers, shall we? [namely...] Where am I...? Hey, is this my own world? From analyzing the atmospheric makeup and the electromagnetic waves, I'd say it is. T-Tajima?! And... Wayahime too?! Nakamura...! My thanks, fox lady. Who would have thought that I'd get a chance to counterattack Berabou Man right after getting back? Heh heh heh, my pleasure. As they say, the journey is the adventure. Hey, thanks a bunch! You needn't get so mad. I'll fix you so you can't feel anything soon enough. Oooh ho ho ho ho! Hey, you got a pretty big mouth, for a robot. A-a robot?! Her?! He's right... my scan shows that she's a total android. What, you got a problem with that? N-no way... such an amazing AI... Even KOS-MOS isn't... D-don't give up, Shion! KOS-MOS is way better than her! (For that matter, the minions are robots too, and they can get depressed and all...) Well then. Now that all the fond reunions are done, I guess I'll just take the Soul Edge and be on my way. Now we're talkin'! Let's do this concert right this time! Yee-haw! Ugh... I'm confused AND shocked... But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...! Prepare for anti-Gnosis combat! Momo, do your thing! O-okay! Deploying Hilbert Effect! The Hilbert Effect...! That girl... Is she the Type 100 Realian prototype?! ...!! (The Soul Edge might have something to do with the Gnosis appearing in this world...) [when Amazona goes down] Kanda Momo... it won't be so easy next time... Don't forget... I'm the one who will...! Amazona... that's just fine for now. Momo? ...No matter what, we have to defeat the caster... the demon Druaga, to save her, right...? That's right. ...She's under a very strong enchantment. Trying to break it by force could be... hazardous. Surely not...! That's why it's better this way for now. ...Until we meet Druaga, that is...! ... (Momo... you've become strong.) (...I've got start acting more heroic myself.) (...And face Tajima.) [down with zombies!] Fuck this, man! The hell is it with all these dudes getting in my way?! Don't say that, Zabel. You don't mind... _me_, do you? Hey, wha-... Leilei? HELL NAW! I was wondering when you were gonna say that! Looks like we got a meeting of the zombie minds. What is this... love? Nuh-uh-uh... This's just my darlin' Leilei's way of sayin' she wants to finish me off. "You understand"? ...Damn, he's on to me. But yo, that killer instinct stuff goes straight to my heart! Yaaaa-hoo! Catcha later, Leilei! ...Looks like your bonds are stronger than ever. Aiyaa... Thus is the strategist undone by his strategies. Meditate well on that. [Black Berabou bites the dust] U-urrrgh.... Can't... win... At this rate... I'll... never win... Tajima! Just walk away from this one! We've come back to our own world. You mustn't let this chance slip. That goes for you too, Nakamura! ...I have... things left to do. My duty is not yet discharged, Tajima. You bastard... you're always like that...! Even during that Shinda Fourth Ward mess...! You've always had people on your side! You sure as hell didn't solve that alone! Tajima, I... At least with Bakuda... I won't... have to lose to you...! Tajima! Mister Berabou... he's... Fight for the syndicate, and die for the syndicate... Momo, don't forget that he's... a corporate warrior. (Just like me...) [as the battle wears on, or Saya gets spanked] What?! I feel that evil power mounting...Why?! An energy signature I can't analyze is getting steadily larger! It's coming from... The Soul Edge, right?! That light... don't tell me it's doing it again?! I-it's completely gone...! It Dimensional Transferred away! (...I wonder if this has something to do with that girl's disappearance?) Humph, well, I guess I'll be going too. My main objective's gone, after all. Bye, kids. [mechanical ninja suffers a breakdown] Damage rate over 70%... Figures, since I never got repaired after that last battle. Even so, that android's got incredible technique. There shouldn't be any way this world's technology has gotten that far... Whether Professor Bakuda is good or evil, he _is_ a genius. Heh heh... well, I've gotten a mountain of data on you all anyway. Time to feed that data back into me and get ready to finish you off next time. Especially you, Berabou Man! ...I don't want to destroy you again. Sleep forever by Professor Bakuda's side. No, you're the one who's going to sleep this time! Oh ho ho ho ho! ... Um... Mister Berabou... If you do defeat her... I'd love to get her data for my work... So if you could... no, please, I insist...! Huh? What? ...Shion... you're kinda... scary. Is that the last of them? ... I feel no unusual presences... it appears that way. Combat complete. As usual, I can't tell over a wide range, but at least nearby they seem to be all gone. And... so has the Soul Edge. But, Hoover! I'm so glad you're okay! Thanks for your help, Miss Tron. Allow me to thank you all once again. W-what a polite little infant... He still looks kinda small for this stuff. So, Gai, you joined up with this Commando Team outfit? I am merely accompanying them, as a means to strike those who would bring chaos to the world. Space heros, is it? My goodness... Isn't there another member of those heros? That's right! Our leader, Captain Commando, headed to the bridge all by himself. I've got a bad feeling about it! Shion, I'll plot the shortest course to the bridge. Don't worry, I know how to get there. This is where I worked on KOS-MOS, remember? Everyone, I'll lead you to the bridge! [someone lingers, however...] ... (Hmm... That girl who disappeared... I wonder if I'll see her again.) ... [CHAPTER 18. I AM CAPTAIN COMMANDO] {Material World... Cruiser Volklinde, Bridge} Heh heh heh... the level of technology on this ship... What interesting data I've collected. The activation of the Third Energy itself may have been impossible... but no matter. ... And several interesting new pawns have shown themselves. ...They should at least prove useful as test subjects for "that virus". Heh heh heh heh... We're back. Well done. ...Your results? (That attitude... if not for His orders, I'd pepper him with my arrows...!) I asked for your results. ...I gathered data on the functioning of the ship's powerplant. Indeed... how about letting me have it? I kept my promise. ...Where's the data you have? Your data comes first. Don't be ridiculous! ...Have you forgotten your promise with my master?! Would you mind telling me a bit about that promise? Sturm Jr. ?!? W-who's there?! ...I won't let you say you've forgotten who I am. I-it's you! Who is he? Quite a comedian, coming here alone. What shall we call you? I am the leader of the Commando Team... [chapter title......] Captain... Commando?! And what is this Commando Team...? Sturm Jr., you know of them? Dirty bastards... ones who've gotten in our way many times. But this time... he looks like he's alone. I'm a bit short handed right now. We split up to gather info. Well then... let's go back to what you were just discussing. You guys are a great source of information. Hmph, how absurd. Fleeing? You're more of a coward than you look. I'm merely going to watch from here and see if you're actually worth me dirtying my own hands. Sturm Jr., you've got some history with this man. Why haven't you attacked yet? Heh heh heh... I don't like it... I don't like this fucker's guts one bit. ... (Looks like... they're not getting along so well.) (But if so, what made them join forces at all?) I ain't happy... but I'm still gonna make you bleed, Captain Commando. I'm gonna make you pay for killing my master, Genocide. ...Which must mean that Genocide hasn't revived. See, that was informative. Anyway, let's get this over with. I don't expect we can settle this with words...! [reinforcements arrive soon] This's the bridge. I figured we wouldn't be the first ones here. Masuyo, there're Rebirds here too! They must have come from here to the Phantom World...! Hmm...? (Those old suits... aerial troopers?) (And that airbike... is that a Galactic Federation army machine?) Shit, not more of these freaks! Yeah, 'sides the lizards, we got... a shitload of dudes in fancy duds. Hey, we won't lose on that front. Behold the might of our befuddling brigade! We got martial artists! We got talking stuffed animals! I don't even know what some of these folk are! Enthused are we? ...Still, with this much lead-in, I just can't find it in my heart to laugh. From what I can see, those Bakuda robots... well, the people Mishima's son was dealing with, don't seem to be here. The commander of Shadowloo... wasn't he supposed to be dead?! V-Vega...! Xiaomu, is he the real thing? I doubt there's many humans who blast out this much aura. ...I'm pretty sure it is. This is a... human...? Such an unpleasant aura this man has. I dislike him. I see, these must be the people from the report. Including... an Interpol detective. Heh heh heh... Mwa ha ha! It's been a long time, little girl...! We've run into your special forces several times, and there was Gouki's words... I feared this would happen, but how?! And why would you need to know that? Kanzuki, who's that? I've heard of prominent chins, but that's ridiculous. Those white eyes're scary! Setting aside Klonoa's reaction... Sakura, please tell me you at least watch the news. That's Vega... commander of the Secret Shadowloo Society. The Secret Shadowloo Society... Superficially known as a drug operation... also involved in high-profile kidnappings and industrial blackmail. I understand they've gotten into the weapons-making business lately. Only natural they'd take notice of the Third Energy. But why stop there, when there's otherworldly high-tech for the taking? I think you're drooling, Vega. Oh ho... an American agent? Nice explanation. ...Now you get to disappear for knowing my plans! Hey, haven't we like been disappeared several times over already? How come I didn't notice? Hey, give these guys a break. They got schedules, just like us. ...Not like we're gonna make it easy on 'em or anything. ...I see. I figured you for no saint... but it appears you're a genuine villain. I'm getting more interested by the minute. What did you say? Huh? Ain't that guy one of Vega's goons? Are you... Captain?! Captain Commando?! Captain...? Is he from the same world as you? The Shadow Police Organization, fighting to defend peace in the universe... These guys were even in my high school text books! Of course we are. And this is a criminal superman... a member of a hateful criminal syndicate that threatens that peace in the universe. Don't get full of yourself just cause you found some kinda new friends, Captain Commando. Our revenge starts.... now. Let's see... Database match! That's Sturm Jr., underling of the worst criminal superman in history, Genocide! Captain! Didn't your men destroy that syndicate...? Things're a bit more complicated than that. Let's save the details for later. I want some info too. Heh heh heh... well, this looks at least somewhat interesting. Besides, there's yet more unusual technology for me to capture! Muah ha ha ha ha! Hmph, puny Material Worlder. So delighted by mere trinkets from other worlds. Trinkets... huh? (There's no way he could boot the Third Energy without these disks...) (So why's he so confident... maybe Shadowloo doesn't need Third Energy anymore?) Vega...! I don't care what you're trying to do here! This time, I'm taking you down...! Muahahaha! The only reason that whelp Ryuu could defeat me was Rose disrupting my powers! But that woman is dead! And as long as I've got Psychodrive, I'm invincible! Psychodrive?! No more talk! DIE, little bitches! [when Sturm Jr. gets pounded] I'm impressed you've got this much firepower... Captain Commando! Likewise, Sturm Jr. I never expected to find such stout comrades in a place like this. I've even found some United Galactic Space Force soldiers here. That was the, um, Flying Armor Troopers thingie? Wasn't that Aerial Troopers? Anyway, having people who know him makes it easier to get information across. Felicitous and no mistake. Wow, someone's actually in a good mood. Heh, no low-class criminal superman and Rebirds are a match for us. She's really fired up too. Conceited bastards... What say I summon some reinforcements of my own? Heh heh heh... What?! No, go ahead. Don't hold back on our account. Hey, figures he's got somethin' up his sleeve. Well, get it over with, dickhead. I got bad guys to trash. ... (The Shadowloo special forces were in the other worlds... did those girls return here when we did?) Hold it. I'm calling mine first. Should be more interesting that way. What? What do you think you're doing? I think I'm doing this!! [this. no really.] ... Huh?! Whoa! What the heck?! Those blue monsters... are they the ones we saw in my country?! Shit, some of them got muskets too. We saw those people in the blue space suits in the Spirit World too. Octies! What's a criminal superman doing with the Octies? The Octies are mere pawns before the power of my new master. That's not an answer! She asked you what your relation is to them. And what is such a question worth? Jack shit. (Huh...? Doesn't he know about the Octies we fought in that Spirit something World we got transported to...?) Oh ho, so these are the famed space monsters? You're right, Sturm Jr. This is interesting. Vega! What's your connection to them?! Connection? I'm just using them. Of course, they think they're using me too. ... Your mutual dislike is the only praiseworthy trait you have. However, I am interested only in whether or not you are a foe. I personally am interested in what they're using each other for. But for now, let's take down the small fry. We can make the bosses talk later. Especially what Vega has to do with the Ouma. Well then, let's make this place more chat-friendly, huh? Agreed. Let's take out the trash...! (The only ones left are "Assassins"... Mass-produced on Solo.) (And this "new master"... it's gotta be Him.) ("The Third Moon"... it must be somewhere in this world...) [_really_ beat lizard boy down] Damn... did I underestimate the enemy?! So it seems, Sturm Jr. ...Though to be honest, so did I. I bet you did. I mean, that face... Huh? What's wrong with it? Why do you hesitate? Won't you strike the final blow? Huh? Don't tell me oxygen tank boy here's a good guy? Mm... the probability's not zero... Hey, Reiji! Go administer some artificial respiration! To the enemy? Get real. Besides, he's already got that tank of his. ...No way can this mixed-up crew be called a "squadron". I lost to this bunch of clowns...?! Captain Commando! Don't think this is all the firepower we've got! Don't worry, Sturm Jr. We'll be coming for you next. To Third Moon, that is! ...Damn. Hold it!! How'd you bring the Octies-...?! Hmm? Wait, Captain... what was that just now? ... [beat the enemies for a while] Not bad, little bitches. As I suspected, the only things I can trust are my own organization and my own powers. Looks like you're finally going to give us a taste of the main Shadowloo force. Main force... meaning those girls? So Vega's special forces _have_ returned to this world?! I'll bring them back right now! Mmm-HAAAA!! Bring them back...?! Impossible!! A huge magnetic field is developing in this area! This feeling... don't tell me he's-! What the heck?! Don't tell me mister Cleft Jaw over there has that power?! [apparently he does...] ... Damn, it's those girls...! Atmospheric analysis complete: Ibis Island. Lord Vega identified. ... Lord Vega. Special forces have returned. Heh heh heh... I see you three won't cut it by yourselves. Those words... did he just summon his companions from the Phantom World? ...This man is not to be underestimated. And he brought some of Bakuda's robots too...?! Vega, can your Psychopower... break the dimensional wall?! (Is this the .... power Gouki spoke of?!) See for yourself. Nothing is impossible for my Psychopower... thanks to certain information I got from that Ouma girl. Muahahahaha! That Ouma were-fox?! Fuck that bitch and her screwing around...! ...Damn that Saya! So that's why Shadowloo joined forces with the Ouma! I want some details about Genocide's spatial transportation and this power which can cross dimensions, but for now I think I get the picture. ...This must be why Sturm and the others approached this man. Muahaha! Think as much as you want. Whatever the answer may be, there's nothing you can do about it! I wouldn't be so sure. You seem to be pretty confident with your newfound powers from other worlds, but that goes for me too. I'm sure you'd agree that that counts for something. What nonsense. Once I cut you off at the roots, it won't matter! Tell me one thing! What's your connection to Bakuda's robots... no, to Mishima himself?! Who, Mishima? None whatsoever. He's in my way, in fact. I just found these robots loitering around the island, and used my Psychopower to make them do my bidding. ... (Which means that Mishima Heihachi was using Bakuda totally apart from Shadowloo. So what was _he_ doing on this island?) Mind if I ask something, now that Kazama's done? ...What of the Third Energy? Shouldn't this Psychopower thing of yours be able to start the Third Energy reactor? Bitch... how would you know that? Lord Vega... I believe that woman has certain information. I see. Woman, you seem to be connected with the explosion on this island back when. However.... I no longer need the Third Energy. The situation is continually changing. So, should we assume you found something better? Heh heh heh... I've said it before. There's no need, and no point, in you knowing that. Hey, Cammy.... Go play with them. Acknowledged. I shall eliminate the enemy. Mission: acknowledged. Commencing type one combat stance. These girls will deal with you now! Have fun, while you still can! Say what?! You plannin' on skippin' out?! Vega, you're not getting away! Where do you think you're going?! I'm not bored enough to tangle with you pathetic fools. They're more than good enough. Muahahahaha! H-he vanished... Those girls... are being controlled, right? Isn't there a way to return them to normal? At the very least, I doubt simply talking to them will work. Commencing combat. We can't keep on dealing with you forever. Sorry... but this time you're going down! [Yuuni gets wrecked] Body damage has reached functional limits. Initiating emergency evacuation via Mach Slide. Mach...? Huh? Wait... Wow, she's fast! She's also, um, gone. Didn't her movements seem... unnatural? It looked to me like she was getting pulled along by her body. Is she a cyborg? What I wanna know is, is that some kinda rapid evac system in her back tooth or something? Right, Reiji? Why're you asking me? The hell if I know. What I do know, is that she could still move that well after all the damage we inflicted... Shadowloo's altered their bodies. Their... bodies and spirits have been separated. (... They may be beyond saving at this point...) [as does Yuuri] Damage: extensive. Continued operations: difficult. She runnin' away? Hold it the fuck up!! She didn't look like she felt any pain... Yo, that girl... is her heart possessed? Something like that. More accurately, she's had the devil put into her. ...Her soul has been bound. Hmph, and a fine job of it too. How annoying. Coming from you, that sounds pretty convincing. ...But, if so... ... [ does Cammy] How often must you get in my way...?! Preventing me from carrying out my mission is the same as defying Lord Vega himself! Why can't you realize how stupid that is...?! Now what are you talking about? I'm not a nice enough girl to let Vega have his way! Worry about yerself first, bitch!! We ain't gonna lick yer goddamn boots just 'cause you say so!! Urgh... (Of all their special forces, she's the one who feels the most human.) (I wonder why.) You name's... Cammy, right? What do that samurai's words make you feel? Is what you told us really you talking? What...?! Vega uses his Psychopower to control robots, dinosaurs... all sorts of things. That power can even breach the dimensional wall... Wouldn't it be easy for him to bind your heart? Ridiculous...! I'm carrying out Lord Vega's orders of my own free will! Lord Vega would... never... Oh, really?! Are you so sure?! ... *gulp* ... Why are you trying so hard to get through to that girl? Because that girl's eyes... aren't like the other special forces, or the dinosaurs. There's still... some of her own will left there... ...We may be able to save her. I figured you were another steel lady like Fongling... but looks like you got a good side after all. ...We can pump her for info on Vega, of course. ...Steel indeed? Oh, and I'll be sure to let Fongling know what you just said, Bruce. H-hey now, no need to go doing that. What're you two doing? Chunli, I know you know this... but it ain't gonna be that easy. ... (Can she be saved...? That girl...) All enemy signatures have vanished. The magnetic field in the area's back to normal too... looks like it's over. Captain, I want to know what you know. Where are the survivors from Genocide, and why did they bring Octies with them? Also, under what circumstances did you come to this world, plus all the other info you've got. As well as... Oh man, she's on the attack now. Wow, rapid-fire. My head's spinning. Heh heh... can you hold on a moment? All things go in order, right? Damn straight. We ended up fightin' on the same side, but who the heck are you, anyway? So, I've been wondering... are you two human? ...Some kind of robots? Well, excuse me! We're us! We've got robot friends, but they ain't here now! ...? ...Aren't you talking to the wrong person? ...Hold on. This got off on the wrong foot. Let's get back on topic... Captain Commando. It seems Masuyo and Hiromi know you, but the rest of us have no idea who you are. That's what I want to know too. I'm Arisu Reiji. From the term "Shadow Police Organization", it sounds like we're from similar groups. The name's Captain Commando, leader of the Commando Team. It seems I was tossed into this world, just like the Space Force ladies. A space hero... you some "mobile detective" or something? Geez, what next? The Infernal World, Phantom World, Spirit world... and the Material World. So this lunacy will continue so long as the dimensional wall goes unrepaired? Vega managed to summon his special forces back from the Phantom World under his own power... This isn't good... we really are losing control of the situation. Hey, maybe we'd better get everyone else involved in this discussion, huh? You're right. Maybe they've found some clues. We need to pool all the information we can. Speaking of "everyone", the other members of my team are investigating other blocks of this ship. I expect they'll be gathering here... Gai of the Bushin-Ryuu said he was planning to come here. Perhaps... Heh, rendezvous huh? Feels like we just got dished a big steamin' heap of trouble... [CHAPTER 19. THE EVIL SOUL-EATING SWORD] {Material World... Ibis Island, Bridge of the Cruiser Volklinde} So, everyone was sent here from Joylant by the Soul Edge's power? Looks that way. ...Which means... ...It's still around here somewhere...? Energy signature detected within the ship. It appears to be coming from the Zohar hangar. The Zohar hangar... What?! That "golden object"'s gone already... Maybe it's this Soul Edge we've been talking about. Sounds interesting to me. (...This feeling... could it be... that girl...?) Let's check it out. Maybe Stan and the others from Joylant are there too... Man... so many new faces, so little time for introductions... Can't be helped. ...Let's go. {Material World... Ibis Island, Zohar Hangar, Cruiser Volklinde} U..uhh.... Mister? Hey, mister. Hmm? You are...? Wait, where am I? You're such a sleepy head. You're gonna catch cold, sleeping there. Where... is this place? I was just at Joylant... Hmm? No idea. You were sleeping there when I came. My name's Lilith. Lilith, is it? I am Arthur. Why have you come- Hmm? What's up? (This girl... isn't human, is she?) (...A demon, is it? I feel no enmity from her, but...) Oh, nothing at all. Tell me, did you perchance meet anyone else before me? A blond boy and a black-haired girl, perhaps? Nope, haven't seen them. Anyways... can't you feel it, mister? Feel...? Feel what? {Material World... Zohar Hangar, Cruiser Volklinde} This place feels... strange. I've never been here before, but the magic overflowing from this place feels so familiar somehow. Is that a fact? (I don't know of what she speaks... but perhaps she has something to do with the light from the Soul Edge that sent us here...) Looks like everyone's not here... But I think... they'll be coming. Everyone...? Until they do... let's play, mister. I can't do that, miss. I must find out where I am, and what happened to me-... Hmm?! [kerpoof] Wow, what cute friends. Phantom Beasts... the ones from Joylant? Perchance they were thrown here at the same moment as I... How about over here?! ...There he is! Arthur!! Oh! Stan, Rutee! Thank goodness you're safe. Mister, are these your... friends? Friends... or perhaps, comrades. Who's that girl? You know her? Rutee! That girl is... a demon! A demon...?! Does that mean she's the enemy?! I don't know yet. But... ... All righty, let's all play! We're gonna have lots of fun! F-fun? ...Be on guard, Stan. What that girl calls fun... is probably fighting. Huh?! Hey, you! There's no way that can be fun! Yes it is. Blood is so sparkly and pretty... Besides... I don't mind if it hurts. 'Cause then it starts feeling better and better... ...R-really, Rutee? Don't ask me that! ..Demon and human... They way they see the world are totally different. 'Tis indeed that much worse when no malice is involved. [time passes...] Wow, you guys are good... I'm having a lot of fun now! I'm not having any fun at all! Now now, you're talking to a child. No need to scold her that much. Now see here! Think about the trouble we're in! She's right, Arthur! That girl's a demon... friends with the Phantom Beasts! Well, that's true as far as it goes... (Her total lack of animosity bothers me... Who is she? What is she after?) No quarreling! That stuff's not... fun at all. And whose fault is that?! First of all... Rutee! Wait, Rutee! Shut up, Atwight! I gotta give this girl a piece of my mind! I don't think there's time for that. Huh? Something wrong, Dimlos? ...That's weird. They just started talking to someone. Egad, now you two are ignoring both friend and foe. O-oh, so, this sword's called a "Swordian", and only its master can hear... Stan! Something's coming! [where have we seen that before] T-that sword...! ...The Soul Edge! Where on Earth has it been since casting us out back there? It looks like it's drawn to the strongest magic it can find. Plus, it takes everything around it with it to another world. What an _attractive_ sword... Hmm...? Ah, I see... so its power threw us into this nonsense place... ...Wait up, who're you?! Huh? Aren't you... Hmm? Oh, don't worry about me, ladies. Could it be... the sword's power brought you all the way over here too?! (My, what a cutie.) (Looks like the boy and his friends aren't here... hmmmm... I suppose I really should avoid the tricky stuff.) Why, yes it did. I was gazing at the stars, composing a poem... and I suddenly ended up here... Then, you've got to stay away from that sword! Otherwise, it'll send you somewhere else-...! Hold it. Don't make me laugh. _You_, write poetry? ...This is what people call a "fox in sheep's clothing". That's right, I just lead that innocent by by the nose, take the Soul Edge, and... ...Who's there?! [the cavalry] You don't deserve to know our names...! Hey, Reiji, you tell her! This's no time for being grandiose. ...Saya, you're not getting that sword. You made it here pretty fast this time, boy. I was wondering what world the Soul Edge vanished to... to think that it's still nearby. Heh, that much easier for us to grab the bastard. In any case, it's good we met again so soon. You too... miss. ...Yeah, you're right. I'm so glad... I don't wanna go back to that dark place alone... ...I still can't guess where you're talking about. I certainly hope we learn something this time. Always more riddles. And some new faces too, I see. Western armor and a sword. Is he... the companion you were searching for? Yes, that's right. Silver Knight... I've been looking for you. Looks like Stan and Rutee are here too. Gil! Everyone, thank the heavens you're safe...! Hey, bro, yer lookin' sharp. ...I didn't think he was that durable. Thank goodness we found you two _and_ the Silver Knight. Yahoo! Now that we're here, you got nothin' to fear! Thank god there's someone we recognize around here. Now at least we know who the good guys and bad guys are. Well met, Golden Knight, Gilgamesh. Were you thrown here, as we were? Considering the timing, I'd say so. As well as... her. Hmm? Her...? Silver Knight... Arthur. I too have sought you out... So that I may once again enter... "that" village. That village...? ...That visage, you... no, your ladyship is...! Okay, that's enough blabbering for one day. Dimensional distortion detected. ...Here they come. [the ants come marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah...] Heh heh heh... What are those monsters?! Did you bring them here?! I swear... this's your fault for staring at her so much. ...You wasted too much time talking, Stan. Ha ha ha, enjoy it while you're still young. ...Well, our opponents seem to be ready. Let the battle begin. ... Well then, now the fun begins. Aren't you going to run like last time, my dear? ...I can't let myself get scared. And... I can't let you have that sword... ...? My my, looks like everyone's got a plan. Heh heh... well then, to the victor, the spoils. Okay? Hey! Who put you in charge?! ...However, it is all the same in the end. Only those who survive are capable of claiming the Soul Edge. It doesn't matter. ...Either way, Saya, you'll be destroyed. Huh?... What the...? ...What the? What was that flicker of sorcery just now? ...Nothing. To battle. (I have never heard Mekkimaru cry like that...) (I have a bad feeling about this. We may need to end this battle in a big hurry...) [she wanted pain, she got pain] I-it hurts... it hurts bad... I'm sorry. None of us know how to hold back. ...Myself included. ...But, this pain proves... I exist... ...That I'm... connected to you. ...?! Would you mind being a bit more specific? Who are you? What relation are you of mine? I'm you... and you're me... Hold it, dear! (Her eyes... my eyes were like that once...) (And this feeling... what's going on?) (Why am I so worried about a girl... I've never met before...?) [fragdown continues] ...! This presence... something is coming! Several heat sources approaching rapidly. Ain't this boat a little too popular? What is this, some kinda hot dating spot? I assume they're the enemy. But who, damn it? Rutee, I sense strong magic! Okay, I guess that means it's not another human who got thrown around like we did. [eek, demons!] ... Hmm?! Red Aleemar... !? W-whoa! Where's all those red monsters come from?! Gil! Those demons! Yeah, they're from the Infernal Village...! ...Red monsters, who follow the Crest...! A horde of red aleemar... finally enemies I can handle. You, the immense one... you're their commander? That silver armor... and the aura emanating from your entire body... You must be... Arthur. My name's Joker. Red Aleemar Joker. I'm the leader of the Infernal Village's punishment squad, the Demons' Blazon. (The Demons' Blazon...! So, he did take part in that war...) Ah, the one who showed up at Emperor Enma's place. Ahh, that handsome man from back then. Heh heh... you left in such a hurry last time. I take it you're staying a bit longer now? Hey! We're now officially over the weight limit! Thanks to you and your goon squad! I didn't expect _them_ to be with you. ...This must be fate, Maiden Knight. Fate... perhaps it is. Together with these companions, I can now fight you and the forces of the Infernal Village... you who have joined hands with Druaga. We're with her too, right Kurino? Right. And we've got Gil and Arthur too. We're different than we used to be. Indeed. The Golden Knight, who once struck down Druaga. And the Silver Knight, who once laid waste to the Infernal Village. And many other stalwarts besides. ... Druaga... I'd like to know where he is. Will you tell me? ... ...Need I say it? The Tower of Druaga. The Tower of... Druaga? Do you mean to tell me even that tower's been rebuilt?! Where?! What?! But, that tower's in ruins...! Right! We just fought there not a minute ago! Or what, it got rebuilt since then? Like hell. ...It's in the Infernal Village. What...?! ...I feared as much. But... is it really true...? So, it must have been Transferred from the Phantom World... ...Into the Infernal World. Our back yard. ...I see. That would mean we need to get that Soul Edge. Huh? What's that gotta do with it? (The Soul Edge... So, that sword is the key...) So, the Silver Knight has figured it out. Wait! What do you mean?! Yeah, fucking spell it out! What's the Soul Edge got ta do with-... Impossible... can that sword cleave dimensions?! A sharp reading worthy of the Maiden Knight. We must have that sword to enter the Infernal Village. It can cleave dimensions...? Dimensions... ah, so that's why Saya's after it? (That "catalyst" blah blah stuff... was about this...!) ... (Looks like the cat's out of the bag...) (Not that that's the whole story.) Now hold on a sec, I don't follow this at all! There's no need for you to follow it. None of you... are walking out of here alive. So, even in our own world, we've still got to grab the Soul Edge. Mekkimaru's reacting again?! (What's been going on? Why do you cry, Mekkimaru?) Enough talk. My duty, the duty of all in the Infernal Village punishment squad "Demons' Blazon"... is to eliminate threats to the Infernal Village. Let the battle begin... Silver Knight, Arthur! Skip the pleasantaries, and come. I will neither run, nor hide...! [Saya rents the farm] Okay, I'm beginning to get tired of these little skirmishes. Never mind the excuses. ...Get lost, if you're going to. Goodness, I never expected you to just let me walk out of here, boy. Be cold to me, and I might just not want to come back... ...Or are you trying to use feminine psychology against me? Quit making fun of him. You think he's that good? Give him a little less credit than that! Gee, thanks. ...Saya, what are you waiting for? The Soul Edge... ever since it showed up around the Phantom World, hasn't your interest dimmed a bit? ... What I'm waiting for... is you. What else? Maybe you can tell me what I'm really waiting for... ... Ooh, you reminded me just now... of "him". ...Your father. ... ...How felicitous. Never speak of that...! Heh heh heh... God damn it... pushing our God damn buttons...! Argh, okay. Reiji, you alright? Don't worry about me. Once we get the Soul Edge, she's gonna be doing a lot less talking. THEN we kick her ass. That's the only way to avoid loose ends afterwards. [big, red and winged gets wounded badly enough] Rrrgh... you _are_ strong...! I knew it... I should have defeated them back when I had the chance. I'm surprised myself, Red Aleemar Joker. I was aware of the Maiden and Golden Knights... but all of them are ferocious! Ho ho, no problemo! Just lookit all this ferrous metal! 'Course we're fer-ocious!! I swear... can't you at least ask a few normal questions before you start running your mouth? ...Red demon, how did you get here? Was it that "dimension cleaving power" of the Soul Edge that brought you...? The Soul Edge's power? First I've heard of it. The dimensional walls might as well not exist anyway. I see... so the walls separating the dimensions are already that fragile. Gil, maybe that's what caused that mess at Joylant?! ...Yeah, it must have been when the Soul Edge unleashed its power that did it. Are you talking about that light that swallowed us?! There can be no mistake. I felt an evil power then, such as I've never felt before. ... ...I suppose the "Awakening" has begun. Wait a sec, Maiden Knight! What's this "awakening" business?! ...Thanks to the concentration of so much magic, the evil sword is on the verge of recovering its original power. Lady Valkyrie, are you saying this sword... this sword with all the power it gives off, is still incomplete?! Man, what a piece of work. Awakening... you said?! (Were Mekkimaru's cries a warning about the Soul Edge's awakening?!) Urgh... uhhh...! What's this aura...?! Hey, Taki! [kids, don't touch downed power lines] This power...! Is that coming from the Soul Edge?! [no, I mean it. step... away... from the downed power lines] ... Who goes there? This strong sorcery... these are no mere foes. C-course they're not. They're like, on fire. The Soul Edge and... this new magic are the same...? No trace of Dimensional Transfer or its build-up. I believe the Soul Edge "gave birth" to them. The evil sword... gave birth to them?! Dimlos, do you know anything about this?! You're a sword too! I'm just a weapon with a personality sealed inside. Our adversary is something completely different. I don't care what it is! It's an enemy, right?! Let's just kick its ass! Rutee... you're so violent... Maybe that is for the best. Rather than hand it to those in the Infernal Village, perhaps a bit of force is-...! They say the pen is mightier than the sword... but sometimes, a bit of brute force helps. Nothing else for it...! And me this badly wounded at a time like this... disgraceful. I can't bend the Soul Edge to my will the way I am now. Then what will you do, Red Aleemar Joker? Leave this place. I'm sure you lot can't touch it either. Say WHAT? Give us a bit more credit! I break one or two of those things over my knee every morning! ...Three's a bit trickier though... How can you confuse yourself at a time like this? Yo, red demon! What do you mean, we can't touch it either?! ... ... Dammit, this is pissing me off! I'm gonna make a beehive outta ya! ...I dunno if they've got enough meat on 'em for the bees to nest in. All bones. ...This hostility, and malice... be on guard, one and all. Those are probably close to being creatures of pure magic. Anyway, we've gotta defeat them and get the Soul Edge! [take down one Charade] ... What are those things? They just melt away when defeated! It felt like something slipped out of then at the last minute. Pretty disgusting. What... _are_ they...? They're probably the Soul Edge's sorcery itself. Taki, dear, you sound very confident. You got some kinda proof or something? I've been wondering for a while... what're those swords you carry? Taki... those swords... are kin to the Soul Edge, aren't they? What?! The Soul Edge's... kin?! ... ...The cursed, evil sword, huh? It's almost as though it has a will of its own. I suppose it created those avatars to... defend itself. I only thought it was a tool to get us back home, but... This's powerful stuff. Yeah. All the more reason not to let our enemies have it. ...Especially not Saya. [charade over...] W-whoa!! W-what the? What the heck's going on?! Stan!! The Soul Edge!! This sorcery... man, that Soul Edge is just too much...! This prickling all over my skin.. what an incredible aura. Another impressive display of power, it looks like. I wonder what happens this time? I'm almost kinda looking forward to it. I sure as hell ain't! Feels like time for daddy to spank my ass! Hey! Don't tell me more of those weird things're gonna show up! We all had best watch out. Under the circumstances... there's no telling what happens next...! Just what kinda commotion is this, anyway? Any ideas, Kagekiyo? More sorcery than I have ever felt before... something is about to... happen...! This outpouring of evil power is... too great! Energy output has surpassed all previously recorded levels. What... space is...?! Oh no! Everyone, get out of here now!! So that's it! Everyone, withdraw! Urgh...! Can we make it?! Reiji, we're in deep shit! Impossible...! Not another Transfer, not now! {Material World... The Third Moon, Unified Earth Control Section} Intruders? Here on The Third Moon...? Yes. Intruders of unknown origin. I also received reports of spatial distortion. I believe they got in by Spatial Transfer. Also, we've confirmed one of them who did not use that method. Hien, that one is... ...I know. A survivor from the Striders, who opposes you, Grand Master Meiou. ...A Strider? Do not let him leave this city alive. Assassin Solo, do you understand? ...Very good sir. Tonpuu has already headed to see to the intruders' destruction. Their death should be a matter of time. ...But what of the Strider? I shall go myself. I assume "he" will not be so easily defeated. Strider... Hiryuu. {Meanwhile... The Third Moon, Antigrav Corridor} ...U-uhh... Ugh... more of the Soul Edge's power...? Man... what's going on... Hey! What _is_ going on?! ...Yo, what the hell's happened to us? This appears to be... anti-gravity. ...We are not so much stuck to the ceiling, as the direction of gravity is reversed. I don't think I caught that! Hey, quit rocking the boat! We're all gonna fall! Gravity's merely pointing in the opposite direction. You'll get used to it soon. Just imagine you're standing on the ground. [invariant under rotation] Goodness, what a surprise. I see, we just have to think of the ceiling as down. The human capacity for adaptation is... amazing. Hmph, what a boring contraption. So? Where have we been tossed this time? ... ...It's hard to believe, but this has got to be The Third Moon. ...!! The Third Moon... No way! As in the Meiou Space Station?! What?! You mean we're in... space?! Space... you said? Is that the name this place goes by? Who is this "Meiou"? Stop. ...Let's go in order, or we'll be at this forever. I have some data on a "Grand Master Meiou"... Unfortunately, the information is Top Secret, and all I can tell is that he is considered high profile and highly dangerous... They say he possesses a variety of ultra-technology, and is himself an extremely powerful Esper. He's at the very top of the United Galactic Space Force wanted list. The Third Moon is his stronghold... a space fortress that moves by anti-gravity drive. Great, another weird place... ...Wait, how come it's only us? Where's everyone else?! Either we were the only ones thrown here... Or everyone else got scattered elsewhere... Whoa, what the heck?! That was an explosion! Great... don't tell a fight's goin' on somewhere around here? ...It may be the others who were split from us. If so, this ain't no time to stay stuck to the ceiling. Let's go check it out. [CHAPTER 20. FROM A LOST WORLD] {Material World... The Third Moon, Antigrav Corridor} I'll ask this once more. State your name and purpose. I told you already, girl... I have no name. We didn't sneak in here cause we wanted to. Ain't no purpose, neither. If you insist, figuring out what the hell happened's our purpose. ...Where are we? "Nameless"... what a joke. And quit playing dumb. This is The Third Moon... "His" castle. I rather doubt you haven't heard of it. "The Third Moon", and Him... Shit, is that what happened? We've been flying all over the damn place looking for the "Celestial Emperor". And we end up at "Meiou"'s place instead? I want to know something else. Looks like we got Transported here from Dustworld... a planet at the ass-end of nowhere. Did the Grand Master's tech do that? Hold up. Hearing that girl talk, sounds like us showin' up here's pretty irregular. ...Meaning we gotta ask this instead: You bitches got anything to do with us gettin' Transferred here? ... This is likely the world of the past... A Transfer of unknown origin sent us here. The "world of the past"? Bro, she's sayin' we went through time... That's too shitty for a joke. Okay, next question. Don't get cocky. Whatever the reason, you're still intruders. All intruders are to be destroyed. That's one of The Third Moon's unbreakable rules. ...Looks like it. Though those get-ups look more like the welcoming party. Ain't no joy in gettin' mobbed by some fortified warrior chicks under emotional control. You got that right. Can't afford gettin' killed here, can we? Damn straight. Let's do it...! [muscular thugs: 1, scantily clad babes: 0] You guys are tougher than I thought. I'll take that as a compliment. Bein' outnumbered's our specialty. Hmm? Yo, got some strange readings here. Huh?! What's this energy reading?! A Transfer...?! Shit, more visitors it looks like. Looks like the lackey's surprised too, so they prolly ain't more goons... [it's a... shop] W-what the hell?! A building?! Yo, ain't that...! Gimme a break... always lookin' to make a buck. I am always grateful for your help. I have searched long and hard for you, Ultra Warriors. Great timing as always, Sylphie. I just hope she don't plan it that way on purpose. How did we let her just waltz in here...?! Who the hell are you?! Hmm? I am Sylphie, proprietor of this shop. Sylphie, you came at a good time. Well, I have been seeking you out. I have learned the location of the Celestial Emperor's palace, and was hoping to sell you the information. ...Everything for a price, huh? Try "free". It will be the usual one hundred coins, if you are interested. Price ain't the problem. First we gotta get outta this world. You _will_ help, right? Leave it to me. I do anything and everything to help my customers. Smooth as always too, looks like. So, she's a friend of yours. One more person won't matter... All three of you are going down. Hmph, we already got plans. We're blowin' this gin joint. Get in the way, an' consider your ass kicked. Well, let us go then. No bunch of fortified warriors can slow us down...! [chapter title] Shit, there's more of 'em. Can't say I'm glad to see all that jailbait there. Yeah, me neither. Maybe if they learned how to please better. If you prefer androids, I can offer you a discount. That ain't the point. Huh? [the cavalry show up] Who're they...?! I see... those are the intruders who Transferred from the Earth. Indeed, a battle is raging. Pretty cool, seeing as how they're all upside down. I just can't get used to this stuck-to-the-ceiling stuff. Ain't like it happens all that often, huh? Just enjoy it while it lasts. We may be upside down, but the first step towards righting ourselves is understanding our situation. The combatants are... Two huge dudes and... Huh? That chick in the blue outfit. Isn't that... ...! It is those customers from back there! It is so good to see you again. You're... Miss Sylphie, from the Dragon Pavilion Castle, right? ... Sylphie...? As in Sylphie the arms dealer, specialist in showing up out of the blue?! Goodness gracious, if it isn't Hoover and Jennety from the esteemed Commando Team. Commando Team...? Sylphie, you know these guys? Yes, they once bought my wares at a place called the Dragon Pavilion. Especially their Type 100 Realian... They are very important customers of mine. S-Shion... ...Please stop looking at me like that. A Type 100 Observation Unit? ...What're you plannin', Sylphie? Hmm... that must mean that the army guys with Sylphie are friends of hers... In other words, they've come from the world of the distant future? Those other women are the ones we saw on that Volklinde vessel. Hmph, I had assumed we had eradicated them all there. Now that we know who our friends and foes are, I'd say we have not. So, all the intruders have banded together? ...All the better to wipe them out at once. Send "them" in. Hmm? What're the enemy doing? [oh, that "them"] Yikes, where'd they come from?! What kinda monsters're these?! ...G-Gnosis?! B-but I've never seen this type before. Shion, from the database, this is an extremely rarely seen type! High-ranking bastards, huh? Bring it on. Advance! Wipe out the intruders. "Advance"...?! What?! Can she... control the Gnosis? Shit! Bitch got some nerve summoning these tough-ass fuckers here! The enemy always summon companions. Wait. ...Was not an "incantation" necessary to slay them before? Hey, he's right. Yo, Momo! Hurry it up with that Hillbilly whatchamacallit thing you do! U-umm... that's "Hilbert Effect". ...It doesn't have anything to do with hills or billies, but... um... Look, now's not the time to practice the "straight man" act! Just do it! ...I-I'll do it! What...?! The Hilbert Effect?! Heh heh, that's always so marvelous. Momo... that was wonderful. Deploying the Hilbert Effect without an amplifier! And her charming appearance, and proper demeanor. T...thank you very much. ...A hundred million coins would be far too cheap. Huh? U-umm... So that's what she's after. Quit puttin' a price tag on everything. K-kinda feeling tense around here... Anyway, now we can fight back! ... I know, Jennety. ...These Gnosis aren't like the one's we've fought before... They are troublesome enough alone, but to think that they would become the enemy's soldiers... It can't be...! It shouldn't be possible to give orders to the Gnosis! Grand Master Meiou is said to have even the power to create life... It's not beyond the realm of possibility. I-it can't be... Yes, it's possible he's figured out how to "replicate" the Gnosis. ... Kill every last one of them, and make damn sure they're dead. [pound the bad guys some] Ah! Multiple heat sources approaching! Great, more goddamn bad guys. I welcome all customers... but it would appear we cannot look forward to that. [indeed...] Looks like those Gnosis you copied ain't doin' the trick. ...!! What...?! Why are you-... (Did he just say "copied"?!) (So these Gnosis really are...!) Well, this is an enemy fortress... which explains all the things being thrown our way. Man, this's getting nowhere. We gotta find a way outta here, fast. Huh? ...Wait, didn't we... see him somewhere before...? Lizard-ass dude with a tank on his back... Yeah there was, wasn't there. He wasn't that color though, was he? It seems they got scattered all over the place... including here. Nice to fucking meet you, Commando Team scum. ... Ever since I saw "Junior" on the Volklinde, I figured you might show up. Criminal superman... Sturm. That would seem to be our... main opponent. But if what that stranger just said is true, our other companions are somewhere aboard this fortress. Hey, you're right! Well then, let's kick these guys' ass and go find everybody. Unavoidable, it seems. I too intend to stay not a minute longer than necessary. Heh heh heh... assuming you've got a choice. [surprise!] ... Whoa! Look at all the Captains! ...Hey, who's the real one? You? I dunno what makes you think I look like him, but I ain't. Actually, I think they're all fake. How annoying... Is this illusion? Hmm... Astral Body... perhaps? Not quite, everyone. ...The imposters are Doppel... the criminal superman Doppel must have transformed himself into them! ... Captain Commando defeated us once... So we based these off that data. Pretty fucking neat I'd say. It's dirty as hell in my book. I see their appearance. ...Do they have the same powers as Captain Commando? Oh man, does that mean they can zap us and roast us and stuff? They may look like him, but they're just copies! They're nowhere near as good as the Captain! ...Though they are using basically the same weapons. ...So we do have to take all the shocks and the flames and all. T-that sounds bad... Hmph. We have fought those with electrical and flame attacks before. W-well, umm... this time feels different, you know? Well anyway, let's do it! Wait a moment! Hmm...? You there! How are you... controlling the Gnosis?! Bending them to someone's will... it just shouldn't be possible! You have a point. I have never heard of such a technique. Heh heh heh... "Gnosis", huh? Our new master loves them to death. So...he "made" them. Goodness, they came out rather large, didn't they? Creating life? ...Who the fuck he think he is, God? I doubt it's anything that good. Remember that "copied" thing that babe was talking about? B-but.. their composition is indistinguishable from real Gnosis! Everyone, please be careful! Very well. Copies indistinguishable from the original... you say? How then shall we tell the truth apart from the lie? That sounds like a Zen riddle. And what I think is that fakes are fakes. So they copied some guy who beat them once, plus a bunch of space monsters? Ain't got nothin' to bring to the party themselves, is what that spells! Try bringing it yourself, chumps!! Shut your goddamn mouth! We're gonna take your data and copy you next! [keep up the assault] Shit, what a goddamn pain! But man, those things really are almost like the real thing. Their likeness, and their motions even resemble the original... a most annoying technique. ...This many of them's just gross. I-I wonder what principle they are based on... We just heard a bit about it. Something about some guy transformed into them? ... Doppel... Genocide is the most evil criminal superman in history... Now that he's dead, the special devices he invented must be how they can transform. A-a device... that's all?! That... sounds like it would fetch quite a price. Now that'd be something. Device, huh? ...Just push a button and presto? I bet that'd come in handy on stage! Transform! ...And, you'd be someone else! Sounds like fun! Oh, what a great idea. I'd love to be a hero with a bit more style. Me too! More, like, vavoom and... Hmmm? ...Why not transform into me? Hell yeah. Get to it, ladies. Because it changes the workings of the body, normal people can't use it. How preposterous. What's so fascinating about imitating others? (I bet it'd make suplexes easier.) [so much for kung-fu] Grr... I underestimated you... No choice but to reorganize my men...! ... Shit, is that woman runnin' away? If escaping from this area really is our top priority... Maybe we'd be better off just letting her go. Just get your ass outta here already. Hit the trail! Wait! How'd you duplicate the Gnosis?! ...Who cares how they did it? That technology is very valuable! Hey, you two, don't butt in! Hmph... you couldn't understand it anyway. The ultra-technology He possesses... with that power, the whole world may as well be in the palm of His hand. He...? As in the Grand Master? There she went. Duplicating the Gnosis... That's... impossible! Just impossible! It is of less import whether or not it can be done, but whether it _has_ been done. Yeah. You saw how she had those Gnosis on a leash. You gotta trust what your eyes tell you, Momo. I suppose... However... In any case, there's no more information to be gained here. Let us bid this place adieu, shall we? Right on! Right. Let's take down the rest of these scum. [Sturm dissipates] Grrrrrr....! How could you be this strong...?! Pathetic, Sturm. No criminal superman who's lost to us already could hope to defeat us again. Conceited little brat...! Hey, not bad! Badmouth him some more. So small, and yet so accomplished at provoking others. (...I don't think I want a baby like that.) This fight's only just begun. I'll see you again, Commando Team! Fleeing? ... Jennety's right... what about the other two? Other... two? That's right... there was that dude we saw before with the same face, but yellow. He mean him? ...Junior and Drak? They're off in other blocks, eliminating the other intruders. Other blocks... that must mean Captain and the others. What about KOS-MOS and Arisu and the others?! ...Hell if I know. Either way, you're not getting outta here alive! Hey! Scuzzbucket mother fucko! Only a sad sack of shit drops lines an' runs like that. Best not follow his ass. Getting lost in this place ain't no joke. Hmm.... what a quandary. This group of high-tech villains is hovering right over our world... There's also the Gnosis problem... Hmph, I doubt pouting will resolve anything. Now now, at least it sounds like everyone else's here too. Why don't we go find them? A wonderful idea. Especially for all the customers it will bring my store. Well, that's settled. Let's make tracks! Is that the last of them? ... No response in the vicinity... I think we're okay for a while. For a while. Well, let's use that while and think. Let's see. Sylphie, and... ummm... ...Hmm? Us? It would be nice to at least know your names. Names? Names mean nothin' to us. Call us whatever you want. What?! You don't have any names?! Um... isn't that kinda inconvenient...? I have been calling them... "Ultra Warriors". Right, but which is which? I got a great idea! Let's give them names! Oo, that sounds neat! Okay then... the blue one's "Grasan", and the red one's "Mohican"... Preposterous. We have no time for that. That's right, good little boys and girls. Call us whatever you like, whenever you like. ...Mohican's a bit too literal though. So, whither from here? Well, let's get outta this tunnel first. Can't do jack shit when we're stuck in the enemies' belly. Well, it's settled then. Also, we should presumably try to meet up with Arisu and the others, since they seem to have been Transferred to this fortress too. Momo, let's try to avoid the enemy while we go. Can you show us the way ahead? Okay, leave it to me! ... (High-level surveillance abilities... Ahhh... I don't care if it's wrong... I so desperately want her... abilities...) [CHAPTER 21. ADVENTUROUS HEART OF IRON] {Material World... The Third Moon, Entrance} How's the Flutter look, Roll? Hopeless... The shock of the crash broke it wide open. If we could somehow get it out, it'd probably still fly, but... ...Got it. For now, let's do something about these Rebirds here. Then we'll have to figure out what to do next. Huh? Hey, Rock... where's that guy? He said he was going to have a look around, and went through that door at the top of those stairs. Anyway, since we don't know where we are... let's protect this place, and wait for his information... [other guests arrive first however] Aaahh!! W-who're you?! The enemy?! What...? Kids? Who are you...? Name's Drak. One of the guards of The Third Moon. The... Third Moon? We were excavating some ruins! And then... Hey, kid, I don't need your excuses. Huh? All intruders, whoever they are and whatever brought them, must be eliminated. That's the rules here. N-no way! Get them. Rock! Looks like we can't reason with these guys. ...We gotta fight, Roll! [battle wears on] Roll... It looks like we're gonna have to give up on the Flutter. No way! Rock, I can't just leave our kid in a place like this! But... "he"'s not back yet. It's too dangerous to stay here, Roll. But... ...Don't sweat it. I'll take you and your shitty old ship out in one blow. No need to worry then. Heh heh heh... Like heck you will! Very brave. But... there's still a little disparity in strength you can't solve. I'm a busy man. Far too busy to be wasting my time with a couple intruders like-... So, you would stake your claim to superiority over these innocent children on numbers alone...? That is in keeping with your character. Criminal superman... Drak. Huh?! Never have I seen such unfairness...! I shall assist you! W-who're theeey? I heard there were intruders inside the station too, but I didn't expect you! The Commando Team...! Correct. ...It seems we are bound by fate. That monster carrying the tank... haven't we fought him before? The one we fought on the Volklinde... was golden, wasn't it? But this guy's a criminal superman too. T-Tron! Look over there!! Hmm? ...Rock?! It's Rock Volnutt! You came to this world too?! Hey! It's you...! Eek! It's Tron Bone, from the Bone pirate clan! Don't tell me you guys were responsible for that! Great, the sidekick's here too?! Roll Caskett! Hey! Don't put it that way! Judging from how you and that fish-like vessel stuck there look, I suppose you're on our side. Our side?! Of course they aren't! I wouldn't side with that girl if she was the last comrade in the-... Masuyo, I've got data on Rock Volnutt and Roll Caskett. They both have Class-A digging licenses. They must have been the Dig-Outers at the ruins. Umm, who are you people...? We're from the United Galactic Space Force, the U.G.S.F. You two... were you the ones hiding in "those" ruins? Yes. We were in the process of digging when, all of a sudden... Just like us. I swear. What a pain. Dig Out...? What's that? Digging Out is excavating treasure from old ruins or other such structures. Treasure hunters, huh? That sounds like fun. They too are victims of this mess, are they not? Something must be done to staunch it, and quickly... Are you the only two here? Um, there was someone else... but he went in through that door a little while ago. Did you see him by any chance? Someone else? No, we met no one. Thanks fer takin' advantage of me decidin' to just watch! How long're you intruders gonna run your mouths? Yo, tank-boy, quit bugging us. You want a piece of us that bad? Hmph, the least we can do is act as his opponents. That is our only way out of here. Plus, I've got things to ask you too. Like your relation to the the intruders in the other blocks! O-other blocks...? Hey... maybe those are the missing members of our team? No clue. ...They look like this. M-more enemies?! Hey! Where were you hiding?! Wait. These are... ... Mitsurugi...? No, what the? Who are you...?! ... Ken?! Why are you-?! Impossible... are you being controlled again?! Wait, Chunli. Something doesn't feel- ...well hell, there's two of him! ... K-Kurino? Why are there two of you?! H-have you eaten something bad, or-... Yo, eating won't make two of you! Wow, for once she's the straight woman. Reiji, you gonna take that? ...Take what? Anyway, who are these guys really? ...The misleading tricks of the criminal superman Doppel... Everyone, be not deceived. These are mere copies. Criminal supermen... as in Genocide? Genocide...?! Genocide, as in the criminal syndicate that threw the border planets into an uproar for a while? The other Dig Outers got hurt too... Yes, that Genocide. Are you afraid, Rock? Feel free to ask me for help if you want. Tron... you're so bad... Knock off the weird wheeling and dealing. We need all the warm bodies we can get. Besides, the fact that Kurino and Mitsurugi have been duplicated must mean the originals are still alive somewhere. Well then, let's get it in gear! Check it out, we're kicking their butts! Rock and Roll, or whatever, you're helping too! O-okay! Looks like we won't have to abandon the Flutter, Roll. Right! Let's go for it, Rock. [the first imposter goes down] Well... that's one imposter down. Okay, these things are just _way_ too similar to the real thing. Man, these bastards leave one bad taste in my mouth. They use Shou-Ryuu-Ken too much. ...Is that the way the real Ken is? Their numbers are not that great, but this criminal superman, Doppel... truly a troublesome foe. Not all that good for morale either. Well, that goes to show how good these guys are. If I was a bit nicer, I might have trouble attacking them. Indeed. Psychological warfare is a very effective tactic. This is no time to admire them. There's still several left. You're right. Let's keep in mind who the bad guys are... and wipe them out. Well, if the fakes looked more like Morrigan, it'd sure make me want to pummel them more. ...Maybe the greatest attack is revealing where human relations stand. [pummel enough bad guys] Grr... how do these intruders have this much power...? At this rate, your defeat is a matter of time. Argh... Are you sure it'll be that easy? I do not recommend saying such ill-omened things... [ill-omened? SURELY NOT!] Goodness seem to be having a very difficult time. ...!! Oh crap... those look like enemy reinforcements. ...Well, life sucks and then you're dead. Get that smirk off your face. _We're_ the ones about to do the dying. Is that really the enemy?! ...!! ...I-it's you...! Aahh! It's that grinning guy! Rock, isn't that... the guy from Cattleox Island?! ...Huh? Do you know him, Tron? What is this, you two? I don't believe I've ever met you before. ... Who are you...? I don't believe giving you my name would have any meaning, but as you wish. I am Juno. Rockman Juno. (Rockman Juno! I knew it...!) (But how could this be the first time we met...?) Rock? Umm.... you know this man?... I must apologize. It appears there are some faults in my memory. You see, it was once completely erased. The reconstructive process did not entirely succeed. Roll... that's the enemy who was inside the main gate. Yes... an _enemy_. O-okay... g-got it... (Rock's... scaring me...) "Memory", you said...? Then, he is indeed a robot? I can't feel any sort of human aura from him. And his appearance... I doubt that's human. But, isn't it possible that that's some kind of vehicle he's riding in? He's a robot. A cold robot... one without human emotions... Rock...? (Rock's hiding something... I just know it...) Rock... is he an enemy we must defeat? ...Yes. Rockman Juno... I'm sorry, but I'm going to destroy you again. "Again"? ...I do not know who you are... but I am not the one who will be disposed of here. ... (This boy... Where have I seen this boy before...?) [and if that wasn't enough] Shit! Not more of them?! ... Hmm... Oh, them? Wh-... Not them again...! It's those damn space monsters?! Ah! It's those monsters that we found in those ruins we were excavating, the ones that _aren't_ Rebirds! Those apparitions called "Octies" that Yoritomo's men were using? It appears all this commotion summoned the guards stationed in this area. They have come to dispose of you. "Stationed"? Those monsters? Well, that makes it clear where all the Octies we've fought came from. From this... Meiou guy who runs The Third Moon? Well, we've come this far. Nothing to do but accept it. Grand Master Meiou... said to possess the power to create life. His fashion sense sucks rocks if he thinks duplicating Octies is a good idea. So, he would create "those who disorder the world of man". Such evil must be destroyed. (But, what about the Spirit World... This doesn't explain why the Octy army would be in so many places.) (That must mean... that that world has...) Our warpower is now unified, so let us discontinue this conversation. (I must dispose of these... and hurry the restoration of my memory.) [the battle goes on even longer...] ...Aah! Multiple heat sources approaching fast! They're coming from... the airlock we entered from! From the direction we came from? ...Some of our missing party members? It's quite possible. How troublesome... Well then... ... W-WHOA!? ...S-since when are those guys on our team?! I do not have any recollection... let me see... Don't wrack your brains here! Those aren't friends... they're enemies! ...So, it's them. Heh heh heh... what a shame. It appears they are on our side. There's another signature!! Someone's coming up!! Damn, figures we'd be at this much of a loss in an enemy base...! [ah, so it was an elevator] Damn, I'm too far in. Yo, Rock, Roll! You guys alive?! ...!! Taizou! You're okay! Okay, looks like this guy's on our side. ...From that rock-crusher-like thing he's carrying... maybe he's a Dig Outer? ...That's a weapon, Tron. Do you know this person? Yes, I know him _very_ well. So, the guy Rock and the others said went inside was.. Hmm? Is that... Masuyo?! ...Long time no see. I heard you entered the space force... Heh... looks like you ain't changed your look at least. You neither, Taizou. ...Masuyo, is that?! Right. ...That is Hori Taizou. The Baraduke Raid... a battle in the middle of nowhere called "The worst operation in history". This is the last and only survivor of the special engineering corps who gave us aerial troopers an opening into the fortress. Huh? So Taizou's a... soldier?! He told us he's just an ordinary adventurer... ... I heard he retired and became a Dig Outer... looks like it was true. I hadn't heard a single word from him, so of course I assumed he died like a dog in some ruins somewhere. I sense a break in the pattern here... isn't this a bit standoffish for meeting an old friend? Indeed. I didn't entirely follow her story... but they seem to be at odds. I-is that a fact? ...Masuyo? Well, we had a little argument when he went off on his own like that. How many people do you think died during that operation? I ain't lettin' you say you forgot. ...And I ain't out to see that again. ... Hey, no sweat... At least they're _former_ comrades. Let's us cut to the chase. Hey, you! We're your friends! We're here to save you! What...? ...So, we came to save him...? That's a standard technique for putting someone at ease. He may be a donggua, but he's good at this kind of thing. To... save me? Hey, Masuyo? Just how did you guys get here? I was in the ruins one moment, and here the next. You know how to get outta here? I wanna know that too! How the heck do I get outta here! W-whoa! That sure backfired! Gracious, so you knew each other. How to get out of here? Do not worry, I will send you together to someplace else. To hell... huh? Well, we had to go there sooner or later. Let's make it later. Indeed. Should you impede our progress, you shall receive no mercy! How brave. However, it is clear which side's warpower has increased more. You're right. You got plenty of those round things. So many of the enemy, so few of us... not good odds. ... Man, now I've done it. Oh, right. So, these bastards are "making" those things deep inside this facility. These spontaneous mutations?! Yeah. They're floating around inside these capsules. ...Just like the Octies. Ummm.... C-capsule beasties...? Capsules...! No! That is not the Grand Master's power...! That is the cultivating skill of Genocide's servant... the mad scientist Dr. T.W...! So, Commando Team... you finally figured it out. I didn't understand any of that, but it doesn't sound like a walk in the park. Sounds like need to get out of here pronto. There are times where flight is victory. B-but... Ah, I see. You can't just leave that ship lying there like that, right? Yeah. It might come in handy for escaping. ...Guess our only choice is to fight it out here. Taizou... will you fight by my side again? This time... it's larger than just this place. ...Don't sweat it, Masuyo. I was once part of the border patrol.... I can't cut loose from that battle until I'm dead. ...I don't think, anyway. [Drak _finally_ gets beaten down] Rrrargh!! Here is where you die! Prepare yourself! You'll never get out of here alive! Ninja Commando... this is where _you_ die! Ah ha ha ha ha! ...Indeed. We must think of a way to escape quickly. About that... maybe we can use her. Hmm? The Flutter... the ship we came here on. Good idea. Hmph, it's a pretty small fish compared to the Gezelschaft, but... Well, it would come in handy. Hey! Don't talk about my baby like that! I won't let anyone who does on board! Well _I_ just _did_! Who'd wanna get forced on board that crummy little boat! Stop it, you two. But, the force of the crash wedged it between those two walls... Heh... just blow away the outer walls. That's where I come in. And ain't no one gonna get in my way. Let's take down the rest of these bastards. [damage Juno enough] Oh my... it seems I have been defeated. As I suspected, my combat abilities have not fully returned. That is considerably frustrating. You... don't seem to be the "you" from back then. ...? Bastard... didn't all that affect him? No, his body's damaged... I don't think he's got any fighting potential left... I think he's holding back! Come on, you guys are robots... Holding back? Hmph, what a well-made marionette. Sustaining all that damage, and still even-tempered. Those attacks are something else too. I was waiting for the "Eye Beam!" action... It looks like KOS-MOS is made with the same level technology. I wonder if the Grand Master made this one? That he did not. He did use his power to recover my memory. He seemed interested in the technology used to build me. Beyond that... he scratched my back, and I scratched his. Meiou was... interested in you, you say? In the craft used to give you form? Well then... further conversation is meaningless. What skill this marionette has with its tongue. However...! Yes, if it's a robot, it can be repaired as good as new. We need to destroy its head. We can't... let Juno escape...! If we don't defeat him here...! Rock, what's wrong? You've been acting... weird all this time! Is there... something special about his emotions? "Special emotions"... that's a good way to start a big misunderstanding. N-no... that is not what I... Look, can the outsiders shut up please? Rock, you fought this guy inside the main gate, right? Did he do something to you back then?! ... I cannot help but be worried by the degree of animosity in your eyes as you look at me. I shall hasten the recovery of my memory. That will be all then. W-wait! It can still move that much?! ...We underestimated it. Nice specs, robot. Rrgh...! What's wrong, Rock? It's not like you to get that... serious. No... it's... nothing. (He sees humans as nothing more than subjects to be disposed of... He's dangerous... we can't leave him alone...) ...Well, looks like we beat them off for now. Thank you... everyone. Thanks to you, she's still in one piece. I was pretty worried there for a minute. Thank goodness everyone is safe. However... it is too early for celebration. Indeed. The situation has not changed. What matters is what we do next. I am worried about Mitsurugi and the others, now that we know they are here. I hope there's some way we can contact them... ...Nothing else for it. Hiromi, I know there's a risk of the enemy spotting it... but send out an SOS on all frequencies. Copy. I see. Now all we gotta do is hope everyone else notices it. Hmm... why don't we just go out and find them? That's out. The most basic rule of getting lost is... don't stray from where you are. ...I see. After all, there's no one to follow us. I'm not sure that "being lost" is the situation here, but as they say... leave the mummy gathering to the mummies. Hey, don't worry. Even if you become a mummy... See, look at my skin. Still nice and smooth. ...That's not the problem. Besides, as long as we're transmitting, more enemies will come. And dividing our forces is just asking for trouble. Yes. We should use this ship to escape. Well then, I better get to work. Rock, gimme a hand. And that lady riding the robot too. Okay. Nothing else for it. ...Everyone! Yes ma'am!! Just you wait, Flutter. We'll save you. [CHAPTER 22. HE WHO GALLOPS ACROSS THE FIELDS] {Material World... The Third Moon, Unified Earth Control Section} ...So, are you losers going to take me to your boss, or what? Give it up, Hiryuu! Our... the Striders' battle... It's over! ...You call this over? He's still alive. ...And so are you and I. I've got no time to play with you. [clash] Urgh... Hiryuu, when will it be over for you...? It's obvious... When one or the other of us is dead. Hiryuu, continuing is meaningless! This entire world was made by Him...! The Third Moon, the nations on the Surface, the Army... the Striders... Even you and I! Stop this foolishness, Hiryuu! ...I don't want to fight my own comrade-in-arms...! Stop talking like an amateur. Rrgh..! Where is He...? He'd never leave this section. He is... currently attempting to gaze into a new world. And I won't let you interfere! So this is the fruit of the criminal superman Genocide's research... I'm not interested. That's not all. The latest Dimensional Transfer... Even that was entirely according to His plans...! And that's what makes you his whipped dog. If you don't want to tell me, fine. ...Die. [combat brings reinforcements] Looks like you're having trouble, Hien. Tonpuu. Please do not interfere. I'm going to settle things with Hiryuu.... myself...! He wants a total victory. Your wishes have nothing to do with it. ...I trust you won't argue with that? Don't forget that there're intruders in every block... we've got to dispatch them now. I even ran into the Commando Team at Gate 13. This enemy won't fall easily, Hien. ...Grr... ...Bringing more small fry won't alter the outcome. Get in my way... and I kill you. Shut your filthy mouth, Strider! Even you can't scratch these! Physical attacks don't work on the Gnosis! ...Gnosis...? That's right, Hiryuu. With His power, creating Gnosis is... Simple... right? That has a nasty ring to it. ... What...?! Who's there?! Captain Commando, at your service...! No way, he actually made it here...?! Captain Commando! ...I suppose we should thank him for saving us the trouble of searching. Why have you come here? The Commando Team... have they come to interfere with me? We're actually here by coincidence, see. We certainly don't plan on getting in your way, Strider. However... However? I can't just ignore villains when I see them with my own two eyes. ...That's all. What...? Are you calling me a villain, Captain Commando...? I am indeed. You, Hien, are a _former_ Special Class-A Strider, turned traitor for the sake of Grand Master Meiou. ...If you know that much, you should know what I'm after. This is my mission. ...Stay out of the way. I'd appreciate it if you hear me out first. For example... how do you intend to fight the Gnosis, which that Cypher you so proudly wield can't hit? Hien and the woman... I dispose of them, and retreat. ...I can look for Him later. I see. Well, I suppose that might work. Mind you... there's another way. What...? (What...? Don't tell me they can deal with the Gnosis...?) That's enough, Captain Commando. ...You and all the other little rats scurrying around here are about to be exterminated...! Is that a fact? Thanks for waiting. Your turn! Acknowledged. Hilbert Effect, engage. This is... the Hilbert Effect...?! Impossible...! There's another Hilbert Effect user here?! How could that android be equipped with a Hilbert device...?! Heh heh heh... Feel free to disbelieve it. I swear, what's with all that acting cool stuff?! I thought you said you wanted to meet up with our friends! Now Rutee, don't get mad. It's okay... Hmm. Those grandiose theatrics garnered us a good deal of information. Yes. For instance, there's another "Hilbert Effect user" in the area. That sounds like Momo. We also heard "Commando Team" a while back. It seems all our comrades have gathered at this Third Moon. (...Comrades...?) (Grr... how did we let them all sneak in here...?) Hmph, you haven't actually damaged the Gnosis at all! Just what do you think your puny numbers can accomplish?! Gil, looks like they're headed our way. Yeah. As long as we can hit them, we can fight. Oh, Captain. Can we treat him as an ally? Yeah, and a strong one at that. There's no time for introductions, but I imagine he'll gladly fight alongside us. ... Weak reaction! Y-you sure about this? Ahh, don't worry. As long as he's not an enemy. Get them! The enemy appear to be beginning their offensive. Commencing counterattack. Hiryuu... there's still time. ...Come with me. For a man like you, He will surely... ...Don't talk, Hien. My mission... isn't over yet. [ravage the enemy] Numerous heat sources approaching. ...What? That isn't good... Enemy reinforcements? What...?! Shit... just how big _is_ this iron mansion anyway? Looks like we just found somewhere wide open. Is that... a fight? Everyone... you're okay! We are indeed. Thank goodness we found you. Well, that's one less thing to worry about.... except, we're still missing a bunch of people. Where's everyone else?! ..Unfortunately, we are the only ones here. Finding everyone else looks like it's gonna be really tough... These aren't the people I fought at Gate 13... Just how many of them snuck in here anyway...? ...It doesn't matter. We must dispatch them all. It seems we interrupted something. Not what I would call the warmest of reunions. Yeah. We've seen those monsters before. I'd say our only option is fighting them on the spot. Indeed it is. It seems the enemy has us surrounded. We must all cooperate and... Well, to be perfectly honest, we're kinda in the same boat. Huh? What's... that supposed to mean? [what indeed?] Is this where you ran off to, wretched intruders...?! Rats, he caught up with us. Oh, I get it... Hey, what's the big idea! Now we got more bad guys to fight! Quit yer bitchin'. All we gotta do is cut those suckers down to size. Violent... but correct. ...Besides, this saves me the trouble of hunting you down. Isn't that right, Sturm Jr.? Is that... Captain Commando?! What're you doing here?! ...Sturm Jr., Tonpuu has confirmed sightings of the rest of the Commando Team. We must finish this quickly and move to strike the other intruders. Fine. In which case... let's try these guys on for size! Try...? Only five of them? Data confirmed. The enemy includes opponents we have faced before. ... It's mister Jaw Dimple and the girls...! Aren't they from Shadowloo?! Vega...?! What are you doing here?! You know him? He certainly appears tougher than your average opponent, but... But, is it really... him? I don't sense his aura... Now that you mention it, I believe you're right. Something about the nature of those girls' aura is... different from what we faced before. Leave it to the martial artists to figure it out. Surely a bunch of facades like these couldn't fool them. Facades...? Captain, do you know these people? ...The criminal superman Doppel. He uses a special gadget to imitate others. Sturm Jr. met Vega and the others before on the cruiser Volklinde... Dollars to donuts, he gathered their data then. I thought something strange was going on... So that's it then. Kazama... what's wrong? ... Mishima... Heihachi?! What is he doing here?! I don't know who he is... but isn't he a fake too? ...A fake... Yes, he certainly is a fake... Jin...? Shut your goddamn mouths...! These're just tools to kick your ass with! I tire of this talk. ...Come. Well, that's that. One way or the other, we've gotta fight! Understood. ...Take them down!! ... (Mishima Heihachi's data... where on Earth did they record it from?) (If this "Volklinde" really had Shadowloo data recorded on it...) (Was Mishima Heihachi... was he among the data...?) [take down one of the imposters] I have discovered foreign matter in the enemy's physical structure. Foreign matter? You mean something's out of place? Not so much out of place, as returned to its original form... Original form...? Were these girls that... weak? I think someone needs a new Xerox machine. Even so, what unbelievable technology. Not just their appearance, but their mannerisms... Yeah, but they still ain't shit next to the real ones we fought. They're simply copies... inferior facsimiles made by a transforming criminal superman. Not that we can just leave them on the loose. Well, they are kinda nifty. I don't think they're all that funny. ...Just think about all the trouble they can cause. I cannot think of anything but trouble they could cause. Like mass-producing one-of-a-kind special items...?! ...Try thinking on a somewhat larger scale. I'm starting to understand why Shadowloo got involved in all this. You believe they want this technology? (Does that go for Mishima Heihachi too...?) (No... it would take more than that for him to act himself...) Everyone, some of the fakes are still left. Let's take them out. You're right, Gil. The last thing we need is them to transform into us... ...Let's finish this. [finish Hien] Urgh... How could I underestimate the enemy this badly...?! ...Hien, you're a putrid disgrace. Drop dead. I won't do that...! If I die here... my reason for abandoning the Striders will be lost...! ... Give Him a message... I'm the hunter, and he's the hunted. Hien... you'd better be serious next time. Hiryuu... Hey, he ran away?! How could he still move that freely?! ...Target lost. That was some serious speed. ...Was he even hurt in the first place? But, he was... You're right. ...Are you certain about this? From his clothes and weaponry, he was just like your... ...This has nothing to do with you lot. Hey, you don't have to put it that way. We're just being worried on your behalf-... Kasugano, everyone has things they don't talk to others about. ... ("Things", huh?) (...Hien, whatever you've got in mind, a Strider's mission is absolute...) [sturm und drang] Say your prayers, Sturm Jr. Grr... Don't get cocky, Captain Commando. I'm impressed, this smiling shithead can still talk. Well, we don't know what his expression is. Who knows whether we harmed him or not... I think we did exactly the right amount. ...Spit it out. Where did you meet Mishima Heihachi? "Mishima"? No goddamn clue. And I ain't got no reason to talk to you lot. ...Then we'll use force. You'll feel like talking soon enough...! What's wrong? You're getting too worked up, Jin. Please, be quiet. I've got to make him tell me... (Now...!) Hey! He... Hey, Jin, Ryuu! You let him get away! S-sorry... Now now, he's just a cog in a greater machine. And apparently this collaboration with Shadowloo wasn't his idea either. It would seem... that we must deal with with whoever is issuing his orders. (That Sturm monster's attitude... it looks like he's not directly involved.) (Then, where are you, Mishima Heihachi... What are you up to...?!) [not finished yet...] Several flying objects approaching from above. From above?! They're late...! Where they heck were they...?! These varlets attack from all sides. Are we to expect them to burst from the ground like zombies besides? Well, the ground's made out of metal. ... Well, they're here. And damn if they ain't all waving those flame tubes around. Yes. Those look like the actual base guards. ...Solo, is it? Target sighted. Data match... Identify: Striders agent, Special A-Class Strider... Hiryuu. In accordance with Grand Master Meiou's orders, commencing total annihilation of Strider Hiryuu. You know about Hiryuu...? Looks like they've met before. First Vega, then Mishima Heihachi... Which of the enemies _haven't_ we met before? Solo, I could care less about your mission. ...Where is he... where is Grand Master Meiou? ...He has already left this place. ...What? Grand Master Meiou... Why would he abandon The Third Moon...?! I told you that to begin with, Hiryuu. ...He is attempting to gaze into a new world. (What would it take to draw him away from here...?) Um, HELLO?! Try using words we can understand! Maybe you should hear them out all the way? There is no need to explain. All of you will be deleted here. Don't make me laugh. It won't be that easy. And you're going to tell me where you recorded Mishima Heihachi's data from...! Yeah. I'd like to know exactly how close you are to Shadowloo. There is no information the likes of you can gain. ...Did you not hear me? All of you will be deleted. What the fuck's a "delete"? "Delete"... as in "erase"...? Impossible...! Whoa!?! What was that shaking?! I-I've got a _really_ bad feeling about this... What's going on around here?! Solo, you bastard... He has decided to self-destruct The Third Moon and eliminate you all in one swift stroke. No way...! Self-destruct?! F-for real!? He appears to be telling the truth. Scanning reveals an abnormal energy buildup. Hey, you! Maybe a bit of _panic_ might help?! This's no time to get mad about that, Rutee! He's right. Kurino, we've gotta get out of here, fast! Right. But... ...You will not. My mission is to keep you here. This will be your grave, Strider. The hell it will. ...First I eliminate you, then escape. B-but, how...? We don't know where the exit is here... I recommend saving the thinking for later. ...Unless we do something about our foes, we shall not do anything else again. That's right, the clock's ticking. ...Move it or lose it. C-can we make it? There's so many of them... Well, this Solo looks like the leader. Right. Take out the head... and we can break out of this place! ...Cease this futile resistance. I wanted to finish this myself, but... This'll be the end of the Commando Team too! Muahahahaha! Nobody gets in my way. Nobody... Whatever the circumstances, I will complete my mission! [Solo goes down] Damage over the limit... mission failure... ...You can't collect my head with skills that weak. ...I bought time. You will still die. ... I am leaving The Third Moon. Right on! We got rid of them! More like right off. ...Did you forget that we're all about to be blown to bits? Like hell we die here...! Anyway, let's get out of this place. Let's get to the outer section of the station for starters. If we can just get our hands on a spaceship... I have detected an SOS. Huh? SOS? We're the ones who should be sending an SOS! Now, settle down, Kasugano. ...KOS-MOS, where is it coming from? An area two linear kilometers from here. Its originator is U.G.S.F. agent... Tengenji Hiromi. Tengenji.. Oh, that young lady on the iron horse? Our group may be scattered, but it appears everyone's okay. I wonder if everyone else realizes this place is about to blow? Well, you'd think they might get the hint with all this shaking. Yeah, we've got to get out of here. Let's go meet up with them. ... What? Hey, wait! Umm... Please wait, Strider! ... ...The route to the outside is this way. Go if you wish to. Thank you very much. ...But what about you? ...I'm on a mission. Now, hold on a moment. ...You saw what we can do, right? How about this: why don't we travel together, maybe help you out some? ... ...And help you out as well, I suppose? Very perceptive. ...I'll think about it. Let's go. Slippery bastard. Just say "come with me" and be done with it. That's what is known as "leading someone on". I suppose I should be impressed, under the circumstances. Whoops! This is genuinely not good. Look, let's just follow that jerk and get out of here! Right! ...Think we can keep up? Not a problem. I am tracing the Strider's movements. That's my girl. ...Okay, let's go. You be our guide, KOS-MOS. [CHAPTER 23. The FURY OF THE LORD OF THE IRON-FIST] {Material World... The Third Moon, Entrance} How's it look, Taizou? Man... Well, just fire up the engine and she should be free. Thanks for all the trouble, Taizou. Okay, Roll! Right! I'm starting the engine! I might point out that one of the wings is missing. Can it really fly? O-ho-ho-ho-ho. Perhaps it will simply fall apart in midair? ...Look, why're you picking a fight like that? Don't blame me if she leaves you behind for real. Tron, you need a plan... W-what was that just now...?! An explosion...? That came from inside. What are they doing in there? Ah, is this where everyone has gathered? Thank goodness everyone's okay! Hey, what a crowd. What, were they gonna throw a party? W-who are these... people? Think I'll pass on the explanation. I don't wanna be here all week. Hmm...? Looks like we're still missing quite a few people... [elevator arrives] I apologize for the wait. KOS-MOS, you're okay! That's the last of us! ...Err, actually, there's more of us! ...There's no time. The Third Moon is about to explode. ...What did you say? It's true. And it sounds like it's gonna be one BIG kaboom. So... what happens if we get blown outside here? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I must use my store's Transfer Device and be off. This way if you please, Lady Momo. If you come, I shall give "that" to you. Once you wear this "clothing"... Uh, okay... H-hold on a moment! Don't try to act all smooth and take Momo away! And Momo! Don't go off with people just because they give you something! So, I have been found out? Then, farewell. Damn her for skippin' out like that... And what of us? Have we a way to escape? The Flutter is good to go! Everyone, get aboard quick! {Five Minutes Later... Flutter, Bridge} Is everyone aboard?! I'm the last one! I chucked Gustav and the two bikes in the hold already. Hurry up and take off! Yo, this iron ship _can_ fly, right? ...If it can't, it's all over. Either way, hurry up. We'll be too late. Roll, do your stuff! Flutter, rapid launch! [zoom] Looks like we made it. ...But, now what? Wow! Kanzuki, look out the window! It's space! Space! We aren't here for space tourism. From what we saw of the Earth from where we fought, we're a considerable distance away. And even if we could make it there... I don't know if this ship could survive reentry. With this much damage... it might be tough... Could not the sorcerers among us help? If power was that convenient, we wouldn't be going through any of this in the first place. ...Lady Ishtar... Please aid us... What, we're reduced to praying for divine intervention...? Well, it _is_ Lady Ishtar. She just might... ...Kai...Can... hear... my... oice...?... ...?! ...Kai...Can you hear my voice?... That's... the goddess Ishtar...! Lady Ishtar! Are you calling to us from the Divine World?! Is that the real thing? Ah, a little sorcery. Remember how Andaba did this before? Just think of it as a videophone. Lady Ishtar, has something happened?! Valkyrie... I am glad to see you unharmed. ...Where are you at this moment? The Material World, in a place called "space"... Come to the Divine World with the utmost haste. ...Something dreadful is happening at the Temple of the Heavens. The Temple of the Heavens...?! Don't tell me something happened to Lolo and the High Priestess?! Shit, what next...!? Plus, about this "utmost haste" thing... I shall use my power to open the dimensional door... and convey you all to the Temple of the Heavens. If you had that power, why didn't you use it sooner, Ishtar? ...I see, the Temple of the Heavens... that was connected to our world, wasn't it? Oo, I totally forgot about that. That's why we went to that temple in the first place. Wait up. Wasn't there something about we couldn't get from the temple to here back then? That is correct. However, as the collapse of the dimensional walls has progressed, travel between the Material World and the Temple of the Heavens has become possible. Then, with your power...! Lady Ishtar, please send us to the Temple at once! I regret that I must depend solely on your strength. Neither I nor Enma... can leave our Worlds right now. It is my duty to serve as Lady Ishtar's arms and legs in battle. And Kurino and Sabine will... once again fight at my side. ...So that we may quell the chaos in this world... please give us your guidance. ...Very well. May fortune smile upon you all. [zorch] {Divine World... Temple of the Heavens, Entrance} ...This is... my God... That "dreadful" business called all kinds of stuff to mind, but I _never_ would have imagined this. Unless I am very much mistaken, is that not a passenger boat from our world? Not only that... isn't that the boat we were on? Yeah. That's the boat Ken and I took to Japan. It's also the boat that was carrying the secret to the Third Energy. Maybe it was Transferred because it was so close to Ibis Island...? Heh... it doesn't matter where it came from. The Spencer Lane... God am I sick of it. ...Guess the threads of fate won't be so easy to cut. But, why... ...Why so surprised? The Dragon Pavilion was tossed from the Infernal World to the world we inhabit. He's got a point. This's pretty small potatoes next to that... Indeed. The Gezelschaft, the Flutter... there are many examples of things being Transferred from one world to another. Yes. The disordering of worlds has reached new heights. Lately... such things have been happening regularly. What will become of the world...? I'd worry less about the world, and more about what's happening here. ...I've got a bad feeling about this. Right! We gotta go see if Lolo and the High Priestess are okay! Okay, let's send some people to the High Priestess' chambers. Everyone else, check out the inside of the ship. Got it. Let's go. (What's this unease in my heart...?) {Divine Realm... High Priestess' Chambers} So, here too is deserted? ...I don't know what happened, but it's very upsetting. Where on earth did that boat wash up...? Hmm...?! What the...?! Hmph, more of the monsters that disrupted the harbor. What excellent timing. I had hoped for the chance to pummel some of them senseless. Thinking can wait. ...Now, come and get me! [new arrival] Another one? Quite a welcome you offer me. ... What?! That is... Ogre! Hmph, so Shadowloo _was_ behind it. (But he's supposed to be dead? How is he still moving...?) (I hear Shadowloo's commander, Vega, has some kind of strange powers.) (It sounds like a load of bull, but could that be how?) ... Heh heh heh... no matter. Killing you was the only way to capture you back then. But what luck that I should get the chance to capture alive someone who already perished once. Battle god Ogre, prepare yourself. For I am Mishima Heihachi, and I always get what I want...! [a flash of light, and...] What?! What is that... sword? ...What an incredible aura. The evil sword... is _that_ what brought Ogre here? As well as this iron mass which broke down the wall... At least, that's not true for the latter. What? Who's there?! It is coincidence that I flew here. Well, it is also possible that I was drawn by that object with such incredible energy. ...A robot? Who the hell are you? I am Juno. Rockman Juno. And you are... evidently one of the Decoys. Decoys...? Well, no matter. I must begin checks on my experiment at once. My role includes elimination of all potential contaminants, including you. I require that you disappear. Amusing. I don't know what's going on around here, but I, Mishima Heihachi... will never flee a challenge. After I pulverize you, maybe I'll give that Bakuda your electronic brain as a present! [kill something] What the?! What happened...?! T-that's...! W-what bold remodeling... Is that carpentry or what?! ...I'm pretty sure it's "what". What's going on here... A robot? Hmm? You are... It's... Juno! And this giant Rebird is the... Geinietohlen! Rock, you know about this multilegged Rebird? Yeah, I fought it before at Cattleox Island...! (It wasn't just Juno... They even remade the Rebirds from back there...?!) What business have you here... barging in like that? ...M-Mishima... Heihachi?!? Hmm...? It's... Jin?! Kazama Jin?! What are you doing in a place like this?! Who cares?! So we finally meet... Mishima Heihachi...! Mishima Heihachi...?! What's the head of the Mishima Conglomerate doing here?! You... a detective with Interpol, I recall. Why, you ask? That would be my line! And where did all of you lot come from?! We... Ah! Wait a moment! This energy reading is... the Soul Edge! Previous data match confirmed. There is no mistake. Heh... wherever there's trouble, that goddamn sword's right in the middle. Soul... Edge, you say...? You mean that sword with the overpowering aura? Never mind that!! I turned my back on the Mishima Style so I could defeat you! Fight me! Mishima Heihachi!! Wait, Jin. I don't know your relation to that man, but under the circumstances, you can't just... ...Great, there went our handle on things. Nobody told me this spot was so popular... Nobody's working together here. And this is precisely the time we need cool thinking...! ...Wow, what big talk. Bet you wouldn't be so calm if that vixen was here. Um... there's this heat source approaching and stuff... Shit, enemy reinforcements huh? What a mess...! Cripes, please tell me it isn't her... [well, close] ... ... ... Wh-... Shadowloo's special forces?! If they've come to another world, then...! ...Vega!! Heh heh heh... Most perceptive, Interpol detective. We already know from Ibis Island that your Psychopower can cross dimensions! Ah, this would be that man with the mysterious powers from the cruiser Volklinde? Vega...! Is that... really you?! I will never forget the humiliation you gave me. Without Soulpower to aid you, this time, my Psychopower will prevail...! ... (Looks like... he doesn't know about Rose.) (But... with her on the enemy's side now, can I defeat this man again...?) (And... what is this... sensation I've been ... feeling all this time...?) Ryuu, thanks to our previous battle... you've become essential to me. ... Say what...? W-was that a mating call? No it wasn't... Vega, don't tell me... you're after Ryuu's body?! I am indeed. In order to continue as the ruler "Vega"... Ryuu. ...That unshakable body and soul of yours... will be mine! ...I am not certain revealing so much of your plans is a good idea. Heh heh heh... it matters not. The knowledge won't make them any less powerless. What? Are those two... allies...? Juno! What's your relation to that man?! Rock, you may not know this... but that that guy in the red military getup is Vega. ...One _huge_-ass bad guy. Perhaps it was... The Third Moon? ...It would be only natural, given how cozy Vega's been with them. Oh ho... you know of The Third Moon? ...Oh, we've been real busy. It wasn't on our schedule, but we raised a little hell there anyway. Indeed. I would like not to be blown anywhere else any time soon, thank you. Then... you must know about these guys too. Wh-..Hey! Gnosis...?! Don't tell me these are those fabricated Gnosis from The Third Moon...?! Juno! Did that man Vega give those to you?! Well now... what do you think? Monsters from other worlds... quite interesting, really. And that goes for that Battle god Ogre there too. ... (...Did she just say... "fabricated"?) (I see, so that's why the dead Battle god Ogre came back to life...) Ogre...?! Is that... the Ogre from the third Tournament?!? The one that... the one who... killed my mother...?! (Hm...? Blast it, Jin knows him too...?) ... Jin?! ...W-what the... this aura... (Hmm...? Ryuu's aura is... disturbed?) What...? An energy reading? Umm.... Jin...? (Magic...? Something akin to magic is emanating from his body?) ... ...It's nothing. I'm fine. Ogre, and Mishima Heihachi...! I'm sending you both to hell...!! W-wait, Jin. The enemy are too many...! Stick your neck out and they'll just surround you...! Hmph. I have words for Vega. You do whatever you wish. Or... would you prefer to join Shadowloo and seek my life? Well, Jin? ...Rrgh... Heihachi...! ...That doesn't sound like blood relations talking to me. You know, stuff happens. I'm sure Jin's got skeletons in the family closet, just like everyone else. Ummm.... So, who are the friends and who are the foes here...? Well, let's see... I suppose we'd best list them out. Kazama, Mishima Heihachi has information we want badly. I'd prefer to take him alive if possible. That's right. We've got to find out what his dealings with Shadowloo are. But, I...! Heh heh heh... You'll do what? I care not either way. We've got to capture Mishima Heihachi. ...What happens after that is up to you. Sure. We can hang him upside down like a pinata! You can kick and punch the crap out of him then. (Not just an Interpol agent... but the American Unified Strategic Forces and the government's special Shinra forces too?) (...This looks liable to get messy, but...) ...Fine. I won't let anyone interrupt our duel. We're taking down Shadowloo and that robot first...! Heihachi! Don't you dare run away...! Under any other circumstances, anyone daring to say that to my face would end up in a pool of blood on the ground... But hey, that's grandchildren for you! ...Muahahahahaha! Don't say that...! You fucker...! I would have preferred it if you fought amongst yourselves, but it apparently did not work. Who cares. They're all dead anyway. ...What about that man named Ryuu? If he dies here, that shows how small a man he is. ...Go forth, my special forces. And you Gnosis too. We can't go down without a fight...! Momo, do your stuff! Okay! Deploying the Hilbert Effect! [you wouldn't like Ogre when he's mad] Aoooooooohhh! I have you now, Battle god Ogre! This time, you won't sur-... ...O...Ooo... What...?! ...A mere imposter, was it? Crumbled to dust. (All the data we were researching on Ogre... or perhaps the prototype itself... Did Shadowloo acquire it?) (There's no doubt now - they're the ones who stole "that virus" on its way to me.) [carnage ensues] Aah..! Energy signature, approaching fast! Huh?! Now what?! And after we wore them down this far...! Gee, this is almost like rush hour. I wish they'd stagger the times they show up a bit more... (Huh...? This energy signature... it's like what I just felt from... Jin?) ...Heh heh heh... hahahahaha... Eek! A-a monster?! Egads, a blue... demon...?! What...?! Monster, or human... which is it...? Well, if it isn't that demon we met at the Dragon Pavilion Castle... Mishima Kazuya!! ...Today must be my lucky day. Who would have believed I'd run into both Mishima Heihachi and Kazuya this easily...! (...What's that blasted Kazuya doing here? He was supposed to be sealed completely away...!) (This man... is he human?) But that power... heh heh heh. What a wide world. So many people with such strong bodies and souls. Strong power, and a familiar aura... what an interesting thing to find by following them... Kazuya...? ...No, you bastard... Who are you...?! What...? ...Hmph. I am what you call The Devil... I shall now recover the shard of myself I placed in him twenty years ago, when you nearly killed me. The time for my revival is at hand...! W-what's he talking about? He's somebody else...? That's absurd!! When we met him at the Dragon Pavilion Palace, he absolutely was Mishima Heihachi!! Could it be... a fake...?! Like those Doppels we met on The Third Moon... Not quite. ...Much more likely that he's possessed. ...Possessed? Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Simply put, it means his personality is under someone else's control. But, there's something we've gotta check on first. Ah, that? ...Yeah, that bears asking. The Golden Seed... do you actually have it? ...What, this? ...Oh ho. That is... Yikes, lookit all that sorcery...! That's gotta be the Golden Seed that got stolen from the Dragon Pavilion! And we've gotta get it back. ...Assuming that's the real thing. ...I can't let you have it. This is the only thing that allows me to keep Kazuya down. And with that sword... my powers will become... perfect... (Damn Kazuya... Went and let his personality get taken over by some weird being or other.) (Either way is fine... if I can just research him, I too can obtain the Devil Factor...) ...Who cares. You don't get the sword, and we get the Seed. And... I kill you. ...I sure didn't expect the Golden Seed and the Soul Edge to come together like this... Hey, don't sweat it. Saves us all kinds of trouble. ...It's all ours. ...Hey, wait a sec. Reiji? ... ...Hey, cut that out, Reiji. Don't make like it's my fault. Shit, the worst goddamn guest at the worst possible goddamn time...! Heh heh... Well, this certainly looks like fun. Ah, and the boy and his friends are here too. Hi there, how've you been? ...Grr. The monster from the Ouma, is it? Why are you here? Thanks to my Psychopower, I've already mastered crossing the dimensional wall. I have no further reason to socialize with you. Ah, such classically villainous lines, your excellency. Dropped like a bad habit as soon as you're done with me... I'm hurt. I really am. Hmph. I suppose you think you can use this chaos I've created to cover your theft of the sword? Heh heh... Chaos... he created?! Meaning... So it wasn't Juno who crashed that Rebird into this room... it was that man...?! It looks like he's completely mastered the same dimensional transfer techniques that the Grand Master had... Well then, your _excellency_ Vega, may I stay with you one last time? Do whatever you want. ...I have no interested in the Ouma's Project with "God" or whatever. ...! What...?! T-that'll be enough of that! That's still a secret! Hmph... whatever. What the? I don't see Saya flustered that often... (..."God"? As in, _the_ God?) Project... he said? What's he talking about, Saya? O-oh, nothing at all, boy. Gracious... give us a break, won't you? Asking a girl's secrets is a great way to become unpopular, didn't you know? ...Never fear. The last thing I need is to be popular with you. Is this Ouma Project Vega mentioned the whole breaking down of the dimensional walls and merging of worlds...? ... Well, the cat's out of the bag I guess. That's exactly it, boy. ... (...No, it's not. After how upset she got, this is way too calm...) (Besides... if the goal were prolonging the chaos in the world, there'd be no need to worry, not with with the dimensional walls in shambles like they are...) (And what was that about... "God"?) (The Ouma's Project... That bears investigating.) There appears to be considerable confusion... But I would prefer if the discussion cease here. ...Nothing can get accomplished otherwise. Aah! H-he came down! There are too many unknowns here. I must therefore eliminate them myself. Juno, you're dangerous after all. I've got to... defeat you here...! Special forces, you go too. Take care of these bothersome Shinra agents, and capture that Devil. Acknowledged. Mission: acknowledged. ... What's wrong, Cammy? Get moving. ...A-acknowledged. (Something's been wrong with her ever since the last mission. ...Hmph, if she's of no use to me...) Shit, the enemy's in full swing too. Arisu, no objections if we start the attack? None. Retrieving the Golden Seed and securing the Soul Edge are top priority. Everyone, I'm counting on you. Acknowledged. I understand. I understand, but... ... (I knew it... I feel human emotions and wavering aura from that girl...) (But what to do about it...) Vega... I don't need to borrow Rose's strength to... defeat you... (What's wrong... ever since I met Vega, something's wrong with my body...?) ...My objective has not changed. Kazama Jin... and Mishima Heihachi. I shall take your lives... and this sword will become my new nourishment. Utter bullshit. You're headed back to my laboratory. You won't have two cells together when I'm through with you! I won't claim anything as impressive as cellular deconstruction. I'll simply defeat you... right here, right now...! ...Okay, we've got too many people and too many plans going on. How do we work this out? Well, let the cards fall where they may. Yup, that's the best we can pray for. ...And I don't need _you_ telling me that! Well, with all that settled, let's get this show underway. (I don't like his question... it's way too soon for the Project...) [Yuuni buys it] Physical damage exceeds anticipated limits. Execution of mission difficult. I don't need every little whine and complaint. Fight until you die. Acknowledged. Vega! How could you do that to your subordinates?! And you! How could you just say "acknowledged"... ... (...It's no use. That girl's already...) Hmph. There's another mission for you. Withdraw. Acknowledged. Withdrawing. [Yuuri does too] Extensive damage: difficulty continuing mission. Useless. ...Enough, withdraw. Acknowledged: withdrawing. (I guess that girl... really can't be saved.) (Vega... I won't forgive you for toying with people's spirits...!) [Cammy does three] U-uhhhhh... Skittering little rat! Finally she stops moving. T-that attack just now... her injury may be life threatening... Oh no...! There's so much this girl might be able to tell us...! Hmph, as though one could stay their hand in the midst of battle. Uh.... Lord... Vega... Hmph, pathetic. I see that wound is too grave for you to survive. ...Useless bitch. W-what're you talking about?! Isn't she your comrade?! No way... is he planning to abandon her?! Silence, brats. Hmph, I should say this is a fine stopping point. This Geinietohlen... is the largest thing I've ever been able to transport. Which means I should be able to tackle "that", with its Psychodrive engaged. Heh heh heh... I think I'll go back and try it right now. Well, that sure sounded ominous. ...What's he gonna do again? Psychodrive...?! What are plotting this time, Vega?! Nothing that concerns you morons. I, Vega, have a very full calendar. I can't play around here forever. Now we cut to the chase. Are you planning to flee? What?! But, what about the girl...?! U...uhh....Lord Vega... Hold it, Vega! What about the girl?! ...I told you once already. She's of no further use to me. No doll with its filthy conscience awakening, at death's door, could possibly be of use to me as a spare body. Wouldn't you agree...? Ryuu...! What?! Why do you name me...? Urgh... (A "spare body"...? I don't understand... What does he... have to do with me...?) Wait, Vega. Aren't you going to explain how you resurrected Ogre? Ogre? ...Oh, him. That was nothing more than a test case for my fabrication experiments. I was never interested in him to begin with. Fabrication experiments... just like the Gnosis?! The villains have begun using ultra-technology, I suppose... (Fabrication...? Does that mean that it's lost its original powers...?!) (Grrr.... then all of this is meaningless.) Well then... until we meet again, gentlemen. Or should I say, "if" we meet again. Muahahahaha! Hey, wait! We are not through-...! Lo...rd Damn, were we... too late? No way! Leave this to me...! What're you doing? Emergency life support. Anticoagulants and systematic recovery drugs. ...Okay, that's got it. I see, just the sort of thing special forces ought to carry. And you look like you've used them before. She is unconscious, but her respiration and pulse have apparently stabilized. Great, now we just gotta use magic or whatnot to heal her the rest of the way. Yeah, but there's still enemies to deal with. First we kick their ass, then we chat with her. [Kazuya goes south] Not bad... Impressive that you could wound me this badly... Equally impressive that you could endure those wounds with a straight face. Hmph, rather half-baked as a demon, but I suppose he still has his pride. (So, this is the power of the Devil Factor... No, of Devilization itself.) (I want it... I want that power...!) Is that all the punishment you can take? You actually think it's over? It's over when I crush your windpipe!! Don't be in such a rush. This body... will take a little more getting used to... That bastard...! Are you running away...?! Anyone! Hold him down! Grr, can we make it...?! He's getting away! Rock! Can't you do something?! Do what...? Maybe if I had my wire launcher arm or something...! Darn... I knew I should have made one of those... W-wire...? ...Ah! M-maybe... this thing I got from Sylphie will do the trick...! Starwind! Dress Up!! I-it worked! M-Momo?! What's with that... outfit? She transformed?! What?! But how?! Oh dear, now we've got to tell the two Momos apart. We'll talk later! Here I go...! Rare Hunter!! ... ... A-a... fishing pole...? ...Umm...Momo? ... I don't know what that was supposed to do, but it won't work on me. Hold it! Farewell... my worse half. Damn, he got away... Hey, Momo! That's the worst-timed joke I ever saw! Umm... I'm really sorry. But, I kind of got this... Isn't that... the Golden Seed... that the Devil had?! Momo, how the heck did you get that?! Wait, don't tell me that fishing pole thingie just now...? Yep. Sylphie told me that when I transform, I gain the ability to steal rare items. Are you sure you actually have to transform to do that? Okay, I am officially scared of those pants you had on... Heh... most impressive, girl. I can just picture the look on Kazuya's face. Bwahahahaha! Unorthodox, but effective. ...Well, at least we've got the Golden Seed back. But it won't matter unless we fight our way out of here...! We've got to take out the stragglers! Let's do it...! [Juno has his turn] Oh dear... it would seem I have been defeated. Juno... I hate to do this, but I've got to finish you. I cannot permit that. I must not have you destroying me twice. "Twice"...?! Juno, is your memory back...?! Not completely, but it continues to recover step by step. ...Rockman Trigger. ...! Trigger...? Rock, what's he talking about? ... I myself do not know what those words mean... but I am aware that they contain something important. Well then, until we meet again. I am certain my memory will have recovered considerably by then. My combat abilities should have also improved... Heh heh heh. W-wait!! Rock, what's he talking about? What's this "Trigger" business, Rock...? ... [all good things must come to an end] Oofda... I guess that was a bit too much of a workout, huh? ...Why so nervous? Worried about delaying your Project or something? Heh heh... You're probably trying to get on my good side, but the direct approach makes things so much less appealing. All women are like that, or didn't you know, boy? Yeah, Reiji's hopeless on that front. No clue about the female heart whatsoever. ...Stop writing me off, you no-good foxes. But if we subdue the Soul Edge, that Project of yours is finished... I see that much clearly, Saya. ... Uh huh, where's the snappy comeback now? You've got a number of things wrong, and I do have a comeback in mind... but I don't need things getting any farther off track. See? ...Think we hit a nerve? I dunno. But given how she didn't try to snag the Soul Edge... I guess her plans aren't done yet. How felicitous. ...Too bad we have no info whatsoever about this Project. Anyway, let's grab that Soul Edge. That's the best we can do for now. Is that girl okay?! Yeah, she's just unconscious. I think Ethers and some medicine should cure her. Thank goodness... But... isn't she the enemy...? ...No, that isn't clear. She was about to recover her own will. Since Vega let her go, there must be a way to finish the process. Leave it to me. Well, if she's okay, let's worry about the Soul Edge next. About time! That thing's given us the slip too many times already. Yeah, I forgot how often, but this time it's ours...! Well...I almost expect it to happen again, but... Target "Soul Edge"... has been lost. ...Xiaomu. I-it wasn't my fault! I think I've gotten used to that by now. If no one can get their hands on the darn thing, no one can use it for evil, right? Hmm... not an unreasonable viewpoint... ...I sure hope so. I suppose that's why Saya left in the middle of discussing her little Project. This happened before. ...At that amusement park in the Phantom World, if I recall. I don't think worrying will help now... Mishima Kazuya... or rather, Devil was after that sword. ...I don't know what he was planning to do with it... but I don't want him getting his way. Or that bastard Heihachi either... Hmm? Where's Heihachi? What happened to Mishima Heihachi?! Well... I think he just went outside through a crack in that wall... ...Damn it, he did run away...! Quite a sprightly old man. I was hoping he could answer a few questions for us... Shadowloo and Ouma, Mishima Kazuya and Mishima Heihachi, and the Soul Edge... We've got plenty to worry about, but talking about it here won't solve anything. (...Including whatever's happening to my body.) True enough. Guess we should be glad we got the Golden Seed, huh? Okay, let's see if the High Priestess is okay, and then try to talk. {Divine World... Temple of the Heavens, High Priestess' Chambers} High Priestess, we leave the Golden Seed in your care. I shall keep it well. Momo, what a fine job you did. T-thank you very much... High Priestess, the giant ship outside, and the iron monster... Why are these things happening?! This Temple of the Heavens is a nexus for many worlds. Considering the erosion of the dimensional walls, it is a place easily affected by such things. But this is still abnormal. Including the ship we came here on, it's simply not natural for Transfers on that scale to happen... Isn't there something behind it? Regarding that... there is somewhere I would like you to go. The Parched Desert... in the Phantom World. The Parched Desert... Do you mean "that" pyramid?! The Demon... Zouna's...?! Yes. It seems Zouna is making his move... A very large power is... beginning to move at that pyramid. Does it have something to do with this mess? ...I cannot imagine otherwise. We can't leave that alone. Juno and the others are up to something too... Same for Shadowloo. It means more running around, but we've got to strike at whatever is causing so much chaos across the worlds. (And I'm worried about whatever's happening to my body...) That's right! Speaking of Shadowloo, how's that girl from their special forces?! Her life's out of danger. She's resting aboard the Flutter now. Weren't you able to extract some information from her? ...It didn't work. All her memories of when she was controlled by Psychopower... are cloudy, it seems. Damn, so we really do have to beat it out of Vega himself. So... what do we do with the girl? She wants to cooperate with us, in part to get her memory back. ...The chances aren't zero that she's a spy. Well, Chunli? ...I'll take responsibility for keeping an eye on her. And you can take that to mean surveillance. She'll be with me at all times. I see. Well, if you've got it that settled, there's nothing for us to say on the matter. In which case... Yes. I shall now open the gate to the Phantom World... and the Parched Desert. ...The demon Zouna, was it? How intriguing. I should like to taste his so-called power. It kind of feels like we're on errand duty... but I guess it can't be helped. Okay, then let's go, everyone! Klonoa, be careful... Can we take the Flutter there? Your ship? There should be no problem, just as when you came here. Hey, I know where we're going... but are you gonna be safe here? This place's a helluva mess. And the Spencer Lane's parked out front. Unattended. With the power of the Golden Seed, I can return them to their rightful world. Do not worry. But please hurry. The demon Zouna... there is no telling what he may do. ...Understood. Everyone, let's go. Space, temples, and now the desert. Just peachy. It can't be helped. ...Well then, High Priestess. ...Be careful, everyone... Klonoa... give it your best shot... ...Now, let us attend to our task too. Lolo, stand back. I shall use the power of the Golden Seed. Okay. O Golden Seed... shew forth your powers before me. Amazing... That is the power of the Golden Seed. ...You wished to see it, did you not? Come out, dweller of the Material World. ...What?! I thought I had completely hidden my presence... but you found me anyway. ...Are you not their comrade? Comrade...? Hmph, I have no interest in children's games. Klonoa and the others are trying to save the world! How could you call that a game...?! If the world is that easily destroyed, I say let it crumble. After all, isn't that what the "World" wants? ...I sense that you have seen many dark things. So, what is your wish? I have no use for worlds I can't understand. You can send me back to my own world, I take it? ...I can. ... On one condition, however. [CHAPTER 24. BLOODLUST WAVES] {Phantom World... Flutter, Bridge} We're in sight of the pyramid. We'll be there soon. The pyramid of the demon lord... talk about your heroic fantasy. Could you put it on screen? Okay. ...! ...That is the pyramid. Unchanged... since that battle long ago. Ghosts from the past, is it...? We seem to be facing many of those battles lately. ...War goes in circles. Perchance it may never end. Hey now, we're in the middle of that war. Let's not have any sentimentalism, okay? ...Who gives a damn about old battles? We're the ones fighting it out this time. Damn straight. All you gotta think about before a battle is the battle itself. How then shall we make our attack? ...Do we have a course for infiltration? Our only option is to assault the entrance directly. There are many chambers within... but what we seek will be in the deepest chamber if it is anywhere. That was where the room with the huge machine that made Zouna's troops was, wasn't it? Then let's split three ways. We'll bring up the rear. The other two groups can head to the deepest chamber and the nearby machine room. [I sent Reiji to the deepest chamber] {Phantom World... Pyramid Entrance} Okay, looks like everyone made it into the pyramid. Yes. Only we of the rear guard remain. ... Hmm...? What is wrong? Oh, uh... it's nothing. This makes for better training anyway. Just moving around in the desert is enough to tone the legs. ...Man, once a gym rat, always a gym rat. (...Those waves I felt inside me back then... I haven't trained enough... not nearly enough.) (Hmm...? Ryuu...?) "Parched Desert"... was it? This is some seriously inhospitable terrain. I quite agree. ...All this sand is doing terrible things to my hair. That looks hard to take care of even at the best of times... And the sun is so bright. Gil, and Arthur... are you okay? Huh? Us? At least for me, this is nothing compared to using Heat Body... As for myself... I suppose I am hot. However, that is easily solved. Whoa!! Quick-release action! Ahhh, much better. Hah hah hah. Hey, not bad. ...You'd best put that armor back on, if you don't want it buried. We shouldn't hang around here too long without any desert gear. ...Especially in our boxers. ... ...What's wrong? What're you on guard for? I sense a presence... a presence I have felt before. Felt before...? Valkyrie, is it...? [yup] What?! Those were.... hiding in the sand?! I see, Valkyrie... you expected this? However, it is the rear guard's task to overthrow such things. ...Let us begin. That's what I'm talking about! Yo, Ryuu! I dunno what's eating you, but you gotta focus! ...You're right. For now, I'll worry about the enemies I can see! In this heat... we must worry about dehydration. Let us conclude this and enter that pyramid. Yes, let us fight. ...Oh, and Arthur, please remember your armor. (The presence I felt did not belong to them...) (I am sure "she" is watching us from somewhere...) [kill a couple enemies and...] From that direction this time?! Forsooth, such numbers...! ...Stay calm. Just cut them down one at a time. Those aren't... Zouna's soldiers...? Where have I seen them before...? ... ...What?!? What the?! Lizards... no, dinosaurs?! It's those dinosaurs from Ibis Island! ...We've fought the small ones before: they're velociraptors... And the big one is an... allosaurus. A vicious, hulking species of dinosaur...! What are they doing in another world...?! Allosaurus...? Should I think of it as some type of dragon? If so... we'd better beware of its fiery breath. Not to worry. The dinosaurs of our world lack any such dreadful powers. That said, its attacks are incredibly strong, and it's extremely durable. Don't get careless. I get it..! So that's what the Spencer Lane was carrying...! Goddamn Shadowloo... what're they thinking?! Human...?! Who dares?! Good grief... finally, some humans to talk to. Whoa, it's some really buff guy! Who are you?! Is that... Haggar?! Say what?! The mayor?! Oh, this'll be a lot easier now that I recognize some of you! Especially you, Gai - fancy meeting you here. It is I who should say so. What has befallen you, Haggar? Hmm... I'm not quite sure myself. I was nosing around the Spencer Lane, trying to figure out what Shadowloo was up to, and even managed to sneak aboard... ... Well, that proves these things were part of its cargo. It appears there is no time to talk. Besides those "dinosaur" creatures, Zouna's soldiers are somewhere nearby. Correct. ...Haggar, let us talk afterwards. Will you not lend me your strength, so that we may carry the day? Of course. I don't exactly fancy being left alone in this desert myself. I've been waiting a good long time for some mayhem! [carnage continues] Hmm? Someone came out...? Did she get lost in this world like me? Heh heh heh... So this is where you were, Maiden Knight - Valkyrie! Huh?! It's her...! ...Black, Fallen warrior...! So, you were the presence I felt after all. Did she make it into the pyramid before us...?! Shit... what a disaster! Are Fongling and the others okay? ...They may have fallen into an enemy trap. ...Are you certain you should not be worrying about yourselves first? What?! It's that lady who was with the Fallen Knight before... ...! ...I see, you're that Fortune Teller of Jenova that Ryuu was talking about... Rose...! Tell me, Rose! Why have you sided with the enemy... after being resurrected?! Indeed. I have heard that that girl... desires harmony through chaos. ...Such deeds disorder the world of man. Rose... for what reason would you side with such a person? That's right! Don't you realize that person in black is bad?! ... (Man of blazing flame... and daughter of blossoming cherry... May I not elude my fate after all...?) Hmph, labeling whatever doesn't suit you as "evil"... How pathetic. ...Black, Fallen Knight, I think as they do. You once led Zouna's armies. And now, you appear here. Your association with Zouna is obvious. I shall not allow you to claim innocence in this matter! My "association" with Zouna is coincidence. That bastard and I were merely... using each other to get what we want. To get...what you want...? At the very least, what she... what the Fallen Knight wanted was Zouna's troops. Heh heh heh... I see, selling her own powers to get an "organization" behind her. It would seem that people think very much alike, even in other worlds. ... (The Fallen Knight's power is certainly great... But... Would Zouna really just hand his armies over to her?) (...!! It couldn't be...!) ...Stop wasting your breath in the middle of battle. If she's in the way, eliminate her. Please, wait. Rose is... In the way... That's right, Ryuu. Right now, I'm simply... in your way. Why! Why must I fight you?! And what are you hiding... ....Urrrrgh...?! Ryuu? Huh? Hang on... (Rrr... what's wrong with my body... something's...) Our chat ends here. ...I shall bury you. Though you be full of plans, we yet have some of our own. ...And we will by no means be buried here. Yeah, let's get this show on the road. ...And Rose, if the bad guys're controlling you or something, I'll make you open your eyes. ... ...Rose... (Ryuu, your time should be gone. I shall watch and see what "that power" brings forth...) [more combat, more suckage] Heh heh heh... ha ha ha ha ha! Who is there?! Show yourself! Oh, you're gonna see me whether you want to or not. See, Valkyrie? It is... Kamuze! Hey, she remembered me. Ain't that fuckin' great. Best believe I remember you too. An' even if I wanted to forget you... I fucking couldn't!! Well now, that's one fine body you've got there. No mention of the four arms, or the red skin? Heh, finally we get a monster who actually looks the damn part. Kamuze... even you have been resurrected?! Valkyrie appears to know him. ...And I perceive their association was not pleasant. Kamuze...? As in the demon Kamuze, who once stole the Golden Seed...?! Heh heh... someone's done their fucking homework. ...Revenge. I came back... for revenge! Druaga, Zouna, and Kamuze... and the Infernal Village besides. All the more reason not to perish here. ...You're late, Kamuze. I dunno what the hell you gave Zouna, but you don't fucking order me around. (Well, now it's clear that Zouna and the Fallen Knight have some kind of deal.) (It must be...) And the parade of unwanted guests continues. ...It's just one more monster for us to kill. Settle down. The fuck? You wanna DIE, little bitch? 'Sides, you think I came alone? Yo! Get your ass out here! ... Shit, now we're surrounded. Huh...? Wait, those guys... where've I... Kurino and... Sabine?! But those Kurinos're all black... Those are...! Kamuze... What have you done...?! Don't tell me... those are of the same tribe as Kurino?! Heh heh heh... you damn right. Just stick an evil spirit in 'em an' they're kinda handy. Kinda, makes the high and fucking mighty Maiden Knight easier to attack too. Ha ha ha ha ha! *gulp* ...! How unfair can you get...! Rrgh... (Power is... flooding through me...? Is the fury... granting me strength...?) ... Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Okay, Valkyrie, let's do this! ... Refuse no challenge offered... That is the Bushin-Ryuu. However... Yeah... it's gonna mean roughing them up... ... To cast out the evil spirits Zouna's power has thrust into them... we must defeat them first. ...We have no choice but... to fight...! That's right, green-eyed child. I see your mind's finally made up. ...I shall not... let you get away with this...! ... (That's right... it can't... be... forgiven...) [one of the possessed troops goes down] I am so sorry... I as much as dragged you into this fight. I know how you feel... but you mustn't blame yourself. Yes, should we fall... then they truly will be beyond saving. So, we must... ...Fight. For the time being at least... [wound the allosaurus enough] Grrrrargh!! This is it! Take it down now! What?!? It ran away?! How the hell can that huge thing go that fast?! Shouldn't we follow it and finish it off? ...I don't mind. We can't afford to divide our forces here... and it won't last long with those wounds. (Yes, there's no way it could be alive...) [knock the lady in black down a bit] Quite splendid. I would love to stay and play, but... heh heh heh... Are you running away again?! Black, Fallen Knight!! Fleeing? My task has always been inside the pyramid. As I told you, I was merely playing. Hold it right there! My goodness but she runs fast! Let's get after her! Steady yourselves! We must subdue this area first. Indeed. With such mingling of friend and foe, chaos can be the only result. ...I understand. We must hurry and finish off the enemies here...! [pummel Kamuze] Grrr.... Bastards're fucking with me! Kamuze! Nothing has changed since then! You... will return to the Abyss of Time! Like hell I will, Valkyrie! I got all kinda soldiers I can call up! ... Those... not again! The more you resist, the more Sandra get hurt! Ain't that a terrible thing for the Maiden Knight to do, huh? Gwa ha ha ha ha ha! ...Is that supposed to move us? Degenerate. Kamuze... you...! Okay, now I'm really pissed off! This isn't fighting at all!! You won't get away with this! Calm down, Sakura! He wants to make you mad! ... (Ryuu... you mustn't become angry... Or else you will lose sight of your own soul...) I thought it was about time... Pathetic. What a farce I find. What?! Who's there! Where are you?! This bloodlust...! I recall it! ... It seems the time has come. What...?! The Master of the Fist... Gouki...! The wearer of bloodlust, with eyes of hatred...! (I know this man...! Now is... now is the time...!) Huh?! Who the fuck're you?! Misbegotten freak, I have no business with you. Ryuu, let forth the demon within you. ...Wield your fists as your heart commands. Who are you?! Is this dreadful bloodlust really... human...?! Gil, something's wrong with Ryuu! Ryuu?! Graaaahhh....!! (Is this... my true nature? This power welling forth... power making me want to destroy everything...!) (Is this the... Bloodlust Wave that... Gouki mentioned... Is the answer... the same as... Vega...?!) Hey, Ryuu? What's wrong?! I... Your uniform's color is...?! Hey, no way... Ryuu!! I... am the Master... of the...! Ryuu, what're you talking about! Get a grip, man! I am the Master of the Fist...! (Master, has... Has the day finally come...?!) I shall return... everything to void...! My fists require blood...! [kerpow] I-incredible... Gahhh!! ...W-what the... helll... W-what just happened?! Ryuu?! ...Be destroyed...! Man... I blew it... How could there be... someone besides... Valkyrie who could...! Hmm, they fled? Ryuu, that was awesome! Sakura, stay back!! Huh...? ... ...That is Ryuu no longer. It can't be... Has Ryuu been possessed by an evil spirit, like the Sandra?! ...He has neither changed, nor been possessed. He has... awakened. ... Was all that "the time has come" shit... about this?! Gouki!! No more words. ...I... I... am... Dammit...! Ryuu, I gotta stop you. ...Even if... you have to...!! [Evil Ryuu or Evil Gouki gets smacked around] ...Not bad. But I've achieved my purpose. Ugh... Uoooooooooooooohh...!! Ryuu?! Are you okay?! Ryuu! Take hold of yourself! You must not give yourself to the power of destruction!! So, he didn't return to sanity...?! Hey, Ryuu! Ryuu!! He went into the pyramid?! Oh shit, Fongling and the others are in there! Our comrades may slaughter each other unless informed of the circumstances...! We've got to follow him...! ... Wait, Gouki! He... Ryuu awakened! Is this why you've been riding our ass all this time?! And why you mixed Sakura up in all this?! ... Really?! Answer me, man! ... I don't appreciate you sneaking off after poking and prodding us the whole time! ... ...I must have "that" surpass all else. "That"...? Do you mean Ryuu?! Surpass me, surpass the killing fist, surpass the Bloodlust Wave.... Surpass the... Bloodlust Wave...? ... Hold it! We're not finished yet! So, he departs. Perchance that means... he had nothing more to say to us. Just what is going on around here? I'm not following this at all... Ken! What's going on?! What happened to Ryuu?! ...Sakura... We gotta go after him... After Ryuu. I don't plan on being caught in a pincer attack in there. Let's get rid of the stragglers here first. [Rose buys it] ...What must transpire has transpired. Rose! Tell me what you know! Otherwise I'll... have to... Ryuu..! ... Man of blazing flame... you are one of the bearers of the Key, Ken Masters. Wait, please! Rose! Let us hurry into the pyramid! The fallen knight has entered too. There is no telling what might happen... We must go before it is too late...! Yeah, I know...! ...I know... Ken...? (Master... If I can't bring Ryuu back to his senses... I'll have to...) [CHAPTER 25. MANY SCHEMES, MANY RESOLVES] {Phantom World... Pyramid, Robotian Factory} SHIT!! How the hell?! Just make the goddamn things already!! Hey, what's taking so long? Shut it, this damn thing's complicated! Just pipe down and get your ass in! Christ, and after all the crap I pulled, I can't get the frigging machine to run. Hmm...? A heat signature... Zabel, a lot of people are headed this way. Huh?? Look, just 'cause you got some free time don't give you no right to be runnin your mou-... This is the place. This block is the source of the high energy readings. W-what the heck is that machinery... Hey! What the fuck?!? How the hell did you get in here... Wo-o-o-ow!! W-why the heck are _you_ here?! It's cause little ol' you an' me are bound by FATE! I don't think he's listening at all... This isn't how you hold a conversation... Remember that he is in league with the Infernal Village forces. Which must mean... the Infernal Village has a hand in this too? (That voice... Berabou Man...!) Great timing. It looks like we're not being followed, which gives me plenty of time to string you up and extract information. I like the sound of that. What I don't like is that creepy machine. Yes. ...Now, misshappen one, you will tell us _everything_ you know. ...S-she kinda sounds like the bad guy here... Well... we do have superior numbers here... I guess it can't be helped... Don't fucking get all cocky on me! I can solve that numbers problem right quick! ...! What's he trying to do?! I'm tryin' to do this! Tron!! It's an energy signature! ...What?! From those machines farther back?! Those are... Zouna's soldiers...?! ...This is probably some kind of factory. One for making more troops for Zouna! Man, try telling me that sooner next time. I'd have wrecked those damn things on the spot. But now it's clear what the enemy is up to. I figure they deserve eliminating, don't you? Eliminating?! Shit, that's my line! Yo, move! Slaughter their ass! (Gotta buy a bit more time here.) ... [kill a few bad guys] Man, fucking puny! You got your asses SERVED! Now get down here, Zabel! Let's settle this! W-whoooooaa!! You wanna marry me? Yowza! ...I'm impressed you got this far. Leilei, can't you just give in already? That isn't funny! I don't know what he and Leilei have going, but we've gotta pull him down from there. Yeah. ...Hey, get down here. I've got business with you. Huh?! I ain't got eyes for nothin' but Leilei! I'd love to kick your ass right now... Dammit, where's those soldiers at?! Take this! And that! What the? That crazy sonuvabitch's lost it. Hey, Zabel! You didn't forget I'm in here, did you?! What, someone's voice?! Don't tell me someone's sealed inside that thing?! What?! What?! No way...! H-holy shit... it's working... ...! W-what's going on?! Is it broken?! KOS-MOS! Do you know what's going on?! I detect a high energy signature from the central apparatus. I-isn't it going to explode?! Oh no!! We're in danger too... but what about the person inside?! We won't make it! Everyone, get down! I-it stopped...? Looks like it didn't explode after all. Man, give me a heart attack why don't you? T-that's right! What about the person inside?! Oh, don't worry, Berabou Man. It's... Wayahime?! What are you doing here?! Is this android girl the person inside the machine?! Huh?! Yo, how come it's just you?! Keep your shirt on. ...It worked. Worked...? What worked...? ... How aggravating...! Body divide...?! N-no it's not! I think... those are the mass-production model! Mass-pro... You mean they manufactured more of them?! Yahoo! All that trouble and damn if it didn't work anyway! Right, Wayahime? So it seems. ...And now I think we're even in battle too. So this's what all that sneaking around was for... So many of the same person! I-it's like the observation station for the Type 100's... Scans indicate that the copies are less capable than the original. (So the first one worked, huh? Next comes...) Wayahime, does the fact you're with that zombie mean... you've lowered yourself to join the Infernal Village's armies?! Lowered myself...? Not really. Did you know that my only programming involves defeating you? There are no limits on how. The Infernal Village army... is simply a means to make up for any shortcomings in combat strength. Besides, I was ordered to follow Black around, and he went into the Infernal Village... that's also why. Black...?! You don't mean.. Black Berabou... Tajima?! Black Berabou... that guy in black? Unbelievable... a human would willingly enter the Infernal Village...?! YO, fucktards! Knock it off with all the jibber-jabber! Wayahime! Go get'em! Hey, shut up, Zabel! We're not through talking yet! Oh, I'm finished. Now... let's get this started!! ... I have a request, everyone. Please... do not destroy Wayahime. Hmph... I trust you are not telling us you have fallen for a mere marionette? No, that's not the reason. I must ask her about Tajima... about Black Berabou. Berabou, why do you care about him so deeply...? ...I get it. She certainly does seem easier to extract information from than that zombie. And if need be, I can just take her apart and get the information that way! ...Okay, we'll try. It's a pain in the neck, but I guess there's no other way. So... we can wreck everything but the woman in the center, right? As far as I can tell, the others are just copies. As long as the original in the center is left... Thank you, everyone... Naive! Far too naive, Berabou Man. Whatever you're planning... you won't take me down until I've settled our duel once and for all. Wayahime... Now is not the time to dwell on that "Shinda Fourth Ward" battle. I am severing those roots right here and now. And then you will tell me everything you know. Berabou Man, naive to the end. Defeat is death to a ninja. ...Either you die, or I am destroyed... those're your only options, Berabou Man...! [one Waya down] Damn, there she went... Not a very good feeling. Hmph, and you consider yourself part of the Musou Battou-Ryuu? Laughable. It seems they share your appearance, but not your abilities. I'll take that as a compliment from a _fellow_ Musou Battou- Ryuu follower. ...Heh. [two Waya down] As good as advertised, Berabou Man...! Please stop this, Wayahime. I don't want to destroy you like I did then. My fight... ended back there... ...Don't say that, Berabou Man! (Damn, these guys're hella strong... This's gonna get worse 'n worse at this rate...) Damn it, get your ass in gear, you bucket o' bolts! Who are you calling a bucket of bolts?! Not you! This goddamn machine!! That zombie's lost it again. He's up to something, I just know it! I am fucking PISSED!! Death Voltaaaage!! Hmm?! He controls lighting?! Yo, someone give that jackass some Valium...! Now what'd he do?! Energy readings increasing. ...Larger signature than before. Larger than before... Is something going to come out over there too?! Trying to force it to work by pumping current into it... how incredibly reckless! Shut yer ass! All it's gotta do is work! See! ...What? And here I expected hordes and hordes of them. Is that it? Just what were you expecting, Sabine? Anyway, before any more come out, let's... There we go again! ... Hmm? Isn't that a.... Those robots are... Mishima Heavy Industries models! But why are they here?! ...I see. These production machines... must have hacked into my database. So that's what this is...! If she is from Mishima Heavy Industries too, it must mean...! ...! Just look at that! Berabou! Those robots...! The Bakuda army...! To think that they could be here...! ... Right! Here come the big fucking guns!! Yeehaw!! Big guns...?! I've never seen those robots before... Hey, Zabel. Those robots aren't in my database. Then they're not from Mishima Heavy Industries...?! Damn straight they ain't! These're some ancient guardians the dudes in the Infernal Village dug up. T-the Infernal Village dug them up?! I just brought a few of 'em, but looks like I hit the jackpot! T-they look really tough... Shion, are we gonna be okay...? ...Well, we've come this far. Nothing can startle me any more, Momo. Our only choice now is to fight our way out... ... ...W-WWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!? W-what a shock! That's right it's a shock! How could someone in another world make one of Vector's combat androids?! W-what the hell? I don't remember making any of those. Hey! Don't act like it's not your fault! Perhaps, it's the machine itself which is capable of making copies...! No way...! KOS-MOS! Scan complete. It appears that their armor has been fortified compared to myself, the original. However, my drive systems appear more capable. I believe that combat can proceed in our favor. ...I didn't grasp all that, but it seems the original is the calmest here... Ah, fuck it! You bitches are road kill, got it? Yeehaw!! Shit! The last thing we need is any more of these things! We gotta get rid of these robots fast so we can wreck those machines! [wreck more bad guys] W-what happened?! The door to the inside has opened! Heat source approaching...?! It looks like a human! Maybe the others are coming to save us! U-urrrgh... Hey! It's Ryuu! He really came to save... ...Huh? Wait. ...Uh... urgh... Ryuu?! Is that... really you?! Wait, something's wrong. I sense bloodlust emanating from his whole body... That isn't normal...! Hey Kurino, this kind of reminds of the time Zouna took you and made you into a Black Sandra. What, that...?! If so, does that mean... he's possessed by an evil spirit?! U-umm... It is Ryuu, but... I've detected some kind of energy I can't analyze... What?! What's that supposed to mean... can't analyze...? Well, there is one data match from the past. The past...?! Ryuu's never been like that before... The data match is to the energy emitted by the adversary named "Gouki". Gouki...?! The Master of the Fist... You're saying he's become like Gouki...?! Uh... uhhh..... ...Destroy... I... am... (Impossible... Is this what Lord Vega was talking about about the ultimate form of Psychopower?) Damn, and he ain't paying the robots any mind either. Looks like he's after us. Yeehaw! That's rich! Yo, go kill their ass! I should probably be upset that he's ignoring us... but no matter. We've gotta fight him...! Maybe if we can knock him out once we can bring him back to his senses. ...I don't think it'll be that easy, myself. ...?! Aah!! It's King's... master?! Armor King...! Why are you here...?! ...Don't tell me that you're the one who made him like that....! Well, he'd make one hell of a dark partner. ...But I actually found him wandering around inside the pyramid. I was looking for you guys. He just came by coincidence, but... Heh heh heh... heck, maybe he was after you guys too. ... Hey, don't give him any ideas! And why should Ryuu fight us? I have no idea. I just followed him here. ...Then why are you injured? ... Huh...?! Hey, you're right. You sure... you didn't get hurt trying to bring him here? Perhaps... to let us know that something had befallen him...?! ... ...If you're the man I know, that's probably the size of it. ... ...Think what you want. But that doesn't change my job. ...I was told to take you all down. Say your prayers. Told...? By Black Valkyrie? Probably. After all, he is her servant and stuff. Why, Armor King?! Why would you... with all your pride, become her lapdog? ... There's no way King's master would be a bad person. So then, why would he listen to her?! ...They call me the "Bad Leaf". Only natural that I'd hook up with a villain. Let's do it. ...You'll know the truth when we fight. (Master... why are you...!) [curtains for Zabel] Well, shit! These guys're still pissing me off! Fuck this then! I'm outta here!! Wait! Amazona... Where's Amazona?! Huh? Amazona? ...Oh, that chick in the armor? Best give that shit up, see, 'cause where she is... is the Infernal Village. ...The Infernal Village...! Well, we had to go there anyway. Cheer up, Momo. Well, I gots a little word to the wise for my honey Leilei... NO FUCKING WAY! No one ain't got enough lives to pull that off! Hee ha ha ha ha ha! Amazona, I... Don't worry, Momo. I will accompany you. Now I have business at the Infernal Village too. (Tajima... don't do anything hasty...) [first KOS-MOS goes down] Confirm target has ceased functioning. Actually, it exploded... That must be a strange feeling. It is almost like attacking and destroying an ally... And it's a different kind of strange feeling to have KOS-MOS herself confirming it... This ain't no time to get sentimental. The enemy's the enemy. Only thing for it is to hose their ass. Oh, I've got an idea! What say I take what's left and build it into my Minions to get a hybrid model? Yay, a "MIN-MOS"! R-regarding that suggestion, I must protest as the person in charge of building her in the first place... [le roi est mort] This is it, huh... Ah well. Armor King! Why won't you tell me the truth! What... what are you hiding?! ...I came back from Hell. That's all there is to it. Geez! I don't get it at all! You'll figure it out eventually. And when you do... it'll probably be our final bout. Armor King! Armor King... master. Why, when we finally saw each other again... why... King... [Ryuu buys it (or at least comes close)] G-grr..... We are definitely doing damage to him. A little more and he should no longer be combat worthy. Something about the way he's in pain makes me doubt it's the physical wounds bothering him... Get a hold of yourself, Ryuu! Concentrate! Return to sanity! Ooooohhh...!! Shall we pursue, Chunli? No, it would be dangerous to split up now. But... once we finish this fight, we've got to go after him. (Ryuu, what happened to you?!) [when Wayahime is the only one left...] So... I'm the only one left? Hmph... I can't believe you actually made it this far without destroying me. I told you already: I am severing all ties to that battle. You have no hope of victory. ...I do not wish to destroy you needlessly. Please understand, Wayahime. ...Looks like I've got less than a 1% chance of victory. In which case... there's only one thing to do. ...Detect abnormal energy buildup in target "Wayahime". ...? The android's energy is building up? Hey, don't tell me it's....! Is she... overheating? Under these circumstances? Hey...! It can't be... Self-destruct...?! Does she have... something like the Realians' self-destruct system in her?! Self-destruct... and taking us with her?! Oh no! Everyone, get down! Do you hate me so much... that you would go that far?! This is a program, Berabou Man. Designed to activate the moment I judge myself disadvantaged in combat. Overloading my powerplant, making it explode... will easily wipe out this entire room. ... ...If you're going to run, now's your chance, Berabou Man. What did you say? Aren't you planning to take me with you? Even if I did... it wouldn't mean that I beat you. W-what do you mean?! It would mean that Professor Bakuda, who built and programmed me... beat Berabou Man. Which would be meaningless. ...In which case, I'd rather disappear alone. Wayahime... "Nobody picks up your corpse if you die"... That was the last piece of information ever input into me. ...Beautiful. ...I won't allow it. Shion...? There's no way the builder is entitled to deciding the buildee's entire life...! That program... I reject it...! Shion... ...As a fellow engineer, I know how you feel, but, it's too...! Yes, the explosions have already started. ...There's no time. I'm scared... And I don't want to use this, but... I'm gonna stake my life on this equipment. You mean there's a way to stop her?! Nothing besides... this...! [zorch] What was that... high voltage?! Wayahime's energy readings have stabilized. I get it... She shorted her out, and forced her central circuitry to reset... All that zapping was just like Captain... ...Wait, Shion?! *pant* *pant*... Uzuki! Are you... alright?! I-I'm okay... I'm... really scared of thunder... Ever since that time... ...With my... mother... Some sort of... trauma?! And yet... you used that technique just now?! Things made for humans to use, and then destroy... That's just... too sad... ... Anyway, case closed... right? Berabou Man... Can you live with the fact you weren't the one who settled this? ...Yes. This is... as it should be, with her asleep. ...Now, let us go. I am still worried about Ryuu. Into the pyramid...! (Farewell, Wayahime.) ... [CHAPTER 26. Lost Children of Desire] {Phantom World... Underground Magic Circle} We're pretty far underground... and it looks like we've finally reached the bottom. Moody. I like it. Make a good date spot. Oh. Yeah. Be perfect if it wasn't for all the damn enemies. Hey, this isn't the time for joking around! Something isn't... right around here. It's full of some kind of energy I can't analyze... Any biological effects? Oh, I wouldn't sweat that. ...I suppose those of you from the Material World aren't sensitive enough to notice, but what is filling this place is evil power. ...Yeah, _lots_ of it. It's giving me goose bumps. Yeah... I've got such a bad feeling I'm having trouble standing up straight. What a beautiful magic circle. I presume we should be meeting him any time now. You can say that again. Simple, yet rich flavor, with subtle hints of impending doom. My compliments to the chef. I didn't follow that very well, but are we saying that something is wrong here? There certainly seems to be a monster of some kind here... Oh, there certainly is. Not just anyone can make a magic circle this massive. ...Indeed. This dreadful sorcery... must not be allowed to stand. Yeah, we better trash this shit something proper. Yeah... but how _do_ we trash it? It's kinda big... Oh, it's not that difficult. With this kind of magic circle, simply disrupting its shape should render it powerless. Right, so all I gotta do is blow a hole in it with my bazooka? Heck, Rock could do that too. Yep, and I've got Hyper Shells and my Drill Arm too. Of course, it'd be easier if Taizou was here... Well then, shall we take out those monsters guarding the magic circle? No... I'd really rather you not. Huh? W-who's there?! Everyone, it's been quite a while. I see you all are in good health. Meaning fucking pains in the ass. It's them...! Aahhh!! It's that round thing from the amusement park and... that rude creature! Goodness me. Every time we meet, you've added someone new. Damn, are these monsters friendly or what? Maybe they're... actually friends or something...? That ain't even funny...! They're the enemy! Janga, you ain't gettin' away this time! God damn, don't you ever cool out...? Gantz, I'm getting sick of your little kid shit. Are those really... the enemy? Yeah. They're called "Phantom Beasts", and they're definitely the enemy. ...I wonder if they're still up to something. Bet they are. Which's fine by me! This time you're gonna tell us exactly what you're doing here and what you're up to! I don't think you'll get them to talk so easily. Then... we'll have to use force. Well, I'm hoping that the Soul Edge shows up here, you see. Whoa, that was easy. The Soul Edge?! ...You bastards better not be lying! Where's yer proof?! The Soul Edge, which wanders across dimensions, is prone to showing up in the presence of immense power. Regardless of world. ...Well, I suppose that gives you the hint. O ho ho ho ho... So, you're trying to concentrate magic and release it... and make the Soul Edge come to you for a change? I see... sounds convincing, except for why you'd tell us something so important so easily. I fail to understand, unless they are mocking us in some way. That is just so obvious. And certainly isn't the way to my heart either... Heh, I actually think he's telling the truth. ...And thanks to that, we just lost our ability to destroy the circle. Pretending to joke while tying our hands with information alone... Not half bad. Oh ho ho. What an incredible honor to be praised by both brothers. Look, they ain't brothers. When's this guy gonna get serious...? ...Hmph. That's quite enough. Surely we can't stand around chatting until the Soul Edge arrives. You goddamn right we can't. Anyways, you guys're history! The hell you say, Janga! After I'm done kicking your ass, I'm gonna shove the goddamn Soul Edge right up it!! Wait, calm down! Well, with that said... let's not keep the hot-blooded youth on either side leashed anymore.. I'll take the opportunity to sightsee a little until the dreaded evil sword arrives. Soul Edge... I too am interested in it. ...You shall not have it. ...To battle. [battle for a while] W-whoa! Wh-what the?! All this shaking... I've got a really bad feeling about this...! M-Masuyo!! The energy readings around here just went through the roof! Don't tell me... it's actually coming?! I-it's here! It's the Soul Edge! What a surprise... and it's right in the center of the magic circle...! ... Huh? Hey, Mitsurugi, I've never seen you this calm before when the Soul Edge's on the scene. ...We been through this before. Every time that damn thing shows up... some kinda trouble's close behind. ...Yes. The sorcery it emits has not slackened. See, what gifted students we have among us. I wonder what will happen this time? ...I'm almost eager to find out. That I can agree with. [and behind door #1...] What! A-ancient Japanese attire...! O ho... So this is the other world. And more fortuitous an arrival than I expected. Indeed.... Hmm? It is you...! Lord Ushiwaka... You have done your work well it seems. Right... Kagekiyo...?! ...What?! ... Spirit Worlders, is it? Confounded Soul Edge... how many worlds must it draw into this...?! T-these guys came from another world... like us?! T-they're enemies... right? You need not waver. ...They are my sworn foes: Demons returned to the Golden Pond from Hell. Bold words... for a badger from the same den. O ho ho ho. Let him rant, Oniwaka. Matters have proceeded well thus far. ...Let us begin our work. ...Understood? Huh? Who's he talking to? Shit...! Reiji? ...Hang on, don't tell me... Dimensional Transfer, the Soul Edge, the Genji's experiments... pretty obvious what comes next. Show yourself...!! Hi!! Whenever you call, I'll be there in a flash! And so on. ...Cripes, it _is_ her... ...Well now, quite the crowd. Congratulations on coming this far. Hmph, you again? First the Material Worlders have you by the tails, now you deign to play with the Spirit Worlders? Let us say... that it's a tough job, but someone has to do it. It seems everyone is interested in Dimensional Transfer these days. Now see here... How's about you give this bad girl act a rest, huh?! I'd appreciate you lodging your complaints with that sword there. It causes all sorts of grief. The Soul Edge...! Saya. Are you actually... getting serious about the Soul Edge? Say perhaps... that the kettle is hot, boy. Somewhat like... me, really. ...Then cool it, already. The kettle is hot... meaning that little Project of yours? Yes, as a matter of fact. Thanks to a certain talkative commander, a few beans got spilled... But since you don't know what the Project's about, there's not much you can do about it anyway. Right, boy? ... Gee, she out and confessed... And just what do you need the Soul Edge for...? ...Yoshitsune, say you that the Soul Edge will open the gates of the worlds at will? O ho ho ho... hardly. I have followed the Soul Edge under my own power. Our experiments are faring better and better. You _followed_ the Soul Edge...?! As an experiment...? I recall... you said that once before. Experimentin' with chasin' the Soul Edge's ass, huh? Great fucking job, guys. ...Care to let me in? Man, don't fall for that. Sides, ain't it easier to blow their ass to kingdom come an' grab the Soul Edge for yourself? I should call that a good idea... if everyone here hadn't thought of it already. Hee hee hee... now this's what I call fun. O ho ho, right you are. Triangles... can be pleasant, but it is customary to crush the weakest point first. So, lovely lady over there... Hmm? You needed something, handsome boy? May I enlist your assistance in squelching the small group over there? What will become of the Soul Edge can be decided later. What do you say? I care not. The Soul Edge is ours, regardless. ...My aim is Kagekiyo alone. I shall worry about the rest later. Well, that was easy. However, I should point out... I don't really trust you. Heh heh. O ho ho ho ho, never expect a good woman to let down her guard. But, look into my eyes. ...Do these look like the eyes of a liar? ... ... Ooh, now those are the eyes of a man who speaks the truth. ...I think I believe you. Hey, like, his expression never changes! Dammit! You blind as well as stupid, you little vixen?! Great, it's comedy hour. ...But hey, I kinda expected as much. Just look at this get-together we got here. I say we throw one helluva party. ...Anyway, we can't progress unless we defeat the enemy...! Absurd. What can you do with so few? O ho ho ho ho... Just stand there and watch as we obtain the Soul Edge. Yoshitsune, Benkei... you will not have that sword. (With "that sword"'s whereabouts unknown... I must have this sword if I am to slay Yoritomo.) [Janga goes down] They got me again?! ...This ain't fuckin' funny no more, cocksuckers!! It's cause you'z a sissy, Janga! An' now I'm gonna finish your sissy ass off!! It ain't that easy, you shitty-ass punk! Power! I gotta get me some power... an' then I spill your fucking _guts_ all over the floor!! Believe that!! Motherfucker!! I swear... about all that cat's good at is throw-away lines. Yeah, and that darn cat ran off! Gantz, aren't you gonna follow it? ...Christ. Nah, I ain't gonna. He'n I are on the same path. As long as I'm mixed up in this shit, I'm gonna see him whether I want to or not. Gantz, you've kinda changed lately. Kinda... grown up, like. ...Great, an' it takes some little infant to tell me that. ...Huh...? Hmm? What's wrong, Morrigan? ...This feeling... It seems she's here. ... The hell? A little girl...? That girl... Isn't she... that demon child who said she wanted to play and attacked us?! Yeah, no doubt about it. But... what's she doing here...? Just look at all the magic at work here. Anyone could see us from worlds away. Besides, I'm here... and trying to get my hands on that evil sword. What...? Explain yourself, Morrigan. You expected this girl's appearance? That girl... who is she? She kinda looks like Morrigan... An enemy...? Or... I wouldn't say... she's on our side, but in fact she is... me. ...Isn't that right, Lilith dear? Yes... You are my... true... This magic... I see, I understand. Hey now, we're kinda tied up at the moment, see? Let's not make this complicated, dig? Yeah. How's about explaining so some meathead like me can understand. Okay, teach? Yes, but... although I have accompanied Morrigan and the others, I myself do not understand... (Well, it's the obvious question... but coming from two model juvenile delinquents...) We don't have enough time for a detailed explanation. I have a favor I'd like to ask everyone... Please refrain from hurting her. Huh? Hold the phone. We just gotta take getting pounded? What are you planning to do? Capture her? No way! We can get her if we use a crossfire! ...Wait, Hiromi. Don't take the trigger-happy bit too far. I don't know what you're up to, Morrigan, but what do we get out of it? Who knows. Certainly not I, at this point. Huh?! That's like... way irresponsible. ...Taking that girl out here is certainly no great hardship. However... ...You wish to save her? Save... Yes, I suppose that's all I intend. Me personally, that is. ... ...Hmph, then do so. See that you settle accounts by your own hand. Demitri... Well then... We can't just refuse a request from our teammate, can we? I suppose not. Everyone, please refrain from attacking Lilith. Ooookay, teach! Sure, why not.... I should be able to roll with her punches. Well, it sounds like that girl has business with our opponents. Quite the wildcard... But as they say, "God smites not he who tempts Him not." ...I know not who you are, but I shall leave you be. No mere girl is of account when the Soul Edge is in sight. What were you talking about...? Are you gonna be... mean to me...? You needn't worry. Just be yourself. (...The question is whether or not I can "accept" her or not... Isn't it?) (Can I...? Am I capable...) [battle continues until] Damn, I was too late... You pack of fools...! Hmm? Who's that?! Not another enemy? Hey, it's Valkyrie. Finally we get reinforcements... is it only you? ... Hold it, partner. I know the light's bad around here, but... I don't think that babe was that dark. Do you? (Well, that's what they get for wearing their sunglasses in lighting like this...) It's gotta be someone else. ...Who is she? Unfortunately, an enemy. The black something-or-other Knight ... or something, right? The "Black, Fallen Warrior"... Val's fated rival, I suppose. Oh, I remember her. We fought her back at that amusement park. What's someone like that... doing here? ...Hmph. Isn't it obvious it's the Soul Edge? It is indeed, man of Maximoff. That sword... shall be mine. Now tell me, is that sword popular, or what? Mind you, only the last person standing gets it. What, you thought you'd pick your opening an' just waltz over by yourself an' snag it? No fucking way, woman!! Not while we're around! Damn straight! Back of the line for you! I rather doubt she came alone. ...How about all those folks who've been surrounding us all this time? Heh heh heh... my turn. Allow me to gauge your valor. So she did bring some allies after all. Perhaps the two we fought before...? Finally, you call me. I grow impatient, Black, Fallen Warrior. T-that's...? A jet-black... warrior? Huh? ...Haven't I... seen him somewhere...? He... feels dangerous. Who are you?! I... I... ... I am Judas. I have returned from Hell to claim your lives. From Hell? Try going a bit easier on the big talk next time. From... Hell...? I have no intention of chatting with you. I have my mission. And no one... no one will stand in the way. Hey! That's so selfish...! Rutee, stop it. Judas... was it? We've got our own reasons why we can't fall here! If you're coming for us... we're gonna fight back! ... (Stan... I...) Hey, Stan, I didn't know you had it in you. Cool, let's take 'em down! ... Hey, bro, what's wrong? ...That black dragonbone man is one returned to the Golden Pond, without doubt. ...Huh? All those who have returned to the Golden Pond: Yoritomo, the panther man, the fortune teller... all have some connection to us. ...And what of this man? I see now... you could look at it that way. But who among us here...? How could someone in a disgusting bone helmet like that have anything to do with us?! Look, quit running your mouth! Just bring it on! So he died... once already...? ... [Joker is toasted] Hmm... Their strength must be considered from now on. Considered? How?! You're genuinely in my way... is what I mean. Oh, is that so? And what do you intend to do about it, mister clown? I suppose it means I won't be choosy about my methods. Fortunately for me, I have finished gathering souls, and the next phase is about to begin. Gathering souls...? Don't tell me you're referring to that "sleeping sickness"?! Am I? Well, I have already said too much. Now, if you will excuse me. Hey, wait! O ho ho ho! Aaaadiiiiooooosss! I'll leave the Soul Edge for later. [take Black Valkyrie down far enough] Whoa!! Now what?! Piece of shit! The fuck is wrong around here lately? Dimensional Transfer...? Look out, everyone! Something's coming! W-what on Earth is that building?! Some sort of hidden room...? "SHOP"...? That reminds me, I need to pick up a few things for dinner on the way home. That building... that store! There's no mistake, it's her! Hello, everyone!! Is everyone is good health? Sylphie?! Great timing! Wanna help us out for a hundred coins? I am not that cheap a woman! At least offer me ten thousand coins. ...Pricey. W-we already gave her a billion! Screw the price! Sylphie, we're busy! If you aren't gonna help out, just stay out of the way! And you won't get one red cent!! Pardon my over-eagerness. Look! What's with everyone barging in on us?! ...I dislike farce. Why have you come? Ahh, that is right! Everyone, please leave this place at once! Huh? Sylphie, what's the rush? The dimensional distortion in this block is abnormal! There is no telling when it will break free and Dimension Transfer elsewhere! You mean we might get thrown to another world like before?! Did you sense that and come to warn us?! There, that information will cost one hundred coins. There's a pricetag?! Hey! Try free! Worry about that later, Rutee! Sylphie, how much time is left?! I believe it will be okay for a little longer, but this room.... the center of the circle is gathering energy. If it amasses much more... The Soul Edge, huh? Everyone wants it... but the damn thing's incredibly dangerous. Heh, fine by me. Makes it all the more interesting. (This sword... I truly cannot let him have it.) Heh heh... the Soul Edge, is it? I had been disinterested... but it is not a bad artifact. Judas... your opinion? ...No interest. It seems we have a new enemy. Let's eliminate her. Hmph... Inscrutable as always. (Black, Fallen Warrior... I'm only interested in a certain thing you possess.) So, this space is collapsing? Hmph, no wonder. Not only the Soul Edge, but this magic circle... and all the high-level magic users gathered here... ... And that includes the resonance between your magic and that girl, Morrigan. I'm well aware of that. There... isn't much time, it seems. Just wait, Lilith. I... don't want to disappear yet... I still wanna play... and my true body... isn't...yet... [Saya buys it too] Oww.... Well, that looks like the end of that. I hate to be rough with a lady, whether they're friend or foe. Don't hold it against us, okay baby? Oh, don't worry about that. It's my fault that I blew it. And here I was being all serious, too. We're always serious! If you can get that through your skull, try harder next time! I think I'll do just that... farewell until then. And if you actually get the sword, can I touch it? Sure, if you pay! Don't charge for that... Wait, don't let her escape! We've gotta finish her here! Now now, don't get so impatient, boy. We both know we've got to finish this. ...Somewhere more suitable, I'd say. What? Who cares about the place?! Oh, don't say that. What about descending from high on a ferris wheel? What's that, some kinda bald-faced proposition? Crap... I was too wrapped up in a snappy comeback and let her escape... (Why hasn't she been interested in the Soul Edge...?) (Is that sword unimportant to this Project of hers or something?) [Black Valkyrie sucks it up] How can they have this much warpower when their forces are so sharply divided...?! Hmph. Let there be no mistake: my presence is entirely to thank for that. Who's making a mistake again? Oh, and miss Fallen Warrior? We'll be taking the Soul Edge, thank you very much. ...Consider it a loan. And I _will_ collect. (Formidable foes... it seems I too can no longer be choosy about my methods...) Fled with her tail between her legs, has she? Not to interrupt your glee, but just what do she and Valkyrie... have in common? She seemed to know some of you too... Perhaps you could say she's her... shadow. Mind you, I think I've got one of my own. Yes... very close by. ... Huh? You mean... her? Say what...? Could it be... that that's why you wanted to save her...? ... [Benkei goes down] Lamentable...! The Soul Edge shall yet elude me! 'Course it will! You ain't gettin' that sword - it's mine!! If so, then so be it. Just try and pick it up with those strong arms of yours. Shut your ass!! Bastard... runs fast enough for an overstuffed bitch...! ...Do not worry, for he will surely appear to us again. ...Await your chance. [Yoshitsune follows in short order] How can this be... with the Soul Edge before my eyes... Such frustration...! It is I who shall grasp that sword. You shall not interfere. ...I know what you intend, how you shall use the Soul Edge to threaten my brother... ... ...O ho ho ho, such naivete. You can not defeat my brother without "that" sword. Do you not know that no substitute for it exists? "That" sword...? Huh? Wasn't that the Soul Edge? ... Should you acquire the Soul Edge, it will play that much more into our hands. ...Our "experiments" permit us to chase the sword at will. ...That is, your head will become that much easier to collect! O ho ho ho ho. Shit, Dimensional Transferring on the Soul Edge's trail... Is that what those "experiments" are about? So, if we actually get the darn thing... we make a bigger target, huh? It'd be like a duck wearing an onion around its neck. Kagekiyo... ... Damn... my body isn't moving how I want it to... Am I... not used to it yet? Hey, is it just me or is there something weird about him? And not just that funky hat. ... Where...? Where've I seen him before...? Just who are you anyway...?! ...I see your hearing hasn't improved any. ...I said I'm Judas. Don't forget it. Hey, what's with that attitude?! ... (Stan...) ... Stan? ...Look, you're too hung up on that guy. How could we have met some weirdo like that before? R-right. I know, Rutee... (But, he said "improved"...didn't he?) Okay, who's left... Nothing on radar. The only one left... is that girl. Copy. I guess that means it's Morrigan's turn. Let's see what she's got. Everyone's... gone...? Am I all alone again...? You got the guts to say that after all the shit you caused-... Gantz! Not now! You're not alone, Lilith. All these people here are your friends. Besides... I'm here too. Come on... come to me... Morri...gan... Hey, Rock. How're those two... related? I don't know for sure... but maybe they're... sisters? Yo, the only thing that matches is their getup. They don't _look_ anything alike. Hey, no law that the older sister gotta look like the younger one. No. ...I suspect they are one and the same. No one in this world could have exactly the same aura otherwise. O-"one and the same"? That sounds like some sort of riddle. It does indeed. Would you mind explaining so we can-... Kagekiyo should be correct. ...Just hold your tongues and watch. You know... I just started liking you a little. It's okay. Come inside me... do it... Morrigan... I... I...! ... ... W-what the?! What happened?! Huh? And here I thought they were gonna fuse or something... Yeah, I just felt one hell of a sorcery outpouring... but did nothing happen after all...? Hey, just now... wasn't the Soul Edge glowing too? Not only did it glow, its energy reacted too. ...What on earth... ...So that's it... is it? The Soul Edge... sword that cleaves all... ...It's cut... my connection, with you... ...Lilith has been separated from Morrigan's magic... no, from her very soul... and born as a new creature. ... Her soul has been... separated? How could that be...? Look, we've already had people come back from the dead to attack us again. It's not that surprising. I don't think that's the problem. So anyway, was she trying to become one again...? Yes, in fact. But... that evil sword severed the connection... ...It would seem that girl Lilith has become entirely her own person, apart from you. Oh no.. I... ...Don't be sad, Lilith. You see... [CHAPTER 27. FROM A FORGOTTEN WORLD] {Phantom World... Pyramid, Underground Magic Circle} So, is that everyone? Yeah, though... not everyone's okay it seems... Yeah... Outside the pyramid... Ryuu... We saw Ryuu where we were too. What happened to him anyway? Ken, don't you have any idea? ...Surely you can explain? ... So, we lost Ryuu... And as for us... ... So, now what, Morrigan? Any bright ideas? Lilith, come with me. ...What? I am you... and you are me... However, that surely does not mean that there can be... only one of us. Morrigan... Besides, isn't it more fun this way? No objections, I take it? O-objections...? None from us... This's when I say, what she says goes. Right, Reiji? ...You're gonna regret that some day, Xiaomu. Fine with me. One or two more people won't hurt things now... Besides, it's not like we can keep track of everyone anymore anyway. Thank you... everyone...! ...What?! Heh heh heh... It's you...! My self-destruct program got cancelled, thanks to you. No need to worry. Everyone, please stand back. Transform...! Hold your horses, Berabou Man. I don't plan to fight you here. For starters, that electric shock erased the order to attack you. Then... you won't be after Berabou Man anymore? Oh, I don't know about that. ...Let's just say I've determined now's not the time. (Good grief, her AI really is something...) ...Heh, what an entertaining marionette. And a fellow martial artist. I'll look after her then. If you don't mind, Nakamura? As they say, yesterday's enemies are today's allies. I certainly don't mind... Arisu? ...Just do whatever. How many is that now? I just lost count. ...Without a doubt, one fewer than there should be. Ryuu. The next time we see him... I'll work something out. ...Whatever it takes... Frettin' about who's not here ain't gonna help. We got a job to do, starin' us right in the face. We can find him later. Do not forget, we must not linger here for long. As I told you before, the level of spatial distortion in this room is abnormal. ...Understood. One thing at a time. Let's start by getting the Soul Edge back. First the Golden Seed, now the Soul Edge... I just hope it helps us turn the tide... [something turns anyway] What is this...?! S-spatial separation has begun! At this rate...! Egad! Have we parlayed too long!? [zorch] ...What happened...?! Hey! Isn't that... it can't be...! Yeah... what a sick joke. That... is a Dust Dragon...! {Phantom World... Pyramid, Underground Magic Circle} Eek!! Isn't that thing gonna attack us?! L-look, I'm only made out of fur! I taste terrible! I'll stick in your teeth! Me too, you fucking dragon! ...So like, how come it ain't movin' a muscle? Is the damn thing even alive? You don't gotta sweat it that much. The damn thing can barely move. Yeah, thing's rotten to begin with. Is _this_ what the "Flying Dragon" was based off of? Perhaps, but it's not much use rotten like this. Huh? Hey, that belly wound... Looks like this _is_ the one we fought. ...It came here from Dust World? That's a long haul. Poor guy probably needs a backrub. This's no time to be running your mouths. What's this thing doing here? And where's everyone else? Looks like we lost a lot of people? I detect what I believe to be the after image of the energy released during the Dimensional Transfer. ...Both Morrigan and young Lilith's magic has disappeared like a candle snuffed out. Most likely... So, everyone probably got... thrown somewhere...? ...Something like this happened when you all transferred to The Third Moon... That's the greatest possibility... We were lucky to meet up back then... Isn't there some kind of magic... To let us find everyone... or bring them back together...? The Dimensional Transfer was probably caused by this magic circle reacting to the Soul Edge. If so, our only choice is to use the magic circle again. But... if we use the circle... Yes. But there's a rather big obstacle in the way. At this rate, we have no way of actually activating the magic circle... Helluva blockage, right partner? Heh, them's the breaks. We just gotta chop the thing into smaller pieces. ...Think we could cook it and eat it, Gantz? Don't even try it. W-what the? Gnosis?! What're they doing here?! ..."Replicas"? Or the real thing...? It is extremely difficult to distinguish them. My gut tells me these're the real deal. Yeah. Dust World's out in the ass-end of space... No doubt the Gnosis made it there. So, they hitched a ride on the dragon? They certainly could have. If Transfers tend to take everything nearby with them... Forget all that complicated stuff! What're we supposed to do now?! While circumstances have changed slightly... we must still make the magic circle usable again. She's right. I don't see the Soul Edge at all, so we'd better hurry. Which means... these are our immediate problem. ... I don't know what Miss Xiaomu would say if she were here though... That darn gypsy! Anyway, we've gotta move this Dust Dragon if we're gonna look for her. Well then, let's get rid of these small fry first. Yeah, and fast! And to do that... we've gotta be able to throw them. You heard the man. Do your stuff, KOS-MOS. Acknowledged. Deploying Hilbert Effect. [whittle them down a bit] We sure are mowing them down. Yeah. At this rate, we'll wipe them all out before we know it. Yo, better not get too comfy over there. Somethin' tells me some rotten dragon ain't the worst we're gonna get. An extremely accurate prediction. Heat source, approaching rapidly. Whoa, she's right! It's them!! This magic circle of Zouna's... should prove useful. ...Wait, perhaps it was merely the enormity of the Soul Edge's power? Heh heh heh... ... (Not just that. If my fortunes tell true, it must be related to the "Heart's Power" Ryuu possesses...) (Yet Ryuu is nowhere to be seen...) (Ryuu...) The Black, Fallen Knight...! Could it be... that you expected this to happen?! Did you...?! ...Heh heh heh, half right, Maiden Knight. I knew enough to expect something to occur when Zouna's magic circle and the Soul Edge came together. ...So you hid that fact and watched us instead? Try _not_ sneaking around for a change. Call it awaiting an opening. ...I don't see the sword. Didn't you lot grab it already? ...Unfortunately, no. Once again, it vanished. And now, we've got to go looking for the friends who vanished too. Armor King, get out of my way...! ... We cannot move for those who are an offense in our sight. You must be extinguished. ...You surely desire revenge upon me. Yet, now you have some other objective. ...Am I mistaken? ... It matters not. ...Fallen Knight, what do you wish me to do? Speak quickly. Don't be in such a rush, Dragonbone Knight. Your objective is to dispose of Valkyrie and the others, and secure the magic circle. Understood? ...Fine. Hmph... Very well. ... Man, how come King's master and the rest of them do what she says...? ...They do not appear to be under spiritual control. That much is obvious at a glance. They are fighting of their own will. ...They're just enemy agents. That can't be!! Armor King, the lofty panther, would never...! ...The Black, Fallen Knight is the angel of death. I presume she has somehow bound their souls. Bound their... "souls"...? Wouldn't that be some kind of mind control? But like Demitri said, they don't seem to be being controlled by anything... I didn't get all that, but sounds like all we gotta do is kick that babe in black's ass... That'll break that "control" or "binding" or whatever it is, right? ...I certainly hope so... (Without doubt, all of them came here across the River Styx...) (They could not oppose the Fallen Angel's power over the dead... Is there no other way?) [more smackdown] High energy source, approaching rapidly. Tron, it's a big enough energy source that even I can detect it!! Darn it! Now what?! How many?! One! Hmph, so there you are. Now doesn't that look like fun. ...What? That dragon... What?! W-wait...? Rock, that old guy, isn't he...? Yeah, he helped us fight Juno back there. Hmm? Is that not... Kazama Jin's...? Indeed I am: Mishima Heihachi. Jin is... absent, I see. Hmph, no matter. Less trouble, in fact. Mishima Heihachi...?! What's he doing in a place like this?! (This man is... from our world?) ...That energy was coming from this man? Surely there's some mistake. The energy signature comes from an item on his person. It is the same signature as the Golden Seed. The... Golden Seed?! What...?! Hey, old man! What're you doing with that?! We gave that to the High Priestess... Watch your mouth, girl. Insulting me, of all people... Mishima... Heihachi! W-why do you have it?! You must be Valkyrie. ...Hmph, just take this thing already. ...What? That so-called High Priestess has some nerve, making _me_ her delivery boy. She wanted me to give this to you, in return for sending me back home. The High Priestess... sent this to me? Man, talk about risky. ...What was she gonna do if he took it and split? Hey, he's not that bad a guy... Heh heh heh... ...Though... he's not that good a guy either... Heh heh heh... how droll. Yet another reason for me to defeat you, green-eyed child. ...Yeah, I bet it is. That bullseye on our back just got bigger. What's the High Priestess thinking...? ...! (Is that it, High Priestess? Perhaps, if we use this seed's power...) Well Valkyrie, or whatever you're called, I gave you the seed. Now maybe I can finally go home. Thank you, Mister Heihachi. Please inform the High Priestess that I have indeed received the Golden Seed. Oh, my work isn't finished yet. ...I'm joining this fight. ...What brought that on? Kazama isn't here. What reason could you have for lingering, Mishima? Oh, I gave that Valkyrie her seed. But I can't just sleep soundly at night knowing I left a little girl fighting without helping out. Mister Heihachi... Thank you... we appreciate it...! Heh heh heh... think nothing of it. (This Golden Seed... I have no idea how it works. ...But if I hang out here, perhaps I'll find out. Heh...) C'mon, Kurino, get that smile off your face. ...He's up to something. I just know it. Ha ha ha ha! Think whatever you please! Besides... What the? Those robots... Those are this facility's guard robots, and they followed me here. Fending them off is the least I could do. I get it now. I figured you were feeding us a load of bull, but it looks like you're a man of your word, old-timer. (These mechanical soldiers... are not Zouna's troops?) ...These are Zouna's? ... (These machines... I see, curse that Zouna... He's finally brought "it" to the surface, has he?) [Judas goes poof] Uh... urrgh... Tell me! Who... who are you really...?! Stan, what's wrong?! My name is... I'm... Judas. Now the Dark Knight's spell is broken...! Return to your rightful world... And forgive us, who could not save you except through death... ...You think death saved him? You've got some nerve saying that within my hearing, green- eyed child. I, who control death and destruction. W-what did you say?! His soul.... is in the palm of my hand. My power can bind him in the darkness forever...! What the hell?! He revived...?! Shit, what kinda magic is that?! That's Black Valkyrie's power...?! So this's what it means... to "control death"...! I knew it, the Fallen Angel truly has bound his soul. ...So that's why Armor King is subject to her...?! ... Correct. I hold their very souls. Or more accurately, I'm assisting with the things that still bind them to life. I told you before: they are all here of their own volition. ... ... ...I won't let this chance slip by. My mistakes... will be corrected by my own hands. You... it can't be. It just... can't be... Rutee, there's no mistake. This is... ...I've never... met you. Don't speak about things you know nothing about, Stan... (...What is it you want so badly you'd let yourself end up like this?) I don't know how you're doing this... but I take it this means we can't kill them? A curse on the soul... not so rare as enchantments go. What do we do, Demitri?! How do we... save King's master and the rest of them?! Who's casting the spell? Black Valkyrie. So we kick _her_ ass, and-... You actually want to try? Heh heh heh heh... Hey! She actually came down! So, if we can just get her...! ...No, I bet that won't work, Roll. What? W-why not?? She wouldn't have come down if it was that easy, would she? Heh heh heh... I believe it is a question of probability. As long as the probability is not zero percent, I believe we should make the attempt. ...I agree with that. Black Valkyrie... you're going down. Oh really? Then perhaps I should have him protect me. ...Fine by me. Grr...! Armor... King...! (I have no way to break this curse as I am now...) [more carnage] Hmm? This magical buildup...?! High energy response from the central circle. I believe it is a Dimensional Transfer. Great, just what we fucking need. Argh! Look, we're already full up! See that humongous dragon? No way... they could be friendly. You never know, actually. No, Rutee. We've fought these guys before. Yeah, these're those bozos from The Third Moon. ...And... Juno! That robot who rammed that monster into the High Priestess' room? Hmm? Where am I? That is a... Dust Dragon?! Could this be Dust World...? No such luck, bro. Dust World's a lot smaller an' a lot dirtier. Yeah, and a lot less stupid. What...?! Urgh... ...Target confirmed. Strider Hiryuu... ... Hiryuu...!! What're you doing here?! Who cares. I won't waste my breath. Hien, what are _you_ doing here? How'd you get here? Allow me to explain. To recover the Geinietohlen, we were attempting a Dimensional Transfer to "that" location... But something, perhaps a mechanical fault, resulted in our coming here. ...You likely came here because the dimensional walls were thinnest, due to the Transfer caused by the magic circle and the Soul Edge. Well, all's well that ends well. Can't have you tracking your shitty feet all over the Temple of the Heavens, can we? You can say that again. No one's around protecting Lolo and the High Priestess. I think this is the first time the Soul Edge actually came in handy. ...True, but it means that many more enemies for us to fight... Talk about a mixed blessing. Juno, it must be fate that we keep meeting like this. Now I've gotta destroy you. You will not. Did I not tell you? I cannot be destroyed twice. Lord Rockman Trigger. ... ...Rock... They've gotta be drawing each other towards them, I just know it. (Drawing together...? Maybe we are...) It seems they're not our enemies. ...Perfect. Let's put them to good use. No matter who comes, my mission won't change. Interlopers? This's getting me pumped up. ...This is yet another trial for them. ...Hiryuu, He has ordered me to kill you. I don't want to kill a comrade... but this is my mission. You're a traitor, Hien. ...I won't let you say you've forgotten the Strider code. ...Must we kill each other at the end, Hiryuu...?! [Black Valkyrie goes down] Heh...heh heh heh... Well done. But, simply defeating me won't... ... Isn't that enough...?! Valkyrie! Isn't there something we can do?! (If you have a plan... show it to me.) Perhaps, now... I can do something. What...? You mean... you can save "Judas"?! (Even if she can... I...) B-but, how?! With the power of "this"... Black, Fallen Knight, I can free them from your curse...! What?! It can do that?! Put a sock in it, Klonoa. This ain't the time for us to butt in. Let the Maiden Knight handle her business. Impossible! You can actually draw forth the power in that seed?! ...Who do you think stole this seed back from Kamuze? It was Kurino... and I. O Golden Seed! Grant me power...! Give peace unto those subject to the dark power of evil...! W-what happened...?! Aaaahhhh!! T-this power... this is...! Now is my chance...! ... ...They ran? Damn that was bright. What happened?! Man, shoulda worn my shades. That was like a stun grenade right there. Energy signature exceeds measurable limits. Analysis impossible. This is the magic of the Golden Seed...! Most impressive. Before such power, even Black Valkyrie would have no choice but to withdraw. Yeah, but did it actually work? It certainly was a lot of energy, but did it actually do anything to Black Valkyrie? Well, the light scared her enough to chase her away... Lady Valkyrie! Did it... did it work?! Did it? ...Most likely. The curse upon their souls is surely broken. The Golden Seed... huh? (This aura... So this is the power of the other Worlds? ...Heh heh, not bad.) Analysis of energy impossible. Urk.... Just what the heck is going on around here? An otherworldly technique? I see... quite fascinating. There is no way at this moment to tell whether it worked. So for now, let us do what we can. Defeat the remaining enemies! [Hien buys the farm] ...Time to withdraw. Nothing else for it. Running away, Hien? This Transfer was unanticipated. Especially you, Hiryuu... This warpower is nowhere enough to take you on. I'm withdrawing. ...Hien, where did you come from? The Third Moon was... If I came from somewhere, it means I've got that somewhere to return to. ...Unlike you, Hiryuu. ... He is the one who will become master of all. ...You know what that means, Hiryuu. ... (What is it that would make Him abandon The Third Moon...) (Whatever it is, it lets him take over the whole world... huh?) (It must be somewhere.... this place that He needs to complete his objective.) (I've got to find it first...) [Solo follows suit] Sampling complete. Emergency situation requires rapid withdrawal. ...He ran? No matter. The Third Moon... What happened to it after we escaped...? (Where'd they come from? Did they build a new base? Or...?) [...followed by Juno] Things never seem to work out... Why is it... that I fail so badly? You... I won't let things go according to your evil plan. Why not? ...It is not possible for me to fail. And if it is, it is the fault of those who ensnared me. ...Which means you. That must be it. ... Juno, are you... turning Irregular? ... Irregular? What's that? Oh, er... nothing, Roll. ...It is all your fault. Lord... Rockman... Trigger... (Becoming Irregular...I said it, and yet I don't know myself what it means...) ...Rock... is something wrong with you...? Every time he shows up, you... N-nothing's wrong. Nothing at all, Roll. (Irregular... The one thing I do know is that we mustn't leave him be...) Whoawhoawhoawhoa!! Now what?! Aaahh! Tron!! We just got rid of all the bad guys... so what's wrong?! Huh?! Hey, check out the dragon!! Hey, the Dust Dragon... Vanished...?! Did it go back to its own world?!! Target "Dust Dragon" completely lost. Residual energy provides certain evidence of Dimensional Transfer. Thank goodness it's gone... ...Looks like this space has stabilized too. But how, all of a sudden...? I imagine... it is because I unleashed the power of the Golden Seed. It seems the Golden Seed resonated with the magic circle. First the Soul Edge caused something, now it was the Golden Seed's turn. (Heh heh heh... how fascinating. ...I can't very well go home at this rate.) The magic circle's glowing?! Lady Valkyrie?! It seems the magic circle's power is restored. Under the circumstances... Maybe it'll take us to the rest of our companions?! ...Most likely. Hey, that saves all kinds of trouble! Then let's jump into that thing! Just like that? Maybe we'd better make sure first. Hey, it's okay! Valkyrie said so herself! ...Okay, let's go. Our companions may be in as much danger as we were. (Armor King... I believe... your curse was lifted.) {CHAPTER 28. THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF PUNS} {Spirit World... Upper Castle, Cherry Blossom Gate} Is everyone okay? Looks like everyone here's okay, but we've lost a lot of people. "Whar's mah warriors?" ...Huh? This's the place we first Transferred to... ...Right? "Send the journeyman on a journey, man"... Didn't they... expand things a bit? ...Actually, Masuyo... are you okay? It's like, "try eating less punster cheese". Hey, you guys, what's the big idea? Get serious! I-I was trying to be... Is this... the Spirit World? It would seem we passed through the dimensional wall, and ventured from the magic circle chamber in the Phantom World... to this place. "Interdimensional interference" indeed. That sucked... "interdimensional" and "interference" don't sound anything alike. Anyway, this's gotta be the Upper Castle. ...But, it's _waaaay_ different. ...This is the work of Yoritomo's sorcery. Watch yourselves, one and all. "Sor"cery, huh? What a laugh. Bet he's got a "sore" back from all this. ...What is wrong with everybody all of a sudden? Nobody is laughing. Really? I was kinda hoping I could join in too. Ummm, the most beautiful flower is the! And stuff. What the...? It seems some, but not all, of us have lost control of our speech... Kai, I "know" you "no"-ticed, right? ... ...Me too? Great. Two succubi and two dead people from the Infernal World... and Momo... It seems only the non-humans are unaffected. Gil, this "biz" is too "bizarre"... ...Don't tell me we inhaled some kind of odorless, colorless "gas" or something? I'm flabber"gas"ted. I just tried scanning the atmosphere, but I can't find anything like that. But... "But"? You've got a re"but"tal...? ...What am I talking about, anyway? I do detect an unanalyzable energy in the area, what I believe is called "magic". I think that energy is affecting your minds, leading to... umm... all those puns. Huh?! What's that supposed to mean? Someone's controlling our minds to make us joke? That kinda problem is like Morrigan or Saya, y'know? ...? Bruce, I didn't get that at all. Ain't it obvious, Fongling? "Huge, and more than a handful." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, that's awful... ...Wait, that wasn't a pun, was it? W-was that American humor...? We've gotta get out of here fast. It's giving me "chills". Plus it's "cold" too. ...Huh? Man, gimme a break. I-it's the enemy! (I couldn't detect them...?! The energy at work in this area... is something we've never seen before...) I had expected Yoritomo's lackeys, but we get demons from the Infernal Village instead. "Demon"strably "demon"ic, I'd say. ...ARGH! And right when we were gonna withdraw too...! I wonder if they got thrown here from the Infernal World like we did? Or at "least" from the "East"... ...Huh? What'm I talking about? ... (I don't understand... Why are beings from the Infernal Village here in the Spirit World?) Arthur, the Silver Knight...? What are you lot doing here? That is what I would like to know. ...Have you any information "red alee" to hand? (Curses, my words...) What...? Arthur... Are you mocking me? ...I had best not say anything careless. It is the fault of the "sorcery" in this place. "Sor cery" about that, do not mind me, Joker. (This place...?) (...I see, I do feel something. Is this some sort of... curse?) So, as you can see, only a few of us can speak properly just now, myself included. Guess what? We just came from the Phantom World, from this pyramid owned by some guy named Zouna. From the Phantom World...? ...I see, this must be the Demon Lord Zouna's doing. This...? If you know something, let us "know". We have "no" information right now... ...Oh, never mind. Hmph, that will be more than enough. ...Travel to the Phantom World is currently impossible. Impossible? What do you mean? We "just"ifiably came from there "just" now. Oh, it may be possible to come, but it's not possible to go. ...The dimensional wall has changed. "One way"? "No way"... Is this the power of that magic circle...? Or coincidence? Or Zouna...? Did he arrange things like this on purpose? (Hey, I got it out.) Quite likely, I'd say. This special type of dimensional rejection... We've seen it before. (Looks like we're not _forced_ to talk weird.) ...The directed distortion from Roppongi...! Handy for whatever the bad guys are up to next, huh? I have no idea what Zouna is up to. And in any case, eliminating you all comes first. I'd like to know something first. ...Transform! ...I've heard that a man in a black "suit" like mine was deemed "suit"able to enter the Infernal Village. Do you know anything about him? A man in a black suit...? ...No one in my Demon's Blazon matches that description. If he's anywhere... it might be Zabel's squadron. That's true... ever since he joined forces with the Infernal Village, he's been leading around all kinds of people. (Amazona...) Transform...! I'm worried about the others. I "forsee" that we'll have to "force" our way out of here. Hmph, ready for battle, are you? What an unexpected pleasure for a mere reconnaissance run. Let's do it, Arthur! Very well. We've got to survive if we are to find out what happened to us. Come, Red Aleemar Joker! We must not "slow down" this "showdown"! ... Hmm... this simply will not do. We must do something about this place... [killing ensues] ...Indeed, your strength should not be underestimated. Indeed, and we're grateful for it. ...Mind you, our numbers are substantially depleted. Are these devils the only ones here? Then enough "palaver" and more "pulverizing". Yeah. I don't plan on talking like this forever. If he's here on recon, it should "mean" a "mean" number of reinforcements. No. ...The changes to this castle are the unmistakable handiwork of Yoritomo. ...How could "they" not appear? Hey, don't say that. We "really" don't need to "reel" the demons in. Eek! T-the enemy! Crab Fencers and Cannon Porters! It's no use! Sensors don't work...! Yeeeee-haw! Finally made it outside! Bein' stuck underground stinks like shit! ...So, where the fuck am I? Hmm? It's that zombie. Huh?! What're _you_ doing here?! Yowza! Leilei, baby! With all this shit goin' down with the dimensional walls, you came all this way just to see me?! I don't wanna see your face, much less the rest of you! Zabel, what are you here for? Just like mister Joker over there. Recon. RE-CON! An' thank god I don't gotta do no mumbo jumbo magic to get to the Spirit World no more. All I gotta do is use the tunnel! Tunnel...?! I thought we couldn't get to the Phantom World from here at all...?! That "tun"nel is a "ton" closer, isn't it?! Is he saying that it's now possible to travel in and out of the Infernal Village without any ill effects? ...You simply _walked_ to this world...?! Impossible... are we to bear the "fardells" of those "far dells" and valleys of other worlds? ... (Quite the comedian. And none of his material is funny.) What, they just up and dug a tunnel straight there? Great frigging work. An underground... tunnel... (I feel like my heart's shriveling up... but why...?) Now now, we have a "mountain" of things to do, but sur-"mountin'" them is our job... A question if you will, Zabel. Huh?? No need. ...Nakamura. ...! ... A-Amazona...! ... Tajima!! Have you suffered the same fate as Amazona...? ...Not at all, Nakamura. ...! I'm here of my own free will. And all... so I can beat you...! I've got my own road to travel... no matter whose car I rode in. Tajima...! That's the goddamn size of it! See, this's guy's got spirit! An' he fucking works for me! ... Shit, the old "sold your soul to the devil" ploy. Great job becoming his "lackey". A bit "lacking", if you ask me. (I-I can't stand this...) Now see here! You're working for a zombie! One never chooses management. ...What management says, goes. Nakamura, that "principle" is the "principal" law in both our worlds. One doesn't choose "management"... that is indeed what to "manage meant". And I don't intend to debate it. ...But that's the world of salarymen, Tajima. You sure, Berabou Man? We could take him from their group by force... ...No, his "resolve" would not be easy to "dissolve". Unless the organization itself is struck down, it is likely impossible to change his mind. Both for his and for Amazona's sake, we must "fight" the Infernal Village, and "smite" them down. Hey, bitches think yer funny with all that jive-talkin'?! We're not talking like this because we want to! That tunnel sounds "spiffy". I'm gonna make you tell me more about it in a "jiffy"! ...Attack. ... They're starting, Kagekiyo. Don't space out on me! (Why, amidst all your fury... have you not appeared, Yoritomo?) [death toll mounts] W-what?! Aahh!! Those are...! ... ... Hmm?! How incredible! Those are like some sort of space monsters in a sci-fi film... No question there, mayor. Those "bluesome", "gruesome" creatures are... Octies...! Then that "tunnel" behind the door is... Oh no...! The underground fortress... Baraduke...?! How... how the hell...! What's _that_... doing in this world...?! What, these guys? Good timing. Kick their ass. ... What, those are bad guys? We got more bad guys to fight? Sounds tough. You get to fight them too, you know. But how come those monsters're doing what Zabel tells them to? ...I perceive that they are "bedeviled". ...So that's why they're "disheveled"? ...No, not that! Remember that that Yoshinaka guy said. ..."Our 'soldiers'". S-"so" scary! ...Lousy. But they are more enemies. ...Honestly, what a nuisance. But weren't these things... being "mass"-produced on The Third Moon? ...This ain't Christ"mas", you know. ...No, I think these ones are all-natural. N-"natural"...? W-"whatch're all" riled up for? Argh, forget it! This sucks!! He means that these things were born and bred in Baraduke. T-then, on the other side of that door is... The underground fortress of Baraduke... "Transferred" here including "trance fur"... There can no longer be any doubt. So, the Infernal Village is using those Octies to add to their "warpower", right? All the more reason we cannot afford to fall here. And beyond them, likes the Infernal Village. Finally, the time has "arrived". ...Is all this "archived", Gilgamesh? Yes, now it's quite clear what we've got to do next. The Infernal Village, and after that, the "Tower" of Druaga. ...A "towering" challenge, I'm afraid. Oh no you don't. Your lives end here...! Berabou Man, I won't let you through that easily. [down with big Red] ...So, this is the best a reconnaissance group can achieve? We've become mightier since we first met you. We shall not be easily beaten. So you claim. In which case... when next we fight... Yes... the "villain" in his "Village". As the center of the defenses, I shall await you at the deepest part of the Infernal Village. ...Should you make it that far, we shall meet again. We shall indeed meet. For that is my destination too. Be warned. ...The revitalized Infernal Village is not to be taken lightly. Also... Hmm...? See that you correct your bizarre speech before we meet again. Zounds, but he has a point there. [more and more dying] Great, now they're coming through that door over there! The time has come. ...The troops from the Infernal Village have proven even more useless than anticipated. That shall change with us involved. Stuck-up bitches. They're "here"! I'm sick of fighting these Genji stooges, "hear" me?! And here are the samurai. The main event, huh? "Damn", the "dam" just burst I guess. Of course. ...How could they not appear after all this? "Us involved" said? You don't mean...! O ho ho ho... I do indeed. The power of the Infernal Village is too valuable to let fall. Looks like they're con"trolling" the Octies, and "trolling" for power anywhere they can. You mean they came from the Infernal World via Baraduke? Shit! How much more are they gonna screw with us...? It would appear you have yet to obtain the Soul Edge. The Infernal World... It is far more substantial than the evil sword, which vanishes like an illusion, or dream. So you'd rather take the "bird" in the hand than the two in the "burred" bush? I cannot argue with that logic. ...How low you've sunk, Yoshitsune. You would join forces with the demons of hell? Lord Kamakura has decided upon this course as a way to obtain new powers. Did you expect him to share that power with anyone, Kagekiyo? ... ...So, you and your "co"horts would "co"llaborate with the demon lord Astaroth? "Astaroth"? ...I know him not. We deal only with Druaga. W...what did you just say?!? Druaga...? As in, _Druaga_?! Komaoumaru, you have said too much. ...Your pardon, Lord Ushiwaka. We'd have enough trouble dealing with the Infernal Village and the Tower of Druaga, but if their power continues to increase further... Something terrible will happen...! We gotta "hold" them here before they strengthen their strong"hold" any further...! ...And we've gotta do something about this punning... Yeah. If we don't "fix" it soon, our enemies will surely trans"fix" us in battle... Are we sure they're really the ones behind this? It's kinda funny, but I don't know why they'd bother. O ho ho ho... it would seem the craft worked on some, but not all. ...In short, it is not perfected yet. So, it would seem that this jumble of words is your doing. Why do something so meaningless? It is not even funny. ...Do you not see, Kagekiyo? U-um... sorry to interrupt! Spatial distortion confirmed! It's close! Space is... "splitting"...? No, I mean, something is "flitting" in?! Hmm? What is that small, stone building doing here? Hey! That's...! It's that lady's "store"! What's she got in "store" for us this time?! Everyone, I have been searching for you! Sylphie, are you "okay"? ...And here I thought you'd be "KO'ed" somewhere. I already used that one. Who cares. Sylphie, where's everyone else? Have you found them? That is what is odd. For some reason, I cannot seem to Transfer to that pyramid... We already found that out here. It seems we can't get back to the Phantom World at all right now. If you've got any more info, lend us a "hand" and "hand" it over! Well, when I regained consciousness... I was all alone in my shop. Which means... the others are either still in the pyramid, or got tossed somewhere else. Don't tell me they got "hurled" to the other side of the "world"...? Then, the people here are... Us alone. And then these enemies attacked, and like "cattle", we were herded into "battle". I see... I understand. Umm... I've noticed that everyone appears to be speaking rather oddly... Let me see, "When Elle gains weight, we get an elephant"...! Hmm? Not me too...?! Why does this have to happen to everyone who comes here...? ...Wait, that was way too unnatural! Plus it wasn't the same kind of pun! Please wait a moment! ..... I just attempted to analyze it with the shop's computer.... This energy applies "strain" to the human brain, the spirit if you will. ...Making people "strange", if you will. I-I didn't follow that at all... But, there's energy like that around here? Something that affects the human mind di"rect"ly? Cor"rect" you are. If one stays here too long, one's entire mental makeup will change. Mental "makeup" will... change...? You couldn't... "make up" that sort of thing... I swear... What's the point of turning your enemies into punsters? Maybe it makes everyone more fun to be around. I wonder if it'll work on me too? ...! No! That's not what the enemy are after...! This must be some kind of experi"ment" of how to take funda"ment"al control! Experiment...? What kind? O ho ho ho... so you finally realize. This is proof of my elder brother's returning sorcerous power. Manipulating an enemy's heart, despite their own will... what terrifying power. Your words are all chosen by Lord Kamakura's jests. So that's it. That lets you force people to unconsciously swear allegiance too, I suppose. Entirely unromantic... but convenient. However, judging by the fact it's not working on those from the Infernal Realm, I would say this experi"ment" is a failure. You had me worried for a mo"ment" there. This is a mere experiment. ...The real thing begins once we return to the so-called Infernal World. ...I don't know what kind of system you're using, but if they have any "longer" to make it even "stronger"... I shall slay you first. You shall not return to the Infernal World...! Nor you... bearer of the sorcery! Huh? W-who're you talking about? ... O ho ho... we meet again, Kagekiyo. Kagekiyo, isn't that...! Yoritomo.... I suspected it was you. That being so, has your position changed at all? Once, the power of your hatred laid waste our precincts. And now, we shall exact our vengeance. ...Perhaps this is the eternal wheel of karma? It is not, Yoritomo. I shall slay you once again, and by doing so, shall sever the cycle of retribution. Besides, we've got friends on our side. If so, then so do I. Circumstances have changed. What has changed? ...All is as it was before. Such foolishness. You believe you can do what you did again? Truth or falsehood... You shall discover with your own body, Yoritomo...! [Zabel goes down] So few of 'em, an' yet so strong. Not fucking bad!! No way you can beat us! Never show your face again! I _will_ save Amazona! No matter how often you drag her back! Correct. We have finally approached the Infernal Village. There is also Black Berabou... Tajima to deal with. Next time, I will do my "utmost" to ensure that none "but most" valorous prevail! ... (Nakamura, my resolve hasn't changed.) Piece of shit! Now, would you mind making yourself scarce? I recommend burying yourself before your situation becomes any more grave. Now _that_ is a pun! You cock-teasing pig bitches think you're so god damn funny! Ain't no one but Leilei gets to talk to me like that! Get that through those shit-sacks you call heads!! [Yoshinaka, shinitari] This power... It is surely too great for my hands. Don't act all hot just cause you got the Octies on your side! Now, "take" us to Baraduke! And "take" us through all the info you have too! We'll tie you to the back of the bike if we have to! ...Be at ease, for the entrance is close at hand. Follow me, if you have the stomach for it. ...Kiso Yoshinaka, fellow in swordsmanship. ...I must strike him down. I ain't lettin' anyone use the Octies to commit crime. ...They're gonna be swiss cheese when I get through with them, an' that includes Baraduke too. [Black Berabou goes out] Is this... the power you think you acquired, Tajima? That's right, and it's called organizational power. There are "two" ways to stop you... One is "to" defeat you so thoroughly that you can never rise again... ... Or else dismantle the organization you work with. It must be one or the other. And I chose the latter. After all... we're both salarymen. Despite all the "trouble" it will bring, I plan to "treble" my efforts. Sounds great, Nakamura. Really brings a tear to my eye. ...Except for all the crappy puns. Ha ha ha. I suppose leaving things imperfect is very "me". ...Tajima, I will... crush the Infernal Village. ... [so much for Benkei] This is battle. Fighting a losing battle has its interest too...! What wonderful resolve. Such a formidable foe. ...We must finish him here...! He must not be allowed to "flee"! More dangerous than a "flea", is he? Not yet, Kagekiyo. Let this entertainment continue! ...Along with these lives that have been returned to us! It appears he headed for Baraduke... How can he want to fight that badly...? ...Death in battle is a beauteous thing. However, the one to die shall be him. [down goes Amazona] ...Uh... uhhh... Kanda... Momo... Amazona! Open your eyes! ... It didn't work... again. Don't lose heart. We're near enemy HQ. Just a little further, okay? Yes, I know... The mind control Amazona is under seems to be getting "weaker"... And hey, we've been under weak mind control ourselves this "week". I suspect it'll be hard to get her back until we take out the source of the enchantment. ...The Infernal Village... Just a little longer, Amazona. [away with Yoshitsune] O ho ho ho ho... You must think you've won. Far from it. "Hell"o! Like "hell" we believe that! All the "ex"cuses in the world won't help you "es"cape! Now... tell us about Druaga...! I have nothing to say to the likes of you. See the truth with your own eyes... O ho ho ho. The Tower of Druaga... Didn't someone say that it's _in_ the Infernal Village now? We must go there... to this "Tower of Druaga". [take Yoritomo down enough] Enough jokes. Your aura... it has been so long since I last felt it. I see. ...Then, die as you are now. Heh heh heh... the time is not yet ripe. Also, you cannot cut me down as you are. ...You should know this, Kagekiyo. ... I shall cross to other worlds, and secure ever greater power within my grasp. Wring your hands and watch... Heh heh heh heh heh... What's his problem! Man that pisses me off! Hey, bro, what was that "cannot cut me down" stuff anyway? Is there some reason why? ... (It is not enough... there is still one of the sacred vessels missing... I must have it, if he is to be slain.) Momo, "recon". I'm ve"ry con"cerned about more enemies in the area! ... D-don't worry. There are no more enemies close by. What a mess. Talk about a disorderly battle. This ain't no time to com"plain". ...If everyone's "plain" split already... ...It means they've gone... into the underground fortress... of Baraduke. And... we've "got to go" too. Copy! I "toss, you throw", Masuyo! ...Ooopsie, sorry about that. Yoritomo... We must pur"sue" him. Yeah, I'm gonna "sue" alright! I'm goin' "all out" to take them "all out"! But... there is the problem of how to assail such a large fortress with so few people... True. Our path leads to the fortress and the Infernal Village... and then to the Tower of Druaga... "Battle after battle", huh? I hope we're not just "cattle after cattle"... The Infernal Village... their reconnaissance squadron was so "larch", I mean "large". Should we clash with the main force... ...It's true that we lack the warpower. And there's still our companions who are still at "large"... Ahem! Who are still _missing_. So... what should we do? At this rate, everyone will "large"-ly... Umm... primarily be unmotivated... Sorry to interrupt all this important planning... but everyone's starting to sound weirder and weirder. Indeed. The longer we stay here, the more the mind control will take hold. It is like putting your "foot on" the "futon". Hey, quit grinning and spit it out! ...Calm yourself. Yoritomo... His spells do not work that quickly... What makes you say that, Kagekiyo? ...They must be "spelled" every so often. ... (D-don't tell me it's... affecting him too?) [CHAPTER 29. THE TRUE DRAGON FIST] {???... Abyss of Will} Another Transfer courtesy of the Soul Edge, huh...?! And another funky place we turned up in. Where the heck are we? Somewhere near Renma? You really think this looks like the middle of a city? Take this sorcery, for instance... Nothing like we've felt before. ...There's no telling what could happen here. Hey, everyone! You okay?! Damn, what the hell happened?! And... where the hell are we?! No idea. I have neither seen nor heard of anywhere remotely like this. But... as Reiji said, the sorcery enveloping this place is... not to be taken lightly. Yeah, it's making my skin creep. I wonder if the others are okay? ...Sensors are useless. No choice but relying on line of sight... and from what I can see, this is it. Captain, you okay over there? The Commando Team is intact. Anyway... figuring out what happened and where we are comes first. ... Hoover, what does your analysis show? No poisons or anything in the atmosphere. But just like Wayahime, all my sensors are toast. I wonder where the heck we are... I cannot begin to hazard a guess. Ken, how are you doing? My body's just fine... But something about this place makes me sick. I can't stay calm. ...I think we better blow this gin joint fast. You're right... something about this place creeps me out. So, how come there's so much fire... but no heat? It's actually kinda... cold... Flames that ignore the laws of physics... I suppose it goes without saying that this is yet another world. I suspected it was the Infernal World at first... but it appears to be fundamentally different. You're right. Another new world...perhaps...? Kazama, how about you? We're in the same boat as you. ...There's the weird feeling like the air itself is spasming. ...It's a dangerous feeling. I'd like to get out of here quickly, but... Chunli> We don't know where we are, or how we got here... much less how to find the exit... Well, at least the people who're here seem okay. How felicitous. So all that's left is figuring out how we get back to where we were, I suppose. Well, to start with... Huh...! What the, Mekkimaru is...! It's... the Soul Edge! Well hey, the damn thing's the main reason we got blown here to start with. Only right that it shows up too. How many times has that thing thrown us to some other world? That is one obnoxious sword. What's worse, every time that darn thing shows up, it brings a bunch of unwanted guests with it... Whining will not solve anything. Why not see if we can just grab the thing? Yeah, not like we've got anything else to do. ... ...!! W-what kind of monsters are those?! This sorcery... Those are the Soul Edge's avatars! Avatars...? ...I tried scanning them, but it looks like their energy is the same as the Soul Edge's. More of those things we fought on that "Volklinde" spaceship...! Didn't these things come out when the Soul Edge was unstable? Yes indeed. Right before we got tossed off to that Third Moon fortress, if I recall. D-don't tell me it's... gonna happen again?! No, wait. That time, the Soul Edge was giving off an unbelievable amount of sorcery. But now... The Soul Edge's energy output is far less than it was back then... meaning it's stable. Could that stability be why those avatars appeared...? It is certainly possible. Inside the pyramid, these... avatars? These enemies certainly did not appear. Perhaps they're somehow related to this place, Professor Hideo. Soul Edge... indeed a treasure with many mysteries. Indeed. Quite inscrutable. Just talking won't solve anything! We should summon our resolve and attack! I think so too. ...Besides, we gotta use that thing to get back, right? He's right. If the Soul Edge's power brought us here, it's only reasonable that it could send us back... ... [kill some bad guys, and...] ... ...!! The enemy?! It's no use! The sensors are totally nonfunctional... It's you! Mishima Kazuya...! Urgh... I am... no... I'm... Hmm? Something is wrong with him...? Is it the sorcery that fills this place? His aura is so... confused. ...Is it like when... Ryuu awakened to the "Bloodlust Wave"? So which is it this time? Mishima Kazuya? Or...? Grr... Not only have I lost the Golden Seed... but now you may... this body... ...My body... I won't let you screw with it! He... doesn't he realize that Momo snagged the Golden Seed? And here I thought he came to get it back. Guess he missed out on that little detail. That's one slick fishing pole she's got. Too bad she's gotta wear that stupid outfit to use it. Uh.... uhhhh.... ...There's no mistake. Two personalities exist in his mind. So they're like, arguing? ...Kinda awkward to argue with yourself. I see... without the Golden Seed, Mishima Kazuya's real personality is showing itself. ... I have it now. You're trying to replace the Golden Seed with the Soul Edge, so you can keep him down again, correct? ... Correct. I must make this body completely mine...! All the more reason I won't let you have it! Who I've gotta defeat is... Mishima Kazuya...! "Devil" or whatever your name is... I don't want you! Get out of him at once! Don't be absurd! You puny humans have no way to escape from this Abyss of Will! "Abyss of Will"?! Is that what this world is called?! Do you... know about this world?! Don't tell me you came here without knowing anything? ...This is a subspace created by the Soul Edge itself. The power to not only perform Dimensional Transfer, but to actually create new dimensions? ...How terrifying...! This's a made-up world? ...Can't say much about the fashion sense. Hmm? Reiji? ... (...Create a world...? Did Saya... know the sword could do this?) The evil sword is probably trying to use this Abyss of Will to strengthen its power... and work towards true awakening. Awakening?! ...I finally grasp what is going on. This is the Soul Edge's "cocoon". Cocoon...? Is it trying to gather enough energy to version up or some such? ...And feasting on us in the process, huh? Like hell it will! ...That explanation seems to have made it real. We need that sword to get back to our own world. Yeah, and we _don't_ need it waking up. Mishima... No, you're Devil now. You're not getting the Soul Edge, no matter what! Bring it on!! [more killing] Shit, what're we doing here... More enemies! ...Aahh! Hmm?! It is... Drak! ...! What? It's... the Commando Team! Heh heh... Hah hah hah hah! Looks like I'm in luck for a change! To think I'd run into you all in some weird place like this! ...How did you get here, Drak? This is a subspace, and even Genocide's technology shouldn't be able to... ...Oh, there's someone who could do this, Captain. You have a guess, Chunli? Wait! C-could it be...!! Muahahahah!! It could indeed. ... ... It's the Secret Shadowloo Society! No doubt about it... it's Vega! Lord... V-Vega. The power to Dimensional Transfer by himself... Looks like that power's grown somewhat more powerful. Damn you and your Great Subspace Operation...! Jerk! ... And those friends of Vega's are... Ogre?! And two of them?! Heh heh heh... (This must be that... replication he was talking about.) (...Unforgivable... Ogre... and Shadowloo who thinks they can use him however they want...!) ...Hmm? Kazama Jin... Don't tell me he's ready to awaken too...? Why have you come here? The Soul Edge? ...I came to see Ryuu. Ryuu? That bastard's... R-Ryuu isn't here! Ryuu isn't HERE! Right now, he and everyone else is... Muahahaha! You needn't try to hide it! Ryuu... he must surely have awakened by now. ...!! Vega! How could you know that?! It's quite simple. I came here because I sensed his evil Waves. Evil Waves...! And what has that to do with you?! Don't you get it? ..._He_ is suitable to become my new body. Heh heh heh... Too bad I missed this time. Apparently those Waves were coming from this area itself. Evil... Waves? From Ryuu? ...Which would mean that Ryuu hasn't "Awakened" yet after all. What?! Who's there?! (T-this presence... It can't be...!) ...Long time no see, Vega. ...! Aah! That woman...! This is absurd...! It's... Rose! Rose! How did you... get here?! I have a question first. ...Has your "soul" been freed from its curse? ... Grr... I never expected to see you alive, Rose! Not quite... alive, I suppose. But there is neither time nor point in explaining... Vega! What...?! Soul Power... now is the time to use it. ...Was that supposed to hurt or something? You might just lull me to sleep at that rate, Roooose. Impossible... It didn't work?! S-so FIRM! What are those, magnum scale?! The energy that man's emitting... is no joke. ...I suppose it's acting as some kind of supplementary defense. Yes, the aura of this world... excessively evil though it is, is making me stronger. My Psychopower has far surpassed your Soul Power!! You had me scared for a moment... But your power was nothing to me after all. Muahaha! Dear lord...! At this rate... Rose! Hey, Rose!! Are you fighting Vega... 'cause you're on our side?! Shall we consider the curse broken? Yes, I've been set free. Valkyrie... was the young woman's name? The Golden Seed's power did the trick. You may decide whether or not to believe me, but I'm not your enemy. The Golden Seed...?! (Does she have... what I have lost?) Valkyrie's power...? ...She doesn't look like she's lying... If so, I guess Armor King and the others are free too? That's some nice news if it's true. I wouldn't start smiling just yet, under the circumstances. Damn straight. This Vega guy is going to be a pain in the ass to defeat. Lord Vega's power... it's vastly greater than before... Of course it is. Unlike defective people like you, I go on evolving constantly. Even so, Vega! We're not going to just roll over and die! We're taking you down... with the Soul Edge, if we have to! Oh ho, can that sword do that? ...Well, it certainly has the same Waves as Ryuu... Heh heh heh heh... evil sword, I'm finally interested in you. I think you'll be mine. After I take out a few nuisances, of course! Mission: acknowledged. Annihilating the enemy. ...I don't give a damn about that. Commando Team, this place'll be your grave! Unfortunately for you, it will not. I'd like to think I can at least chose the place of my own death. And you don't get the Soul Edge either! I dunno what kinda sorcery you got, but I'm gonna chop you in half anyway!! Nice spirit you've got, samurai. You're welcome to try... heh heh heh. That won't work. ...Didn't you see? Attacks don't work on Vega now. Heh... heh... heh... ...Hey, never know till you try! Not like we can just go on running forever either. You can try... but you'll just be wasting your strength. Then what do you suggest? If our attacks don't work, and they come after us... I'd say it's against regulations. Maybe... we'd be better off running...? ...You will get your chance. Until then, you mustn't touch Vega. To defeat all the Psychopower he's built up... an even greater power is needed. ...And the only thing that can generate that kind of power... ...Is the "Bloodlust Wave". Huh...? Isn't that... Ryuu's...? If the "Bloodlust Wave" is the one and only power that the "World of Man" has obtained which can defeat "He Who Disorders the World of Man"... But perhaps... (Ryuu... is it really... you? Your...) Futile! You all die here! [beat Kazuya down] Grr... GROOOOOOWL....!! Wh-what the?! Is he mortally wounded...? No, he certainly looks healthy enough physically to continue... Kazama Jin... I... ...!! Mishima Kazuya?! Is that you, Kazuya? What the hell? Yo, Taki, what's the deal? I have no idea... But... his aura is fluctuating considerably. Grrr... will you not become mine yet...?! Mishima Kazuya...! Are the two personalities attacking each other...? ...At this rate, I don't care who it is. I'm killing you... right now! ... He fucking flew off. ...What, he gave up on the Soul Edge? (Mishima Kazuya... I'm the one who's gonna kill your ass. Don't let this Devil freak control you.) [Drak = drek] Argh... I come all this way just to get humiliated?! Now tell me, what evil plot led you to side with Vega? Heh heh heh... no clue. ... Of course you have a clue! Don't try to hide it! Look, my new master's the brains behind this operation. I ain't got a need to know. Like I said, "no clue". And I don't care, as long as I get my revenge on you! Remember that, Commando Team! To think that Grand Master could so thoroughly cow one of Genocide's subordinates... What terrible power. The Third Moon should be blown to bits. ...In which case, where precisely _is_ Grand Master...? [Yuuni buys it] Physical damage over the threshold. Withdrawing. Withdrawing?! Just where do you think you can run to?! ... Grr...! I expect she has a withdrawal circuit on her person. Without Lord Vega's power, there's no way she could get out of this world. Heh heh heh heh... I see. As long as Vega isn't entirely overwhelmed, there's no way to save them, is there... ... [more carnage] Urgh...! ...? ...Reiji? Joy, just as I expected. The Soul Edge's awakening... there's no way she'd let that one slide. ...Yeah, she's coming. What...? If anyone is coming here, it must be... ...Could it be...?! Oh my gosh. Just _look_ at this place. Where _are_ we? Ishigami'i Park? You really think this looks like the middle of a city? Where've I heard that exchange before? ...You two aren't actually sisters, are you? Hey! Cut the crap, you hear?! Now see here, Saya! Watch your word choice for a change! You're ruining my image! I don't know what's got you so upset... but I keep running into you and your friends a lot lately, boy. Starting to feel more and more like family, don't you think? ...Don't make me laugh. You're the one who killed my father. I don't forgive that kind of thing. ... Fucking were-fox! Ain't you tired of going after the goddamn Soul Edge yet...?! Are you still working with Shadowloo...? Come on, did you forget how I told you I could Dimensional Transfer around after the Soul Edge? ...Now that you mention it, you did indeed say that. Back when you showed up in that pyramid with the Genji warriors. Meaning, she came here independent of Shadowloo... Is that it? The links between Shadowloo and the Ouma are thin. ...I think she's actually telling the truth. (...Saya of the Ouma, is it? Ryuu... aren't you going to show yourself?) ...Saya, the reason you're after that sword... It's to get your hands on the "power to create worlds", isn't it? Hmm? Is this one of those worlds? That evil sword made this...? ...First I've heard of it. Thanks for the hot tip, boy. Reiji! What're you giving her info for?! Now she's gonna start plotting something again! ... (So, it's not that the Soul Edge's abilities themselves are what she's after?) Maybe it's better that Vega and that woman are here at the same time. Makes it all the easier... to ask them about this "Project" of theirs. ... Something about "causing the advent of a God", was it? ...Heh heh heh, little did you know that I, Vega, am worthy to be called a God myself. I dunno how much power you got there, but you ain't no God. With all we've seen and heard, she still manages to avoid being boring. What matters is the import of the words. "Advent of a God"... that by itself tells us nothing. Cause the advent of a God... as in to make a God possess something...? ... So that's it! You're trying to use Tsukumogami for something or other! Dear me, Commander, you are quite the chatterbox, aren't you? "Tsukumogami"? What is that? It is a living vessel, passed down through the ages. Though graced with the name "god", it simply means transforming into sorcery itself. Something using Tsukumogami... was it? ...Hmm... I vaguely remember reading something about that once... How long do you intend to run your mouths? Ouma fox, get in my way and expect no mercy. Heh heh... the only one to come out ahead if we fight is that boy over there. Surely you see that, your excellency? We teamed up once before... why not do it again? ... ...Hmph, do as you please. All a ploy to crush us, is it? I'm staring to get sick of this. Why not save ourselves the trouble, just give them the damn Soul Edge, and get them to send us home? An unacceptable suggestion. Vega mustn't get any more powerful than he already is. Besides, we need it to get back to our own world! As long as we don't know what the Ouma are up to, no way can Saya have it either! Yeah. Defend the Soul Edge with your lives. Let's do it...! (But we still don't have a way to defeat Vega... How long can we hold out...?) ... (So only Mishima and that Ouma vixen sniffed this place out?) (...Won't you appear, Ryuu...?!) [hack and slash, baby, hack and slash] Now who?! ...! What! That is...! ... ... R-Ryuu?! ...Ryuu! And Gouki... is that you?! Heh heh heh... Muahahahahaha! He's here! Ryuu's actually here! But how did he get here?! The Bloodlust Wave has given him the power to cross dimensions. ...I seem to recall Gouki mentioning that during the fight at the Dragon Pavilion Castle. Meaning without it, there's no way both could've come here at once... right? Wow, look at all the handsome men. Uh... urgh... Ryuu looks like... something's wrong with him. Is he in pain? (This disturbance in his aura... There is no mistake. Ryuu is fighting back...!) (Against his own heart...!) Ryuu, the form, the power you've awakened into - that's the ultimate, ideal shape for Psychopower! Suitable to be my new body! Gouki! Were you in cahoots with Vega?! Why did you awaken Ryuu's Bloodlust Wave?! ... It is not something to be spoken of in words. (He said that Ryuu could "surpass the Bloodlust Wave"...) (But the way Ryuu is now, he ain't only not gonna surpass it, he's imprisoned by it.) (Gouki... What are you trying to do? What are you seeking in Ryuu...?) ... Gouki, I see your objective. ...All further words are meaningless. Words cannot do justice to the answer. ...Our only choice is fighting. You mustn't! Ryuu is...! ... ...He's currently lost himself. And without a human heart, he is like a wild beast. Our only option is to fight him and return him to sanity... I wish there were some other way. Besides, there are still the Master of the Fist, Gouki, and the Shadowloo commander Vega to deal with. There's no time to do this gently, Sakura. B-but... ...There is a way. What?! W-what on earth... ...We must create a chink in the Bloodlust Wave, even the smallest will do. Ryuu can break forth from that shell on his own then. ... Stop speaking in metaphor. What are we supposed to do? ... ...We deck his ass and wake him up. And we do it like we're trying to beat his goddamn head in! Ain't that right, Rose?! Wait, Ken! ...He's got it right. After that, it's up to his heart. Will he be devoured by the Bloodlust Wave and die? Or...? ...You sure about this? I can't pull my punches even if you order me to. All the better. ...It would be meaningless unless you go full force. (And that's also the key to defeating Vega...!) Ryuu... I... ... (Heh heh heh... How droll. No need for the great Vega to even lend a hand.) (I merely need wait until he is injured and his powers weakened... And then I take him, body and soul.) ...Destroy... everything... ... (Should he meet his end here, it would show how fragile his vessel is.) (...Prove to me you can overcome it, Ryuu.) [Ryuu goes down] I... am... Master of... the Fist...! ...!! Sakura! It's too dangerous! He's already...! No he's not! Ryuu's... Ryuu's just lost! No true martial artist would give into some kind of nonsense power! Sakura, are you that concerned about him...? That's why... Ryuu! I'll make you open your eyes...! I'm giving this my best shot...! [kerpow!] ...! Heh heh... I didn't feel that at all... Ryuu...! Why do you not die?! Why...?! Pathetic... this Bloodlust Wave sucks. Don't let some piece of shit like this rule you...! You sure as hell can't do it the way you are now...! Do the True Dragon Fist! ...Destroy! [kablammo] W-what kind of move was that?! It looked like some kind of upper- cut Shou-Ryuu-Ken, but... Did he... do it?! T-that move just now...?! Dear God...! That might have actually reached Ryuu's heart...! ...Heh heh... Hah hah hah hah hah! So, student of Gouken, you can actually pull that move off?! H-he defeated him...? Did you actually kill him?! Ken! ... No way!! Ryuu!! Uh...uhhhh.... Ken... Ryuu! Is your head straight, man?! W-what have I... been doing all this... time...? ... Indeed. The darkness cloaking his body has fallen away, and the evil aura has vanished. W-what the hell?! He recovered his personality?! After succumbing to the black Bloodlust Wave that far?! Well done, Ken! Vega! Looks like you didn't get your way after all! Hardly!! All this means is that I have to brainwash him directly with my Psychopower! What does he think he's doing?! L-look out! Ryuu! ...! [wheeeem!!] T-that was the... Shin Shou-Ryuu-Ken...! He... actually hurt Lord Vega?! Glargh...! Ryuu! That black power, the very essence of evil... How can you refuse my domination when such power lies inside you?!? I am me! Never... never again will I lose sight of myself...! Ryuu...! I'm so sorry... looks like I slept far too long. Pretty lame, huh? Heh heh, I knew you'd come through all along. Well, almost anyway. Anyway... I believed that your strength was for real... Thank you, Sakura. And you too...Ken. Not another word, Ryuu. The fight's still on, see? Right. Then let's fight, Ken...! Impudent pieces of trash! You force me to wipe you all out- Huh...?! (W-what the...?! My Psychopower is... weakening...?!) Well well well. That Vega guy's energy has gotten suddenly... unstable. Yes it has. The veil of energy covering his body is... getting weaker! That's the best news I've heard all day. I take it... that our attacks will work on him now? Yes. It would seem that the "Power of the Heart" that Ryuu bears has surpassed Vega's. Something that even Soul Power couldn't do. G-grr..... ...Impressive. Heh heh... hahahahahaha!! Hmm?! He... fled? Gouki?! What the hell was that lone wolf up to, anyway? Hell, he's gone now.... (Gouki, you did all this just to make Ryuu awaken, didn't you?) ...Striking down Vega must come before Gouki. Disorderer of the World, prepare yourself...! That's one less problem to deal with. ...You're next on the list. Heh heh... it looks like that Psychopower armor you're so proud of isn't around anymore. This may just be... the real thing. Shut your mouth!! Playtime is over! All of you are dead! [Vega goes _down_] Argh... Ryuu... you bastard!! I won't accept it...! I won't accept it in the slightest! Vega, I once gave my body over to that power. But... Ken and my other friends showed me the light! That as a martial artist, I've got to go on fighting... as a person! And for that... I need the power of my heart, as a martial artist, and as _me_...! Vega! No power like what that you possess offers any of that!! Ryuu...! Well said. ...Such admirable resolve. Heh, can't no one call themself my rival without it! (Course, now he might leave me in the dust again.) (But, sensei... this's the way it should be.) Grr... But why is my Psychopower being disrupted?! Didn't I tell you? ...Equal and opposite force, Vega. Whaaaat?! The Bloodlust Wave and Psychopower are similar in that they derive power from the heart. The power of the heart Ryuu obtained, surpassing the Bloodlust Wave, disrupted your Psychopower. Grrrrrr....! ...I'm leaving. Ryuu, you shall pay dearly for humiliating me! Remember that well! Well, he certainly felt that. Serves him right. Next will come the moment of truth. ...Do not let down your guard, Ryuu. Yeah. I will... travel the road before me. And I must defeat Vega once more. I'll help, Ryuu! Hey, and if anything happens... I'll be on hand to deck you again. [Yuuri smacked around] Extent of physical damage: movement impossible. ...Go. Withdrawing. Are you sure about letting her go like that, Cammy? Maybe... No, they're not like me... They've received too much of Lord Vega's Psychopower. Until we defeat Lord Vega, there's no way they can escape his power... ...We've got to take Vega down at all costs...! [And last but not least, Saya] So... I suppose if I get hurt any worse I might just get stuck here. ...What a pity. The Soul Edge's pretty attractive... now that it's started calming down. What's wrong? Where's your usual banter? ...I guess you really were planning to snag the sword this time, weren't you Saya? Gee, you're getting pretty sharp, boy. ...Well, at least I found out something new about the Soul Edge's powers. I'd better get while the getting's still good. I learned a few things about the Ouma's "Project" too. Tsukumogami... I don't know what you're planning to do with it, but I wouldn't assume it'll go smoothly if I were you. Hmm... we shall see, shan't we? You sure let her off easy, Reiji. ... You did the right thing. You know that revenge'll get you into trouble. No call to get obsessive. I'm not being obsessive. ...If I was, I might want to destroy her _and_ her "Project", for instance. And, for instance, I might want to keep her alive to see it, and save the bullet in her forehead part for last. ...You are _so_ being obsessive. (Can't say I blame him. ...I gotta wonder what form their feud'll get settled in...) ...Did all of them flee? Well, with sensors offline I can't confirm it... But from what I can see, we've got no enemies left. Boy oh boy, I thought it was all over there... Thank goodness it all worked out! Especially with Ryuu! Yeah. I caused everyone a great deal of worry. I apologize... if only I'd been firmer... Don't blame yourself too much, Ryuu. You did a hell of a job just to regain your sanity under the circumstances. Great effort, my friend. Damn straight. So wipe that look off your face. All's well that ends well and all that. Correct. Whatever the past might hold, you're here in the present. That's all there is. Rose, you helped too? Weren't you among the enemies...? Valkyrie saved me. I don't know how long this body will last, but I'll help you take Vega down. Rose... Hey, I'd say we're in great shape. Ryuu's back to normal, Vega, Devil and Saya got their butts handed to them, and the Soul Edge's right there for the picking... Pretty sweet. I have a good mind to party right now! I hear that. Hey, Taki, you got some booze, right? Bring it on. Why this levity, you nitwits? How could you think about booze in a dreadful place like this? Besides, we have no time to play. We must return to our own world posthaste. ...The question is how? How do we actually use the Soul Edge...? To start with... shall we try striking it? Professor Hideo, it's not some kind of cranky old television... ...! W-what the?! Increasing energy signature! Dimensional distortion appearing! The Soul Edge responded?! Could it be...?! Looks like a Dimensional Transfer. ...Well then, do we get the frying pan? Or the fire...? Hopefully we will find the others... Our fate is up to heaven now. All this, and our fate is still up in the air. We're counting on you this time, soul-eating, evil sword...! [zorch] Masuyo, there's no guarantee that waiting here'll bring them back. ... I guess our only choice is to go on alone. Besides, the longer we stay here... We'll become punsters for life! We'll have to "bat"tle "bats" in our belfry...! But we are too few to face the Infernal Village alone... Aah! Dimensional Transfer! Is someone coming? Whoopsie! Hey, did it work? Did it work?! Hey, it's Felicia and... Demitri and the others! Hmph, this is, without doubt, it. Dimensional Transfer signature confirmed. Incoming. What? Someone... besides us? Uhh... where are we...? That's... Ryuu! Thank goodness you're okay! Sorry for making everyone worry. As you see, I'm fine now. Took some trouble to get him that way. I see some familiar faces. It seems our little test was a success. For once... the Soul Edge proved of some use. Not that we actually got our hands on the damn thing. Well, it found us our "com"rades, "com"prende...? Hmm...? This ain't no time to go making puns! A little late to try changing character now. You're character's the sullen, inscrutable type, got it? ...You get a hundred lashes for that later. Remember that. Oh, that's right... This is a bad place to linger in. You will become cursed. Lowered, in fact. Everyone, use your fastest "gait" and head for the "gate". {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, Entrance} Is that true, Benkei? ...Yes. One of the sacred vessels, Yata-no-Kagami... is in this land. ... How have you learned this, Oniwaka? We already ventured to other worlds. Humblest apologies, Lord Ushiwaka. I, Musashibou Benkei, shall return at once and... ...Leave it be. Elder brother...? But, I have heard that Kagekiyo has already acquired the first sacred vessel, the Yasakani-no-Magatama. None have meaning unless all three are joined. What we need now is time... Leave it be. ...As you command. No, Elder Brother. I shall go. I also wish to test "their" powers. ...Do as you wish. {Spirit World... Inside Baraduke} This place... leads to the Infernal Village?! Hold on a sec. This's the Spirit World... the Infernal Village's in the Infernal World, right? How're they connected? We don't know the reason. But it's true that an invasion came from the Infernal Village through here. General Red Aleemar Joker came this way... as did Joker. It is beyond doubt. I suppose there must be a dimensional gate somewhere. But what is this place? It's certainly not of this world. It's disgusting... Where _are_ we? Those walls look... like they're alive... ...This is Baraduke, the underground fortress built by the Octies. Baraduke..?! Are you certain? ...Masuyo would know. She invaded this place once already. Quite a mess we've gotten ourselves into. Nothing will surprise me now. I can't wait to see what happens next! What's with all the bated breath stuff? Just keep moving, okay? Where's the connection to the Infernal World? Probably on the deepest level. I'll show you the way. (...The depths of Baraduke. I hope we can just walk in.) [CHAPTER 30. "Creepy" Feels Good] {Spirit World... Underground Fortress oF Baraduke, Blue Worm's Nest} So, this's the deepest part of the underground fortress, huh? We got in pretty easy. Disappointing, like. Well, it'd be best if we could avoid fighting altogether, but... Anyway, this place... this Baraduke gives me the creeps. I bet it does. The place's almost as messy as Reiji's room. ...Don't be absurd. Believe it or not, everything's actually sorted in there. It's not so much "messy" as "mixed-up". Anyways... I never ever thought I'd actually see the inside of Baraduke again. ...Me neither, Taizou. I didn't want to even remember this place. My comrades... so many of them died here. Masuyo... Now don't be like that, Hiromi. It's all in the past. Heck, viewed from this angle, it's not half bad. "Creepy Feels Good"... ...and stuff. ...I don't think I understand your sense. Eeek!! Kai...? T-the inside walls... there was this eyeball... Say what? Are there enemies here? W-what the hell?! I thought that was part of the landscape... You mean that humongous thingie's... alive?! Holy shit!! L-look at the size of that thing!! That's neato! Well, isn't that marvelous? Seems rather more suited to the Infernal World than here. ...Pity, slightly too large to decorate my castle with. Ain't quite dust dragon sized, but what the hell is it, anyway?! The eyes are... alert. It's actually alive...! I guess this would be the alien boss or something? ...If this's a joke, I ain't laughing. It ain't moving... is it gonna attack us or what? ...That's a blue worm. It's a massive Octy used to defend crucial spots in Baraduke. Look... ain't that thing too big for "massive"?! If it's an Octy... does that mean it'll attack...? A monster that large... How on earth do we fight it...? Only choice's to aim for the eyes. I think we're safe for now. ...It's not "complete" yet. Not complete yet...? More accurately, it's not done maturing yet. Ah, so that's it... So should we frag it now while we've got the chance? It is possible to pinpoint lightly armored spots, such as the eyes or joints in the skin. It would take too long. Besides... even if it's not fully matured, it's big enough that there's no telling when it'll start moving... S-so, we're better off just sneaking through here...? ...We cannot. Recall how the Genji are using these monsters as troops. Good point. Can't let them send this thing into battle, can we? Hmm... lesse. If we provoke it, we'll have to cry and apologize... Don't flee the field before the battle even starts. ...Though, it sure won't be easy. Um, Masuyo? ...I've been kinda worried about this high energy signature I'm seeing in this block... Huh? That's... Over there! That's a... Deflector!? What's a giant Deflector like that doing here?! Hey, Masuyo. Don't tell me that Blue Worm is... No doubt about it now. The energy from that Deflector's speeding up its maturation...! That deflector's a real beauty. No doubt it's got enough juice. Well hey, that makes things easy. Yeah. Take the thing out, give our baby a little nap. But can we actually... destroy a Deflector that big? ...Leave it to me. This's my department. That sucker'll be swiss cheese in no time flat. Aah!! S-several heat signatures on radar! ... Those monsters!! W-we're surrounded! This is the Octies' nest. This is to be expected. What was that...? "Meat! Meat has come!" O-oh crap...! We're gonna get eaten! ...You don't have to react every time she does that. Now what? ...There's too many of them. I... think they came to protect the Blue Worm. ...I don't think we've got long until it starts moving. Shit! All the more reason to shatter that damn Deflector. Back me up, guys! We gotta force our way over there...! Copy! We're counting on you, Taizou! [kill something] Aah! Masuyo! I just detected spatial distortion! Something is Transferring into this block. Spatial distortion?! Enemy reinforcements at a time like this?! It's meeeee! Sylphie! ...She keeps popping up everywhere. Oh, make sure that huge Octy near you doesn't squash you by mistake. Goodness gracious, a Blue Worm...! ...Doesn't this bring back memories, Masuyo? Memories of "that" battle... ... What a wonderful opportunity! Would you like a new wave motion gun? I have some on sale. I swear, I bet the only thing you remember is how much stuff you sold. Sylphie, if you're here... there's either something very valuable around, or you've got some info you wanna sell us, right? Quite correct. I have determined the whereabouts of the Soul Edge that you all have been seeking... You know where the Soul Edge is?! What...?! Is that true, girl? Where the heck did it fly off to this time? That information is worth one hundred co-... Not one red cent! ... Well then. The Soul Edge has traveled past Pluto. Plu...? Where is that? Is it far? ...Keep yer shirt on. That info's obviously fake. Grow up, you hear? ... Alright, I understand. It appears to be in the world this place connects to. Ahead... in the Infernal World?! Well, we had to go to the Infernal Village anyway. ...Maybe it's convenient for us? Yeah, maybe. ...Call it a sidetrip? A damn sight better than running back and forth all over the damn place, right? Wrong. It means it's that much more likely to fall into the demons' hands. Meaning we can't hang around here too long. Heh heh heh... quite correct... However... I think I will have you hang around here for a while anyway. That's... Musashibou Benkei...! The Genji guys? Great. The Genji army's here?! I thought they went to the Infernal World! Maybe they got lost...? No... I don't think so, Roll. So they weren't lost? I was wondering that too. Well, if they weren't... it becomes clear why they're here. ...They must be buying time for Yoritomo to reach the Tower of Druaga. Am I wrong, Benkei? That is correct. I should prefer to use the Octies to dispose of you. It may not be that easy, you know? ...Benkei, you will get out of our way. We can't let Druaga get any more powerful. Besides, you all are underestimating Druaga...! That demon is not someone you can turn to your own ends so easily! My master, Lord Kamakura, will decide that. I merely carry out my duty. Man, I hate guys like this. No hesitation at all. Impressive loyalty. ...But I've got one question before we fight. The Soul Edge is said to be in the Infernal World... do you know where? Intriguing question. What do you think, youngster? I wouldn't look down on him cause he's young if I were you. C'mon Reiji, hit him with the snappy comeback. Plus, I'm not young at all! Hurry up and spill the beans, you big lug! The were-fox, is it? ...The elderly should be home in bed. Besides, transforming into a little girl to hide your age is pathetic. Gwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! ... R-Reijiii!! Not only didn't he tell her, he made her cry... What're you doing? Of course the enemy's not just gonna up and tell you. Damn straight. Let's get this started, okay? ...Indeed. Benkei, you need not speak. The sword must be where Yoritomo is. ... Yoritomo shall not have it. ...To battle. Is there not something else you need before you acquire that sword, Kagekiyo? ...What? Of what do you speak, Benkei? Heh heh heh... (This land, so intermingled with other worlds... I trust he will not find the sacred vessel.) [keep killing...] Grr... As I thought, these soldiers are no match for them. We're really mowing them down. Numbers won't save enemies this weak. We'll have to face the armies of the Infernal Village and the Tower of Druaga next. We'd better not be having trouble here. Hmm? Enemy spotted on sensors. Number is... one! Enemy...? But, only one... O ho ho ho ho... Ahh! It's the guy from the pyramid... Ohhh, Lord Ushiwaka. I am disgraced by my repeated failures. ...Yoshitsune, so you too have tarried in this place? Tarried? Not so, Kagekiyo. I have just returned. Returned? From where? O ho ho ho... I shall let these speak to that. ...!! W-what the...?! Look at all those blobby things...! And squirmy things too... What're those things? Some new kinda Octy? Heh, they got much better skin than the Octies do. Hey, these ones might just be good eating if you cook 'em. No! We haven't seen them for a while, but those are...! I-it can't be... Druaga's monsters! The Genji already made it to Druaga...?! Hold on! We can't say that for sure! Maybe it's like with the Octies... More heat sources approaching. Now what... a teeny little dragon? Nothin' to worry about next to a dust dragon... Gil!! That's...! That's... Qox...?! Yo, you recognize that thing? O ho ho ho ho ho. ...No doubt about it now. The Genji and Druaga have... Already met...!! ..What did you say...? What?! Aren't you jumping to conclusions? Now, wait a moment, Gilgamesh. How do you know that? Guesswork? ...What is your reason, Gilgamesh? Qox - that dragon, is on our side. ...Originally, anyway. Y-yeah, well it looks like it's on the Genji's side now... Plus, it looks hungry. Are you sure it's not an evil dragon? Yes... now, Qox is an evil dragon. And there's only one person could make a "Holy Dragon" like Qox into an evil being... I see. That person is... Yes. ...The demon Druaga! Hold on a second! ...Does that mean that the Genji have... ...They've already entered the Tower of Druaga...! ...Yoshitsune, is this true? O ho ho ho. All that I could say has already been spoken by that warrior in gold. Then, it's true?! How could people from different worlds join forces so quickly... There must be a considerable amount of money involved. Hey, don't forget that this crew comes from all over the place too. No reason why the enemy couldn't do the same. In fact, we've already seen Grand Master and Vega join forces. It begins with a trial, testing whether Druaga's soldiers are of use to us. And I must see it for myself to believe it. ...Absurd. This will not keep them from being cut down like grass. Here they come! Be careful, everyone! Cool, I finally get to take on a real dragon. Let's see if my Shou-Ryuu-Ken ["Rising Dragon Punch"] works on it. (Qox, forgive me...!) [A pox on Qox] Wait! Qox! Kai! You don't have to follow! Gil... ...Until we defeat Druaga, there's no way we can save Qox. Actually, I'm glad he ran away. ...As long as he's alive, there's still a chance we can save him. Druaga... all we have to do is defeat him. [somebody get Benkei some Bengay] Urgh... I am disgraced. This farce ends here, Benkei. ...Lead me to Yoritomo. Heh heh heh... There is no need for me to lead you. Lord Kamakura awaits you, Kagekiyo. Not that... you could harm him as you are, in any case. Besides... your hope is already broken. What...? What do you mean, Benkei? ...You must not know that one of the Three Sacred Vessels is in the Upper Castle... What...?! Is that true?! Three... "Sacred Treasures"? But... because it is now connected to other worlds, it would seem you have lost your chance to obtain it, forever. Quite a relief, in fact. ...What do you mean? I mean that "that" had appeared beneath the Upper Castle without anyone noticing. And underneath the Upper Castle means... here!! ...!! Huh? What's he talking about?! Ask Kagekiyo yourself, whelp. Mwahahahahaha! K-Kagekiyo? ... (Has my hope... truly been shattered...?) [Yoshitsune follows suit] O ho ho ho... this was but a mere skirmish. I shall be waiting, Kagekiyo. ...I have but to pursue you and your clan to the utmost part of hell. Prepare yourself, Yoshitsune. O ho ho ho ho ho.... Wait, Yoshitsune! Hmm...? What do you want with me, warrior of gold? You should know what I'm about to ask. Druaga, is it? My elder brother, whom I serve... Only Lord Kamakura can lead the Genji. You shall ask my elder brother yourself. Provided you can reach that Tower alive. Gil, are they really...? I hate to admit it, but... there's no longer any doubt the leader of the Genji is dealing directly with Druaga. (Druaga's power... it's getting stronger by the minute.) (And from what Benkei told us... the Soul Edge must be there too.) (Can I win... as I am now...?) [Get Taizou next to the Deflector] Man, I finally made it. ...Okay, let's do this...! Well then, let's see the fabled skills of former Border Patrol in action. A Deflector that huge... what a waste... I could power up the Flutter so much with that thing. I know how you feel, but try not to complain, okay? Taizou, please do it! Failure would be unpardonable. Leave it to me. ...Let's rock!! [kablammo] It broke?! Yow, that's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on. I see the giant Octy's vital signs have become suddenly weaker. It appears that its energy supply has been completely severed. That's a former saboteur for you! One shot, one kill, right Taizou?! Hey, flattery'll get you nowhere, dig? No, hold up! Something just came out?! ...Figures it's Octies. Yucky, they crawled their way outta that big one's body! I-I think I'm going to be ill... Masuyo, flattery got _them_ somewhere... Nice timing! This is no time to be pleased, Lilith. ...Taizou? Don't look at me. Bitch at the damn Octies. I hesitate to think it... but could it be that what shaped that giant Octy were... Hold up, don't tell me that big bastard's _hollow_?! H-hold the phone! If that's the case, that thing could easily fit a good two thousand of those inside! Those Bagans are a type of Octy that shows up everywhere. They were probably just hiding in the folds of its body. So those're the only ones that'll come out, right? ...Thank goodness. Damn straight. I ain't got enough bullets for thousands of them. Well, we've got more enemies to fight... but it's better than taking on the big one itself. Yeah, let's get rid of these guys. Oof... I wonder if that was all of them. Hiromi, whatcha got? No enemies visible nearby. Also, all life signs have disappeared from the Blue Worm. Man, who died and nominated us monster exterminators, anyway? Looks like the Deflector's completely powerless too. According to my scans, reconstituting it will be impossible. Ooh, what a waste... But since I don't even know where the Flutter is right now... I'd have had no way to actually use the thing... (I wonder... will I ever find her again...?) This's more of a pitstop than I like. Let's get a move on. Yeah. Sounds like those bastards in the Infernal Village're preparin' quite a party for us. Heh heh... perhaps I should dress up for the occasion. Hey, that sounds like fun! I wanna do it too! Hmph, I do hope they will provide at least some amusement. Shall I show you my complete line of party goods? Party, huh? I hope that's all they're getting ready. Come on, everyone! Please stop joking around! ...Consider the alliance between the Infernal Village and Druaga, and the Genji. ...We had better be prepared. There's plenty of other stuff too... in the Infernal World. Yeah, includin' Janga. ...This time I'm gonna invade _his_ ass, see how he likes it. Sure, just don't get too uptight, okay? That's right. Don't overstress. Plus, who here _isn't_ prepared, huh? Very good point. The fact we can banter means there's a chance we can win. Enough levity. Time is of the essence. We must make haste. He's got a point. Hell if those monsters're gonna get their mitts on the Soul Edge. (The Infernal World, huh? I wonder if Vega's somehow involved?) So, we finally get to see this Infernal Village. ...Okay, we wait for the others to catch up, and then we haul ass to the Infernal Village...! ... What's wrong, bro? Everyone's gone ahead. We gotta move our butts too. ...Can you not feel it? This sorcery? Huh? Sorcery? ...Hey, you hidin' something from me again?! ... Come on, what's up, Kagekiyo? This thing's already dead, right? So why... ...O-ohhh.... Benkei's words... were true...! What's that? ...A mirror? What's that doing inside that monster's body? ...Perhaps it was absorbed when the various worlds mingled. To find it here... what divine good fortune... It would seem I am not yet forsaken... {Spirit World... Inside Baraduke} Ahead lies... the Infernal Village? Hey, we finally made it... right? Ain't no cause for celebration. ...We're headin' straight into deep shit, see? We can't run after coming this far. ...Mishima Kazuya should be in the Infernal World too. (The Infernal World, and Kazuya. Well then...) Some danger is to be expected. Let us go. Wait, Sylphie, what about your store? I shall accompany you all from here on. ...I cannot leave you to fight unaided. Thank you, Sylphie... This seems rather fishy to me. ...Could it be that you're after a few choice Infernal World goods for your inventory? ... (I think that's a bullseye...) Enough chit-chat. ...We're almost through. Regarding the path ahead... Space appears to be "stably distorted". Stably...distorted? Huh? What does that mean? Is that like, stomach aches are painful? ...Of course not. What she means by distorted stably is... It's been left precisely the way the collaborators from the various worlds left it... is that not so? No doubt about it... There's the portal, to Ibis Island... We say this kind of thing at the Third Energy lab. Then... let us sally forth. Our true battle begins here. And unlike the last time, we have many warriors on our side. This time, I shall not flee from your gates, Infernal Village...! ...And Yoritomo awaits, as well. So, I keep meaning to ask. What _is_ that thing? ... ...Nothing at all. Let us proceed. I don't like all this staring into the mirror business. That face of yours is likely to crack a mirror like that! (...The Yata-no-Kagami... That I should obtain it here...) (But... I am not yet complete... not at all.) [CHAPTER 31. THIS IS THE MASSIVE VILLAGE OF DEMONS] {Infernal World... Entrance to the Infernal Village} Well, we finally made it to the Infernal Village. I hear this place is pretty big. We'd better figure out which way to head. Hmmmmm, good point. [You can "act prudently", "play it by ear", or "head straight to the deepest part". I did the first.] How's it look? Rock? Roll? Isn't this ship the... There's no mistake. This ship... is the real Flutter! Who'da thunk it? Here we are, about to break down the gates of the Infernal Village, and we practically trip over our old space ship. You can say that again. ...Wasn't the last time we rode this thing... The desert of the Phantom World. But we landed the Flutter right near that pyramid. What's it doing here? Well, there was that big-ass Transfer there. Yeah, big enough to bring that whole damn Dust Dragon. Ain't no wonder a ship or two'd get tossed around too. Yeah, to the Infernal Village, of all places. I guess.... it won't fly anymore, right? I suppose it was too much to hope for that it could give us a lift. That ship keeps showing up at the darndest places. Including The Third Moon, if I recall? Don't worry! She's still okay! Hey, she saved our bacon back at The Third Moon. ...Course, she wasn't capsized then. Hmm, looks like she'll be a pain to right again. ...The enemy could strike at any moment. We dare not linger here. No enemies detected in the vicinity. I believe salvage operations are possible. Lesse. Yup, pain in the ass from all sides. Now, I bet a flying ship'd get us to that Tower right quick though. Merely a "pain in the ass"? ...You simpleton. Can't you feel this sorcery? ...Indeed. This is such sorcery as makes my skin prickle. Something untoward is afoot. There's nothing wrong with the atmospheric makeup. Or anything else, for that matter. Well, I suppose human skin might feel a little chilly, given the rain and all. She's right. It is a little cold, I guess. Uhhhh, nuh uh... You sure this cold isn't the terror of the Infernal Village? ...Felicia, you're _from_ here. How can you not feel this sorcery? Given at least one of us is butt naked, I'd be surprised if someone wasn't cold. Well, I don't feel a thing either. But perhaps I'm better off being that insensitive, in this place. ...Just great. ...Okay, you guys just disappointed every single hope the demon lord who built the Infernal Village ever had. Ahh, that just shows how stalwart everyone is. ...So, Lady Valkyrie, shall we enter? Yes. The only question is whether or not we will be able to proceed from here... When I ventured here before, space was curved upon itself, and passage beyond that gate was impossible. Something like a Dimension Seal, huh? What about now? Well, I don't sense any magical power like that at work... I certainly don't feel the magic that we faced before. Demitri? ...Hmm, so it would seem. Was the spell... broken? So like, those Genji guys came this way, right? You mean, we should be able to do it too? I have a suspicion it's not that easy, but... ...Perhaps it's the influence of the Soul Edge. That evil sword can cleave dimensions, after all. And if it came here... You think the space-warping spell on this place would lose its power too...? Well, we won't know till we try. All we'll get from parleying here is a cold. Let us try crossing the gate, and... Aah!! Please wait a moment! Heat sources approaching rapidly! The enemy?! ... W-what the?! Hey! It's that old guy...! The Master of the Fist... Gouki...?! What are you doing here?! O ho, so this is Gouki? ...Hmph, nice expression. Not so unbecoming as a guardian of the Infernal Village, I suppose. What... is he doing in the Infernal Village?! Don't tell me he's the demon's lackey...? ... This guy ain't the type to do what others tell him. What're you planning this time, Gouki?! ... Wait!! Gouki! Wait! Ryuu?! Hold it! Ryuu! ...It's too dangerous to be alone here. She's right. We've got to follow him at once. ...We must venture that way sooner or later. Let it be now. In which case, would all those not currently occupied come with me? Great, well that's that then. ...Guess we're going on ahead. Taizou, hold the fort while we're gone! We'll report in at the usual time! Huh?! Hey, Masuyo! It's no use, they're already out of sight... Way to charge in without a plan, guys... I guess we'll just have to wait for this report and meet up with them later. Weren't we supposed to not be able to get past this place? Looks like they just barged right in to me. There is no mistake. The spatial distortion from before... has vanished! In which case, had we better not follow as quickly as possible? Indeed, and forthwith to the demon lord's chambers withal! ...But, what about this airship? Leave the righting of the Flutter to me! We'll bring up the rear. You all go on ahead. ... Indeed. Make haste. My gratitude! Everyone! To the hunt! Looks like they're all inside... Seeing as how none of them came back... We have no idea what happened to them. We've got to get this ship righted and head after them posthaste. Right... but how do we do that exactly? For starters, let's get her out of the river. It looks like she just got knocked over. As long as the engine's okay, I think she'll fly... I think we should be able to pull her out if my Gustav, Hoover, and the Minions work together. Hey guys, you ready? Yes! Ready and willing!! If it's a question of strength, I'll pitch in too. No youngsters and robots will beat me that easily. How about us, Reiji? Brute strength's not our thing. Picnic, maybe? Lookout duty. ...This's the enemy's front yard. No way will they leave us alone. Well then, let us begin! ... O ho ho, would you like some assistance? Hmm?!? Who goes there? Show yourself! Well now, I must congratulate you on making it this far. It's him... Joker! Fuck! And a shitload of phantom beasts and... Zouna soldiers to boot. That was fast. Figures he'd show up. We're right in front of their noses, after all. ... (Joker... you came from the gate, but did you meet Valkyrie and the others?) What's this? Gilgamesh, the Golden Knight, looks like he wants to say something to me. ...Huh? Gil? If it is your friends you're worried about, they were running merrily down the hall last I saw them. What...? ...So what, you just let them get away? Yes. Well, there were rather a lot of them, and I figured it would be rather uncivilized to disturb them... Isn't that rather prudent for you? O ho ho... I am the sort of person who won't cross even the stoutest of bridges. ...I think not. You must have had some other reason. ...! Oh ho? And what would make you think that? We've crossed swords often enough before. You're a first-class Heel. ...And the more skilled the Heel, the more they keep the whole match in view. And not just the ring, but the spectators too. ...Meaning he let them go to set up his next move? ... What's a "heel"? ...It means "bad guy". Huh, I get it now... It's startin' to make sense why he'd just let Valkyrie and Arthur and all them go. ...Such as, the location of the Soul Edge... which is supposed to be in the Infernal World. ... ...Looks like you didn't find it after all. So, they plan to use us, who have contacted it before... to find it? You read all that? ...Simply amazing. And you with the beast face, you sound an awful lot like one of our rookies. You look like him too, from the neck up. A rookie with the same face? ...Hey, wait a minute! That would be... Armor King?! O ho ho, who indeed? King, he may be lying. There is no proof. Do not be deceived. (Armor King... here, in the Infernal World...?! That's absurd. Wasn't the black knight's curse broken...?! If that's true... I suppose Black Berabou is next in line? The Infernal Village... what's so great about it, anyway? Do they pay well or something? How should I know? First of all, there's no point even thinking about it until we figure out if it's even true. O ho ho ho, so troubled, I see. In any event, while I would love to stay and chat, I have many things vying for my attention. For now, I believe I shall destroy that flying machine. T-this ship?! Hey, what's the big idea?! Try fighting us instead! The Flutter didn't do anything wrong! Oh no, if we let you fly around, you might miss all the surprises we've got in store for you. I've been worried about that for ages. Guess he's got the place booby-trapped, just as I expected. All the more reason we can't let them destroy the Flutter!! Please, everyone! Please... protect the Flutter! No trouble at all. Let the Commando Team handle it. Agreed. Be at your ease. ... Don't think you're getting your way! O ho ho ho ho. Well then, I shall... Watch from up here for a while. What, letting everyone else do all the work?! (Is he waiting for something...?) [violence ensues] ... Hmm? I expected more creatures of the Infernal World... but that is...! Those lizards... no, dinosaurs... Aren't they from...?! What are velociraptors doing here?! Those bastards... did they come here from the desert? Or from the distant past, across time and space? Joker, if that is your name... Did you summon these? Did I? I don't recall seeing them before, at least. Are those creatures from the Material World? ... Is he... bluffing? Or... Oh dear, a really really big one just showed up!! ...!! Yikes! What's up with that humongous lizard?! That's a... large carnivorous dinosaur?! ... Regina, check out its eye... and those bullet holes. ...Yes, that allosaurus.... is the same one we fought in the desert...! (So how did it get here?) (And there's no way it could have survived in the desert with those wounds... What's going on...?) It looks like it means us harm. ...Nor is it the kind of foe we can dissuade with words. More like it wants to swallow us whole! I don't go well with fried tofu, you hear me! I don't think that'll get us off the hook. ...Here it comes! Well, what an interesting development. A dragon from another world, is it? Quite suitable for an opening act. Opening act...? Joker, what have you been waiting for all this time? What are you hiding? Who, me? Why, nothing at all. To be sure... Lord Druaga did tell me not to let you all into the tower. Druaga did?! Shit, punk-ass Druaga must be pissing his pants. He is a rather difficult person to read. I cannot claim to understand what he is really thinking. I swear... when will we be able to get back to work? Anyway, let's just worry about protecting the Flutter for now! I got it, Roll! O ho ho ho ho... (They should be here any minute now.) [keep on killing] Hmm, looks like there aren't many enemies left. Now's our chance... Dear me, troublesome as always, you people are. ...I suppose I am at a bit of a disadvantage here. Don't even think about trying to wreck the Flutter. We'll protect it no matter what. Don't get careless, lad. This is the enemies' home base... surely this isn't the end. ...Hell, Janga's still left. Get his ass out here pronto!! Aahh, a spatial distortion's appeared! I knew it, there's more! Don't tell me it's really Janga?! ...!! Non non, it's me. Not you again! Nobody paged you, okay?! O ho ho ho, fashionably late, I see. How did things go? Try as I might, it was a complete bust, mister handsome boy. Most unfortunate. ...Looks like Joker did the paging. What've you been up to, Saya? Oh, my favorite boy's here too? And nary an umbrella in sight... You'll catch cold, you know? Gee, thanks a bunch. Answer the question. What've you been doing here? Picking up trash. Helping make the Infernal Village a more beautiful place, you might say. In this place, with skulls and whatnot strewn everywhere? Nice work. ...No, I think she was trying to pick up "something" a whole lot bigger. Heh heh... So the "try as I might" part means the Soul Edge, does it? Ooh, bullseye. Sorry I came back empty-handed. Now, hold on here... Weren't you the one who told us you could Transfer around in pursuit of the Soul Edge? Right, didn't you say your experiments or whatever let you do that...? Unfortunately, the world isn't that convenient a place. Besides, these little ones here were lost. ...? ... The Soul Edge's...avatars?! Does this mean that the sword is nearby?! W-where, where?! Don't tell me... there?! ...Looks like an ordinary guillotine to me. I wish it were... but like I said. These little ones are lost. So, that "experiment to pursue the Soul Edge" failed? I'm afraid so. After we followed it there... to that tower, we lost it completely. "That tower"...?! Meaning the Tower of Druaga?! So... has the Soul Edge fallen into Druaga's hands?! Who knows. Heh heh... ...If it had, this were-fox would have no business here. Same for Joker lettin' Valkyrie and the others through. I see, all that happened is you lost sight of it near the tower. And Saya's been running around looking for it ever since. Dear me, have I stumbled into the Sherlock Holmes convention by mistake? So, should we assume... that all the mysteries have been solved? Oh, it's most likely at the Tower of Druaga... but I have no clue why its signature would just vanish like that. Meaning it's _not_ in the Tower of Druaga? And the Soul Edge's avatars can't return to it... I don't like it. ...Ah, and you mean to have Arthur and the others do your legwork? O ho ho, correct. There is no denying that more hands make for lighter work. Then get out of the way and let us inside! We've got to go to the Tower of Druaga, whether or not the Soul Edge is there. ...Will you not yield the road? Come now, come now, did I not tell you? Setting aside the others, I've been ordered not to let you all in particular enter the Tower. I needed a breather from searching for the Soul Edge anyway. Shall I help? Surely. Besides, there's another event to greet you yet to occur. O ho ho. ...Event? I wonder what that event could be, Tron. ...Obviously he's up to no good. No matter what plan you try, we will not fall. Get out of our way! [take Joker down] Hmm... With so few of you, I figured victory would be easy... What formidable foes. Don't even try to underestimate us, clown-ass bastard. Ooh, what a predicament. Anything up your sleeve? Since I suspected this might happen, there is in fact something up my sleeve. Hee hee hee hee... Took your goddamn time, Joker. Those knights... Druaga's soldiers?! About time too. Sure they're late. I imagine it took quite a while to get from the Tower of Druaga all the way over here. Bet you think you're pretty hot shit, with all those Druaga soldiers guarding your ass. There's lame, an' then there's you, Janga. Say whatever the fuck you want, shitty-ass brat. An' what, you think this's all there are? Say what?!? Stingy bastard, huh...?! Rock! That creature... That dragon we fought in Baraduke?! ...Qox! And...! ...? Yes, a silver dragon, apparently from the same species! First dinosaurs, then some new kind of dragon? Will someone give me a break? Thank you. That's a... silver dragon! Damn... does this mean that Druaga's power has almost returned...?! And it looks like... the curse on Qox isn't broken yet. Huh? What're you talking about? What's that silver dragon got to do with Druaga...? ...The Silver Dragon could be called Qox's avatar. It's Qox's shadow, and Druaga's magic has made Qox into a dragon of evil...! Hey, someone give the Golden Knight a cigar. And there's another one comin' soon. Heh heh heh... How many of those annoying beasts do you have to keep, anyway?! (Another one... meaning the Black Dragon? Curse you, Druaga...!) Hmmm? What became of our rookie? Damn slacking faggot... YO!! Get your ass out here NOW. ... Hmm?! That masked man...! ...Looks like my bad feeling was right on. I-it's King's master! No way... wasn't the curse on his soul broken?! Armor King...! You really entered the Infernal World...?! ... Why do you not answer? You insist on siding with the evildoers until the end? O ho ho. He was one of the black, Fallen Knight's servants. He came to the Infernal Village asking for a job. He's got his uses. Might as well put him to work, see? Hee hee hee... ... ...How, how could a proud man like you... Why... Why people like those?!? ... Rose joined us, so why did he become our enemy...? Perhaps the curse isn't broken yet? ...I dunno. Hard to read his emotions with that mask and all. Please! Wake up! King is... King is so miserable! ... Jesus Christ, don't you fucktards ever shut up? Armor King! Lissen up! Quit standin' around with your thumb up your ass and go get 'em! ... ...About the Soul Edge. I have it on good authority it's somewhere in the Tower of Druaga. ...What?!? W-what was that...?! Why'd you tell us that?! Hmm... is this true? An interesting tale... but possibly one meant to lead us astray. Or, are you... ...Hurry. To reach the Tower of Druaga, you should be able to travel beneath the Village, through a huge underground lake guarded by a massive insect. Hey, fuckface! What'd you have to go and tell them that for?! Check out Janga... dude's telling the truth. So what's going on? Is he the enemy? Or a friend? You... you planned this from the beginning, didn't you? How could I of all people not seen through it sooner...?! ...I give it my all, no matter what the farce. That's me taking pride in being a Heel. Ha ha ha! Now that's the kinda development that gets me up in the morning! THAT is pro wrestling! This's no time for celebration! Letting his cover slip in a place like that...! Yeah! He's totally surrounded! ...You wanna fuck with us...?! You ain't walkin' out of here alive, bitch!! He's really mad!! My, what a fool. You could have gotten a bit farther away before spilling the beans. Oh no! They're going to swarm him!! Of course they are! What the hell is he up to?! No, he probably... said that there on purpose. To draw the enemies' attention away...! Armor King! Why go that far?! ...I'm settling the score, King. The score for becoming your enemy. TRAITOR!! Fucking tear him apart!! What a pity. You were such a promising prospect too... Oh well. ...Janga, do the honors. Hee hee hee... do your stuff. (Huh...? What the...?) Hey! Joker! Yo, you're fighting me now! No takin' your eyes off the action! And... you're first, traitor!! ...Bring it on. This is where I die! I won't allow that...! I... won't allow it! No way we let Janga kill him! It's too sad!! Master!!!!! [Allosaurus gets beaten down] ...!! This time we finished it off! No, don't let up until the damn thing's really dead, Regina! What?! I-it ran away?! How the heck could it move so quickly with wounds that bad?! Damn, I underestimated how much life force dinosaurs have...! However... it appears much weaker than when we faced it in the desert. ...Inconvenient. Perhaps the aura of the Infernal World is affecting it? ... (Could it be... "contaminated"...?) (Heh... no way.) [Saya gets spanked] Well then... I suppose it's about time to open it. ...Are you going to the Tower of Druaga next? Who knows? Go ahead and guess if you want. ...Though, you hit the nail on the head. That was fast! Take your time following me, okay? Heh heh heh... Hey, wait! Reiji, shouldn't we have stopped her? There's no point. ...We're in a hurry ourselves right now. After all, we know where she's going. The Tower of Druaga, was it? ...There's little time left. We've got to hurry... [So much for Janga] Goddamn Druaga soldiers can't do shit except look scary! Fuck! Hmph! Wanna know who's the biggest useless bitch around? Try lookin' in the goddamn mirror, Janga! The fuck? Don't be lookin' down that pointy nose of yours at me, punk! Aw, fuck it! No pile o' shitty Druaga stooges gonna let me win this fight! Man, he's sure good at blaming everyone but himself. Gotta get someone more buff on my side! Hey, he ran away! I keep wondering when he'll ever shut up. By the way, didn't he just say something about "someone more buff"...? Means he's feeling the heat pretty bad. Just wait, this score's gonna get settled right quick, and you can bet your ass on that...! Was that the final enemy? ...I sense nothing threatening now. Thank God we were able to protect the ship. And... ... Armor King... ...King, you have no idea how happy it makes me to be in the same ring as you again. Isn't that great, King? Really... great! This body of mine has already passed the gates of Hell... As long as time permits, I'll fight on your side. Armor King... my master...! Oo, what a pretty picture. The fabled tag team, together at last. Very felicitous. Looks like we came out of this one in the best possible shape. Welcome, Armor King. ...Um, pardon the suddenness, but there's something I've wanted to ask... Hmm...? Please tell us more about the Soul Edge disappearing at the Tower of Druaga. I don't know the details myself. I just happened to hear a red demon talking about it. Something about "That sword may have ended up in the Tower's treasure chests". "Treasure chests"?? Yeah, I know the damn thing's important, but now it's "treasure"? Gimme a break. But if they know that much, how come Joker was saying they can't find it? ...I see. So that explains it. What do you mean? ...You're thinking about the magic on the Tower's treasure chests, Gil? Magic? Like, they can't be opened, or are trapped, or something? No. ...It doesn't exist. Ummm... err... What a tough riddle. I haven't told you enough, have I? ...The treasure chests of the Tower of Druaga are designed not to appear unless you do something specific first. For example, kill all three green slimes on a given floor, then touch the left and right outer walls... and so forth. Oh, like posing as a lady panther, or ordering seconds at dinner...? ...Ignoring the specifics, I take it it's the action itself that's the key to the treasure chest? As opposed to a combination lock...? I swear, who comes up with this stuff? And if the Soul Edge got mingled among them... Even if you know it's there, you won't actually be able to get it... If that's true, that makes for a pretty secure vault. Hmm... shouldn't we inform those ahead of us of this too? I suppose so. The last thing we need is more chaos. Okay! Since we're agreed, let's finish things here on the double and head after them. ... He's right. I've got a bad feeling about this too. [CHAPTER 32. "WHAT FLOURISHED MUST FADE"] {Infernal World, Demonic Land} Gouki! Where are you, Gouki! ... ...He should be somewhere nearby... Yo, Ryuu! Ryuu! It's too dangerous to go on alone! Ryuu, you mustn't respond to Gouki's provocation. ...Rose, what's he really after? What more is he trying to make me do? Now that you've surpassed the Bloodlust Wave... I can think of only one thing he would want of you. ...Vega? ... W-what on Earth? Enemies?! Damn, I hate this pattern. We're surrounded! This's it! Hey, you guys okay?! Yeah, pretty much. That's about to change for the worse though. Would you like some 100 Coin assistance? Don't try to extort your own comrades! Umm, I think we'd better hurry... Yeah, let's mop this up fast. Chitchat later. Hmm, three kinds of skeleton, plus froggies. Damn, don't these guys know when to quit? Bullfrogs and skeletons with scythes're all over the Infernal World. My data shows those ones with the scythes to be from the Infernal World. ...And the phantasms with swords are Yoritomo's men. Now that you mention it...I think you're right. They totally blended in around here, you know? However, I suppose the presence of Yoritomo's men means that he really did pass this way? ...Not necessarily. If Yoritomo has dealt not only with Druaga, but also with the Infernal Village... There's a chance they could be scattered all over the Village, I suppose. At the present time, I believe we should prioritize aid to our comrades. Can't argue there. Let's get this attack underway. Right, let's see if we can bust out of here. ...Okay, let's do it. ... [whack! pow!] Man, what a bunch of wimps. Is everyone in the Infernal World this lame? Don't get cocky, Mitsurugi. ...These are strictly low-level demons. I guess you're right. That special battalion hasn't shown up yet, for one thing. The Infernal Village Punishment Squad or something...? I guess they're called the Demons' Blazon... The Infernal Village's main force. ...They could certainly cause us plenty of trouble if they were to appear now. Yeah, good point. Should we press on, or head back? Well, we're not finished taking down this group of foes. The last thing we need is for them to call their friends. Hey, attrition's our middle name. Leave it to us. Yeah. Let's get it on. ... ... Hey, Ryuu. Don't get so worked up over a few small fry. You'll just run outta gas later. ...No, he's here. It's Him. "Him"... as in that old guy? It's true that I've felt someone watching us fight. ...He's somewhere around here, looking on. He sounds like a stalker. I don't think most people would say that with a smile on their face. In that case, we'd better get out of here as soon as... Right on! That dude is waaay too freaky. ...No, I want to know what he's really up to. (If he plans on showing himself sooner or later, why doesn't he damn well do it now...?!) Motion signatures, closing rapidly. So, they come? ...Yet more of the Infernal Village's demons... So, you finally made it here, Kagekiyo? ...Yoshinaka, is it? I have no time to battle you. Begone. ...I think not. We want no more enemies entering the underground lake ahead. Underground lake? Sounds like that's the real target of this raid. And from the "no more" bit, it would seem that Valkyrie and the others already headed there. Well, that settles it. Now comes the easy part. Yeah, we just decide whether to bust our way out now, or kill off all these guys first. I recommend total annihilation. That will maximize items and money. Making us no different from a band of thieves in the wilderness. ...That said, I don't precisely fancy being shot in the back. Agreed. Okay, annihilation it is. Acknowledged. Commencing attack. Will it really be that easy, do you suppose? E-energy response, approaching rapidly from the opposite direction! What, he got an ambush ready? And a pincer move, no less. Not too shabby. No way... don't tell me it's Gouki this time?! What, it wasn't Gouki? Shit, had me scared for a second. However, these are the servants of Druaga. He seems quite willing to loan his warpower out to others. Is this Yoritomo... really that strong? I saw him once in that place that made us pun, but... Lord Kamakura cannot be harmed by anyone. You should know that well, Kagekiyo. And that includes whatever power Druaga may possess. ... So, it would seem he cannot be destroyed without the three Sacred Vessels. Indeed. Lord Kamakura is... ...Speak not, Yoshinaka. Even the most fearsome warrior will one day fall. That is... ["What Flourished Must Fade"] [keep killing] ... Huh?! Umm.... EEK!?! That man...! Hey, Momo, KOS-MOS! There was no reading on sensors. I believe that is why Momo was so surprised. Same for my sensors. That's... the man who showed up in that Abyss of Will... Damn, this aura of evil... it must be that evil-eyed man. I knew you were here, Gouki! What're you up to?! ...Watching a farce. What do you want, demon-eyed man? It is that ogre I faced long, long ago, on the Path of Penance! Whaddya you want this time?! We're damn busy right now! Gouki! Don't tell me... you're trying to make Ryuu succumb to the Bloodlust Wave again...?! ...Quiet your cries, whelps. Gouki... I want to know your real intent. Ryuu has surpassed the Bloodlust Wave. Did that not achieve your purpose? ...Surpassed? Laughable. He has done nothing of the sort. He merely escaped its grasp. ...As proof, the "Man Possessing the Power of an Evil Heart" is still undefeated. Power of an evil heart...? Who's he talking about? ...I assume you mean Vega, of Shadowloo? Vega... as in that bastard with the creepy aura around him? ...It's true that we didn't finish him off back then. Is that a problem? ... Now see here. You need to stop giving out information one drop at a time. That's right! We've had it hard enough just getting this far! I request that you keep the price for that information at one hundred coins or less. You'll know soon enough. There is no need to waste words on the telling. I hate to say this, but we still got company. Heh, maybe there's something to this silent treatment stuff. ...Ryuu, show me your fists. You, who turned your back on the Bloodlust Wave. I don't know what you hope I'm going to do. But if you feel like talking with your fists alone... I'll take it like a man...! [kill some more] Looks like we're wearing the enemy down. Demons, Genji, and now the "Man of Heaven"... what comes next? I think we've seen quite enough today, thank you very much... I suppose from a balance standpoint, Octies would work best... C'mon, cut it out. Every time you say that, it feels like it's gonna come true. Um... there're some heat sources approaching... What're these multiple heat sources in this area... HMM?!? An enemy attack...?! Those are... Hooray! It wasn't the Octies! That's a rather odd point to be happy about. It is clearly an enemy force. T-those guys were acting along with Vega... Grand Master's men, huh? More precisely, they are servants of the Criminal Superhuman Genocide. The Infernal World must be really popular. Despite all the skeletons everywhere... What an unexpected treat for a routine recon mission. A shame the Commando Team's not here, but your heads'll still make fine souvenirs. Hey now, you're not the only part of this conversation, see? ...Why are you here? Why should I tell you? Not that it's any of your business, seeing as how you're about to die. Recon, wasn't it? I suppose that means you're not the only ones here. The main force has come to the Infernal World, hasn't it? So that's it? And given they're in close with Shadowloo... Vega must be here too. ...Who knows. Did Gouki come here because he found that out? That... Vega has come to the Infernal World?! ... (I knew it... Gouki's after Vega. But... is that all he's after?) Look, this just got real messy. Sounds like a great time to get it from the horse's mouth, huh? Shall we capture him then? I won't let you. You didn't think I'd come here without a few preparations, did you? ... ... ... W-whoa!! He's got some Mitsurugis and some Reijis! H-huh?!? Did they all... defect?! The hell're you talking about?! Use your damn eyes 'n quit fallin' for the enemy's sorcery! For starters, don't you notice anything odd about their number? ...We've seen this craft before. Sakura, have you forgotten? Those are a monster that can assume the exact likeness of others. I have records of fighting them at The Third Moon. If they match that data, I believe those are the Criminal Superhuman Doppel. It's all coming back to me. Remember all those Captains who attacked? ...That sorcery? To think that I must fight myself... I remember them copying some Shadowloo, and Mishima Heihachi too. Looks like they switched to samurai since. The only part of Reiji that fits is that katana. ...Pretty narrow selection criteria, it sounds like. Your data's quite handy. Time to get some use out of it. Muahahahaha! I-it's going to be hard to fight them... It's just sorcery. Besides, this will be the second time I slew a Mitsurugi impersonator. I've gotten used to it. Is that a fact now? Too bad there ain't some imposters of you around too. I see there are plenty of people with agendas of their own... But we got one job and one job only. ...We gotta get 'em to tell us more about Vega. Yeah, and there's still Gouki too. We can't let this drag on... Let's go! ... (...So, Vega, finally making your move?) [Gouki goes down] ... We did it! He certainly felt that. A-are you sure....? I can never tell _what_ he does and doesn't feel. ...You cannot win yet. Your strength is not great enough to breach the "Power of an Evil Heart". Say what?! Spit it out, Gouki! You're...! ... Rose, is what Gouki said...? He means Vega, Ryuu. You... must be the one to defeat him. To defeat the man with Psychopower, that which disorders the world of man. (...I'm still not ready? Gouki, are you saying my fists still won't reach Vega...?) [take down a fake Reiji] Oh man, there went Reiji. ...Oh, wait, Xiaomu's not here. You never know, there might be a few dozen of them waiting in the wings. Whoa... [take down a fake Mitsurugi] Only thing like me it's got is its looks. ...An' those ain't that good. I'd say they're more fearsome than the original. Heh heh heh. More durable than the original too. Shut yer ass! [take down a fake Kagekiyo] Well, down he went. Don't take it too hard, Kagekiyo. ...I am right here. They may copy my likeness, but never my soul. [being a demon does not pay] Heh heh... So, this is as far as my power extends in half-life? It's your fault for being dumb enough to try and take us down without your main force. Well, I actually kinda don't want all-out war, but... We'll have to do it sooner or later. ...And in preparation, the more enemy strength we can take away, the better. Indeed. Yoshinaka, I shall strike you down here, even if I cannot have the others...! Our duel shall not be settled here. I shall await you, Kagekiyo... At the Tower. You would run? Then tell this to Yoritomo: let his head be clean, in preparation that I take it. Heh heh heh heh... Very well. But can you actually claim Lord Kamakura's head... as you are now? Bro... you sure about this? Those Genji sound awful confident... ... (Only one remains. The long-lost sword Kusanagi... I must find it, at all costs...) [all storms come to an end] Looks like this is all a recon group can manage... I couldn't take you down... but at least I can report that you're here. I don't like the sound of that. Think we better finish this guy off pronto. Agreed. Oh no you don't. Don't want my recon to be for nothing...! Oh no! He's fleeing right before our eyes! Shall I pursue, Shion? Wait, KOS-MOS. We shouldn't split up our party any further. Now, we probably will face their main forces. ...If that brings Vega, I'm all for it. We must... settle the score with him. Is it over? Momo? No responses nearby. But... I can't guarantee that that scary man isn't hiding somewhere nearby... ...I think we're okay there. I don't feel his aura. So, what's that dude trying to do again? If he wants you to fight Vega, he could just kick back and watch. ...That man has a plan. (He believes we can't defeat Vega as we are now. Is that really true, Gouki...?) Nothing will be accomplished by debating what that man might have in mind. And he doesn't seem about to just sit down and tell us. Well, let's cut the chatter short and figure out what to do next. Do we go back to the entrance, or go ahead...? Do you suppose those left back at the entrance are alright? Can you contact them? This is as bad as I've ever seen noise. I don't... think we can get through for a while. Guess that means we gotta go there in person, huh... I think we gotta go forward. Yeah. The crew inside must have it rough. Yeah. An' I ain't the type to retrace my steps. We gotta end up ahead sooner or later anyway. Indeed. The underground lake that Yoshinaka mentioned should lie ahead. Our time is short. Captain, Gilgamesh and the others at the gates are no fools. I expect them to follow in short order. Yeah, I'm less worried about them and more worried about Berabou Man and the others ahead. He can get spacey, you know? That settles it. Let's go. We're looking for... the entrance to that underground lake. Acknowledged. Let us search as we proceed. [CHAPTER 33. THOUGH STRUCK DOWN A MILLION TIMES, I SHALL NOT BE DEFEATED] {Infernal World... Infernal Village, Underground Lake} This is it. There can be no mistake. Quite a bit of open space here. ...And the smell of water...? This was quite a walk. But are we sure about this? We headed all this way underground without telling the others... Arthur, are you sure about coming this far underground like this? ...Running ahead of the pack alone can be fatal. I realize that fully. However... this abominable yet familiar evil aura leaves no doubt. I too feel strong magic in this place... But Arthur, what is causing it...? ...This magic... Wait a moment. Demitri? You needn't say it - I noticed it too. This much magic... from where is it coming? Isn't that it? That big, writhing thing over there? Writhing? What kind of nonsen-...? W-what the?! What's that...?! E-eek!! A-a bug! Come now, only little girls are afraid of bugs. Uh, that's one _big_ bug there. ...V-very disgusting. Is it... alive? Good question. It certainly is moving in a very unsettling fashion... Hmm?! Everyone, look there! At the inner wall where the bug is! ...Is that a... "Gate"? Yeah, no doubt. Just look at those bolts - they're almost too big to be real. ...It is there. Inside. What is, Arthur? Well, obviously "something" had better be in there. Very perceptive, Silver Knight. Pretty sharp, gramps! ...I could never forget the power leaking from behind that door. That gate... is that our destination? I can't see any other likely looking features. Hey! Look at all those red demons...! What a pain. And after everything had gone almost too smoothly until now... ...No, the lack of enemies until now is the unnatural part. We may have just fallen into a trap. Now that you mention it... those demons comprise the main part of the Infernal Village's strength...! Then, waiting here for us is... ... Look! On top of that mushroom! It's him! The huge red one! ...So, you finally made it. Arthur, the Silver Knight... And if you are here... there can be even less doubt. On the other side of that door... is Him. "Him"? Who're you talking about? ...Answer me this, red demon. What lies on the other side of that door? ...I don't think I need to answer that. It's nothing that need concern a bunch of people who are about to die. Hmph, big talk for a demon errand boy. ...We are here too. And we will pass, red demon. If you can manage that, more power to you. ...I play by demon rules. Demon... rules? Simple, really. ...The loser gets nothing. Only the victors are in the right. Heh heh heh heh... And that's supposed to sound cool or something? All that means is we force our way through like usual. That's right. I'll start by letting you fight my men, the Infernal Village Punishment Squad, the Demons' Blazon. This certainly is the Infernal Village... And as they say, "when in Rome..." If the victor truly is in the right, then victory shall be ours. And with your men out of the way, we shall pass through the gate. [hack and slash] Heh heh, it's gonna be a piece of cake at this rate. Better not underestimate them, Rutee. I doubt this is the last of them. Of course it's not. Currently, these aren't even an hors d'oeuvre. The main dish is through that door... So be it, but something is still lacking on this side. ... Now now, let us not look a gift horse in the mouth, so long as it prevents unnecessary fighting. Our top priority for now is simply getting through. Let's take out the remaining demons. ...Or so you thought. Wow, lots of them came! Looks like we get to have more fun after all! Yee-haw! Okay, baby! Just leave keepin' the crowd entertained to me! If you're that hungry, I'll fill you up with my hors d'oeuvre right here! Joy, the obnoxious guy's here. Well, I figured as much. ...He's more junk food than hors d'oeuvre, though. Whoa!! Leilei's here?! You shoulda told me you were in town! I'da fixed the place up some! What is this, your apartment now? He's up to his usual jokes, but he's got some of those robots we saw in the pyramid. We can't let down our guard, Sabine. That is not all. With him are those visitors from the Material World... Heh heh heh heh... ... The black one... he wears one of Bakuda's strengthening suits. I see, he must have gotten suckered by the demons' power. ... ...So, you're here, Nakamura. I told you, Tajima. ...That I'd destroy the Infernal Village. My organizational clout exceeds yours. This time, I can beat you...! ... Wait for me, Amazona! Once we get past here... we'll be at the Tower of Druaga. I'll break your curse, I swear! ... Destroy the Infernal Village? Get past here? ...You make it sound so simple. The battle has only just begun. Heh heh heh... ...I take it there's another ambush? Yes. He sounds a little too confident to be bluffing. We've got to watch out that we don't get drawn in too far. ...This is the enemy's defensive line. They should have some more tricks up their sleeve. Yet, we are not ones to favor trickery over action. Let there be open, direct combat...! [slash and hack] ...It's time, I see. Let them out. It seems the enemy's third wave is coming. Stay sharp. Don't worry. We're prepared. Better come with a bow or a warhammer or something! Finally, some of Druaga's monsters. ...Meaning, they're running out of options? That was fast. Since the Tower of Druaga and the Infernal Village are now allied, it is only natural that the Tower's monsters would be here... I would not call this the enemy's trump card. Nor do I imagine the enemy's plotting has run dry. More of them?! ...Hmm? Wait, are those... young ladies? Looks like they're cosplaying something... ...So, are they human? ...Doesn't look like it. I feel their magic. They're some kind of monster. A species of demon insect: "Q-Bees" from the Soul Bee tribe. If you lot want to fill your bellies, be my guest. ...Want...insides, all... Those monsters seem to bear us ill will. He said "demon insects"... I wonder if they're involved with Druaga in some way? Demon insects...! Did he say "demon insects"...?! What's a "demon insect"? It refers to demons with powers like regular insects. The type before us... should only live within a specific region. Yet it seems some came to the Infernal Village as well? ... (Demon insects... and especially the Soul Bee tribe, are only supposed to live in the Dorma House's lands...) (How could they be here in the Infernal Village...?!) Looks like some of you know these things, but... is it okay to just fight them? Anything that attacks me is my enemy. They look like little girls, but the aura I feel from them is that of a true red-blooded monster.... Hmph, entertaining! Attack. Eat anything that takes your fancy. Now see here! Try getting off your high horse and fight us on our own level down here! ...Don't get careless. The fact that he isn't confronting us directly means that he's got something else planned. I shall defeat any and all enemies...! I shall not be bowed, Red Aleemar Joker! [Amazona gets smacked down] ... Kanda Momo... I... won't accept... Amazona! Don't be hasty, Momo. ...We're almost there. Just a little more, and we'll see Druaga. And when we do, it will be our one and only chance to save her. Correct. That demon's tower is close at hand. And to get there, we've got to join our forces and get out of this mess. ...I know. We've got to get through the Infernal Village... and get to the Tower of Druaga, no matter what...! [yet more killing] ...Man, how many does that make? There's still a lot of them left. ... (What fearsome foes. I'd better figure out what to do next.) ... Hmm...? What mighty magic is this...?! How could there be... a being with magic this strong in the Infernal Village?! (...What? This magic... it can't be...) ...I see. It is Him...!! Heh heh heh... muahahahaha! ...Show yourself, varlet! Demon lord... Astaroth! Arthur, what a sight for sore eyes. I have resurrected, along with my Infernal Village! I need no blow-by-blow declarations of yours to grasp that. I also grasp that the time for your second defeat is at hand...! Oh no, Arthur, you grasp nothing. Not so long as you imagine that nothing has changed since then! The final result is the same, Astaroth. After all, my resolve is one thing that has not changed. What...? "Though struck down a million times, I shall not be defeated!" What do you think I went through the last time I came to the Infernal Village? That hasn't changed either. ...Knock me down as often as you wish. For I will stand right back up. You refer to the Infernal Village as it was. Not as it has become, Arthur! Looks like there's no mistake. It's the demon lord... Astaroth...! N-no way! What's the main bad guy doing showing up all unannounced and whatnot?! I never expected him to show himself. A bit surprising... but also a chance for us. Provided we settle matters here, things will be so much better afterwards. Demon lord Astaroth... I wish to ask one thing before I strike you down. Tell me of the connection between this village and Druaga. Heh heh... I needn't say a word. The Demon Druaga is... a useful pawn. I suppose Druaga thinks the same, after seeing his tower rise in the Infernal Village. I have no further interest in talk. Then why did you allow the "Genji" group from the Spirit World into your lands? You _do_ know about that, I trust? Ah yes, them. ...Those plans are Druaga's. I know of them not. Then what about the Soul Edge? We already know it's here in the Infernal Village! Don't tell me you grabbed it and hid it! The Soul Edge...? ... I know nothing of this. Sounds like you don't know anything at all. I was all ready for some dramatic speech. What a disappointment. Isn't that a little too much to not know about? ... ...Why doesn't he have details? Huh? What do you mean, Hiryuu? ...He means that someone titled "lord" ought to know a bit more than that. Hmph... trivial matters are best left to underlings. All organizational leaders are like that. But, Mishima. When fellow members of an organization cooperate... there is division of responsibility, leading to various merits and demerits... Don't you find it a bit odd for the man at the top of that structure to grasp none of what goes on beneath? Hmm... ...I see. In that sense... Either he's a total incompetent, or someone else owns that information. ...Is that it? I-I'm having trouble following this... This is easy to follow. That monster called Astaroth... knows far too little for someone called a "lord". Either he's simply airheaded, or... ... This chatter ends here. I didn't come to hear you run your mouths! ...Lord Astaroth, I shall accompany you. But, why... Caprice. I need my fun too. ... (Is _that_ his reason...? It could mean the end of the entire Infernal Village if an accident were to occur... (And what is this disconnect I sense in Lord Astaroth...?) (...Why did Astaroth appear? Even should he be overconfident in his strength... this is no reason for him to leave his treasure room.) (Besides, Berabou and Heihachi's words trouble me...) [take down a Q-Bee] ...Your thoughts, Morrigan? Demon insects... and the Soul Bee tribe no less. I too only know what I've heard. Supposedly, they only live in the lands of the Dorma House, one of the three factions struggling for control of the Infernal World since antiquity. Jeddah, the family head, went missing and the Dorma Family collapsed... And purportedly, his lands were demolished too. ...What is a dweller of said lands doing in the Infernal Village? Maybe they just moved? I certainly hope it's that simple. ...There is no way to be certain, but it troubles me. Is there a connection between the Dorma Family... and the Infernal Village? [carnage carnage carnage] I see... It seems you do more than just boast. Impressive skills. Your brash appearance has sealed your fate. The Infernal Village ends here...! I have no taste for aiding the humans, but the Infernal Village affronts my sight. ...I shall extinguish you, Demon Lord Astaroth. Will you, now?... Heh heh heh... It seems my skills are needed, King of the Infernal World. ...!! Heh heh heh heh... There you are, Black, Fallen Knight. What...?! Black Valkyrie! And from what we just heard... she's in cahoots with him! Not only Zouna, but with the Infernal Village too?! Valkyrie, Maiden Knight, you recall your sin of interfering by means of the Golden Seed? Sin...? Fallen Warrior, is it not a sin to disturb the rest of souls for your own selfish, ambitious ends? Selfish, ambitious ends? Take that back. I merely gave an opportunity... to wandering souls. ... You're late, Dragonbone Knight. Aahh!! It's...! It can't be...! Why's he still with Black Valkyrie...?! Your curse must be broken! Why do you still serve the Fallen Knight?! Indeed! Rose became our companion. Yet you... I don't serve her. ...I'm here of my own free will. That's my answer. Leon...!! ...! You're... Leon, aren't you?! ... Do you know what it did to Stan to have to cut you down?!? I... I didn't want you to end up like that either...! But, why are you...?! ... Don't make me repeat myself. ...My name is Judas. I'm here to atone for my mistakes... my sins. Mistakes...? _Sins_?! ...That's enough. Answers mean nothing here. The Infernal Village must not be allowed to fall now. Demon lord Astaroth... Surely you have not forgotten our discussion? ...Nor, I trust, have you. Heh heh heh heh. (Of what do they speak? What is their connection...?) Damn, everyone's gotta be pulling shit behind the scenes! You gonna rumble or not?! Spit it out! Never fear, I shall fight you soon enough. ...Hmph, one or two of you won't alter the outcome here. In fact, it gives us a chance. We may actually be able to do something against only two of them. Perhaps even get that Judas boy onto our side... I don't think it'll be that easy. It will not. I lack not for pawns. So, he brought warriors? ...Hmm? I've never seen those before. New warpower from Zouna? I sense no magic in them. In fact, they seem to be completely mechanical. True. They feel kinda like KOS-MOS or Waya to me. Robots...? They rather remind me of the lot we fought at that pyramid. ...Bakuda would love these things. Do I recall that Zouna used robots too? Perhaps they're a new type? ...Robotians are machines that move by Zouna's magic. But I feel none of that magic from these foes. So they're totally robotic... they really are like KOS-MOS, then. Robots of unknown origin? Hey, sister, where'd you dredge those things up? I need not tell you. This cursed underground lake will be your grave. Attack. ...I have nothing against you directly. But there's something I must do. Prepare yourselves...! I misjudged you, Leon! I never figured you'd become some evil bitch's lackey of your own free will! ...Leon, why...?! ...Don't say that. I am... Judas...! (Stan, Rutee... I'm going to... pay for my mistakes.) (The Eye of God that Black Valkyrie has... I swear I'll...) [take out the other Joker] I commend you on getting this far. Nothing for it but to retreat and rethink this. Fleeing? And where will you flee too, with even the demon lord himself present? ...I'll simply return to carrying out my original orders. Original orders? Just you wait, Arthur. ...I'll not let you have the Infernal Village. You shall know that in full. What can this mean...? Is this something to do with the Demon Lord Astaroth appearing in person...? [Demon lord? yeah right...] Say your prayers, Demon Lord Astaroth! The Infernal Village ends here!! Crush the head, and it's all over. ...And it's your fault for showing your ugly face here. Save your conceit, puny humans! You seriously think you can defeat the mighty Astaroth?! Yes, and we shall demonstrate at once! You cannot! Not here! ...You mean to withdraw? You shall not escape! You may not enter the treasure room without the key. Remember that during your futile struggles! Mwahahahaha! Asshole... he did run away. And now he's on the other side of that big-ass door. As I suspected, that is the door to the treasure room. ...Just wait, for I swear next time...! (But... this grows ever more perplexing... Why did Astaroth actually show himself?) [Zabel goes splat] The hell with this shit! I better get while the getting's still good! Give it up already! You're not getting away, Zabel!! Uh-uh-uh! I ain't hearin' that, even for you, baby! I gots this exciting event I just can't miss! Event? What're you talking about? Try'n come, huh?! ...Assumin' you get outta here in one piece! Yaa-hoo!! So, he got away. It wasn't clear what he was talking about... An event... if we get out of "here"...? Don't tell me he's talking about the Tower of Druaga? [take down Black Berabou] I'm still short on power...?! It's useless no matter how often you try, Tajima. Shut up, Nakamura! I won't accept it...! There's no way you're more talented than me! I told you before. ...It isn't just my power at work. If so!! If so, I'll grab a far greater power than yours! Just you watch, Nakamura!! Mister Berabou... Don't worry, Momo. I shall never retreat... that's what it means to be a professional. Neither he nor I can accept defeat. (Yes, we must fight until one of us collapses entirely...) [take Judas out] Argh... Leon! It's not too late! Come with us...! Lay off, Stan! I... I told you there was something I've got to do! And just what is that! Let's hear it! ... (I can't tell them here. I just can't.) Leon!! Stan! He went through that door! Deeper into the Infernal Village, huh? ...Just wait, I'll bring you back no matter what...! This time for sure... this time for sure, I'll save you...! [next comes Black Valkyrie] So, it ends here? Heh heh... no matter. We shall meet again soon enough. Soon enough? What do you mean? ... Valkyrie! They... went through the gate! Lady Valkyrie, when she said we would meet again soon... Yes, she is headed for... the deepest part of the Infernal Village. (But why is she interested in it...?) {Infernal World... Infernal Village, Underground Lake} We wiped out all the enemies! Let's get through that door! Leon's on the other side...! We got momentum, let's use it! Wait, you two! I understand your feelings... but do not be hasty! Arthur, why are you stopping us! If we just go now...!! ...Stan, it's Arthur who wants to charge right through that door. Calm down. There may be a trap. Besides, didn't they say it was locked or something? We could demolish it... but given how big it is... it'd be damn difficult. ...We need not break it down. There is this. Impossible... is that the key to that gate?! Arthur, where did you get that? ...Red Aleemar Joker left it behind when he withdrew. That enormous red demon? He looked pretty relaxed, but I guess he was in a hurry after all. What stupidity. So much for the fabled Infernal Village Punishment Squad. Perhaps it was... on purpose? ...Certainly possible. He certainly seemed to have more to say to us. Indeed, this could be a trap. Given we don't know what the enemy are really up to, it's hardly advisable to rush in with only our emotions to guide us. Anyway, let's wait to meet up with the others. Then we can stage a full-scale assault. ... (Leon, I swear... I swear I'll save you...!) (Wait for me...!) [CHAPTER 34. AS IT IS IN A DREAM] {Infernal World... Infernal Village, Throne Room} So, is this... the deepest part of the Village? It's a lot... tidier than I thought. Something about the... air is different. What is this strain I feel... It looks normal enough... but something's keeping me on edge. Not a pleasant ambiance. Oh? Hey, check that out. Talk about overdone furniture. My, what wonderful fashion sense. Astaroth should surely be here... ...No one's home. And that chair's empty too. With sensors malfunctioning, it is difficult to truly appraise the situation. Maybe... the demon lord just bailed on us? Somehow I doubt it. Besides... Leon should be somewhere in this castle too. Ah, there they are. ...Huh? What the...? Only skeletons, and red demons...? That demon called Joker isn't among them... They believe they can stop us with this few? Hmph. What an affront. Just who do they imagine I am? I think someone's saying this is all you can handle, Demitri. Choose your words with care, Morrigan. Um... please don't fight here, okay? Way to stay focused, guys. 'Course, the enemy're out to lunch too. Oh well. The enemy sure are out to lunch. What do they think they're doing? ...This has got to be some kind of reconnaissance. I'm sure they've got something planned. Tire us out with the small fry, then finish us off with the big guns... Sounds plausible. Oh maaaan, count me out. ...It is a standard tactic. The Fallen Knight, Red Aleemar Joker, and the Demon Lord Astaroth... None of them have shown themselves. We must be prepared for them to strike from anywhere at any moment. Everyone, please be cautious. [kill a few off] We've defeated quite a few of them. ...Could it be enough? They haven't come out yet? Don't tell me... they really aren't here? That cannot be...! Show yourself!! Fight me, Astaroth! Heat source approaching, from the direction we came from. Well, there's our enemy reinforcements, but... my goodness? ...Heh heh heh heh. It's not... the Infernal Village! But rather the Black, Fallen Knight?! How dare you pop out like that when we didn't call?! So, they came first...?! Looks like a classic pincer move too. ...I commend you on coming this far. Heh heh heh... Did you meet the foe you hoped to? Nope, not us. Sorry. That is, we haven't seen the demon lord. ... I just did. Isn't that right, Leon...?! At least tell us why! Why you're helping that woman! ... ...Don't ask anymore, Stan, Rutee. I told you already. He is here of his own free will. I merely granted him strength. Though there are some among you who repaid that kindness with treachery as well. You are not entitled to say that, Black, Fallen Knight...! ...So what if I lack the entitlement? Care to enlighten me? Heh heh heh... Fallen Knight, would you tell us your connection to the Infernal Village... no, to Astaroth? I'm more eager to find out where Astaroth went. I trust he hasn't left this castle already. I do feel some magic, but there's something different about it... Something feels funny. What's going on? It's something... different from the demon lord? Someone else... or maybe several someones? ...Aggravating. It's kinda faint, but I feel several different sorceries at work. The same, and yet totally different... Rich, and somewhat dark... I need not explain. ...You shall see for yourself presently. Until then, I shall be your opponent. Well well well... you brought some friends. ... Black Sandras...! The same ones we saw at Zouna's pyramid...?! I also spy some new mechanical warriors. From whence did she obtain them... Mechanical... warriors?! Kurino! Those black-colored Sandra... don't tell me...?! ...Yeah, they're just like me... when I fought Valkyrie! And it looks like some of my fellow Imps are Black Valkyrie's lackeys too...?! Fallen Knight! You insist on using them again...?! Heh heh heh... I have told you already. I have no shortage of pawns. You whore...! Kurino, Sabine... To break the curse on them... ... ...I understand, Lady Valkyrie. No choice but... to beat them and their evil hearts into submission... It will be hard... but it is our only choice. Do you understand, Stan? ...There are some things that can only be saved by fighting. Just like me and you, now. That's not true. That's totally different. Aren't... aren't you fighting of your own free will?! The Sandras are just being controlled! Unlike you! ...That's right, that's why we must fight... and save them...! Hmph... a mere litany of excuses. Everyone, Leon... no, Judas... I'll handle him. Please don't interfere. ...What...? Like I did with Lilith... right? ...Why are there so many so eager to make such stupid choices? ...I cannot comprehend it. You're such a nice guy, Stan. ...That's not true. I want to... just once... Always the busybody... You're a fool, Stan... Rutee tells me that all the time, Leon. Naive. Why haven't you realized that such naivete will be your undoing? ...You're wrong. Naivete and compassion are two different things. Not that you'd know anything about that...! Let's do it!! [more carnage] Okay, that ought to do it...! Just wait, Leon. I'm gonna make you open your eyes for sure today...! ... Stan! Don't overdo it! The main enemy force isn't here yet! Heh heh heh... mwahahahahaha! ...!! ...It's him...! The demon lord... Astaroth! Heh heh... So, Arthur, you came after all. I never expected you to be able to open that door. Do not underestimate me, Astaroth. (...Does he not know that Red Aleemar Joker dropped the key...?) (Moreover, Astaroth has appeared... but Joker has not...) Hmmmm.... Is that... that old guy we just fought? Huh? What makes you say that? ...Just look at him. That's the Demon Lord Astaroth, who we fought at the underground lake. And one is more than enough, thanks. I can't say... it isn't possible. This pattern's what the English call "shadow samurai". "Shadow"...? ...You mean the real guy's behind the scenes somewhere? ...I wouldn't have expected an imposter with such strong magic. Hmph, let us ask him directly. Demon lord Astaroth. I _trust_ you... are the authentic king of the Infernal Village? What did you think I look like? I am the demon lord, ruler over the Infernal Village! The power I feel is the real thing. I believe there is no reason for doubt. ...Umm.... Gwahahahah...! Do you rabble really think you've got time for such pointless worries? Behold...! Heh... there they are. ...Druaga's monsters... and high-ranking ones at that. Gil! Look at those monsters Astaroth brought with him! Qox's final avatar... the black dragon...! And high-class Knights! Druaga... must have recovered his power completely. The more time passes, the worse things look for us. But with the enemy's commander here... it's all-out war...! Aye-aye, captain! He's gonna be begging for mommy out of both of those mouths by the time I'm through with him! Many things bother me, but at this juncture, hesitation is fatal. Astaroth, prepare to die!! Heh heh heh heh... [much harming] Astaroth, do you intend to fight us with this little strength? Don't make me laugh. ...Has your power faltered from what it once was? Hmph, the result is only obvious thanks to my participation. ..."Our" participation, I think. I swear. Dwellers of the Infernal World, turning against the king of the Infernal village... Unforgivable...! ... ...Uh...urrgh... Huh? W-what?! Who's there? I feel some really strong magic...! Astaroth is... fleeing?! What... happened, all of a sudden? Is this part of some kind of plan...? No doubt about it. I don't think he's so soft that we can just walk over and finish him off. What...?!? Lady Valkyrie, what's wrong?! And, what's this shaking... Something is coming... from deep within...! What, it's probably just that dude. You know, the red demon from that Demons' Whats-Their-Face group...? ...Wrong, I'm afraid. I felt it too, and it's something extremely similar to Astaroth... No, pretty much identical to Astaroth's magic. (...Someone like that is still here?) (So, finally he emerges? ...It would seem that a puppet has been pulling the strings of the Infernal Village until now.) Hmph, so he's here... ...What?!? What is this...? He is... Heh heh heh... Gwahahahahaha! Y-yow!! What the heck?! He's got four faces! There's two of them?! Hey, isn't there only one Demon Lord?! Two Astaroths...?! Which must mean... It can't be! It can indeed, Silver Knight... Arthur! What? Heh heh heh... Astaroth...? No...! Name yourself! My name is Nebiros... Nebiros, the Uber Demon Lord. You could call me the new master of the Infernal Village. New master, are you? ...But, my apologies. We'll be evicting you presently. You think you can do that? I certainly do. ...Even should my armor be torn to shreds...! Nice!! He's so cool!! Arthur, your courage just now... Do you know him? No, I said it completely without thinking. But... if this is the Infernal Village I know, anything could happen here. We simply accept the truth... and defeat it. And here I thought you'd lost your mind. Admirable resolve, Arthur the Silver Knight. Astaroth is merely a doll that moves at my slightest whim! When you defeated the Infernal Village the last time, Astaroth's punishment as the one responsible was to have his soul chopped in half... And now his miserable carcass is my marionette! Chopped in half?! As in he became two people? Hey! How do you expect to get away with-...! Qox, the Silver Dragon, and the Black Dragon, were all magically separated in the same way. It's possible with the demons' power..! ...I figured something was amiss, Lord Astaroth. Hey! It's the leader of the Infernal Village Punishment Squad...! Red Aleemar Joker!? ...Have you been hiding all this time?! ...I was observing events unfold, Arthur. Gauging whether the master I serve is truly my master or not...! Red Aleemar Joker, from this moment forward, your master is me! Wipe them all out. ...I only serve the Demon Lord Astaroth, no one else. The Infernal Village has already ceased to be the Infernal Village... and I the fool for not realizing it sooner. Surely that does not change your relation to us? I shall fight you too, Joker...! ...I am withdrawing. ...?! What?! You filth... you dare betray me?!? I said I would retreat, my new demon lord, Lord Nebiros. ...And I have one thing to report to Lord Astaroth. ...I located it in the Phantom World, floating above Daicroft. Wha...?! Kurino, wasn't Daicroft...? In the "War of Heaven and Earth" that happened in our world, the Phantom World, a thousand years ago... Wasn't that the floating city the heavens used to attack the Earth? Or so I... thought I remember... ...More precisely, Daicroft is the capitol of a fleet of floating cities. And... the true terror, the "Indiscriminate Crust-Smashing Weapon"... the "Belclant"...! How could that be...?! Wasn't that thing inoperative without the Eye of God?! Black Valkyrie, was the Eye of God not in your possession...?! ...Finally. That accursed Zouna took his sweet time... What...?! Zouna?! Don't tell me you gave that to him...?! The Eye of God is... in the Demon Lord Zouna's hands...?! Fallen Knight...! You bitch...!! What's wrong, Dragonbone Knight? Why so surprised? Heh heh heh. How I use my own possessions is no business of yours. ...My worst fears came true...! So that's how you got access to Zouna's men, isn't it, Fallen Knight?! What're you up to?! Do you know a simpler, better way to plunge the world into chaos? ...The best way I know is "establishing numerous super- powers, each with unopposable strength." Of course, those powers will naturally oppose each other and fight... And the powerless will be continually tossed by the ripples. The Infernal Village, the Tower of Druaga, the Genji army... and now Zouna and the Daicroft...! Bitch... you planned all along to use the Eye of God that way...! Heh heh heh... and what if I did? Don't tell me you stayed by my side after your curse was broken... just so you could get it back? ...Grr. Leon... is that why...? Foolish man. You had no idea I'd given it away long ago. Long... ago...?! Then, all those mechanical warriors you brought along that we'd never seen before are... Exactly. Lifeless warriors which protect the Daicroft. And now the Daicroft itself has awakened. ...The time has come. ...Meaning that when we were at the Pyramid, the Eye of God was already...! Why didn't you say so earlier? You black-eyed bimbo! ...My god... I... I blew it a second time...?! Not yet, Leon...! You haven't failed yet...! Stan... We already know where it is, so let's go get it back...! And, now you don't need to fight us any more! Our target is Zouna. Now that your curse is broken, you no longer need accompany the Fallen Knight... ... She's right! We've got plenty of people we've got to defeat! Starting with this Infernal Village. Heh heh heh... how optimistic, to think you can defeat me. We shall defeat you...! Judas, lend us your strength. This battle will not be easy... ...First... I need to settle the score. Score...? What're you doing? Argh...! Turning against me... Is that your idea of settling the score? ...That is futile. You cannot defeat me. And the price for betrayal is high. I had planned to simply abandon you, but I've changed my mind. ...I shall begin by exacting punishment for your sins. I... can't die yet. I can't accept death a second time yet...!! Leon! ...Together... we can do it! Stan...?! He said we're gonna help you! Now, let's get busy! What...?! This resolve... Where is it coming from?! Amazing...! Their breathing is completely aligned. Yeah, well done...! Ah, the power of youth! The Fallen Knight... she's critically wounded?! We can do this...! There's still the Demon Lord to worry about! We've got no time to lose! Haul ass and get him!! How could I be so... careless... But... I've dragged you out. Heh heh heh... Hmm...? Fallen Knight...?! (Dragged out...? Does she mean the uber demon lord Nebiros...?) (Just what is she after...?) Heh heh heh... Gwahahahahhaah! What an entertaining show! And for dessert, I shall wipe you all out in an instant. I think not. We shall do the wiping out, Nebiros. Judas, are we agreed? ...My objective hasn't changed. Merely the circumstances around it. Then, Leon...! ... Cut him some slack, Stan. He ain't the kind of guy to grin and go "Sure, let's fight together!" ... That settles it. ...Uber demon lord Nebiros, we've gained a new companion. And we will not stop here. Bullshit, puny human!! [defeat an Astaroth] Arrrrgh...! Well, he lived up to the title "demon lord"... Very tough. Well done indeed. Only one more...! You're certainly out for this guy's blood. What is he, your mortal enemy or something? ...A demon of the Infernal Village by any other name is still the same. Be they peasant or ruler. And that includes you, Nebiros. Do not forget it. Foul-mouthed human...! And fool to boot, to imagine you could defeat me, the uber demon lord. Arthur, Silver Knight! [defeat the other one] Uh...uuuuaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!! Even when multiplied, all that useless fool can do is be beaten by humans. Do you really have leisure for such observations, Uber demon lord Nebiros? All that changed... was the order in which you and Astaroth get defeated. Very humorous, Arthur. Not that likening me to that lout Astaroth is a laughing matter. For that discourtesy, you die! I refuse...! The one to make penance by death is you! So long as my eyes are black, I shall never permit the Infernal Village to exist!! [take Nebiros down] Uh... ugh... rrrrrrargh... I won't accept it... I, the uber demon lord... it can't be...! No, this is very real, Uber demon lord Nebiros. Why...I...I am... I, Nebiros... You only saw the world through Astaroth's eyes. Hence, the me you know is the me of the past. ...But in the present, I have the power of many comrades at my side... Underestimating that was your downfall! Ridiculous... could... that... be... ... Arthur, is it... all over? For now... is all I may say. W-what the?! What the hell?! This place is collapsing?! Looks like the joint was maintained by the demon lord's magic. So the place blows up in the end? ...Surprisingly lame. This ain't that simple! At this rate, the whole place'll come down around our ears...! Let us join the others outside! We must escape at once! (So, the Infernal Village crumbles? I can only hope... that this is the end.) {Infernal World... Infernal Village, Underground Lake} Why is this place falling apart all of a sudden? Did someone turn on the self-destruct mechanism or what? I imagine it is because the demon lords who ruled the Village are dead. ...All the sorcery that now has nowhere to go is running amok. In other words, the energy's gone nuts? Who cares what caused it! Let's get moving back the way we came! ...Okay, let's go. No, we can't! This underground lake is supposed to connect to the Tower of Druaga. If this place collapses, we'll lose our only way there! Yeah, but... There's gotta be some way out of here, right? Like, behind a mushroom or something. I have detected air flowing. This way. Hey, KOS-MOS! Jeez, wait for the rest of us! Damn, this place's toast...! Our only choice is to trust KOS-MOS! Haul ass! ...Farewell, Infernal Village...! {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, 59th Floor} ...So...the Infernal Village fell? Well, fine by me. I'm almost finished gathering the magic welling up from the Infernal Village to this tower. Besides, that Infernal Village needed to be dealt with sooner or later anyway. Now I needn't dirty my hands... I'm almost grateful. All that remains... is the Golden Knight. ...Come to me, Gilgamesh. This battle will end... with your death. {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga} Hell'z yeah, we made it to the surface! Wow... I thought we were going to be buried alive. Wait, that thing there... Don't tell me... is that...?! We finally made it... It's hard to believe... but it's the truth, isn't it, Gil? Yeah. The Tower of Druaga...! I can't believe it's recovered so completely. First the Infernal Village, next the Tower of Druaga? Very severe. So, in that tower... is the Demon Druaga...! This is the path we cannot avoid if we are to break Amazona's curse. Can we actually assault it? Well, we should assume they know we're coming. I'm sure this place is Druaga's front porch. Then there's no need for funny business. Let's go kick the goddamn door down...! Gil, do you know where in the tower Druaga is? ...I'm certain he's on the fifty ninth floor. We should head straight there. Wait. The Soul Edge is supposed to be in the tower too. ...Indeed. We must not overlook that sword. (Doubtless Yoritomo is in that tower too. My last hope... I shall entrust it to the Soul Edge...) I guess we'll have to split up the team then. One team to head for the enemy's nucleus... the fifty ninth floor, and one team to search for the Soul Edge. If the enemy is indeed aware of us, a rear guard will be needed too. Okay, a three-way split like before. Well, get cracking. Well... let's go, Gil. Yeah, our fight... we can finally end it, for real...! [CHAPTER 35. HE WHO THE DEVIL TEMPTS] {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, Entrance} Is everyone inside? Looks like they made it. I was certain someone would attack... Far less trouble than I expected. Indeed. Perhaps they don't actually care what goes on outside the tower after all. I care about that stuff over there. Oh ho, treasure chests. And a goodly number of them too. I cannot recommend getting your hopes too high. The treasure chests of the Infernal Village... do not always contain treasure within. Still hung up on that? No doubt you just wanna come in later and snag them all yourself. ...Um, I don't think Arthur's the kind of person to do that, unlike you, Tron. W-well... Those treasure chests look kind of ornamental to me... A trap? You betcha. Well then, if the enemy aren't coming out to meet us, I suppose we should go inside ourselves. Guess so. Besides, the longer we stay here, the better the odds of something weird happening. Having come this far, I'd find it rather boring if nothing happened. Quit joking around. I'm not joking. ...Or would you prefer to fight me, Jin? ...Don't screw with me, Mishima Heihachi...! Hey, you two! Cut it out! Aah! Motion signature detected! Hmm... it's somewhere very close! Heh, figures they'd find us with all this ruckus. ...So, we're surrounded. These enemies seem not to be of the Infernal Village. ...All are Druaga's men, then? Looks like you're in luck, Mishima. No boredom for you. Well, I suppose that's better than having it out with his own grandson? Hmph, not that these small fry are enough to satisfy me. ...Damn. Well then, let's do our job. Once we're sure we won't be followed, let's enter the tower ourselves. [after some throwdown...] We should make short work of them at this rate. I somehow doubt it'll be that simple. ...Don't you remember the usual pattern for these battles? Very unpleasant, and very true. I doubt we can let our guard down just yet. ...Hey, that'd make our job easier! ...What? ...I knew it... It really wasn't that easy... Hey, you came all this way out here. Can't let you go away empty-handed, see?! Ain't that right, Leilei hunny bunch? Yeah. ...NOT! Where'd you crawl out of this time?! Given he's a zombie, I'd expect he crawled out of a grave. ...He sure looks like it, doesn't he? No one told you to come here! Just get your butt back under the ground already! I doubt it will be that easy. ...Given the two he brought with him. ...Kanda Momo. So, it's come to this, Amazona. ...Your curse breaks... when we defeat the demon Druaga...! Your curse too, Tajima. The Infernal Village... has fallen. I shall smash this illusion... that "might makes right"...! You can't tell me you're unaware of the fact that that theory only applies to the victors, Nakamura. ...Perhaps it does. But you're treading the wrong path. And as a fellow business warrior, I can't let that slide...! Don't get all full of yerselves just cause you caught the demon lord with his pants down and made it outta the Infernal Village alive! When it comes to "might" an' shit, you ain't seen the half of what this place got! What...? Those are the robots Bakuda made...? And prototypes of Jack too? ... Doctor Bakuda's robots and... Wayahime...?! Don't tell me she defected back to the enemy side?! Not if you look closely. Looks like those're the mass-production model. Judging from the other robots... they must all have been made by that robot manufacturing machine in the pyramid. Did he bring them with him? THAT'S RIGHT! I gots organizational power or whatever the hell on my side! To think the day would come when a zombie utters the words "organizational power"... Heh heh heh heh... (I suppose I should assume... that Tajima taught him that.) Well don't mix Amazona up in it! Today, today for sure... Please wait! An abnormal energy signature is approaching rapidly from inside the tower! Energy signature? What's coming next? Damn. ...I wasn't planning on being careless, and yet where did all these enemies come from...?! Heh heh heh... so, you did come after all... I've been waiting. A demon...? No... I remember seeing him! Who are you?! ...Mishima Kazuya...! Great, him of all people...! Plus... his "Waves" are stronger than before...?! Argh...! Hey, Kazama! You okay?! Don't... worry... I'm fine... Kazama Jin... my avatar. Allow me to have your body. Now is the time for you to assume your rightful form...! (That's not Kazuya... is that that "Devil" personality...?) (Does that have something to do with this abnormal reaction I'm having...? Urgh...) Oh no you don't, Kazuya. Out of the way, doddering old fool...! I have no use for you. Begone. You see, I can't just stand by and watch my darling son and grandson beat each other's brains out. Heh heh heh... ...Enough... farce... Mishima Heihachi...! Uhh...! Uglargh....! Yo, Kazama! Hey!! Hee hee-haw! Lookin' kinda fun down there! Now it's time to get shit underway! Bastard's rotten body _and_ soul! Go to hell, fucker! This IS Hell! Yaaaaaa-hooooo!! Here they come...! Hey, can Kazama move?! Mister Jin! Please pull yourself together! Hmm...? Is that power emanating from Kazama's body... magic...? ... This looks bad! We're gonna have to fight _and_ protect him! That was my plan anyway. Come and get me...! (Whether or not Kazama awakens... I'm sure the results will be quite interesting. But...) (...Surely it's not a good idea to let Kazuya be the only one to receive the "fruits" of my labors.) Old fool... I don't know what you're scheming, but I have one objective only... ...Awaken, Kazama Jin!! ...I...will... [pummel Devil Kazuya a bit] Uhhh... It's working! Just a little more! He doesn't seem to be out of stamina... Is there some other reason for his apparent discomfort? This's happened before. Has his other personality awakened? So, you've appeared... Mishima Kazuya...! Jin.. I... I'll show you that I can master this power...! And for, a half-devil... I'll defeat you with my own hands...! ...No, you will not. The "Devil Factor" slumbering in your and Jin's bodies... I won't let it out of my sight! ... ...Don't make me laugh. I... I won't be the means to your freedom...! I am Kazama Jin...! I'm me...! This body, that Kazama Jun, my mother gave me... Hell if I'm gonna let anyone else have their way with it!! OooooooooOOOOOOOOO!! Hrm...?! The magic enveloping him is gone...! Did he just dispel his own curse?! Jin! You had me worried for a sec, but looks like you're okay! Yeah. My doubts are all gone. I'm gonna fight... using my _human_ powers...! Jin... you...! I don't know what you were planning, but it looks like it was in vain, Mishima. ...Hmph, it matters not. Jin, can you move? Quit pretending to encourage me. You're making me shiver. If you can speak to me in that tone of voice, I suppose you're okay. Fine, so be it. (So, he restrained the effects of the Devil Factor by force of will?) (Heh heh heh... In other words, Factor can be controlled by the human body... Is that it?) Umm... please don't quarrel. S-something else is coming... Something else is coming...? Wait, Momo?! ... Gnosis...! Considering the fact that Sturm was in the Infernal Village... I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. ...Though we don't know on what scale. Just what's so special about this Infernal World, anyway? Too many people, too many things... don't you agree? Save the investigation for later. Kazama, I know you just woke up, but we got company. You're good to go in this fight, right? ...Sorry for the trouble. I'm fine now. Please, do your stuff. Okay! Doing my stuff now! ...! Now we're even. Still plenty of enemies, and we gotta take them out one at a time. Demons from the Infernal World, plus space monsters - We're gonna blow them all away! Kazama Jin...! I'm all set here. ...Let's settle this, Mishima Kazuya. We don't need some weird-ass "Factor" in our fight!! [combat continues...] ... T-Tron! Something else just came to get us! Those lizards... aren't those... Velociraptors...! Have they been following us all this time...? Ever since the entrance to the Infernal Village?! Another heat source approaching! I don't think this is the last of them! ... I knew it, the allosaurus...! The rest of the pack always gathers around it! For real? They had to have come through the Infernal Village to make it here, right? But... I have difficulty believing that dinosaurs are that intelligent... Indeed. ...Even with the demon lord defeated and the Infernal Village in ruins, it should not be so easily traversed. ...They're here. It's a fact. Debating possibilities and means is pointless. Quite right. Don't let a few lizards scare you. ...We have many more important things to worry about. ... It's like it's listening to what we're saying... It's really giving me the creeps... ...That's not all. For whatever reason, it's also radiating bloodlust. They're after us... that much is crystal clear. Yee-haw! Well, ain't we popular nowadays! Hey! How come we're the only ones going through Hell right now?! Clear animosity... the tendency to pursue designated enemies to whatever end... Bruce, you don't think...?! ...Don't be ridiculous, Fongling. It's coincidence. Ain't that obvious...? Or maybe it's just cause you're so popular? Bruce, that's enough of the bad jokes... I ain't joking. 'Cause otherwise, we're in for a world of hurt. Ain't no way we can contemplate what Fongling's suggesting... ...That those dinosaurs are infected with the "Virus"...! [take Kazuya out] Urgh...!! This tower will be your grave! Mishima Kazuya...! DIE!! I don't think so. I finally got myself back...! Just like you, Jin. Say what?! It'll take a while before the Devil's power is completely mine to command. Until then... I'm postponing our duel. Fuck your little schedule! Heh heh... don't be in such a rush. Besides, someone else's interested in the outcome. Isn't that right, Heihachi? ...You can go, Kazuya. And next time, show me what the power of the Devil really looks like. You shut up, Heihachi! ...Heh heh heh... Hahahahahaha!! Damn! ... (What an interesting development. Next time will be the last, will it? Heh heh... and then what?) [demolish some more...] Heat source, approaching rapidly! Ummm.... I think it's a person! Man, welcome to the tourist capital of the Infernal World. Who the hell is it this time?! From those Gnosis we saw already, I think I can guess. Yes, if those Gnosis were "created", then... ...It could only be the Grand Master's men. So, this is where that high energy reading was coming from... Hmm?! Hiryuu...! ...Hien, judging from the fact that you're in action yourself... That's right, Hiryuu. We've succeeded in mastering Dimensional Transfer. Given that, can you imagine what He is planning...? ...He plans to take over all the worlds? W-world domination! I swear... why is it that every single bad guy has the same final goal? All the worlds?... I'd say this is on a rather different scale. Hmph, what am amusing idea. Setting aside the amusement value... As an ally of Justice, I cannot stand by and watch that happen! We've got to defeat the demon Druaga! Please do your world domination somewhere else! I didn't ask for your permission. "Eliminate anyone in the way"... those are my orders. Hien, don't waste your breath. ...Far quicker to just dispose of everyone here and then wipe out the tower from the air. What do you mean, from the air? What, did they bring a goddamn bomber with them? I'd love to know what kind of souvenirs one buys in Hades. Well, I died once. ...The aerial battleship Balrog. Hiryuu, I'm sure you've heard of it. Balrog... the jumbo assault battleship powered by anti-gravity? Correct. And by adding Psychodrive to it... we've now achieved Dimensional Transfer. Psychodrive...! Hey, you! You better not have come here with Vega! Vega...? He is... You're talking too much, Hien. Knock it off...! So, the young lady stopped him? It would seem the conversation is ended. ...All that remains, is the fighting. I don't know why you gave us that information... but our mission hasn't changed. ... Hiryuu, I... you... ...Disgraceful, Hien. I already told you that my mission isn't over yet. ...No matter what power you bring to bear, my heart will not be moved. First I kill you... then I destroy that battleship. Come and get it, Hien. ...Are our paths really destined never to meet, Hiryuu? [neutralize Amazona] ... Look, she stopped moving. Maybe she's... sane again?! Amazona! She ran into the tower?! ...I get it. Whoever's controlling her is inside. Demon Druaga...! Gil, if I don't make it, please...! [next goes Black Berabou] Not yet... It's not over yet, Nakamura...! You should know better, Tajima! ...You should know that you can never win like this! You think I'm just going to accept that?! Do you think I'm just going to give up because I know I'm wrong?! You... you're just like me!! ... I can still fight...! Just you watch, Nakamura! What a hard-ass, as usual. Plus, he thinks he's like you, Mister Hero. What's he talking about? Those strengthening suits you two wear? No, not that. We're both salarymen... We do what we must, whether or not it's right. The only question is whether or not we can execute. Must be tough being a Japanese businessman. (That's why it must be ended by force. ...And by any means necessary.) [the bigger they are...] ...!! I can't believe it's still alive... What's going on, Bruce?! You sure you don't have some idea?! ... (There's no way that could happen... How could those dinosaurs be... "contaminated"...?!) [so much for the East Wind...] I'm pulling out for now...! Wait. Who're those black folks dressed like you? My clones. And next time we fight, they'll be stronger. Strong enough to kill your worthless ass...! ...I'm not foolish enough to let some meaningless trick take me down. If they plan to wear black, they'd better not try to win with numbers. ...Damn. [Zabel loses] Y-you got me... Just give it up already! Get it over with and stick your head into that guillotine! Yow!! Scar-eee! With the Infernal Village in ruins, you are running out of people to guard your back. And in that tower is the Golden Knight, Gilgamesh. Druaga's fall is a mere matter of time. Fuck! Don't get too high 'n' mighty, jackass! If Druaga goes down, that's good for me! It means... his power's mine!! He actually went into the tower... I swear, I wish I had some of that weird optimism of his... [Hi-endo!] Damn, is the only way to fight these people all-out war...?! Sure, bring on your all-out war. ...That's the best way for us to settle this mess once and for all. Don't give them too many ideas. The last thing we need is that aerial battleship on our tail, Captain. ...Hien, tell Him that if He wants us eliminated, He'd better come in person. Don't be ridiculous, Hiryuu...! I have no intention of sullying His hands with this...! Hiryuu, the pride of the Striders is on the line... Next time, you're going to disappear for good. ...That's "former" to you. No traitor has the right to claim the Striders' name. ...Grr... (...The aerial battleship Balrog... Looks like He's finally getting serious.) Did we finally kick all their asses? Man, one after another... But if we weren't here, they'd have all flooded into the tower itself. It turned out okay at least. Besides, we gathered plenty of information. An aerial battleship, huh?... What a monster they've dragged over here. ... Looks like we'd better hurry. It ain't no fun getting bombed. I wonder if there's any way they'd be willing to blow Druaga away for us. If only it was that easy. Besides, if they did, King and the others inside would be in plenty of danger, right? Well, I do not know if the Tower of Druaga can be harmed by external attacks... Momo, can you get through to the people inside the tower? ... ...It's no use. I can't open any channels. In which case... we'd better go in and contact them directly. I've heard... that the only thing inside is stairs. Goodness... that certainly sounds difficult. Sixty floors, was it? ...Are we certain there is no elevator? Hmph, what kind of young person are you? A mere sixty floors - you should be able to sprint that far. I think you might want to start acting your age sometime... Anyway, let's go. We've got to... defeat Druaga...! [CHAPTER 36. HEROES OF THE DEMON TEMPLE] {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, Intermediate Floor} T-this is really sucking... Huh? What's up? Maybe it's all those bad guys who've been kicking our ass all the way here? Hell no! It's these damn stairs! Say what? What kind of dumbass builds a tower this freaking tall without an elevator?! Or an escalator?!? Deny access to the elderly and infirm why dontcha! If this is all it takes to make you cry out, your training is far from complete. Would you like to rest here? There's no motion or heat sources on sensors... Looks like there's no enemies on this floor. You wanna just hang out here? The Soul Edge's gotta be somewhere in this tower. Plus there's Gilgamesh and them that went on ahead. ...I don't know about Gilgamesh's group, but the Soul Edge might be closer than you think. What...? What's that s'posed to mean, Taki? Observe. ...Mekkimaru is crying. The Soul Edge... must be nearby. Is that true, kunoichi? Are you saying the sword is on this floor? I have no proof. But... it is worth a good look. Armor King, according to Gilgamesh, the Soul Edge is inside a treasure chest... correct? A treasure chest... well, there weren't any on any of the lower floors. But there's one here. Wonder if any of them have some nice cold towels inside? What kind of treasure chest is that? Ooh, how about this one? Hey, Felicia, don't go off on your own. That is a treasure chest... correct? All this way in... They're all over the place. And the Soul Edge is in one of them? If we want to find out... looks like we'll have to break the locks. This may be a trap. You'd better be careful. If that's the gut tells me it's over here. So, who's comin' with me? I swear, isn't anyone the least bit worried that we're in some demon's tower? See, check it out. There's a whole damn pile of treasure. I can't believe this guy. ...What'd you do, sniff them out? Well, there really are a bunch of treasure chests through those bars. With that many of them, maybe the Soul Edge really is around somewhere! Let's find out before the bad guys show up. We'll check out those treasure chests over there. After that, we go up a floor. Great... no rest for the weary... You think there's a leg massager in one of them? Oh, that does sound nice. I imagine that would let me climb a good twenty floors more. ...Professor Hideo, please don't forget why we're here. All we need is the Soul Edge. ...We must hurry. That sword, the Soul Edge, must be... Ho ho ho.... Oh no you don't, Kagekiyo. ...!! The Soul Edge... shall not be yours. Yoritomo...!! He didn't show up on sensors...?! Shit, so that's Minamoto Yoritomo, huh...?! That man's aura is... different from Yoshitsune or Benkei. Beware, one and all, this is a very dangerous foe. And it looks like he just ambushed us. So... these treasure chests really were a trap? Impossible... don't tell me they already got Gilgamesh and the others ahead of us...?! You need not worry. Kagekiyo is my only aim. I care not for the others. Druaga is welcome to them up ahead. ...Meaning Masuyo and the rest made it up safely. How felicitous. One less thing to worry about. Get that look off your face. Look how close they are! Ho ho ho... I could not engage you from long range, you see. Engage, huh? What happened to your friends Yoshitsune and Benkei? Or are we that low in your estimation? They have their own task to perform. Until they finish, I shall be your opponent. Is this guy confident or what? Oh, we'll make him sorry. He looks tough... but we can't let him win! ... Yo, Kagekiyo, ain't you got some beef with him? What're you standin' around pickin' yer nose for?! Oh, I know quite well what is running through your mind, Kagekiyo. Ho ho ho... Yo, bro! How's about some fighting spirit here?! What's gotten into you?! ... Something seems amiss... but we cannot tarry here forever. Right. For starters, we gotta get out of here. Let's do it, Felicia! Okay! Let's tear that Yoritomo guy to shreds! The enemy leader is right before us... We must not let this chance elude us! Agreed. If these seek to disorder the world of man, they must be struck down...! Ha ha ha... You know not your place, other-worlders. Come, and find out. (Only two of the Sacred Vessels have I... Can I beat him? Here...?) [kill at will] You leave yourself open, Yoritomo...!! Yasakani-no-Magatama! Yata-no-Kagami! Grant me your power!! Aaaahhhh!! You did it! You DID IT!! So fast...! That approach, that strike... Perfect. L-O-V-E! KA-GE-KI-YO! ...And stuff. That was one mighty fine swing! (Did it do it...?!) [evidently not...] Who are these samurai...?! Enemy reinforcements? Looks like they came from upstairs. These... are those goons who protected the Genji boss. ... And they brought those mutants from Baraduke too...! ...Yoshitsune. So, this is the floor you were on, Kagekiyo. And Mitsurugi too, or whatever they call you. And what you gonna do about it? ...Hey, I got a great idea. Let's settle this right the fuck now!! Minamoto Yoshitsune, Musashibou Benkei and Kiso Yoshinaka. I do believe you're a tiny bit late. What do you mean, "late", woman? She means this! Your boss just got his ass totally trashed like five seconds ago! ...Elder brother, we have returned. We believe the Soul Edge to be on this floor. ...These guys didn't hear a word you said. Like she just told you, Yoritomo just got... Have you no eyes to see? What...he's still here?! ... Ho ho ho ho ho... Your swordsmanship seems better than before... But you shall not defeat me. This farce ends here, Kagekiyo. Grr.... I knew it...! W-what is going on here?! I was certain he was defeated... Did he play dead or something? No, this is... regeneration?! Huh? What was that? He came back to life?! Sorcery...?! Is that even possible...?! Hey, Kagekiyo! You knew this would happen, didn't you?! ... Kagekiyo, how may he be defeated? One of the three Sacred Vessels... Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, is missing. Without it, he cannot fall. H-hey, wait a minute! Don't suddenly tell me we can't win! Ho ho ho... Hey, can't we use "it"? ...The Soul Edge. You mean our only choice is to find it? Futility. ...Ushiwaka, dispatch them. As you command. Forward, Oniwaka, Komaoumaru. As you wish. May the depths of despair claim you, Kagekiyo. Yes... even as you regret ever defying our clan. ... N-now what?! How do we get outta this one?! You can start by fighting back! I for one don't believe... they can't die... But if so, we've got to find a chance to escape...! Hmmm.... If we can't defeat them, I think we're screwed... (Where are you... where are you, Soul Edge...?!) [don't give up yet] Kagekiyo...! I commend you on facing my forces so valiantly! ... Yo, I got chunks of guys like these in my stool! Don't forget who you're fightin' here! The kid's got spirit, I give him that... Too bad we're kinda outta time for that stuff. The longer this battle lasts, the more it plays into their hands. If the monsters in this tower start gathering here... we'll be crushed by numbers alone. All the heroics in the world don't appear to have a chance of salvaging this battle. If we cannot strike Yoritomo down, shall we not at least eliminate his subordinates? Indeed. Without his assistants, his limitations are obvious. No. ...Unless his sorcery is cloven, the Genji army can be raised again. Even if Yoshitsune or Benkei are cut down... they will not truly die. O ho ho ho... you grasp your situation quite well. As long as Lord Kamakura is with us, we will know no defeat. Yield, Kagekiyo. ...Looks like we've gotta take out the head before the body dies. But, that head can't be crushed. ...Meaning our hands are tied. Then what? ... Kunoichi, have you not located the Soul Edge yet? If I had, we would not be in this mess. Mekkimaru's cries all this while... Huh?! What...?! E-energy response...! It's coming from inside this room! [indeed] ... Those monsters... Ain't those the Soul Edge's avatars or some shit...?! Meaning... Yo, Taki! Mekkimaru...! Indeed, there can be no more doubt...! The Soul Edge is in this room! ...Are you certain?! Yeah, I feel the sword's power...! It really was over there! Well, we know where it is... But it's a bit early to celebrate until we actually grab it. Well, let's go do just that then. ...Every time that sword shows up, the enemy doesn't just stand by and watch, Sabine. Ho ho ho... You are correct. My clan shall be the bearers of that evil sword. I will not let you. Yoritomo, that sword shall cleave your powers... in my hand...! Looks like the early bird gets the worm. Looks well-defended. Grabbing it will be a right bastard... but there's no other way. ...Besides, we're not the only ones after it. Reiji...? Oh bloody hell, her too? Looks like her timing still sucks rocks. ...I see, so that was it. Even if we wished to grab the sword and withdraw, we just lost our escape route. Nice to see you too. Oh my, am I interrupting something? Can't you tell by looking! What're you doing hanging around here?! I seem to recall she can travel to wherever the sword is at will. Since the Soul Edge's shown itself fully, she got to use that ability to come here. ...Right, Saya? Right on the money, boy. Anyway, don't mind me. I'm not greedy. I'll just be taking the sword and leave you kids alone. If that ain't greedy, I don't know what is! No cutting in line! ...It has been a while, ghost fox. Well, if it isn't Lord Yoritomo. Long time no see. Must be tough coming all the way out here. Ho ho ho. Are we not comrades? Lend me your aid, and you shall not regret it. Oh come now, don't say things that could be misinterpreted. But... knowing me, I'm pretty set in my ways. I suppose I can't refuse, can I? What the hell? What kinda insta-truce is that?! I got it... these fuckers must have been in cahoots behind the scenes. ...This's getting more farcical by the minute. That's nothing new. I'm used to it by now. Yoritomo or no, she's not the kind of woman to just back away. Now about the Soul Edge. I don't care who... _somebody_ make it over there and grab that sword...! Pout! Won't anyone play with me? We're busy right now. Now, you could try to get in the way, in which case we'll cut you in half. ...Keep that in mind as you attack. The Soul Edge... it could vanish at any moment. Let us make haste...! [Yoshitsune falls] it can't... this can't be happening... E-elder brother...!! [Yoshinaka does too] So... lamentable...! How... could I... in a place... like this...! Lord Kamakura... please redeem... these... lamentations... [Benkei follows suit] Kagekiyo...! Kagekiyooooo!! Not yet... The battle... is not... over yet! The... battle isn't... L-Lord... Kamakura...!! [So much for Saya] I was thiiiis close... Boy, when will you people learn to consider other people's schedules? I don't give a damn about your schedule. ...My schedule says you die here...! Ooh, I'm scared... It's only scary at first. You'll get used to it. ...I can't let you chop me up with that sword of yours with a chance this big staring me in the face, now can I? What...? Don't you get it, boy? ...The Soul Edge's sorcery is stable right now. ...She's right... right now, that sword is... Yo, vixen! What're you standing around for?! Heh heh... why indeed? Ciao. Now what, Reiji? I doubt she's gone far. No... under the circumstances, we can't split our forces here. And of course she knows that, and of course she has plenty of time to Monroe-walk her way out of here. ...Never mind her. Let's hurry up and grab that Soul Edge. [get someone next to the Soul Edge] So, the time's finally come. The Soul Edge's mine...! ...Huh?! Don't tell me it's gonna teleport again?! We must not let this chance elude us!! That sword is our last hope...! Hold the phone, bro! Kagekiyo! Stop this!! You don't know what will happen! Don't look before you leap, dumbass! Umm, wouldn't it be kinda dangerous to touch that right now...! Get caught in a Transfer... and there's no telling where you'll end up! Kagekiyo! Hold your goddamn horses!! This sword... is mine!! Impossible... Kagekiyo!! Whooaaaaaa!!!! Energy signature rapidly enlarging...! Spatial distortion is beginning...! This is bad! Everyone, scatter! Kagekiyo!! T-this is... Kagekiyo's sword... changed?! Kusanagi-no-... Tsurugi...! B-but how...?! Kagekiyo, cease these jokes at once! You could not possibly have that sword! That abominable blade was supposedly lost during the previous battle! ...So... this is what Andaba meant. Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi... has been in my hands all this time. ...I don't think I caught that. What's the deal here? I don't know either... but I think that sword was somehow sealed away. Sealed... you say? Something akin to a limiter designed to restrict output. So why would that limitation get broken now? It's the Soul Edge. By contacting that sword's sorcery... I see now. What about the Soul Edge?! I-it vanished... What the hell?! The energy signature vanished along with the spatial distortion. ...The Soul Edge is out of range. Fuck! Just one more step...! Hey, can't we... can't we beat him now?! Beat Yoritomo? Grr... rrrrrrr.... Finally, the three Sacred Vessels are in my hands. The time has come to end these travails. I won't permit it... I will never return to that shadowed River Styx... ever again! Come forth to protect me! Those monsters... here, in the tower? Looks that way. I think I remember that dragon. But man... That damn Yoritomo up and fled at the first sign of trouble. ...Just goes to show that the power of Kagekiyo's sword is the real deal. I doubt Yoritomo's pretending to be that scared. Indeed, he is in quite a rush. ...We cannot let this chance slip. ...Ready yourself, Yoritomo. This will be your grave... you and all the Genji clan. [take him down] It can't be... I... my... dream... impossible... impossible... Yoritomo, return to your own world...! The world where you belong...! I will not vanish...! My soul is... im...mortal... ...H-he vanished... Well, that was impressive. Guess all bosses go out with a bang like that. You taking notes, Reiji? Quit trying to jinx me. However he went out... this is a great victory. Yeah. The Soul Edge skipped out on us... but no more Genji spooks to worry about. ... Kagekiyo, you have achieved total victory. ...Yes. Hmm... Is something bothering you? Get a grip, bro. Well, I guess your job's finished, but our fight isn't yet. Sabine, you don't have to put it that way. What matters is that another enemy organization has fallen. Right. Now all we have to do is take out the Tower of Druaga... (And, "he" should be somewhere in the Infernal World... Vega...) ... Can someone explain to me why everyone is all fired up _except_ the guy whose job this was in the first place? What's with that attitude? Kagekiyo, what's bothering you? ...Nothing. Do not worry. (My body... regardless of Yoritomo's defeat, will rot away...) (The last time, the moment I struck him down... I returned to the River Styx...) (Am I being left alive...? Or...) Well, the last thing we need is to be attacked from behind. Before we go up, let's finish off the stragglers. The enemy're all gone. Let's hurry upstairs! Indeed. We've spent quite enough time here. Let's try to catch up with Gilgamesh and the others. My fortune telling shows... little good. I think we're running out of time. You're okay, right, Kagekiyo?! If this is some kind of slacking off because your mission is over... I'd give it a rest if I were you. C'mon! It's no fun if you quit here! Right! Right!? Forget about fun or boring. Just stick with us until the end. You've come this far. Is that okay with you, Mister Samurai? ...I do not mind. ... Hmm? What's up, Reiji? Don't try imitating Kagekiyo. You're the wrong color, for starters. That's not it. It's Saya. That's right, she did leave pretty quickly, didn't she? She said something about it was stable... That sword... maybe she's got a plan to grab it. Oh, we can't have that vixen getting her paws on the Soul Edge, now can we? That's just an excuse to save her own skin. ...I sure hope so. (She may be a trickster, but that woman's also proud. I doubt she'd lie like that with no good reason...) [CHAPTER 37. DESTRUCTION OF THE INFERNAL REALM] {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, 59th Floor} Good grief... where are we now? What's wrong, Kanzuki? What makes these people think they can build a building this tall without an elevator... or even an escalator?! Stair-climbing is perfect for improving leg strength. Just think of this as part of your training. Your enthusiasm never seems to dim. _That_ is not the problem. Gawd, what a wuss. Quit bitchin' just 'cause of a few stairs. Of course, we did ride our bike up... Everyone, please get serious! This is the fifty-ninth floor of the Tower of Druaga... Druaga himself could attack us at any moment! Gil! Say something to them! Ah, cut them some slack, Kai. The last time I visited this place... I was all alone. Gil... But this time, I've got trusty comrades at my side. I never expected to be standing here again, much less feeling that way. I'm grateful to everyone, not mad. N-now you're making me blush... Heh, such is the Golden Knight. It appears his many talents include regulating morale. Hey, quit with that kind of twisted thinking. Now now, we made it this far. Let's all stay on the same team, okay? ...Speaking of which, where'd Masuyo and them get to? Wasn't she saying something about a two-pronged attack? She said she was going to make it up here through a pitfall. Do you think it worked? If it works, we can avoid the enemies' traps. Let's believe in her and move on. Whoa, it's the bad guys! Heh... only natural they'd find us with this much commotion. I suppose we should be grateful they didn't actually ambush us. This presence... I think all the monsters on this floor are acting in concert. Their magic... is not particularly strong. Confound that Druaga. So he means to send in cannon-fodder and watch from the shadows? I don't know what Druaga's thinking... But our options are limited. Let's go. Druaga must be around here somewhere. Let's find him... and defeat him...! [inflict casualties] Looks like we finally made it up... I didn't think it'd be so hard. Well, it's dark, and crowded... I wasn't sure we'd make it at all. Hell, with all these bikes and robots and whatnot, you gotta expect some trouble fittin' through holes. Ain't like they're built for big dudes like us neither. ... One might call it a total planning breakdown. Enough belly-aching. We made it, didn't we? KOS-MOS, what's our status? Multiple heat sources and energy signatures. I have Gantz's bike... and the energy Demitri gives off, among others. Then we'd better hurry! Let's take out these bars here.. I'm gonna hit them with a missile! Everyone, stand back! Hmm?! What was that noise just now? That was an explosion... Kinda sounds like one of those missiles on Hiromi's bike, don't it? Which would mean they made it safely. I suppose they're... somewhere on the other side of this floor. Okay, let's meet up. I'm sure our enemies will change their tactics after this. Stay sharp, everyone. ...Druaga might still show up himself. ... Hmm...!? This magic... where is it coming from?! Strong energy signature detected. Unable to analyze. I believe it is emanating from the center of this floor. This aura... how incredibly evil...! It's on another level yet from Gouki and Vega. Huh? What happened? Stan, this is a terrifying amount of magic. Watch out! Who could be the bearer of such power...?! It can't be...! This magic... and foreboding... there can be no mistake. It is the demon Druaga...! ... So, we finally lured him out? Only one thing to do now that he's shown himself... kill him. He's... at the center of this floor? ...No, if Druaga's up to his old tricks, that's probably not the real one. Not the real one...? What do you mean, Gilgamesh? You mean an imposter? A representative? Call it... an avatar. The last time we fought, it took the form of a Hyper Knight. Then a Wizard... and then a Qox. And at the very last... He appeared himself. ...Do you think he'll try the same thing, Gil? Probably. But... He's going down. That's... why I'm here. [take out Druaga the first time] ... Alright! We defeated Druaga's avatar...! What amazing stamina. What on earth is that made out of...? If it uses a special metal, I must have it for my inventory. Come on, you two. We've got bigger things to worry about... That's right. From what Gilgamesh told us... we've got at least two more of them to worry about. That's right. Don't get careless, everyone. ...The next attack should come any minute. ... ...The presence which that knight projected is now... quadrupled...? Gilgamesh, are those...? Yes, Druaga's avatars. I get it, they look like the magic users we've been fighting... but the strength of their aura is far greater...! ...So, Druaga, everything remains the same. Do you underestimate me? ... Looks as though... he won't answer. We don't need him to answer, Kai. Nor does he need our words. ...I'll cut you down...! ... Multiple motion signatures - I believe enemy reinforcements are arriving. Well well well, looks like he don't need words to call for help. This some kinda "silent scream" B.S.? Maybe they... exchanged glances? Not like it matters. Gil, these magicians... are all four of them Druaga's avatars? ...Of the four Wizards, only one is the real thing. And... there's no way to tell them apart. Huh? So what're we supposed to do? Don't think too hard, man. It's simple, ain't it? ...We need only slay all four. Is that so? How terribly inefficient... ... Look, we're wasting more time just talking. C'mon... let's get 'em! No other choice I suppose. Shall we divide and conquer? Druaga has yet to show himself. ...We appear to be in for a long battle. Protracted fighting goes with the territory, Maiden Knight. But we _will_ lure him out here, one way or the other...! [take out all four...] ... It seems that was the one. ...To be sure, that was the fourth one. Our luck sucks, doesn't it. Considering that this battle was a process of elimination, I do not believe it was a waste of time. She is absolutely right. However... I seem to recall that the main course is still to come. ... The Holy Dragon Qox...! ...No, it feels... wrong...?! ... Jennety is right. The form is different, but the energy it's giving off is exactly like those other avatars we just fought. Druaga's avatars... this should be the last of them. This magic is Druaga's...! But how could he make himself look like Qox...? Heat sources approaching. There are... three! T-they're big! Three large bogeys...? Looks like they're bringing out the heavy metal. "Big" is merely an accumulation of "small"... or so they say. The Silver Dragon and the Black Dragon... and Qox...?! What?!? Two of the dragons are identical...?! Could that be the real one?! It's a regular dragon convention over here. Pretty damn epic. Ah, they're puny compared to a Dust Dragon. Yeah, that rotten dragon was uber huge. Next to that... The hell're you talking about? ...That sucker was too big to frigging move. These ones're way more trouble. And yet we've got to defeat them...! Let's go...! ... Gil, what about the real Qox?! ...Druaga's curse ends here. And to do that... we may have to put Qox to sleep for a while. So like, we gotta beat it senseless, right? Pretty violent, but I guess that's the way. It's not as though we have enough time to pull our punches anyway. ...Get distracted and it'll be you beaten senseless. He's right. Four monsters... this looks painful. I'm sorry, everyone. We've got to bring Druaga to ground here! [take out Qox] I'm sorry, Qox... Was defeating him... our only choice? Can you think of any other way? If you lose your grip, we'll all end up burned to a crisp. Wait. Something about that dragon is... odd. Motion signature lost. I believe it headed downstairs. Qox?! What?! Kai, you needn't follow it. ...Qox just left this place of his own free will. Druaga's curse is broken. Then, if we defeat Druaga, the Holy Dragon Qox will be... Back to normal...! Our mission hasn't changed. Slay Druaga...! That's all. [take out the other Qox] ... This bastard sure loves wasting our time...! We ain't got time for bellyachin' yet, partner. In fact... here comes the hard part. Umm, next comes... the last one, right? Yeah, this is when the "real thing" shows up. Stand back, Roll. Whoa, all the torches just lit! It seems they are using some theatrical devices. ...Guess he's coming. Man, fuck this guy and his cheap tricks! Gil... Yeah, at last. Energy signature, expanding rapidly. Although I cannot analyze it, I believe it is akin to that of the designated "avatars of Druaga". Finally... the time has come. Demon Druaga... show yourself...! ... So, we meet again... Golden Knight, Gilgamesh! I never wanted to see you again, Demon Druaga. That goes for you too, priestess of that abhorrent goddess Ishtar. I feel like Gil. I never thought I would see you again. Such hatred. Well... fear not. After this, you won't be able to see me ever again. W-what do you mean? He means, one side or the other... dies, Kai. Gil... Ah, Gilgamesh actually understands! Damn right I do. Ever since I heard your name...! This conversation, and this aura... I think that's the real thing. S-so this is the demon Druaga... Masuyo, he looks _super_ strong! And all those arms! ...Well, he _is_ an enemy boss. Don't expect him to be lame, Hiromi. It's not about strong and weak, it's about who's got numbers. We've just gotta overwhelm him! Don't get cocky, you fools!! ...! Well, looks like he's got royal guards up the wazoo. Knights to protect the king, is it? Old-fashioned, but effective. I guess that evens out the two sides... Damn, you mean we have to defeat all of them before we can defeat Druaga...?! ...Ignore the escorts. Just aim for the Demon Druaga's head. He's right. If we defeat Druaga, the guards will lose their power. And by that logic, Kanda Momo's friend Amazona will be freed from her curse too... Is that the idea? Oh, that's right! We gotta do this...! I must be slipping. You think you can claim my head? ...What a laugh. You just keep laughing there, Druaga. ...Until my sword buries itself in your flesh. Shut your ignorant mouth, Gilgamesh...! This place will be your grave!! [Druaga falls] Urgh...graaah...!! Did we get him...?! Druaga is... in pain! G-Gilgameshhhhh!!! Kai!! We finish this now!! Do your stuff! Okay, Gil! Demon Druaga, say your prayers!! Gi...lga..mesh...! Not once... but twice...! It doesn't matter how often we fight. ...This happens every time, Druaga. I won't... forget...!! And... remember... this... My hatred will... never fade...! My hatred... you... I'll get...!! ... The unanalyzable energy filling this block is now dissipating. She's talkin' bout Druaga's magic I guess? Then, Druaga is totally... Gil... it's over, right...? Yeah, it's over, Kai. Now Qox should be back to being a Holy Dragon. A splendid battle, Golden Knight, Gilgamesh. It wasn't just my power. It took everyone's power together. Flattery will get you nowhere, you know. Unlike Kanzuki, Gil isn't the kind of person to think like that. ...Did you say something, Sakura? ... Let's not fight, after all the trouble we went through to defeat the enemy boss. Hmm...? Stan? ... What is it, Stan? Druaga is... Hmm? Oh... Well, I'm kinda worried about Druaga's last words. You're not Karin or Sakura, Stan. You should read things clearer than that. Just be glad that we managed to defeat him. You needn't fill your ears with the words of the defeated. Hmph, the lingering grudge of a demon. ...Such things are not to be taken lightly. Assuming you wish to keep your legs beneath you, Gilgamesh. ...I will bear that in mind. And if he should appear again, I'll defeat him again. In any case, I'm concerned about the others. Now that we've defeated Druaga, there's no need to go up to the 60th floor. Yes, we should go down and meet them... Eek! W-what the?! That was... some kind of explosion?! This shaking... and that noise...?! Don't tell me there's another trap at work?! Perhaps Druaga activated a self-destruct system. Don't smile while saying that! ...So, is this really self-destruct?! No. That sounds more like... we're being bombed. Yeah, best bet is... we're under attack. Yo, Gilgamesh. What's on the floor above this one? Just the 60th floor... the tower's summit. Gil, what should we do? ...Well, we can't just ignore it. It's dangerous... but we've got to be sure. Let's go to the 60th floor, everyone! {Infernal World... Tower of Druaga, 60th Floor} W-what the...?! What's going on?! The Tower of Druaga is being destroyed! Oh shit! Hey now! This tower's crumbling, isn't it?! No, look up! In the sky! W-what on Earth?! That's a... battleship!? Is it attacking the tower?! Roll, do you know anything?! I've never seen that type of ship before. It wasn't made with this world's technology... I kinda feel like it came from our world... ...Correct. Whoa, Hiryuu! And everyone else! Things went well on our end. And... I guess you took out Druaga too. Yes, and this is apparently our reward. If it's not one thing, it's another... No rest for the weary, it seems. We should have just gone downstairs. We cannot just stick our heads in the sand. Hiryuu, you sound like you recognize that ship. What is it? ...The aerial battleship Balrog. One of Grand Master Meiou's weapons. Grand Master...! I see, so Sturm and the others must have ridden it to this world! T-then, Vega must also be on it...?! Man, is that how he got here? But we've got no way to get aboard...! ... There is one way. How? Erect a "bridge". A bridge...? What do you mean? How... Lady Valkyrie, are you talking about "that" magic? Yes, the magic we once used while fighting Zouna...! This place won't last forever. ...If you've got something in mind, do it fast. ...Very well. I shall use the "rainbow bridge". Rainbow say? O rainbow bridge... guide us to lands beyond... A-amazing...! The rainbow is... reaching all the way to the battleship! That isn't... a laser attack, is it? Yo, you want us to cross that? This so ain't my style. Nor mine, but there seems to be no other way. Wow, just like a fairytale. My maiden's heart is really digging this. Leave your maiden's heart out of it. We're really gonna walk across that? You have my word, as someone who has already crossed once. {Infernal World... Aerial Battleship Balrog, Central Engine Room} Lord Vega, intruders confirmed aboard the ship. ...I'm aware of them. I don't know how they did it, but... Heh heh... Fascinating, wouldn't you say? Fine. Tell Sturm's people and the Striders to give them a proper welcome. Orders: acknowledged. ...If they insist on dogging my footsteps, that's fine with me. Heh heh heh heh... I'll scatter them across the skies of the Infernal World! [CHAPTER 38. HEROES NEVER DIE] {Infernal World... Aerial Battleship Balrog, Deck} So... the skies of the Infernal World? If it wasn't for the view, this'd be awesome. What is this, a field trip? That's what I hate about country bumpkins. Don't call me a bumpkin, Rutee! Now now, you two... ...It looks like we've got too much time on our hands - enough to fight among ourselves. Yes... we are supposed to be a diversion... And yet, being that the enemy have not shown themselves, I have to worry about our comrades within. Don't tell me all the enemies are after them? Maybe we should go in too then...? Consider the disparity in forces. A simple frontal assault is impossible. We've got to make the enemy divide his forces. Do you think we should do something to help draw enemy attention? Wait. Don't wander too far off. ...What? That's a catapult you're standing next to. Wander onto it and you'll get thrown off the ship. "Catapult"...? What's that? In simple terms, it's something like a bow. The arrow is whatever object is on top. ...If you'd like to get fired a great distance straight out into the air, feel free to try it out. What'd they put something like that on here for? It's meant to launch fighters and other stuff from this deck. Sorry to interrupt this fascinating lecture... but they're here. Heh, and about time too. What sloppy guards. Hmph... nothing but small fry from what I see. And in unimpressive numbers too. I suppose we should assume... they've just come to look in on us? Whatever the case, they now know we've intruded. I say we cause as much commotion as possible and throw them into confusion. Here we go. Commencing mission. [kill a few bad guys] Heat source approaching...? Looks like enemy reinforcements, Taki. Heh, it had better be. Otherwise, we're not much of a diversion. Hiryuu...! So, you've come. ...Target confirmed, Strider Hiryuu. I can't believe you're actually here. Hiryuu, I was sure you'd head straight for the Balrog's engine room... ... Hiryuu, is the reason you didn't go after the heart of this steel ship, and chose to stay here...? ...That you wanted to lure him out? ...I said it before. With this few of us, we can't win unless we divide the enemy's forces. You thought that far ahead...? Don't thank him too much just yet. We're the ones who have to fight these bozos! Rock, aren't these people... Yes, Grand Master's men, the ones who were with Juno...! Quite a formidable foe we have here. And the bastards had to come out up there, didn't they? And unless we finish these lackeys off down here, we can't do a damn thing about it. Please wait a moment. A bearer of strong power... approaches...! What...? What are you sensing, Maiden Knight? Lady Valkyrie, you mean more enemy reinforcements are headed our way?! ...Heh heh heh heh... Hmm...? Who goes there?! Yup... definitely enemy reinforcements. And on the bow this time. That voice... don't tell me...! Heh heh heh heh... Shit, it's him...! Mishima Kazuya...! So, Kazama Jin, is this where you were? Devil...! No, it seems you regained Mishima Kazuya's personality. Where've you been? Building a lair in the Infernal World? The Infernal Village has fallen, and the Tower of Druaga has fallen silent... I have no further use for the Infernal World. Is that so... Then where do you plan to go with all that power? I don't have to tell you that. Talking would be a waste of time. What...? Hmph, so, you think you can eliminate us? You, my foolish son, are beginning to irritate me. And you, Mishima Heihachi, are an offense in my sight. And as for you, Kazama Jin... I have no reason to leave you alive now that you've denied your Devil Factor. Don't make me laugh...! I already told you that won't set you free!! ... (Jin's Factor... It must awaken sooner or later. It seems Kazuya realizes that too.) (Is that why he means to eliminate him now?) (...I won't allow that. I need Jin if I'm going to get my hands on the Devil Factor...) Looks like he's after you people, Hiryuu. Which is convenient for us. ...That's got nothing to do with this. He's merely one more obstacle. W-what a nasty bunch of bad guys... Well, looks like our diversion worked. It worked too well. There're too many heavy hitters here. But the more we fight them, the less those inside have to. He's right. We can't back down now...! Kazuya, this time, you're going down...! Bring it!! [keep killing...] It looks like... we've got about half of the enemy left? Yes... and no. Multiple energy signatures...! They're headed our way from inside the ship! At a time like this...?! Enemies?! ...What else would they be? We can't keep spending time like this. Oh? You haven't finished mopping up yet? See for yourself. Lend a hand, Juno. G-great, now Juno's here too. You were on this ship, Juno...?! Ah, Lord Rockman Trigger. Why are you obstructing me? You needn't be in such a rush - my memory will be fully restored momentarily. At which point... That mustn't happen. This time, I'm going to destroy you on the spot. Joy, more people to get underfoot... Just how many of these guys are on this ship, anyway? Well, they said they were planning to invade the Infernal World. I would imagine they've got the numbers to back that up. Most perceptive. However... some of our passengers boarded a bit late, such as yourselves. "Such as"... us? ...Are you talking about Kazuya? I am not. Allow me to explain. Thanks to that bridge you so irresponsibly erected, a great number of intruders boarded this ship. The bridge...?! Are you referring to the Rainbow Bridge I made?! What else could he mean? Don't tell me some of Druaga's monsters...?! ... Ugh, those creatures...! Velociraptors?! How the hell?! There's more of them. What the...? ... No way... the allosaurus...?!? Those varlets from the tower entrance..! Which means... they followed us all the way to the top of the tower?! So it would seem. They should be unintelligent, primordial creatures, but for some reason they seem to be seeking you out. Quite fascinating, really. Apparently they want revenge on me. ...!! (Is that really it? Those dinosaurs...!) What do those lizards want that badly...? Pretty dumb for something that huge. So, they're after Regina, right? That's one hell of a stalker. "Stalker"? I don't think I understand, but they're just big lizards, are they not? It's a simple matter of chopping them up and preventing them from ever following us again. That was my plan. Let's put this in black and white. Then let us begin, Lord Trigger. Your memory... if you get it back, you'll probably think of killing off the Decoys again. ...And before that can happen, I've got to...! "Decoys"? Rock... you know something, don't you? ... [take out Solo] Continuation of mission difficult. Withdrawing. Special A-class Strider Hiryuu... I promise I will eliminate you next time. ...Just try it. [keep on killing things some more] Well well, what a nuisance... more intruders. Hey, just what I needed! Gwahahahaha! It's you!! The demon Kamuze! What're you doing here?! No, better yet, how did you get here? If he appeared out of thin air... That light... isn't that a Dimensional Transfer? Bingo. Right when they appeared, I confirmed spatial distortion. Are you saying they now have the ability to travel across dimensions at will, just like the Genji? Just how many organizations have that capability? ...Maybe we should look into that. Explain, Kamuze! Why do you have that power?! Huh?! Shut your fucking stuck-up mouth, Sandra bitch! Zouna's using the power of the Key of Time. This ain't shit to him! The Key of Time...?! Yo, Valkyrie! I thought that was supposed to be sealed away! It was...! Even the Demon Lord Zouna couldn't get that so easily... Oh, he couldn't do shit alone. But... a little help here and there, and guess what? Zouna's gained a new power...? B-but then... So, the Fallen Knight has given Zouna the Eye of God...?! I thought all Zouna did was make Daicroft surface! "All"...? That's more than trouble enough, little lady. But Daicroft should have nothing to do with Dimensional Transfer. Which must mean... Bastard, answer me...! Heh heh heh... Oh, he's got enough power to transfer the whole fucking Daicroft around. Ain't no thing to send the fucker here, to our world. The entirety of... Daicroft...? Kamuze! What did you just say? Don't tell me that Zouna is...! Shut your ass! Talk time's up! Before we fuck shit up in the Material World... Valkyrie! We're gonna tear you to goddamn shreds right here!! Bastard likes to hear himself talk, doesn't he?! Material World...? Bruce, isn't that our world? That's right. So, you said you were going to fuck shit up in the Material World? Hmph, are you planning to invade our world next? Sounds entertaining... but I can't just sit here and let it happen. So tell us, Kamuze. What are you... what is Zouna planning?! If you wanna find out, bring it!! [Kazuya goes down] I-impossible... How, when I... totally mastered the power of the Devil...?! My ties to you end here!! Here we go!! Take that! (...So, it ends? How anticlimactic.) It can't be... This power, awakened in the Infernal World... is it... fading...?! ...What...? It's possible, Jin. The Infernal Village has fallen... and the Tower of Druaga has lost its master. Right. The Infernal Realm is about to return to what it was like before Astaroth and Druaga came. Is that why... this power is... arrrgh!! Mishima Kazuya! Where are you going?! ...This power... I must make it... complete. I don't know... how long that will take... I won't let you! Right here...!! Kazama Jin... you... will one day... stand where I am now... The fuck I will!! Until then... our duel is... postponed...! Grr...! Well, you won by default... Not that you finished him off. (Well, I've got something to experiment with. Now... I've got to get back to the real world. Heh heh heh...) [so much for Tonpuu] ...Why do you always interfere...?! Remember this! No one who opposes Him has a future...!! ...You're the ones with no future. I'll... steal it from you. Grr...! [Hien falls too] I have no choice...! I'm going to blow up the aerial battleship Balrog and escape. What...? Hien, wait! Hiryuu... I'll be waiting for you, in the sea of stars. Hien!! (So, he's willing to abandon this ship that easily?) (But, the "sea of stars"... meaning space?) (Wasn't The Third Moon destroyed...?) [go the hell back to Jurassic Park] ...!!! Did we get it...?! Surely it worked this time...! Life signs diminishing rapidly... I'd say it's over. ... Persistent beast... but perhaps we could learn a thing or two from it. No need. It was just a dinosaur... a species that by rights should have already vanished into the pages of history. "Just" a dinosaur...huh? I sure hope so. [wipe out Kamuze] Gwah..!! Kamuze, you will talk...! ...What is Zouna planning? He will activate Daicroft... and then what? Heh heh heh... Gwahahahaha! Why don't you see for yourself, Valkyrie? 'Course, you gotta get from the Infernal World to the Material World first! Wait up! Hey!! Shit, he disappeared... Lady Valkyrie, did Kamuze really... go to the Material World? There can be no doubt about it. Shit, what's he trying to do to our world? Can't help but have a bad feeling about this one. We'd best hurry back. If we had only gotten the Eye of God back sooner... Leon, don't blame yourself. We've still got a chance to fix things. Well, there's no proof of that, but maybe that kind of simpleminded approach is what we need right now. (Daicroft, once again raised to the surface and activated... the ability to Transfer... and the Material World...) (...I certainly hope we avoid the worst-case scenario...) [Juno buys it] Oh dear, what violent people. To think you could damage my body this much... It's not over yet, Juno. I won't let you get your memory back. Now's the time when...! Rock, go for it! I am ever more interested in what my memory contains. I don't suppose I can allow myself to be destroyed here. Heh heh heh heh... hee hee hee hee... Oh no! Dimensional Transfer...! We can't catch him like this! (Juno... will your memory be back next time...?) Is that... all of them? It looks that way. I was pretty worried there... but the Lady Ishtar protected us. No, that was our own strength. Well then, what next...? ...!! What the...?!? It... came back to life?! What the hell...?! Playing dead.... not bad for a dinosaur. Well, we can pulverize it again... Wait a moment! It... has no life signs...?! What's going on?! N-no life signs... huh?! It's... dead? But, it's moving... Shit...! (Now it's for sure...! It's infected by the goddamn virus...!) Geez!! I don't care how often it takes! Let's do it...! Hold up! ...Once they're like that you can't just take 'em out. (Plus, if you aren't careful, you get infected yourself...!) (Ain't there something...? ...Some way...!) We can't defeat it? Don't be absurd. We cut it down again and then throw it overboard. That's too dangerous!! If you touch the damn thing now...! Huh?! Throw it overboard...? That's it!! That's fucking IT! Bruce...?! ...Sorry, but I ain't got time for you. What the?! What just happened?! I-it got... blown away... ...The catapult. I see. Okay, Bruce, that was nuts... Hey, am I brilliant or am I brilliant? Look at how high we are. Damn thing won't stand a chance. That settles it. Bruce, you know something... something about why that dinosaur got like that... It got poisoned by the Infernal World. Ain't that good enough? (That virus... maybe it is better off in the Infernal World after all...) Well, that removes the last enemy from the deck. Well, it was tough, but we kicked out all the enemy commanders, right? Heh heh, so we did. The folks inside must be having a cakewalk. I hate not settling things with Kazuya, but... I'm sure he won't show his face for a while. Lay off, Jin. ...So? Now what do we do? We figure out how to escape. This ship is moving. I doubt we can build another bridge to the tower. That is true... I certainly hope I can make a Rainbow Bridge to the ground. Well then... maybe we could go to the ship's control room and actually land it...? I don't know if we can do that with this few people, but... maybe that's the best plan. In which case, we'd best go now. Since we don't know what's going on in there, we've got to do what we know we can. [CHAPTER 39. SWORD AND SHEATH] {Infernal World... Aerial Battleship Balrog, Lab} This ship's bigger than I thought... I'm glad the enemy's response to us has been slow so far, but... Looks like Bruce and the others made a nice diversion. That's fine, but aren't we like totally lost? You could put it that way. So, is this where we were headed? I wonder. But... Oh ho... I smell something alright! Huh?! I-I... don't though! Ah, Beta? I don't know if today's kids would understand. This isn't time to be joking around. Where are we? I do not sense any people or any sorcery, but... But, Xiaomu is right, something about this place feels different than before. Look at how solidly this place is built... Hoover, is this actually the ship's engine room? Well, there is a strong energy signature, but I don't think it's the main reactor. What, we missed it? Maybe we should head back? This may also be the control room. In which case... Well, how about we just take a look around? Hmm... what the? What is this place...? E-everyone! Please look into those capsules! Huh...? No way... what?!? Shion, G-Gnosis...! The data matches! Gnosis... you mean those ghost-like monsters?! That's not all...! Let's check it out! Those monsters in the other capsules...! Hey, don't run off like that! You have no idea what's gonna happen... Don't these guys ever learn? So, what is that inside that diamond vessel? Is someone cooking something? That'd be the happy view of things... but I don't think this is a happy setup. Yeah, no doubt. This's the same gear we saw inside The Third Moon. With the Octies floating around inside... are these those "artificial" Octies? Captain, have you ever seen this before? Yeah, Dr. T.W... They're probably a replica of the machinery he developed for the criminal superman Genocide. ... That's right. They're using these machines to mass-produce the Octies and Gnosis. Is that what all these capsules are for? Well... they certainly seem serious about invading the Infernal World. With these, I suppose shortage of troops won't be an issue. Give me one good reason why we don't wreck them all right now. Heh, that sounds like my department. One demolition job, coming right... Yikes!! T-they came out! What the heck're you doing! You broke them too fast! Young people these days... Taizou's not that young, you know. He's what, 29? Who gives a damn! I didn't do a damn thing yet! They broke on their own. Are they trying to attack us? Save the foolish prattle for later. They must be crushed one way or the other. Whoa, for once Demitri had something constructive to say. Hmph, I simply have no wish to see these cretins harm the Infernal World. In any case, we can't leave this alone now. They've all gotta be destroyed. That's right. Well, let's get ready to rumble. Go get 'em! Which of us will be doing the "getting"? I will! You two have certainly picked up some strange speech patterns... [kill kill kill] ...! More enemies just appeared! Aren't those... Genocide's men? Figures a buncha small fry couldn't take you down, Captain Commando. Sturm Jr....! Where've you been hiding?! Who gives a shit? But hey... it's your bad luck for wandering in here. I quite agree. All the Sturms are together in one place... See, we can't let you blow this place up. Kinda mess up our plans, that would. Those bastards... so, they've come to scope out the Infernal World, have they? Figures they'd be here. And that they'd be aboard this ship in the first place. Three more adversaries are of no account. This way, I can kill them all at once. Only three of us? Not quite. Hmmm... sounds like you brought some friends then. Then get their ass out here! Bet it's some Octies or whatever. Argh...! Reiji?! Don't tell me the reinforcements are... What's she doing here...?! [holy fuck.] At your service... W-what the? It's not her? But... look at those clothes. It looks just like her. Which means... Right on the money, boy. What the hell is this? ...Who is that? This little one's name is "Katana". [gee, "sword" (katana) and "sheath" (saya)...] Cute, isn't she? I am cute? Hey, don't ask me. A rookie Ouma? I don't know what kind of power she's got, but one or two more enemies won't... No, there are a few more of us. Eek!! What the hell...?! Heh heh... I've got quite the gaggle of good little girls here. Gaggle my ass! They're bloody Xeroxes! Beginning operations. We will be sure to corner them, and make them suffer. Here we go, Lady Saya. See how enthused they all are? Well then, let's begin. ...Okay, this just started to suck. (What's this weird feeling? These new enemies that resemble Saya... is the resemblance just coincidence...?) (Or is something else going on?) (Saya... and Katana...) T-they all have the same expression... And they all came out of capsules. ...Which means... Those girls are all... clones?! Analysis shows that they are all identical to Saya, but their energy response differs in magnitude. It's possible to analyze, but... Looks like you did it, Saya. Heh heh... yes, thankfully. ...Saya, tell me one thing. What's that, boy? Bust: 36 inches... Now is _not_ the time to ask her that! ...You should be after the Soul Edge after it vanished from the Tower of Druaga. It doesn't look like you've got it. Right. And you just walked away when we fought at the Tower. I too am curious. The Soul Edge... where is that sword? And give us a straight answer this time! I'll try to say this without picking on you... I got my hands on it briefly, and it up and vanished. What...? You actually got your hands on it...? Well, I can't exactly brag about it slipping through my fingers. Wow, you actually got the sword! But now you've given up... and cloned yourself here instead? ... Something like that. ...So... you think she's telling the truth, Reiji? No idea. ...But what bothers me... is that she used this machine to increase her firepower. (Why was this girl "Katana" created... For what purpose...?) Saya, you remember the reason we let you use the machine, right? Oh, but of course. I do want to test Katana, after all. Okay, go get them. ...Going and getting them. Looks like that's all the information we get. I didn't get most of that, but I do know how to fight! Let's go. Nothing'll get done until we cross swords with them. [break a Katana...] ... Well, their moves and their clothing are like her... Are they really clones? I don't know. Argh... The sorcery I feel is close to Saya's... Can a copy really have this much power...? Heh heh heh... [kill some more] Multiple motion signatures detected. ...! Here too! They're coming from... the hatch we came in through! The others coming to save us... is not too likely, is it? Ooh, bingo! ...I-it was the enemy... What the...?! How the hell did they...?! How the hell'd we let them get all the way in here? That zombie...! What?!? Zabel, what the heck are you doing here? Hey, I found this neato bridge from the Tower of Druaga, see. So I decided to cross it! Yee-haw! Damn... if they used that bridge... all kinds of other things must have crossed too. Darn that Valkyrie, this is what she gets for not having a retract button. Looks like they wanna fight you, Captain Commando. Oh brother... it never rains but it pours. But I can't be defeated here...! Yo, Captain, glad you're all psyched and stuff... but we got a problem here. ... Huh? Aah! It's here... Kanda... Momo... I... A-Amazona...?! No way! Why're you still working for the demons?! Gil did defeat the demon Druaga, right?! ...I saw it with my own eyes. He sure did. You've got the records, right Hiromi? Yes, I recorded up until he was completely destroyed... But this wasn't supposed to happen... Yo, Zabel! Explain, and it better be good! Ooh, soundin' pretty scary there! I'm usin' her cause I can! You ain't got no place complainin'! Does that mean the spell isn't broken yet? How could Druaga's curse have not broken yet...? (The effect outlasting the caster... is that even possible...?) ...It may be a type of "curse". In which case, the caster's death would not cause the spell to fade. Hmm... I don't know that much. Eastern and Western magic work on totally different systems. Plus there's someone who doesn't have a spell on him at all, and is still working for the demons. ... Not you again, Tajima... Well, you crushed the Infernal Village, and took down Druaga. I must say I'm impressed, Nakamura. But I haven't admitted defeat yet. Maybe I've lost my backing. But... I myself can still fight! Your determination... I can only call it magnificent. However... I've staked my life on this fight. We're both from another world... and its order must not be upset...! I will sink this ship, and stop the invasion of the Infernal World! Heh heh heh... what stirring words. But as a resident of that Infernal World, I can't just leave all the dirty work to otherworlders, can I? We'll help out too! Guess we've got to take them all on at once. ...As usual. Gee, isn't this fascinating? (I've gotta get a bit more experience myself, if only for my precious little Katanas.) [take out Sturm Jr.] Do you have any idea... how long it took to set this facility up?! Captain Commando...! Actually, no idea at all. ...All I know is that it takes but an instant for it to crumble, Sturm Jr. ...Grrr...! Remember this...! You keep building them, I'll keep wrecking them. You'll never get your way...! [...and Drak] Grr... we came so far...! What a shame, Drak. We're going to defeat you _and_ this laboratory! ... Don't let wrecking this place go to your head, Commando Team! Mwahahahaha! He seems awfully sure of himself... But it's the law of the universe that evil never prevails...! [...and Sturm...] Grr... How could I be forced to retreat here...?! That won't be necessary, Sturm! Let the skies of the Infernal World witness your end...! Good idea. Shall we end him? Take him out here, and the rest should crumble. Copy! I don't die that easy! Later, Captain Commando! Sturm... once you make it out of the Infernal World, where will you go next...? [Black Berabou goes down again] So... I can't win against these numbers...?! Tajima! It's time to stop this! Stop assisting the demons! ...Oh, I'm just getting started, Nakamura. All this uproar... I'm so close to figuring out what it all means. And until then, I'll continue to fight...! Tajima!! ...This's hopeless. Ain't nothing for it but to fight until someone's toast. ... [Amazona does too] ... Don't you recognize me, Amazona?! The energy coming off of Amazona's body is... still the same... So you mean... the curse hasn't weakened at all...? Why not?! Druaga's already...! ...Momo... Target lost. Why...? We've tried so hard... [Saya can't prevail] Well, I guess that's the end of that. But at least Katana worked out okay. All's well that ends well. The fact it took you until now to try to strengthen your forces... Must mean you're getting ready for something big? Yo, spit it out already! This's your big chance! Who knows. I wasn't lying that I don't have the Soul Edge. But hey, I achieved my short-term goal. I'm not shedding any tears. ...So, what became of the Soul Edge after it left your hand? I would imagine it's back to wandering from one world to another. I can't say for sure. Whoa, you're just letting it go? (She doesn't need it anymore... which means what...?) (I don't get it... what's she trying to do?) Heh heh... use your thinking cap, boy. Sexy guys need the brains to match. By the way. Has anyone ever told you that using your left hand is a good way to stimulate your right brain? Who cares about trivia like that, you fool? Well, see you back in the Material World. What? Hey, wait! She vanished... That woman's gonna be weaving her webs until she runs out of thread. Why's she so happy just cause she mass-produced herself...?! She said they were clones, but they didn't look that much like her. ...No, they may not have looked like her, but... Dammit... Reiji? (On the contrary, what's within is _really_ close to her...) (What does that mean...?) (And... the Material World?) [Zabel falls too] Fuck! Well, that's the end of fighting in the Infernal World. Hell, Astaroth and Druaga're toast, cain't get me no strong magic here no more. You sound like you want to flee. How pathetic. Shut the fuck up, Duke Demi! When I get the demon lord Zouna's power, your ass is grass! Give us a break. Are you planning on hiding beneath Lord Zouna's skirts now? Hyahaha! If it means power, I'll kiss his goddamn garter belt! In which case, I cain't hang out here no more. Gotta get me to the Material World. You're not getting away! Go pickle yourself in one of those capsules or something! Wait, Leilei! He just said the Material World... that's our world, right?! Wait... he's gonna meet Zouna, in the Material World...?! Huh?! Don' ask me! Go see for yourself! ...That's if you make it there in one piece! Oh... he's gone... Don't tell me the Demon Lord has Dimension Transferred to our world?! Confirm destruction of all enemies. All targets which fled have been lost. That was really hard, with all the enemies who attacked. True. But it's only going to get harder. Indeed it will. We have that zombie Zabel to worry about, as well as Tajima. And Amazona... We didn't bring her back to her senses... Cheer up, Momo! Look, maybe Druaga's magic is just the type that lasts after he's dead. ...Perhaps she will never regain her senses. Don't say insensitive stuff like that. That's not all I'm worried about. Both that zombie and Saya said... they're going to our world. And for whatever reason, it seems Zouna is in the Material World too. We don't know what the other enemies are up to. Why don't we stop worrying about the Material World and start going there? A simpleminded, yet effective suggestion. We aren't needed here anymore. Let's press forward. Yes, let's. We can't move freely here in the sky. Hold on a moment. Before we proceed... we should render this facility unusable. Hoover, can you do it? I'll set just enough explosives to not blow a hole in the side of the ship. ... I'll help too. Okay, guys? Okaaaay! Okay, Taizou. This's your specialty, right? Show us your stuff. Demanding, aren't we? Okay, everyone else, please get back. Be careful of shrapnel. Here we go! Saya and Katana... I'd love to find out what this machine has to do with the two of them... but I guess there's no time. Guess we can't carry off one of the capsules before we wreck the place, huh...? What we need here is Federal Express. (This worries me. The Soul Edge and "Katana" must be somehow connected...) [CHAPTER 40. LOVE, AND PAIN, AND STRONG HEARTS] {Infernal World... Aerial Battleship Balrog, Central Engine Room} The Psychodrive's output isn't stable... So, this present body is incapable of bringing forth the full extent of the great Vega's powers? Get out here. I know you're there. Oh man, he found out? I suppose it's only natural that sneaking up would be that hard in a wide-open space like this. Shit, just a bit closer and I'd have put a bullet right through his head. Ain't we too far away for that? Actually... what's that big round thing he's standing on? How's it float like that anyway? Sorcery? I'm guessin' this here's the ship's main reactor. That is an anti-gravity device. And a fairly valuable one by the look of it... We're here to blow shit up. Let's just take it out and stop the ship, okay? Hmph, and how easy do you think that's going to be? Probably quite difficult. But we've got a job to do. And you're going to need to move for us to do it. That's all there is to it, Vega. ...So, Ryuu, you've come too? Muahahahahah! Splendid! What? You bastard... are you still after Ryuu?! How absurd. Have you forgotten that your Psychopower does not work on Ryuu? ...Heh heh heh. ...Watch out. That device... probably has Psychodrive built into it. Psychodrive...! I've heard that word many times... but what _is_ it really, Cammy? A device to amplify and project Lord Vega's Psychopower. In other words... We should think of this whole aerial battleship as flying by Vega's power? Is that why he's standing there? Apparently so. If he's trying to amplify his Psychopower, I imagine it would be a bad idea to move from there. Meaning we've got to pull him down, right? If so... let battle begin! Battle? Don't make me laugh! Try playing with these first. ... We didn't need you to tell us that. First we wipe out all of them... and then it's your turn, Vega! (Psychodrive... why won't it stabilize? It seems I need to buy myself a little time.) [inflict a few casualties] This is getting nowhere. If so, then get your ass down here! Yeah, we'll give you one hot-ass welcome. I thought you were after me, Vega. Why don't you fight fair and square?! Whether or not you receive the privilege of fighting the incomparable Vega depends on how hard you work. Heh heh heh... What did you say? Explain yourself, Vega! ...I think he means this. Something's coming, Chunli. ... ...Yuuni...?! Those girls are... Shadowloo's special forces! They all have the same face.... several of them...?! ... Whoa! Now there's a lot of the other girl...?! I see, so they've managed to mass-produce Shadowloo special forces. Suddenly it seems so crowded in here. That isn't the problem! What's with this creepy crew anyway? It is obvious: the criminal superman Doppel. Doppel... oh, that fake bastard? He had to go and water himself down, didn't he? Heh heh heh... I was hoping this would be fun for you all, but I must protest the "watered down" part. No matter. If you wish to fight me, defeat them first. Enough sick jokes, you bastard...! Calm down, Ken. There's no need to let him provoke you. Damn straight. Ain't like what we gotta do changed or nothin'. We wreck their asses, an' then trash the reactor. Heh heh heh... for a puny animal from another world, you certainly have a mouth on you. Feel free to try. We don't need your permission for that! And enough with the puny animal stuff! Do not let your heart be troubled, Klonoa. Our battle with Vega is but begun. Right. This's just the undercard. Well, guess I'll work up a sweat before the main round. Don't forget, this is Vega. We should assume he's still hiding something. Be careful, everyone. Heh heh heh heh... [more casualties] Man, these guys suck. Ain't this the heart of the ship? Don't tell me they're gonna go out like this. I must say I am very skeptical about this. Well, it is a fact that the diversion effectively divided the enemy forces. Now's our chance. We've got to... Lord Vega isn't that naive. Don't get sloppy. Hey, lookit that. Reinforcements. Well, let's go and kick their... Huh? What the? Hey, wait! ... It's Valkyrie and... Morrigan and the others! Did you come to save us? What an unusual pattern. How often is it friends who come, and not enemies? Looks like the flow is favoring us. ... But... it's just the seven of them. Just you guys? Where's everyone else? Hey, somethin'... somethin' ain't right. ...Heh heh heh heh. Hmm...? Are those really our reinforcements...? Wait. Something is wrong. Are they... the real people...? No need to think about it. They're all fakes... Doppels. Huh? How'd you know? ...There's only like, two of her. Whoa, you're right... Why the fuck did he only grab the ladies? You're a fucking pervert, Vega, and now the whole world knows. Plus his taste in women is lousy. Really? I was just thinking that they make a fairly nice lineup. Well, better than sendin' out the ugly brigade. I might even enjoy this some. Heh heh heh... glad you like them. ... ...Vega, what are you waiting for? What...? What're you talking about, Ryuu? Vega's just fucking with us. I can't shake the feeling that that's just how he wants it to look. Am I wrong, Vega? ... I sense fluctuation in the Psychopower. You're not there to amplify your power... You're trying to control the Psychodrive by yourself... aren't you? I imagine that Psychodrive built into the reactor isn't stable. Isn't stable... meaning what? It can't be... If Lord Vega isn't there, the Psychodrive will go out of control...? You're talking far too much, you good-for-nothing filth...! Bullseye. ...That is so funny. He thought he could just come and invade the Infernal World with a good-for-nothing Psychodrive. Oooohohohohoho! Ooh, nice performance. I take it you provoked him that way on purpose. Actually, I think that's just Kanzuki being her normal vicious self. But, doesn't that also mean that unless we take over that whatchamacallit, it'll go nuts and...? In other words, if we pull Vega away from there, the ship will indeed stop. It's not that he won't come down, it's that he can't come down. Even if that was true, there's nothing you fools can do about it. ...There are any number of things we can do about it. We need only excavate a moat around you. Indeed. You cannot move from there. In which case, once we eliminate your protectors, you will have no choice. ... Well, that settles it. All those small fry, and those damn fakes... they're all gonna be rust for my katana!! Let's hurry. If his Psychopower accumulates, it will make the reactor that much more stable, and harder to destroy. [keeeeeep killing.....] Hmm...? What's this... enemy reinforcements...?! My goodness, who would have thought that both the Infernal Village and Lord Druaga would fall? Those must be... the demons we've been expecting. Joker! Why now?! So now you're after this flying metal ship, huh? Hee hee hee hee... Janga, what the fuck're you doing here...?! Pissed off as usual, huh fuckhead? Them, is it? I was wondering why we did not see them in the Tower of Druaga... and here we find them. O ho ho, you must understand, I am a very busy man. I was tied up in the Material World. I finished my work, and returned to the tower, to find it was already all over. Quite a surprise, I must say. The Material World... our world?! And just what were you doing there?! "Doing" anything? Good heavens, no. ...You see, it had already been "done". Huh? Already... what was already done?! Tell us. And should I not like your answer...! You jerkoffs die here. Ain't no point in telling you a goddamn thing. Hee hee hee. You better fix that fucking mouth of yours, pussy-ass bitch! You dare profane the lofty Vega's ears with such inane banter? ...Otherworlders? How did you get in? O ho ho, my profusest apologies. My orders are to eliminate Valkyrie and her assistants. I propose a deal. What say... we fight alongside you? Hmph, I don't fraternize with those I know nothing about. Me neither. I'm gonna fight whether you like it or not. 'Fore I take out Valkyrie... I'm takin' these guys down first. Ain't that right, little Gantz? Suits me great, Janga. You ain't even gonna get to meet Valkyrie. Wanna know why? Cause I'm gonna kill your ass right here first...! (The Psychodrive still isn't stable... The last thing I need is more mayhem in here.) ...It can't be helped. Well, the bitch finally came down. What...? Yo, I thought he couldn't leave the machine. The fluctuations in the Psychopower have lessened. Did Lord Vega... stabilize the Psychodrive...? No, it may be the opposite. ...It's because it's unstable that he had to enter the fight... Your logic irritates me, Ryuu. This is merely a way to avoid boredom. ... ... Shadowloo's special forces...! And those don't appear to be imposters, but the real thing. What of the other intruders? Have they been eliminated? Situation report. Strider Hien and Sturm's squadron skirmished with the enemy... warpower expended, they departed the ship. Useless bastards. And after I, the benevolent Vega, showed them such kindness. Did you hear that? Looks like everyone did well. Yeah, that's a load off. And it means... we gotta hold up our end. Looks like you're cornered, Vega. Don't get cocky. Once the Psychodrive functions properly, I won't need anyone else's help. And for that... Ryuu, it seems I need your manly body and spirit after all. This is starting to sound inappropriate for some audiences. What a nuisance. ...Vega, never again will the Bloodlust Wave imprison me. When I defeat you... it will be with power that all humans have...! With power that all humans have? ...Futile. That won't surpass anything. Including I, the great Vega! Only the Bloodlust Wave, devouring and destroying everything, is suitable to supplement my Psychopower! That's the word. Tell him to piss off, Ryuu. ...In that case, I'll show you proof. That I can accept a "humanlike heart", which all people have... Both their strengths, and their weaknesses... and defeat you with it...! [take out the "athletic" one] Blood pressure falling rapidly... maintenance of life functions... difficult... It's over now, Yuuni... Danger... Lord... Vega... we...are... al...ways... What the? She's outta her goddamn mind... I regret that... she is beyond... Was I... supposed to end up like her? ...So, we couldn't save her... Yuuni, the only difference between us... dark and light, is that I got lucky. Rest... in peace, Yuuni. [take out the "voluptuous" one] ...Blood pressure: rising... threshold... ex...ceeded. Yuuri... Lo...rd... Vega... I'm.... Jul..ia...? Hawke... The light in her eyes... has she regained her senses? No... it is too late... Sorry, Yuuri... At least, rest in peace, free of the curse of Psychopower... [the ninth life?] Gwah...! Gee hee hee... remember this!! Jangaaaaaaaa!! You ain't gettin' away this time!! Gantz, goooo!! W-what the fuck?! Bi...tches...! I... ain't... goin' out... like...! ...Later, motherfucker. Great shootin', Gantz. Yeah, you're like my idol now. Cut it out. All I did was shoot enough bullets. Gantz...! It's over, Klonoa. Well... our revenge is, anyway. [the Joke's on him] The strength to topple the Infernal Village, and Lord Druaga besides.... I declare, that was no fluke. Planning to flee? That is correct. It would appear that the climax is approaching... in which case, I have preparations of my own to make. Preparations? What preparations? And what's this about the climax approaching? What kind of climax are you speaking of? It would be no fun if I told you that. Initial impact is so important to having fun. You... what're you up to? What indeed? If you all can make it out of here and reach the Material World... perhaps you'll find out. The Material World...? You mean our world? O ho ho ho ho. Our world... Are they trying to mess with it again? Well, they were responsible for spreading the "sleeping sickness". I wonder what they're planning next... They won't get away with it. We're going to stop this ship and go back home. I've got a bad feeling about this. And my fortune telling shows the worst... I think we had better hurry. [take Vega down] Uh...urrrgh... Ridiculous... how could I... Vega, be... Urgh... Vega... it's... over...! Ryuu...? Yo, what's wrong?! Concentrate!! Vega's almost toast! It can't be! Vega's Psychopower is reacting with the Bloodlust Wave inside Ryuu...?! You're... my... next body...! Gah... Ken...! Ryuu! Stand up!! What... what do you see at the end of your fists?! ...! Let's go!! Let's show him what our fists look like! Gwah!! R-Ryuu...!! H-he did it...! Ryuu! Beautiful...! Finally the time comes for Vega to pass into history. Grr... not yet...! What...?! How can he still move after suffering that blow?! A disgraceful end! Go peacefully into the next life...! Rrrrrrrraaaaah!! What?! His aura is...?! The unparalleled Vega... will not die so easily...! ...You... and this whole ship... are... coming... with me...! Muahahahaha! L-Lord Vega's Psychopower... is getting stronger...! Oh no! He's trying to make the Psychodrive overload and explode! It can't be...! After all we've done... Vega still gets the last laugh?! Not yet!! Cut his ass in half...! Close in at full throttle!! Argh... can we make it?! Vega! Stop it!! ...Futile...! ... What?! Yo! It's him! Gouki?! What're you doing here?! ...I've waited for this moment...! ...?!? He fucking did it...! Gouki! ...Die utterly. I-impossibleeeeeeeeee!!! In an instant, that is, the span of moments, one can glimpse Hell... It is not the fist, but the weight of one's evil deeds that will lay one low... The more malign, the greater the agony of death... How greatly to be pitied... Gouki... you knew you couldn't defeat Vega with the Bloodlust Wave. That's why you used Ryuu and Ken... ... Gouki... Go. A danger threatens the cosmos such as it has never before witnessed. The cosmos... meaning our world?! ... Oh dear... he has returned home. And once again, he saved us. So it seems. Hmph, we coulda done without the runaround. Heh, shows how old-school the guy is. Well, I guess we're saved. ...Just what is Gouki's deal, anyway? ... (Gouki... Sooner or later, we're going to have to settle this.) (Otherwise, I'll never have truly beaten the Bloodlust Wave...) Is that all? Well... our fight with Shadowloo's over with. Ryuu, Ken... we finally did it. Yeah. We... defeated Vega. Well, Gouki got the best part, but hey. Gouki... probably planned it that way from the start. Vega of Shadowloo... I had hoped to finish him myself, but I'll let it be this time. You sure hate losing, don't you? But at least the Kanzuki Conglomerate can breathe easier. Yeah, and we got rid of Janga too! We did good, Gantz. Yo, don't make such a fuss. We knew this was gonna happen. (...Dad... I... got revenge for you...) ... What's wrong, Cammy? Is it... those two special forces girls? ...No, it's better this way. Yuuni and Yuuri are free now. ...Hmm?! What the hell?! Damn thing's on fire...?! The Psychodrive is out of control...! It seems Vega's Psychopower really did destroy the reactor! Shit, what kinda ending is this? 'Course the thing's gonna blow... right? Way too damn big for a pinata. Ain't there some way to control it? ...It seems too late. The collapse has begun...! The destruction of the ship's core... Without meaning to, it seems we have fulfilled our goal. However... It is dangerous here. We must inform the others too. Let us leave this place. Are you certain?! This steel ship is... going to disintegrate?! Well, the energy in the core is certainly rising abnormally. The main reactor is out of control. Even if it doesn't explode... this ship is going down...! What did you people do? Much to our sorrow... it simply turned out this way. And lamenting that fact won't fix it. We've got to figure out a way to escape... What about an emergency landing? Where's this ship's control room? We already took care of that. ...It's designed to prevent control from outside. ...At this rate, we can only sit by and await death... Huh? Hey, everyone, what's that? I just saw it... flying over there... Hmm...? That silhouette..? What the hell? A dragon...? A-a dragon spirit...? It's a flying dragon...! But what's it doing here?! We must have this thing with dragons. So, is it alive? That's an older type of flying dragon that moves using the living metals Belselium and Lense. The question is, who's flying it? Helloooooooo! Is everyone okayyyyyy??! W-what the?! It's Zuhl?! When did he get that dragon?! Wow, it's a real-life deus ex machina. I was wondering where he'd gotten to... Heh heh heh... I can't let Sylphie have all the fun, can I? Please keep me in mind for all your shopping needs. How splendid. The flames are headed our way...! This ship won't last long! Bring that dragon closer to us! Actually... this is as close as I can get... every time I try to get close to that iron ship, the controls start misbehaving... Hey, don't tell us that after coming this close! ...Is it interference from the Psychopower being given off by the malfunctioning Psychodrive...?! Quite the predicament... isn't it? It's too far to jump. How far is he? ...Around a hundred meters, I believe. ... There's a way. What, fly without wings? ...Yes. What do you mean... yes?! More like crash horribly and fly to heaven, maybe. ...I hope that's not what you had in mind. Don't be ridiculous. Hiryuu, what's the plan? We use this. ...? It's the catapult we used to toss that allosaurus away...! Hey now, you gotta be kidding me! You wanna use this thing to jump over there?! ...You think I'm joking? Those ain't the eyes of a man who's joking, I'll tell you that much. ...Will it work? ...I'm going first. Follow me. That crazy bastard actually did it! Did he make it?! H-he's safe! He... made it to the dragon! Fuck it! Let's just get it over with! Hang on tight, Klonoa!! F-for real?! Gantz! Whoa, there they go! I'm not letting them beat us. Hiromi, we're punching it. So... this reminds me of the final exam to graduate the Earth Academy. I am going. Shion, please follow me. Follow you... KOS-MOS?! Well, that settles it. Then allow me to show you... the grandest Berabou Jump in the world! I-I'm pretty scared... but here goes the Wonder Jump...! Well, that looks like fun. He says "fun" and just takes off!? Can't that guy act his age for once?! They don't call Mishima Heihachi the Lord of the Iron Fist for nothing. We're going too, Felicia. ...Just do a basic Tope Suishiida. Huh?! What the heck is a Tope?! Hey, King, quit pulling! Well now, what a splendid flying kick. They do some real wrestling over in Mexico. Heh... Then perhaps I should do my Super Knuckle Bomb? T-they kinda... look like they're having fun... Let's jump too, Reiji! Xiaomu, cleared for takeoff! What do you think this is? ...Crap, this is the time to get the hell out of Dodge, I guess. If this's our only choice, let's just do it. Get ready, everyone...! {Above the Infernal World... Flying Dragon, Control Room} I swear... try to look at it from my standpoint. Sorry for scaring you. But hey, everyone made it over safely. Guess we're not your average, everyday heroes, huh? Just felicitous. We've got schoolgirls, school teachers, salarymen... sounds like plenty of average civilians to me. Very reckless, but ultimately successful. Hmph, certainly nothing worthy of such commotion. Sure it is! One wrong move and we were dead! Be grateful you didn't have to jump that far under your own power. Don't you do this stuff all the time anyway? Indeed. Takeoff and landing... these are fundamental athletic principles. I might point out that there are no opportunities to jump between airplanes a hundred meters apart in daily life. Now now, no pouting. While there's life, there's hope. That doesn't sound very convincing, coming from you. Well, we made it anyway. If not for this airship, we'd be smeared all over the ground in the Infernal Realm. I guess even Zuhl has his uses. Heh heh... I am always thinking of your welfare. ...But I don't understand. Flying dragons are controlled by whole countries. There's no way a simple merchant could just borrow one. ...Who supported this? Who is backing you? Very perceptive. Even I can't refuse a direct request from Her. ...Everyone, thank goodness you are alright. L-Lady Ishtar?! Lady Ishtar, you have come here in person? What has happened?! Daicroft has surfaced... and abruptly vanished from the Phantom World. What?! What the heck's going on?! Vanished...? What, so it just sank again? That's like no problem at... ...It seems Daicroft, the fleet of aerial cities, transferred to another world. W-what did you say? ... Lady Ishtar, it went to the Material World... did it not? It went to our world...?! ...Come to think of it, didn't that monster Kamuze say something about that...? The demon lord Zouna is using Daicroft... and attempting to invade the Material World. That plan is now in motion. That's absurd...! Then, what about our world's weapons... what about our world itself?! This really ain't funny! We gotta kick their ass out! If it were that easy, the goddess would have done it already. ...And since She's here instead... ...That is correct. My only avenue now is to send you all to the Material World. We're dealing with the cursed legacy of the Phantom World... my world. I vow to settle this with my own hands. Goddess Ishtar, send us all...! Wait! We've got to get the Flutter back! That's true. Without that ship to help us move around... Okay, Zuhl. Take us as far as the entrance to the Infernal Village. Leave it to me. {Infernal World... Entrance to the Infernal Village} So, here I am again... at the Infernal Village. We're finished recovering the Flutter! Roll, how's she look?! She'll fly, Rock! Everyone, get aboard the Flutter! Looks like this is it. Yeah, it's our world... and it's up to us to protect it. And not just that... we've got to return all the worlds to the way they were. Goddess Ishtar... please begin the Dimensional Transfer. Very well. The fate of all worlds... is in your hands. {Material World... Shibuya, Japan} Whoa, it's a city! Huh? But... nobody's here. This place was designated an Isolation City... Shibuya, if I'm not mistaken. Which must mean, we've returned home. It's been a long, long time... What's up with this place? Are the ground and the buildings all made of stone? What a weird place you guys live in. Now that you mention it, the city is a bit odd. Ha ha ha. Nakamura, this is no time for critiquing your own world. Even if Shibuya is an Isolation City, something's still not right... Everyone, look up there! That's...!! What the hell...?! The sky is... mottled...?! That's... not a mirage. There's something up there covering the sky?! ...The aerial... cities...! It's the aerial city fleet, just like in the legends of the War of Heaven and Earth. And that big shadow in the middle is... Daicroft! It really did come to the Material World...! Then... that's where the Eye of God is...?! ...We're too late. Is everything... too late...?! Not yet!! Look, the damn thing's just floating up there! Try attacking it and dying first before you give up! Hmph, that's the spirit. Then let's get going already. Can the ship get us there? Yeah, no problem. Man, we barely landed, and we're headed off into the sky again... Shut yer yap and get on board. {Material World... Skies Over Shibuya} So where are we now? Roll, can you turn on the monitor? Okay, umm... Yikes, what a surprise! That thing is huge! How could something that big float in the air...? Yeah, it's huge. So this's what a superweapon from another world looks like? Is it intended as a bomber? You will understand soon, if we continue rising. What the hell are those? Blades? ...No, scythes? Are those _growing_ out of Daicroft? Daicroft... possesses an indiscriminate area destruction weapon. The light it gives off has the power to destroy... It is a cursed weapon that sunders the land and burns the fields. ... So, I guess it's a humongous beam cannon? Considering the amount of energy an object that size could store... I presume it must have truly fearsome power. And we can't let them use it. So, do we attack it? It'd be one hell of a dogfight! Look at the size of that thing. I doubt we'd even chip the paint. Besides, that might just make them attack the surface. Guess we gotta mess it up from the inside. Question is, where's the entrance? The only way in from the outside is on top. Well, we've gotta keep going up then, Roll. Got it. Increasing altitude. {Material World... Outside the Outer Layer of the Aerial Cities} Yay, we're on top! Wow, we're so far up! This is no time to celebrate... Wait, what the? Hey, look at that! Isn't that the Gezelschaft?! The form matches completely. It is unquestionably the Gezelschaft. What is it doing here?? How should I know?! Ummm.... Where was it before again? The last time we were aboard it, I think it was at the Joylant amusement park. That amusement park... was in the Phantom World, right? Then, did it get caught up in the transfer and come along for the ride? We're getting her back! Roll, take us down at once! I can do that... but are you sure you should be acting on your own? We need to land sooner or later. We ought to act now. What should we prioritize? Should everyone head to that ship? Well, the longer we wait, the more chance that they use that Belc- whatchamacallit, right? More than likely, Daicroft is being controlled by the Eye of God. And if we destroy the Eye of God... we should be able to stop the Belclant...! So, we need to split up. Given how big this place is, I don't think we have the time to check everywhere in order. That seems sensible, but can we pinpoint our destination? The Eye of God is in Daicroft's heart, and the indiscriminate area destruction weapon Belclant is directly beneath it. Great, that sounds easy! Then we should head there first. Once we've taken care of the core, we can return for the ship. What beautiful logistics. Well, that settles it. All that's left is charging in headlong. Okay, we meet up outside the Gezelschaft. Everyone, we're counting on you. [CHAPTER 41. HERO OF THE WAR OF THE CREST] {Material World... Indiscriminate Area Destruction Weapon Belclant, Central Block} Heh heh heh... so, you made it? This is the core of Belclant...! Wow, look at all the pretty sparkles! You think so? I can't say I like the glow of machines much. Forget that. Look at the enemy. Looks like they're good and ready for us. And that bastard's standing right in front of the control panel too by the looks of it. ...We can't let them use the weapon. We've got to stop them at all costs...! If so, let's get a move on. Yeah, let's get in close! Whoops, that's far enough!! You don't think you can just take me out, do you?! We certainly do. We can't waste our time on you. Kamuze, I don't know what kind of power you've gained... but I'm taking you down again. And after you, the demon lord Zouna...! Shut your ass, Sandra slime. I don't even gotta care you exist. ...Where the fuck is Valkyrie? Awww, bummer. Turns out she isn't here. She went to the center of Daicroft. Said something about how she needn't concern herself with your existence. Stuck up bitch...! Wait a moment, Sabine. You mustn't provoke our adversary so much. If he pressed the button on the weapon, the surface would sustain terrible damage...! Oh, don't you worry. Soon's we're ready, I am so gonna blow shit sky high! N-no you don't! No sky high stuff! Calm down, Felicia. That "soon's we're ready" part means they can't fire yet. Right. So we take 'em down fast...! No way they get to attack the surface. Let's go...! We can't let the people of the Material World suffer...! We've got to stop Belclant here ourselves! Anyways, we just gotta kick his ass, right? Yeah, the usual. Kamuze, just remember what happened with the Golden Seed. I'm not letting you get your way...! You Sandra shit...! I'm gonna cut your sorry ass good, and then I'm gonna do the same to Valkyrie! Bring it on!! [kill some stuff] These bitches think they're all bad an' shit! You don't get to mess with our world...! Well, you all certainly messed with the Infernal World enough. Hey, don't put it that way. That was then, this is now, right? I didn't get that at all! This is no time for jokes, you three. He might have something up his sleeve. Watch out. Hey, how'd you know?! Yo, get your asses out here! Enemies... were hiding there?! They... have us totally surrounded, it would seem. Damn, so this place's got guard robots? What a pain in the ass...! ...Huh, these guys? What the hell is He thinking...? (Hmm...? He wasn't calling these machines?) Argh... these aren't good numbers to fight against. Shit, and the Belclant could fire at any moment...! Well, we shouldn't have to worry about that yet. I think so too... they're not yet ready to fire. How're you so sure? Just a hunch? Well, it's 'cause he hasn't made good on his threat, right? "Don't move, or I'll shoot!" ...and stuff. Ah ha, I get it. There's no way a jerk like that wouldn't use that line if he could. You gotta keep bullshittin' me, don't ya...?! Goddamn it! Yo, Daicroft machines! Kill off the intruders! Kamuze seems like he's in a hurry...! Everyone, go for it! [more carnage] Shit! They're fucking pushin' us back...! Of course we are! Pushing is extremely important! In love, and romance, and in battle too! I-I think I could learn from that. That's my Felicia! I dunno about separating "love" and "romance" though. But hey, at this rate... Huh?! W-what the?! Don't tell me... the weapon's online?! Oh come on! 'Course it is! Blast the fuck off!! W-what's all this shaking...?! What did you do?!! It couldn't be... did he activate the indiscriminate area destruction weapon...?! You mean... we didn't make it?! Heh heh heh... bingo. From what I hear, this Belclant's powerful enough to get me interested. That can't be...?! Then, Tokyo... no, all of Japan will be attacked?! Haaaahahahaha! Sucks to be you! An' it's your goddamn fault too! This's what you get for fucking with me! You sack of shit!! No... all of Tokyo...! Hold the phone. ...Look at how big this thing is. Ain't no way it's as simple as pushing a button and some bullet coming out. And in fact, I didn't feel anything get attacked yet. ...I dunno how long, but we still got time. ... So it seems. I feel energy building up. And it hasn't been unleashed yet... Then the surface hasn't gotten hurt yet?! So if we stop him now... we can still make it...! And the switch... looks like it's right behind him. In which case, let's pummel his butt and get it away from that switch. Yeah, let's do it. This cursed power from the Phantom World... we can't let it get used here...! (...No way I'm letting him use it. Even if it costs me my life...!) Right, concentrate your fire! ...Not so fast. What...?! From behind us...?! Someone else! ... That's... that demon from the Infernal Village! Yeah, that dude from the special squadron. And right when we're busy too... what lousy timing this sucker's got...! So, you finally show up! Where the hell've you been?! Huh?! It wouldn't seem that he's here by coincidence... would it? Yes, they appear to be in league. ... I was wondering why you left the Infernal Village... but I never thought you'd show yourself here. What are you trying to do, take over our world?! ...You got a mouth. Use it. ... ...I must admit, I'm shocked, Red Aleemar Joker. ... When you left, the Infernal Village fell. And this is the path you chose? ...You, the only survivor. So instead you fell in with Zouna's men, and trouble an entire world full of souls... _Very_ nice going. Pretty lame, mister. Think of me whatever you want. But, Arthur... You're here. ...Which means I wasn't wrong. ...? Yo, cut it out. This ain't no time to go sucking face... Aren't you in a hurry? ...Let's begin. If you know our schedule so well, then just stay away in the first place. Well, we'll just have to stick to that schedule. Just worry about taking out Kamuze and stopping the Belclant...! [pound the other Joker a bit] Grr... How could I let you wound me this badly... We cannot lose. Prepare to die. That goes for me too. Newcomers? It would seem you have no intention of fleeing, Red Aleemar Joker. ...Of course not. This is where I choose to die. What...? Let's go! [take him all the way down] Is this... it...? That wound looks fatal. ...It's over, demon. Red Aleemar Joker... I had wanted to settle things with you back at the Infernal Village. No... this is as it should be... the Infernal Village... was not the place I wished it to be... I... didn't fight that war... because I wanted that... ..."That war"...? What's he talking about? ...The War of the Crest, I suppose. The War of the Crest? What's that? Never heard of it. ...Which world did it take place in? It was a massive conflict, long before the three noble families of the Infernal World struggled for the crown... before the Infernal Village was even founded. The one who ended that war was "A red demon, led by the crest"... That was you, wasn't it, Red Aleemar Joker? Heh he heh... It seems the Maiden Knight, Valkyrie... figured it out... Now hold on a second! What's that war got to do with you being here now?! ...It's the same. Back then, and this battle... see... The same...? Then, too... there were those stealing each other's power... fighting a battle that could... destroy the world... ...This chaos is... very like that then... The Key of Time, the Golden Seed... and the Indiscriminate Area Destruction Weapon Belclant... There is more than that. There is the Shadowloo system called Psychodrive, and the scientific might of the Grand Master as well. Not to mention the transfer craft of the Ouma, and whatever resurrected the Genji. ...All of those powers, right? And there's even Jin and Ryuu's power. There's no end to it. ... ...No doubt about it. Brother... If you put it that way, we're totally up the creek. That's why I... wanted to see. Even if it meant living in disgrace... How you all... would fight... ...Rest assured, Joker. Everyone here bears the fate of their world on their shoulders. I vow to end this chaos... and return the worlds to their rightful state. I will be one step ahead... watching you... from Hell... You... the heroes... who laid the Infernal Village low... ...Here, too, falls a hero. This world... I swear it will be returned to normal, Red Aleemar Joker. And that starts here. Let us finish this! [take out Kamuze] G-gwaaaah...! Shit! Fucking pathetic!! Move it! Just fire that shit already! Stand aside, Kamuze. Well, you don't have to bother. We can just finish you off right there. ...Grr....Arrrrrgh!! Remember this!! Zouna's waiting in the castle upstairs! ...!! Zouna's castle...?! What a minute, what do you mean "upstairs"... Maybe he means that stuff on top of the outer layer is Zouna's castle?! The demon lord Zouna...! I had heard he came here with Daicroft... But you mean to tell me his castle is intact too?! So what if it is! Fucking Sandra... Get Valkyrie and get your ass to that castle!! Damn that Zouna... what's he up to now? Wait, Kamuze!! Do we follow him, Kurino?! Where he's running to, Zouna will be waiting...! After him!! What?! Wait, Kurino! Wait...! Damn it, can't he be a bit calmer about his enemies...?! So, shouldn't we stop this machine first? That's right! Quick! ...Huh? It _is_ stopped. Heh, that bastard... looks like he turned it off himself. Apparently he achieved his objective. Man, he really had me worried there for a moment... Well, we avoided the worst case scenario. And lost a couple people in the process. Are those two gonna be be okay by themselves...? The fighting here isn't over yet. There are still enemies to defeat. Phew... that finishes it. Well then, shall we... head out to the outer layer? I am concerned about Reiji and the others. Yeah, and we gotta find out what happened with Tron's whatevershaft warship too. And, we need to follow wherever Kurino ran to. ...What a pain. Yeah, no need to linger. Let's hurry and... But, should we really leave this place unguarded...? You have a point. Shall we just... destroy it instead? Yeah, if we leave things alone... someone else may just mess with it while we're not looking. Thank god Bruce and Regina aren't here. Why? What does this place have to do with them? Well, military folks don't tend to like this kind of stuff. If so, it's even better that Heihachi isn't here. No doubt he'd want Mishima Heavy Industries to start churning out these weapons. I don't follow, but the point is we gotta wreck the stuff, right? That's right up my alley. Time for a little exercise. ...Just stand back. [CHAPTER 42. A WILDERNESS WHERE ANGELS AND DEMONS FEAR TO TREAD] {Material World... Aerial Cities, Outer Layer} A floating continent, huh? Up close, the surface is just like ground anywhere else. Just what did you expect, anyway? ...Anyway, they're not gonna eject this part or anything, right? We would be sooo toast. Not to mention, we can't fight well if we're worried about our footing. ... Apparently the ground... is stabilized by some kind of energy field. No guarantees, huh? Well, if it did break up, it's gonna be a long way down. L-let's not find out, okay, Gantz? Well, the Gezelschaft hasn't fallen out. I think it's safe enough. Okay, let's hurry it up. T-Tron... we're surrounded by enemies... So we just take 'em out as we go. Yeah, an' we're even gonna yell "Fore" first. Hmm? I didn't notice it from above, but... what's that building over there? Oh dear, that is... What?! That building... isn't that Sylphie's shop?! That is correct. What an inexplicable turn of events. Hey, this isn't just about you. I guess it got caught in the Transfer, just like that POS battleship. ...Oh well, guess we gotta snag it too. Thank you for your trouble. I see few of the enemy's guard machines. We should secure a route to the battleship where there is still time. Indeed. We must not waste time. ... Yo, bro, we're going. Kagekiyo, what's with you lately? You're out to lunch, and you got all your footwork backwards. ...Can you not feel it? The terrible, evil aura that rules this place? Certainly, any continent that floats in the sky is suspicious to begin with, but... I sense no presence beyond that of the enemy. Me too. ...You're probably just imagining things. After all, the air's pretty thin here. Maybe you're just altitude sick? A samurai from Hell? I doubt that. ...What do sensors show? Nothing special. Except the enemies all over the place. I detect nothing other than the enemies and the energy fields surrounding this area. Look, forget the fine print! The rocks aren't gonna just fall down! Let's move! Okaaaay! ... (So, the sharp-sensed ones cannot sense it? I hope it is only my imagination.) [hack. slash.] Reinforcements...! Where were they hiding?! What?! Those are... Genji?! Matching data... ...There is no mistake. Those are members of the organization designated Genji. That can't be...! The Genji... Minamoto Yoritomo was defeated back in the Tower of Druaga...! Maybe these are just leftovers? Hell, all the worlds're mixed together. Ain't so strange to have some Spirit Worlders around. Hmm, I guess that's true. Sounds convincing. Hey, Kagekiyo, don't sweat it. ...This sorcery has lessened not one bit since then. You sayin' the Genji ain't dead yet? You forget or something? You're the one who finished him off, Kagekiyo. ... The commanders, Minamoto Yoritomo and Yoshitsune and the others, aren't here. ...I'm guessing that whoever's left came here for revenge. But don't forget that all the Genji came back from Hell for revenge. What's stopping them from doing it... again? Maybe they're like, Hell's commandos? ...Anything could happen at this rate. I can't find it in my heart to laugh. Indeed... Also, we have no way to be sure. ... Just talking about it won't solve anything. Let's just take them out, okay? We'll be in big trouble if they wreck the Gezelschaft. It would be most unfortunate if they were to abscond with any of my wares. Whether these are Genji stragglers, or new arrivals... either way, we must fight. Yeah, don't think too hard. Anyone in the way gets their butt in a sling... That's it. That ain't the smart way, but count me in too. Well, I thought hard, and I also think the best way is a frontal assault. (Well, not like that's anything we don't do all the time anyway...) ...Let us go. (Likely the reason I am still alive is...) [maim. frag.] Looks like hunting down the stragglers is going pretty fast. ...It is too soon to know that they are stragglers. Kagekiyo, why're you so sensitive all of a sudden? ...Is there a reason for this level of caution? There's no sign of any more enemies, isn't that safe enough? ... ...No, he will be here soon. This sorcery... I will never, ever forget it...! O ho ho ho... So, you alone will not be deceived, Kagekiyo? That creepy sneer... It can't be!! He's not on sensors...?! What's going on?! Minamoto Yoritomo and friends...?! I thought we defeated them in the Tower?! Do not rush. Just like the criminal superman Doppel, these may be imposters. Matching past data. Minamoto Yoritomo, Musashibou Benkei, and Kiso Yoshinaka... they are all authentic. Damn... although it is said that lightning strikes not twice, but thrice... how could they actually be here again...?! That's right, we died, not once... but twice. And yet... we have returned once more! We shall meet each other for all eternity. This battle is without end. ...Then I shall end it time and again. Hold on, Kagekiyo. Until we figure out why they revived, they'll just keep coming back over and over. Heh heh... perhaps you need a clue? Argh... what the...?! Spatial distortion confirmed. Hey, you! Don't think you can just walk all over someone else's ship! T-Tron, this isn't the time for that. Look at all the enemies! The Ouma...! Saya, what're you doing here?! And while you're at it, explain why you brought the Genji back to life! Little Tsune, is it okay to tell them? ...Do as you please. Well then, let your teacher explain. Who's a teacher? You, in the front row, be quiet. ...Haven't you noticed that this floating continent gathers the souls of the dead? The souls... of the dead? Heh heh heh heh... Summoning the souls of the dead... where does such power come from? From what lies at the center... of this floating island. ...! The center... you mean the central block that Valkyrie and the others went to?! Don't tell me what's in the middle of Daicroft's got something to do with that Eye of God. It's that powerful...?! I mean, bringing dead people back to life... Man, that's rich. So I guess if you get offed here, you come back again and again, huh? That sounds like immortality. I am quite envious. Yo, you think it's really that simple? Just confirming that... is made much harder with them in the way. So, Saya, what do you get out of it? ...Did you come to find out how to bring the dead to life? Come on, boy, your operate on intuition entirely too often. But... maybe I should tell you this once. What I'm interested in... is you, my Heike samurai. What...? ...Okay, I totally don't understand your tastes. Here I thought you were hot for sullen, tight-ass guys like Reiji. Sure... if we were talking about who I was hot for. ...Forget the stupid small talk. What're you getting at? See, I was hoping to borrow that sword of Kagekiyo's... ...Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi? And what would an apparition like you do with this sword? Heh heh... That's a s-e-c-r-e-t. She's gotta be up to something... (She's still after a sword...?) (...First, it was the Soul Edge. And now, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.... What is she after?) Oh, and I want that store over there too, while I'm at it. Isn't it every girl's dream to own her own store? I must refuse. You have no idea what that store means. Okay, that's enough. Don't forget what we're here for. We've got to wipe out the enemies here, and get the Gezelschaft back... that's our top priority. Copy! The enemy's the enemy! We're taking them out! Like we always do. I'm doin' this my way. Hold it. Don't just think you can charge in on the Genji and the Ouma. That's right. ...No doubt they're still hiding something. Huh? I thought the Genji were... ...She means their big general ain't shown up yet. Ho ho ho... then I shall reveal myself now. There he is, the evil which disorders worlds... the commander. ...Yoritomo. I told you my soul is indestructible, Kagekiyo. So... the battle in the tower is not yet over? Nothing else for it. None of us has anywhere to run up here in the sky. As good a place as any to settle this once and for all. Then let this talk end here. Kagekiyo...This is the third time we meet. I shall not let this chance elude me. You shall know our strength, we, who have gained new powers. All here... shall perish...! Don't make me laugh! We can't die! We must figure out... the riddle of why you came back to life. Yes, that will impact our future battles as well. ... Such brave words. Well then, allow me to observe your valor, okay? What do you think you're doing? I thought you said you wanted Kagekiyo's sword. Well, if Kagekiyo gets his behind spanked quickly, that saves me the trouble, doesn't it? Time to take it nice and easy... nap, maybe. ... (Besides, the Katanas need more experience.) (...After all... I'm running out of time.) Stuck up bitch!! Want me to blow you and the whole damn ship away?! ...You think we could really do that? Hey, piece of cake. Hit the main engine with the bazooka, and kablammo. Hey! Don't even say that as a joke! Anyway, pull her down from there! Okaaay! Yoritomo, I already have the three Sacred Vessels. I can defeat you. Meet your doom again, Genji demons, here on this cursed land that leads the world into chaos. [slaughter. murderization.] Sure, we're mowin' 'em down... but those two up there are really pissing me off. They can't keep it up forever. Their troops are faltering fast. Now get off the Gezelschaft! Please wait a moment! Someone is approaching! ...?! An enemy? Or is it the members who went to stop the Belclant returning...? Hey, check it out, it's those round thingies we haven't seen for a while... Not our friends. ...Phantom Beasts, are they? They came from the Phantom World?! Meaning... That's right!! Well then, things have really gotten interesting. The finale is close... I suppose. It's... Joker! You bastard... what're you here for?! Well, I heard something terrible was happening in the Material World... Who would have guessed that the legendary Daicroft had not only surfaced, but had transferred in its entirety to another world? Busting our chops, huh? We're pretty damn busy just now. Hit the trail. The exit is that way. My goodness, how hostile. I am not busting your chops at all. ...My first goal is taking revenge for poor Janga. Janga... that monster cat we struck down inside the aerial battleship Balrog? ...You said you're here for revenge for him? Don't fucking make me laugh. I'll send you off after his ass! Oh dear, how intimidating. But I believe I can solve that problem. Wait up, what's he talking about? Why don't you speak in plain Japanese? You look like you're ready to burst. O ho ho ho, well then. It seems the seal cast by the Key of Time is about to unravel. ...Apparently it's resonating with the "strong power" in this place. So, the Key of Time's that treasure with some amazing power, right? And this place's strong power is adding to that...? ....Wait, you mean the Eye of God? Hold on a moment! We just heard that the Eye of God is in this floating continent's central block, right? You sayin' the Key of Time's there too?! Then, the demon lord Zouna's there too...?! ...I've got it. That bit about the souls of the dead gathering... that's thanks to the Key of Time in Zouna's hands...! Ah, I see. In which case, I'd better get over there. Well, I'll be taking that sword now, and then toodle off to the central block. Laughable. This sword is too much for an apparition like you to handle. And you will not go there. You shall be struck down here...! I shall go there myself. That power this demon lord Zouna possesses... should I acquire it, my Genji army will be truly invincible and unrivaled. My fallen soldiers will gather to me once more. Ho ho ho... ...I will not allow it, Yoritomo. You shall be slain here... and then I shall seal away that power Zouna wields. They finally came down... But I guess that means we've gotta fight them too. Well, everyone seems very curious about all this. _Veeery_ appealing power, isn't it? O ho ho ho. Geez, how come there's always more enemies? Fuckers coming out of the goddamn woodwork...! Looks like Saya and Yoritomo are ready to rumble too. I swear... that shitty clown went and did it this time! Think of this as a chance to take them all out at once. Let's do it. That's right. It's Battle Royale time! Commencing total war. [take down Yoshitsune] Again... am I to be defeated again?! Urrrgh... Kagekiyo!! [take out Joker] R-ridiculous... How could I lose...make a fool of myself, discourage myself, lose heart myself... Take that! ...Grr... Admit defeat. You surely can't move anywhere with those wounds. We have much to ask you. Prepare yourself. You're gonna cough up every damn thing you know, got that?! ...Heh heh heh heh... ...? Wellll, let me see... it's true that you, who beat me, have the right to know the truth. ...? The "truth"...? What do you know? I shall tell you one thing. About something about to engulf this... no, _all_ the worlds. Daicroft appearing in the Material World is a mere prologue to the final "Mingling of Worlds". Mingling of Worlds...? (...Man, what a chatterbox...) (But to think he's figured out that much... this is one clown who's not to be taken lightly.) The walls separating the worlds are already a mess. What else is there to mingle? Think about that one on your own. Try to understand what the words "Mingling of Words" really mean... Really... means...? The hell is he talking about? Spit it out man. See, we ain't all patient and whatever. Does this have something to do with the power that brought the Genji back to the Golden Pond...? Why don't you go and find out? I've told you all I am going to... Say what? Hey!! Energy signature increasing...?! Everyone, get away from there! D-don't tell me... he's gonna self-destruct?! Farewell, everyone. It was all very fun... Wait! Joker! Don't! Don't do it!! Heh heh heh heh heh... I am satisfied, you see... I have no interest in how things turn out. Turn out...? I mean that the fun of "building blocks" is building them higher and higher. ...Make sure you don't knock the building blocks over... O ho ho ho ho ho... Look out!! Everyone get down! T...Tai-Senkou Bougyou!! Huh...? Energy signature has completely vanished. No irregularities in the area. Was he bluffing...? He certainly had us all going there. ...Acting to the end. Well, at least we got some information from him. I-I think we just got more riddles and confusion instead... Hey, no stress. Let's just take our time and figure it out. ...Joker... Is this... the end...? Look, worry about all that junk later. We still got enemies to blast. [wipe out Yoshinaka] Of my battle... I have no regrets...! [splat goes Benkei] ...I shall return... to the icy... River Styx... But... we shall meet again, Kagekiyo... Do not think... you have won yet... [whack Yoritomo] N...not once... but twice...! No....three times, Yoritomo. ...Ho ho... ho... But... this is... not the end... my soul... is invincible. I shall await you... at the River Styx, Kagekiyo... Until the day... we Genji... again return to... the Golden Pond... That day will not come.... And if it did, I shall appear before you once more. Even though it repeat for all eternity, it will not hinder me. ... Is that really the end of them...? They can be ended as often as necessary. As often... [take down Saya] Guess I won't be stealing that sword after this much damage. Geez, what a fiasco. Hold it. You're not getting away this time...! Hey, you let me off the hook just yesterday... Don't tell me you woke up? To what, you fool? ...I see your Project's going nicely. ...! First the Soul Edge, now Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi... I don't know what you're up to, and I don't care. If we eliminate you here, it won't matter...! Ooh...good intuition, boy. Just like your father, in that way. Nice job figuring out that the Project's almost to its final phase. Really, Reiji?! ...More or less. I don't know what the Project's for yet. But from how she's been acting lately... that much was obvious. ... Giving up on the Soul Edge like that, and cranking out those Katana copies... Hmm, now that you mention it, she sure has been busy. ...It's because I'm running out of time, boys and girls. That's why I wanted the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. But with this much damage, not a chance. In which case, I'm gonna need you all to hurry up and save the world for me. ...What? Figuring out what I mean is your homework until next time, okay? Heh heh... Leading the world into chaos... that's supposed to be the Ouma objective. ...Now she tells us to save the world? What kinda flip-flop is that...? ... ... Surveillance complete. No enemies visible in the vicinity. Well, the Gezelschaft's intact, but I've gotta see if she'll actually fly. Looks pretty stuck to me. You sure? Once excavated, there should be no problem. Let's test it right away. So what about the store? Thankfully, the store is intact. Everyone, this time shopping is on the house. Ooh, how sensible. I don't need what you call on the house. It's gonna be _real_ cheap, right Sylphie? But of course. (On second thought, even for friends, her stuff doesn't come free...) Is this any time for shopping? Isn't there some terrible enemy at the center of this floating continent? I know how you feel, but our mission is securing the Gezelschaft. In the battles ahead... this ship will be indispensable. ... There are several of this aerial city's guard robots around us. Looks like we get to grind it out a bit longer. So, we cannot leave this place and offer aid...? Looks like this ain't gonna be easy. I don't think they'll take us down too easy, but... Damn, but that pisses me off. Plus Joker an' Saya've got me worried. Yeah... we don't know if the worlds will mingle or not... Wasn't it Saya who wanted us to save the world? That were-vixen... nice of her to say that _after_ she wrecks the place. Plus we don't know why she wants Kagekiyo's sword. ...For what did she intend to use it? Well, we still don't know what this Project's all about. (This battle... it's gotta be drawing to a close.) (But... what kind of closure is it...?) [CHAPTER 43. ONCE MORE, THE LEGEND OF THE KEY OF TIME] {Material World... Daicroft Central Block} ...So, this is the central block? I tried scanning the area, but there aren't any enemies here. Guess we're in luck. Let's go. Is that... the Eye of God...?! It looks like a Deflector... I feel immense power, Rock. This is no time to be staring at it. There's no telling when the enemy's guard robots will show up. Hmmm, think Tai-Rai-Ha would break it? Well, you never know till you... Yikes!! I didn't do anything yet! What is happening...?! Ugh...! W-what happened...? Huh?! Where... are we?! Ooh, you guys came too? Check it out, free admission day! Don't make admission free without explaining first. You'll just confuse people. Looks like we're all here. The Shinra whelps... and Jin? And plenty more besides, it seems. ... Lady Valkyrie... Thank goodness you're safe. Piece of cake on our side. This isn't a party... as much as a farce. I know. ...We must not be deceived by this illusion. Illusion? So... this really is fake? Not all these signatures are human. Even KOS-MOS... isn't KOS-MOS. ... Hmph, reveal yourself!! Someone's got a big costuming budget. And underneath... are guys we've seen before. Over half of them are Druaga's soldiers...?! Wait... isn't Druaga the demon you killed off back there?! Could these be survivors... Transferred from the Infernal World...? But this magic I feel... It could only come from Druaga's men. A-are you saying that the demon Druaga still lives? No way! Then, Amazona would be... (W-wait... is that why her curse wasn't broken back then...?!) We do not know that much. But... the evil power that fills this room is one I will never forget... it is the demon lord Zouna's. Do you mean this is one of Zouna's traps?! It doesn't matter who set it. ...Here they come. Let us fight, everyone. ...We must not lose. (Zouna will surely appear... and when he does...!) [kill for a while] I've got something on sensors! Oh no, this is... More new enemies?! What? Druaga's knights... and the dragon?! Is Zouna using Druaga's knights...? Or... No, that's not it...! Gil...?! Heh heh heh... hahahahaha! ...!?! Did you think that was enough to destroy my soul? I will not be destroyed. I will never be destroyed! Golden Knight, Gilgamesh...! Long time no see... except it's not been that long at all. Heh heh heh... Who're you?! ...You're dressed just like Gil... This aura... what the heck?! An incredible power... just like Lord Vega. Gil! What... what _is_ this?! ...Don't you see who that really is? I told you my hatred would not disappear, Gilgamesh. I never expected you to actually appear. ...Demon Druaga...! Huh?!? Wait, Gil!? I thought the demon Druaga was completely destroyed back in the tower... Yeah, and he looks totally different now! He looks just like Gil, in fact...! Yes... my body was indeed destroyed. But my regrets, my hatred... they created a new body for me. All to defeat you... Gilgamesh. ... So... this is why... Amazona's curse wasn't broken...! It seems... we underestimated the demon's power. To think we would have to defeat his very soul... That's absurd! Those who die once...! ...Wait. I keep forgetting this world doesn't make sense. Yeah, like, I already died once for example. As have I. ...However, I am interested in what allowed you to effect your revival. If it was by willpower alone, I applaud you. And you even took the form of the man you want to kill. Well, he is a demon after all. His proclivities are as bad as they come. This's no time to admire him! Why... how'd he come back to life?! ...Most likely, it is because the seal on the Key of Time is coming undone. How would you know that, Maiden Knight? The demon lord Zouna is an incarnation of evil hearts. Those evil hearts... have the power to draw together passions like grudges and revenge. And if joined to the power of the Key of Time... You've got it right, Maiden Knight. This land is gathering the souls of the dead as we speak. The demon lord Zouna, and the Key of Time he has, are drawing them in. ...He's probably telling the truth. In the center of this place is a mighty, overwhelming power... It is plain to me that it is attracting grudges to itself. (But Zouna, who is making that possible, is nowhere to be seen.) (He must be watching all this from somewhere...) A giant battleship, a flying continent, and now we get to fight ghosts? Look, I don't care anymore... ...Let's get down to business. Don't forget our mission. Eliminate them, and return to the central block. ...And then destroy the Eye of God. Futile. You all meet your end here...! ...Druaga, I don't know what kind of power brought you back, but you can't beat me. ...What? Gil... ...You'll find out soon enough. Let's go, Druaga...! [the slaughter continues] Heh heh... heh heh heh heh... Enemy reinforcements... the woman in black? I thought you would come, black, Fallen Knight. Likewise, green-eyed child. But I never expected you to come without your servants. They are fighting their own battle. Yes, a battle to stop the indiscriminate area destruction weapon Belclant. Do you think they'll make it...? ...There hasn't been any major shock yet here. I don't think it's been fired yet... Heh heh heh... I get back, an' this's the first thing I see? Pretty wild. Who goes there?! I'm joinin' this one too, Valkyrie. That's... the monster we saw on the aerial battleship. So, you dragged that huge body of yours in here. Not yet. ...I can sense someone else approaching. More enemies? Or... Wait!! Kamuze! Shit!! Lay off, you Sandra shit...! Kurino?! Is this one... real? Unlike before, his signature is normal. I think both of them are the real thing. But both of them were supposed to go to Belclant. Kurino, Sabine, did you stop the destruction weapon...?! We chased Kamuze away from the Belclant's firing system. Stan and the others should have taken care of the rest. So, you blew it? Demon Kamuze... you frankly disappoint me. Who the FUCK you think you're talkin' to? You wanna get your ass beaten in? Wow, check out the awesome infighting. Shall we play fisherman? Hmph... it shall not go according to your plan. ...After all, someone has not yet shown themselves. Not yet shown themselves... Huh? It can't be... You mean He will come...?! ...Not Him...! Looks like we finally get to meet this guy. Judging from this atmosphere... I think you're right. We meet again... Maiden Knight. You and your two faithful servants. Zouna...! We didn't come here to meet you cause we wanted to. We went wherever Valkyrie went. Meeting you was simply coincidence. Zouna... tell me what you are trying to accomplish here. You, Maiden Knight, would ask that of me? ...The beginning of time, a sky of void... the creation of all souls. The day has arrived to return the world to darkness... Tonight, I shall crush the world. And with whatever remains, I will return all to zero. ...Welcome to the end of the world, Valkyrie. This is not the end of the world. ...From this battle, the world will be returned to its rightful form. Demon lord Zouna...! ...So, that is the demon lord Zouna? Why has he come forth himself now? I merely waited until the time was ripe. The Key of Time has fallen into my hands. To return the worlds to their original darkness... I shall now unleash that power. Unleash the power...? Valkyrie, did you not say that the seal on the Key of Time was unbreakable? Yes. The seal that Lady Ishtar cast could not be broken by any one person's own strength, not even Zouna. An immense power would be needed... Lady Valkyrie, what about the Eye of God? ...What else could it be? Heh heh heh heh... It seems we hit the nail on the head. And that would explain why this giant, floating continent appeared in this world. Haven't you heard of being a good neighbor? Is this a... neighborhood? It's our world, and we've gotta protect it ourselves. All we gotta do is take down Zouna, right? So it seems... but I wonder if it's that easy. This wasn't the plan, but it looks like all-out war. Hmph, you think you can take me? What a fucking joke. Valkyrie, this has become a suitable stage for our duel to be settled. I do not think so. I had not wished to involve those of other worlds in our fight. It's a bit late for that now. Think of this... as our fate. Fate or not, our task has not changed. ...Beat them to a bloody pulp. As good a way as any to save the world. The most important mission in history, huh? Not just anyone gets to experience that. Not that I would have wanted to. ...Can't be helped now. Let's do it. You fools. You shall wither before the might of the demon lord. You're the one who's going to wither. Lady Valkyrie, let us...! Yes. Once again... we shall seal Zouna with the Key of Time! [whack Kamuze] T...there's no way... I... could... lose... Valkyrieeeee!!!! Sheesh... that guy was _tough_. But this time, he didn't have the Golden Seed. ...That was his mistake. If he had had the Golden Seed... that battle would have been too close to call. Looks like both his personality and his luck were bad, huh? [wax Black Valkyrie] Uhh... urrgh... ...Heh heh... Heh heh heh heh... What is so funny, Fallen Knight...?! Is this where I learn defeat? If so, my role ends here... What's so satisfying about that, huh? The whirlpool of chaos gripping all the worlds... it seems I am not... needed there... The chaos... needs you...? ...Our wish is for peace in the worlds. That is precisely why... you defeated me... That is all... Valkyrie. I am she who controls death and destruction. So long as the world has life, as long as it creates... I shall be... in its shadows... Once more... somewhere... we shall meet again... green-eyed, Maiden Knight... Lady Valkyrie... what was the Fallen Knight talking about? ... (She is my diametric opposite. ...One of us... had to disappear...) [settle Gil's score] Uhh...urrrgh!! Gil...gamesh...! It's over, Druaga. ...Do you remember when I told you you can't beat me? My... grudge against you... couldn't possibly... be... Why... why... can't I... win...? ... W...hy...? I perceive that his soul has been scattered to the four winds... I trust he won't be coming back again. Gil... Now Druaga is completely... Gone. Yes, Kai. Then, wherever Amazona is, her curse is?! Broken, I would hope. What a mess... Where could she be I wonder...? If only we had realized back then that Druaga's soul hadn't been destroyed... we could have saved her back then... I don't think that could be helped. Who knew he could live as a soul alone...? Oh, Gil? When you told him he couldn't beat you, did you know this was going to happen? ...Yes I did. In order to defeat me, he became me. I've got Kai and all my friends with me. Druaga had... nothing. The moment that happened, the outcome was already decided. Gil... [and, last but not least...] Uhh.. urgh... aaaaargh... Zouna... this is the end. Return to your rightful place. ...They are... drifting away... The... the souls surrounding me are... drifting away... Am I... the only one to... return to zero...? But know this... this is not the end... All the worlds... as long as the light of life shines... can never destroy me... Where there is light... there is darkness... Maiden Knight, Valkyrie... you... should... know this... Did we... get him? That sounded... really deep... Heh, just a throwaway line. Don't sweat it. Momo, how's it look? His signature has completely vanished. I think it's okay... ... (Zouna is the heart of darkness... An incarnation of evil, born of defeatist feelings...) (...Surely... he will reappear one day... in one of the worlds...) (But...) Lady Valkyrie... at last... We did it, Valkyrie. Yes, it is over now. Now we have recovered the Key of Time. Ummm, so if we use the Key... We're supposedly able to put all these messed up worlds back in order, correct? First, let us escape this illusory castle. Yes. I shall use the power of the Key of Time to return this distorted space to normal. Let's get moving. We've still got that Eye of God to destroy. That was our original mission, and we've taken one hell of a detour. Okay, do your stuff! Then, let us return to the previous world... to the center of Daicroft. Thank you, Valkyrie! Much of our time has been wasted. We'd better hurry. O Key of Time... return this space that the demon lord Zouna has twisted to its rightful state, and guide us to the place we were before... Looks like we made it back safely. Well, that's one less thing to worry about. Now, we've gotta destroy that Eye of God. W-what the?! Gil? ...What?! No way! The Eye of God is...! I-it can't be...! It's gone...?! I've detected trace energy from it...! It was definitely there until very recently. Hrm...? You mean that someone has... taken it? Oh goodness, look who's here... Where did you come from? ...Juno?! Rockman Juno! Huh?! W-what're you doing here?! So, you too were after the lens-shaped energy source that was situated here? What do you mean "too"? ...Meaning you're the one who hid the Eye of God?! Answer wrong... and your ass is grass. That object... can be used in extremely valuable ways. I had been keeping watch on the state of the surface from Eden in the stratosphere... and I happened to find it. Stratosphere...? Eden, you said? Are you saying you came from space? You mean some kind of satellite weapon? Or... some kind of space fortress? ...Closer to a fortress. Though satellite weapon is not inaccurate either. So, it's an armed space fortress...? An answer infinitesimally close to the truth. With this energy, Eden will be able to use even more powerful weaponry. In which case... it will be come possible to dispose of all the Decoys infesting this planet. Decoy? Is that some kind of jargon? If the meaning is literal, a Decoy is a "decoy". This planet... decoys on the Earth? I don't understand. The Decoys... are the humans. No way... Rock...? Heh... heh heh heh heh heh... (Juno... he's gone completely Irregular...!) ...So, they're aiming at us from orbit? Yes, I suppose so. ...The person who effected my recovery says he wishes to use this power. Effected your recovery...? It can't be...! ...Grand Master Meiou... and an orbital weapon... So that's why he abandoned The Third Moon... Well then, I have preparations to make. W-wait! Damn it! Lady Valkyrie, the Eye of God! The power of that lens can only bring forth calamity. We must recover it...! One step forward... one step back. ...Let's get outside. We can follow them with that battleship. (Juno... Does this mean I have to dispose of you...?!) [CHAPTER 44. YOU DON'T NEED A TOY LIKE THAT] {Material World... Gezelschaft, Control Room} Is everyone on board? I just checked! Boarding complete! The Flutter has finished loading too. Engine room! Engine status?! All green, we can launch at any time! #29! Status of damage to the armor?! Nothing major! Emergency repairs complete! Wow, Tron and the Minions are really fired up. They are very well rehearsed. Ah, the power of youth. We're not running a zoo here! And if you guys had it together more, we wouldn't be running around like this! ...My apologies. The theft of the Eye of God was my mistake. It's Rockman Juno's fault, Valkyrie. I think he was waiting all along for us to defeat the demon lord Zouna. ...And he's being supported by Meiou. In any case, we've got to settle things with him. Eye of God or no. Besides, this battle... it's not going to end just by defeating all our enemies. This enemy is in space... hence, we go up after him. ..Space, huh...? I've been wanting to use this line for a long, long time... and it looks like the time has finally come. Well, that's about it. Looks like we've gotta use the battleship after all. ...Quit talking to yourself...! System All Green! Tron, the Gezelschaft is ready for takeoff! Tron, report from the cafeteria! The cafeteria?! Gosh darn it! What now?! We got a ticket noting that there's no mabo curry on the menu... Now is not the time! Whoever filed that ticket can eat sludge for all I care! Enough already! Gezelschaft, launch...!! {One Hour Later... Gezelschaft, Meeting Room} Is everyone here? Not everyone, but don't worry. Let's start. That's right. First, a word about the enemy's home base... We heard something about a space fortress, or an attack satellite... Yeah. "Eden"... was it? Naming a weapon after paradise... rather ironic. But we have so little information about it. Only that it's in the stratosphere... right? Can we find it? Heh heh... oh, we found it already. Well now, how industrious. Great work. O-hohohohoho! Unlike a certain klutzy mechanic I could name, I know how to get things done! ...Grrrrrr. Geez, they're like cats and dogs. Well, it feels like Tron picks most of the fights, but... If you wish to fight, may I recommend some handy items from my shop? You can insert your finger here, and depending on how hard you squeeze, punch cards spew out in large... Hey, cut it out now. No fighting, and no selling, please. Ahem... fine. #37, bring up the tactical display. Okay! W-what the hell... is that?! So... that is the enemy's castle? That thing is huge! Is that... Eden?! That doesn't look like a satellite. It's more like a pillar of some sort. As a size comparison, that's about four times the size of Meiou's castle The Third Moon... ...W-what's that... Rock? What's wrong? You look pale... Oh...n-nothing, Roll. (I know this... this "Eden"...) From a distance, it's quite clear that the Earth is suffering terribly... Those aerial cities... they are spread out on a global scale. It looks like some kind of melon... Is the Earth going to stay like that? ...Even if so, there's nothing we can do about it now. We don't know how to send them back where they came from. With Lady Ishtar's power... I think something could be arranged... Daicroft has been rendered powerless. What we need to worry about now... is preventing the eye of God from causing any more damage. Quite right. Let us figure out the best way to make the assault. {Meanwhile... Gezelschaft, Hold} What's up? Why'd you call me down here? I've got something I've gotta tell you. Plus, hey, doesn't it feel so much more illicit to have a secret chat somewhere like this? ... Oh... but, don't put me on the vaulting block, okay? It's harder than it looks, and my back... ...We're in the middle of a tactical planning meeting. If you don't have anything to talk about, I'm going back. H-hey, hold on! I was just joking, okay? I wanna talk to you about Saya. What do you think about her, Reiji? Saya's... no, the Ouma's objective is still unclear. Leading the world into chaos... is that really all? They're probably trying to pick up where they left off ten years ago. ...Do you remember? The Ouma's Project... I don't know the details, but they were trying to do something in Shibuya. Right. Back then, you were training for the organization. It was Shougo, your father, who dragged you to the scene. And waiting there then... was Saya. I shielded my father from Saya's attack and got hit in the head. ...And lost consciousness. ... When I awoke, the incident was over. Thanks to my father's... death. ... Sorry to make you remember all this, Reiji... But... Saya's appeared before us again, ten years later. Ten years ago... what was she trying to do in Shibuya? ...She was trying to artificially cause Quakes for some reason. That's all I know. Back then, we were able to stop it before it went any farther... but this time, things are too different. ...Leading the world into chaos... If that's all, anyone would say they've already succeeded. But, you know that that chaos is about to end too, right? ...Doesn't it bother you how much free time she seems to have on her hands...? Project... Soul Edge... Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi... Katana... and "Save the world". So many keywords. And none of them have any direct connection to "world chaos". We can't guess what'll happen next. But... but that's precisely why I've gotta tell you this. ...About your father's last moments. ... Reiji, Shougo... your father... I... Never speak of this again, Xiaomu. I'll defeat Saya, who killed my father. Get revenge. And settle the score with the Ouma in one fell swoop. That's enough for me now. No! Listen! I...! ...I'm going back to the planning meeting. Go grab some chow in the cafeteria or something, and get ready for the next battle. Reiji... (...Again... I couldn't tell him again...) (What the hell am I doing... Ten years... It's only ten years... why don't I have the courage to... tell him the truth...?) {30 Minutes Later... Inside Eden} So, this is the inside of Eden? Wow... it's nice and cool. We sure got in easy enough. ...Where the hell is everyone? Really? Well, there sure isn't anyone here... ... (That's right... I have... I have been here before...) (Who... who am I...?) Hey, what's wrong, Rock? Are you getting cold feet after coming all this way? ...Stop making fun, Waya. I can't sense a single person around. Nor... any type of sorcery. Inside another steel box, huh? This ain't helpin' my nerves. So, how do we do this? Well, we've got to look for the Eye of God. Stay calm, Stan. Does anyone here have any idea where the Eye of God is? There are several high energy sources, but... telling them apart is hard. Well, I guess we've gotta check those sources out one at a time, huh? ...We should strike down the enemy leaders. It will not be too late to seek the Eye of God afterwards. Hmm, that could work too. Sounds like the usual splitting up to me. How do we stay in contact? If we can't do that, there's no point in splitting the team up. EM is clear. Apparently nothing's preventing us from transmitting. Then we give everyone a transmitter and get cracking. We follow every energy signature until we find the right one. We don't know what kind of defense mechanisms are present. Move with the utmost care. Yeah, assume the enemy can see all our movements. Everyone, you are going home alive. Now be careful out there. Acknowledged. We shall not fail. Hmph, youngsters. Just who do you think you're talking to? Reiji's always the serious one. Course, he also snuck out to the hangar with a girl right before an operation. Huh?! Is that why you weren't there? ... I was wondering why you weren't in the conference room! What were you two doing?! I-I hate to say it... but he forced me onto the vaulting block, and... (...I don't remember one of those in the hold.) Ahh, youth. Nice work! ...Xiaomu, will you cut that out? Hey, an operation this big, gotta get psyched up first, right? ...Forget it. Let's go. (...That fight ten years ago... this time... I'll...) {Material World... Eden, Control Room} Whoa, just look at this place. Looks like a bullseye to me. How felicitous. ...However, are we sure this is the center? I feel a helluva lot of energy from this place. ...I say bingo. The prize is world peace? ...Heh, not half bad. Yes. I believe this is the central block of this facility beyond any reasonable doubt. Though faint, I detect spatial distortion in the central area. How come? Are the different energies interfering with each other...? Apparently this machinery isn't just for moving this giant steel box around. This power... it reminds me of the power when the door between worlds would open. I figured it was the main reactor... But is it also the generator for Dimensional Transfer? Who cares about that? Once we wreck it, it won't matter what it was for. I-is that... really the right idea? I don't mind destroying it. ...But watch out. They know what we're up to. They're certain to react somehow. I'm sure Juno will show up. ...He's got to be watching us even now...! If so, let's set the stage properly. Rebirds and Gnosis... let's have those outside the club leave the room. Right you are. Hey, KOS-MOS, blast 'em! Acknowledged. Deploying Hilbert Effect. [pound the enemy for a while] It seems playtime is ending. We got about... half of them, right? We can't spend too much time here. We've got to find an opening and figure out how to destroy the machine. Right. Maybe we need a bomb? Spatial distortion confirmed. Something is Transferring in. What?!? What's that "something"...the enemy?! Oh, probably. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be this easy. Look, something came out. Huh? Where've I seen those before...? Those low-level demons and the Soul Bees were in the Infernal Village... and the frog was on the Path of Penance... All of them monsters from the Infernal World. What's going on? Don't tell me they managed to copy the demons too?! Analysis shows a perfect match to previous data. These appear not to be copies. ...Dimensional Transfer? What! Those people in the goofy outfits... aren't those the androids we fought on the surface?! Bakuda's robot army or something? Dimensional Transfer... may not be what's going on here. T-there's more of them! Those... are Phantom Beasts, right?! ...Meaning they came here... from our world?! And those are... some guys we just saw, right? ...Yeah, in that crazy floating continent. Those guys who were with Yoritomo, right? That is, monsters from the Spirit World. Kagekiyo! More Genji?! ...These were not originally Genji men. Yoritomo's sorcery bent them to his service. Hey... does the fact they're here mean the three worlds are all joined?! The Rebirds and Gnosis who were here to start came from the same world we did... What we could call the future. Then, almost all the worlds are...?! Most likely. Is this... part of the Grand Master's strategy? ...There are too many unknowns. Darn right... This is turning into some dream battle royale with everyone involved. I'll take a battle royale. Here, they're all after us. So, just what are all these dudes from different worlds doing in one place, huh? Yo, this ain't what that clown called Joker was talking about with that "mingling of worlds" BS, was it? (My head says they're not wrong, but my gut disagrees...) (There must be something more fundamental going on.) [pummel the opposition] ...I don't like this one bit. How come? Isn't it fun to fight all these different bad guys? Is it... that we're only fighting small fry you don't like? Very perceptive. ...Well, it's true this is one big machine. I doubt this's the end of it... You know, maybe it's the bigger it is, the quicker the end comes? This _is_ the age of downsizing, after all. Apparently that is not it. Abnormal energy signature increasing. Oof! What just happened?! ...W-what the hell is that...!? F-frigging huge!! I said _down_sizing! It is said that "big is merely a collection of small"... but this... H-holy shit...! It's... that Dust Dragon again?!? What the fuck is going on around here?! What's that thing doing here?! I believe it is a Dimensional Transfer. However, the signature is different than before. Different than before? Ain't a Transfer a Transfer? ...Now I see their machinations. So that's it? The reason beings from so many different worlds are gathering here... Yes, that's right. They didn't gather, they _were gathered_. ...!! ...I've been waiting for you, ladies and gentlemen. It's you... Rockman Juno! Juno...! I thought it was you! ...I see some people with business with me too. Right... and I'm sick of waiting, Captain Commando. This place'll be your grave. Heh heh heh heh... We're already all set to give you a nice warm welcome. Huh?! Among the enemy is... Rock?! There's a Ryuu too. My own shadow? ...Interesting...! Great, more troublemakers. Gil, there's an enemy that looks just like you... Heh... Druaga tried that too, but this time the armor seems real. I... am also among them? They even impersonated you...! Okay... these enemies are really creeping me out. Yeah. These guys're making me want to hurl. For real. That's what the enemy wants you to do, Rutee. ...We've got to go on anyway. They're just copies. Don't be taken by appearances. One question before we begin. ...What are you trying to do with this machine here? Don't you understand? Joining the different worlds... that much we got. And the fact you can Transfer something that big. So you do all that... and then what? What're you trying to do next? And where did you hide the Eye of God you took from Daicroft?! Right! You mustn't use that! It must be sealed away forever! Well... I have little interest in what His thoughts may be... You're the one who took it! Who is this He? What's He like? ...Him, huh? Where is He? Don't be in such a rush, Strider. ...I presume the main dish comes later. Let's finish the hors d'oeuvres first, shall we? Don't underestimate us, Captain Commando. No, I'm gonna underestimate you plenty. Compared to who we have to fight afterwards... we can't let you give us any trouble at all...! ... (Yes... He will surely show Himself.) Juno, this is as far as you go! Very well. Shall we settle our duel here? Rockman Trigger...! [kill kill kill] That's enough. ...So, you've shown yourself, Hien. Objective Strider Hiryuu sighted. Grand Master's inner circle? ...Here to watch more of our exploits, are you? Save your conceit. We can get rid of your other friends here in Eden, you know? Get rid of... don't tell me everyone else is...?! That is disinformation. I am monitoring all of them. I believe they are in battle, but all are apparently fine. You won't get rid of them that easy. And that's why... we can't let you get rid of us here either...! Trying to mess us up with some clumsy lie, talk about unfair! ...The result is the same. Because... He has said he will appear in person. ...He will come then...?! From this city in the heavens, I shall burn all life on Earth to ash. Surely the new Earth will overflow with the new life I shall create. Perish, children of the old gods...! ...Don't make me laugh. You honestly believe that's possible? It is possible, Hiryuu. What...? The Eye of God... this immense energy, when combined with the theory of Psychodrive... Heh heh heh... ha ha ha ha. What's so funny... Hiryuu?! You don't need a toy like that. That man is... the Grand Master...?! What're you getting all scared for? Look, the guy's a walking fossil. Try saying that if you weren't trying to look a tenth your age. Listen here, diaper dandy! Don't you talk to me like...! Don't fight, okay! This old guy... has a _lot_ of power...! Different from magic... What is this aura that surrounds him...? So, you want to incinerate the surface, and recreate the ecosystem with your own lifeforms...? Hmph, who do you think you are, the god of Creation? Grand Master Meiou? Oh, don't think I'm stopping with this planet. All worlds, across all dimensions, are mine...! I suppose the iron ship you sent to the skies of the Infernal World was part of that plan? This's one large-scale villain. Guess he's not your average senile old fart, huh? Well, showin' himself to us means his luck's run out. This plan of his is toast. ...Executing my mission. Can you do it, Strider? Can you defeat me? I won't let you, Hiryuu. My ties with you... end here. And I will live in a new world...! There is no future for traitors. ...You die here, Hien. Heh heh... really into this, I see. ...Argh. A device for fusing worlds... I suppose there's no way she wouldn't come check it out. Well, but of course. There's nowhere I'd rather be. So, this's the final stage of your Project, right? Hook up with Grand Master, invade every world... What a piece of work. Heh heh... ... (Is that... really it? When she said she wanted the advent of a god, was she talking about the Eye of God?) (And, there should be no connection between that and wanting Kagekiyo's sword...) It's the climax at last. You'd better work hard if you want to see the grand finale. Well then, Lord Meiou... Are we agreed? I don't need your power, but I don't intend to stop you. Do as you wish. Well well, how felicitous. Well, that was my OK, I guess I'll be busy protecting this machine. Weren't you listening to Hiryuu? This is too big a toy for you. It can't be allowed to exist in this world. The Eye of God, and Psychodrive, and the Dimensional Transfer I studied alongside the Genji... All that went into the making of this machine. I'm afraid I can't play around this time. ...Run along to where your father is, boy. That's my line. I'm taking my revenge right here...! [little storm dissipated] It's not over... not yet... I... No, it is over, Sturm Jr. Go back to that dark cave you came from...! I... am... [Solo gets trashed] ...Mission...failure...continuation...impossible... [extinguish Hien] Urgh... aaaahhh...H-Hiryuu...! ...Traitors have no future. Hien, you should know that.'re... right. The moment I...was seduced by Meiou's power, I... Betrayed myself as a Strider... perhaps... ... Hiryuu... why... have you become so strong...? Why... can you... believe in yourself... so much...? I... ... ...That's what the Striders are, Hien. [Drak = drek] So... unfortunate... you beat me... twice... [blow away Tonpuu] I can't lose... I can't...! For Him... I've got to... What makes you think a domesticated dog like you... can beat a wild wolf? ...S-Strider...!! [make it so Juno can't react (okay, I'm reaching...]] Heh... heh heh heh heh... I couldn't beat you... again... Lord Rockman Trigger. Tell me! What's this "Trigger" thing you keep talking about?! ... ...It seems...your memory is not complete... either... My memory... you know what's in it?! Yes... I remember quite... well... Purging Officer... First Class... Trigger.. ...I'm me, Roll. Rock Volnutt. ...That's my name. (Will I ever... get my memory back...?) (Purging... Officer...?) [dissipate the big storm] Did I...lose...?! To you... again?! Evil has never prevailed. Not now... and not ever...! Graaaaaah!!! [topple the Grand Master] I... I... am I to lose...?! I, Meiou... to you... weaklings?! Don't you understand, Hiryuu...?! What it means... to burn away... humans on the surface?! ... The life I will create... will be mankind's true... Golden Millennium...! ...All humans will become like angels... is that what you actually believe? It's what I'll do. ...My power... makes it possible... Heh heh heh... hahahahaha... ...W-what's so... funny...? How many planets, how much life as been destroyed in your name, Meiou...? And you think your soiled hands can guide humanity? This so-called new humanity that you plan to create...? ...You... fool. Revolution requires... a bit of... sacrifice. ...Then I suggest you be the first to die. Aa--aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! ...Mission, complete... [spank Saya] Aah!... Oh no...! We win...!! Xiaomu! We're finishing our fight with her... right now! Aye aye! This attack will be flawless! Urgh...! Take that...! Nice work... boy. I... actually... felt that. ...I guess... this really is... the climax... Heh heh... heh heh heh... W-what the? Look, if that's a real death cry, try screaming louder! Oh... you'll know... Soon enough... ...Did we... win? ...No, she escaped. But...she won't survive with that wound. Real climax...? Does she mean the end of this fighting? (Or...?) Yeesh... that's all of them... ...Yeah, now it's really over. Except for one thing. KOS-MOS, if you please? Acknowledged. Locating control room, moving there now. [FINAL CHAPTER. ARISU IN THE CITY AT THE END] {Material World... Inside Eden} Oh, everyone's back! Yup, just got in! Bath first, then chow time! Okaaay! Don't give me "okaaay". What's the Gezelschaft's status? No problem! We can take off any time. Okay, get ready then! We're blowing this joint! My, you're in a hurry. We caused quite a commotion inside already. Did something happen to this steel box while we were gone? I infiltrated the control room, and adjusted course. Control room? Adjusted course? Simply put, we're sending this box into deep space... far beyond the sea of stars. ...Along with all of the Grand Master's technology. Everything. And the Eye of God besides... correct? I was hoping we could bring it back... Sadly impossible, given that it is a good six meters in diameter. The shipping charges alone would be staggering. Aah! We're moving! Everyone, we're getting out of here! Hurry up and get on board! (Juno... I'll never see you again... Please sleep forever, in the sea of stars.) {Material World... Gezelschaft, Command Room} Tron, we're all set! Everyone's aboard. Punch it! Eden's attitude is already changing! We've got to hurry! I know that. Gezelschaft, emergency launch! {One Hour Later... Gezelschaft, Conference Room} We have safely reentered the atmosphere. Now all we have to do is land. This hardly feels real yet... But it's all over. Well, we've got to make sure Amazona is okay... but other than that, all our problems are solved, right...? Do not forget about the Soul Edge, still out there somewhere. Not all our problems are solved. ...Nor did we actually recover the Eye of God. Well, there's a bunch of little loose threads... But can't we say we defeated all the enemies we faced? We can say that. ...So, the remaining problem is... What to do about that damn Daicroft that's cluttering the place up, right? And us ourselves. We can get back to our own worlds, right? I was just wondering about that. In our case, we've got to travel in time. ... Indeed... I wonder if everyone's worried about us...? That's not a problem at all. Yeah. Those aerial cities have already disappeared from this world. Huh? Are you telling me that continents big enough to encircle the globe just vanished? How?! Kai, Gil? ...The goddess Ishtar, was it? Yes, Ishtar just spoke to me. She informed me that the regeneration of the dimensional walls that divide the worlds has begun. Hmph, if she had that much power, she could have done that from the start. I hate to criticize the goddess Ishtar, but I gotta agree. This is not just Lady Ishtar's power alone! Please speak no ill of her. N-now now, Kai... ...Surely the worlds are returning to their rightful state. And that means the various powers that threw the dimensional walls into disarray are gone. The demons, their demon lord, and the Eye of God... and Psychodrive. Those are the things which disorder the world? And with them gone, the world is returning to normal? Self-purification... may be one way to put it. Yes. Lady Ishtar is lending her strength to that revitalization. That puts a lot of burden on her... but I suppose it's beyond our strength. Well, people have always turned to the gods for help... Now that we're done worrying, I'm starving. I swear, hasn't this guy heard of the word "tension"? ...But hey, I know where you're coming from. Let's hit the cafeteria, Stan. Dismissed, huh? Hey, think I could talk you into giving me a lift to Metro City in America? Hmm, I like it. I'm coming too. Everyone's headed out. Reiji, what about you...? ... ...Reiji? Reiji, is it... her? ...She's still alive? (But, this pain in my scar... it's weaker than before... Are her powers weakening...?) ...Let's go, Xiaomu. When we settle things with her... is when this war is really over. Sure you don't want to let the others know? Yeah. ...I'm going to finish her off myself. ...Well, let's get to it. This is the real end. {Material World... Gezelschaft, Deck} Quite a view, boy... ...So, Saya, still alive? Somehow or other... So I see. You look like you're in pain. Say your prayers. ...The world's going back to normal. At this rate, your little Project is toast. You're very confident for someone who doesn't know what the Project's about, little one. The Tsukumo Project... is our, the Ouma's... trump card. What...? You've heard of the Tsukumogami, right? ...A vessel that, with the passing of time, became a phantasm and brought harm to people. What about it? It's said that it takes at least a hundred years to imbue that vessel with a god. It was ten years ago that day... No matter what you've done, it's only been ten years. So naive. ...What if the Project has been continuing, uninterrupted, since long before that...? What if the "Vessel that Brought Down a God" had been complete for a very long time...? What're you talking about! Trying to threaten us?! ...Even if that were true, that Project will end when I kill the person with the key: you. Oh... I don't know about that. Stand back, Xiaomu. ...This happened before, you know. ... ...I forgot all about it. But there's one thing I do remember. ... The one who pulls the trigger first... is me. Well... it's over. Blown away, and swallowed by the sea of stars. Even she can't come back from that. Don't scare me like that... What if she actually fired first?! She didn't have that much strength left. ...Well, that finishes her little Project. And revenge for my father. ...Reiji, umm... about your father... Don't make that face, Xiaomu. It took ten years... but now my father can rest in peace. Not that it will bring him back... but this is how it should be. ...Reiji, I've got to tell you... something about that. The reason Shougo died is... I'm going back inside, Xiaomu. This place's way too cold for me. ...I-I guess so. (Shougo... I... did the right thing, right?...) {Material World... Gezelschaft, Control Room} Oh... Reiji, where have you been? ...Hey, I detect gunpowder. Don't tell me... an enemy survivor? Reiji, did something happen on deck? ...Nothing at all. I don't get this view very often, so I was on deck soaking it in. Don't sweat it, okay? So, figured out how we're gonna get back? All set! We are _so_ in luck! Tron said she'll send us wherever we want! No need for return plane tickets! I was hoping to get dropped off there, but... From Japanese airspace to America, China... you want Australia, right? ...Sounds like a world tour. I was planning to go to Mexico... but what about everyone from the other worlds? Oh, Lady Ishtar's gonna help us out there. Yes. Our war is drawing to a close. ... ... (That's right... Kagekiyo and the others... what happens to them...?) Well, looks like this could be kinda complicated... but we really did a heck of a job. Hey, how about some fireworks? Unfortunately, from what Kai told us, we don't have long at all until the dimensional walls heal completely. Ain't no way we can get left behind just cause we were out raisin' hell. Time to drift apart, huh? ...There is no rest for the warrior. I thank you for your hospitality. We shall meet again someday. What about you guys, Reiji, Xiaomu? Get it while it's still cheap. O ho ho ho ho. ...No fair. I knew you were planning something. I bet you've got quite a pile from all the other passengers. Please call it a little recompense for my troubles. Fine. Not like Coins or Gald or whatever currency is actually useful in our world anyway. ...Could you let us off in Shibuya? Shibuya...? That city with nobody in it? Why there? That's our city... and the place where it all began. Fitting that the end should be there too... Reiji, I didn't know you were such a romantic. ...Heh... neither did I. ...Well, it's over. Yeah, I feel like I've been dreaming. All the sorcery permeating this place is gone. Heh... gone like a dream, huh? Well... it was a good dream, right? I got to see you grow up. How felicitous. Well then... back to HQ. We've been gone a while, but from the looks of things that Dimensional Seal should be gone too. We've got reports to write. T-that's the nightmare part... Look, it's like some kid scripted all that stuff. How the heck are we supposed to summarize it all?! It really happened. Nothing we can do about that. "We traveled to various other worlds, fought, and ended up in space." Seems like a reasonable summary to me. ...Succinct. And you can say that with a straight face? ...! Hmm? No straight face after all, huh? ...Reiji? Hey, Reiji...? ... ...Wh...! What the... hell...?! Saya...?!? What the hell're you doing here?! Back then... you were! ... Wait, Xiaomu... Something's wrong with her. Saya, you... ...Begin. What...? I have waited for this moment. ...For the moment the "world is saved". Had it come slightly sooner, I would have been complete... But I need not say that. Is that... really Saya...? Anyways, what're you talking about! Spit it out! The moment the world is saved...? ...You have no comprehension how much power is released when the dimensional walls, distorted, twisted... return to normal. Power... when you said "save the world"...! The body that "Brought Down a God"... that much power was needed to bring the body sealed in the Abyss of Time into the real world. "Katana"... The vessels meant to infuse my body with the power of other worlds were in time... Those mass-production girls? Vessels? Infuse with the power of other worlds? Explain! How are you still alive, and this sealed body stuff, I don't understand a damn... ...You just said "Abyss of Time", didn't you? ...Just what was sealed there? What "Body that Brought Down a God"? Bring down a god... Tsukumogami... ...Behold. The fruits... of the Project...! No way... no way, don't tell me we actually helped you out...?! Saya!! Urgh...! {Material World... Intersection in Shibuya} Finally my power... is set free... W-what the?! A giant suit of armor...?! No, that's... My thanks, man of the Arisu Clan. That voice...! And that thing stuck in the center...! Saya...?! No. My name is Ninety Nine. I am the Tsukumo Project's... final prototype. The Tsukumo Project?! That's the Ouma's trump card with the bringing down a God stuff! After all this, that thing is...! Answer me! Who are you... To escape the sealed dimensional abyss... I needed to abandon half my body. This was because I could not obtain the "sword that cleaves dimensions". ...That sounds like the Soul Edge. Half your body... is that why only the upper half is there? I don't give a damn about your body...! Answer my question. ...What's with that woman stuck into your chest... What's with Saya?! She, too, was one of the keys needed to set me free... A... key? Once she harmed a man of the Arisu Clan... and then fell to another man of the same Arisu lineage. ...She is a sacrifice. The Arisu lineage...? No way, Reiji...?! Saya... are you saying she let me shoot her on purpose?! Indeed. That was this person's final... true purpose. The steel shard embedded in her body... and the aura of one of the Arisu Clan it emits... That was the final key to activate me. It has taken a very, very long time... to reach this point... ...Oh my god. That's why... she... Saya... I give you my thanks, man of the Arisu Clan. You have allowed me into the real world. Now, the worlds will be fused... and a New World will be born. Fuse the worlds...?! Then you're the cause of...?! Yes. It is all thanks to you, Arisu... Reiji. No... shall I call you... boy...? ... Whoaaa! I-incredible power! Is this... the power to fuse worlds...?! ...I've got no choice but to use "it". Reiji? "It"...? I've got to toss that thing back into the dimensional abyss...! No way...!! Arisu-Ryuu... Kimon-Fuuji...?! This is the last time. Let's settle this...!! Don't do it! You must never use that! ...What other way is there...?! ... There's no more time! You should know that. But... but! There's no guarantee that this technique will work. But, it's the most likely to succeed. If it fails... You run. ...Get away from here, and figure out what to do next. No...! I'm staying right here...! Don't make me repeat myself...! I'm just taking the place my father did back then. The Shinra will need you from now on... Don't waste your life! I said don't do it! You... you don't understand a thing! You don't know because that vixen's attack put you out of commission ten years ago! Back then, Shougo's life... what took your father's life...! ...I know. ..?!? ...It was you, Xiaomu. Rei...ji...! ...My father guessed what would happen. That's why, that morning... he told me. Told me that your magic, Xiaomu... would probably cost him his life. Reiji... You knew that... all these ten years? ... Then... then, all the more reason! ...I've gotta do this myself this time...! If you're using that technique, then I'll...!! Don't be stupid...! ...Reiji... What about those who will still be left...? I can't live a hundred years, no matter what I do. ..But Xiaomu, you're different. You can support this world forever... You can support those who protect the world. ...Just as my father did for me. You _don't_ understand anything, do you?! You don't... you don't understand anything about me, do you...?! You're right... I... I can't pass the same time as you...! But, why... Why are you trying to protect me and leave me behind...?! Shougo did that too! Now... will you, his son, do likewise?! ... ...Please... Reiji... Take... take me with you... This time... please... take me with you... I beg you... I'm sorry... for all that's happened, Xiaomu. And... goodbye. Until we meet again. Reiji!! Wood, Fire... Earth, Metal... and Water. All elements that govern the world, aid me now. Where have I seen that power... No, I have felt it once before... This power that Saya has felt... could it be?! In the name of Arisu, I share my blood and flesh with Heaven and Earth. Now let the ceremony of Arisu-Ryuu Kimon-Fuuji begin...! Reiji...! Reijiiii!! Please, do not use that technique! ...What?! T-this is...?! The Gezelschaft...?! It can't be! It was supposed to return to its own world! The Gezelschaft has landed! Landed! Looks like we made it, Reiji, Xiaomu. Are you okay?! You all... but why?! It is Lady Ishtar's guidance. Valkyrie... She has anticipated this development. We parted briefly to avoid arousing the enemy's suspicions... And boy am I glad we didn't really go home right away. Yeah, we got held up by a certain idiot who loves getting himself into trouble. ... We've heard what's going on here. Yes, we need you to wait. Come on now, Arisu! We're part of this too! The least we can do is defend our own world. Yeah, no way we can run out on this one. True. This is well beyond a single type of crime. It always has been. No way. All I have to do is use Kimon-Fuuji and it'll all be over. Gee, who's Mister Confident today? Are you so sure? ...Would you like to hear what my fortune telling has to say? Reiji! We just can't let you do that...! Hey, trouble is our business. Don't leave us out of it, got it? Just who's in the trouble business, you donggua? Pretty loose, aren't we? But...! First of all, Reiji, you shouldn't make girls cry. Still trying to be the stud, huh? ... Hmph, I won't let you make me indebted to Shinra. Just look at all of us. We can work things out. Right! Besides... Transform...! Ha!! Transform! Arisu, you needn't make your decision until after we've fought. Damn straight. Hell, just look at all us selfish bastards. It is worth trying. Look, let's finish this and go home. ...I'm not sure it'll be that easy to finish. Difficulty doesn't matter. We finish it, period. Sounds like we all agree. Yeah. But man... what a bloody mess. Indeed. Just what is going on here? See those Torii...? ...There can be no mistake. That is the Path of Penance itself. Are the various worlds... mixing together? So it seems. Look at the floor. The hell is that colorful crap? That's... the mosaic from the Temple of the Heavens! Hey, look over there... I remember those pillars... The desert around the pyramid...? It seems a part of the Infernal Village is here too. Hmph. As extravagant as it is boring. Really? I think it's kinda neat. Good heavens. I hope our castles are in one piece. However... do not be too quick to believe. What the heck is going on, anyway? Is this Dimensional Transfer? Hoover, how's it look? There's too much dimensional distortion. ... I detect the greatest level of spatial distortion on record. Danger. Danger? Meaning what? We don't know when the dimensions will split apart... ...I doubt we have much time. Let's go. Everyone's here after all. ...Reiji, looks like you won't be using that technique. Don't look so smug. ...There's still no guarantee this will work. I'll make it work... even if it costs me my life. ...I'm doing this for you, Reiji. ...Whatever you want. So, we can't just charge in, huh...? Ain't it easier to just boost and jump over there? No way. That energy vortex at the center... it's putting off some serious turbulence. You'd get swatted down like a fly. Now now, it is said that troubles and wares are two things one cannot afford not to buy. Nothing for it but to crawl our way up. Let's get a move on! Right, let's go. The only thing we can do is move forward. [where are all the bad guys?] W-what the?! This feeling... is something coming?! Spatial distortion confirmed. Heh heh... heh heh heh heh... Haaaaahahahaha! Huh?! N-Nebiroth?! Don't mix them up. ...There were supposed to have been destroyed in the Infernal Village. Don't tell me... they're still alive?! Huh?! Are they real?! I mean, back then... Did the Infernal Village... not crumble...?! ...I remember this sorcery. What kind of trick is this? Would someone please explain? A demon's soul isn't that easily destroyed! Our souls, sealed in the Abyss of Time... simply returned to this world. From the Abyss of Time...?! Don't tell me the fusion of worlds has... Happened on that unprecedented a scale...?! We can't let the fusion go any farther! ...Heh heh... Heh heh heh heh heh... Let's go. We've got to get to that thing...! Knock anything in the way aside!! [reach the desert] Damn, it's the same pattern as before! Rock, I'm scared... You mustn't be scared, Roll. ...We've got to make it through here...! If it's the desert... who's gonna come out of it? ...No idea. But if this desert is from that world, it's probably... Kurino, all those clocks are... Yeah, I don't want to believe it, but... they're just like the ones around the magic circle in the pyramid...! Where there is light, there is darkness... To think that this chance would come to me so soon. Heh heh heh heh heh... I ain't losin' again... never again, goddamn it...! Zouna... and Kamuze...! U-uh oh... demons and demon lords and arch-demons, oh my. Looks like we got a whole boatload of them. The Infernal Villagers came back from the Abyss of Time. ...It figures they'd be back, since they got sent to the same place...! If the fusion of worlds continues with the Abyss of Time... souls far more evil will be unleashed upon all the worlds. ...We must not let that happen. Not only the demon lord Zouna... but we'll have to fight Druaga again too...! Maybe this is fate. But, however often it takes... we'll defeat them again and again...! You cannot destroy me...! My hatred will never be extinguished...! If we don't settle things here... more of these guys will show up?! Then let's do it! We can't run away after coming this far! We've got to break through. Let's go...! [next area...] Ho ho ho... To think the River Styx flows to a place like this. O ho ho ho ho... this is the will of Heaven. Huh... HUH?!? Not them again?! ...Even the River Styx...! If they're here... the fusion of worlds has gone far past the Abyss of Time, and even reached the River Styx...! At this rate, it won't matter who's alive or dead. And with them... space monsters? What kind of combination is that? ...Guess we should assume they Transferred in from that Subterranean Fortress Barawhatever. ...We should be glad Grand Master Meiou and the criminal superman Genocide weren't with them. Anyways, we're almost there! Overwhelm them and dash in! Well, we always overwhelm them, but okay. There's no time to worry about how. Just a little more. Charge...! [keep going...] Impressive that you made it this far. So? Ain't gonna send someone to greet us? ...Quit beatin' around the bush...and bring it. Ooh, she brought it. It's all-out war. So it seems. Here... I bring forth everything I am...! Well, let us go. Saving the world... my heart feels quite full, thank you very much. Me too, I'm feeling it. These fists... will hit home...! Foolish ones. Do you believe you could destroy even the most miniscule part of me? ...Xiaomu, I'm counting on you. Got it. I'm... with you to the end. ...So, you came all this way, Arisu Reiji? My powers... with the blood of the Arisu Clan, they shall become complete. Now... become one with me. Just as... these worlds are. Boy. ... ...Were you just, like, propositioned? Seeing as how you're stuck in that big carapace thing, I don't think you're doing much in bed. If you want my life, I'll give it to you. ...After all, I had been planning on using "Kimon-Fuuji" anyway. Reiji, what're you talking about?! You're not yet...! That's how strong my resolve is, Xiaomu. However, when I die... I'm taking you with me, Ninety Nine. All those worlds... none of them exist for you to play around with. ...And I'm going to prove it...! Very well. Once the fusion of worlds is complete... a New World will be born... That world is the world I wish for. A world where I shall rule. You imagine you can defeat your ruler, Arisu Reiji? ...Hell yes, I do. The fusion of worlds isn't over yet. And that means this is still our world. ...And it won't help you. ... Well then... shall we start, everyone? ...This is the end. We're... going to win!! [Ninety Nine attacks!] You would challenge me? ...I, who will be ruler over the New World...?! I told you before! You're not the ruler yet! Bring it on...! You've gonna have to deal with all 765 years of my life...! Father, even just a bit... Lend me your strength...!! Let's go, Xiaomu! Leave it to me!! [FINALLY BEAT DOWN NINETY NINE] My... my body is... crumb...ling... Why... when I have acquired such power... ...Don't make me laugh. Only half of you is there. Did you think you could withstand all our might like that? You don't have half as much to hold up as us. ...Don't look down that nose of yours...! Hold... up...? ...If Saya could hear me, maybe she'd understand. But you, you'll never understand!! ... Boy... would you shoot me one more time...? That will... free me... from this place... Not that... I'll ever... see you again, boy... ...Reiji, you don't have to intervene. She's... already... ... ...Boy...this is my... last request... ...Go to hell, Saya. Thank you... You really have... become a... stud... Rei...ji... It's over now... ...Yeah, my father has been avenged. Now... Huh?! What the?! ... Lady Ishtar?! How is it you are in the Material World? I am finally able to travel here. A strong power had sealed the dimensional gate to the Material World. Ninety Nine, right? No doubt about that. So... Goddess Ishtar, why are you here? Returning all worlds... and all creatures who call them home, to their rightful state. Lady Ishtar... for that... ...I'm here too, you see. What...?! This aura... Hee hee hee... Difficult, was it not, everyone? Huh?! Who's the old lady...?! Yikes! W-who _is_ she?! An enemy?! Hadn't you met her? ...This is the boatman on the River Styx, Andaba. Granny Andaba?! What're you doing here? ...Have you come for me? ... ...So it seems. It is as you suspect, Kagekiyo. Your battle is over. And your remaining time is slim... I get it, Kagekiyo and them are... Unfortunately, there is little time. The being causing the dimensional warping is gone, and once again the dimensions are becoming stable. So it appears. Spatial distortion signature is rapidly diminishing. That means... what exactly? We're about to return to regular space. The dimensional walls are once again trying to separate the worlds. Into their rightful, original form. Yes. Before that happens, you must be returned to your own worlds. ...That is why I am here. Oh brother... That doesn't sound like we've got time for long goodbyes. Correct. That, too, is destiny. ...Understood. Goddess Ishtar, please. Very well. The worlds will never again mingle... Though, there may remain an occasional "crack" in them. Heroes from other worlds, allow me at least to give you my thanks. ...I carried out my mission, nothing more. Heroes, huh? ...Man, I ain't cut out for that stuff. Well, these heroes're pretty busy right now. We got the "Emperor" to tangle with next. No rest for a warrior's heart, huh? Well, the space we call home isn't that peaceful a place either. ... It's going to be a real mess when we get back. No doubt all kinds of problems have been happening while we've been gone. Indeed. We must prepare for our next battle. ...Gai, your help was appreciated. Those words should be mine. It is the fate of the Bushin to strike down those who disorder the world. Shou, I shall never forget the memories of our fight together. It's so... moving... I'm bad with emotional stuff like that. I'd like to just leave and be done with it. Isn't that too cold? At least... say goodbye properly. What's this holier-than-thou attitude? You klutzy mechanic. Klutzy?! What's that supposed to mean?! I'm better than you and...! Oh, geez... cut it out, you two... There, that's more like them. Well, I sure had fun. Now _that_ was an adventure any adventurer such as myself could be proud of. Pretty carefree there, Taizou. I'm dreading the report I'm going to have to file with HQ. ...Life sucks when you work for the Man. Same goes for us. Keep worrying about the small stuff and you'll get old before your time. Small stuff? ...America's allied strategic forces don't need reports these days, Bruce? Donggua to the end. E-everyone has it so hard... I hate the weepy goodbyes, but the bitchy goodbyes are rough too... Shion, I believe we should wrap this up. Y-you're right... Arisu, Xiaomu... and everyone else, thank you very, very much. The fighting was hard... but I'm glad we all met. Thank you for the souvenirs. I shall eagerly await your next visit to my shop. I've had enough visitors from the future, thanks. ...Take care, everyone. Next will be us. Ishtar, get on with it. I have no wish to remain in this atmosphere longer than necessary. Bossy as usual. I'd rather you don't badmouth other people's worlds, Demitri. Goodness, how distressing. First the saving the world, then the environmental problems? ...Well, that pretty much ruined the farewell. I hate being lonely. I think this is enough goodbye. ...That's right. Farewells shouldn't be lonely. Leon... let's go home. Come with us! And let's journey together again... ...Stan, I've died once already. ...It's clear where my home is. And you're satisfied with that?! This is your chance! If you ask the Goddess Ishtar and Andaba...! I already had my chance. With the battle over... I can finally die, not as a traitor, but as your friend. ...I have no regrets. Yeah, we're the lucky ones. This great battle... is greater than any match has ever been. And at its end, parting from friends... is also, in its way, beautiful. Master... I promise to teach your pride to the next King...! Hee hee hee... Are your farewells said? Just this once, I shall pay your fare across the River Styx. In honor of your valor as warriors. Kagekiyo, I... Whelp... No, Tarosuke. You need not be lonely. My role is finished, and I will merely return to the Dark. But if something like this happens again... we shall ask Andaba, and reappear before you know it. Hee hee hee... such lively dead people. Just as well. Then, Lady Andaba... Dwellers of the Infernal World, I shall return you to your rightful place. Leon...! ...Farewell. Kagekiyo, my brother... Tarosuke, he has fought his battle. See him off with a smile. It is time for us to return to our own battlefield. Heh, damn right. Yo, Andaba. You gonna return us to our own country? Hee hee hee... I intend to, impudent-tongued youngster. I shall return too, Ishtar. Very well. I shall handle the rest. Then, let us go. Except for the marionettes, I shall see all of you again. At the entrance to the River Styx... Hee hee hee... Well, there are exceptions like me... but don't jinx us anyway, okay? Taki, I'll preserve the data on the Musou Battou-Ryuu forever. Heh, do as you wish. Well, we're the only outsiders left. That's right. Once we return to our world, everything will be back to normal... Oh! But what about the worlds being mixed up like this? Good question. We can't let that slide. As for putting them back to normal... Do not worry. With all obstacles removed, the disrupted dimensional walls will recover in good time... The interspersed worlds will also return to normal. I shall add my strength as well. That is a great relief, Lady Ishtar. I was thinking it would be irresponsible to return to our world otherwise... Indeed. We cannot very well leave a piece of the Infernal Village in another world. I was thinking it's gonna be really rough cleaning up after all this myself. Well, since I'm not the one doing it, no problem. Whoa, what a reversal... These are the kind of people who end up taking out the trash. Rutee, there you go again, making a bad impression at the very end... Better than getting all angsty about it. But hey... I had me some fun. Big-ass battles, revenge for my dad, all that stuff. Okay, everyone! I'll never forget you all! So... don't forget about us either, okay! Don't worry. You guys're easy to remember... We won't forget you. I too... will never forget any of those who risked their lives in this battle. May blessings be upon all the heroes who saved the worlds... ...Just us, now. This is our world... all that's left is for us to split up. It's kinda... sudden. One fight after another, you know? But... many things happened during those fights. Fighting Gouki, seeing Rose again, settling the score with Vega... and my... It's all in the past, Ryuu. We threw down with some heavy hitters, and after a huge-ass battle, we came out on top. ...That's good enough for me. ... You're right, Ken. Speaking of battles, Jin... Didn't you have some business with me? ... Shall we settle it here? Heh heh... you won't find a better stage. Hey, stop it. ...Forget it. I don't feel like it now. Besides, with Kazuya gone... Heihachi, you'll be after that Factor within me. I'm not at my best right now, and if you're trying to figure out how to beat me... I'm not falling for it. Hmph... (I keep thinking he's a kid... but he's certainly learned how to control his emotions.) Come on now! Enough arguing! I'd much rather do a victory dance for us all. Right! Let's dance! Here, on top of this building? That's too surreal. Before you dance, there's something we've got to see to first. Ishtar... will it be okay? Yes. I shall return the dimensional wall to normal. I shall also send you wherever you wish. Now that's a Goddess for you. Great service. Metro City, if you please. Okay, can you send me to the Namco Theater...? My house, please. The address is... ...What do you think a goddess's power is for? She's not some taxi service. I do not mind. ...Then, I shall use my powers. Heroes from another world, along with my thanks... The party's over... huh? (Yes, this ten year-old battle... It's over.) (...This... is how it should be, right, Father?) That day, the calamities that had befallen the world were calmed, and ordinary peace returned. The sundry phenomena, quick to onset and lacking in reality, Vanished, along with all traces of relics from other worlds. All disappeared, as if a dream. Perhaps stemming from the world itself striving to protect its normalcy. ...Three months passed since that day. {Material World... America, Metro City} Hey, long time no see. What does an ICPO inspector want with me? I'll come straight to the point. I'd like you to come to Japan with me. And, tell me where Ryuu is. What's this, all of a sudden? It's been three months... did something happen again? This is... not unrelated to that incident. ...That's right. ...What?! Cammy, what're you doing here? Look at this. What's this... a letter? There's six in all. Look at the address. Mayor... Mike Haggar? So, Chunli, Cammy, Ryuu, and Gai all got one? I'm...the last? Inside is an invitation to a party. A party? Hmm? Sent by... Demitri Maximoff...?! {Material World... Japan, Justice Public Academy, Outside the Main Gate} Ooh, they're here. Professor Shimazu, Professor Minazuki, good day! Good day, Sakura. What's up? What's with the sudden appointment? Well... I don't really know either. Hmm? Kanzuki told me to ask you out here at this time... Whoa! What the heck?! A helicopter...?! Someone is coming down. That is... O ho ho ho ho ho! Nice to see everyone together. Now tell us, Kanzuki, what's going on? This landed on my desk the other day. What's this... an invitation...? {Material World... Japan, Namco Theater} Thank you, everyone! We were able to return here! Truly, thank you! Now, and forever, I'll do my best! Did everyone enjoy the battle musical?! We're gonna do it again! Look forward to it!! I must say, that battle musical was wonderful. Yeah. Yet another kind of entertainment besides pro wrestling. Amazona was in it too... and looking like her normal self. It seems she doesn't remember any of the fighting. Well... that may be for the best. What of the man in black who looked like you? ... Oh, he's back at work as usual. Hmm...? I can't begin to understand the emotional workings of humans like that. Wayahime, that's what it means to be human. Looks like it'll take some time to analyze that. ...So, you got one too, right? This? I came today to deliver this to Momo. Yeah. Felicia and I got one too. {Material World... Pacific Ocean, Spencer Lane} ...So? What're we doing on this boat again? _All_ of us, that is? Good question. Back like a bad penny. No way I'd be here on my vacation if it wasn't for this. I'm kinda surprised Demitri would do something so nice. Maybe I'll hate him a little less now. I wish he'd thought a bit farther ahead though. What's the problem? Those two besides us... he wants us to deliver their invitations too. Kazama Jin, and Mishima Heihachi. Why's that bad? Well, that communicable virus was supposed to end up in Heihachi's hands... that kinda complicated things, you see? When I think of Kazama and Mishima's farewell, I can just see the same pattern happening when they get back together. ...They're gonna fight. I bet Demitri did it on purpose... {Infernal World... River Styx} ... Awake, are we, Kagekiyo? ...What are you doing, Andaba? Why have you awakened me from my slumber? Have... the Genji...? Hee hee hee hee... do not get flustered. This arrived for you. A missive...? ... ....... ............. That Demitri is quite the gentleman. He even got permission from Emperor Enma. Be grateful, Kagekiyo. ...I have completed my task. I need merely vanish into nostalgia. Your task may indeed be over. But... it is your role to guide them here. "Them"...meaning? Long time no see... perhaps not that long. Hmph, called up again? ... Hee hee hee hee... what will you do, Kagekiyo? ... {Spirit World... Bamboo Grove Near the Upper Castle} ...I dare you to say that again, Taki...! I shall say it as often as I need to. A country samurai like you can never acquire the Soul Edge. I will not steer you astray... Leave this incident be. ...Unsightly as you are, you're also a comrade who has fought by my side. Take it as a friendly warning. Heh heh heh... ...Knock it the fuck off. I never liked you anyway. I'll cut you down where you stand...! That Mekkimaru thingie of yours'll be handy to help hunt the Soul Edge down. I was planning to let you off easily, you fool. ...Then die on the spot. Ta-da!! Tarosuke...?! Move, you little brat!! Here you go, Mitsurugi. Huh? ...What the heck is this...? Here's one for you too, Taki. ...Tarosuke, we're in the middle of something. Move if you don't want to die. What're you guys playing at? Look, we're going. I gotta cut her in half now, see? ...Stay out of the way, brat...! Look, do that after we arrive, okay?! Look you two, right over here! ... ... ...Hmph, I just lost my appetite. Consider yourself lucky, Taki. You and that mouth of yours. ...But I admit that my interest has dimmed. Tarosuke... where are you trying to take us? {Phantom World... Ruins of the Tower of Druaga} ...He's late. Look, calm down, Rutee. You keep going "late, late" and it's not even ten minutes past the... That's waaaaay late! I can see how rotten the Silver Knight is if he intends to keep a lady waiting! (Didn't we have this conversation before...?) Oh, the Silver Knight! Heh heh, oh no you don't, Stan. That bearded old geezer couldn't possibly be... I am ten minutes late, miss. Do you hate beards that much? What?! Ah- ahahahaha! Well, I love manly beards! ...Stan!! Nope... I told you this time. I'm sorry, Arthur. What did you need us for...? I needed to deliver this to you. A letter...? An invitation from Hell... or something very much like it. It seems I can't keep away from the place. Ha ha ha. {Divine World... Temple of the Heavens, High Priestess' Chambers} Klonoa, Gantz! Yahoo! Lolo, you doing your best? Yes! Just a little more training to do! Hey now, you didn't make me get out my bike just to talk about that stuff, right? That's right. Lolo, what did you need with us? Let me explain, Klonoa. Long time no see, you two. What, the Golden Knight and a priestess of Ishtar? What is it now? Don't tell me... something else happened?? I suppose you could say... something happened. I was hoping to give these to you. {Divine World... Shrine of Ishtar} ...I have arrived. Lady Ishtar... Has something happened in the world again? Valkyrie... I have sent you to never-ending hardship in battle, have I not? ...That is my destiny, Lady Ishtar. However, this time... for a very different reason, I have need of your presence. ...What? What do you mean...? This arrived for you. A letter... is it? From... Demitri Maximoff...?! Indeed. And two more besides. To two very dear comrades of yours. Take them with you this time. ...Very well. But, Lady Ishtar... I need not call them. ...? Wherever they may be, they will surely come. Whatever the battle, those two... will always protect my back. Though... this time is not to be a battle. Truly... you have wonderful friends, Valkyrie. Yes...! {Far Future... Cruiser Elza} KOS-MOS, how do you feel? My mainframe itself is functioning normally, Shion. Thank goodness. I've finally gotten you back to normal. Was KOS-MOS hurt that badly? Her joints were a total wreck from all that stress. Sure, she's a combat android, but every last one of those fights was outside her design parameters... However, it was an opportunity to accumulate combat data that cannot be had from the simulator. And none of it general-purpose... all went by so fast... It's a little sad... True... Chief... umm... Hmm? What's up, Allen? Well, you see.... you have a visitor. A visitor? Huh? Someone from Vector, maybe? Actually... it's the Commando Team. What?! Captain and the others?! They brought this and said they'd like you to accompany them... What's that?! A paper missive in this day and age...? Chief... you did something again, didn't you? Huh? Huh? HUH?? {Distant Future... Border Planet, Above Ancient Ruins} Ooh, this's the place. Hey, thanks, Rock, Roll. Huh? Is this the place? All these ruins were dug out long ago. Ain't no worries. ...I ain't here because of treasure. Huh? Then, why are you here...? ...I wanna dig deeper, farther in. Just go on digging. There just might be something no one's ever seen before in there. Heh... exciting, ain't it? Chasing something formless... that's not what a Dig Outer does. You're right. Can't call me a Dig Outer, can I? ...Driller... What about Driller? Well then, Mister Driller... aka Taizou. A transmission? ...That voice! ...Masuyo? Roll, look up! Turn on the transmission screen! I finally found you guys. I swear, Taizou... stop bugging Rock and Roll. Now now, Masuyo... Hey, what're you two doing there? You're letting a space pirate haul around a pair of space force Aerial Knights. It couldn't be helped, under the circumstances. You were looking for us too? That's right. All of us got one of these. We figured it'd be better if everyone got together at once. That's a... letter...? {Distant Future... Dust World, Sylphie's Store} Welcome. I am Sylphie, this store's proprietor. Yo, whuzzup? Well ain't this rare? What's this special sale thing you called us out for, huh? Have a look! Would you like a new satellite? These "Sidearms" do just fine. I kinda like 'em. Please examine these first. They are Soul Baloo types I recently acquired. Well now... the same fighters used to fight the Zebius Army, huh? You got taste, Sylphie. Each one is capable of fending off two thousand of the enemy. These are very rare, valuable items! And the price is only...! Two thousand? That's gotta be made up. So what're you really trying to sell us? Here, this is it. What's that, a letter? It's got some info in it or something? Huh? Where've I seen that mark before? ...Is the Cypher energy pack I ordered in yet? My, if it isn't Hiryuu. Yes, we have it in stock. Would you like one of these as well? Hey, you can't just go around selling those. I thought the nightmare was over then... but I guess it goes on and on. Heh, I'll take a nightmare with food and booze any night of the week. Well, it wouldn't be a nightmare then, would it? It seems the various worlds are connected again... Which is nightmarish enough. Well, I never expected to see everyone again across the walls of time. ... Good point. I wonder what method was used? Lady Ishtar used the Key of Time as a special favor. I am told it was Enma's power that set me on the ground once more. ...Hmph, pretty kind, for the king of Hell. But thanks to him, we're all able to see each other again. We've got to be grateful. Don't be so happy. That battle didn't settle everything. Don't think to hard there, Hiryuu. Don't mess up the party. I agree... we didn't settle the score. ...Not the score with Kazuya. Or the score with you, Mishima Heihachi. Oh? Shall we settle it here, Jin? Heh heh heh... I'm sure that would liven up the party some. ...Come on, you two, get along at least a little. What a strange ambiance it's become. Ryuu, as representative of the martial artists, could you say something to them? ... Kazama Jin, Mishima Heihachi... I thought many times during that battle: Hmm...? ...That I wanted to cross fists with you...! Oh great, there goes that bad habit of his again. ...Well, I can't say I don't understand. I mean, just look at them. ...Could I request a match too? Gai...? What are you doing? Ooh, I like it. Let's get it on! Hey now, here? ...I don't think anyone could stop them now. Besides, I'm interested myself. This's rich. Every party's got a brawl to go with it. Go nuts. Heh... Considering how strong they are, this should be quite entertaining. (...Given they were about to kill each other, how can she say that?) Professor Hideo... Shouldn't we stop them? ...Very well. I, of Shimazu-Ryuu Karate, will fight with my full heart and soul...! That isn't going to stop them. Ooh, what's cooking here? Heh heh... Maybe I should join in myself? Maybe we need a tag match? With thee folks...? Heh heh heh... sounds like fun. Everyone... what's come over you?! How could you quarrel here...? I don't think... this is quite quarreling... Chunli, are you sure about this? When I see a strong opponent, it stirs my blood... it's a feeling only martial artists know. Man... I don't get it at all. Then why not join in and find out? Ha!! Do I look more like a martial artist now? No, not at all! You just look like a guy in his boxers! Arthur, you're gonna get killed! Hey, let him have his fun. Gil... umm... Shouldn't you stop them? They understand. Besides... I want to watch this myself. In which case, the window is now open. Everyone in the audience, please place your bets. According to the odds sheet I cooked up... (When the heck did she make that...?) I swear... bunch of wild horses. Just let me drink in peace, okay? Right, Masuyo? ... ...Right. Who should I bet on, I wonder. Heh heh... ...It's useless, Taizou. She's on a roll now... Hey, c'mon, dancing together is way more fun than pummeling each other! Check it out, Double Momo! Transform! Trans-form!! Double Momo... huh? Transform...!! Like this, Felicia? O-okay... Star wind, Dress Uuuuup!! Transformation complete! Right! Let's have KOS-MOS transform too! Huh? KOS-MOS doesn't have transform capability... Acknowledged. Is that your transformation?! ...What the heck are you people doing? Ahh, let them have their fun. I like this atmosphere quite well. Great party, Demitri. ...Hmph. I'm surprised. ...I didn't figure you for the sort of man to do this. Without them... we might have lost that war. ...That is fact. If I could not do at least this much for them, it would stain the honor of the Maximoff clan. Heh heh... You're wonderful right now, you know that? I suppose war matures the man no matter what world it's in. Demitri's all grown up! ...Hmph, don't tease me. Besides, you surely remember that the demon insects appeared, Morrigan. ... Jeddah of the Dorma clan... He may have returned to the Infernal World. ...You want to use these young ones in the battle to come? I take back what I just said. Heh... Enough complicated stuff! Let's go eat with everyone, okay?! ...Ohmigosh, they started fighting! We know, Lilith. We won't be able to see each other for a while. ...Hmm? But... is this everyone? Reiji and Xiaomu went to the balcony a while ago. {Infernal World... Demitri's Castle, Balcony} Sounds like they're having fun down there. But anyway... what a beautiful moon. I wonder if there are rabbits in the Infernal World's moon too? There aren't rabbits in any of the moons. I swear... don't you ever dream? Just think, all these fluffy little bunnies hopping your way. Those wouldn't be bunnies anymore. ...Did you call me out here to talk about that? I'm going back inside. I want a drink too. ...Reiji. Hmm...? Back then... you tried to use a technique that would have cost you your life, right? ...Oh, that? Well, I ended up here. I was lucky... isn't that enough? ...No, it's not. If something like that ever happens again... do you intend to do the same thing? ... Your... human life is short. So, why try to make it even shorter? I told you. My life... my time is...! You and me, who dies first... Just thinking about that is meaningless. We're not in a safe line of work. Either of us could die at any moment. ... But, I don't want to apologize for the moments when I have to risk my life. Ten years ago, my father... died just like that. That's right. He... I... Don't blame yourself, Xiaomu. My father... just didn't apologize then. He stopped the Ouma's plans... and let you live on. And I was raised as part of the organization... and I managed to wreck the Ouma's project. In that sense... maybe my father's death was promised... ... Are you saying it's my role to live a time apart from yours...? ...I don't know that much. I told you, didn't I? Nobody knows when death will come in the middle of a mission. But... But...? ...If it happens to you first? I'll be your shield. We're a team... until the day we die. ...Reiji...! ... I promise you too. ...I won't let you die. And I won't die either. Until you retire from this line of work... I'll look out for you. Xiaomu.... And that's not all. I'll do your cooking and cleaning, and stay with you at night... Everything you need. I'll even look after you when you're a senile old man. I'll never leave your side. And... and... when you finally die... I'll visit your grave every day... I'll keep it clean every day... and every day I'll leave flowers....! ...That's my plan, Reiji. Heh... how felicitous. We don't know how long it'll be until I die, but having someone to look after you even after you're dead... that's pretty special. Oh, for the time being... No more of that. You're shortening your lifespan. What're you doing? Give that back. No way! Besides... Cigarettes make kisses taste bad. What? Wait, here...? It's okay. No one can see anything... but the moon. - THE END -